Insert Into Multiple Variables From One SQL Call

May 30, 2008

I was wondered what the most efficient way to do the following in MS SQL (2000, 2005, and above):

 Psudo Code:

DECLARE @var1, @var2, @var3 VARCHAR(100)

SET @var1, @var2, @var3 = (SELECT var1, var2, var3 FROM Table WHERE [ID] = @someID) <-- Returns only one row

Right now I'm making a call for every variable. I should play around with temp tables but seems like allot of overhead code just to get 3 values. I'm thinking there's a simple way to do this.

 Thanks for any ideas

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Multiple Insert Call For A Table Having Insert Trigger

Mar 1, 2004


I am trying to use multiple insert for a table T1 to add multiple rows.

Ti has trigger for insert to add or update multiple rows in Table T2.

When I provide multiple insert SQL then only first insert works while rest insert statements does not work

Anybody have any idea about why only one insert works for T1


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Insert Multiple Records Using One Stored Procedure Call. SQL SERVER 7

Mar 19, 2008

Hi I have page with approx 28 dropdowns. I need to insert these records using one stored procedure call. How can I do this while not sacrificing performance?
Thanks, Gary

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SqlDataReader - Pulling Multiple Values Into Multiple Variables

Mar 29, 2007

Hello all,I'm trying to request a number of URLS (one for each user) from my database, then place each of these results into a separate string variables. I believed that SqlDataReader could do this for me, but I am unsure of how to accomplish this, or if I am walking down the wrong road. The current code is below (the section in question is in bold), please ignore the fact that I'm using MySQL as the commands work in the same way. public partial class main : System.Web.UI.Page{    String UserName;    String userId;    String HiveConnectionString;    String Current_Location;    ArrayList Location;    public String Location1;    public String Location2;    public String Location3;    //Int32 x = 0;    private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)        {            UserName = Membership.GetUser().ToString();            userId = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString();            HiveConnectionString = "Database=hive;Data Source=localhost;User Id=hive_admin;Password=West7647";            using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(HiveConnectionString))            {                // Map Updates                 MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Locationcmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(                        "SELECT Location FROM tracker WHERE Location = IsOnline = '1'");                Locationcmd.Parameters.Add("?PKID", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = userId;                Locationcmd.Connection = conn;                conn.Open();                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader LocationReader = Locationcmd.ExecuteReader();                 while (LocationReader.Read())                {                        Location1 = LocationReader.GetString(0);                        //Location2 = LocationReader.GetString(1); // This does not work..                }                                LocationReader.Close();                conn.Close();                // IP Display                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Checkcmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(                        "SELECT UserName FROM tracker WHERE PKID = ?PKID");                Checkcmd.Parameters.Add("?PKID", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = userId;                Checkcmd.Connection = conn;                conn.Open();                object UserExists = Checkcmd.ExecuteScalar();                conn.Close();                if(UserExists == null)                {                    MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Insertcmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(                        "INSERT INTO tracker (PKID, UserName, IpAddress, IsOnline) VALUES (?PKID, ?Username, ?IpAddress, 1)");                                        Insertcmd.Parameters.Add("?IpAddress", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 15).Value = Request.UserHostAddress;                    Insertcmd.Parameters.Add("?Username", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = UserName;                    Insertcmd.Parameters.Add("?PKID", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = userId;                    Insertcmd.Connection = conn;                    conn.Open();                    Insertcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                    conn.Close();                }                else                {                    MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Updatecmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(                        "UPDATE tracker SET IpAddress = ?IpAddress, IsOnline = '1' WHERE UserName = ?Username AND PKID = ?PKID");                    Updatecmd.Parameters.Add("?IpAddress", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 15).Value = Request.UserHostAddress;                    Updatecmd.Parameters.Add("?Username", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = UserName;                    Updatecmd.Parameters.Add("?PKID", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = userId;                    Updatecmd.Connection = conn;                    conn.Open();                    Updatecmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                    conn.Close();                }            }        }    } Can anyone advise me on what I should be doing (even if its just a "you should be using this command) if this is not correct? In fact any pointers would be nice !Thanks everyone! 

