Inserting A Unique Value In A Column

Oct 8, 2007

In the below code, i am trying to insert the identity value into the 2nd column of the Symp_Quote table. Schema of the table Symp_Quote is as follows.

QuoteRevision_ID INT PK,
DocumentSeq TINYINT PK,
DocumentDisplayName VARCHAR (255)

1st column data is coming from the select statement. but for 2nd column i have to insert identity or some unique value. to do that i was trying withe the following code, but it failed.

IDENTITY (INT,1,1) AS DocumentSeq,
SQR.tril_gid = FQR.tril_gid

kindly correct me whr I am wrong.........

Rahul Jha

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Inserting A Column Filled With Unique Incremental Values

Jan 8, 2008

Hi all,

I've got a large table (3mil records) with a number of columns, but currently no way to refer to any individual column. I therefore need a primary key, but does anyone know of a SQL statement I can use that will create a column (say, ID) that is automatically filled with an incrementing 'counter'? Or, instead, how can I set unique incremental values after first creating the column?

Many thanks,


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Inserting Unique Values

Apr 24, 2001

What would be the best way to insert unique values into a table/unique column ?
I cannot make that table/unique column as indentity. Right now, I use a staging table with indentity column, insert rows then insert rows back to
final table.

Suggestions are much appreciated.


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Inserting Unique Records

Apr 24, 2007


I have a table with sixty columns in it, five of which define uniqueness for the records. Currently there are 190,775 records in the table. One of the records is a duplicate. I need to insert only the unique records from this table (all columns) into another table. I cannot use a unique nonclistered index with IGNORE_DUP_KEY in the destination table because of a problem I am having with the 'duplicate key was ignored' message. The destination table has a primary key with a clustered index on the same five columns.

How can I put together a SELECT statement that will give me all of the columns in the source table based on uniqueness of the five key columns?

Does my request make sense? Please let me know if you have questions.

Thank you for your help!


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Selecting & Then Inserting Unique Rows

Sep 18, 2007

As a beginner i am having trouble with this.
i have two different tables , both have a name column, nvarchar datatype.
I would like to select from table B all the rows which contain a name which is not in table A.
Then insert these rows, into table A

tried a few different ways & just keep getting strange errors that refer to courier font ??

SQL Team Your my Hero !

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Inserting Unique Values Into A Different Tables If They Don't Exists Already.

Jul 30, 2007


I am trying to insert values into a table that doesn't exist there yet from another table, my problem is that because it is joined to the other table it keeps on selecting more values that i don't want.

Code Snippet


INSERT INTO _MemberProfileLookupValues (MemberID, OptionID, ValueID)
SELECT M.MemberID, '6', CASE M.MaritalStatusID WHEN 1 THEN '7'



WHEN 4 THEN '10'


FROM Members M

INNER JOIN _MemberProfileLookupValues ML

ON M.MemberID = ML.MemberID

WHERE M.Active = 1

AND OptionID <> 6

When i execute that code it returns all the values, let say OptionID = 3 is smoking already exists in the MemberProfileLookupValues table then it is going to select that persons memberID

I want to insert only members values that aren't already in the _MemberProfileLookupValues from the Members table (I think that it is because of the join statement that is in my code, but i don't know how i am going to select members that aren't in the table, because i have a few other queries that are very similar that are inserting different values, so ultimately

ONLY INSERT THE MemberID the values 6 and the statusID of X if it is not in the table already.

Any ideas / help will be greatly appreciated. Please help.

Kind Regards
Carel Greaves

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Error Number For Duplicate Column Value During An Insert For A Unique Column ?

Jul 27, 2007

I have a table in which a non-primary key column has a unique index on it.
If I am inserting a record into this table with a duplicate column value for the indexed column, then what will be the error number of the error in above scenario? OR How could I find this out?

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Transact SQL :: Find Unique Rows In Column That Are Associated With Another Field In Another Column?

May 1, 2015

I am having issues trying to write a query that would provide me the unique GUID numbers associated with a distinct PID if the unique GUID's > 1.  To summarize, I need a query that just shows which PID's have more than one unique GUID. A PID could have multiple GUID's that are the same, I'm looking for the PID's that have multiple GUID's that are different/unique. 



The result of the query would only have PID1 because it has two unique GUID's. PID2 would not be listed has it has the same GUID3 in each row.



