Insert Records Loop For Dates?

Aug 27, 2012

I have a table with employee references and a startdate.

I want to insert into a new table an entry for each employee for each date since their startdate to today.





What I require is


empref, Date

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SQL Server 2008 :: Compare Data / Loop Through Dates And Insert Into Table

Sep 21, 2015

I have three tables:


As per below

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PaymentsLog](

[Code] ....

Is there a way to look at the DatePeriod table and use the StartDtae and EndDate as the periods to be used in the select statement and then cursor through each date between these two dates and then insert the data in to the PaymentsLog table?

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Transact SQL :: Single Records - Loop To Only Insert Sum Total Of Each Day

Apr 22, 2015

I have the following query:


Declare @StartDt date = '2015-03-15'
Declare @EndDt date = DATEADD(M, 1, @StartDt)
declare @Days int = DATEDIFF(d, @StartDt, @EndDt)
declare @TBLSales as table(SaleDate date, Value money)
DECLARE @Today date
declare @TBLSalesCounts as table( StatusDesc varchar(100), Value money)

[Code] ....

I end up with the following result :

How would I alter my while loop to only insert the sum total of each day, instead of creating duplicates for each day.


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Inserting Multiple Records Using A @start And @count With One INSERT (and No Loop)

Aug 22, 2007

Is there a way to insert multiple records into a database table when you're just given "count" of the number of rows you want? I want to do this in ONE insert statment, so I don't want a solution that loops round doing 100 inserts - that would be too inefficient.

For example, suppose I want to create 100 card records starting it card number '1234000012340000'. Something like this ...

declare @card_start dec(16)
set @card_start = '1234000012340000'
declare @card_count int
set @card_count = 100

drop table card_table

create table card_table (
card_number dec(16),
activated char default 'N'

insert into card_table
... ???? ....

But WITHOUT using a while-loop (or any other kind of loop). I'm looking for fast and efficient code! Thanks.

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Help With Loop To Find Dates

Oct 12, 2004

Hey all, I have this query that finds the 'next date' after a user inputs a date (and a another value). It works fine, except it only returns ONE row for the Date. Several dates have many rows, and I guess I need to have this loop somehow so it will return all rows? make sense? Can anyone help me with this?

SELECT top 1 Hours.Datewrk, Employee.Lastname, Employee.Firstname, Employee.EmployNo, Hours.Hourswrk, Hours.typewrk, Hours.formwrk, Hours.class, Hours.brate, PurchaseOrder.Descr, PurchaseOrder.Purchord, Hours.TicketNo
FROM Hours As Hours INNER JOIN PurchaseOrder As PurchaseOrder ON Hours.Purchord = PurchaseOrder.Purchord INNER JOIN Employee As Employee ON Hours.EmployNo = Employee.EmployNo
WHERE Hours.Datewrk is not null and Hours.Datewrk > '" & txtDate1.Text & "' And PurchaseOrder.JobNo = '" & cboJobNo1.Value & "'
ORDER BY Employee.Lastname, Employee.Firstname

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For Loop Container With Dates

Apr 25, 2007

I'm trying to set up a For Loop Container that steps through the loop based on date logic.

Here's an example of what I'd like to do:

InitExpression | @SomeDate = 1/1/2007

EvalExpression | @SomeDate < GETDATE()

AssignExpression | @SomeDate = DATEADD(DAY, 1, @SomeDate)

The above syntax does not work, and I can't find an example that uses date logic with the For Loop Container.

Can anyone help me with this, or point me to an example that uses the For Loop Container with dats?

Thanks in advance for the help!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Insert Into Table Dates In Between Two Dates

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table that has hotel guests and their start stay date and end stay date, i would like to insert into a new table the original information + add all days in between.

