Installing SQL 7 On Computer With Win2000 O/s

Sep 23, 2001

Hi Everybody,
I am looking for help on how to proceed. I have only 1 drive that has Win 2000 Prof o/s. I am installing SQL 7. Should I install to the same partition or create a new one for SQL, and are they compatable. I know Win 2k o/s post dates SQL 7. Would SQL 2000 be better? or Win98SE w/SQL 7? The main reason I ask is that I don't want to lose any of the stuff that's on the Win 2k o/s already. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks ! Phil

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Information On Installing 'QMF' In SQL Server On Win2000?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am installing SAP R/3 on Win2000/SQL Server. There is a CD with theSQL Server RDBMS, as well as another one with SP 3A (Both are fromSAP). According to the SAP installation manual, after installing thoseI have to install 'QMF' for SQL Server. It indicates to checkMicrosoft's documentation on installing QMF on SQL Server. I searchedMicrosoft's Website, but I did not find any information on QMF.Any ideas on the procedure involved, where it is documented, etc..would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,SAP BASIS Consultant

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Problem Installing Sql 7 Std Version On My Win98 Computer.

Oct 19, 2001

dear all,
i try to install sql 7.o std version on my developement win98 computer but
setup will give me option to create only "Program Files" folder but not "Data"
base folders(Grayed). i did it b4 on my notebook & another desktop(as i change my computer, i did not have problem.) Can some one help or suggess me what i should do?? thanks.

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Jun 21, 2000

Anyone running sql7 on a win 2000 box? Running advanced server? Any problems? suggestions? hints?


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SQL 7 And Win2000

Dec 7, 2000


I am about to make the transition from Win98 and Access 97 to Win2000 and SQl 7.0.

I was hoping for some basic/strategic advice on how to make the transition as painless as possible.

I have already installed Win2000 and SQL 7 and they seem to be coexisting. But, is there anything I should know or famialarize myself with straigth away to hit the ground running... Many Thanks >>

Cape Town, South Africa

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SQL6.5 On Win2000

Sep 19, 2000


when I installed SQL6.5 on a server with Win2000 I received a message saying that SQL6.5 could "not be installed on this version of Windows."

Can someone please tell me what the story is here.

De Waal

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1st Of 2 SQL 7 & Win2000 Problems

Oct 22, 1999

Running SQL Server 7 Enterprise edition SP1 on NT 4.0 server and installed it on 2 Toshiba laptops 1) running Windows 2000 Professional Beta 3, 2) Windows 2000 Professional RC2.
Neither one can login to the NT 4.0 domain (Odessa) which is the PDC- get error message that domain not found. Can login to local copy and then map a drive to the domain and utilize all functions etc. as both users have administrative privileges on the NT 4.0 server.

Because of this we can't (and we have had 3 different MS tech support people working with us) can't get either a push or pull subscription from the Odessa SQLServer databases to either one of the laptops. Continually getting OS error 5, Access denied.

We have 4 other laptops running Win98 getting pull subscriptions with no problems.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated,

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Win2000 Platform??

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm planning to purchase Sql Server2000 St. Edt. and install it onwindows 2000 server machine. I would like to know please if it isadvisable to work on the same machine that host both servers or shouldI work on a separate one???MTIA,Grawsha

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SQL Server 7.0 Compatiblity With Win2000

Feb 23, 2001

When I installed SQL Server 7.0 on Windows 2000 Server, I got "File Protection Error" saying Windows 2000 system files are being updated by other version.... to restore the Windows 2000 files insert CD.

The same error I received when i tried to install SP3 of SQL Server 7.0, is there any compatibility issues? I canceled the above error and the Server works well after installation.

Please HELP..!!!

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Problems With Win2000 Connecting

Dec 28, 2006

I have a SQL Server 2005 in use locally. I'm trying to connect a remote location. Using WinXP Pro, I can connect just fine. However, when I try the same connect string on a Win2000 or WinXP Home computer, I cannot connect.

All these computers are plugged into the same network (hub even).

I've updated all the computers to MDAC 2.8.

To connect, I open the ODBC Administrator in Windows, enter my SQL Server IP and instance name: xx.xx.xx.xxabc, change the network library to TCP/IP and enter my username and password.

This works great on the WinXP Pro machines.

This is the error I get on the other machines:

[Microsoft][OBBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionOpen(Connect()).

