Installing SQl 2K Tools Question

Apr 2, 2001

Must or should I uninstall SQL 7 client tools before installing Sql 2K client tools on my NT desktop?

View 1 Replies


Help With Installing VS Tools

Jan 11, 2007


I have a problem with the installation of SSCE31VSTools-ENU.exe into VS2005. The installation ended after a few seconds although in the event log there is information that the product is successfuly installed. However, when I run Visual studio there is no project under Smart Device regarding SQL Compact database or something similar (there are only templates for: device application, class library, control library, console application, empty project and nothing more)

VS2005 is in this version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600)

In application event log there is: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Tools for Visual Studio 2005 [ENU] -- Configuration completed successfully.'"

Has anyone some idea if there is a problem or how to create SQL Compact database?

Thank you


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Installing SQL Server Management Tools

Dec 10, 2007

I have been trying for 2 days now to get the SQL Server management tools installed on client machines. I'm starting to think it is not possible to do that the way we used to be able to with previous versions of SQL Server. I have installed 3rd party open source software on my own machine so that I can query the database without logging onto the server directly and would like for my co-workers to be able to do the same. As I mentioned we tried the SQL Server Management studio and all we get is a message saying to uninstall all the beta and Visual Studio *** on our machines. We stripped one machine all the way down to the OS and still kept getting that message so I'm guessing it is some new Windows Vista issue that makes SQL Server 2005 client tools completely incompatible with XP. However, we are not going to bow to Microsoft's evil ways and upgrade to their new OS just to use the SQL Server Studio. If need be I will write my own software to workaround this problem. In the meantime, can anyone recommend some good 3rd party tools that will allow us to query the SQL Server 2005 database on a server and preferably one that does not require all other software be removed first?

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Problems Installing Client Tools And BOL

Jul 26, 2006

I have tried several times to install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition on a cluster. SQL Server, SQL browser and SQL Agent installs ok but when the installer start to setup Books on line and client tools (BIDS) and SS Management Studio the installer stops and end the installation.

I get this error (from SQLSetup0021_WBOGSQL01_Core(Local).log)

Remote setup(s) are ready
Notify package to begin: 29539
Notify package to commit: 29539
Waiting for remote setup(s) to get ready to end
Remote setup(s) are ready
Notify package to end: 29539
Error: Action "UninstallForRS2000Action" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Action: "UninstallForRS2000Action" will be marked as failed due to the following condition:
Condition "rs was successfully upgraded." returned false.
Installation of package: "patchRS2000" failed due to a precondition.
Waiting for actions from remote setup(s)
Remote setup(s) are ready
Notify package action is determined: 0
Running: InstallToolsAction.10 at: 2006/6/23 2:3:42
Error: Action "InstallToolsAction.10" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
Target collection includes the local machine.
Fatal Exception caught while installing package: "10"
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: sqlchainingsqlprereqpackagemutator.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Tue Aug 9 01:14:20 2005
Function Name: sqls::SqlPreReqPackageMutator::modifyRequest
Source Line Number: 196
---- Context -----------------------------------------------
WinException caught while installing package. : 1603
Error Code: 0x80070643 (1603)
Windows Error Text: Fatal error during installation.
Source File Name: packageengineinstallpackageaction.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 1 01:28:25 2005
Function Name: sqls::InstallPackageAction::perform
Source Line Number: 167
---- Context -----------------------------------------------
Cancelling setup due to failure on remote machine: 1603
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0021_WBOGSQL01_.NET Framework 2.0.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0021_WBOGSQL01_.NET Framework 2.0 LangPack.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0021_WBOGSQL01_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0021_WBOGSQL01_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor LangPack.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0021_WBOGSQL01_.NET Framework Windows Installer.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0021_WBOGSQL01_.NET Framework Windows Installer LangPack.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup" Error Code : 2
Running: UploadDrWatsonLogAction at: 2006/6/23 2:6:2
Message pump returning: 1603

Why does the installation process stop there and what can I do next?

Best regards


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Need To Execute Dtsrun Without Installing Client Tools.

Jul 20, 2005

I have an application that needs to execute dtsrun from a remotemachine. Basically I have a batch file on the remote box, whichhandles the execute. This works fine on a machine with client toolsinstalled. My problem is that I can't install the client tools on theremote box.Does anyone know what I need to install on the remote machine to getthis to execute, without installing the client tools? I've triedcopying dtsrun.exe and dtsrun.rll, but that didn't work

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Problem Installing SQL Mobile 2005 Tools

Jan 13, 2006

I'm trying to install the SQL Mobile 2005 Server tools on a Windows 2003
Server with IIS & MSSQL 2000 sp4.

I've stuck .NET 2.0 on already, but the installer for the server tools
Sqlce30setupen.msi just goes straight to the last page of the wizard and says
the install was interrupted.

I've run the install with logging turned on and this is the last portion of
the trace. Can anyone shed any light on whats going wrong.


MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts
Action start 14:12:35: FindRelatedProducts.
Action ended 14:12:35: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 1.
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: Doing action: AppSearch
Action start 14:12:35: AppSearch.
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISROOTFOLDER
property. Its value is 'C:Inetpubwwwroot'.
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: Note: 1: 1402 2:
Server90ToolsShellServices{CA8A686A-0882-4e79-BCA3-AF3F3AB3EB8A} 3: 2
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MDACFOUND property.
Its value is '2.80.1022.0'.
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISIISINSTALLED
property. Its value is 'LocalSystem'.
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SQL2KREPLCLIENT
property. Its value is '{2FAD19D0-E309-11D2-B6E5-00C04F688E8F}'.
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:928]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:928]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
Action ended 14:12:35: AppSearch. Return value 1.
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:928]: Skipping action: CheckOSVersion (condition
is false)
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:35:928]: Doing action: CA_CheckInstalledSQL
Action start 14:12:35: CA_CheckInstalledSQL.
MSI (c) (9C:94) [14:12:35:943]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL:
C:DOCUME~1CharlieLOCALS~1Temp1MSIB.tmp, Entrypoint: CheckInstalledSQL
MSI (c) (9C:88) [14:12:35:943]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (9C:88) [14:12:35:943]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges
before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (9C:88) [14:12:35:943]: Connected to service for CA interface.
Action ended 14:12:36: CA_CheckInstalledSQL. Return value 3.
MSI (c) (9C:14) [14:12:36:005]: Doing action: SetupCompleteError
Action start 14:12:36: SetupCompleteError.
MSI (c) (9C:54) [14:12:36:082]: Note: 1: 2731 2: 0
Action ended 14:13:33: SetupCompleteError. Return value 2.
Action ended 14:12:32: INSTALL. Return value 3.
MSI (c) (EC:00) [14:19:35:619]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (c) (EC:0C) [14:19:35:619]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
=== Logging stopped: 11/01/2006  14:19:35 ===
MSI (c) (EC:34) [14:19:35:619]: Note: 1: 1708
MSI (c) (EC:34) [14:19:35:619]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile
[ENU] Server Tools -- Installation operation failed.



// charlie

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Problems Installing SQL 2005 Client Tools

Mar 13, 2008

I have recently installed a copy of SQL server 2005 on to a windows 2003 server. During the install I selected to install the client tools (management studio and all that) all seemed to install ok no errors but after the install there is no management studio in the start menu. I have tried uninstalling the client tools and reinstalling them again I have also tried to launch management studio by browsing to the SqlWb.exe but the program fails to initialise any ideas?

(both SQL and Windows are at SP2)


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Error - Installing Client Tools - Sql Server 2005

Jan 4, 2007


I am trying to install client tools on my desktop and I am getting the following error :

Edition Change Check (Warning)

Edition Change Check

To change an existing instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to a different edition of SQL Server 2005,
you must run SQL Server 2005 Setup from the command prompt and include the SKUUPGRADE=1 parameter.

This error , I am have seen in the logs.

The installation wizard is closing down with the above log error.


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Error - Installing SQL Server 2005 Client Tools

Jan 5, 2007


I am trying to install sql server 2005 client tools and I get the following error:

Error code 2356 : Could not locate cabinet in stream :

How can I go about this


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Error Running Script: 80sp4-tools.sql Installing Sql 2000 SP4

Apr 13, 2007

Hello there,

I hope someone can help me with an annoying failure.

While installing sp4, the last running script is going very wrong.

"Error running script: 80sp4-tools.sql"

in the sqlsp.log, there is only an item with Process Exit Code: (1) after 80sp4-tools.sql

this is the log file.

