Installing SP2 Authentication Mode Failure

Mar 14, 2007

I'm getting the message

Your account information could not be verified

Press Ok to return .....

For setup to verify your credentials the servcies must be startable, connectable, and you must be a SQL Server administrator.

I'm running and instance of sql server called development if that helps any.


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Switching SQL 2005 Authentication Mode From Windows To SQL Authentication

Apr 18, 2007

Hi there,I have installed MS SQL Server 2005 on my machine with windows authentication. But now I want to switch the authentication mode to SQL Authentication. I am unable to switch, I can’t find the proper way to do so here in 2005.Could any one help me in doing this?Thank you,-Ahsan

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What Authentication Mode Is Best For Me?

Oct 4, 2005


Were working on a Smart Client application. Our customers will have .Net Windows forms on their computers that will access SQL Server data on our server.

I've read that Windows Authentication is the most secure authentication mode. However, since our customers computers are not on our network it would be impossible to use Windows Authentication. We'll have to use Mixed Authentication. I just wanted to confirm this in case my understanding of the authentication modes is wrong.


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Authentication Mode Problems

Aug 7, 2007

Hi Everyone
I changed the authentication mode from SQL Server Authentication into Windows of my application (Web application - ASP.NET 1.1, SQL Server 2000, C#). I changed the SqlServer into Windows only mode authentication.
The SQL server now contains all the "windows users" as users of the database (Logins as well as Users).
But I faced the problem of 'login failed for NT AuthorityNetwork Service'. So I added the Network Service as user. The login problem is disappeared, but when I'm tracing through the SQL Profiler I can see only the Network Service as user and not my windows usernameSQL server login name.
what should I do for displaying the windows usernameSql login name in the profiler instead of "Network Service". Please help me.
Thanks in advance

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To Change The Authentication Mode

Aug 26, 2007

Dear All..
            I am using sql server 2005 , the problem with me is that I want to change my Authentication type.... now It has setted as 'Windows Authentication and Sql Server Authentication', Here I wants to change to 'Sql Server Authentication' Only... Can I do it without re-installing my sql server... I did try by going Securiy Tab in properties of my server... there are two options 1)Windows Authentication 2)Sql Server and windows Authentication mode,   I want to change it to only Sql server Authentication....meaning to say - shld ask for authentication whenever log on to server
hope any one can help me
Thanks in Advance

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How To Get Authentication Mode In SQL Server

Jun 19, 2008

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetSQLServerAuthenticationMode

DECLARE @InstanceName NVARCHAR(1000),
@Key NVARCHAR(4000),
@LoginMode INT

EXEC master..xp_regreadN'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
N'SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerInstance NamesSQL',
@InstanceName OUTPUT

IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @InstanceName IS NULL

SET@Key = N'SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server' + @InstanceName + N'MSSQLServer'

EXEC master..xp_regreadN'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
@LoginMode OUTPUT

RETURN @LoginMode

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

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Mixed Authentication Mode

Jun 7, 2007


I would like to set 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode' of Sql Server 2005 so when user connects to Server he must supply username and password. Here are steps I make :

1. Open Microsoft SQL ServerManagement Studio Express
2. In Object Explorer right click on first (Server) node
3. Select 'Properties'
4. Select Page 'Security'
5. set 'Server authentication' to 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode'
6. press OK
7. in popup window fill password ******** and press OK
8. get error message ''operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SqlManagerUI)

How correctly to set above Server mode ?

Why I get the error message and how to solve it ?

Thank you

Yosef Fishov

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How Do I Change The Authentication Mode?

Nov 14, 2007

Change the Authentication Mode of the SQL server from "Windows Authentication Mode (Windows Authentication)"
to "Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication)".

How do I do this?

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Changing Authentication Mode

Oct 13, 2006

How can I change the authentication mode for sqlexpress without going through the UI? I looked at the docs for sp_configure, dmo and smo but I may have missed it. I'd like to be able to run a script that changes the authentication mode of an installed sqlexpress instance from windows only to moxed mode.


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Authentication Mode Selection

May 1, 2007

There are two different tasks I would like to serve with SSEE, both case the users are changing seats. I think SQL Server Authentication would be better for lightweight user change but I have read everywhere that Windows Authentication Mode is the preferred way to go.

Is there any significant weakness in SQL Server authentication mode - security, work with stored procedures (CLR) or anything?

