Installing SQL Srvr On Win98

Sep 24, 2001

I have tried installing SQL Server 7.0 on my Win 98 machine. My machine has all the latest service packs and I think it is reasonably up to date. I've tried installing from the disc 3 times and it fails to install:
the Server Network Utility and Service Manager.
As a result, I am unable to register my local machine as a SQL server.
Any ways around this? Quick fixes?

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Problem Installing Sql 7 Std Version On My Win98 Computer.

Oct 19, 2001

dear all,
i try to install sql 7.o std version on my developement win98 computer but
setup will give me option to create only "Program Files" folder but not "Data"
base folders(Grayed). i did it b4 on my notebook & another desktop(as i change my computer, i did not have problem.) Can some one help or suggess me what i should do?? thanks.

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SQL SRVR 2008 And Vb6

Dec 3, 2007

i am new to sql2008 and coming from vb6,sql2000 background. We tried Orcas. we dont want to move our project to dotnet for atleast one year. we want to makie it tune with windows vista also. so kindly tell us which version of adodb can be used with vb6 and sql2008. i am pasting our old code from vb6 here.

Code Block
dim cn as new adodb.connection "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;password=NETECH0507;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=" & dbname & ";Data Source=" & gStrSQLServerName

Let me know what are the changes required while connecting with vb6 and sql 2008 express edition

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HELP: Renamed Machine Now SQL SRVR 7 Won't Recognize

Sep 19, 2000

Our network people changed our machine name one character without our permission, they say their naming standards can't handle an "underscore" we put in our the SQL Server won't run because it doesn't recognize the name of the machine.

Is there a way of bypassing or telling SQL server that we changed the name without having to reload all of our information?

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Sql Srvr 6.5 Only Runs From Command Prompt

Oct 11, 1999

We have a development server that will only run SQL Server from a DOS command prompt. Each time I reboot the server the services don't autostart, and I am unable to start them manually using Service Manager. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this problem?

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LogShipping Cant Make Sec Srvr Operational

Feb 12, 2004

Whenever I am trying to put my secondary server operational as my primary (primary is not available) by running


@db_name = 'TX_ACCT',

@final_State = 1,

@access_level = 1,

@terminate = 1

I am repeatedly getting this message

Server: Msg 3021, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_change_secondary_role, Line 124

Cannot perform a backup or restore operation within a transaction.

Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_change_secondary_role, Line 124

RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

Server: Msg 226, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

ALTER DATABASE statement not allowed within multi-statement transaction.

Can you please help? This is urgent

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Srvr Permissions: Public Gone, Need It Back!

Jun 3, 2008

Hi all,

Hope someone can help: by default, there's an entry for 'public' in server permissions (right-click server in Management Studio > Properties > Permissions), which has 1 selection: 'View All Databases' is set to 'grant'. I wanted to disable this permission, and so unfortunately unchecked the 'grant' tickbox but forgot to tick the 'deny' tickbox. What appears to have happened is the entire 'public' entry has been removed, meaning I can't go back and reselect 'grant' (or 'deny') for 'View All Databases'. I'd really like to get the 'public' role to reappear... Is that possible?

A very big thanks for any help!

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SQL Server Under Win98 Or W2k

May 4, 2000

I've tried to install the server part of SQL Server 7 under both win 98 and w2k professional, but both times i get an error message telling me that "The Enterprise Edition server component cannot be installed on the_name_of_the_os using this cd. Only client components will be available for installation."
Anyone got a quick and easy solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance


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SQL Server 7 And Win98

Apr 13, 1999


I recently received my free evaluation to SQL Server 7. I installed it on my windows 98 computer and I am able to
start the services to SQL server. However, when I go into enterprise manager I am unable to get connected to be able to
begin creation on a database. I am also unable to create a proper DSN connection to the SQL server database. I am doing
all of this on my local computer and I am unable to get it working I just need to be able to connect to SQL on my local computer.