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May 15, 2008

my Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition table:

name: tblShop
colums: txtDate datetime

txtTime datetime

txtDept nchar(8)

txtName nchar(11)

txtPiece nchar(15)

txtCut nchar(7)

txtGlue nchar(8)

txtMach nchar(8)

txtFab nchar(7)

txtInsp nchar(8)


This table receives data from exactly 5 different departments (cut, glue, mach, fab, insp). This creates 5 records.


Update the intitial record, with the new department.(instead of 5 records, 1 updated record).

I've tried, but failed (most likely due to syntactical errors) using:

- variations of IF UPDATE ELSE INSERT
- placed the statement in a stored procedure (but didn't know where to call it from).
- placed the statement in a trigger.
- tried to call the stored procedure from the trigger.

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Function Call In Insert Statment

Jul 3, 2006


i m trying to call a function in insert statment

Insert Into (value, value1)

Value(@value, dbo.function(@value1)

dbo.function returns a value,

when i test the function in querry builder all goes fine.

In my program i become a error

"Parameterized Query '' ' expects parameter @value1 , which was not supplied."

I m using visual studio , tableadapter.update function to insert datarecords in db

thx for help

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Multiple Db Query Call From Within Different Context Into #temp Table

Mar 21, 2007

The first query returns me the results from multiple databases, thesecond does the same thing except it puts the result into a #temptable? Could someone please show me an example of this using the firstquery? The first query uses the @exec_context and I am having achallenge trying to figure out how to make the call from within adifferent context and still insert into a #temp table.DECLARE @exec_context varchar(30)declare @sql nvarchar(4000)DECLARE @DBNAME nvarchar(50)DECLARE companies_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT DBNAMEFROM DBINFOWHERE DBNAME NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'msdb', 'model')ORDER BY DBNAMEOPEN companies_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM companies_cursor INTO @DBNAMEWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINset @exec_context = @DBNAME + '.dbo.sp_executesql 'set @sql = N'select top 10 * from products'exec @exec_context @sqlFETCH NEXT FROM companies_cursor INTO @DBNAMEENDCLOSE companies_cursorDEALLOCATE companies_cursor-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE #Test (field list here)declare @sql nvarchar(4000)DECLARE @DBNAME nvarchar(50)DECLARE companies_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT NAMEFROM sysdatabasesWHERE OBJECT_ID(Name+'.dbo.products') IS NOT NULLORDER BY NAMEOPEN companies_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM companies_cursor INTO @DBNAMEWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINset @sql = N'select top 10 * from '+@DBNAME+'.dbo.products'INSERT INTO #Testexec (@sql)FETCH NEXT FROM companies_cursor INTO @DBNAMEENDCLOSE companies_cursorDEALLOCATE companies_cursorSELECT * from #TestDROP TABLE #Test

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How To Call A Stored Procedure In An Insert Command

Feb 22, 2006

hi,i had a small doubt , i have a table xxx with two columns (a int,b int) and i have inserted 5 rows my query is to add the two colums using astored procedure and the result has to be displayed in an separatecolumn --this has to be done only stored procedures ---i know how tosolve the problem using computed columns conceptlike thiscreate table yyy(a int ,b int ,total as a+b)insert into yyy values (12,13)select * from yyyi need the answer using stored procedures---is it possiblepls help mesatish

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ODBC Called Failed During SQL Insert Into Call

May 1, 2008


Wrote this snipet of code to use Insert Into. I have an ODBC connection to Oracle with the Tables linked. I can edit, add write querries and do everything I need to do except do an Insert Into. So I am thinking it is my code and seeking guidance.

I select add data from a button on the form. It then calls the code below. I know it is making it up to the db.execute statement and failing at that point. Funny thing is I only get the error "ODBC Call Failed" and no other snippets of information. On top of that I can not relink to the tables as they are now unaccessible and I have to completely close down the program and restart. Any help/assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Here is the code:

Code Start:

Private Sub btn_add_rca_record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btn_add_rca_record_Click
Dim db As Database
Dim rsCust As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim nbrRcaTicketId As Long