CREATE TABLE hotel_guests
[guest_name] [varchar](25) NULL,
[start_date] [date] NULL,
[end_date] [date] NULL,
[comment] [varchar](255) NULL


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While Loop Gets All Records Except First One

Jan 17, 2008

I'm doing a select from a database table, opening a data reader, then looping through the datareader in a while loop and setting a variable. For some reason every record gets stored in the variable except for the first one. Is there something you need to do in order to get the first one? Here is what I have. Thanks
2 Dim conn As New SqlConnection(Application("ConnectionString"))
3 conn.Open()
6 Dim cmdAllOffices As New SqlCommand("select officeid from corp_officephone_map_tbl where " & _
7 "emplid=" & "'" & strEmplid & "'", conn)
9 Response.Write(cmdAllOffices.CommandText.ToString & "<br><br>")
13 Dim drAllOffices As SqlDataReader = cmdAllOffices.ExecuteReader()
15 drAllOffices.Read() ' Read The Data
19 Dim strAllOffices As String = Nothing
22 While drAllOffices.Read()
25 strAllOffices &= ("'" & drAllOffices("officeid") & "'" & ",")
29 End While
strAllOffices contains a comma delimited string, but always is missing the first record.

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While Loop Gives Records One By One

Apr 20, 2004


I have this stored procedure:



declare @idQuestion int
set @idQuestion = 0

while @idQuestion <= 5

set @idQuestion = @idQuestion + 1
SELECT @idQuestion


and it returns values in this format:




What do I have to change so the results are something like my next example so I can extract them with a data reader


I would like to use the while loop as this example is a simplified version of my stored procedure.

Thank you,


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Loop Through Records

May 8, 2008

i have a table that has some informatio regarding an office building in it.
It also has the building managers information in it. I want to create two
new tables. One with just the building info, and one with just the managers
info. Now, I have created the two new tables. In the building table, I have
one column that has the ManagerID. So I have written a query that imports
all the building info into the new table. Here is my question. How can I
insert (one at a time I guess) the Managers into their new table while
updating the new ManagerID into the buildings table? If i was doing this
through something like C# I would just insert one row at a time, get the new
ID, the update the second table. But I do now know how to build that type of
look in SQL. Can someone help me?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Loop Through Date Time Records To Find A Match From Multiple Other Date Time Records?

Aug 5, 2015

I'm looking for a way of taking a query which returns a set of date time fields (probable maximum of 20 rows) and looping through each value to see if it exists in a separate table.


Query 1

Select ID, Person, ProposedEvent, DayField, TimeField
from MyOptions
where person = 'me'


Select Person, ExistingEvent, DayField, TimeField
from MyTimetable
where person ='me'

Loop through Query 1 and if it finds ANY matching Dayfield AND Timefield in Query/Table 2, return the ProposedEvent (just as a message, the loop could stop there), if no match a message saying all is fine can proceed to process form blah blah.

I'm essentially wanting somebody to select a bunch of events in a form, query 1 then finds all the days and times those events happen and check that none of them exist in the MyTimetable table.

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Select All Records Between 2 Dates

Apr 6, 2004

I am trying to select all records added between 2 dates that the user inputs into a form and am having problems. I had this working no problems with asp but can't seem to get it working with .net. BTW I am using SQL Server and Visual Studio.

The code I am trying to use is:

Me.SqlSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT news_title, news_date, news_type, news_link FROM news WHERE (news_type = 'news') AND (news_date BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '"" & startdate & ""', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '"" & enddate & ""', 102))"


Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim startdate As DateTime
startdate = Request.Form("date_from")

Dim enddate As DateTime
enddate = Request.Form("date_to")

Repeater1.DataSource = DataSet1

End Sub

With this I am getting the following error:

"Syntax error converting datetime from character string. "

So I am assuming it is something to do with the way I am getting the date from the form as when I hardcode the dates in it works???

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanx

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Count Records Between Two Dates

Apr 20, 2004

Hi all,

I've got a quick question.

How would I count the number of records between two dates.

I started with something like this.

FROM tSurveyPerson
WHERE (dtAdded BETWEEN '2004-03-01' AND '2004-04-01')
GROUP BY dtAdded

but as you probably all know this ain't right. I would like to get just the number of records.


