Inserting In A Table With Index...?

Aug 30, 2006

In the table that i will insert rows, there are columns:

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5

an there's an index for (Col2,Col3,Col4)


Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5

---------- ------------------- ------------- ---------- -----------------

0 30082006 'TERM1' 1 7

1 30082006 'TERM1' 1 7

this is not allowed because of the index for (Col2,Col3,Col4).Col4 must be different from 1.

I can see only one way to insert into this table..

SELECT @max_col4= max(Col4) FROM TABLEXXX WHERE Col2=30082006 AND Col3='TERM1'

INSERT INTO TABLEA(Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5) VALUES (30082006,'TERM1',(@max_col4+1),7)

this is right with only one client....but if there are more than one,possibly two clients can try to insert to the table.When one of them gets the max_Col4,lets say it got 89.At the same time,another client started the process and it got 89,too..but after the first client inserted the row, then max_Col4 will be 89.However the second client will still try to insert with Col4 as 89......namely, it will boom...

There must be another method to achieve that job..but what is it...???

I wish I could be able to explain my problem....

Thanks in advance..

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Inserting Data Into Two Tables (Getting ID From Table 1 And Inserting Into Table 2)

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to insert data into two different tables. I will insert into Table 2 based on an id I get from the Select Statement from Table1.
 Insert Table1(Title,Description,Link,Whatever)Values(@title,@description,@link,@Whatever)Select WhateverID from Table1 Where Description = @DescriptionInsert into Table2(CategoryID,WhateverID)Values(@CategoryID,@WhateverID)
 This statement is not working. What should I do? Should I use a stored procedure?? I am writing in C#. Can someone please help!!

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The Index Entry For Row ID Was Not Found In Index ID 3, Of Table 357576312

Jul 9, 2004


I'm running a merge replication on a sql2k machine to 6 sql2k subscribers.
Since a few day's only one of the merge agents fail's with the following error:

The merge process could not retrieve generation information at the 'Subscriber'.
The index entry for row ID was not found in index ID 3, of table 357576312, in database 'PBB006'.

All DBCC CHECKDB command's return 0 errors :confused:
I'm not sure if the table that's referred to in the message is on the distribution side or the subscribers side? A select * from sysobjects where id=357576312 gives different results on both sides . .

Any ideas as to what is causing this error?

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Advantages Of Using Nonclustered Index After Using Clustered Index On One Table

Jul 3, 2006

Hi everyone,
When we create a clustered index firstly, and then is it advantageous to create another index which is nonclustered ??
In my opinion, yes it is. Because, since we use clustered index first, our rows are sorted and so while using nonclustered index on this data file, finding adress of the record on this sorted data is really easier than finding adress of the record on unsorted data, is not it ??


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I Have Created A Table Table With Name As Varchar And Id As Int. Now I Have Started Inserting The Rows Like, Insert Into Table Values ('arun',20).

Jan 31, 2008

I have created a table Table with name as Varchar and id as int. Now i have started inserting the rows like, insert into Table values ('arun',20).Yes i have inserted a row in the table. Now i have got the values " arun's ", 50.                 insert into Table values('arun's',20)  My sqlserver is giving me an error instead of inserting the row. How will you solve this problem? 

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SQL Server 2008 :: Inserting Data From Staging Table To Main Table

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to insert bulk data into main table from staging table in sql server 2012. If any error comes, this total activity is rollbacked. I don't want that to happen. I want to know the records where ever the problem persists, and the rest has to be inserted.

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Error Inserting Image Into SQL Server2000 Table From Pocket PC Application Only When Using Stored Procedure In Table Adapter Wiz

Apr 24, 2008

My Pocket PC application exports signature as an image. Everything is fine when choose Use SQL statements in TableAdapter Configuration Wizard.



string[] signFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Settings.signDirectory);

foreach (string signFile in signFiles)


mailsSignatureRow = main.ds.MailsSignature.NewMailsSignatureRow();

mailsSignatureRow.Singnature = GetImageBytes(signFile); //return byte[] array of the image.