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FK On A Column To A Table Where The Column Is Not The PK But A Unique Index

Jul 23, 2005

Hello everyone, I am new to ERWIN and I need helps from the experts outthere.We are using ERWin 4.1.2771 and have reversed engineered some MS SQLServer 2000 databases.The problem we are having is that we have a FK on a column to a tablewhere the PK of the referencing table is on another column (such as anidentity column). We have a unique index on the column in the PK tableand SQL Server allows you to build a FK reference even though thecolumn is not defined as the PK.Does anyone know how to create this type of FK within Erwin?Thank You

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Unique Column

Feb 3, 2008

I am looking for advice on how to handle the following situation.Data being saved to a database table. Unique index on column in table. If the constraint is violated, what is the best way in alerting the user? Catch the exception and display error message to user? How do I know the exception is because of a unique index violation? 

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Unique ID, Without An ID Column

Jul 11, 2004


How can I assign or retrieve a unique ID from a msSQL table where there isn't a unique column.

Is there a hidden 'raw id' i can retrieve from msSQL for each record?

I'm not allowed to change the current database at all, but the developers who created it managed to use it without Unique IDs.... which doesn't help me coming from a mySQL background where UID's are kind of mandatory.


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Can't Add Bit Column To Unique Index

Feb 6, 2007

This is for SQL 2000 (SP 2) using Enterprise Manager. I have a table with a unique index comprised of several int fields. The index needs to include an additional bit field that is part of the table. But when I go to modify the index, the bit field name doesn't appear in the Column Name list.
Can anyone shed any light on the problem?

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Unique Column Constraint

Jun 6, 2008

I like to use the management console to design tables, but have
been unable to figure out how to add a unique column constraint.

I have a primary key defined in col1 and want to make col2, char(10),
unique, but keep col1 as the primary key.

I have tried the Check constraint menu path, but do not know how
to write the expression.

If I go along the Indexes/Key path, I am forced to change the primary
key which I do not want to do.

Can anyone help?

TIA, Joe

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Unique Column Data

Jan 22, 2008

Absolute SQL Beginner here

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition in conjunction with 2.0

Is there any way to guarantee when INSERTing data, that all values in a given column (which is of a char data type) are unique? Or do I have to do this programatically at the asp layer?

Thanks in advance


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The Opposite Of ADD UNIQUE (Column Name)

Nov 3, 2015

I just started with SQL Server Express and was playing around with the Management Studio.

I created a query to make a column unique:

ADD UNIQUE (Column_Name)

That worked perfect, if I fill in the same data in the next row of that column, I get an error as expected. But, how do I remove the UNIQUE property on that column? I can find it in the column properties within Management studio, neither I can't find the command to undo this action.

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Group By On A Unique Column

Nov 23, 2007


This is not really a question, maybe a start of discussion if this could be a feature in coming versions...

Let's say I have a table like this:
id text1 text2
int varchar varchar

1 abc ghi
2 abc ghi
3 def ghi

and I want to query using group by, I would write SELECT text1, text2 FROM table GROUP BY text1, text2

This is not too bad, but imagine I got several columns of text I need to query, then I need to put them in both places, SELECT and GROUP BY. If I do use functions like SUBSTRING or concatenation on the columns, I need to repeat these in the GROUP BY as well.

It would be nice if I could say "GROUP BY id", and since id is unique on the table it is obvious that all columns taken from this table are already grouped and can be queried without having to have them in group as well.
For functions this is of course only possible if all parts only refer to columns from this table, or absolute entries, like LEFT(varchar ,3) or int+1 or such.

With this example, the benefit is not visible: if I added the id to the GROUP BY, I get every single row of course. GROUP on unique is useless... It does make sense if you query another table and join in this one as a lookup, and the id gets "multiple" this way.

As I said, just an idea to make the GROUP BY section more transparent and avoid repeating sections!

I'd like to know what you think of that.

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Unique Constraint On Nullable Column

Jul 16, 2004

I have a producer table with a nullable column that stores SSN's. In some cases producers inherit SSN's from other producers. These records will have a null producer.ssn and a record stored in a child table to track the inheritance. Anyway, I've found two techniques to enforce uniqueness on a nullable column and wanted to get opinions as to which was better. First, write a trigger. Second, create a computed column that has a unique constraint on it. The computed column would use the SSN if not NULL Else use the PK identity value of the record. EXAMPLE DML:CREATE TABLE test ( ssn CHAR(9) NULL, testId INT identity(1,1) NOT NULL, ComputedConstraint AS CASE WHEN ssn IS NULL THEN CAST(testId AS CHAR(9)) ELSE ssn END, UNIQUE (ComputedConstraint)) Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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How To Drop UNIQUE CONSTRAINT On Only One Column

May 5, 2014

I am very new to sql and I have got this doubt.