14:15:05 Begin Setup
14:15:05 Version on Media: 8.00.2039
14:15:05 Mode = Normal
14:15:05 ModeType = NORMAL
14:15:06 Loading library - sqlsut.dll (#L1)
14:15:06 Begin: SetupInitialize()
14:15:06 End: SetupInitialize()
14:15:06 Begin: CheckFixedRequirements()
14:15:06 Platform ID: 0xf000
14:15:06 Version: 5.2.3790
14:15:06 File Version - C:WINDOWSsystem32shdocvw.dll: 6.0.3790.2858
14:15:06 End: CheckFixedRequirements()
14:15:06 Begin Action: CheckRequirements
14:15:06 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)
14:15:06 Service Pack: 256
14:15:06 ComputerName: SERVER01
14:15:06 User Name: administrator
14:15:06 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1
14:15:06 OS Language: 0x409
14:15:06 End Action CheckRequirements
14:15:06 CreateSetupTopology(SERVER01), Handle : 0x14d46c8, returned : 0
14:15:06 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x14d46c8
14:15:06 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
14:15:06 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x14d4708
14:15:06 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
14:15:06 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x88020024
14:15:06 PN_StartScan [0x14d4708] returned : 0
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 0, Handle: [0x14d55c0]
14:15:06 SQLI_GetPackageId [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, PackageId = 0x2
14:15:06 SQLI_GetVersion [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, Version = 8.00.194
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 0, Handle: [0x14d5f48]
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 0, Handle: [0x14d6878]
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 0, Handle: [0x14d7180]
14:15:06 PN_GetNext [0x14d4708] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
14:15:06 ReleaseSetupTopology
14:15:06 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a full product install.
14:15:06 Begin: SetupInstall()
14:15:06 Reading SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionCommonFilesDir ...
14:15:06 CommonFilesDir=C:Program FilesCommon Files
14:15:06 Windows Directory=C:WINDOWS
14:15:06 Program Files=C:Program Files
14:15:06 End: SetupInstall()
14:15:06 Begin: ShowDialogs()
14:15:06 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x8300037, Disable Back=0x1
14:15:06 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1
14:15:06 Begin Action: DialogShowSdWelcome
14:15:07 End Action DialogShowSdWelcome
14:15:07 Dialog 0x1 returned: 1
14:15:07 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:07 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2,index=1
14:15:07 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2
14:15:07 Begin Action: DialogShowSdMachineName
14:15:07 ShowDlgMachine returned: 1
14:15:07 Name = SERVER01, Type = 0x1
14:15:07 End Action DialogShowSdMachineName
14:15:07 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:15:07 nFullMask = 0x8300037, nCurrent = 0x2, nDirection = 0
14:15:07 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf00035, Disable Back = 0x1
14:15:07 Dialog 0x2 returned: 0
14:15:07 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:07 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x4,index=2
14:15:07 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4
14:15:07 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstallMode
14:15:07 ShowDlgInstallMode returned: 1
14:15:07 InstallMode : 0x2
14:15:07 End Action DialogShowSdInstallMode
14:15:07 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:15:07 nFullMask = 0xbf00035, nCurrent = 0x4, nDirection = 1
14:15:07 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb000627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:15:07 Dialog 0x4 returned: 1
14:15:07 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:07 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x20,index=5
14:15:07 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20
14:15:07 Begin Action: DialogShowSdLicense
14:15:08 End Action DialogShowSdLicense
14:15:08 Dialog 0x20 returned: 1
14:15:08 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:08 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x200,index=9
14:15:08 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x200
14:15:08 Begin Action: DialogShowSdInstanceName
14:15:08 Begin Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
14:15:09 This machine has SQL Server 2000 SP3 already installed
14:15:09 Version of installed Service Pack: 8.00.761
14:15:09 The language on the CD is 1033 and installed is 1033
14:15:09 End Action : Verify Language
14:15:09 SKU is : Standard Edition
14:15:09 End Action: ShowDlgInstanceName
14:15:09 ShowDlgInstanceName returned : 0
14:15:09 InstanceName : INSTNAME
14:15:09 End Action DialogShowSdInstanceName
14:15:09 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:15:09 nFullMask = 0xb000627, nCurrent = 0x200, nDirection = 0
14:15:09 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbc00627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:15:09 Dialog 0x200 returned: 0
14:15:09 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:09 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x400,index=10
14:15:09 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x400
14:15:09 Begin Action: DialogShowSdMaintain
14:15:09 ShowDlgMaintainInstall returned : 1
14:15:09 Type : 0xc
14:15:09 CreateSetupTopology(SERVER01), Handle : 0x14d5f08, returned : 0
14:15:09 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x14d5f08
14:15:09 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
14:15:09 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x14d46c8
14:15:09 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
14:15:09 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x88020024
14:15:09 PN_GetInstance for INSTNAME [0x14d46c8] returned : 0
14:15:09 SQLI_GetPackageId [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, PackageId = 0x2
14:15:09 SQLI_GetVersion [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, Version = 8.00.194
14:15:09 SQLI_GetSQLStates for INSTNAME [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, SQLStates: 0xc20804
14:15:09 SQLI_GetInstallPath [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, Path = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:09 SQLI_GetDataPath [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, DataPath = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:09 SQLI_GetVersion [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, Version = 8.00.194
14:15:09 SQLI_GetRegKeyRoot [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, RegKeyRoot = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerINSTNAME
14:15:09 SQLI_GetPackageName [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, szPackage = Standard Edition
14:15:09 SQLI_GetPackageId [0x14d55c0] returned : 0, PackageId = 0x2
14:15:09 Previous Install Path: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:09 Previous Install Data: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:09 Previous Install Version: 8.00.194
14:15:09 ReleaseSetupTopology
14:15:09 End Action DialogShowSdMaintain
14:15:09 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:15:09 nFullMask = 0xbc00627, nCurrent = 0x400, nDirection = 1
14:15:09 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:15:09 Dialog 0x400 returned: 1
14:15:10 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:15:10 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2000,index=13
14:15:10 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2000
14:15:10 Begin Action: DialogShowSdUpgrade
14:15:10 ShowDlgUpgrade returned : 1
14:15:10 Checking databases on instance 'INSTNAME'
14:15:10 Authenticate access
14:15:10 Begin SDPassword Dialog
14:15:13 End SDPassword Dialog
14:15:13 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:15:13 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:15:13 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME -StartupOptions -T4022
14:16:03 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:16:03 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -n -d master -Q "exit" -o "C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Tempsqlsp.out" -Usa -P"
14:16:04 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:16:04 Begin: CheckSAPassword
14:16:04 Begin: LogOnUsingBlankSA
14:16:04 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -n -d master -o "C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Tempsqlsp.out" -Q"Exit(declare @ret int if (select count(*) from master..syslogins where name='sa' AND ( (1 = pwdcompare(N'', password)) OR password IS NULL )) = 0 Set @ret=0 else Set @ret=9000 Select @ret)" -Usa -P"
14:16:04 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:16:04 End: LogOnUsingBlankSA
14:16:04 Begin: SdBlankPwd
14:16:04 End: SdBlankPwd
14:16:04 End: CheckSAPassword
14:16:04 Begin : SdErrorReportingDlg
14:16:14 End: SdErrorReportingDlg
14:16:14 Access authenticated
14:16:14 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -n -b -d master -o "C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Temp~sqldb0.txt" -i "C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBindbverify.sql" -Usa -P"
14:16:37 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:16:37 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:17 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:17 Setup Type: Custom (303)
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProg
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgSQLServr
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgUpgTools
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgReplSupp
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgInstall
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgSystem
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgSvrExt
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgDat
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgDatSmpl
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgBaseSys
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgBaseBinn
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgMSSearch
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgBaseInst
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgUI
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgSymbols
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgPerfmon
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgRoot
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgEXE
14:17:18 Processing: SQLProgDLL
14:17:18 Processing: MgtTool
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolSEM
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolProfiler
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolQryanlz
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolDTCCLi
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflct
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolUtilSys
14:17:18 Processing: MgtToolUtilBinn
14:17:18 Processing: Connect
