I am trying to insert some arabic characters into one of the tables but after I insert it, it get stored as ?????. What should I do? I have SQL Sever Managment Studio Express running on Windows XP. I appreciate any suggestions!!
Dear all .. i have a serious problem & all ur comments will be appreciated..
i have bought an ASP .NET publishing tool which i receieved an sql script with it to execute on either Ms sql server or MSDE .
i executed it on MSDE as i don't have Ms sql server on my windows dedicated server .
I wanted the tool for publishing (Arabic Language)content for a highly traffic soccer website..
After executing the sql script i tested the tool but i found arabic characters are not saved when i add articles .. they were saved as question marks (??).
so i re-executed the sql script on a new db after modifying every code containg (varchar) to (nvarchar) to support unicode & thus arabic.
it worked & i succeeded in saving arabic articles
BUT >>>>>>>>>>>>>
i found that only short arabic articles r saved fine while any article that reaches around (1 microsoft word page) is not saved well with arabic characters but saved as question marks ( ??? ) .. !!
so i checked the db tables using ASP.NET Enterprise manager & i found that
the field of article has (ntext) & infront of it number 16 ..
it seems that the (ntext) has a limit to wt it can save ..
so i believe there's a way which i don't know to make the (ntext) accepts long articles entry .
Here's the code in the original sql script i received with the tool & i hope u can guide me in details to any modification to do so that the ntext limit is raise to save any long arabic article.
code :
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[xlaANMarticles] ( [articleid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [posted] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [lastupdate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [headline] [nvarchar] (350) NOT NULL , [headlinedate] [nvarchar] (255) NOT NULL , [startdate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [enddate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [source] [nvarchar] (255) NOT NULL , [summary] [nvarchar] (3000) NOT NULL , [articleurl] [nvarchar] (1000) NOT NULL , [article] [ntext] NOT NULL , [status] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [autoformat] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [publisherid] [int] NOT NULL , [clicks] [int] NOT NULL , [editor] [int] NOT NULL , [relatedid] [nvarchar] (2000) NOT NULL , [isfeatured] [nvarchar] (10) NULL , [keywords] [nvarchar] (255) NULL , [description] [nvarchar] (255) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]
i highlighted the specific column for the article field with red color ..
i tried making it (nvarchar) but the sql manager i use saud it can't be done coz. there has to be a field for TEXTIMAGE coz. it's set to be (on) in the code.
waiting for ur help plz. ... i am desperate .. :confused:
Hi I am developing an application where i want to store the different language (i.e. chines,Arabic,urdu etc) character in database (SQL Server). so when i store arabic characters in SQL server , it stores the (???????). datatype of field is nvarchar. is anybody know about the problem and solution. Regards Mubahsar Ghazi
Hello, I am using the SSIS import/export wizard to import an Access table into a sql server 2005 database. The table has fields in Arabic (name, last name, etc.) and non-Arabic fields (gender, phone number, category, etc.). The destination table has nvarchar columns. After the import, I can see the Arabic characters in the destination table, but they appear in inverse order (from left to right). In Access (or Excel), Arabic fields appear as they should (from right to left) and non-Arabic fields are OK as well (from left to right). If I do a simple copy-and-paste of a "correct" Arabic text into the table, the result is still wrong (inversed letters)... Please help, I can't see what else to do. Thank you.
Hi Friends, I am trying to insert Hebrew string into my database from my Java based tool. I am using SQL Server 2005 and the latest MS SQL jdbc driver. After i insert the string, all the Hebrew characters are in an unreadable format (some junk basically). My requirement is to download the rows of that particular table of the database (containing Hebrew) into an EXCEL sheet, give the corresponding english translation and upload it back. But since i am getting junk characters in the excel sheet, i am unable to translate I have tried changing the COLLATE parameter of the database and tables while creating the database, but still the issue persists. Please help me. Thanks in advance!
Hi Friends, I am trying to insert Hebrew string into my database from my Java based tool. I am using SQL Server 2005 and the latest MS SQL jdbc driver. After i insert the string, all the Hebrew characters are in an unreadable format (some junk basically). My requirement is to download the rows of that particular table of the database (containing Hebrew) into an EXCEL sheet, give the corresponding english translation and upload it back. But since i am getting junk characters in the excel sheet, i am unable to translate :( I have tried changing the COLLATE parameter of the database and tables while creating the database, but still the issue persists. Please help me. Thanks in advance!
I am new to SQL but have managed to create a table with five columns. The problem I am having is when I try and run the INSERT command I get an error "Maximum characters exceeded in SQL statement"
My table code is:
create table myemployees_MPA0510 (FirstName Varchar (15), LastName varchar (20), Title varchar (25), Age number (3), salary number (9));
Hi Friends, I am trying to insert Hebrew string into my database from my Java based tool. I am using SQL Server 2005 and the latest MS SQL jdbc driver. After i insert the string, all the Hebrew characters are in an unreadable format (some junk basically). My requirement is to download the rows of that particular table of the database (containing Hebrew) into an EXCEL sheet, give the corresponding english translation and upload it back. But since i am getting junk characters in the excel sheet, i am unable to translate I have tried changing the COLLATE parameter of the database and tables while creating the database, but still the issue persists. Please help me. Thanks in advance!
