Installation Of The SQL 2000 After SQL 2005

May 8, 2007


We got a problem, we have default instance of the SQL 2005, and it owns 1433 port. We need to install named instance of the SQL 2000, problem that it installs using port 1304, that is not default. Of course we can use this port in the connection string, but may be some sort of the solution exists?

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Migrate SQL 2000 To New SQL 2005 Installation.

Apr 19, 2006

Hi all, in my current environment, I have a single server SQL 2000 setup that's being replaced. I'm in the process of installing a new SQL 2005 cluster with the thought of taking advantage of 2005 mirroring and clustering, but have a few questions.

1. My thinking is that I can migrate my 2000 databases to 2005, but leave the databases in 8.0 (2000) mode. Are there any issues with this? I know they won't take advantage of the 2005 performance boost

2. Some of the apps don't support 2005 yet so I need to leave them in 2000 mode until they do. Is SQL 2005 fully backwards compatible with a SQL 2000 database?

3. Will mirroring work on SQL 2005 with a database that is still in 2000 mode?

Thanks for any assistance with this!

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SQL Server 2005 Installation Or Upgrade From 2000

Jul 19, 2006

Hello, I have sql server 2000 personal edition on my PC and I have just got a 2005 DVD. I tried to install it but it is not working. I don't know how to manage my databases. As if there is no graphical managemnt tool. The 2005 is also Personal edition.
I reinstalled the sql 2000, and now I'm trying t upgrade to sql 2005, but still don't know how to do that.
Please someone help me!!!!!!!!!!

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Installation To Default Folder For 2000 And 2005

Apr 29, 2008

Sql server 2000 was installed to a default folder C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server

And sql server 2005 was installed to the same location C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server

how do i know which files are related to 2000 and which are related to 2005

please let me know

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SQl Server 2005 Installation Is Depend On Installation Of Visual Studio 2005?

Oct 2, 2006

Hi every one,

I'd like to install SQL SERVER 2005 Express Edition ,I begin to install it from DVD but during the installation it dosn't ask me about any instance and after installation there isn't SQLExpress service and I can't use sql server .(there are not MSSQL and Binn directory in sql server 2005) but when I install visual studio 2005 and after that I install sql server 2005 it ask me for name of instance and with this way every thing is ok and I use sql server completely.

I 'd like to know the complete installation of sql server 2005 is depend on installation of visual studio 2005 befor it ?if not how can I introduce any instance after installation of sel server 2005 .

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How To Install Sql Server 2000 Ent After Sql Server 2005 Installation

Jun 29, 2007


I am new to this sql server thing.And for last couple of days i m trying to figure out whether we can install sql server 2000 ent edition in a server after installing or upgrading sql server 2005 from (sql server 2000) . As sql server 2005 is know to exist side by side with earlier sql server versions .

And coming to the problem which i m facing is , I have installed sql server 2005 ent in windows 2000 server in which sql server 2000 is residing.Later when i observerd i realised that actually i have upgraded 2000 to sql 2005 server (which i hav done after consulting many people).As a result few of the client systems which were running sql server personal edition were unable to access their data from the database.For temporary relief i have installed sql server 2005 express edition plus management studio in the client systems . The doubts which i am having are

1) what happens if i uninstall sql server 2005
2) Is it possible to install sql server 2000 ent edition now to work along with sql server 2005

thanks in advance .....waiting for your quick replies ..any idea's

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SQL Server 2000 Installation Problem On Windows 2000 Professional

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I received the error message below when i'm trying to install SQLServer 2000 standard edition into a Windows 2000 Professionaleworkstation.Error :Microsoft SQL server 2000 Standard Edition server components is notsupported on this operating system. Only client components will beavailable for installation.Any request modification ?Best regards,Thanks

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Sql 2000 Installation On Windows 2000 Advance Server

May 13, 2006

I am trying to install microsoft sql server 2000 enterprise edition on a windows 2000 advance server. I keep getting error message

A previous program installation created pending file operations on the installation machine. You must restart the computer before running . I have restarted machine and no change.

What does error message mean and what is solution?

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SQL Server 2005 Installation Problems With SQL Server Express && SQL Server 2000

May 31, 2006

Hi Guys,
I have had SQL Server Express and Sql Server Management Studio Express installed on my machine for some time and recently tried to install a trial of SQL Server 2005 as well.  (Yes, I'm migrating from Visual Studio Express to Visual Studio Professional, just as in tended!)
Everything went fine except that nothing seemed to be installed.  I searched in all the obvious places - both on the Start/Programs menu and on the hard-drive: nothing.
A check under Add/Remove Programs showed that Sql Server 2005 Express was installed, but called SQL Server 2005.
So after a number of retries in which the install program kept saying that there was nothing to install, I selected every option under Advanced in the intall process.  This resulted in stuff being installed and I now have SQL Server 2005 running on my machine, but no SQL Server Manager icon.
My questions are:

Where can I find the SQL Server Manager executeable?
Has anyone installed SQL Server Express, SQL Server Mangement Studio Express, SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio on a single machine successfully?  If so, what order did you install them in?  (I'm planning on uninstalling everything SXQL Server related and starting again.)
Thanks very much for your help.