Set db = CurrentDb

nbrRcaTicketId = (100 + (DCount("*", "RCA_TABLE")))

strSQL = "Select * from RCA_TABLE "
Set rsCust = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, DB_OPEN_DYNASET)
MsgBox "start of sql string"
strSQL = strSQL & " values ('"
strSQL = strSQL & nbrRcaTicketId & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_REPORT_AUTHOR_STAFF_ID & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_Report_Start_Date & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_Report_Close_date & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Report_Paticipants_In_Review & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Incident_Ticket_Number & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Incident_Severity_Level & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_Incident_Start_date & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_Incident_Start_Time_Event & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_Incident_Time_Service_Down & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_Incident_End_date & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_Incident_Time_Service_Up & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_Incident_Time_Up_To_Customer & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Incident_Outage_Duration & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Incident_Detection_Method & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Incident_Discovered_By & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Incident_Resp_Group & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Incident_Owner & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Incident_Products_Affected & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Incident_Customers_Affected & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Change_Extent_Affected & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Change_Caused_by_Change & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Change_RFC_Number & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Change_Back_out_Initiated & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Change_RFC_Followup_Number & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Problem_Owner & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Problem_Category & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Problem_Status & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Problem_Impact & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Problem_Urgency & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_Incident_Secondary_Ticket_Numbers & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Incident_Event_Description & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Problem_Details & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Discussion_Done_Right & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Discussion_Procedural_Issue & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Discussion_Better_Next_Time & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Discussion_Prevent_Problem & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_Problem_WWorkaround & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_TICKET1 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_SYSTEM1 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_STATUS1 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_ALT_DATE_OPENED1 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_ALT_DATE_CLOSED1 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_SEVERITY_LEVEL1 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_PRIMARYOWNER1 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_ALT_LINK1 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_TICKET2 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_SYSTEM2 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_STATUS2 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_ALT_DATE_OPENED2 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!dte_ALT_DATE_CLOSED2 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_SEVERITY_LEVEL2 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!nbr_ALT_PRIMARYOWNER2 & "','"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!str_ALT_LINK2 & "');"

db.Execute strSQL

MsgBox nbrRcaTicketId & " has been added to the Customer table."

Call ClearControls


Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
GoTo Exit_btn_add_rca_record_Click:

End Sub

Code End:

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Use Variables Or Multiple SELECT&#39;s?

Jun 6, 2000

Stored procedure retrieves a single row from a single table... Based on the specific values in 4 different columns, different branch actions are taken using 4 nested IF statements.

The question is, what is more efficient: storing column values in 4 variables and then evaluting each of them, or executing the same query 4 times?

Scenario A:

DECLARE @var1 char(20), @var2 char(20), @var3 char(20), @var4 char(20)
SELECT @var1 = col1, @var2 = col2, @var3 = col3, @var4 = col4
FROM theTable
WHERE rid = 12345
IF @var1 = 1
ELSE IF @var2 = 2
ELSE IF @var3 = 3
... etc.

Scenario B:

IF (SELECT col1 FROM theTable WHERE rid = 12345) = 1
ELSE IF (SELECT col2 FROM theTable WHERE rid = 12345) = 2
ELSE IF (SELECT col3 FROM theTable WHERE rid = 12345) = 3
... etc.

Scenario A or B? Please advise...


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How Do I Insert Variables?

May 2, 2007

into database.Is there any other way except using parameters? and if there isn't, how can i insert 2 parameters in the same query?

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Transact SQL :: How To Execute Insert Statement With A Function Call

May 20, 2015

I have a function like below

@TableName NVARCHAR(50)


This function is called in insert statement like below. exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO Table ([Code], [Name]) VALUES (dbo.UDF_ GetGlobal ConfigCode (''TableName''), @Name)'I am getting following error.Only functions and some extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.

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How To SET Multiple Variables From One Table Record?

Apr 18, 2005

It's come up more than once for me, where I need to DECLARE and SET several SQL variables in a Stored Procedure where many of these values come from the same table record - what is the best method for doing this, where I don't have to resort to making a separate query for each value.
Currently I'll do something like this:
DECLARE @var1 intSET @var1 = (SELECT TOP 1 field1 FROM table1 WHERE recordkey = @somekey)DECLARE @var2 nvarchar(20)SET @var2 = (SELECT TOP 1 field2 FROM table1 WHERE recordkey = @somekey)
Of course, I'd rather just have to query "table1" just once to assign my variables.
What obvious bit of T-SQL am I missing?
Thank you in advance.

