Installation Of SQL Server 2005 On The Partition Disk Drive
Aug 11, 2005
Trying to install SQL Server 2005 beta version on partition disk drive say
F: (Other than local disk drive c:),
Does anyone know how can I do this? During the installation, it never asks
me on which drive it install to nor browse button is there to browse the
disk drive for installation...
Any help???
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Oct 22, 2007
I created two partitions for my hard drive. The C drive which holds all of the Windows 2003 server operating system files and E drive which will be just for data and applications. The C drive is only 30GB while the E drive is 119GB. I need to be able to install in the application on the E drive. I already tried creating a folder on the E partition named program files with the sql2005 folder in it when I go through the installer package. SQL server still wants to be installed on the C drive. Is there anyway I can change this so it gets installed on the E partition. Thank You
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Oct 22, 2007
I created two partitions for my hard drive. The C drive which holds all of the Windows 2003 server operating system files and E drive which will be just for data and applications. The C drive is only 30GB while the E drive is 119GB. I need to be able to install in the application on the E drive. I already tried creating a folder on the E partition named program files with the sql2005 folder in it when I go through the installer package. SQL server still wants to be installed on the C drive. Is there anyway I can change this so it gets installed on the E partition. Thank You
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Jun 18, 2007
Why wont the installer for SQL Server let me install onto a drive other than the C drive? I am trying to install the Client tools only, but it insists on making me install to C. I need to install to a different drive for space reasons. I had SQL Server 2000 client installed, but I have since uninstalled it and tried the SQL 2005 install again and every time it wants to use the C drive.
If anyone knows a why to make this work I would greatly appreciate it.
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Jun 29, 2015
I have question about tempdb needs to be configured 100GB 64kb block size.its fresh installation.
how to allocate the file sizes.still im not sure how many log files needs to be created with 100GB equals to 64KB block size.
what is 64KB block size and how to divide the logfiles 64KB into the 100gb or 50GB?
what is 64 KB cluster has 128 sectors?
tempdb drives should be formatted with a 64K allocation? how many files needs to created for good performance with 50GB or 100GB? ot 1TB
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Sep 27, 2006
Can you please tell me what the largest disk partition size is for a clustered SQL Server 2005 installation (64 bit edition)? I have been told it is 2 Terabytes - can anyone confirm this?
Many thanks
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Aug 19, 2007
Hi all,
I'm having some performance-wise thoughts about my new sql-server 2005 installation ...
I have my SQL installed on one partition (the system dbs are also on that partition by default), my regular databases (non system dbs) are on different partition.
The question is - if my sys dbs are on different partition, could I experience some performance issues ?
One senario that I can think of is when the SQL looks for SPs starting with sp_ in the master DB, the disk will have to check a different partition. Perhaps such senario was solved using some kind of caching methods on the sql server itself.
Hope my thread is in the right forum.
Cheers everyone.
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May 26, 2004
I have a sql server 7 running on a machine with two disk partitions (D: and E:).
The data files xxx.mdf and xxx.ldf are stored in D:, which has very few space available. I want to copy these files to E: but I get an error saying that it is not possible to change the source file of a database. Is it possible to do it or do i have to create another data file in E: and keep the old one in D:?
Thanks in advance,
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Sep 10, 1999
I've been asked to configure a "hot-backup" server configuration.
However, I'm coming into the situation a bit later, and they would like me to accomplish the hot-backup with their hardware and their methodology.
Here goes.
We have two identical servers. They will both have a SCSI connection to a device refered to as an "EMC". It will be seen as a single drive letter "E:" to both boxes. Only 1 server will be "up" and using the drive at a time.
The idea is to have SQL devices - (oops, database files) located on the "EMC" drives and in the event of a failure of one server, we bring up the backup and it will take right off using the existing Database files (*.mdf, *.ldf files).
1. Can Sql server 2 come up using databases that have been modified
by server 1. (Provided Master database is on this common drive?
2. What about MSDB, can it be located on a drive different than
where SQL program files are located?
3. How about installing all of SQL application and DB's onto
the Shared Drive? Can a different server come up using the same files?
Anyone out there done/seen/heard of a similar configuration?