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How Do I Disable Windows Authentication Mode To Log Into The DB?

Apr 25, 2007

How do i disable Windows Authentication mode and just have SQL Server Authentication mode? is it even possible? 

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Questions On A Mixed-mode Authentication

Aug 17, 2007

First post, so greetings!I've been using ASP.NET 2 authentication from an MS SQL 2k5 database now in the web application for my company's customer accounts (file serving, custom webreports, etc).  There is currently no support for employees through this web app, but in our plan to go paperless it's become of interest to let the employees access much of their information through the same web portal.  The catch is, I'd rather not make them have to use two accounts (one for their domain authentication and one for their web authentication).  It's already taken a lot of conditioning to get them to memorize a single username and password.So what I really need is the single Login.aspx page to accept both ASP.NET logins and Domain digest logins, and the Domain digest login needs to be HTTP based (not named pipes).  Is this possible at all, and if so, is it possible without making an isapi filter?  After all, Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access is served by the exchange server and accepts active directory passwords.  So how could I do authentication in this way, and if so, is it possible to have the Outlook Web Access form be accessible from the same session as that of my web server? Thanks, I surely hope someone can help. . . -Brandon  

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Win NT Authentication Mode In SQL Server Using OSQL

Mar 26, 2004

i wannt to Connect SQL server from Client's pc to server using OSQL utility in Windows authentication mode. help me how can i do it?

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Change The Authentication Mode Of The SQL Server

Dec 12, 2006

I installed SQL Server 2005 using Windows Authentication Mode (Windows Authentication)"

How can I change the Authentication Mode of the SQL server from "Windows Authentication Mode (Windows Authentication)"
to "Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication)"?

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Changeing Authentication Mode After Installation

Dec 20, 2007

Is it possible to change authentication mode after sql express has allready been installed?

I have admin rights on the computer and i want to change authentication mode to "sql server and windowns authentications mode".
Is this possible somehow?
Maybe by logging in with a trusted conncection?

I need to do it unattended on several computers after they have been installed.

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Mixed Mode Vs. Windows Authentication

Sep 6, 2007

I am trying to create a query that can determine if a user id is using mixed mode/windows/both authentication. I need to do this so that it can run on both sql server 2000 and 2005, meaning I can't use any of the sys.* views. Is there a single query could use for both systems?

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SQL Authentication Traffic For Mixed Mode

Aug 19, 2005


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Authentication Mode / Configuration Issue

Jun 25, 2007

I'm having a little issue here with the MSSQLServer service which installs as part of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. I can connect to it and run queries on it via Query Analyzer, but when I attempt to have a PHP script query against it, I get an error stating that the login failed because the user is not associated with a trusted SQL connection (severity 14). I've seen this before with other servers, and it was always a result of the server not being in mixed authentication mode.

So the question is this: How do I change it? There doesn't appear to be an Enterprise Manager or anything equivalent installed. Digging through the SQL Server folder, the only thing I saw that might have been useful is the SQL Server Network Utility located at Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinnSVRNETCN.EXE. This utility appears to only let me disable/enable protocols however, nothing about authentication.

I checked the Service Manager as well and didn't see anything of use there. Any ideas how I can do this?

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SQL Server Express Authentication Mode Change

Jul 6, 2005

Does anyone know how to change the SQL Express authentication mode from Windows Authentication to Mixed Mode after it's already been installed?   

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SQL Server Express Authentication Mode Greyed Out

Jul 12, 2006

Having problems connecting to SQL Server Express using 'sa' account and having read threds re problem and MS, advice is that Authenticaion mode needs to be set to both Windows and SQL. I have studio express installed and go to Security from the properties of the Server to change this option to use both authentication modes, however the options are greyed out!

Can anyone advise pse.

And will amending this option help me to enable the sa login which is refused at the moment, error as follows:

Login failed for user 'sa'.The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection

Thank you in advance

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Who Is The Default Owner For Sql Express In Windows Authentication Mode?

Aug 1, 2007

If i create a database in sql express in windows authentication mode, the database owner is in the format of 'MACHINENAMEUSERNAME'. If i connect this database to iis server i got login failed error message.

This is my connection string in my web.config :
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=dbsgh;Data Source=software92sqlexpress

I solved this problem by creating a login in sqlexpress called 'software92/aspnet' and creating a user for my database named aspnet under 'software92/aspnet' login. Then i changed the usrename in directory security of my iis virtual directory to 'software92/aspnet'.
This solves my problem. But i think i m solving this problem in a wrong way.
I think i should create that database under default owner. Who is the default owner?