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SQL Server 2005 X64 Side By Side SQL Server 2000 X32 Installation

Apr 12, 2007

Background information:

I have been researching BOL, this forum, and the SQL Server help: Working with Multiple versions installation documents since yesterday. We have an AMD x64 multi-processor IBM server running SQL Server 2000 under MS Windows 2003 Enterprise SP1. SQL Server is installed in the "c:program files (x86)" folder. I wanted to verify that we were indeed running the 32-bit version of SQL Server 2000 so I also ran the @@version command from isql and it returns:

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2162 (Intel X86)


We need to install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64-bit in a side by side installation. We will be migrating the SQL 2000 x32 stuff over to SQL 2005 x64 at a later date. My research shows I should be able to do this without any issues.

Have I missed anything or does it look like I am ready to move forward?

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SQL 2000 Installation

May 11, 2004

I am installing SQL2000 Standard Edition onto WinNT4 with SP6 machine.
During installation I got this msg "A Serve control operation failed for MSSQL Server service: 87. The parameter is incorrect".

And there is only a "OK" button, when I click on the button, the installation stop.

Please advice.

Below is the Sqlstp.log file
09:57:27 Begin Action BuildServer:
09:57:27 C:TEMPSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 5 -ExePath "D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLinnsqlservr.exe" -Service "MSSQLSERVER"
09:57:27 Process Exit Code: (87) The parameter is incorrect.
10:22:33 A service control operation failed for the MSSQLServer service: 87
The parameter is incorrect.

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SQL Server 2000 Installation

May 26, 2004

I just installed SQL Server 2000 Developers edition on my computer. After installation I tried to create a simple table which I was unable to do. When I attempted to create the table, I went into SQL Server Enterprise Manager and under Console Root I extended / Microsoft SQL Servers / SQL Server Group / (local) Windows NT when it gave me the following 2 message box errors :

An error 1069-(The service did not start due to login failure)occured while preforming this server operation on the MSSQL service.


A connection could not be established to (local).

Reason: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Please verify SQL Server is running and check your SQL Servier registion properties(by right-
clicking on the (local) node) and try again.


I have Windows XP Professional and currently run IIS. I have tried re-registering without success and at this point I don't know what I need to do in order to correct these errors and create a simple table.

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Jul 7, 2005

Hi, I'm learning and I just bought Visual Studio .net professional. I tried to install MS SQL server 2000 on my two computers. One OS is windows server 2003 standard edition and another is Win XP professional. Both of them appeared SQL Server Upgrade Wizard "from server 6.5 upgrade to server 2000". I don't think I have server 6.5 installed and there is no server 6.5 application interface to run the server. What's the problem? I cannot run the Wizard successfully. Can I just ignore it?Thank you,William

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Clustering & Installation With SQL 2000

Mar 22, 2001

I have 2 Node Cluster with 2000 Advanced.
I have SQL 2000 Enterprise. I am trying to setup a failover cluster (active/passive)

I have tried to follow the Microsoft Documentation that came with the box but whe hey what do u know - cannot get it to work. I cannot understand the lines "install a default instance of SQL that runs on both". What does this mean?? I know what a default instance means but running on Both ???

Does anyone have document that will show me the steps.

thanks in advance.

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New Installation Of Sql Server 2000

Feb 22, 2005

Hello Guru's, I need your help!

I installed sql server 2000 sp2 standard edition on Windows 2003, when
installing, it said "This version is not supported on this os", but I was told
to continue installing the software and that I could install the latest
security patches to bring it up to date. Will that work? Do I need to do
anything else? SQL Server 2000 is up and running on the box. When running
the statement " select @@version" it informed me that I was at 8.00.194
patch level. How can I tell if SQL Server 2000 is 32 or 64 bit? I was
trying to download the lasted patch and it asked for that info. Thanks.--
New to SQL Server

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Sql Server 2000 Installation Help

Nov 4, 2006

Dear Sir,

I just wanted to get the advice.I have a sql server2000 installed on Windows 2000 advanced server machine in my company using windows authentication.I wanted to install another instance of this sql server on remote sites located in other country where the domain name and everything changes.I wanted to use the same existing schema there in new site.Can i import this database there and create new users of new domain using this .



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RS 2000 Installation Problem

Apr 14, 2008

I have installed all the prerequisites of RS 2000 including SQL Server 2000 - SP3 w/ Analysis Server, Microsoft Framework 1.1, .NET 2003 and others.

I'm installing it in my PC which has an OS of Windows XP Pro SP2.

During the Systems Prerequisisite Checks on the installation the error is as follows "This edition of Reporting Services does not support installing the service components on this operating system"

When I continue the installation, the Report Manager and the Report Server was not installed.

Take Note: My IIS 5.1 is working as well as my Visual Studio 2003.

I hope you can give me details on what should I do to install this properly.


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SQL SERVER 2000 Installation

Mar 2, 2004

I have a question about Installaing SQL Server 2000 in a brand new box by imaging from another PC.