But now I am getting error "General Network Error. Check your network documentation" after specifying Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Insert_MailSignature( @Singnature image )



INSERT INTO MailsSignature (Singnature) VALUES (@Singnature);

SELECT Id, Singnature FROM MailsSignature WHERE (Id = SCOPE_IDENTITY())

For testing I created a desktop application and found that the same Code, same(Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard) and same stored procedure is working fine in inserting image into the table.

Is there any limitation in CF?

Professor Corrie.

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Inserting Distinct Data From One Table In Another Table, How?!?Really Urgent And Needing Help!!!

May 24, 2007

 Hi, I have a table in which I will insert several redundant data. Don't ask why, is Integration services, it only reads data and inserts it in a SQL table. THis way, I have a SQL table with several lines repeating them selves. What I want to do is create a procedure that reads the distinct data and inserts it in another table, but my problem is that I am not able to select data line by line on the original table to save it in local variables and insert it on the another table, I just can select the last line. I've tried a while cycle but no succeed. Here is my code: create proc insertLocalizationASdeclare @idAp int, @macAp varchar(20), @floorAp varchar(2), @building varchar(30), @department varchar(30)select @idAp = idAp from OLTPLocalization where idAp not in (select idAp from dimLocalization)select @macAp=macAp,@floorAp=floorAp,@building=building,@department=department from OLTPLocalizationif (@idAp <> null)beginInsert into dimLocalization VALUES(@idAp,@macAp,@floorAp,@building,@department)endGO This only inserts the last line in the "oltpLocalization" table. O the other hand, like this:create proc aaaaasdeclare @idAp as int, @macAp as varchar(50), @floorAp as int, @building as varchar(50), @department as varchar(50)while exists (select distinct(idAp) from OLTPLocalization)begin    select @idAp =idAp from OLTPLocalization  where idAp not in (select idAp from dimLocalization)    select @macAp = macAp from OLTPLocalization where idAp = @idAp    select @building = building from OLTPLocalization where idAp = @idAp    select @department = department from OLTPLocalization where idAP = @idApif (@idAp <> null)begin    insert into dimLocalization values(@idAp,@macAp,@floorAp,@building,@department)endendgo this retrieves every distinct idAp in each increment on the while statement. The interess of the while is really selecting each different line in the OLTPLocalization table. I did not find any foreach or for each statement, is there any way to select distinct line by line in a sql table and save each column result in variables, to then insert them in another table? I've also thought about web service, that reads the distinct data from the oltpLocalization into a dataset, and then inserts this data into the dimLocalization table. Is there anything I can do?Any guess?Really needing a hand here!Thanks a lot!

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Trigger On Table LeaveRegister And Inserting Rows In Audit Table

Oct 22, 2012

I write a insert trigger on my table LeaveRegister(1000 rows) and inserting rows in audit table, but when i inserting a row in LeaveRegister table. In audit table 1000 + 1 rows are inserting every time.

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Transact SQL :: Table Structure - Inserting Data From Other Temp Table

Aug 14, 2015

Below is my table structure. And I am inserting data from other temp table.

[Cusip] [VARCHAR](50) NULL, [sponfID] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, GroupSeries [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [tran] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [AddDate] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [SetDate] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [PoolNumber] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [Aggregate] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [Price] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [NetAmount] [VARCHAR](max) NULL,

[Code] ....

Now in a next step I am deleting the records from #revf table. Please see the delete code below

FROM #revf
WHERE fi_gnmaid IN (
SELECT DISTINCT r2.fi_gnmaid
FROM #revf r1, #revf r2

[Code] ...

I don't want to create this #rev table so that i can avoid the delete statement. But data should not affect. Can i rewrite the above as below:

SELECT [Cusip], [sponfID], GroupSeries, [tran], [AddDate], [SetDate], [PoolNumber], [Aggregate], [Price], [NetAmount], [Interest],
[Coupon], [TradeDate], [ReversalDate], [Description], [ImportDate], MAX([fi_gnmaid]) AS Fi_GNMAID, accounttype, [IgnoreFlag], [IgnoreReason], IncludeReversals, DatasetID, [DeloitteTaxComments], [ReconciliationID],

[Code] ....