Probably this is worst table ever created :).Now How to drop UNIQUE constraint on only column lets DESIG.

if i write

ALTER TABLE employee
DROP CONSTRAINT myuniqueconstraint;

will drop constraints on both columns which I dont want.

Any query that remove UNIQUE CONSTRAINT only on DESIGN column.

and one more clarification,

ALTER TABLE employee

ALTER TABLE employee

which of the above two is right query to add NOT NULL constraint to the above employee TABLE?

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Multiple Null In Unique Column, Is It Possible?

Nov 20, 2007

Hi All,

I am having problems with unique contraint, say I have a table called customer
create table customer (
id int identity(1,1) not null,
name nvarchar(50) not null,
id_card_no nvarchar(20) unique,
so when I do mutilple null inserts
insert into customer(name, id_card_no)
values("Customer 1", NULL);
insert into customer(name, id_card_no)
values("Customer 2", NULL);
I get an error duplicated keys on the unique column.

In Oracle DB, unique columns are behaved a little different where multiple nulls are allowed in a unique column.

I know there are some tircks that you can do to allow multiple nulls in unique column in sql server(well, pretend to be) like creating a computed column, create a view and an index...

Are there any ways to archieve that in sql sever compact?

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Unique Constraint Based On Value In A Column

Nov 23, 2007

I don't immediately find if this is possible but hope someone can give me an answer:
is it possible to make a unique constraint over 2 columns but only when 1 column has a specific value ?

Example: table (tableid, instancetype, instancename, ..)
instancetype can be A or B
if it is A then instancename must be unique
but for B instancename is not unique as these are copies from A

only solution I can think of is to make a trigger on an insert to check what the instancetype is and do a select to see if the name already exists in the table or not..

are there other solutions to make a constraint like this ?


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Unique Constraint To A Column From Another Table

Oct 29, 2005

Is it possible to create a unique constraint to a column from anothertable? For example:tb_current:current_names--------------aaabbbtb_new:new_name--------cccNow I want to create a constraint on tb_new.new_name to be unique withrespect to tb_current.current_names. However, tb_new.new_name shouldnot be unique to itself. So I should not be able to insert 'aaa' totb_new.new_name. But I should be able to insert 'ccc' totb_new.new_name.Here's the script to reproduce this example:create table tb_current(current_names varchar(10))create table tb_new(new_name varchar(10))insert tb_current values ('aaa')insert tb_current values ('bbb')insert tb_new values ('ccc')select * from tb_currentselect * from tb_newinsert tb_new values ('aaa') -- this should NOT be allowedinsert tb_new values ('ccc') -- this should be allowed

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Unique Non-Clustered PK, Include Column(s)

Dec 6, 2007

Hello there,

I am testing out the performance benefits of utilizing include column(s) to avoid RID lookups and so far it looks very promising. I am able to reduce the cost of the query significantly and execution time is very good. However my non-clustered index is part of the primary key constraint and I am wondering if it is possible to create the include column as part of the primary key. Or do I have to drop the pk constraint and create unique non-clustered index with include column?


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What Is The Constraints Expression For Unique(Column)?

Oct 8, 2007

I am in the "Check Constraints" window trying to add a constraint that during inserts only allow distinct Column2 insertions. What is the Expression for that? I tried UNIQUE(Column2) it give me an error.

Here is my table definition:
Column Name Data Type Allow Nulls
Column1(PrimaryKey) int No
Column2 nvarchar(MAX) No

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Multiple Null In Unique Column, Is It Possible?

Nov 20, 2007

Hi All,

I am having problems with unique contraint, say I have a table called customer
create table customer (
id int identity(1,1) not null,
name nvarchar(50) not null,
id_card_no nvarchar(20) unique,
so when I do mutilple null inserts
insert into customer(name, id_card_no)
values("Customer 1", NULL);
insert into customer(name, id_card_no)
values("Customer 2", NULL);

I get an error duplicated keys on the unique column.
In Oracle DB, unique columns are behaved a little different where multiple nulls are allowed in a unique column.

I know there are some tircks that you can do to allow multiple nulls in unique column in sql server(well, pretend to be) like creating a computed column, create a view and an index...

