Insert Av Value In A Sql-server Database

Nov 10, 2006


I have a code that save information from a textbox to a access-database...And it work exactly the way I want....

Now I want to change the database to a sql-server-database....but I dont know what to change in the code I have...

The code for the access-database is:

<% @(a) Page Language="VB" %>
<% @(a) import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<% @(a) import Namespace="System.Data.Oledb" %>
<script runat="server">
sub submit(obj as object, e as eventargs)

Dim MinConnectionString as string = _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=MinDatabas.mdb"

Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO tabell1(namn) VALUES( @(a)Namn)"
Dim Conn As New OledbConnection(MinConnectionString)
Dim Command As New OledbCommand("",Conn)

Command.CommandText = strSQL

Dim Namn As New OledbParameter(" @(a)Namn", DbType.String)
Namn.Value = tbNamn.Text


Catch Ex As Exception
lblMessage.text = "Ett fel inträffade"
End try

end sub


I have been trying to make this code working with a sql-server-database for a very long time now and I think it will be something like this:

<% @(a) Page Language="VB" %>
<% @(a) import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<% @(a) import Namespace="System.Data.sqlclient" %>
<script runat="server">

Sub Spara(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

Dim ConnectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|MinData
bas.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"

Dim strSQL As String = ("INSERT INTO Tabell1 ( Fornamn ) VALUES ( @(a)Namn )")

Dim Conn As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim Command As New SqlCommand("", Conn)

Command.CommandText = strSQL

Dim Namn As New SqlParameter(" @(a)Namn", DbType.String)
Namn.Value = TextBox1.Text


Catch Ex As Exception
TextBox1.Text = "Ett fel inträffade!"
End Try

End Sub


But I allways get a message: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'id'"


Do you know what's wrong?



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How To Insert Images Into Sql Server Database

Jul 10, 2001

hi all

just i want to know how to insert image into database. pl help.



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How To Insert Date In Sql Server Database

Jun 6, 2006

How to insert date to the sql server database.I am getting input from the HTML form and store it to database to store date field, what datatype needed and what conversionneeded.Thanx & Regards,SSG

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Insert Only Time In Sql Server Database

Sep 8, 2006


i want to insert only time in my sql server database.but when m try to insert time in database it takes time+default date. i want to eliminate this default date.

plz any one know this then tell me.



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Insert Image Into SQL Server (MSDE) Database

Feb 25, 2005

Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("con"))

Dim info= "this is a des."

Dim fs As New FileStream _
("C:Inetpubwwwrootimages est.jpeg", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, _
lblInfo.Text = "filestream created"
strInsert = "INSERT INTO image ( image, text ) VALUES ( 'fs' ,'" & info& "');"
lblInfo.Text = "Insert complete"
cmdInsert = New SqlCommand(strInsert, con)

- Why is'nt the image inserted, only the text / info?

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Insert Date And Time To Sql Server Database

Mar 29, 2005

hi guys
im having real problems and dont know how to solve it at all
i have a web app which allows users to enter information through edit boxes
when they submit the imformation it gets added into my SQL database. 
does anyone know how to get the Date and Time when they insert the information  and store in another column of type datetime in SQL database
the web app is written in C#
hope someone can help

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Generate SQL Insert Statement Fro SQL Server Database

Jun 20, 2006

Good day,

I have seen in Enterprise manager there is a toll that can script the all tables in a database, but nothing that can generate the insert statements for all the rows in each table in a secified database.

Does any one know of a application, plug in, script that can generate the insert statments for all the tables in a database?

Please someone help, this is driving me insane.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert The File In Other Database?

May 21, 2015

I work with sql server 2008 on a database.we have export schema and datas with the command export datas

click rigth on database => tasks => generate scripts => select all object => click advanced => select type of data to script => schema and data

Now we have a file with all datas and schema That's perfect ...But how i can insert the file in a other database?ok i can copy paste all datas in management studio and press f5 but when i do this the management studio fail because the size of the file is > 200 mega !