Please help. I am not a beginner to creating databases I have done numerous Access databases and know how to
create DSN's but I have never done one for SQL Server 7. If any one knows how to do this please let me know or if their is
a good tutorial on how to do that.

Thank you, in advanced.


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SQL Client And Win98

Aug 24, 1998

Hi all!

When installing SQL6.5 on a Win98 client, I get an error:

"A critical error has occurred. The INF SETUP has a badly formed file description line in section [UtilDLLs]. This error prevents setup from continuing."

I can use the same CD to load to any 95 or NT machine, but it chokes on 98.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Tony Vinson

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Non-techie Interface To SQL Srvr 05 DM Functionality For 500,000 Rows?

Jan 15, 2008

Dear all,

We've a denormalised database (SQL Server 05) with around half a million rows, feeding a fairly simple Analysis Services cube. We were hoping to use the Excel 07 DM add-in as a user-friendly interface to lots of people, but as far as I can tell we need to first import the data into an Excel 07 worksheet. I realise 2007 has a 1mn limit, but the rows are wide, downloading GBs is not possible, and I have concerns about Excel performance and reliability at these volumes, especially on a desktop.

Is there any way to use the data mining functionality without having the data in Excel?

If not, what would be the simplest/quickest/cheapest way of providing this functionality (or subsets of it) to people who know Excel but not data mining?

Thanks for any guidance or corrections,

PS. Would downloading subsets of the data work, along the lines of the article entitled Sampling Nested Tables ( )?

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Win98 Not Connecting To SQL Server 2K

Apr 27, 2004

I have tried everything that me and the net guys could come with and still no luck. All the WinXP Pro boxes see the server, can talk to it, the whole nine yards. All the Win98 boxes simply won't. I've checked the SQL Server instance. It appears ok. I've checked my application code to be sure I was using the IP address instead of the actual server name to avoid DNS problems. Downloaded and installed the latest SQL server drivers on all but one of the Win98 machines. Same with the latest Novell drivers. Everything worked Friday (no changes to application or DB between then and now).

What else can it be?

System specs:
Novell backbone (5.x and 6.x)
Win2000 Server with multiple SQL Server 2000 instances running (including the one I'm trying to connect to)
Mix of WinXPPro and Win 98 on desktops
Win98 running Novell 3.4 client
WinXP Pro running Novel 4.9 client
Application is VFP 8 SP1
Latest MDAC (2.8) on two Win98 and 2.5 on another

Thanks for any help provided.


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Error On Win98 And Sqlserver2000

Aug 23, 2006

Wilson writes "Hi, I have Sql Server 2000 on win98, i can't retrieve any data. Instead, it shows an error, says that some files is missing or is not registered.

the mssql was reinstalled and it's goin then same.

what could be the problem? what could be the solution?"

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SQL Client 2005 On Win98

Apr 13, 2007

Hi allIs it possible to install MS SQL Client 2005 on Windows 98 ? I tried to dothis today but I got error with informations about rejects in libraries.What should I do to install it ?Thanks for your answer

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SQL Server Express And Win98

Nov 18, 2005

Quick Question: It does not appear that SQL Server Express supports Win98.

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Problems Creating Database On SQL Srvr. 2005 Ent. Edtn.

Dec 17, 2006

Posted - 12/17/2006 : 07:23:22


I have just started to learn SQL Server 2005, and am currently using the MCTS SQL Server 2005 Self-Paced Training Kit. I am literally at the very start, and already seem to have hit a snag and can't figure it out. From browsing here in the past I recall people here seemed quite clued up, and I was hoping someone might be able to assist.

