What would be the best way to insert unique values into a table/unique column ?
I cannot make that table/unique column as indentity. Right now, I use a staging table with indentity column, insert rows then insert rows back to
final table.
I am trying to insert values into a table that doesn't exist there yet from another table, my problem is that because it is joined to the other table it keeps on selecting more values that i don't want.
Code Snippet
INSERT INTO _MemberProfileLookupValues (MemberID, OptionID, ValueID) SELECT M.MemberID, '6', CASE M.MaritalStatusID WHEN 1 THEN '7'
WHEN 4 THEN '10'
FROM Members M
INNER JOIN _MemberProfileLookupValues ML
ON M.MemberID = ML.MemberID
WHERE M.Active = 1
AND OptionID <> 6
When i execute that code it returns all the values, let say OptionID = 3 is smoking already exists in the MemberProfileLookupValues table then it is going to select that persons memberID
I want to insert only members values that aren't already in the _MemberProfileLookupValues from the Members table (I think that it is because of the join statement that is in my code, but i don't know how i am going to select members that aren't in the table, because i have a few other queries that are very similar that are inserting different values, so ultimately
ONLY INSERT THE MemberID the values 6 and the statusID of X if it is not in the table already.
Any ideas / help will be greatly appreciated. Please help.
I've got a large table (3mil records) with a number of columns, but currently no way to refer to any individual column. I therefore need a primary key, but does anyone know of a SQL statement I can use that will create a column (say, ID) that is automatically filled with an incrementing 'counter'? Or, instead, how can I set unique incremental values after first creating the column?
I have a table with sixty columns in it, five of which define uniqueness for the records. Currently there are 190,775 records in the table. One of the records is a duplicate. I need to insert only the unique records from this table (all columns) into another table. I cannot use a unique nonclistered index with IGNORE_DUP_KEY in the destination table because of a problem I am having with the 'duplicate key was ignored' message. The destination table has a primary key with a clustered index on the same five columns.
How can I put together a SELECT statement that will give me all of the columns in the source table based on uniqueness of the five key columns?
Does my request make sense? Please let me know if you have questions.
hi, In the below code, i am trying to insert the identity value into the 2nd column of the Symp_Quote table. Schema of the table Symp_Quote is as follows.
1st column data is coming from the select statement. but for 2nd column i have to insert identity or some unique value. to do that i was trying withe the following code, but it failed.
INSERT INTO Symp_Quote ( QuoteRevision_ID, DocumentSeq, DocumentDisplayName ) SELECT S.QuoteRevision_ID, IDENTITY (INT,1,1) AS DocumentSeq, T.Name, FROM Symp S INNER JOIN Trilogy T ON SQR.tril_gid = FQR.tril_gid
As a beginner i am having trouble with this. i have two different tables , both have a name column, nvarchar datatype. I would like to select from table B all the rows which contain a name which is not in table A. Then insert these rows, into table A
tried a few different ways & just keep getting strange errors that refer to courier font ??
Gurus, I have two list boxes, user can move items back n forth, from second listbox I am inserting values into a table. So far everything is working fine. Now I want to delete all the existing values from the table before inserting evertime..Please help me in this I dont know what to do. thanks kalloo
I'm trying to checking my production table table_a against a working table table_b (which i'm downlading data to)Here are the collumns i have in table_a and table_bDescription | FundID (this is not my PK) | Money I'm running an update if there is already vaule in the money collumn. I check to see if table_a matches table_b...if not i update table a with table b's value where FundID match up.What i'm having trouble on is if there is no record in table_a but there is a record in table_b. How can I insert that record into table_a? I would like to do all of this (the update and insert statement in one stored proc. if possible. )If anyone has this answer please let me know.Thanks,RB
Hi,I have two tables such that in each table I need to make sure thatcolumn x in table A and column y in table B have a unique valuesmeaning that a user cannot insert a value to column A if its alreadyexist in column B and vice versa.How can I enforce it? Please remember that this two different tables.Thanks,Ori.