If my above statement is wrong . Where i can improve here? And actually i am getting 4 rows difference.

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Transact SQL :: Inserting Records Into Table 2 From Table 1 To Avoid Duplicates

Nov 2, 2015

INTO [Table2Distinct]        


I used the above query and it still inserts all the duplicate records. What is wrong with my statement?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Inserting Row From A Table Into Another Table From SSIS

Sep 18, 2014

I have a 2010 SSIS package where I am reading csv files with different fields and formatted data, I have created separate packages for each file and I am formatting the data to fit the final destination tables data elements, I've been instructed to create 7 separate packages to read each file and the format the data from the 7 csv files, and insert into their table tbl1, tbl2, tbl3...etc then, I'm taking a execute sql task and wanting to insert the tbl1, tbl2, tbl3...etc into destination table that will be the final table for all reports and other uses.

1- should I create a ID?
2- these files will be read once a month
3- I want to append the data, not drop and recreate each run,
4- It's 2012 SQL and 2010 SSIS

Each csv file is in a different format, some have 15 columns, other have 8 I have to parse the data, in SP to align with the fields in the destination table.

5- Can I force RowID to be the next auto gen number from tbl1,for the start of insert for tbl2, then last row of tbl2 for insert of tbl3???

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Calculating Value From Two Separate Rows In The Same Table And Inserting As New Row In The Same Table

Jan 19, 2008

Code Block


I'm working on a database for a financial client and part of what i need to do is calculate a value from two separate rows in the same table and insert the result in the same table as a new row. I have a way of doing so but i consider it to be extremely inelegant and i'm hoping there's a better way of doing it. A description of the existing database schema (which i have control over) will help in explaining the problem:

Table Name: metrics_ladder

id security_id metric_id value
1 3 80 125.45
2 3 81 548.45
3 3 82 145.14
4 3 83 123.32
6 4 80 453.75
7 4 81 234.23
8 4 82 675.42

Table Name: metric_details

id metric_id metric_type_id metric_name
1 80 2 Fiscal Enterprise Value Historic Year 1
2 81 2 Fiscal Enterprise Value Current Fiscal Year
3 82 2 Fiscal Enterprise value Forward Fiscal year 1
4 83 2 Fiscal Enterprise Value Forward Fiscal Year 2
5 101 3 Calendar Enterprise value Historic Year 1
6 102 3 Calendar Enterprise Value Current Fiscal Year
5 103 3 Calendar Enterprise value Forward Year 1
6 104 3 Calendar Enterprise Value Forward Year 2

Table Name: metric_type_details

id metric_type_id metric_type_name
1 1 Raw
2 2 Fiscal
3 3 Calendar
4 4 Calculated

The problem scenario is the following: Because a certain number of the securities have a fiscal year end that is different to the calendar end in addition to having fiscal data (such as fiscal enterprise value and fiscal earnings etc...) for each security i also need to store calendarised data. What this means is that if security with security_id = 3 has a fiscal year end of October then using rows with ids = 1, 2, 3 and 4 from the metrics_ladder table i need to calculate metrics with metric_id = 83, 84, 85 and 86 (as described in the metric_details table) and insert the following 4 new records into metrics_ladder:

id security_id metric_id value
1 3 101 <calculated value>
2 3 102 <calculated value>
3 3 103 <calculated value>
4 3 104 <calculated value>

Metric with metric_id = 101 (Calendar Enterprise value Historic Year 1) will be calculated by taking 10/12 of the value for metric_id 80 plus 2/12 of the value for metric_id 81.

Similarly, metric_id 102 will be equal to 10/12 of the value for metric_id 81 plus 2/12 of the value for metric_id 82,

metric_id 103 will be equal to 10/12 of the value for metric_id 82 plus 2/12 of the value for metric_id 83 and finally

metric_id 104 will be NULL (determined by business requirements as there is no data for forward year 3 to use).