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Return Records Between Dates

Feb 15, 2007


I need some help with this please.

I have a database table which contains customer orders. I am trying to code my SQL select statement to:

1) Only return records where the record orderdate is within the last 30 days

2) Between two dates, selected from the datepicker control.

With regards to issue 1, I could fill a table with all the records for the account in question and then for each record do a datediff between the records order date and the current date to determine if the number of days is within 30 days. If yes then add this record to a temp table and then set this table as the datasource for the datagridview.

There must be a more efficient way?

With regards to issue 2) ?

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Is There Any Way In A Sproc To LOOP Thru The Records Of A Table ?

Sep 21, 2005

Hi. It seems to be very simple, actually, but I don't know if it isfeasible in TSQL. I have a sproc which gathers in one place many callsto different other sprocs, all of them taking a 'StoreGroupe'parameter. I would like to add a case where if the call has NOStoreGroupe parameter, the sproc should LOOP thru all records in tableStoreGroupeTable, read the column StoreCode, and pass that value as aparam to the other sprocs, as in:CREATE PROCEDURE MySproc(@StoreGroupe nvarchar(6) = NULL)ASif (@StoreGroupe is not null)BeginExec _Sproc1 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc2 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc3 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc4 @StoreGroupe...............EndElseBeginA 'Group Code' has NOT been specifiedI want to take all the StoreGroups in tableStoreGroupeTable, in turn.I would like to do SOMETHING LIKE THIS:Do While not [StoreGroupeTable].EOFRead [Code] from [StoreGroupeTable]Set @StoreGroupe = The value I just readExec _Sproc1 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc2 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc3 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc4 @StoreGroupe...............LoopEndGOIs that feasible in a sproc, or do I have to do this in the client(ADO) ?Thanks a lot.Alex.

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Combining Records/Foreach Loop

Dec 20, 2006

I'm working on a data migration that requires combining rows/values from one table to update rows in another table, and I can't figure out if I need to do a nested FOREACH or something else. Here's the example.

I have a table called Health that has a unique child record, key is childID.

I have another table called Concerns that has multiple records for each child. The Concerns table structure has several Boolean fields that need to capture and retain a true value, no matter what the value is in the next record, i.e. once a field is true, it's always true. Then those values need to update the child record in the Health table.

So if the Concerns table has the following records for a child:

ChildID, DentalConcern, VisionConcern, HearingConcern.

1, True, False, False

1, False, True, False

1, False, False, False

The final values I need to update the Health table are:

1, True, True, False.

And of course, my recordset of Concerns has records for many children.

O.K., that's the background. I have Foreach Loop container set up to enumerate through the ADO recordset of the Concerns table. I have recordset variables set up for childID and each of the boolean Concerns fields. My thought was then to do a nested Foreach Loop container on the childID variable, with a Script Task to read in the recordset variables, then collect the True/False values in my readwrite variables I set up to "collect" the values of each record.

I think then I can compare the incoming recordset childID with the readwrite childID variable to see if it's changed, and if it has then I want to do the SQL update to the Health table. I'm stuck trying to figure out where to put my Execute SQL task to update the child record when I'm finished with one child. in the the Script Task. If it's in the nested Foreach, won't it execute the SQL for every record? Same question on the outer Foreach that's looping through the entire ADO recordset.

So should I put the Update sql statement in the Script Task instead of a separate Execute SQL Task?

Or is there a totally different way I need to look at looping through the entire recordset but doing processing on a subset based on the childID value?

Hope that makes sense, and thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.


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Random Loop Through Table Without Using The Same Records Over Again.

Jul 31, 2007


Anyone have any suggestions on creating a query that will randomly select records from a table, but not use those records again. I have some code that does it, but it uses the same fields over again, and also throws in some blank records that I did not specify in the query. I am creating a test engine that has to randomly ask questions.

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Data Flow Task To Delete Records And Then Insert Records In Transaction

Aug 6, 2007


I have been trying to solve the locking problem from past couple of days. Please help mee!!