What are the possibilities Performing a "Ghosting" of a server to another Server for installation

The current Production Server the one I am trying to GHOST has couple of publication, subscription and
replica tables from another main server.

If I ghost will I have any issues

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Mar 28, 2008


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Help With Installation Of SQL Server 2000 SP4

Aug 15, 2006


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me here. To be honest, this is my first time i have encountered SQL Server 2000 SP4. I need some guidance as to how to install and set up the SQL Server 2000 SP4. I have done it with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and it's (I think) a lot easier to install and get it going.

My computer runs on windows XP Pro (windows 32bit). I got confused when i got to the following microsoft webpage - I downloaded SQL2000-KB884525-SP4-x86-ENU.EXE. And when running the setup.bat, the message came up saying "SQL Server 2000 is not installed on this machine. setup will now exit". What do i need to have the SQL Server 2000 installed on my machine?

Thank you in advance

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Install Sql 2005 Instance With Reporting Service 2005 On Sql 2000 With RS 2000 Server

Aug 18, 2006


We would like to install Sql 2005 Enterprise Edition (including database engine, reporting service, integration service and analysis service) as a sepearte instance on a server which already has Sql 2000 with reporting services and analysis services. We do not want to disturb the existing sql 2000 setup.

If we do that then what will happen to my earlier sql 2000 reporting service? Will it be upgraded to sql 2005 reporting service? I heard that reporting services are instance unaware application. Where will be the default reporting service database available?

Please help us.


Sankar N

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Help With Installation Of Standard SQL Server 2000

Dec 12, 2004

I have installed IIS, VS.NET 2003, .NET 2.0 Framework, and now I have tried to install the standard version of SQL Server 2000 and it is telling me that I can only install the client components. The O/S is Windows XP Pro on a laptop.

Thanks for any ideas,

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MSSQL 2000 Installation Problem

May 13, 2004

I am installing MQQSQL2000 onto NT4 SP6. Installation prompts me this msg "Setup failed to configure the server". I click on, it terminate.

Below is the sqlstp.log file for reference.

Any one got any idea ?? The error at the last few lines.


13:01:27 Begin Action BuildServer:
13:01:27 C:TEMPSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 5 -ExePath "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$MOMSERVERinnsqlservr.exe" -Service "MSSQL$MOMSERVER"
13:01:27 Process Exit Code: (0)
13:01:27 Begin Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
13:01:27 End Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
13:01:27 Begin Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
13:01:27 End Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
13:01:27 Begin Action: CreateSer
13:01:27 End Action: CreateSer
13:01:27 Begin Action: SkuIt
13:01:27 End Action: SkuIt
13:01:28 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$MOMSERVER returned: 0, 0
13:01:28 SetRegSecuritySQLAndAdmin for SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMOMSERVER returned: 0, 0
13:01:28 Begin Action: UpdateSystemPath
13:01:28 Path successfully updated.
13:01:28 C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1UeWI;C:PROGRA~1UeWISYS;C: PROGRA~1UeWICommon;C:PROGRA~1UeWI;%SystemRoot% system32;%SystemRoot%;C:Program FilesUeWIReconin;C:Program FilesUeWIRecondll;C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinn
13:01:28 End Action: UpdateSystemPath
13:01:29 Grant Right for MOMDEVAdministrator returned : 1, 0
13:01:29 Grant Right for MOMDEVAdministrator returned : 1, 0
13:01:29 Grant Right for MOMDEVAdministrator returned : 1, 0
13:01:29 Grant Right for MOMDEVAdministrator returned : 1, 0
13:01:30 C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinncnfgsvr.exe -F "C:WINNTsqlstp.log" -I MOMSERVER -V 1 -M 0 -Q "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" -H 65908 -U sa -P
################################################## #############################

Starting Service ...


-m -Q -T4022 -T3659

Connecting to Server ...

driver={sql server};server=SG-ISDEV-1MOMSERVER;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSLPCN]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSLPCN]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

driver={sql server};server=SG-ISDEV-1MOMSERVER;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSLPCN]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSLPCN]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

driver={sql server};server=SG-ISDEV-1MOMSERVER;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSLPCN]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBMSLPCN]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

SQL Server configuration failed.

################################################## #############################

13:03:27 Process Exit Code: (-1)
14:06:27 Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and C:WINNTsqlstp.log for more information.
14:06:30 Action CleanUpInstall:
14:06:30 C:TEMPSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 4 -Service SQLAgent$MOMSERVER
14:06:30 Process Exit Code: (1060) The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

14:06:30 C:TEMPSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 4 -Service MSSQL$MOMSERVER
14:06:50 Action Exit Handler:
14:06:52 StatsGenerate returned: 2
14:06:52 StatsGenerate (0x0,0x1,0xf0000000,0x600,1033,303,0x0,0x1,0,0,0
14:06:52 StatsGenerate -1,Administrator)

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SQL Server 2000 Installation Hang

Sep 30, 2004


I am using Windows 2003 Standard Server (stand alone) and trying to install SQL Server 2000 Enterprise edition. The installation stops whenever I have entered the sa password (the dialog box disappeared and then nothing happed, but the "setupsql" process (something like this) is still there).