I am using SQL Server 2005 Ent. Edtn. (trial) on Win XP Pro (SP2). I am basically trying to run a sample script copied from book to create a database and primary, secondary and log files. Whilst I have the theory down, and thought I understood the SQL (have used other DBMSs in the past, MySQL/ACCESS etc.) I am getting an error when trying to run the following code when connected to the default instance on my PC. The code I am trying to run is:

create database Sales



(name = SalesPrimary,

filename = E:Sales_DataSalesPrimary.mdf,

size = 50mb,

MAXSIZE = 200,

filegrowth = 20),

Filegroup SalesFG

( name = SalesData1,

filename = F:Sales_DataSalesData1.ndf,

size = 200mb,

maxsize = 800,

filegrowth = 100),

( name = SalesData2,

Filename = F:Sales_DataSalesData2.ndf,

Size = 400mb,

Maxsize = 1200,

Filegrowth = 300),

Filegroup SalesHistoryFG

( name = SalesHistory1,

filename = F:Sales_DataSalesHistory1.ndf,

size = 100mb,

maxsize = 500,

filegrowth = 50)


(name = Archlog1,

Filename = G:Sales_DataSalesLog.ldf,

size = 300mb,

maxsize = 800,

filegrowth = 100)

I find I get the following error message:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near 'E'.
Msg 132, Level 15, State 1, Line 16
The label 'F' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
Msg 132, Level 15, State 1, Line 22
The label 'F' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.

Anyone have any ideas? Your help is greatly appreciated!



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Win98, MSDE2000, Connection Problems

Oct 12, 2004

hi there,

i have following system:

the MSDN is running on a win98 machine,
the client-applications, which uses the DB are running on winXP.

there are (SOMETIME!) connection problems to the DB, i guess because of
connection timeouts.

unfortunately i can not change the system, i only can change some setting
or install additionally components such as MDAC.

what can i do,
please help me, it is a support case for a customer.

thank you very much.

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Is It Possible To Install Msde 2000 In Win98

Mar 16, 2004

I am developing a project in
using MSDE 2000 as backend.
I want to deployment my project in win98 OS PCs.
is it possible to install msde 2000 in win98


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Backup Win98 Files And Restoring To Winxp?

Nov 25, 2006

I have some bookkeeping files that were saved using win98 backup that i need to restore to my accounting program on my winxp computer.. i have no idea how to do that. The files that are backed up belong to the same program on both the win98 and winxp.

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Installaing SQL Srvr 2005 Developer Edition - Problem With Report Server

Dec 30, 2005

The install went smoth with no error messages.  But when I try to open report manager, I am getting the following message:

"The report server is not responding...."

When I try to access the report server, I get:

"The report server has encountered a configuration error.  Access denied to the path c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql.3
eporting services
sreportserver.config' is denied"

I have two partitions on win xp.  These are C and D.  C is a system drive and this is where sql server 2005 is installed as well.

Any ideas?




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Installing MSDTC Resource After Installing SQL Server 2000 Cluster

Oct 19, 2006

Is it possible to install and configure the MSDTC resource in a SQL Server 2000 cluster after SQL is installed and running?

When I recently went through a rebuild of my cluster, I forgot to install the resource before installing SQL Server. Now, if I install and bring online the MSDTC resource the SQL disk groups will not fail over correctly. The SQL Server resource will not come online.

Thanks in advance for any help. I would really like to avoid rebuilding again.


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Installing IIS After Installing SQL Server 2005 And Visual Studio 2005 Help Requested!

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all, Im new here so il start with a little introduction of myself, My name is Arjan im 19 years old from Holland, and i work for a company to compleet my ICT Education.

My situation:

My boss gave me a server with server 2003 standard and Sql server 2005 and visual studio 2005 installed already, he asked me if i could figure out how the 'new' reporting services work, Im pretty new to SQL and the reporting service but i figured out i had to install / frameworks and IIS.

So right now i wanna start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and i get an error that says 'Invalid namespace' and when im trying to approach by using my browser i get 'page not found' so obviously their is Alot wrong. I asked my boss if i could not reinstall everything and do it in the correct order (IIS / / Frameworks before installing SQL server 2k5 but that was not an option because we dont seem to have the cd's anymore.