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Using Trigger To Insert Data To Different Server Database

Sep 25, 2007

i have 2 server named A and B

in A server have database server and B have database server

in A have database named A1 with table TA1 and in B have database named B1 with table TB1

i want if i insert data into database A1 table TA1 in server A, database B1 table TB1 in server B will insert the same data to

how can do that with trigger or other ways

thx u

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How To Insert More Number Of Rows Into Sql Server 2005 Database At Once.

Apr 14, 2008

Good morning to all.My table: User_Group_Map(UserID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,GroupID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)
Now, I want to write one stored procedure that can insert rows into the above table, but more number of rows at-once.
Means, the program should allow multiple insertions without the need to call the stored procedure from front-end more number of times.
Can anyone please help me on this...
Thanks in advance...Ashok kumar.

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How Do I Insert A Single Quote (') Into A Microsoft SQL Server Database?

Jun 7, 2008

hellohow are you all ?I want to insert ,select update date in database these data contains special chars like ' & _ <> and so onso is there any way to handle this issue ? please help methanks a lot 

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Can Sql Server Read An Outside File And Insert The Contents Into The Database?

Aug 8, 2000


i'm an sql server beginer. i was wondering if some of you guys can help
me out. i need for the sql server to be able to read an outside file (just text) and be able to run a script that will insert it in the database. it's a dcc output file. we've tried running this script:

DECLARE @SQLSTR varchar(255)
SELECT @SQLSTR = 'ISQL -E -Q"dbcc checkdb(master)"'
CREATE TABLE tests (Results varchar(255) NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO tests EXEC('master..xp_cmdshell ''ISQL -E -Q"dbcc checkdb(master)"''')

and it's running good but the problem is the results of the dbcc here did not come from a file but directly after executing the dcc command. is there a way to do it?

thank's for the help!

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Insert Blog Data Into A Database

Sep 28, 2015

I've never worked with a column that's defined as a binary data type. (In the past if ever we had to include a photo we stored a link to the JPG/BMP/PNG/whatever into a column, but never actually inserted or updated a column with binary data.But now I've got to do that. So how do you put data into a column defined as BINARY(4096)?

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Can I Insert/Update Large Text Field To Database Without Bulk Insert?

Nov 14, 2007

I have a web form with a text field that needs to take in as much as the user decides to type and insert it into an nvarchar(max) field in the database behind.  I've tried using the new .write() method in my update statement, but it cuts off the text after a while.  Is there a way to insert/update in SQL 2005 this without resorting to Bulk Insert? It bloats the transaction log and turning the logging off requires a call to sp_dboptions (or a straight-up ALTER DATABASE), which I'd like to avoid if I can.

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How To Insert The Value From The Text Box (ASP.NET 2.0) To The Microsoft Sql Server 2000 Database - Dynamically.

Nov 16, 2006

Hello Friends,

I have a problem with with dynamic data transfer from asp page to microsoft sql server 2000. For example , I have asp

web page with one text field and a buttion.

When I click the buttion, the value entered in the text field should be transfered from the text field to database. 

Kindly See the following section c# code .....

SqlConnection objconnect = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = objconnect;
cmd.CommandText = " select * from Table_Age where Age = @Age";
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter();
parameter.ParameterName = "@Age";
parameter.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;
parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
parameter.Value = TextBox1.Text;

objconnect.Open(); // Add the parameter to the Parameters collection.
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

********************this section c# code is entered under the button control************************************

connection string is mentioned in the web.config file.

In the above c# code , I have a text field , where I entered the age , the value entered in the text field should be sent to

database. I have used SqlParameter for selecting the type of data should be sent from ASP.NET 2.0 to the microsoft sql server 2000. I am facing a problem

where I am unable to sent the random datas from a text field to the database server.

I have a created a database file in the microsoft server 2000.after the excution of the fIeld  value is assinged to NULL in the main database i.e microsoft the sql server 2000.Can anyone help with this issue.My mail id PHIJO MATHEW PHILIP.     