The same happened when I install SQL Server 2000 in Windows 2000 Server. For Win2K, I can first install SQL Server 7.0 and then upgrade to 2000 (same SQL Server 2000 installation CD!). However, Windows 2003 doesn't support SQL Server 7.0. So I can't use this method...

Any idea?



*I have turned off Norton already.

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SQL Server 2000 Installation Error

Nov 19, 2005


I get the following error while trying to install sql server 2000 eval edition
on Win XP

> "An error occurred while creating one or more registry entries. Please
> see C:Windowssqlstp.log for details. The problem could be caused by a
> low registry quota condition."

How do i solve this :o

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Installation Of SQL Server 2000 Standard On XP Pro

Jan 25, 2004

Im attempting to install SQL Server 2000 Standard on Windows XP Pro and it keeps returning to me an error:

"Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition server component is not supported on this operating system. Only client components will be available for installation."

Anybody have any idea what this means according to the documentation and previous posts on installation problems my operating system should support this edition of SQL server.

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SQL Server 2000 Installation Problem

Feb 12, 2004

I am trying to install SQL Server 2000 on a new Windows 2003 server. I stopped the IIS and tried installing from two different CDs. In both cases I got the following error right at the start of the installation -



Windows cannot open this program since it has been disbaled.


Any help that can solve this would be greatly appreciated.


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Unattended Installation Of SQL 2000 Fails

Mar 23, 2004

We're trying to use the unattended installation method for installing SQL 2000 on Windows 2000 servers. I've installed it (through terminal server) on two machines successfully, and two machines unsuccessfully. On the unsuccessful machines, it fails with no errors, and no SQL files are installed (bombs out almost immediately).

Anyone else had this problem? Could it possibly be a hardware issue?

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MS SQL Server 2000 Installation For Remote

Apr 7, 2008

I installed MS Sql server 2000 having Typical type setup.
I choosed Local system account in service setting & mixed mode authentication mode. I choose default Tcp/Ip port 1433 which is free.
After successful installtion i tried
telnet localhost 1433
But gaves the error :
"Could not open connection to host on port 1433" Connection failed.
So should i do for remote or telnet connection.
Please help me!

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MSDE 2000 Won't Start After Installation...

Oct 29, 2007

the service is already automatic, but when starting Windows XP MSDE "asks" to be installed correctly, run setup again and as you can imagine i did so. I can't find the answer

please help me


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Sql Server 2000 Installation Problem

Jul 23, 2005

i have win xp and i trying to install ms sql server 2000 Enterprise Editionon it but after i try to do this i get a following message "Microsoft SQLServer 2000 Enterprise Edition server component is not supported on thisoperating system. Only clients components will be available forinstallation".regardsspark

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SQL 2000 Installation On WinXP Pro Problems

Sep 19, 2005

I'm trying to install SQL 2000 Standard on WinXP Pro; I only need toinstall the Enterprise Manager and the Query Analyser. Early in theinstallation I get the messageA previous program installation created pending fileoperations on the installation machine.You must restart the computer before running setup.I've restarted the machine a few times and have even uninstalledsoftware that I thought suspicious. I know what the error messagemeans but I have no idea how to solve this problem. Any help would begreatly appreciated.Thanks,DavidP.S.: Could Spybot be the culprit?

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SQL Server 2000 Installation Error