I dont know the correct procedure to solve this.
Please help.

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Sharepoint Integration Mode Basic Authentication Problems

Jan 12, 2008

Hi there,

I am implementing SSRS 2005 Sharepoint integration mode in a stand alone server and we are having problems with basic authentication.

When the MOSS web application and the Report Server application is in Windows Integrated authentication Everything works fine and we can upload and view reports in the sharepoint site.

But when we switch the MOSS web application into basic authentication and RS stays the same with windows integrated authentication the reports in sharepoint throw 401 unauthorized errors. It looks like the error occurs when accessing the _vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2006.asmx web service??

Anyone have any fix on this????
Does SSRS 2005 Sharepoint integration mode support Basic authentication???

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Mixed Mode Authentication Conversion-Post Setup

Jul 13, 2006

I need help changing the authentication mode from Windows Authentication to Mixed Mode (for Project Server 2003). I am unable to find the Enterprise Management area. Evidently in this area, I can make this change. Is this the place to make these changes, or is there a better place? I am a novice, only days into this process. I need to setup a Project Server, and it needs Sql to breathe. Please help me!!

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Can Not Connect To SQL Server 2000 On Windows Authentication Mode

Dec 20, 2006

Hello everyone,

We have SQL server 2000 on windows 2000. From our desktop MS Access was connected to database through ODBC. Since yesterday (after our consultant had updated another asp application in the same server) we are getting €œSQL Server Error: 18452. €¦.. Login failed for user €˜(null)€™. Reason: not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. €œ

The consultant saying he did not touch any settings on server (?). And the problem is even server€™s security property shows it has mixed mode authentication. But I cannot connect to server even through my SQL server enterprise manager in windows authentication mode. I can connect if I use SQL server authentication. Through ODBC I can connect also and test fine, if I use SQL authentication. But the Access application wouldn€™t connect using SQL authentication in ODBC.

So, can any one help me to find out what else could be done to make sure that the server is going to accept windows authentication. I€™m thinking any other settings or registry change €¦ etc. Please help.


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SQL Server 2005 Authentication Failure

Sep 11, 2006


not sure if this is the right place to raise this question. If not please move this message.

I configured a Sql-Server 2005 installation -that is running on my computer for test purposes- with "Windows Authentication". I had to change my Windows password recently and it seems as if SQL-Server does not accept my account anymore. The event viewer told me that service startups failed because user or password are unkown.

Does anybody know how I may get access again? The problem seems to be that I cannot change back to my old password -unless I change it six or more times...

Thanks for helping me out!

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What Happens To Windows Authentication If Domain Failure Occurs?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I have a peculiar problem (or maybe not). I have SQL clients installedon XP boxes. These XP boxes are a member of let us say "XYZ" domain.SQL Server is installed on one of the boxes having Windows 2000 Serverin the same network. The installation has been done on local domainaccount. Since SQl Server has been installed with Windowsauthentication, what happens if the XYZ domain fails. Will it bepossible for all clients to access the database present on SQL Serverin the Win 2K box. I think I have made myself clear upto some extent.Please throw light on how to accomplish the connectivity between SQLclients and server in case of domain failure.Regards,Vinodi

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Authentication Failure - Can't Find Domain Accounts

May 30, 2007

We're getting an error where we can't add a login with the full dns name of a user - domain.xyzuser, for example. Get an error 15401, "Windows NT user or group domain.xyzuser' not found". The domain has a different Netbios name and DNS domain names, so we can add the user when we use the form "netbiosnameuser". So far so good.

Unfortunately, we have another application - Office Share Point Server whose shared services provider won't run, giving errors in the event log every 60 seconds that "Windows NT user or group 'domain.xyzuser' not found".

It looks as if SQL insists upon listing users in the form netbiosdomainnameuser, and applications that look for domain.xyzuser simply fail to authenticate.


jnfranc at yahoo period com

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SQL Express Resetting To Windows Authentication Only After Power Failure

May 9, 2007

Has anyone else experienced SQL Express resetting to Windows Authentication only instead of mixed mode for logins after a power failure. I only noticed it happen today as we had 2 power outages in the office and it happened both times. If anyone has seen this happen or knows of a fix please let me know.