Hi, I have been asked to write some code that can check a large table for duplicate values in a non pk column. The table may have up to 1000000 rows. The PK column is an auto increment field. For performance reasons the column in question could not be set to unique values only for inserts, an algorithm is used to create unique no's before the insert but what I am doing is double checking that their have been no duplicates created accidently. If their are duplicates I need to know what rows they occurred on.
Item Color Quantity -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------- Table Blue 10 Table Red 20 Table Yellow 30 Chair Blue 40 Chair Red 50
I'm wondering if there is a group state like this: Select Item, ?Function(Color), Sum(Quantity) From Inventory Group by Item which returns this:
I need a query to return two values. One will be the total units and the other will be total unique units. See exmaple data below. It does not have to be one query. This will be in SP, so I can keep it seperate if I have to.
Total Units = 7 - easy to do by using count() Total unique units = 4 - I cannot use group by as it would return multiple results for each unit, which is not what we want.
I need a bit of help with a join. I have 2 tables :
TradeSummary has fields : SymbolID, CurrentPrice, TotalValue
Trades has fields : SymbolID, TradeID, ExecutionTime, TradeValue
TradeSummary has one entry for each SymbolID, while Trades contains one or more entries per SymbolID
and what I want to retreive is :
For every item in TradeSummary get CurrentPrice, TotalValue from TradeSummary and also get TradeValue from Trades for the record for max(ExecutionTime) tables are joined on TradeSummary.SymbolID = Trades.SymbolID
Every attempt of mine so far returns multiple rows for each SymbolID - I want only one row per SymbolID
I am using Access 2007 and I have 10 columns of data.
I am trying to select all the data from all 10 columns where the first column's data returns only the Unique values and the other columns return all the data from the row that is returned from the first column.
But that returns all the data in the table and all values in the Sorter column with duplicates because each row has distinct data.
I am trying to return unique values from [SFR Rates All].Sorter (the first column) and all the data from the other 9 columns that are contain the row with the unique value in Sorter.
I know that I am missing something basic but well, I can't figure it out.
Hi I am using VS 2005 with SQL 2005. I had a Datagrid and i Need to bind data into it. I need to show Random Unique ID's based on the Parameter i pass. I wrote select top 5 * from Employee order by NEWID() for this i had created a Stored Procedure as create Proc Demo(@N int)as beginselect top @N * from Employee order by NEWID()end Its showing a syntax error near @N. How can i pass the parameter for Select Top @N * from .......
I am in a situation where I need to find out unique field names with different values in a table having 200+ columns. Let's say I have two rows with 200+ columns ( I exported these rows from Lotus Notes to SQL Server) I am not sure what columns makes unique of these rows. It's going to be tedious by checking each column values. Is there anyway I can write a squl query on these two rows which outputs column names which are having unique values. I would appreciate If anybody gives me hint about achieving desired result
I have this query and it works except for I am getting duplicate primary keys with unique column value. I want to combine them so that I have one primary key, but keep all the columns. Example:
Key column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 A 1 1 A 2 2 B 2 3 B 5 5
it should look like:
A 1 1 2 2 B 2 3 5 5
Here is my query:
SELECT * FROM [TLC Inventory].dbo.['2014 new$'] WHERE [TLC Inventory].dbo.['2014 new$'].mis_key LIKE '2%' AND dbo_Product_Info#description NOT LIKE 'NR%' AND dbo_Line_Info#description NOT LIKE 'OBSOLETE%'
I have a table which maps two related IDs. That table has 3 columns: ID, BHID & EPID. I need to find all of the BHIDs where the EPID is unique. It seems easy enough, but I keep going in circles..
USE [CGB] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[ePID_BHID] Script Date: 04/15/2015 15:48:14 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON
I'm trying to use merge data from a staging table to a production table. There are a lot of duplicate values for serverName and I only want to insert one instance where there are duplicates.
How I can adapt the code I have so far to achieve this?