As i could think of no better way of doing this (and hence the reason for this thread) I am currently achieving this by pivoting the relevant data from the metrics_ladder so that the required data for each security is in one row, storing the result in a new column then unpivoting again to store the result in the metrics_ladder table. So the above data in nmetrics_ladder becomes:

security_id 80 81 82 83 101 102
----------- -- -- -- -- -- --
3 125.45 548.45 145.14 123.32 <calculated value> <calculated value>
4 ...

which is then unpivoted.

The SQL that achieves this is more or less as follows:


declare @calendar_averages table (security_id int, [101] decimal(38,19), [102] decimal(38,19), [103] decimal(38,19), [104] decimal(38,19),etc...)

-- Dummy year variable to make it easier to use MONTH() function
-- to convert 3 letter month to number. i.e. JAN -> 1, DEC -> 12 etc...

with temp(security_id, metric_id, value)
select ml.security_id, ml.metric_id, ml.value
from metrics_ladder ml
where ml.metric_id in (80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,etc...)
-- only consider securities with fiscal year end not equal to december
and ml.security_id in (select security_id from company_details where fiscal_year_end <> 'dec')
insert into @calendar_averages
select temppivot.security_id
-- Net Income
,(CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR))/12*[80])
+((12 - CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR)))/12*[81]) as [101]
,(CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR))/12*[81])
+((12 - CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR)))/12*[82]) as [102]
,(CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR))/12*[82])
+((12 - CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR)))/12*[83]) as [103]
,NULL as [104]
-- Share Holders Equity
,(CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR))/12*[84])
+((12 - CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR)))/12*[85]) as [105]
,(CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR))/12*[85])
+((12 - CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR)))/12*[86]) as [106]
,(CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR))/12*[86])
+((12 - CONVERT(DECIMAL, MONTH(cd.fiscal_year_end + @DUMMY_YEAR)))/12*[87]) as [107]
,NULL as [108]
-- Capex
-- Sales
-- Accounts payable
from temp
for metric_id in ([80],[81],[82],[83],[84],[85],[86],[87],[88],etc...)
) as temppivot
inner join company_details cd on temppivot.security_id = cd.security_id


The result then needs to be unpivoted and stored in metrics_ladder.

And FINALLY, the question! Is there a more elegant way of achieving this??? I have complete control over the database schema so if creating mapping tables or anything along those lines would help it is possible. Also, is SQL not really suited for such operations and would it therefore be better done in C#/VB.NET.

Many thanks (if you've read this far!)


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How To Create Table A By Inserting All Data From Table B?

Jan 16, 2005


Anyone can help me?

How to create Table A by inserting all the data from Table B?


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Inserting Data Into A Table Referencing PK From Another Table

May 12, 2008

How do i insert data into multiple tables. Lets say i have 2 tables: Schedules and Event

Schedules data is entered into the Schedules Table first

then now i need to insert Event table's data by refrencing the (PK ID) from the schedules table.

How do i insert data into Event table referencing the (PK ID) from Schedules Table ?

Fields inside each of the tables can be found below:

Event Table
(PK,FK) ScheduleID

Schedule Table


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Transact SQL :: Inserting Into Table And Joining With Same Table

Jun 4, 2015

I am looking for an alternate logic for below-mentioned code where I am inserting into a table and having left join with the same table

insert TABLE1([ID],[Key],[Return])
select distinct a.[ID],cat1,cat2 from
(select ID,[Key] Cat1 ,[Return] cat2 from @temp as temp) a left join TABLE1 oon a.ID= o.ID
and a.Cat1 = o.[Key]
and a.cat2 = o.[return]
where [key] is null order by ID

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Difference Between Index Seek &&amp; Index Scan &&amp; Index Lookup Operations?

Oct 20, 2006

please explain the differences btween this logical & phisicall operations that we can see therir graphical icons in execution plan tab in Management Studio

thank you in advance

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How To Create Index On Table Variable (Table Don't Have Primary Key)

Feb 26, 2008

Hi all,

my stored procedure have one table variable (@t_Replenishment_Rpt).I want to create an Index on this table variable.please advise any of them in this loop...
below is my table variable and I need to create 3 indexes on this...