Any caveats
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Jul 23, 2005
SQL 2000We took SQL Server offline last night and defragged the SAN. Should wereindex or will be be okay ?Thanks,Craig
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Apr 22, 2004
I am trying to find out if it is possible to move indexes to a separate filegroup/disk drive during database restore. I am trying this to see if it improves performance. Also if I cannot move the indexes during restore, how would I move them afterwards to a different filegroup/disk drive? Thanks in advance for all the help.
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Jul 7, 2015
My data folder of SQL as filled up the space of my local drive. I have 150KB free space left in the drive. So I have to delete some records to regain space. But when I run the delete query it says transaction log is full and stops halfway. How can I free space? How can I delete the records? There is no available space to shrink as well.
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Sep 27, 2007
outside of restore manageability, can multiple filegroups enhance performance when only one disk is attached? I guess I should also ask if it can hurt?
I have two use cases and am a bit unclear after reading lots of material on the subject.
My first use case is an OLTP consisting of a very stable set of "configuration" tables and a volatile transaction intake table with RI on the stable tables. I thought about putting the volatile table in it's own filegroup due to it's behavior but am second guessing myself after seeing that every author on the subject seems to hint that filegroups are only relevant when they map to different disks.
My second use case is an archive (readonly) that I will "range" partition due to volume. My first instinct was to create one filegroup for each partition but again I'm wondering what that will buy me in an environment with only a single disk.
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Oct 2, 2006
Hi every one,
I'd like to install SQL SERVER 2005 Express Edition ,I begin to install it from DVD but during the installation it dosn't ask me about any instance and after installation there isn't SQLExpress service and I can't use sql server .(there are not MSSQL and Binn directory in sql server 2005) but when I install visual studio 2005 and after that I install sql server 2005 it ask me for name of instance and with this way every thing is ok and I use sql server completely.
I 'd like to know the complete installation of sql server 2005 is depend on installation of visual studio 2005 befor it ?if not how can I introduce any instance after installation of sel server 2005 .
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Aug 8, 2006
Hello,I have a SQL 2000 installation on a small partion that I would like tomove to a second larger partion on the same disk array array with theconfig as follows:d: full installation of prod and test instances with data and log files100 GBe: empty partion with 204 GB which I want to move the "whole thing"I did an Xcopy of all files,permissions and attributes, checked forerrors, then I changed driveletters and restarted. Only one instance came up (the other threw anerror of: MSSQL,,the system cannot find the file specified.I realize that I could detatch the DB's and move them leaving the baseinstall on the old partition however I would like to simulate the lossof the disk array and the restore to said array from a backup.(ultimately I want to delete the 2 partitions and restore from tape toa single 300GB d: partition)I am trying to buy time and avoid a re-install of SQL untill I can geta whole new platform.I can work it out on my own if someone can point me in the rightdirection. I suspect a registry entry to a disk id (partition)
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May 15, 2007
We are writting an erp for group,and want to use partition of sql server 2005 for large data,our environment is window 2003 server,8g one solution will create many physical files(about 500-600) to fit 500-600 partitions,how about performance? or I will use another arithmetic in order to reduce partitions?
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Apr 17, 2007
I was trying to install the Developer Edition of 2005 last night, and ran into a strange issue. I specified F:SQLDev as the installation directory, but the installer still refused to install claiming lack of disk space. Checking the disk cost, I saw that it was still asking for about 1.5 GB on my C: drive. I double checked, and I did specify the installation directory as F:SQLDev.
Is there documentation somewhere that describes why it would require space on the boot drive? Or am I missing a switch somewhere or something?
Thanks in advance for any help.
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Mar 11, 2007
Does anyone know of any documentation on the performance of partitionmerge/split? Does the merge or split of a partition cause any lockingon the partitioned table? If you were merging or splitting a largevolume of data rebalancing your partitioned table would youpotentially lock users out?
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Dec 22, 2006
Hey Community,
What are the guidelines for installing the SQL Software? Is it bottleneck if both Windows and SQL software are installed on the same drive ( I have all the database .mdfs and and .ldfs on a seperate RAID array)?
Saptagiri Tangudu
PNT Marketing Services
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Jul 27, 2007
I have tried this many times....cleaned all previous MS SQL installations...rebooted....all with the same result below.