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Howto Insert A Null DateTime Into A Sql Server 2005 Database

Apr 2, 2008

I'm importing data form an Excel file to a Sql Server Database. Some of the data imported represents time as a double type so i convert the times into DateTime to be inserted into the database. The time values that aren't available in the Excel file are 0.. so what i want to do is insert null into the database for all the values that are 0 in the excel file... How do i do that based on this code i have so far:protected void ButtonImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){PanelUpload.Visible = false;PanelView.Visible = false;PanelImport.Visible = true;LabelImport.Text = "";OleDbCommand objCommand = new OleDbCommand();objCommand = ExcelConnection(); OleDbDataReader reader;reader = objCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()){DateTime? in_1 = null;DateTime? out_1 = null;DateTime? in_2 = null;DateTime? out_2 = null;   int emp_id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["emp_id"]);DateTime date_entry = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["date_entry"]);if (Convert.ToDouble(reader["in_1"]) != 0)in_1 = ConvertDoubleToDateTime((double)reader["in_1"]);if (Convert.ToDouble(reader["out_1"]) != 0)out_1 = ConvertDoubleToDateTime((double)reader["out_1"]);if (Convert.ToDouble(reader["in_2"]) != 0)in_2 = ConvertDoubleToDateTime((double)reader["in_2"]);if (Convert.ToDouble(reader["out_2"]) != 0)out_2 = ConvertDoubleToDateTime((double)reader["out_2"]); ImportIntoAttendance(emp_id, date_entry, in_1, out_1, in_2, out_2);} reader.Close();}protected void ImportIntoAttendance(int emp_id, DateTime date_entry, DateTime? in_1, DateTime? out_1, DateTime? in_2, DateTime? out_2){ SqlDataSource AttendanceDataSource = new SqlDataSource();AttendanceDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SalariesConnectionString1"].ToString();AttendanceDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;AttendanceDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO Attendance (emp_id, date_entry, in_1, out_1, in_2, out_2) " +"VALUES ('" + emp_id + "', '" + date_entry + "', '" + in_1 + "', '" + out_1 + "', " +"'" + in_2 + "', '" + out_2 + "')"; int rowsAffected = 0;try{rowsAffected = AttendanceDataSource.Insert();}catch(Exception ex){LabelImport.Text += "<font color=red>" + ex + "</font><br />";} }private DateTime ConvertDoubleToDateTime(double dbTime){string[] SplitTime = dbTime.ToString().Split('.');string hours = SplitTime[0];string minutes = String.Empty;string time = String.Empty; if (dbTime.ToString().IndexOf('.') != -1){if (SplitTime[1].Length >= 1){if (SplitTime[1].Length == 1)minutes = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDouble(SplitTime[1]) * 10);else if (SplitTime[1].Length > 1)minutes = SplitTime[1];}}elseminutes = "00";time = hours + ":" + minutes;return Convert.ToDateTime(time);}

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How Can I Insert Date In SQL Server 2000 Database (table )from ASP.NET 1.1. Program??

Feb 1, 2006

hi ALL !!!
How can I insert Date in SQL Server 2000 database(table ) from ASP.NET 1.1. Program??
pls send me code if u can
pls help me ..

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SQL Server 2008 :: Find All Transaction (insert / Delete / Update) On A Database For A Day?

May 8, 2015

i would like to know it's possible to find all transaction(insert, delete,update) on a database for a day. if yes what can i do.

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Find The Best Approch To Insert Data In Sql Server Database Based On Perfrmance Metrics

Nov 5, 2007

I have two VB.NET dataclient program A abd B.

What i want to do is .. to find the best way to insert the high speed data( that comes at every 10 ms) to the sql server express database table .

I have two options to store the data in the table . One is to insert all the data in one row , the other is to divide it into many rows in the same table . In approach A i will get like 10 records per second and in approach B i may get i may get 30 - 50 records per second based on the amount of data that is comming . i.e i am creating a new row in the table for every extra column added in Approach A and duplication the other columns.

I wanted to find the better way to insert the data based on the performace metrics like CPU usage and memory usage.

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DB Design :: Buffer Database - Insert Information From Partners Then Make Update To Main Database

Oct 29, 2015

I actually work in an organisation and we have to find a solution about the data consistancy in the database. our partners use to send details to the organisation and inserted directly in the database, so we want to create a new database as a buffer database to insert informations from the partners then make an update to the main database. is there a better solution instead of that?