The server is not connected to any network or the internet.

My Question:

Is their any way to fix this? and if yes could anyone tell me where to start

Thanks in Advance!

ps if their is information or logs that u need in order to help me just say so :-)


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Installing SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 After Installing SQL Server Express 2005

Feb 14, 2007


I have installed SQL Server Express 2005 on my machine.

I want to install SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 on my machine to check new services it has.

Can these 2 Editions coexist with each other, or any troubles you think might encounter?


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Jan 16, 2008

Hi friends, I am unable to Install the sql 2005 exp. edition under the vs2005 on windows xp sp2. It gives error "sql express returns some value to os".
Please co-operate with me thank u.

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Installing SQL

May 19, 2006

I am learning ASP.NET from teach yourself ASP.NET in 24 hours. When i try to connect to the SQL Server i get an error "SQL Server does not exist or access denied".
SQL appears to exist, and to be running. I am trying to connect through Localhost.
Where should i be looking if access is being denied by a firewall and how should i disable it

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Installing SP2

May 29, 2001

Hi, I am working on installing SP2 for SQL Server 7.0. Do I have to install the SP2 on every SQL Server 7.0 Client machine?
or do I have to do anything on the client machines? Thank you.

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Installing 7.0 On Top Of 6.5

Sep 22, 2000

Whenever we install SQL Server 7.0 on a box with 6.5 on it, the installation always fails at the last hurdle. It gives the following error:

Microsoft SQL Server Version Switch
An error occured which prevented a succesfull version switch. Please make sure the Registry Editor, Query Analyzer and ISQL are closed, and try running vswutch.exe again.

We've followed all technet article recommendations to no avail. Any ideas ?


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Re-Installing 7.0

Dec 10, 2001

I've been trying to re-install 7.0(on my test server) but duuring the wizard setup it says:
A uninstall was done but I don't understand why it won't just install from the

Also How can you change the server name in EM, under the SQL Server Group
you have the server name, i.e ServerA. When I put 2000 on the same machine that wouldn't do the re-install for 7.0 it shows the server name as ServerAServerA and I just want to rename it to ServerA. But in EM under 'Registered SQL Server Properties' the server name field is not active for modification.

I would appreciate any help to the up-most. Thanks

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Installing RS

Jan 10, 2006

Hi there

Can anyone tell me which version ofn SQL 2000 RS is on, i.e developer, enterprise etc?



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HELP In Installing SQL 7.0

Jan 15, 2004

I installed SQL 7.0 in windows 2000, at first it was working fine but after a few hours it cannot connect to my database.

I reformat my pc coz I was so desperate to make it work but after reformatting SQL won't work still. It cannot connect with my database which is also the same computer. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it over and over but I still face the same problem.

The SQL Server Service Manager there's nothing in the Service boxes.

I need your Help really bad!!!

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Installing SQL

Mar 10, 2007

I tried installing SQL Server 2005 for educational purposes.
When I double cliked Setup.exe I get the messege "You computer does not meet service pack levels ....."

I use Windows XP Professional Service PAck 2

what could be the reason

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Installing Without CD - Help

Jul 23, 2005

Hello:We just leased a dedicated server and now want to install SQL Server2000. We though we could just copy the contents of the CD to a folderon the server and run AUTORUN. While it does load the splash screen,when we click install SQL Server Components, the demoshield splashscreen comes up and then disappears. The install stops.Any ideas? Is this even possible?Thanks in advance.Jason Sweet

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Installing SQL

Jul 20, 2005

Hi;I am new to sql. I want to install MSSQL 2000 and have connectivity ( I amlearning DB design). I do not know how to setup the SQL Executive account. Ithink it has something to do with network. I am using single PC ( nonetwork). I need server and client on my PC and don't know how to do it,.Could somebody explain how to do it or point me to book or any material howto do it so I can connect to DB, please.Thanks in advance.

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