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Reporting Services 2005 In SharePoint Integrated Mode With Forms Based Authentication

Feb 6, 2008

Well, I have SQL Server 2005 SP2 Reporting Services installed and configured in sharepoint integrated mode, so I am deploying reports in sharepoint libraries. Also I configured sharepoint to use forms authentication with builtin AspNetSqlMembership provider, but after this action I couldnot open reports through sharepoint library, instead of this, error was displayed mentioned below. I searched and found hotfix Cumulative Update 3 build 3186 for this issue, request it from microsoft support and applied it, but nothing has changed!

Error I have been experiencing is following:

An unexpected error occurred while connecting to the report server.
Verify that the report server is available and configured for
SharePoint integrated mode. --> The request failed with the error
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to <a href="/_layouts/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=

I continued to dig and find out that this hotfix should update Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts.dll from version 9.0.3042.0 to new version 9.0.3180.0, but when I checked file version after applying hotfix, it remained the same as was before i.e. 9.0.3042.0. Apparently this cumulative update does not fix this issue.
anyone has any idea how to solve it? Thanks in advance.

sorry for my poor english :-)

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Set Password To Database On SQL Server 2005 Express Running In Mixed Authentication Mode

Apr 20, 2006

Just like with Access DB, can we set password for database in SQL Server 2005 Express ?

Reason to do so is, user with Login having sysadmin previliage can acess all databases in SQL server.

so just want to restrict database access to only those users who knows the password.

Is there any possible solution ? Pls comment.


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Recovery :: Change Authentication Mode From Windows To Mixed / 4-node Participating In AlwaysOn

May 13, 2015

I need to change the authentication mode from 'windows' to mixed, its a 4-node participating in always-on... Will this brake/impact alwayson in any way? I know I have to restart the sql instance.

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Login Failure - Unable To Connect To Server Using Windows Authentication

Aug 12, 2015

We have see login failures for windows accounts. Below is the error message.

Description: In our env most logins are windows accounts. Initially we thought it is an UAC issue and we tried to launch the SSMS using "Run as Administrator". However, we are seeing login failures.

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2402.0 (X64)
RTM Enterprise Edition (HyperVisor)

Error Message in Error Log :

2015-08-10 22:36:45.290 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.
2015-08-10 22:36:45.290 Logon Login failed for user 'domainloginname'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT:]


We tried dropping this account and re-creating the windows account with same permissions but still result is same. It throws same error message. Login failure message !!!

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SSRS And ASP.Net And Windows Integrated Authentication Failure In Internet Explorer

Jun 1, 2006

I have a very confusing problem that I'm going to attempt to relay concisely:

I have a LAN on which I'm running an Intranet web site built in ASP.Net 2.0 and using SSRS / Sql Server 2005 on the same server.

The name of the box is "warehouse" or "" When I ping "warehouse," I get a response from, as I should. Likewise, I get a response from when I ping "" If I do a "ping -a" on, it correctly resolves to "" Based on the facts presented in this paragraph, I believe that my DNS is working as expected.

Using IE (6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519) with "low" security settings, I navigate to (Lex is the name of the app) and it authenticates me to the index page (which calls the SSRS web service to get and display a list of available reports), except that I get the login prompt three times. If I hit F5 (refresh), I get three more login prompts and then I get a 401.1 error. From this point, no matter what I do, I can not see the index page again without closing and restarting IE.

I know that IE only passes credentials to certain sites, so I add my domain ( to the Local Intranet list ( Tools->Internet Options->Security->Local Intranet->Advanced) and then I can refresh and see my index page once, but I still get 3 login attempts and then the same thing happens -- I refresh and go through 3 logins and then get a 401.1.

If I now change my address bar to read, I get a single login and it works like a champ. This makes me think that there's a DNS problem, so I open up Mozilla Firefox and wouldn't you know it -- Firefox works like a champ all around -- one single sign-in, it keep credentials between Lex and SSRS, and it appears to use the DNS correctly. However, I can't use Firefox because I can't get any of the SSRS reports to look like they're supposed to in Mozilla-based browsers.


I have set my IE securtiy settings to "Low." I have added the primary domain to the Local Intranet list and also to the Trusted Sites list (but you can't do both at the same time). I have even added the internal IP to my "hosts" file.

Does anyone know anything that might be a help to me in getting this figured out?

Other notes of interest:

My machine is an XP machine, but is not on the domain, but I do have a valid domain login that I use and it works in Firefox without problem.

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