DECLARE @t_Replenishment_Rpt TABLE
Item_Nbr varchar(25) NULL,
Item_Desc varchar(255) NULL,
Trx_Date datetime NULL,
Balance int NULL,
Trx_Type char(10) NULL,
Issue_Type char(10) NULL,
Location char(25) NULL,
Min_Stock int NULL,
Order_Qty int NULL,
Unit char(10) NULL,
Issue_Qty int NULL,
Vendor varchar(10) NULL,
WO_Nbr varchar(10) NULL,
Lead_Time int NULL,
PO_Nbr char(10) NULL,
PO_Status char(10) NULL,
Currency char(10) NULL,
Last_Cost money NULL,
Dept_No varchar(20) NULL,
MSDSNbr varchar(10) NULL,
VendorName varchar(50) NULL,
Reviewed varchar(20) NULL

I tryed all below is giving error...

--Indexing the @t_Replenishment_Rpt table on the column Names Item Number, Vender , Department Number
--EXEC sp_executesql(CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Replenishment_index ON @t_Replenishment_Rpt (Item_Nbr))
--CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Idx1 ON @t_Replenishment_Rpt.Item_Nbr
INDEX_COL ( '@t_Replenishment_Rpt' , ind_Replenishment_id , Item_Nbr )
--EXEC sp_executesql('SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('+ '@t_Replenishment_Rpt' + ', ' + 'Item_Nbr' + ',' + 'IsPadIndex' + ')')
--EXEC sp_executesql(SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('@t_Replenishment_Rpt', 'Vendor','IsPadIndex'))
--EXEC sp_executesql(SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('@t_Replenishment_Rpt', 'Dept_No','IsPadIndex'))

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Inserting Into More Than 1 Table

Jan 9, 2008

Hey all,
Quick question for ya.  If I wanted to insert 1 value into 1 table and another value into another table, how would I do that with closing connections and reopening and whatnot?  I am using Visual Web Dev and SQL server 2005 express.  I have been trying to mess around with it but I can't figure it out.  Here is the situation.
I want to insert a GroupName and GroupDescription that a user fills in in 2 text boxes named GroupNametxt and GroupDescriptiontxt.  This data will go into the "Group" table.
I then also want to Insert the data UserID (taken from the aspnet ID table), and GroupName from the Grouptxt.text into a GroupMembership table.
How would I do all this in 1 button click?  I know some basic TSQL but I don't know how to handle the opening and closing of connections and whatnot. 

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Inserting Into A Sql Table

Feb 15, 2008

VWD 2005 Express.  Visual Basic.  Sql Server 2005.
How may I insert a record into a table from code behind (I am doing this without any entries to a form).  The connection name is GoodNews_Extranet.  The table is Login.  The fields I want to write are UserId and dtTime.  Thanks for any help.  The insert command is:
INSERT INTO [Login] ([SystemUserId], [dtTime]) VALUES (@SystemUserId, @dtTime)
I will provide the @ parameters programmatically.  I just need to know the commands I should use in Visual Basic to actually execute the INSERT command.  Thanks for the help.

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Help Inserting XML Into MS SQL Table.

Jan 18, 2004

I've got a string value in C# that contains:

"<?xml version="1.0"?><?qbxml version="2.0"?><QBXML><QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError"><JournalEntryAddRq requestID="1"><JournalEntryAdd><TxnDate>2003-11-18</TxnDate><JournalDebitLine><AccountRef>

I'm passing that string to an insert stored procedure that hits a varchar field (varchar 5000).

problem is, nothing is showing up in the database.
there are no errors, but the field I have shows nothign in it after the insert.

if i run a test and set my string to "this is a test" it goes into the table from the SP_insert no problem.

So i'm figuring, somehow the formatting of the XML string in C# isn't kosher with MS SQL.

the above text is the exact string value from VS.NET command output (? mystring).