MERGE tblServer AS TARGET USING tblTemp AS SOURCE ON (TARGET.serverName = SOURCE.serverName)
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET TARGET.serverName = SOURCE.serverName, TARGET.serverLocation = SOURCE.serverLocation
WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT (serverName, serverLocation) VALUES (SOURCE.serverName, SOURCE.serverLocation)
In sql-server2000 In a table i am having a column of datatype varchar(8000). While inserting the record through executenonquery, i am insert only 255 characters rest of the characters are getting trucated.
My question in how i will able to insert the row of that particular column more than 255 characters
After adding a Unique constraint to a database I cannot add more than one record with a null value for the constrained field. I've tried both adding the constraint to an empty table as well as a table with multiple null values already in the subject field; both efforts have failed.
According to BOL SQL-7 allows Unique Constraints on fields with Null values. Am I missing a step? I do need to allow nulls in the field yet ensure that when there is a non-null value it is unique.
The SQL statement I've used is: ALTER TABLE tbl_MasterUIC ADD CONSTRAINT uniquesamplenbr UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (samplenbr)
Create table #test ( id int primary key, Name varchar(100) ) insert into #test values (1,'John') insert into #test values (2,'Walker')
[Code] ....
-- Query 1 : update #test set name = 'Joney' where id = 1
-- Query 2 : set rowcount 1 update #test set name = 'Joney' where id = 1 set rowcount 0
1. #test table have primary key & clustered index. 2. Obviously only one row will be available for an id. 3. In query 1, will the sql server look for matching rows even after it found 1 row? 4. Will query 2 really gains some performance?
I have a question about adding a unique key column to an existing table.
what i trying to do is that: I have already created a table, now i wanna add a ID column to this table, and generate the values for ID column from 1 to the existing row number. How can I get this done?
I need to write a select query that gets the values of all columns but only returns unique sites because some sites are load balanced across several servers and where this is the case I don't want the site to appear multiple times in the list.
Hi all,I have a table called Jobs, with fields PK auto increment job_id, job_name, date. I'm using the visual web developer, .net 2.0, sql server 2005.I'm trying to have an option in one of my forms that allows me to add Jobs for a specific time frame. Say I want to add a job called "JobOne" and that I expect this job to last 2 months, so I would like to add this "JobOne" from October 1st 2006 to December 1st 2006. Than in the table "jobs" I would see JobOne in October 1st, 2nd, 3rd... all the way to December 1st. I'm familiar how to insert single values from formviews, using sqldatasources but I have no idea how to insert something like this, so I was wondering if anyone out there could help.Thanks!
Hi there I have an exel spreadsheet with a very long list of towns. How can I import/insert that into my "Towns" table in sql express? I can't seem to find any way to import it and I'm not sure how to do multiple inserts. Thanks
I am trying to insert null values into sql server from my access from. I am using sql statement. But it says 'Syntex error in Insert statement'. When i remove null values it works fine? How can I insert null values into a table?
Below is my sample data. I can't figure out how to select Unique phonenumber contacts for the same Ranked values from the set.
Basically the table is a mix of contactIDs. Some of them have duplicate phone numbers and through a separate mechanism we have ranked them.
It's easier then to pull out max(ranked) CLI_Numbers and their counterpart contactID(s). But I am also getting 2 or more records where the rank happens to be the same. I don't want that. Any one of the contactID will do for me.
The table has also same cliNumbers with different rank values, which are then correctly being picked up in the query below.
Note: ContactId is a unique value for each person in the table. RecordID is simply RowID.
( I have attempted to populate a sample data suited for this forum - not sure how it comes out on the browser)
if object_id('tempdb..#MyData') is not null drop table #MyData create table #MyData ( RecordID int, contactID int, forename varchar(25), surname varchar(25),
[Code] ....
This is my query attempt
With RankedmobileDuplicateSet as( select cliNumber, max(ranked_value) as ranked_max_value from #temp_UK_mobiledata group by cliNumber)