Are there any ways to archieve that in sql sever compact?

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UNIQUE Constraint On VARBINARY Column

Nov 17, 2006


I have a table with one of its column VARBINARY(MAX).

I want to make sure that the values in this VARBINARY(MAX) column is unique.
SQL Server doesn;t allow to create Unique Constraint over VARBINARY fields - whats the best workaround for ensuring uniqueness on VARBINARY columns.


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Finding UNIQUE Values In Only One Column

Jan 28, 2008

I am using Access 2007 and I have 10 columns of data.

I am trying to select all the data from all 10 columns where the first column's data returns only the Unique values and the other columns return all the data from the row that is returned from the first column.

I have used this

SELECT DISTINCT [SFR Rates All].Sorter, [SFR Rates All].SProgram, [SFR Rates All].S_Price, [SFR Rates All].Min_Loan, [SFR Rates All].Max_Loan
FROM [SFR Rates All];

But that returns all the data in the table and all values in the Sorter column with duplicates because each row has distinct data.

I am trying to return unique values from [SFR Rates All].Sorter (the first column) and all the data from the other 9 columns that are contain the row with the unique value in Sorter.

I know that I am missing something basic but well, I can't figure it out.



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SqlExpress Create Unique Column

May 2, 2006

Hi, can anyone guide me on how to create a unique field with SqlExpress and

I know how to create primary key with identity, however I need to create another unique column for "email". I have search high and low for a solution but found none, the closest i got is unique constraint which I've not idea what's that.

Please help, else I have to always do a duplication check before inserting new records.

Many thanks.

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Reporting Services :: How To Drop Unique Key Column

Jun 9, 2015

How to drop the unique key column in sql.

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Transact SQL :: How To Find Combination Of Column - Row Unique

Mar 8, 2012

I have table with some columns with no primary key..

I have to find the combination of columns which may the row unique...

How to do that like microsoft...

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Inserting More Than One Column

May 30, 2006

I am trying to write a script to insert more than one column but the script I am making only inserts the column in the second line and I dont know why. 
In my code below, columnB is added to the table, but not columnA.  I am stumped
My sql is:
Alter table  [dbName].[dbo].[tableName] Add columnA bit Default 0 Not NullAlter table  [dbName].[dbo].[tableName] Add columnB bit Default 0 Not Null
thanks for your help.

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Error:Column 'FieldName' Is Constrained To Be Unique. Value '0' Is Already Present

Jan 18, 2008

Can anyone help me?
when I am inserting a record to a dataset I am getting  Column 'FieldID' is constrained to be unique.  Value '0' is already present.
I have 2 fields in table like FieldID,FieldName where FieldID id is Primary key and identity column
I am not inserting any value to FieldID as it is identity column.
DataRow newDR= dbDataSet.Tables[strTable].NewRow();for (int i = 0; i < e.Row.Cells.Count; i++)
{ if ( e.Row.Cells[i].Key != "FieldID" )
{if (e.Row.Cells[i].Value != null)
newDR[e.Row.Cells[i].Key] = e.Row.Cells[i].Value;dbDataSet.Tables[ strTable].Rows.Add(newDR);
Some times it is woking fine with out any error............

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Unable To Create Unique Constraint On A NULL Column

Apr 5, 2004

Hi all,

I am trying to add a unique index/constraint on a column that allows NULL values. The column does have NULL values and when I try to create a unique constraint, I get the following error.

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX terminated because a duplicate key was found for index ID 9. Most significant primary key is '<NULL>'.

Are'nt you allowed to create a UNIQUE constraint on a NULL column? Books Online says that you are allowed to create a unique constraint on NULL columns, then why am I getting this error.

Any help would be appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Identity Key (unique Column) Not Behaving Properly

Jul 19, 2013

I've seen this error on several of my databases again and again this week:

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_XXXX'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.MyTable'. The duplicate key value is (whatever number here). The statement has been terminated.

The thing is, the PK is unique, and the INSERT statement does not touch that column, it touches the other ones. So SQL2012 is the one that automatically generates the next and unique available value.

How can be possible that the value to be inserted (generated by SQL2012) is a duplicate one? By the way, this was not happening on the previous SQL2005 or SQL2008 server where the databases were being hosted.

Here's my SQL 2012 version: 11.0.3000.0 (SP1 applied). Runs on top of a Win2008R2 Cluster.

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