[Microsoft][OBBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]Specified SQL server not found.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Win2000 OS Access For SQL Server Admin

Jul 20, 2005

I am interested if anyone can point me to "best practices" regarding thelevel of administrative authority a SQL Server database administrator shouldhave. Alternatively, I'd be interested hearing what level of authority onthe server you/your SQL Admin has. I have been told that in order to dotheir job, a database admin needs full admin authority on the operatingsystem in a Microsoft environment, but I find that hard to believe.Thanks.

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Backing Up Trans Logs To Win2000 Server

Jul 31, 2002

I have my SQL7 server running on NT4 server. Currently the transaction log backups are on the same server but I want to back these up to a Win2000
server in another building. When creating a Backup Device in Enterprise Manager on the NT server it cannot see the drive but not the folder I have created on the Win2000 server, even though I have shared this folder out and set the permissions. Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks

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Upgrade Servicepack For SQL 7 Enterprise In Win2000 Cluster

Aug 29, 2002

When upgrading servicepack for SQL Server 7 in a Windows 2000 cluster, do I need to uncluster the servers before installing SP?
Install on Node 1 first?

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How To Know Whether A Computer Is A Sql Server According To The Name Of Computer?

May 9, 2004

Thanks a lot

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Can I Install 2005 / 2002 / SQL 2005 / SQL 2000 In One PC Win2000 Sp4?

Dec 1, 2005

P4 2.8G Hz, 512 M RAM.thanks.

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Installing MSDTC Resource After Installing SQL Server 2000 Cluster

Oct 19, 2006

Is it possible to install and configure the MSDTC resource in a SQL Server 2000 cluster after SQL is installed and running?

When I recently went through a rebuild of my cluster, I forgot to install the resource before installing SQL Server. Now, if I install and bring online the MSDTC resource the SQL disk groups will not fail over correctly. The SQL Server resource will not come online.

Thanks in advance for any help. I would really like to avoid rebuilding again.


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Installing IIS After Installing SQL Server 2005 And Visual Studio 2005 Help Requested!

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all, Im new here so il start with a little introduction of myself, My name is Arjan im 19 years old from Holland, and i work for a company to compleet my ICT Education.

My situation:

My boss gave me a server with server 2003 standard and Sql server 2005 and visual studio 2005 installed already, he asked me if i could figure out how the 'new' reporting services work, Im pretty new to SQL and the reporting service but i figured out i had to install / frameworks and IIS.

So right now i wanna start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and i get an error that says 'Invalid namespace' and when im trying to approach by using my browser i get 'page not found' so obviously their is Alot wrong. I asked my boss if i could not reinstall everything and do it in the correct order (IIS / / Frameworks before installing SQL server 2k5 but that was not an option because we dont seem to have the cd's anymore.

The server is not connected to any network or the internet.

My Question:

Is their any way to fix this? and if yes could anyone tell me where to start

Thanks in Advance!

ps if their is information or logs that u need in order to help me just say so :-)


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Computer Name

Jun 28, 2006

How will I know the computer name of the user in the query analyzer?

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Computer Name

Jul 20, 2005

If I change the name of my computer/server will it change the name ofmy sql instance?

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Computer Name Could Not Be Obtained

Jun 14, 2006

i have stupid problem that had effect my application distripuotion which i think is related either to connection string or something of the security setting of sql server or iis , actually i do not know what to do: the details of the problem is a have multi connection strings in this form :
sqlconnectionPubs = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Server=SALES-SERVER;Database=NajdiaServiceRequestDta; Asynchronous Processing=true; Integrated Security=True; Trusted_Connection=Yes;")
and the connection works just fine in my computer , even i put the database in the main server and still i can post data from my pc to the main server where my database exist but when i try to post from any other computer in the network it tells me : run time error : computer name could not be obtained.
I appreciat any help

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How To Transfer DTS From One Computer To Other

Feb 16, 2007

How to transfer DTS from one computer to other?

I have a DTS package runing on one server1. I need to transfer this DTS to some other server2. But these two servers are on the different network. Hence temme the way to transfer it to server2.


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Accessing SQL Through Another Computer

Apr 29, 2008

Hello, me and my friend has set up an SQL, I am wondering if it is possible to access the SQL server from my computer when hosted on his.


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Change Computer Name

May 2, 2008

I have to change machine name for one of SQL Server 2005 machines. Do I need to do anything on SQL Server as well?

Canada DBA

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What's Going On With OSQL On My Computer??