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Integration Services :: How To Insert / Update Table From Database 1 To Database 2

Oct 26, 2015

I am using two database server. Both are sql server. 

My task is :I want to insert data from server 1 table to server 2 table and update same when modified the existing data from server 1. is it possible to do the integration in single package.

I know to do insert and update seperately by ssis but need to do same with single task. 

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SQL Express Database Table Data Insert Into Another Database

Apr 15, 2007


I have two SQL Express database and I want to do two things. One is to transfer a table over to the other database. Two, move the files from one table in one database to another. Please let me know when you get a chance.



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Can Connect To Database, But How Do I Insert Values Into SQL Database?

Jun 14, 2006

I was able to connect to the SQL Database Pension with table clients with table values: ID, State, Name.'Create(connection)Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString)'open connectionconn.Open()However, I'm not sure how to insert a new row with an incremental ID number and a new State and Name.Sorry, I'm really new with VWD.

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How To Insert One Database Table To Another Database ?

May 22, 1999

Hi guys,

I have two sql servers one is Nt server another one is Nt workstation,i am able to admin from both sides.but i don't know how to insert/update one database table to another database table, pls. give me some ideas for this.

Thanks in Advance

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How To Do Insert In Another Database When The Database Name Is A Variable

Mar 19, 2008


We have different databases on the same server: Whrs001, Whrs002, etc. All databases have the same structure.

Suppose i have a table "location"
create table location
( location_id int not null primary key,
location_name varchar(50) not null )

I need to inserts data in "location" tables of different databases. But these inserts needs to be across databases. For example from the "Whrs003" database I need to insert data (location_id=123, location_name='markham') in "location" table of "Whrs001" database.

So my thinking is to defined a stored proc which has database name as an argument:
create procedure location_insert
@a_database_name varchar(100),
@a_location_id int,
@a_location_name varchar(50)

So for the above example the call will be :
exec location_insert 'Whrs001', 123, 'markham'

What would be the actual insert statement in this case? And what things i neeed to take care fo to make sure it always execute successfully?


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Insert Data One Database To Other Database

May 7, 2007


i am using this queries is

Insert into excelb.B.dbo.Emp(Employee_Name,Emp_addr) Values (@Employee_Name,@Emp_Addr) select * from excelb.A.dbo.Emp

excelb - server name

now my problem is a server to another server insert the data that not acces the data and i am using different password the servers- but same pasword are insert the data

plz help me



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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert Data Into Table Variable But Need To Insert 1 Or 2 Rows Depending On Data

Feb 26, 2015

I am writing a query to return some production data. Basically i need to insert either 1 or 2 rows into a Table variable based on a decision as to does the production part make 1 or 2 items ( The Raw data does not allow for this it comes from a look up in my database)

I can retrieve all the source data i need easily but when i come to insert it into the table variable i need to insert 1 record if its a single part or 2 records if its a twin part. I know could use a cursor but im sure there has to be an easier way !

Below is the code i have at the moment

declare @startdate as datetime
declare @enddate as datetime
declare @Line as Integer

set @startdate = '2015-01-01'
set @enddate = '2015-01-31'

[Code] .....

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Variable Insert To SQL Server Insert Satement Setting Values For The @variable INSIDE Sql