I have a SSIS package in which 2 data flow tasks. 1st data flow task deletes records from a 5 tables and the 2nd data flow task should insert records into 1 of the five tables after the success of 1st data flow task. This scenario runs in Transacation.

The above scenrio in the 2nd data flow task hangs in runtime. It does not complete. with sp_who2 command i could see that there is an intent share lock(LK_M_IS) on the table and the status is SUSPENDED.

I dont know how to come out of this locking. Please help.

Thanks ,

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Update Records Base On Dates?

May 12, 2014

I have a table like this one, with PurchaseID be the primary key.




But I can't figure out how to get the max DatePurchased of the same ItemID.

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Collating Records Based On Dates

Aug 12, 2013

I am trying to create a report where the rows of the database have fields containing customer names and dates associated with the names. I want to know for each customer how many records the customer has for specified date ranges.

SELECT [DL].[Customer], Count([DL].[Date Received]) AS [CountOfDate Received1]
WHERE ((([DL].[Date Received]) Between #12/31/2012# And #1/1/2014#))
GROUP BY [DL].[Customer];

The idea is a list of the number of records for each customer in 2013.

Ultimately my goal is to show the customer activity over multiple years.

Customer Name 201120122013
Customer A123
Customer B246
Customer C543

I am trying to go down the path of a Union:

SELECT [DL].[Customer], Count([DL].[Date Received]) AS [CountOfDate 2013]
WHERE ((([DL].[Date Received]) Between #12/31/2012# And #1/1/2014#))
GROUP BY [DL].[Customer]

[Code] ....

This returns 2 columns only not the four I am looking for.

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Pulling Unique Records With Max Dates

Mar 5, 2006

I am trying to pull only those records with a maximum upload date for a file upload log.

This table keeps a list of files uploaded by supplierID and will have multiple records from the same supplier but with all different upload dates. Overall there are over 1,000 records for 48 uniqur suppliers.

The field names are:
SupplierID, UploadDate, FeedFileName, RecordCount, FeedFileDate, RecordCount, and FeedLoaded.

So for each distinct SupplierID I'd like to grab the line item based on the max feedfiledate for each one - in other words I am trying to get the latest uploaded file information, how many records were in the file, and when it was uploaded... I've tried multiple group by and max clauses but there is something I am missing...

Thanks Much in advance

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SELECTing Records That Fall Between Two Dates

May 19, 2008

Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me write a SELECT statement to return all records (rows) based on whether they fall within two dates. For example, consider this table:

Code Snippet
--DROP TABLE #Records
(1, '2008-05-01', '2008-05-12')
(2, '2008-05-08', '2008-05-12')
(3, '2008-05-19', '2008-05-22')
(4, '2008-05-22', '2008-05-23')
(5, '2008-05-26', '2008-06-01')
(6, '2008-05-28', '2008-06-01')
SELECT * FROM #Records

I want to return the RecordID for any row which span this week. I've tried the simple approach of using WHERE GETDATE() BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate but this doesn't produce the desired results. For example, RecordID 4 spans this current week but is not returned (obviously) with this approach.

The idea is to show which events (rows) are coming up this week and next week. Eventually the data will be used to populate an SSRS report.

Hope that makes sense, can anyone help?


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How To Select All The Dates Of Month Even Though There Are No Records?

Nov 28, 2007

I have one SQL Table with 2 columns as below

Column1: ProductionDate - DateTime - Not NULL
Column2: Quantity - Int - Not NULL

Now There are 2 Records in Table

1-1-2007, 5
1-3-2007, 7

Output of Result should be as below

1-1-2007 5
1-2-2007 0
1-3-2007 7
1-4-2007 0
1-5-2007 0
1-6-2007 0
1-31-2007 0

Means Query should return all the dates of Month with Quantity and if no entry in Table then 0 for Quantity.