Mar 20, 2008

I have not seen this ever on my computer until today...

I start CuteFTP or NetObjects Fusion 8 and I get an installer window popping up saying:

"Please wait while Microsoft configures Microsoft SQL desktop engine"

ZoneAlarm warns me that OSQL.exe is trying to connect to my network.
I let it.

Then ZA warns me that OSQL is trying to connect to the internet.
At this point, if I let it, or deny it, the thing installer (which looks to be half way done) reloads itself and starts over with ZA warning that it's trying to connect locally, then to the internet. Over and over this happens.

It wont let either of my program start until it goes through about 5 or 6 cycles of whatever it's trying to do.

Then it just disappears and my program will load.

If I close either CuteFTP of NetObjects and start them back up, the whole OSQL.exe thing starts again.

I have rebooted and it still does this.

The odd thing is some of the IP addresses it's trying to connect to. - Google - Akamai - Microsoft (ok, that's understandable)
I didn't write the IP address, but it tried to get to too..

How do I fix this? Why is it doing this?

I'm running XP Pro. P-4 3Ghz 1.5Gb RAM

Thanks for any help!

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Moving From One Computer To Another

Apr 4, 2006

I am developing an SSIS package in a local computer. I have connection managers defined that link to a SQL Server database. I connect to the database using SQL Server Authentication, a username and a password. When I copy the package files and try to execute them in another computer, the password is lost and I have to edit the package and rewrite the password. How can I move a package between computers and not lose the password?


Pedro Martins

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SQL Sever Computer Name

Feb 26, 2007

I don't have any errors to share, but I have a question.

What kind of problems (if any) would I encounter if the computer name where SQL Server 2000 or 2005 was installed included special characters? An example would be FNB_(1).

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Best Way To Move CSK Database From One Computer To Another

Jul 21, 2004


Can someone suggest a good way to move the CSK database from ine instandc of MSDE200 to another on a different PC. I tried exporting using MS Web database administrator which moved the tables but stripped off the defaults and all stored proceedures.

Any better ideas?


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Renaming The SQL Server Computer Name

Oct 10, 2001

Do I have to re-install SQL2000 if I change the Win2000 Server name.


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SQLservr.exe Taking Over Computer

Aug 25, 2004

I have been dealing with an intermittent problem for several months that manifests itself on my computer as well as a customers computer. It is happening so often, upon booting the computer, that I just open and then minimize the Task Manager so that it will be in the Tool Tray and the bargraph will be visible.

From time to time the processor bargraph will "Max out" and when I open Task Manager and click on CPU in the Processes Tab, SQLServr.exe is using 99% of the CPU.

In Enterprise Manager I have set maximum Memory to 25% of the available system memory. I have tried this in both Fixed mode as well as Dynamic mode, no change.

I was told that there was a SQL Server version that was susceptible to a WORM that caused this. I have since upgraded to SQL ver. 8.0.194. I'm not sure of the version that I replaced, but I thought that the previous version was the one that was susceptible to the worm.

Has anyone fought this battle and if so can you offer any experience or advice?

Thanks very much for your help,

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What Should I Do To Connect SQL Server To My Computer (was New To SQL)

Mar 14, 2006

I'm new to programing things, i'm on my own with MCAD/MCSD Amid Calani, i came to the point were i can"t go any further: i have VS enteprise architect,but i have only instece of SQL server,recently i downloaded SQLExpress , what should i do to connect SQL server to my computer, just because i'm new to to it looks stupid but maybe someone can HELP me with this. HELP, HEL,SOS,SOS...:eek:

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Moving Database To Another Computer

Dec 2, 2005

hi all,

I'm having real trouble trying to place another copy of my database on a different computer.

I have developed a database on my main PC. But I want another copy of this same database to reside on my laptop so that I can do work on the move.

So far no luck. I installed SQL Server on the laptop but it won't let me create a database based on an existing database file.

Any ideas guys?


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Connecting To Sql Server From Another Computer

Mar 25, 2007

when i connect to sql from the same machine i use


what would i use connecting from another machine

i tried the ipaddressSQLEXPRESS
and if didn't work

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I Can't Find Sql Server On My Computer

Feb 4, 2006

I installed sql server on my PC, and when I look at the Programs I dofind sql server, but when I click on that I get "configuration tools".I don't see anything that says "enterprise manager" for instance. Howcan I find it so I can make a shortcut to it?Thanks

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