Dec 26, 2005

Hi,I was installing SQL Server on my machine and during installation my PCfreezed. It happens frequently on my machine. So i tried afterrestarting to install it again and since then i always get the sameerror message:"An error occurred while creating one or more registry entries. Pleasesee C:WINDOWSsqlstp.log for details. The problem could be caused by alow registry quota condition"I have tried to clean the registry and i don't know what else i coulddo to solve this issue.The log file lists the following:14:22:27 Begin Setup14:22:27 8.00.19414:22:27 Mode = Normal14:22:27 ModeType = NORMAL14:22:27 GetDefinitionEx returned: 0, Extended: 0x014:22:27 ValueFTS returned: 114:22:27 ValuePID returned: 114:22:27 ValueLic returned: 014:22:27 System: Windows NT WorkStation14:22:27 SQL Server ProductType: Developer Edition [0x3]14:22:27 Begin Action: SetupInitialize14:22:27 End Action SetupInitialize14:22:27 Begin Action: SetupInstall14:22:27 ReadingSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionCommonFi lesDir ...14:22:27 CommonFilesDir=C:ProgrammeGemeinsame Dateien14:22:27 Windows Directory=C:WINDOWS14:22:27 Program Files=C:Programme14:22:27 TEMPDIR=C:WINDOWSTEMP14:22:27 Begin Action: SetupInstall14:22:27 digpid size : 25614:22:27 digpid size : 16414:22:27 Begin Action: CheckFixedRequirements14:22:27 Platform ID: 0xf00000014:22:27 Version: 5.1.260014:22:27 File Version - C:WINDOWSsystem32shdocvw.dll: 6.0.2900.280514:22:27 End Action: CheckFixedRequirements14:22:27 Begin Action: ShowDialogs14:22:27 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x83000f7, Disable Back=0x114:22:27 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x114:22:27 Begin Action: DialogShowSdWelcome14:22:28 End Action DialogShowSdWelcome14:22:28 Dialog 0x1 returned: 114:22:28 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:22:28 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2,index=114:22:28 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x214:22:28 Begin Action: DialogShowSdMachineName14:22:30 ShowDlgMachine returned: 114:22:30 Name = COOSA, Type = 0x114:22:30 Begin Action: CheckRequirements14:22:30 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)14:22:30 Service Pack: 51214:22:30 ComputerName: COOSA14:22:30 User Name: admin14:22:30 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 114:22:30 OS Language: 0x40114:22:30 End Action CheckRequirements14:22:30 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a fullproduct install.14:22:30 CreateSetupTopology(COOSA), Handle : 0x1b04098, returned : 014:22:30 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x1b0409814:22:30 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 014:22:30 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x1b040c014:22:30 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 014:22:30 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x8000000014:22:30 PN_StartScan [0x1b040c0] returned : 014:22:30 PN_GetNext [0x1b040c0] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]14:22:30 No more items in enumeration.14:22:30 ReleaseSetupTopology14:22:30 Named instance limit: 100, quota: 014:22:30 End Action DialogShowSdMachineName14:22:30 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:22:30 nFullMask = 0x83000f7, nCurrent = 0x2, nDirection = 014:22:30 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf00037, Disable Back = 0x114:22:30 Dialog 0x2 returned: 014:22:30 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:22:30 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x4,index=214:22:30 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x414:22:30 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstallMode14:22:36 ShowDlgInstallMode returned: 114:22:36 InstallMode : 0x114:22:36 End Action DialogShowSdInstallMode14:22:36 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:22:36 nFullMask = 0xbf00037, nCurrent = 0x4, nDirection = 114:22:36 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf40037, Disable Back = 0x114:22:36 Dialog 0x4 returned: 114:22:36 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:22:36 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x10,index=414:22:36 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1014:22:36 Begin Action: DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx14:22:42 End Action DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx14:22:42 Dialog 0x10 returned: 114:22:42 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:22:42 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x20,index=514:22:42 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2014:22:42 Begin Action: DialogShowSdLicense14:22:43 End Action DialogShowSdLicense14:22:43 Dialog 0x20 returned: 114:22:43 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:22:43 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x40000,index=1814:22:43 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4000014:22:43 Begin Action: DialogShowSdCliSvr14:22:43 DisplaySystemPreReq14:22:45 ShowDlgClientServerSelect returned: 114:22:45 Type : 0x214:22:45 End Action DialogShowSdCliSvr14:22:45 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:22:45 nFullMask = 0xbf40037, nCurrent = 0x40000, nDirection = 114:22:45 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbfc0037, Disable Back = 0x114:22:45 Dialog 0x40000 returned: 114:22:45 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:22:45 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x80000,index=1914:22:45 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x8000014:22:45 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstanceName14:22:45 