How to Do it? Please suggest with Query

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Problem Using Query To Get Records Between Two Dates

Feb 10, 2008

I´m trying to select records which are between two dates. I use the following statement.

qry = System:tring::Format("SELECT sum(breakfast), sum(colacao), sum(lunch), sum(snacks), sum(dinner) FROM alunos, logtable WHERE alunos.cad_matr=logtable.studentid and alunos.cad_matr="+tbStudentId->Text+" and dateofmeal >=#"+dt->ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 00:00:00" )+"# and dateofmeal <=#"+dt2->ToString("dd/MM/yyyy 00:00:00" )+"#" );

Although the records exists the query does not get these records. If I go to the Query Design and use the same query it works but only if I enter the dates manually (dateofmel >=?).

Can anybody help me to solve thih /


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Create Temp Table/loop Through Records

Jun 19, 2008

Hi all

I'm new to sql and could do with some help resolving this issue.

My problem is as follows,

I have two tables a BomHeaders table and a BomComponents table which consists of all the components of the boms in the BomHeaders table.

The structure of BOMs means that BOMs reference BOMs within themselves and can potentially go down many levels:

In a simple form it would look like this:

LevelRef: BomA

1component A
1component B
1Bom D
1component C

What i would like to do is potentially create a temporary table which uses the BomReference as a parameter and will loop through the records and bring me back every component from every level

Which would in its simplest form look something like this

LevelRef: BomA

1......component A
1......component B
1......Bom D
2.........Component A
2.........Component C
2.........Bom C
3............Component F
3............Component Z
1......component C

I would like to report against this table on a regular basis for specific BomReferences and although I know some basic SQL this is a little more than at this point in time i'm capable of so any help or advice on the best method of tackling this problem would be greatly appreciated.

also i've created a bit of a diagram just in case my ideas weren't conveyed accurately.

Bill Shankley

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Selecting Records Between Two Dates (should Work But It Doesn't)

Nov 6, 2006

Hello. I need to create a page with asp 3 and sql server 2000 that lists all the records in a table that match a date criterion, but when doing so I get an error "Error Converting datetime from character string"...
I've tried this versions of the query:






I also tried adding " 00:00:00 a.m." to the dates to be converted in the second piece of code. If I recall correctly, "103" is the convertion code meaning "dd/mm/yyyy". That is, I expect people to type in a date like "27/03/2006" and get the table records from that date.

Weirdest thing of all is that, when using the query builder of a sqlsource control in Visual Studio Web Developer Express 2005 this following query works just fine as I expect:



Both the server and the DB are the same in all cases, but in the first two I run the query from a (working of other queries) vbscript asp 3 page.

I know that similar posts exist already (I've searched for this before posting), but I can't fix it, at least not with the usual answer on this one (that seems to be using the convert function as in the first piece of code). Thanks in advance!!!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Selecting Records Not Between 2 Dates

Jul 22, 2015

I’m trying to extract a list of records that don’t appear between 2 dates. I have 4 tables:


tblCustomers contains a CustomerID that is unique to each customer.

tblMachines contains a list of all machines with a MachineID that is unique to each machine. It also contains the CustomerID number.

tblServiceOrders contains a list of each time each customer was serviced. It contains the ServiceDate, CustomerID, and ServiceOrderNo. But it does not have any information on the machines.

tblMachinesServiced contains a list of each machine that was serviced for each service order. It contains the ServiceOrderNo and the MachineID number.

What I want is to be able to extract a list of machines that were not serviced between 2 dates. What I end up getting is a list of machines that were serviced outside of the date range I provide.

For instance, say machine A was serviced in 2013 and 2015 but not in 2014. And say machine B was serviced in all 3 years. When I try to extract my list of machines not serviced in 2014 I end up with a list that contains machine A-2013, A-2015, B-2013 & B-2015. But what I need is just machine A-2014, since that machine wasn’t serviced in 2014.