I'm really in need of help here guys. I'm trying to log this XML result into a log table for reference if there are ever any problems I can look in the log table @ the xml.

but i can't get it to insert.


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Inserting Into Table

Aug 24, 2004

I have the 3 tables below. I want to be able to add more than one item to a quote. I thought I had designed the tables so that I could have more than one item in a quote....? I've tried to do this:

insert into has_quote(date_of_quote,service_desk_contact,category,cat_ref)
values('09/12/2002', 'me',2,'C92') where quote_id = '1'

but it doesn't work. Am I totally missing something here?


descrip VARCHAR(50),
date_last_pricecheck SMALLDATETIME,
cat_type VARCHAR(20),
contract VARCHAR(10),
cost_price SMALLMONEY,
installation_charge SMALLMONEY,
commercial_markup SMALLMONEY,
supplier_name VARCHAR(20),
supplier_phone VARCHAR(20),
notes VARCHAR(500))

CREATE TABLE has_quote (
date_of_quote SMALLDATETIME,
service_desk_contact VARCHAR(20),
category INTEGER,
REFERENCES Item(cat_ref),
first_name VARCHAR(10),
surname VARCHAR(10),
customer_phone VARCHAR(20),
FOREIGN KEY (first_name, surname, customer_phone)
REFERENCES Customer(first_name, surname, customer_phone)

first_name VARCHAR(10),
surname VARCHAR(10),
customer_phone VARCHAR(20),
contract VARCHAR(10),
location VARCHAR(20),
email VARCHAR(50),
cust_id INT IDENTITY (1,1),
PRIMARY KEY (first_name, surname, customer_phone))

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Inserting To A Table From A CTE?

May 23, 2008


I have created a CTE to combine some data. I have also created a temporary table that I need this data that the CTE returns to be inserted to and then everything that is in this temp table needs to be inserted to an existing table in my database. I don't know how to select the values from the CTE into the temp table?

Create Table #TempLabTestConfigImport
(labtestkey varchar(10) null,valuecode varchar(32)null,
value_description varchar(255) null,value_type varchar(32) null,
units varchar(32) null, table_name varchar(30) null,
field_name varchar(30) null)

Insert Into #TempLabTestConfigImport

Does my select go here??? I tried select * and it doesn't like that syntax...

With labtestcheck (labtestcode)
select a.labtestcode
from EMR_temp_labtest_configupdate a
Where Not Exists (Select * From lab_test_add_conf b where b.labtest_key = a.labtestcode)

select row_number() over (partition by t.labtestcode order by b.valuecode) as count,
from EMR_temp_labtest_configupdate a
inner join emr_zseg_code_descriptions b on a.zsegcode = b.zsegcode
inner join labtestcheck t on t.labtestcode = a.labtestcode

View 8 Replies View Related

Inserting Into A Table

Nov 30, 2005

Hi, i am new to SQL. I have this problem here, i need a little help.

How do i insert data into a table only when there is no such record in the existing table? I have this:

INSERT INTO ptable ( symptoms, weight, solutions ) VALUES ( '"+str+"', "+percent+", '"+str3+"' );

View 6 Replies View Related

Inserting A Value From Another Table

Nov 17, 2006


I am using MSSQL and I want to do something like this:

insert into
(newid(), *value from names table* )

but I can't work out how to select the value from one table and insert it into another table in a single query. Using a subquery or combining with a select has not worked.

Is this a job for a datacursor or is there a simpler way?