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Multiple Variables Assigned To One Select

Apr 6, 2006

Is there a way to assign multiple variables to one select statement as in the following example?
DECLARE @MiddleName VARCHAR(100)
@FirstName, @MiddleName, @LastName = SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName FROM USERS WHERE username='UniqueUserName'
I don't like having to use one select statement for each variable I need to pull from a query.  This is in reference to a stored procedure.
Thank you!

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ScriptComponent With Multiple ReadOnly Variables

Dec 11, 2006

I'm having trouble with a script component in which I'm trying to use two ReadOnlyVariables. If I use only one of the two variables, everything works without issue. If I use both of the variables (as part of a comma-delimited list) I get the following:

The variable cannot be found. This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the Variables collection on a container during execution of the package, and the variable is not there. The variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created.

I don't believe the variables themselves are the problem. Both are scoped to the package level and I can use either of them if I have it as the only variable. Seems bug-like, but thought I'd get some ideas before pursuing that route.

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Integration Services :: How To Pass Multiple Dtsconfig To Child Package Call

Nov 24, 2015

I have a job/step that call a Fileprocessor.dtsx package with 4 different config files. I need to make a enhancement to the job to call the same package using a new (parent) package with multiple iterations based on some business condition.

I am going to modify the job/step to call ParentFileprocessor now with same all 4 config files which in-turn have a call to run Fileprocessor.dtsx; my problem is, how do I pass all 4 config files for child call? Using which task?

I m not allowed to modify Fileproessor.dtsx (to be child pkg) SQL2012, MSDB package deployment model.

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BULK INSERT Using Variables

Feb 28, 2001

I'd like to "pass" the BULK INSERT statement a variable for the table_name and file_name arguments. I've tried the following:

BULK INSERT @strTableName
FROM @strDataFileName

where the @strTableName and @strDataFileName variables are passed in via stored procedure arguments. I get the error:

Incorrect syntax near '@str_TableName'.

Is there a way to do this?

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Insert Trigger Using Variables Help

Dec 19, 2006

Can somebody please help me with compiling my insert trigger below. I am fairly new to SQL server 2000 and I am having troubles with using variables in insert triggers. The trigger that I am creating will basically update another table based on a certain criteria that is not specified below. I am hoping to first get my trigger to work then apply the criteria on when to fire afterwards. I just need help with being able to store values in my declared variables for insert into another table. Thanks in advance for everyones help.

Use database_testing

IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE type = 'TR' AND name = 'Trigger_Name')

ON [trigger_table] FOR INSERT
Declare @resource_id int = inserted.resource
@type = varchar(100) = inserted.type
@date_logged (datetime) = inserted.creation_date
@created varchar(100) = inserted.username

Insert into table_A (resource_id, resource_type, date_created, created_by)
values (resource_id,type, date_logged, created)

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How To Call A Stored Procedure Just After A TableAdapter's INSERT Command Executes

Feb 29, 2008

Is there a way that I can embedd a call to a stored procedure into an existing INSERT section in a table adapter?
Say my objective is to call a stored procedure called personfill automatically RIGHT AFTER the TableAdapter inserts a row into the person table. One catch is that the stored procedure must be sent the value of unique identifier field person_id, which was created for the new person record automatically by the db. (If this is not possible to do, I might try using a TRIGGER in the person table.)
Below is the INSERT code of the TableAdapter. My guess is that if I could call a procedure, I would want to put the call between lines 12 and 13.
Your comments would be most appreciated!!!
-Kurt1 <InsertCommand>
2 <DbCommand CommandType="Text" ModifiedByUser="false">
3 <CommandText>INSERT INTO [person] ([family_id], [circle_id], [person_type_id], [last], [first], [username], [password]) VALUES (@family_id, @circle_id, @person_type_id, @last, @first, @username, @password)</CommandText>
4 <Parameters>
5 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="Int16" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@family_id" Precision="0" ProviderType="SmallInt" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="family_id" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
6 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="Int16" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@circle_id" Precision="0" ProviderType="SmallInt" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="circle_id" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
7 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="Int16" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@person_type_id" Precision="0" ProviderType="SmallInt" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="person_type_id" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
8 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="AnsiString" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@last" Precision="0" ProviderType="VarChar" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="last" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
9 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="AnsiString" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@first" Precision="0" ProviderType="VarChar" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="first" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
10 <Parameter AllowDbNull="true" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="AnsiString" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@username" Precision="0" ProviderType="VarChar" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="username" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
11 <Parameter AllowDbNull="true" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="AnsiString" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@password" Precision="0" ProviderType="VarChar" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="password" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
12 </Parameters>
13 </DbCommand>
14 </InsertCommand>
15 <SelectCommand>
16 <DbCommand CommandType="Text" ModifiedByUser="true">