I’ve tried several different queries but here is an example:

SELECT tblMachines.MachineID,ServiceMachines.ServiceDate
FROM tblMachines
(SELECT MachineID, ServiceDate FROM tblServiceOrders, tblMachinesServiced
WHERE tblServiceOrders.ServiceOrderNo=tblMachinesServiced.ServiceOrderNo
) ServicedMachines
ON tblMachines.MachineID=ServicedMachines.MachineID
WHERE YEAR(ServiceDate) != '2014'

I understand why it returns the records that it does, but I'm not sure how to get what I want, which is a list of machines not serviced in 2014.

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Selecting Records Between Time Ranges On Dates

May 8, 2008

I'm looking for a way to link records that would be related to an employee that worked during that shift.

we have 2 shifts days and nights going from 6:00AM to 6:00PM

we have records that are written to a table as events happen on equipment on site.


"Start_time" "Equip_ID" "Shift_date" "Status" "End_Time"
Date-Time, int, Date, varchar(3), Date-time
5/8/2008 4:23:25 AM, 0200, 5/8/2008, M20, 5/8/2008 5:15:34 AM
5/8/2008 2:18:45 AM, 0206, 5/8/2008, M24, 5/8/2008 3:10:03
5/8/2008 5:15:34 AM, 0200, 5/8/2008, M13, 5/8/2008 7:24:36 AM
5/8/2008 3:10:03 AM, 0206, 5/8/2008, M20, Null
5/8/2008 7:24:36 AM, 0200, 5/8/2008, O21, 5/8/2008 7:55:34 AM
5/8/2008 7:55:34 AM, 0200, 5/8/2008, M24, 5/8/2008 8:36:34 AM

I have another transaction table "Operator_Trans"
"Operator" "Date" "Shift"

jane Doe, 5/6/2008, 1
Pete Who, 5/6/2008, 2
Sam What, 5/7/2008, 1
Pete Who, 5/7/2008, 2
john Doe, 5/8/2008, 1
jane Doe, 5/8/2008, 2

and last a third table "Shift"
Shift, Start_Time, End_Time
1, 6:00AM, 6:00PM
2, 6:00PM, 6:00AM

I need out put that will show all Equipment status's that started during the shifts worked by an operator

Pete Who, 5/8/2008 4:23:25 AM, 0200, 5/8/2008, M20, 5/8/2008 5:15:34 AM
Pete Who, 5/8/2008 2:18:45 AM, 0206, 5/8/2008, M24, 5/8/2008 3:10:03 AM
Pete Who, 5/8/2008 5:15:34 AM, 0200, 5/8/2008, M13, 5/8/2008 7:24:36 AM
Pete Who, 5/8/2008 3:10:03 AM, 0206, 5/8/2008, M20, Null
john Doe, 5/8/2008 7:24:36 AM, 0200, 5/8/2008, O21, 5/8/2008 7:55:34 AM
john Doe, 5/8/2008 7:55:34 AM, 0200, 5/8/2008, M24, 5/8/2008 8:36:34 AM

I am not completely sure the direction I should start off with. I have some SQL knowlege but I would still consider myself new.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Inserting Dummy Records Using Loop Statement

Jul 17, 2015

I have the following attributes in this Table A.

1) Location_ID (int)
2) Serial_Number (nvarchar(Max))
3) KeyID (nvarchar(max)
4) Reference_Address (nvarchar(max)
5) SourceTime (datetime)
6) SourceValue (nvarchar)

I am trying to create 1000000 dummy records in this this table A.How do i go about do it? I would like my data to be something like this


Serial Number



2015-05-21 00:00:00 000


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SQL Query - Duplicate Records - Different Dates - How To Get Only Latest Information?