Apr 29, 2007

ok, I am on Day 2 of being brain dead.I have a database with a table with 2 varchar(25) columns I have a btton click event that gets the value of the userName,  and a text box.I NEED to insert a new row in a sql database, with the 2 variables.Ive used a sqldatasource object, and tried to midify the insert parameters, tried to set it at the button click event, and NOTHING is working. Anyone have a good source for sql 101/ASP.Net/Braindead where I can find this out, or better yet, give me an example.  this is what I got <%@ Page Language="C#" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><script runat="server">     protected void runit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {       //SqlDataSource ID = "InsertExtraInfo".Insert();      //SqlDataSource1.Insert();    }      protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        SqlDataSource newsql;                newsql.InsertParameters.Add("@name", "Dan");        newsql.InsertParameters.Add("@color", "rose");        String t_c = "purple";        string tempname = Page.User.Identity.Name;        Label1.Text = tempname;        Label2.Text = t_c;        newsql.Insert();    }</script><html xmlns="" ><head runat="server">    <title>mini update</title></head><body>    <form id="form1" runat="server">        &nbsp;name<asp:TextBox ID="name" runat="server" OnTextChanged="TextBox2_TextChanged"></asp:TextBox><br />        color        <asp:TextBox ID="color" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />        <br />        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click1" Text="Button" />        &nbsp;<br />        set lable =&gt;<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label" Width="135px" Visible="False"></asp:Label><br />        Lable 2 =&gt;        <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><br />        Usernmae=&gt;<asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" runat="server" />        <br />        <br />        <br />        <br />        <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues"            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:newstring %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [favcolor] WHERE [name] = @original_name AND [color] = @original_color"            InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [favcolor] ([name], [color]) VALUES (@name, @color)"            OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectCommand="SELECT [name], [color] FROM [favcolor]"            UpdateCommand="UPDATE [favcolor] SET [color] = @color WHERE [name] = @original_name AND [color] = @original_color">            <DeleteParameters>                <asp:Parameter Name="original_name" Type="String" />                <asp:Parameter Name="original_color" Type="String" />            </DeleteParameters>            <UpdateParameters>                <asp:Parameter Name="color" Type="String" />                <asp:Parameter Name="original_name" Type="String" />                <asp:Parameter Name="original_color" Type="String" />            </UpdateParameters>            <InsertParameters>        <asp:InsertParameter("@name", "Dan", Type="String" />        <asp:InsertParameter("@color", "rose") Type="String"/>                                       </InsertParameters>        </asp:SqlDataSource>        &nbsp;        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True"            AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="name" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">            <Columns>                <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" ShowEditButton="True" ShowSelectButton="True" />                                <asp:BoundField DataField="color" HeaderText="color" SortExpression="color" />                <asp:BoundField DataField="name" HeaderText="name" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="name" />            </Columns>        </asp:GridView>           </form></body></html>  

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Cannot INSERT INTO SQL Database.

Jul 17, 2006

I'm not sure what the problem is.  I am not getting any errors, but I can't get this code to insert into my SQL db.  I've checked the permissions on the database and table, and it looks fine. 
Is there something wrong with this code?  I'm trying to switch from VB to C#, so it's still new to me.  I've used the connection string in another APP so I know it works.
If I'm not getting an error, does that point to a problem with the DB?  Thanks.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection Conn;SqlCommand Command;
Conn = new SqlConnection();Conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];Command = new SqlCommand();
Command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [tbl_Test] ([test_name], [test_email]) VALUES (@test_name, @test_email)";
Command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;Command.Connection = Conn;Command.Parameters.Add("test_name", tbName.Text);Command.Parameters.Add("test_email", tbEmail.Text);
catch (Exception ex)
lError.Text = ex.Message;
Command.Connection.Close();pSubscribe.Visible = false;lThanks.Visible = true;

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How Do I Do A Look Up And Then Insert Into The Database,

Apr 10, 2008

 I am getting xml data from a webservice.. and in that xml data there in field called State but on the system that we are getting the data from has a text box where the user can enter NC or North carolina.. But our system is set up to just accept a two letter character. like NC.. So suppose if the user sends North carolina instead of NC the nothing takes places on our system cause we get an error saying that Two many characters..
SO i am looking for ideas that will solve this problem but have the state column accept just 2 letters
any help will be appreciated

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Insert ' Into A Database

Jun 15, 2008

My problem is that when I add a question and the question contains a ' (For instance: I'm going to the store), an error message shows up for 'm from I'm. Here is my code.             SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=???;Database=???;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=???;Password=???");            SqlCommand insertCmd = new SqlCommand();            insertCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;            insertCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TestQuestions (unitChapterID, question, answerA, answerB, answerC, answerD, answer) VALUES ("                + int.Parse(DropDownList3.Text.ToString()) + ", '"                + questionAddBox.Text.ToString() + "', '"                + aAddBox.Text.ToString() + "', '"                + bAddBox.Text.ToString() + "', '"                + cAddBox.Text.ToString() + "', '"                + dAddBox.Text.ToString() + "', '"                + answerAddBox.Text.ToString() + "')";            insertCmd.Connection = myConnection;            myConnection.Open();            insertCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            myConnection.Close();