14:17:18 Processing: ConnectConnSys
14:17:18 Processing: Books
14:17:18 Processing: BooksBookso
14:17:18 Processing: DevTools
14:17:18 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and Libraries
14:17:18 Processing: DevToolsMDAC SDKs
14:17:18 Processing: DevToolsVDI
14:17:18 Processing: DevToolsDbg Int
14:17:18 Processing: Samples
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesADO
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesDBLIB
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesDesktop
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesDTS
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesESQLC
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesMisc
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesMSDTC
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesODBC
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesODS
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesOLEAut
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesRepl
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesSilverstoneDB
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesSQLDMO
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesSQLNS
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesUtils
14:17:18 Processing: SamplesXML
14:17:18 Processing: CoreRepl
14:17:18 Processing: CoreReplRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: CoreReplResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: Core
14:17:18 Processing: CoreRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: CoreResOther
14:17:18 Processing: Repostry
14:17:18 Processing: RepostryRepstSys
14:17:18 Processing: RepostryRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: RepostryResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: CoreMisc
14:17:18 Processing: CoreMiscActiveX
14:17:18 Processing: CoreMiscRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: Monarch
14:17:18 Processing: MonarchMonr1033
14:17:18 Processing: MonarchMonrIntl
14:17:18 Processing: Jet
14:17:18 Processing: CoreInst
14:17:18 Processing: CoreCOM
14:17:18 Processing: CoreCOMRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: CoreCOMResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: CoreTool
14:17:18 Processing: CoreToolRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: CoreToolResOther
14:17:18 Processing: DBLibCli
14:17:18 Processing: SFExt
14:17:18 Processing: SFExtActiveX
14:17:18 Processing: SFExtRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: SFExtResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: Trace
14:17:18 Processing: TraceRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: TraceResOther
14:17:18 Processing: CnctBinn
14:17:18 Processing: MiscCore
14:17:18 Processing: MC
14:17:18 Processing: MCMC1033
14:17:18 Processing: MCMCIntl
14:17:18 Processing: MCHelp
14:17:18 Processing: UI
14:17:18 Processing: UIUIHlp
14:17:18 Processing: UIUI1033
14:17:18 Processing: UIUIIntl
14:17:18 Processing: ClstSys
14:17:18 Processing: SQLMgr
14:17:18 Processing: SQLMgrRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: SQLMgrResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: SvrTool
14:17:18 Processing: SvrToolRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: SvrToolResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: DTSUI
14:17:18 Processing: DTSUIRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: DTSUIResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: ClFTSys
14:17:18 Processing: ClFtdata
14:17:18 Processing: MSOlap
14:17:18 Processing: MSOlapRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: MSOlapResIntl
14:17:18 Processing: ATL
14:17:18 Processing: ATLwinnt
14:17:18 Processing: ATLwin9x
14:17:18 Processing: MFC42U
14:17:18 Processing: VC
14:17:18 Processing: VB
14:17:18 Processing: OCX1
14:17:18 Processing: SQLAdHlp
14:17:18 Processing: SQLAdHlpRes1033
14:17:18 Processing: SQLAdHlpResOther
14:17:18 Setup type: Custom
14:17:18 End Action DialogShowSdUpgrade
14:17:18 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:17:18 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x2000, nDirection = 1
14:17:18 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:17:18 Dialog 0x2000 returned: 1
14:17:18 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:17:18 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x1000000,index=24
14:17:18 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1000000
14:17:18 Begin Action: DlgCollation
14:17:18 ShowDlgCollation returned: 1
14:17:18 collation_name = SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS,locale_name = Latin1_General,lcid = 0x409,SortId = 52,dwCompFlags = 0x30001
14:17:18 End Action DlgCollation
14:17:18 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:17:18 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x1000000, nDirection = 1
14:17:18 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:17:18 Dialog 0x1000000 returned: 1
14:17:18 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:17:18 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2000000,index=25
14:17:18 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2000000
14:17:18 Begin Action: DlgNetwork
14:17:18 ShowDlgNetwork returned: 1
14:17:18 [DlgServerNetwork]
14:17:18 NetworkLibs = 255
14:17:18 TCPPort = 0
14:17:18 TCPPrxy = Default
14:17:18 NMPPipeName = \.pipeMSSQL$INSTNAMEsqlquery
14:17:18 Result = 1
14:17:18 End Action DlgNetwork
14:17:18 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:17:18 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x2000000, nDirection = 1
14:17:18 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:17:18 Dialog 0x2000000 returned: 1
14:17:18 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:17:18 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x8000000,index=27
14:17:18 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x8000000
14:17:18 Begin Action: DialogShowSdStartCopy
14:17:34 End Action DialogShowSdStartCopy
14:17:34 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask
14:17:34 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x8000000, nDirection = 1
14:17:34 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1
14:17:34 Dialog 0x8000000 returned: 1
14:17:34 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr
14:17:34 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x0,index=0
14:17:34 End: ShowDialogs()
14:17:34 Initializing Event Log
14:17:34 Begin Action : LogEvent
14:17:34 End Action : LogEvent
14:17:34 Begin: ProcessBeforeDataMove()
14:17:35 DeinstallStart returned (C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME): 0
14:17:35 End: ProcessBeforeDataMove()
14:17:35 Begin: SetToolsComponentSelection()
14:17:35 CreateSetupTopology(SERVER01), Handle : 0x14d5ee8, returned : 0
14:17:35 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x14d5ee8
14:17:35 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0
14:17:35 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x14d46c8
14:17:35 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0
14:17:35 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x88020024
14:17:35 PN_StartScan [0x14d46c8] returned : 0
14:17:35 PN_GetNext [0x14d46c8] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]
14:17:35 No more items in enumeration.
14:17:35 ReleaseSetupTopology
14:17:35 End: SetToolsComponentSelection()
14:17:35 Begin: ProcessComponentSelection()
14:17:35 End: ProcessComponentSelection()
14:17:35 Begin: LogSelectedComponents()
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProg
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProg
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServr
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServr
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrHelp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDev
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDev
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMh
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMh
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMX86Lb
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMX86Lb
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMALb
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMALb
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrRs1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrRs1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrRsIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrRsIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSystem
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatson
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrWatson
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatson1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatson1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatsonOther
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatsonOther
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQL
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQL
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgTools
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsUpgSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsResOther
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsResld
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSupp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSupp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppReplDat
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSuppReplDat
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppRepComm
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSuppRepComm
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppRepNoDk
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSuppRepNoDk
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgReplSuppActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgInstall
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgInstall
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSystem
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExt
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSvrExt
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtHelp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSvrExtHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtSvrExtRs
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSvrExtSvrExtRs
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSvrExtResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDat
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDatSmpl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseSys
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgBaseSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseBinn
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgBaseBinn
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearch
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgMSSearch
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearchHelp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgMSSearchHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearchActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgMSSearchActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseInst
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgBaseInst
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUI
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbols
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSymbols
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbolsEXE
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSymbolsEXE
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbolsDLL
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgSymbolsDLL
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgPerfmon
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgPerfmon
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgPerfmonSystem
14:17:35 Selected: SQLProgPerfmonSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgRoot
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgEXE
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDLL
14:17:35 Processing: MgtTool
14:17:35 Selected: MgtTool
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEM
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEM
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMHTML
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMHTML
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98SYS
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98SYS
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98Res
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98Res
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98Hlp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98Hlp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMHelp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98RsI
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD98RsI
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMScripts
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMScripts
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDB
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMOLEDB
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDBRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMOLEDBRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDBResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMOLEDBResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD7
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7Res
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD7Res
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7RsI
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolSEMMSD7RsI
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfiler
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolProfiler
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerHelp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolProfilerHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolProfilerRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolProfilerResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlz
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolQryanlz
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzHelp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolQryanlzHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolQryanlzRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolQryanlzResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolDTCCLi
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolDTCCLi
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflct
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflct
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnHlp
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnHlp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcn1033
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcn1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnOthr
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnOthr
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnCmn
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnCmn
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolUtilSys
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolUtilSys
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolUtilBinn
14:17:35 Selected: MgtToolUtilBinn
14:17:35 Processing: Connect
14:17:35 Selected: Connect
14:17:35 Processing: ConnectConnSys
14:17:35 Selected: ConnectConnSys
14:17:35 Processing: Books
14:17:35 Selected: Books
14:17:35 Processing: BooksBookso
14:17:35 Selected: BooksBookso
14:17:35 Processing: BooksBooksoUtils
14:17:35 Selected: BooksBooksoUtils
14:17:35 Processing: DevTools
14:17:35 Selected: DevTools
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and Libraries
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesInclude
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibx86
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibAlpha
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesESQLC
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsMDAC SDKs
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDI
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDIInc
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDISamples
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg Int
14:17:35 Selected: DevToolsDbg Int
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg IntDbg Int Common
14:17:35 Selected: DevToolsDbg IntDbg Int Common
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg IntEXE
14:17:35 Selected: DevToolsDbg IntEXE
14:17:35 Processing: Samples
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesADO
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDBLIB
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDesktop
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDTS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesESQLC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesMisc
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesMSDTC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesODBC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesODS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesOLEAut
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesRepl
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSilverstoneDB
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSQLDMO
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSQLNS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesUtils
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesXML
14:17:35 Processing: CoreRepl
14:17:35 Selected: CoreRepl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreReplRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreReplRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreReplResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: CoreReplResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Core
14:17:35 Selected: Core
14:17:35 Processing: CoreRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreResOther
14:17:35 Selected: CoreResOther
14:17:35 Processing: Repostry
14:17:35 Selected: Repostry
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryRepstSys
14:17:35 Selected: RepostryRepstSys
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: RepostryRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: RepostryResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMisc
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMisc
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMiscActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMiscActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMiscActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreMiscRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: Monarch
14:17:35 Selected: Monarch
14:17:35 Processing: MonarchMonr1033
14:17:35 Selected: MonarchMonr1033
14:17:35 Processing: MonarchMonrIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MonarchMonrIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Jet
14:17:35 Selected: Jet
14:17:35 Processing: CoreInst
14:17:35 Selected: CoreInst
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOM
14:17:35 Selected: CoreCOM
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOMRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreCOMRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOMResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: CoreCOMResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreTool
14:17:35 Selected: CoreTool
14:17:35 Processing: CoreToolRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: CoreToolRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreToolResOther
14:17:35 Selected: CoreToolResOther
14:17:35 Processing: DBLibCli
14:17:35 Selected: DBLibCli
14:17:35 Processing: SFExt
14:17:35 Selected: SFExt
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveX
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SFExtResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Trace
14:17:35 Selected: Trace
14:17:35 Processing: TraceRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: TraceRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: TraceResOther
14:17:35 Selected: TraceResOther
14:17:35 Processing: CnctBinn
14:17:35 Processing: MiscCore
14:17:35 Selected: MiscCore
14:17:35 Processing: MC
14:17:35 Selected: MC
14:17:35 Processing: MCMC1033
14:17:35 Selected: MCMC1033
14:17:35 Processing: MCMCIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MCMCIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MCHelp
14:17:35 Selected: MCHelp
14:17:35 Processing: UI
14:17:35 Processing: UIUIHlp
14:17:35 Processing: UIUI1033
14:17:35 Processing: UIUIIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ClstSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgr
14:17:35 Selected: SQLMgr
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgrRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLMgrRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgrResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SQLMgrResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SvrTool
14:17:35 Selected: SvrTool
14:17:35 Processing: SvrToolRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SvrToolRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SvrToolResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: SvrToolResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUI
14:17:35 Selected: DTSUI
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUIRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: DTSUIRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUIResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: DTSUIResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ClFTSys
14:17:35 Processing: ClFtdata
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlap
14:17:35 Selected: MSOlap
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlapRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: MSOlapRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlapResIntl
14:17:35 Selected: MSOlapResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ATL
14:17:35 Selected: ATL
14:17:35 Processing: ATLwinnt
14:17:35 Selected: ATLwinnt
14:17:35 Processing: ATLwin9x
14:17:35 Selected: ATLwin9x
14:17:35 Processing: MFC42U
14:17:35 Selected: MFC42U
14:17:35 Processing: VC
14:17:35 Selected: VC
14:17:35 Processing: VB
14:17:35 Selected: VB
14:17:35 Processing: OCX1
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlp
14:17:35 Selected: SQLAdHlp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlpRes1033
14:17:35 Selected: SQLAdHlpRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlpResOther
14:17:35 Selected: SQLAdHlpResOther
14:17:35 {E07FDDBE-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
14:17:35 {E07FDDC7-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
14:17:35 {E07FDDC0-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
14:17:35 {E07FDDBF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}
14:17:35 End: LogSelectedComponents()
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProg
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServr
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDev
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMh
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMX86Lb
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSCMDevSCMALb
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrRs1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrRsIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatson
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatson1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrWatsonWatsonOther
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQL
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSQLServrMSXMLSQLResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgTools
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsUpgSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsResOther
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUpgToolsResld
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSupp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppReplDat
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppRepComm
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppRepNoDk
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgReplSuppActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgInstall
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExt
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtSvrExtRs
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSvrExtResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDat
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDatSmpl
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseBinn
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearch
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearchHelp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgMSSearchActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgBaseInst
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgUI
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbols
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbolsEXE
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgSymbolsDLL
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgPerfmon
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgPerfmonSystem
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgRoot
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgEXE
14:17:35 Processing: SQLProgDLL
14:17:35 Processing: MgtTool
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEM
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMHTML
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98SYS
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98Res
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98Hlp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD98RsI
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMScripts
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDB
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDBRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMOLEDBResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7Res
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolSEMMSD7RsI
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfiler
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolProfilerResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlz
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzHelp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolQryanlzResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolDTCCLi
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflct
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnHlp
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcn1033
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnOthr
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnCmn
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolUtilSys
14:17:35 Processing: MgtToolUtilBinn
14:17:35 Processing: Connect
14:17:35 Processing: ConnectConnSys
14:17:35 Processing: Books
14:17:35 Processing: BooksBookso
14:17:35 Processing: BooksBooksoUtils
14:17:35 Processing: DevTools
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and Libraries
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesInclude
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibx86
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibAlpha
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesESQLC
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsMDAC SDKs
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDI
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDIInc
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsVDISamples
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg Int
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg IntDbg Int Common
14:17:35 Processing: DevToolsDbg IntEXE
14:17:35 Processing: Samples
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesADO
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDBLIB
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDesktop
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesDTS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesESQLC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesMisc
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesMSDTC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesODBC
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesODS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesOLEAut
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesRepl
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSilverstoneDB
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSQLDMO
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesSQLNS
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesUtils
14:17:35 Processing: SamplesXML
14:17:35 Processing: CoreRepl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreReplRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreReplResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Core
14:17:35 Processing: CoreRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreResOther
14:17:35 Processing: Repostry
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryRepstSys
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: RepostryResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMisc
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreMiscRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: Monarch
14:17:35 Processing: MonarchMonr1033
14:17:35 Processing: MonarchMonrIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Jet
14:17:35 Processing: CoreInst
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOM
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOMRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreCOMResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: CoreTool
14:17:35 Processing: CoreToolRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: CoreToolResOther
14:17:35 Processing: DBLibCli
14:17:35 Processing: SFExt
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveX
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveXRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtActiveXResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SFExtResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: Trace
14:17:35 Processing: TraceRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: TraceResOther
14:17:35 Processing: CnctBinn
14:17:35 Processing: MiscCore
14:17:35 Processing: MC
14:17:35 Processing: MCMC1033
14:17:35 Processing: MCMCIntl
14:17:35 Processing: MCHelp
14:17:35 Processing: UI
14:17:35 Processing: UIUIHlp
14:17:35 Processing: UIUI1033
14:17:35 Processing: UIUIIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ClstSys
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgr
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgrRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLMgrResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: SvrTool
14:17:35 Processing: SvrToolRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SvrToolResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUI
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUIRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: DTSUIResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ClFTSys
14:17:35 Processing: ClFtdata
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlap
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlapRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: MSOlapResIntl
14:17:35 Processing: ATL
14:17:35 Processing: ATLwinnt
14:17:35 Processing: ATLwin9x
14:17:35 Processing: MFC42U
14:17:35 Processing: VC
14:17:35 Processing: VB
14:17:35 Processing: OCX1
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlp
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlpRes1033
14:17:35 Processing: SQLAdHlpResOther
14:17:35 SQL program folder: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:35 SQL data folder: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:35 Windows system folder: C:WINDOWSsystem32
14:17:35 Prog req: 61137, Data req: 3072, Sys req: 50573
14:17:35 Prog avail: 1573556, Data avail: 1573556, Sys avail: 1573556
14:17:35 Prog req vs. avail, 114782, 1573556
14:17:35 Data req vs. avail, 3072, 1573556
14:17:35 Sys req vs. avail, 53645, 1573556
14:17:35 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Timeout 5000 -Service SQLAgent$INSTNAME
14:17:35 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:35 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Timeout 5000 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:35 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:35 Begin: InstallPkgs(ID_INSTALLMDAC)
14:17:35 Begin Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check
14:17:35 ConnectivityLocked returned: 0
14:17:35 The operation completed successfully.