Begin Action: ShowDlgInstanceName14:22:47 End Action: ShowDlgInstanceName14:22:47 ShowDlgInstanceName returned : 114:22:47 InstanceName : MSSQLSERVER14:22:47 CreateSetupTopology(COOSA), Handle : 0x1b04098, returned : 014:22:47 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x1b0409814:22:47 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 014:22:47 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x1b040c014:22:47 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 014:22:47 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x8000000014:22:47 PN_StartScan [0x1b040c0] returned : 014:22:47 PN_GetNext [0x1b040c0] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]14:22:47 No more items in enumeration.14:22:47 ReleaseSetupTopology14:22:47 End Action DialogShowSdInstanceName14:22:47 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:22:47 nFullMask = 0xbfc0037, nCurrent = 0x80000, nDirection = 114:22:47 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbfc0037, Disable Back = 0x114:22:47 Dialog 0x80000 returned: 114:22:47 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:22:47 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x100000,index=2014:22:47 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x10000014:22:47 Begin Action: DialogShowSdSetupType14:22:47 Begin Action: Setup Type14:23:05 SQL program folder: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQL Server14:23:05 SQL data folder: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQL Server14:23:05 Windows system folder: C:WINDOWSsystem3214:23:05 Prog req: 38073, Data req: 34432, Sys req: 15869414:23:05 Prog avail: 1481708, Data avail: 1481708, Sys avail: 148170814:23:05 Prog req vs. avail, 231199, 148170814:23:05 Data req vs. avail, 34432, 148170814:23:05 Sys req vs. avail, 193126, 148170814:23:05 DisplaySystemPreReq14:23:05 [SetupTypeSQL]14:23:05 szDir = C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQL Server14:23:05 szDir = %PROGRAMFILES%Microsoft SQL Server14:23:05 Result = 30114:23:05 szDataDir = C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQL Server14:23:05 szDataDir = %PROGRAMFILES%Microsoft SQL Server14:23:05 End Action: Setup Type14:23:05 Setup Type: Typical (301)14:23:05 End Action DialogShowSdSetupType14:23:05 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:23:05 nFullMask = 0xbfc0037, nCurrent = 0x100000, nDirection = 30114:23:05 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x114:23:05 Dialog 0x100000 returned: 30114:23:05 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:23:05 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x400000,index=2214:23:05 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x40000014:23:05 Begin Action: DlgServices14:23:10 ShowDlgServices returned: 114:23:10 [DlgServices]14:23:10 Local-Domain= 385514:23:10 AutoStart= 1514:23:10 Result= 114:23:10 End Action DlgServices14:23:10 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:23:10 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x400000, nDirection = 114:23:10 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x114:23:10 Dialog 0x400000 returned: 114:23:10 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:23:10 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x800000,index=2314:23:10 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x80000014:23:10 Begin Action: DlgSQLSecurity14:23:12 ShowDlgSQLSecurity returned: 114:23:12 LoginMode = 1,szPwd14:23:12 End Action DlgSQLSecurity14:23:12 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:23:12 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x800000, nDirection = 114:23:12 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x114:23:12 Dialog 0x800000 returned: 114:23:12 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:23:12 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x1000000,index=2414:23:12 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x100000014:23:12 Begin Action: DlgCollation14:23:12 ShowDlgCollation returned: 114:23:12 collation_name = Arabic_CI_AS,locale_name = Arabic,lcid =0x401,SortId = 0,dwCompFlags = 0x3000114:23:12 End Action DlgCollation14:23:12 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:23:12 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x1000000, nDirection = 114:23:12 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x114:23:12 Dialog 0x1000000 returned: 114:23:12 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:23:12 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2000000,index=2514:23:12 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x200000014:23:12 Begin Action: DlgNetwork14:23:12 ShowDlgNetwork returned: 114:23:12 [DlgServerNetwork]14:23:12 NetworkLibs = 25514:23:12 TCPPort = 143314:23:12 TCPPrxy = Default14:23:12 NMPPipeName = \.pipesqlquery14:23:12 Result = 114:23:12 End Action DlgNetwork14:23:12 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:23:12 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x2000000, nDirection = 114:23:12 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x114:23:12 Dialog 0x2000000 returned: 114:23:12 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:23:12 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x8000000,index=2714:23:12 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x800000014:23:12 Begin Action: DialogShowSdStartCopy14:23:13 End Action DialogShowSdStartCopy14:23:13 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask14:23:13 nFullMask = 0xbdc0037, nCurrent = 0x8000000, nDirection = 114:23:13 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbdc0037, Disable Back = 0x114:23:13 