Mar 17, 2006

I have a SQL query I need to design to select name and email addressesfor policies that are due and not renewed in a given time period. Theproblem is, the database keeps the information for every renewal inthe history of the policyholder.The information is in 2 tables, policy and customer, which share thecustid data. The polno changes with every renewal Renewals in 2004would be D, 2005 S, and 2006 L. polexpdates for a given customer couldbe 2007-03-21, 2006-03-21, 2005-03-21, and 2004-09-21, with polno of1234 (original policy), 1234D (renewal in 2004), 1234S (renewal in2005), and 1235L (renewed in 2006).The policy is identified in trantype as either 'rwl' for renewal, or'nbs' for new business.The policies would have poleffdates of 2004-03-21 (original 6 monthpolicy) 2004-09-21 (first 6 month renewal) , 2005-03-21 (2nd renewal,1 year), 2006-03-21(3rd renewal, 1 yr).I want ONLY THE LATEST information, and keep getting earlyinformation.My current query structure is:select c.lastname,, p.polno, p.polexpdatefrom policy p, customer cwhere p.polid = c.polidand p.polexpdate between '2006-03-01 and 2006-03-31and p.polno like '1234%s'and p.trantype like 'rwl'and is not nullunionselect c.lastname,, p.polno, p.polexpdatefrom policy p, customer cwhere p.polid = c.polidand p.polexpdate between '2006-03-01 and 2006-03-31and p.polno like '1234%'and p.trantype like 'nbs'and is not nullHow do I make this query give me ONLY the polno 123%, or 123%Sinformation, and not give me the information on policies that ALSOhave 123%L policies, and/ or renewal dates after 2006-03-31?Adding a 'and not polexpdate > 2006-03-31' does not work.I am working with SQL SERVER 2003. Was using SQL Server 7, but foundit was too restrictive, and I had a valid 2003 licence, so I upgraded,and still could not do it (after updating the syntax - things likeusing single quotes instead of double, etc)I keep getting those policies that were due in the stated range andHAVE been renewed as well as those which have not. I need to get onlythose which have NOT been renewed, and I cannot modify the database inany way.*** Free account sponsored by ****** Encrypt your Internet usage with a free VPN account from ***

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Loop For Insert Into

Jun 3, 2006

I have 10 tables (T1Orj,T2Orj,€¦T10Orj) and I need to find modified rows from each table and insert them to T1Bak, T2Bak, €¦T10Bak. Although original and bak tables have the common fields , the original tables have more fields than bak tables, and T1Orj, T2Orj, €¦ T10Orj tables have different table structures.
I can go head and write a insert into query for each table, I am just wondering Is there any way I can do this in a loop for all tables?

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Insert 9900 Records Out Of 10000 Records Using DTS

Nov 28, 2005

I tried to port 10000 records using DTS. After porting of 9900 records I got an error and comes out without any result. But I want to keep the records which has been ported till the error occured. Plz help me.

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Select Records Between Dates - Query Works In VS 2005 But It Doesn't In Asp 3

Nov 9, 2006

Hello. I'm having troubles with a query that (should) return all therecords between two dates. The date field is a datetime type. The db isSQL Server 2000. When I try thisSELECT RESERVES.RES_ID, PAYMENTS_RECEIVED.PYR_ID,PAYMENTS_RECEIVED.PYR_VALUE, PAYMENTS_RECEIVED.PYR_DATE,CUSTOMERS.CUS_NAMEFROM RESERVES LEFT OUTER JOINPAYMENTS_RECEIVED ON RESERVES.RES_ID =PAYMENTS_RECEIVED.RES_ID LEFT OUTER JOINCUSTOMERS ON RESERVES.CUS_ID = CUSTOMERS.CUS_IDWHERE (PAYMENTS_RECEIVED.PYR_DATE >= '2006-03-20 00:00:00') AND(PAYMENTS_RECEIVED.PYR_DATE < '2006-03-27 00:00:00')on a "query builder" in visual studio, I get the results that I want.But when I use exactly the same query on an asp 3 vbscript script, Iget no results (an empty selection).I've done everything imaginable. I wrote the date as iso, ansi, britishformat using convert(,103) (that's how users will enter the dates),i've used cast('20060327' as datetime), etc. But I can't still get itto work. Other querys from the asp pages work ok. Any ideas?thanks a lot in advance

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