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Help Me Pls - With Database And Insert Statement

Aug 27, 2006

I Have an error:  Server Error in '/quanlythietbi' Application. INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_yeucau_nhanvien'. The conflict occurred in database 'equipment', table 'nhanvien', column 'manv'. The statement has been terminated. Source Error: Line 129:mycommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@noidung_yc1",System.Data.SqlDbType.Text));
Line 130:mycommand.Parameters["@noidung_yc1"].Value = TextBox1.Text;
Line 131:int i = mycommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
Line 132:if (i>0)
Line 133:{and this is my code:string sqlstring = "Select * from yeucau where ngayGiaiQuyetxong='"+ Label8.Text +"' and date_yc='" + Label7.Text + "' and manv_yc='"+ TextBox2.Text + "' and noidung_yc='"+ TextBox1.Text+ "'";myconnection = new SqlConnection(stringconn);mycommand = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,myconnection);myconnection.Close();myconnection.Open();mycommand = new SqlCommand(insertquery,myconnection); mycommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ngayGiaiQuyetxong1",System.Data.SqlDbType.Char,10));mycommand.Parameters["@ngayGiaiQuyetxong1"].Value = Label8.Text;mycommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@date_yc1",System.Data.SqlDbType.SmallDateTime));mycommand.Parameters["@date_yc1"].Value = Label7.Text;mycommand.Parameters.Add("@manv_yc1",System.Data.SqlDbType.Char,10);mycommand.Parameters["@manv_yc1"].Value = TextBox2.Text;mycommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@noidung_yc1",System.Data.SqlDbType.Text));mycommand.Parameters["@noidung_yc1"].Value = TextBox1.Text;int i = mycommand.ExecuteNonQuery();if (i>0){lbcheck.Text = "Ä?ã Cập Nhật Yêu Cầu.";} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don't know what I must do to repair it :(

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Insert Data Into Database

Feb 27, 2007

What is wrong with this code the dropdowlist mainlyusing System;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;using System.Collections;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Data.SqlClient;public partial class NewAccount : System.Web.UI.Page{    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {    }    protected void NaccountButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        if (Page.IsValid)        {            //Define data objects            SqlConnection conn;            SqlCommand comm;            //read from web config            string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["OneBank"].ConnectionString;            //Initialize connection             conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);            //create command            comm =new SqlCommand(                "INSERT INTO Customer (FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State," +                 "Zip, Phone, Payee,AccountType)" +                 "VALUES(FirstName, LastName, Street, City," +                 "State, Zip, Phone, Payee,AccountType)", conn);            //add parameters            comm.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);            comm.Parameters["@FirstName"].Value=Firstname.Text;            comm.Parameters.Add("@LastName", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);            comm.Parameters["@LastName"].Value=lastname.Text;            comm.Parameters.Add("@Street", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);            comm.Parameters["@Street"].Value=street.Text;            comm.Parameters.Add("@City", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);            comm.Parameters["@City"].Value=city.Text;            comm.Parameters.Add("@State", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);            comm.Parameters["@State"].Value=state.Text;            comm.Parameters.Add("@Phone", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);            comm.Parameters["@Phone"].Value=phone.Text;           comm.Parameters.Add("@AccountType", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);           comm.Parameters["AccountType"].Value = dropdownlist1.SelectedValue.ToString();            //Enclose database in try catc finally            try            {                //open connection                conn.Open();                //execute the command                 comm.ExecuteNonQuery();                //reload query                Response.Redirect("NewAccount.aspx");            }            catch            {                //Display error               Errormessage.Text=                    "Error submitting request!";            }            finally            {                conn.Close();            }        }    }}
This is the table where thisis going
customer                       -------------                     customerID pk generated automatically firtsname                            lastname                             street                                                               city                                                                       statezipphoneaccountType

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