Dialog 0x8000000 returned: 114:23:13 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr14:23:13 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x0,index=014:23:13 End Action ShowDialogs14:23:13 Begin Action ProcessBeforeDataMove:14:23:13 DeinstallStart returned (C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQL): 014:23:13 End Action ProcessBeforeDataMove:14:23:13 Begin Action SetToolsComponentSelection:14:23:13 End Action SetToolsComponentSelection:14:23:13 Begin Action ProcessComponentSelection:14:23:13 End Action ProcessComponentSelection14:23:13 Begin Action LogSelectedComponents:14:23:13 SQLProg14:23:13 SQLProgSQLServr14:23:13 SQLProgSQLServrHelp14:23:13 SQLProgSQLServrSCMDev14:23:13 SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMh14:23:13 SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMX86Lb14:23:13 SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMALb14:23:13 SQLProgSQLServrRs103314:23:13 SQLProgSQLServrRsIntl14:23:13 SQLProgSQLServrActiveX14:23:13 SQLProgSQLServrSystem14:23:13 SQLProgUpgTools14:23:13 SQLProgUpgToolsUpgSys14:23:13 SQLProgUpgToolsActiveX14:23:13 SQLProgUpgToolsRes103314:23:13 SQLProgUpgToolsResOther14:23:13 SQLProgUpgToolsResld14:23:13 SQLProgReplSupp14:23:13 SQLProgReplSuppReplDat14:23:13 SQLProgReplSuppRepComm14:23:13 SQLProgReplSuppRepNoDk14:23:13 SQLProgReplSuppActiveX14:23:13 SQLProgInstall14:23:13 SQLProgSystem14:23:13 SQLProgSvrExt14:23:13 SQLProgSvrExtHelp14:23:13 SQLProgSvrExtSvrExtRs14:23:13 SQLProgSvrExtResIntl14:23:13 SQLProgDat14:23:13 SQLProgDatSmpl14:23:13 SQLProgBaseSys14:23:13 SQLProgBaseBinn14:23:13 SQLProgBaseInst14:23:13 SQLProgSymbols14:23:13 SQLProgSymbolsEXE14:23:13 SQLProgSymbolsDLL14:23:13 SQLProgPerfmon14:23:13 SQLProgPerfmonSystem14:23:13 SQLProgRoot14:23:13 MgtTool14:23:13 MgtToolSEM14:23:13 MgtToolSEMHTML14:23:13 MgtToolSEMMSD9814:23:13 MgtToolSEMMSD98SYS14:23:13 MgtToolSEMMSD98Res14:23:13 MgtToolSEMMSD98Hlp14:23:13 MgtToolSEMHelp14:23:13 MgtToolSEMRes103314:23:13 MgtToolSEMResIntl14:23:13 MgtToolSEMMSD98RsI14:23:13 MgtToolSEMActiveX14:23:13 MgtToolSEMActiveXRes103314:23:13 MgtToolSEMActiveXResIntl14:23:13 MgtToolSEMScripts14:23:13 MgtToolSEMOLEDB14:23:13 MgtToolSEMOLEDBRes103314:23:13 MgtToolSEMOLEDBResIntl14:23:13 MgtToolProfiler14:23:13 MgtToolProfilerHelp14:23:13 MgtToolProfilerRes103314:23:13 MgtToolProfilerResIntl14:23:13 MgtToolQryanlz14:23:13 MgtToolQryanlzHelp14:23:13 MgtToolQryanlzRes103314:23:13 MgtToolQryanlzResIntl14:23:13 MgtToolDTCCLi14:23:13 MgtToolWzcnflct14:23:13 MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnHlp14:23:13 MgtToolWzcnflctWzcn103314:23:13 MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnOthr14:23:13 MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnCmn14:23:13 MgtToolUtilSys14:23:13 MgtToolUtilBinn14:23:13 Connect14:23:13 ConnectConnSys14:23:13 Books14:23:13 BooksBookso14:23:13 BooksBooksoUtils14:23:13 DevTools14:23:13 DevToolsDbg Int14:23:13 DevToolsDbg IntDbg Int Common14:23:13 DevToolsDbg IntEXE14:23:13 CoreRepl14:23:13 CoreReplRes103314:23:13 CoreReplResIntl14:23:13 Core14:23:13 CoreRes103314:23:13 CoreResOther14:23:13 Repostry14:23:13 RepostryRepstSys14:23:13 RepostryRes103314:23:13 RepostryResIntl14:23:13 CoreMisc14:23:13 CoreMiscActiveX14:23:13 CoreMiscActiveXRes103314:23:13 CoreMiscActiveXResIntl14:23:13 CoreMiscRes103314:23:13 Monarch14:23:13 MonarchMonr103314:23:13 MonarchMonrIntl14:23:13 Jet14:23:13 CoreInst14:23:13 CoreCOM14:23:13 CoreCOMRes103314:23:13 CoreCOMResIntl14:23:13 CoreTool14:23:13 CoreToolRes103314:23:13 CoreToolResOther14:23:13 DBLibCli14:23:13 SFExt14:23:13 SFExtActiveX14:23:13 SFExtActiveXRes103314:23:13 SFExtActiveXResIntl14:23:13 SFExtRes103314:23:13 SFExtResIntl14:23:13 Trace14:23:13 TraceRes103314:23:13 TraceResOther14:23:13 MiscCore14:23:13 MC14:23:13 MCMC103314:23:13 MCMCIntl14:23:13 MCHelp14:23:13 SQLMgr14:23:13 SQLMgrRes103314:23:13 SQLMgrResIntl14:23:13 SvrTool14:23:13 SvrToolRes103314:23:13 SvrToolResIntl14:23:13 DTSUI14:23:13 DTSUIRes103314:23:13 DTSUIResIntl14:23:13 MSOlap14:23:13 MSOlapRes103314:23:13 MSOlapResIntl14:23:13 ATL14:23:13 ATLwinnt14:23:13 ATLwin9x14:23:13 MFC42U14:23:13 VC14:23:13 VB14:23:13 OCX114:23:13 SQLAdHlp14:23:13 SQLAdHlpRes103314:23:13 SQLAdHlpResOther14:23:13 {E07FDDBE-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}14:23:13 {E07FDDC7-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}14:23:13 {E07FDDC0-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}14:23:13 {E07FDDBF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}14:23:13 End Action LogSelectedComponents14:23:13 Begin Action InstallPkgs:14:23:13 Begin Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check14:23:13 ConnectivityLocked returned: 014:23:13 Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet.14:23:13 End Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check14:23:13 Setup is installing Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)....14:23:13 E:SOFTWA~1DEVDBSQL200~1x86Othersqlredis.exe /q:a/C:"setupre.exe WARN=1 -s -SMS"14:23:24 ExitCode: 014:23:24 Setup is installing Microsoft Distributed TransactionCoordinator (MSDTC) ...14:23:24 C:WINDOWSTEMPSqlSetupBincldtcstp.exe -SupportDir"C:WINDOWSTEMPSqlSetupBin" -DTCPkg"E:SOFTWA~1DEVDBSQL200~1x86Otherdtcsetup.exe " -LogFile"C:WINDOWSsqlstp.log"14:23:24 Process Exit Code: (0)14:23:24 /Q:A /T:C:WINDOWSTEMPixp001.tmp14:23:24 Setup is installing HTML Help ...14:23:24 HTML Help installer exit code: 014:23:45 End Action InstallPkgs14:23:45 Begin Action MoveFileData:14:23:45 Enabled SELFREGISTERBATCH14:23:45 Enabled CORECOMPONENTHANDLING14:24:11 Begin Action: MoveFileDataSpecial14:24:11 End Action: MoveFileDataSpecial14:24:11 End Action MoveFileData14:24:11 Begin Action ProcessAfterDataMove:14:24:11 E:SOFTWA~1DEVDBSQL200~1x86Binnhhcol.exeC:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBooks14:24:11 End Action ProcessAfterDataMove14:24:11 Begin Action BuildServer:14:24:11 C:WINDOWSTEMPSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 5-ExePath "C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLinnsqlservr.exe"-Service "MSSQLSERVER"14:24:12 Process Exit Code: (0)14:24:12 Begin Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL14:24:12 End Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL14:24:12 Begin Action: RegWriteSetupEntry14:24:12 End Action: RegWriteSetupEntry14:24:12 Begin Action: CreateSer14:24:12 End Action: CreateSer14:24:12 Begin Action: SkuIt14:24:12 End Action: SkuIt14:24:12 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQL returned: 0, 014:24:12 SetRegSecuritySQLAndAdmin forSoftwareMicrosoftMSSQLServerMSSQLServer returned: 0, 014:24:12 Begin Action: UpdateSystemPath14:24:12 Path successfully updated.14:24:12%SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%Sy stem32Wbem;C:ProgrammeJavajdk1.5.0_04in;C:B orlandBCC55in;"C:ProgrammeSymantecNortonGhost 2003";C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80ToolsBINN;C:ProgrammeMySQLMySQL Server 5.0in14:24:12 End Action: UpdateSystemPath14:24:13 C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinncnfgsvr.exe-F "C:WINDOWSsqlstp.log" -I MSSQLSERVER -V 1 -M 0 -Q "Arabic_CI_AS"-H 459924 -U sa -P################################################## #############################Starting Service ...Arabic_CI_AS-m -Q -T4022 -T3659Connecting to Server ...driver={sql server};server=COOSA;UID=sa;PWD=;database=masterConfiguring Server ...EXEC sp_grantlogin N'VORDEFINIERTAdministratoren'[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Granted login access to'VORDEFINIERTAdministratoren'.EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember N'VORDEFINIERTAdministratoren', 'sysadmin'[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQLServer]'VORDEFINIERTAdministratoren' added to role 'sysadmin'.update master.dbo.spt_server_info set attribute_value = @@version whereattribute_id = 2EXEC sp_addserver N'COOSA', localEXEC sp_configure 'allow updates', 1[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC executioncompleted. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your systemadministrator.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Configuration option'allow updates' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement toinstall.reconfigure with overrideupdate master.dbo.sysaltfiles set size=1024 where name=N'tempdev'EXEC sp_configure 'allow updates', 0[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC executioncompleted. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your systemadministrator.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Configuration option'allow updates' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement toinstall.reconfigure with overrideDisconnecting from Server ...Stopping Service ...SQL Server has been successfully configured!################################################## #############################14:24:42 Process Exit Code: (0)14:24:42 End Action BuildServer14:24:42 Begin Action SelfRegiser14:24:42 DLLRegisterServer atl.dll: 0, 0x014:24:50 Return code: 014:24:50 Begin Action SelfRegisterOnCluster14:24:50 End Action SelfRegisterOnCluster14:24:50 Begin Action RegisterSvrReplFiles14:24:50 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COMsnapshot.exe-unregserver14:24:50 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COMdistrib.exe-unregserver14:24:50 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COM
eplmerg.exe-unregserver14:24:50 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COMlogread.exe-unregserver14:24:50 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COMqrdrsvc.exe-unregserver14:24:51 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COMsnapshot.exe-regserver14:24:51 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COMdistrib.exe-regserver14:24:51 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COM
eplmerg.exe-regserver14:24:51 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COMlogread.exe-regserver14:24:51 **** File registered: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft SQLServer80COMqrdrsvc.exe-regserver14:24:51 End Action RegisterSvrReplFiles14:24:51 Begin Action SelfRegisterCOMShared14:24:51 End Action SelfRegisterCOMShared14:24:51 End Action SelfRegister14:24:51 Begin Action SetupRegistry:14:24:51 SNMP service has been detected.14:24:51 Begin Action RegWriteInstalledInstances:14:24:51 End Action RegWriteInstalledInstances14:24:51 Register this installation of SQL Server with MDAC14:24:51 Completed registering this installation of SQL Server withMDAC14:25:07 An error occurred while creating one or more registry entries.Please see C:WINDOWS\sqlstp.log for details. The problem could becaused by a low registry quota condition.14:25:07 Action CleanUpInstall:14:25:07 C:WINDOWSTEMPSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 4-Service SQLSERVERAGENT14:25:07 Process Exit Code: (1060) Der angegebene Dienst ist keininstallierter Dienst.14:25:07 C:WINDOWSTEMPSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 4-Service MSSQLSERVER14:25:07 Process Exit Code: (0)14:25:07 StatsGenerate returned: 214:25:07 StatsGenerate(0x80000000,0x1,0xf000000,0x200,1033,303,0x0,0x1,0 ,0,014:25:07 StatsGenerate -1,admin)14:25:07 Installation Failed.

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