14:17:35 End Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check
14:17:35 Setup is installing Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) ...
14:17:35 D:SQL2KSP42x86Othersqlredis.exe /q:a /C:"setupre.exe MDACQFE=0 WARN=1 -s -SMS"
14:17:35 Unloading library - sqlsut.dll (#U2)
14:17:43 Loading library - sqlsut.dll (#L2)
14:17:43 ExitCode: 0
14:17:43 End: InstallPkgs(ID_INSTALLMDAC)
14:17:43 **** CLOSED OPEN OP IN WRITE MODE ****
14:17:43 Begin: MoveFileData()
14:17:49 Begin Action: MoveFileDataSpecial
14:17:49 End Action: MoveFileDataSpecial
14:17:49 End: MoveFileData()
14:17:49 Begin: ProcessAfterDataMove()
14:17:49 Begin Action : Installing Server Net
14:17:49 Server Instance : INSTNAME
14:17:49 Server Net Will only be installed on server only in Enterprise Editions
14:17:49 End: ProcessAfterDataMove()
14:17:49 Begin: BuildServer()
14:17:49 Begin Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
14:17:49 End Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL
14:17:49 Begin Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
14:17:49 End Action: RegWriteSetupEntry
14:17:49 *** Unable to get RegisteredOwner to apply to Serial number
14:17:49 Begin Action: CreateSer
14:17:49 End Action: CreateSer
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:WINDOWSsetup.iss returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:WINDOWSsqlsp.log returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for returned: 3, 3
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:WINDOWSsqlsp.log returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:WINDOWSsqlstp.log returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 SetFileSecPerfAndLogUsers for C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEBinnSQLCTR80.DLL returned: 0, 0
14:17:49 Begin ServPriv (INSTNAME)
14:17:49 End ServPriv()
14:17:50 Upgrading databases
14:17:50 Upgrading databases on instance 'INSTNAME'
14:17:50 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:50 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:50 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:17:50 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:17:50 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME -StartupOptions -T4022 -T4010 -m
14:18:41 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:18:41 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplsys.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplsys.sql" -Usa -P"
14:19:18 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:19:18 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplcom.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplcom.sql" -Usa -P"
14:19:35 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:19:35 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
epltran.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
epltran.sql" -Usa -P"
14:19:57 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:19:57 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplmerg.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
eplmerg.sql" -Usa -P"
14:20:25 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:20:25 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
emove_old_msx_accounts.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall
emove_old_msx_accounts.sql" -Usa -P"
14:20:25 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:20:25 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstallsp4_serv_uni.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstallsp4_serv_uni.sql" -Usa -P"
14:20:27 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:20:27 D:SQL2KS~1x86BINNosql.exe -SlpcERVER01INSTNAME -b -n -d master -o "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall80sp4-tools.out" -i "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$INSTNAMEinstall80sp4-tools.sql" -Usa -P"
14:20:28 Process Exit Code: (1)
14:20:33 Error running script: 80sp4-tools.sql (1)
14:20:33 C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempSqlSetupBinscm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$INSTNAME
14:21:08 Process Exit Code: (0)
14:21:08 Action CleanUpInstall:
14:21:08 Installation Failed.