I insert Disc 1 of the Developer edition and all is find until it gets to the main installation...then OWC fails ("Setup cannot find the files specified") although I have an open Internet connection from where it can be downloaded.
Then the main Database server and Integration services installation fails, and other components succeed. When I click the error message it says "Please insert Disc 2" - although the main installation never prompts for Disc 2 (which are the Tools I believe).
Even if I install Disc 2, the installation never succeeds - and the main componets I am interested in - Database server and Integration services - always fails.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,I am trying to recover a SQL Server 7 database from another hard diskdrive that has a corrupted Windows 2000 Advanced Server installation. Iam not able to repair the corrupted Windows 2000 Advanced Serverinstallation but the file system is intact. I have installed a new copyof SQL Server 7 onto a new hard disk and have used the sp_attach_dbsystem stored procedure to attach the database from the old hard driveinto the new installation of SQL Server 7 on the new hard drive. Thedatabase shows up in the Enterprise Manager View and all the data andstructure are there, but when I try to run a Web site that uses ODBCconnections to the database I get the following error:ODBC Error Code = 08001 (Unable to connect to data source)[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Specified SQL servernot found.I have double-checked that all the NTFS permissions, ODBC DSNs, and WebServer settings are correct and when I run the SQL Server ODBC drivertest at the completion of each ODBC DSN setup, it is successfull.1) Why am I getting this ODBC error?2) What steps have I missed in the recovery process?3) If I have done something wrong recovering my database, can I stillrecover it since I still have: a) The old master database file and logfile; b) The old database (non-master) file and log file; c)A backed-up(Enterprise Manager -> Right Click A Database -> All Tasks -> BackupDatabase) copy of the old database (non-master) file; ?My System Specifications:-Windows 2000 Advanced Server-SQL Server 7-IIS 5.0-Cold Fusion Server 4.5 Professional Full EditionThanks For Your Time,Nathan
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Oct 29, 2007
I am trying to install the SQL Sever 2005 Workgroup Edition software that came with our Small Business Server 2003 R2 system. I would like to install to the d: drive because space on the c: drive is limited. Can I do that? If so, how?
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Aug 4, 2007
As a normal sql user we are not able to get the disk space information by
executing 'xp_fixeddrive' extended stored procedure.
We are able to get the result using sa user and windows authenticated user.
Any help will be appreciated.
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Aug 20, 2007
I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition onto my PC on the D: drive. I do not have write privelleges to the C Drive. All I want to do is point the executable to install to another drive like D: or E: etc. Is this possible with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition setup executable file.
Just to let you know I have changed the template.ini file in the source folder to reflect the following (I tried both with and without quotes)
INSTALLSQLDIR="D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server"
And then using command prompt I did the following:
"start /wait setup.exe /qn myini.ini"
and it still doesn't work.
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Sep 3, 2007
I installed Visual Studio 2005 Professional then after that was installed and running, I tried to install the the SQL Server 2005 Developer's Edition which installed but I do not get the SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager. I have remove and reinstalled but it never gets installed. Any ideas?
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Sep 13, 2007
When I'm using SQL server 2005, and ODBC drive €œSQL Native Client€? I get an error when executing the below given code. Error Message: €œTransaction cannot start because more than one ODBC connection is in use.€?
But this works well with SQL Server 2000 with ODBC drive "SQL Native Client" and in SQL server 2005 also when I used ODBC drive €œSQL Server€?.
I used aTrgConn.Execute(€œBegin Transaction€?) and it's working properly. But unfortunately I cannot use this method, because I want to run the same code with Oracle ODBC as well.
Is this a known issue in SQL Native client drive with SQL server 2005? Do you know a solution for this?
Please Help..............
Thanks in advance.
Dim aTrgConn As New ADODB.connection
Dim aCmdIns As New ADODB.Command
Dim aCmdUpd As New ADODB.Command
aTrgConn.Open sConnStr
Set aCmdIns.ActiveConnection = aTrgConn
Set aCmdUpd.ActiveConnection = aTrgConn
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Aug 1, 2007
I have 2 different servers that run nightly backup jobs to a network drive using the UNC format. I am noticing the larger databases encountering the following errors on a regular basis
Error: 18210, Severity: 16, State: 1.
'\fnfssql3SQLBackupsMNSQL05<database>.BAK'. Operating system error 64(The specified network name is no longer available.).
BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE <database>. Check the backup application log for detailed messages.
There are 5 databases on this server all backed up by the same job and 3 of them wortk fine and 2 of them fail so it is not a permissions problem. Have there been any problems with backing up to a network drive in 2005?
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Mar 5, 2007
Hi all
every time I try to verify the backup file I get the error:
backup set on file '1' is not valid (translated from italian).
this is my backup script:
BACKUP DATABASE [ahr_sistema] TO DISK = N'C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBackupahr_sistemaahr_sistema_backup_1.bak' WITH FORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'ahr_sistema-Completo Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
declare @backupSetId as int
select @backupSetId = position from msdb..backupset where database_name=N'ahr_sistema' and backup_set_id=(select max(backup_set_id) from msdb..backupset where database_name=N'ahr_sistema' )
if @backupSetId is null begin raiserror(N'Verifica non riuscita. Impossibile trovare le informazioni di backup per il database ''ahr_sistema''.', 16, 1) end
RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM DISK = N'C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBackupahr_sistemaahr_sistema_backup_1.bak' WITH FILE = @backupSetId, NOUNLOAD, NOREWIND
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Dec 28, 2006
I am new to Sql 2000,I installed sql 2000 database in C disk,but Now I found my C disk space is smaller than before,So I want to move my databse(include data and structure) from C Disk to D Disk(its space is very large) .
is it possible to do it ?
if its can be done ,do I need to change my program source code (exp: chaneg my crystal report connectstring ) ?
thanks in advanced!
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May 20, 2008
I've only been doing sql 2005 for a couple of months with minimal training so there's a lot I don't know.
What I'm trying to do is load a nested table (industry & customer totals) based on a value from the table it's nested in.
This is the relationship of the data.
I have at the highest group, an industry code, then a customer, then the part and then the fiscal year.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to get a group total (footer) for the (1) industry code and (2) the customer code. This footer would contain the fiscal years (ascending) and their monthly totals. I would like to take the industry code from table one and pass it to the select statement in the dataset that feeds the nested table. I've read this is not possible to load a dataset field into a parm but I've seen where some people know how to work around this. If you reply, please explain in simple terms. Thanks!
industry Customer Year OCT NOV DEC
001 - Signposts
Part 1
2006 5 6 2
2007 0 3 1
Part 2
2006 4 3 0
2007 1 0 7
Customer M12345 totals
2006 9 9 2
2007 1 3 8
Part 3
2007 8 4 7
2008 3 4 8
Part 4
2006 3 8 7
2007 5 6 6
Customer M45678 totals
2006 3 8 7
2007 13 10 13
2008 3 4 8
Industry 001 totals
2006 12 17 9
2007 14 13 21
2008 3 4 8
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May 7, 2004
Hi all,
Ok here goes,
I have a three tier system using SQL server 2000, we are currently experiencing IO bottle necks on our SCSI Raid 10 array, which holds the Data and the logs in separate partitions.
So my options as I understand it are:
Get Enterprise edition
Get another physical raid 10 array and separate the logs and data i.e. data on one array and logs on the other array.
I would like to try the latter but I am totally unsure how much difference this will make or whether it will make any difference at all.
Does anyone know how much performance increase I will get from using two arrays as opposed to one?
Any other advice on this scenario would be greatly appreciated.
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Jan 31, 2008
Being a very novice SQL Server administrator, I need to ask the experts a question.
How do I go about moving a database from 1 drive to another? The source drive (C is local to the server, but the target drive (E is on a Storage Area Network (SAN), although it is still a local drive for the server. I want to move the database from C: to E:. Can someone provide me with instructions?
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Jan 28, 2007
Hi: I try to install SQL Server 2005 but it gives warning message. My computer configuration is Pentium III 900 HZ, 512 RAM with operating system windows 2000 Pro and service pack 4 and 10 GB free space. It gives warning on operating system. Also Visual Studio. Net 2005 is already installed on my comupter.
- SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Warning)
* SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility
* Some components of this edition of SQL Server are not supported on this operating system. For details, see 'Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005' in Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.
- Operating System Minimum Level Requirement (Success)
* Operating System Minimum Level Requirement
* Check Passed
- Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement. (Success)
* Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement.
* Check Passed
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