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Is It Possible To Dynamically Create Multiple Variables In A Package?

May 21, 2008

I'd like to be able to call different packages from a control flow. These packages will have different requirements for parameters therefore I'd like to create them dynamically.

Is this possible? Can I do it using a script task?

Thanks in advance.

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Loading Multiple Variables From Within The Same Execute Sql Task

Aug 28, 2007

Hi All,

I was wondering if it is possible to assign values to multiple variables from within the same execute sql task, ie I want to use only one execute sql task and have multiple T-SQL statements within it and then assign the results of these sql statemenst as values to multiple variable.

Typically I would declare variables var1 , var2 and var3 , then can I just add one execute sql task and have mutiple sql statements within it? something like this

select max(id) from table1

select max(id) from table2

select max(id) from table3


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Integration Services :: Insert Multiple Columns As Multiple Records In Table Using SSIS?

Aug 10, 2015

Here is my requirement, How to handle using SSIS.

My flatfile will have multiple columns like :

ID  key1  key2  key3  key 4

I have SP which accept 3 parameters ID, Key, Date

NOTE: Key is the coulm name from the Excel. So my sp call look like

sp_insert ID, Key1, date
sp_insert ID, Key2,date
sp_insert ID, Key3,date

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Using Declared Variables In SQL INSERT Statement.

Feb 3, 2007

I am new to scripting in general and I've run into an issue when attempting to write a VB variable to a database table in SQL Express.  I am trying to record the value of the variable to the db, but it does not appear that the value is being passed to SQL.  If I hard code the values in the SQL statement it works fine.  Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong accomplish this?  My code is below.  Thanks in advance. 
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SqlConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Table]"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Table] (field1, field2) VALUES (& variable1 &, & variable2 &);" >
Protected Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button.Click
Dim variable1 As String = FileUpload.FileName
Dim variable2 As String = Date.Now
Dim path As String = Server.MapPath("~/directory/)
If FileUpload.HasFile = True Then
FileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(path & _
End Try
End If
End Sub

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DTS For Bulk Insert With Global Variables...

Feb 11, 2005

I have a flat file of records in csv format. I want ti create a dts that can be executed from using to load data from .csv file into sql server 2000 table.

Now what further i want that this DTS must have a parameter mapped to file name of .csv. so when i execute this dts from web application i will set the file path to this variable and then execute it on server.

So that meanz dts stays on server all it require before execution a new file path to load data from file that is already uploaded on server in a directory.

if any one have any idea to how to create such a dts and secondly how to execute in

thanks in advance.

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How Do I Call A Insert Stored Procedure From A Data Flow Destination Object?

Jun 26, 2007

I want to insert data calling a stored procedure and call this from a Data Flow destination object. Is it possible?

I understand that Ole Db Command transformation object can call stored procedure, but that will not rollback in the event of error in the middle.

I understand that Ole Db Destination object will rollback in middle of import, but I don't see how to do the insert by calling stored procedure. "Sql Command" option in Ole Db Destination object does not seem to present solution to the problem.

Am I missing something here or is Ssis / Microsoft demanding that Insert stored procedure not be used when using Data Flow destination object to insert data into target table?

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Retrieve Multiple Variables From Stored Procedure (SQLHelper)

Jun 22, 2004

Hi all,

I am using SQLHelper to run a Stored Procedure.
The Stored Procedure returns 3 variables:




The SP is currently called as below:

SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[]
new SqlParameter("@FromDate", Request["FromDate"]),
new SqlParameter("@ToDate", Request["ToDate"]),

My question is this: How do I retrieve these variables?