Hi All, I am working on SQL Server 2000 ver 7.0. The Collation set for my Database Server is Latin. I want some way by which i can insert Japanese Characters in Database. Is it related to change the Collation or any other encoding format of database. Suppose the table 'Person' has fields id, Name, city If i enter name in a japanese characters, then while storing it does not recongnises this format.
insert into person values(8,'満員','osaka')
id name city 8 ?? osaka At the place of name '??' is displayed.
Is there a way to alter the default 256 value to some other value in a transac SQL script? The value can be changed manually in the advanced tab of the current connection options. I need to be able to set and reset this value in a script and/or stored procedure. Kind of urgent for an answer to this problem. Thanks in advance.
I have a table called exchange and field called address. The rows(1400+) in the field look like: MS:VA/Celcmv/VHACLEADAM%SMTP:Doe.Jane@med.va.gov%X200:c=US;a= ;p=av;o=Celcmv;s=Doe;g=Jane;
How do I remove everything to the left of doe.jane@med.va.gov and everything to the right of doe.jane@med.va.gov using query analyzer? Thank you in advance...
Can someone please suggest a function to remove the last 3 characters from a column? I was thinking of the LEN function, but I am unsure of the syntax.
I recieve data where I am comparing zip codes from raw data, to a zip code table. The columns I am matching are in integers.
The issue is that in the raw data, sometimes the zip code is extended to more than the 5 characters in the zip code table so I am getting null value returns
A sample of this is in the raw data is:
Zipcode 54303 54304786 78641
Is there a way I can have it compare only the first 5 digits of the zip codes in the raw data zip code column to the zip code table? Or would I have to convert the data type? Or alter or truncate the characters somehow? If so, please include how to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I've got an issue - I've got a needed query that executes fine, etc..etc...
the issue is , 1 or more columns (depending) are of TEXT data type - and by virtue of potentially poor front end data entry design - they have large strings stored in each record - much of these strings are made even larger ( in char size ) because of html being stored in the db -- from a design point of view - I blame who ever designed the CMS system that allows this --- thats neither here nor there
The issue is I need these fields and their respective "description" data. BUT I also need to export it to something usable my a marketing department.
The issue lies in that MSSQL Studio - which in grid reports the columns, values, etc..etc.. fine - upon .CVS export - INSTEAD OF TRUNCATING @ THE MAX CHAR LENGTH PER COLUMN (8126 or something) IT PUSHES THE REMAINING TEXT TO THE NEXT COLUMN.
big problem --- to be honest, I dont really need all the data - even just like 500 characters would be more then enough
my question : Is there a way to limit column return lenght @ the query level ? (NOT a truncation of table)
We have identity functionality for integer , Similarly i want for characters .i.e.
EX: ID Name Sal CD101 A 1000 CD102 B 2000 CD103 C 3000 CD104 D 4000 CD105 E 5000
I want output like above, I wont provide Value for ID column. It it should take automatically while inserting data into table.(like identity column)? Is it possible in SQL Server?
I was wondering does anybody have advice for storing Russian in a column in either 2000 or 2005. Example:
create table Russian ( Word varchar(100), Meaning varchar(500), Russian varchar(500) COLLATE Cyrillic_General_CI_AS_KS not null, English varchar(1000) )
insert into Russian ( Word, Meaning, Russian, English ) values ( 'Thank You', 'Thank you', 'Ñ?паÑ?бо', 'spice e ba' ) What I get is Thank You Thank you ?????? spice E bo How can I store 'Ñ?паÑ?бо' and get this value to display, and not ??????
Is there any way to retrieve partial contents of a database column? For example, say a column holds 5,000 characters, but I only wish to retrieve the first 50. Thanks
Hi, this is my second attempt to get an answer to this question. We want to strip our firstName column and lastname column of any punctuation that might be present. What's the best of doing that? Is my only choice to write a nested REPLACE for each character we want replaced (which will end up being very very long) or is there another way. thanks Zoey
I'm adding data to a text column, and whenever I have a backslash at the end of a line it disappears. Here's an example: Code:
INSERT INTO MyTable (TextCol) VALUES ('some text some more text yet more text')
The on the first line is fine- the on the 2nd line just disappears. If I add a 2nd backslash on the end of the line, one is inserted. If I add a space to the end of the line, everything works as normal. I can fix this client-side, but before I do I'd really like to know what's going on?
I'm having dificulties in loading data into a table coming from an excel file because one of the columns is a text based with an average of 1024 characters... How can i import that column? The excel source always shows me the column as a DT_WSTR of 255 characters...
So to fetch the data having only special characters in it, I used below query
Select * From Table Where Column Like '%[^0-9a-zA-Z]%' Escape ' '. Its returning both the records. Here I would like to fetch records for those Unicode characters only which are not within 00201 - 0070E [URL].
Select statement. In my database i am using the employee table. I need my first column to display your full name is 99 characters. so like if the employee is john smith it would display Your Full Name Is 9 characters (including the space).
I am trying to write a script to insert more than one column but the script I am making only inserts the column in the second line and I dont know why. In my code below, columnB is added to the table, but not columnA. I am stumped My sql is: <CODE> Alter table [dbName].[dbo].[tableName] Add columnA bit Default 0 Not NullAlter table [dbName].[dbo].[tableName] Add columnB bit Default 0 Not Null </CODE> thanks for your help.