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Inserting From One Table To Another

Nov 9, 2007

I am trying to insert data into a table from another where not exists. This will be a table that writes from one table to another if there has been an update from the original table. Both tables have the same field and table names. This is what I have so far:

USE cana_01imis

DECLARE @Gen_Tables.Code AS VARCHAR(60)

SELECT Gen_Tables.Code, Gen_Tables.DESCRIPTION
FROM dbo.cana_01imis.gen_tables
WHERE NOT IN (SELECT Gen_Tables.Code FROM Gen_Tables)

FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @Gen_Tables.Code, @Gen_Tables.DESCRIPTION
--SELECT Gen_Tables.Code, Gen_Tables.DESCRIPTION from gen_tables

SET @DNNGen_Tables.code = @Gen_Tables.Code

SET @DNNGen_Tables.Code DESCRIPTION = @Gen_Tables.description

-- then your insert statement goes here
INSERT INTO cana_01dnn.gen_tables
VALUES (Gen_Tables.Code,Gen_Tables.DESCRIPTION)

FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @Gen_Tables.Code,@Gen_Tables.Code


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Inserting Data In A Table From Another Table

Dec 7, 2006

I have a pb when i transfer data from a table named INCIDENT to a
table GI_INCIDENTS....
In the table INCIDENT i have startdate,enddate,starttime,endtime
And in the table GI_INCIDENTS i have startdate and enddate -->format
yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss.ttt..
INCIDENT is a migrated table from access...Then with a query i
transfered datas to GI_INCIDENTS...
The pb is in INCIDENT Table, date of beginning incident is
(2003/06/18 ) but when i execute my insert query,in the table
GI_INCIDENTS, date of beginning incident is (2003/06/06)...
So i have 2 days delay in the all colums...
INCIDENT-->enddate (2006/11/30) GI_INCIDENT-->enddate(2006/11/28)
I don't understand the fact...

The query:

Insert into

Thanks a lot for your help..

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Index Seek, Index Scan, Table Scan

Oct 4, 2007


what is the difference between Table Scan und Index Scan?

I find no difitions in the internet


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What Is Table Scan, Index Scan And Index Seek??

Sep 21, 2007

I want to know wht is a

INDEX SEEKand When they are used, Wht is the difference between all these.????

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More Than One User Inserting Onto A Table

Nov 7, 2006

Hi, i want to make a poll, i mean a user logs in and vote, the vote i want it to be an insert onto a table containing only the answer so when all users have voted i'll count the results. My problem is, imagine 2 people submiting at same time, will they be able to insert on the table sucessfuly? Do Sql Server allow shuch an operation? Please tell me if i'll have problems and what have to do, also the best method to do a poll. Thanks in advance. 

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Selecting From One Table Inserting Into Another

Feb 18, 2007

hi, i am sure this is very simple, but its just got me stuck! i have a table which i use for inserting products, now its not very exciting to see the cat_id so i wanted to put a dropdown box on there which would show the cat_description from tbl_cat and then put the tbl_cat.cat_id into tbl_products.cat_id
any help would be greatful

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Selecting From One Table, Inserting Into Another

Jul 3, 2007

hi there, i have a page where on my button click i need to select address, pcode from tbl_person where person_id = querystring and update or insert those values into tbl_del where order_ID = querystring 2 below is the code i am using, although im stuck on the sql stringSqlConnection objConnAddy = new SqlConnection(sConnectionStringCustInfo);using (objConnAddy)
// insert values into delivery table, second line updates price + VAT
string sqlAddy = "?????";
SqlCommand objCmdAddy = new SqlCommand(sqlAddy, objConnAddy);
i had a look on the net and here but i cant seem to find exactly what i want, any help would be great!
Cheers Jez

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Selecting One Row And Inserting It Into Another Table One By One

Feb 14, 2008

i ve a table named "Employee" in wh i ve fields "Emp_Id","Name" and "Email". i want to select each employee "Emp_Id" one by one from "Employee" table and insert it into another table named "Concerned_Department". like if i ve three rows in "Employee" table with "Emp_Id" 1,2 and 3 respectively,in this case i want to first select "Emp_Id"=1 then "Emp_id"=2 and lastly "Emp_id"=3 and insert them into "Concerned_Department"table.
 after that the process starts again like inserting "Emp_Id"=1 in "Concerned_Department" and so on.
plz note that i want to insert "Emp_Id" one by one not all the fields together.
 can u plz tell me the query for that wh i ve to write in SQL
Thanks and happy valentine day to all of u
Ahmed Bilal Jan

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