I know I need to declare a new SqlParameter and change it's Direction to Output but I am unsure of the exact syntax required to do this.

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Putting Multiple Values In The Variables?

Jan 28, 2015

how can i put multiple values in the variables.

for eg:

Declare @w_man as varchar
set @w_man = ('julial','BEVERLEYB', 'Lucy') and few more names.

I am getting syntax error(,)

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Assigning Values To Multiple Variables (via Subqueries) For Use In An Update

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, figured out where I was going wrong in my post just prior, but isthere ANY way I can assign several variables to then use them in anUpdate statement, for example (this does not work):ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateXmlWF(@varWO varchar(50))ASDECLARE @varCust VARCHAR(50)SELECT @varCust = (SELECT Customer FROM tblWorkOrdersWHERE WorkOrder=@varWO)DECLARE @varAssy VARCHAR(50)SELECT @varAssy=(SELECT Assy FROM tblWorkOrdersWHERE WorkOrder=@varWO)UPDATE statement here using declared variables...I can set one @variable but not multiple. Any clues? kinda new tothis.Thanks,Kathy

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Pass Variables Across Forms, Then Insert Into Database

Nov 30, 2004

Hey Guys:

--- Not sure if this should be moved to webforms forum, or if it belongs here ---

Alright, I have been dealing with this issue for a few days now, and have found a few solutions but they all seem to throw different errors so I figured I'd ask here.

What i am trying to do is have a webform where user enter data, and have the data passed across forms, then displayed and inserted into a database on another form. THe first for has an asp:rangevalidator control dymamicly built so I cannot simply take of the tags and use the old style.

Eventually the user will be directed to a paypal form, and upon successful completion be redirected to the page with the insert command within it, but for now, passing it to a second page for review, then inserting it will work.

I am not sure how to accomplish this, a tutorial or a code example would be great!! I have though about panels, creating public objects, etc, but all the solutions I have found have one issue or another when I attempt to create them.

I'm using 1.1, and SQL server.

Brian Sierakowski

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Multiple Insert Into Multiple Tables With A Stored Procedure

Mar 1, 2007

I am building a survey application.
 I have 8 questions. 
 Textbox -  Call reference
 Dropdownmenu  - choose Support method
 Radio button lists - Customer satisfaction questions 1-5
Multiline textbox - other comments.
I want to insert textbox, dropdown menu into a db table, then insert each question score into a score column with each question having an ID.
I envisage to do this I will need an insert query for the textbox and dropdownlist and then an insert for each question based on ID and score.
Please help me!

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Insert Single Row / Multiple Rows Into Multiple Tables

Sep 3, 2014

How to insert single row/multiple rows into multiple tables by using single insert statement.

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Bulk Insert Multiple Files To Multiple Tables - How?

Feb 15, 2008

I need to be able to bulk insert a bunch of tables from their corresponding flat file. I have created an XML file (see below) which has the file name/table name pair at each node. I then created a ForEachLoop task and used the Node enumeration type and the following OuterXpathString: ReferenceFiles/File. At this point I get lost. How do I pass the 2 inside node values (file name and table name) to variables which I can then use as expressions for the bulk insert task inside the Foreach?

Here is XML file:

Code Snippet





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Please Help To Assign Multiple Results Into Individual Variables, Stored Procedure

Apr 12, 2008

I have a MSSQL2000 table called partspec.dbo.locationIn this table are 2 smallint columns: Tester (numbered 1-40) and Line (numbered with various integers)I am trying to create a stored procedure to read the tester number like so:Select Tester from partspec.dbo.location where Line = 2which will return up to 5 tester number results, lets say 11, 12, 24, 29 ,34My question is how do I store these tester numbers into 5 variables so that I may use them later in the sp ? So it would go something like this:CREATE PROCEDURE Table_Line
(@Tester1       integer,@Tester2        integer,@Tester3    integer,@Tester4    integer,@Tester5    integer)ASSELECT Tester FROM partspec.dbo.location where Line = 2Now this is where I'm confused on how to get 1 value into 1 variable and so on for all 5 values returned. This is what I would like to happen:
@Tester1 = 11@Tester2 = 12@Tester3 = 24@Tester4 = 29@Tester5 = 34GOThank you for any and all assistance.

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