I hope for any help, because re-installing is not an option.There are 250 db's on it.

thanks so far.


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Problem Installing SSQL Server 2000 Client Tools

Sep 13, 2007


I'm trying to re-install SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine andSQL Server client tools. I have succesfully re-installed the desktop engine,but I am getting the following error message when attempting to re-install theclient tools.

"Setup has detected an existing client tools only installation.
Please use the maintenance mode to add client components"

Unfortunately the Upgrade/Add/Remove option is greyed out as
an install option.

I attempted the registry hive rebuild option and the install appeared
to succeed. However, I cannot access any tools (Enterprise Manager
comes up with the message "The selected file cannot be found").

At this point, the desktop engine appears in Add/Remove programs
Window, but no other SQL Server components.

Any help very much appreciated!

Eric Yeoman.

View 1 Replies View Related

Installing SQL Server 2005 Management Tools - Setup Crashing Repeatedly

Mar 18, 2008

I'm having many many issues installing sql server management tools. i had visual studio 2005 installed first, but uninstalled and sql related things before trying to install sql server management tools again - i also deleted the program files/microsoft sql server/ folder so there are no references.

Firstly the system configuration check gives me a warning that the system doesn't meet the recommended hardware requirements - this is wrong... i've got 2.33Ghz dual core + 1gb of ram...

I select just management tools + client connectivity to install and click next -> the setup support files/native client/owc11 etc all install fine but workstation components etc fail and the setup log appears to either be empty and not available
and MSXML6 fails... after clicking finish the installer appears to crash - : "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience"... I have tried all sorts of variations on this install and have had no problems in the past - please help!

The setup log from the MSXML6 failure -
=== Verbose logging started: 18/03/2008 12:34:09 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.4039 Calling process: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe ===
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:067]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:067]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:067]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {AEB9948B-4FF2-47C9-990E-47014492A0FE}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:067]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:067]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:067]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:067]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:067]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (28:E4) [12:34:09:113]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (28:74) [12:34:09:113]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (28:74) [12:34:09:113]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (28:74) [12:34:09:113]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: {AEB9948B-4FF2-47C9-990E-47014492A0FE}
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (28:74) [12:34:09:113]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (s) (28:74) [12:34:09:113]: MainEngineThread is returning 1605
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:113]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (5C:78) [12:34:09:113]: MainEngineThread is returning 1605
=== Verbose logging stopped: 18/03/2008 12:34:09 ===

The log summary:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.1399.06
OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Time : Tue Mar 18 12:05:06 2008

EOC429 : The current system does not meet recommended hardware requirements for this SQL Server release. For detailed hardware requirements, see the readme file or SQL Server Books Online.
Machine : EOC429
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_SQLSupport_1.log
Machine : EOC429
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_SQLNCLI_1.log
Machine : EOC429
Product : Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components
Product Version : 11.0.6558.0
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_OWC11_1.log
Machine : EOC429
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility
Product Version : 8.05.1054
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_BackwardsCompat_1.log

SQL Server Setup failed. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.

Time : Tue Mar 18 12:19:20 2008

List of log files:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_Core(Local).log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_SQLSupport_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_SQLNCLI_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_OWC11_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_BackwardsCompat_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_MSXML6_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_Datastore.xml
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_.NET Framework 2.0.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_Core.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_.NET Framework 2.0 LangPack.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_.NET Framework Upgrade Advisor LangPack.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_.NET Framework Windows Installer.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_.NET Framework Windows Installer LangPack.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_SNAC.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_Support.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_SCC.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_EOC429_WI.log

View 3 Replies View Related

Error Installing SQL 2005 Client Tools On Windows Vista Ultimate

Feb 29, 2008


I am getting the following error:

0:Watson 1:1304 2treamSupportFiles 3treamBinaryToDisk
4:5 5:tyukonsqlsetupdarwinsqlcastubstreamca.cpp 6:238
7qlcastub.dll 8qlrun.msi

While installing "SqlRunTools.msi" on a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer's Edition Disc 2 on Windows Vista Ultimate.

I am trying to install the Sql Server 2005 Client Tools, Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, on Windows Vista Ultimate.

Any ideas as to what is causing this error and how to fix it?



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The Feature(s) Specified Are Not Valid For This Edition Of SQL Server Error When Installing Management Tools On Win 2003 X64

May 23, 2007

I've successfully installed SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition on an Enterprise edition of Windows Server 2003 x64. I'm now (and also tried & failed during the install of the database engine) attempting to install the "Management Tools" component on the same server. However, in all my attempts to do so, I receive the following error:


The feature(s) specified are not valid for this edition of SQL Server


The message box does not list the features that are not valid but since the only item I've selected to install is the "Management Tools" option under "Client Components" it obviously points to something with that.

Am I missing something or are the Management Tools not supported in my config - most notably SQL Server 2005 Standard edition running on Windows Server 2003 x64?


- Lance

Colorado State University

View 6 Replies View Related

Warning Messages &&amp; Failure Installing MSSQL 2005 Enterprise Client Tools

Jul 5, 2006

I am trying to install the client tools for management purposes only on a IBM T42 laptop which meets all the hardware and software requirements listed on MS support including the HCL list, the Readme, the forums and MSDN but the install still shows the following log messages when the install fails.

AdminMessage = Setup requires user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting as the current user is not in the administrator group.

(I am an adminsistrator on this machine)

Property(S): SupportedOSMessage = Installation of this product failed because it is not supported on this operating system. For information on supported configurations, see the product documentation.

Property(S): SupportedProcTypeMessage = This Microsoft SQL Server Native Client package is not supported on the current processor type.

Any help would be appreciated.

View 3 Replies View Related

SQL Tools :: How To Disable Customer Improvement Program From Menu For Server MGMT Tools 2012

Mar 25, 2014

Am customizing SQL server MGMT tools 2012 for Mass deployment.Client had asked to remove Customer Feedback option from help to disable that.

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SQL Tools :: R2 Management Tools Install Fails - Specified Account Already Exists

Oct 20, 2014

The installation SQL 2008 R2 Management Tools on a Windows 7 workstation fails with the error, The specified account already exists.

Final result: SQL Server installation failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, uninstall SQL Server, and then rerun SQL Server Setup.

  Exit code (Decimal):           -2068052700
  Exit facility code:            1212
  Exit error code:               1316

View 10 Replies View Related

Backup Strategy - SQL2005 Tools Versus 3rd Party Tools

Jun 1, 2007

I am running SQL Server 2005 x64 Enterprise under Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise. My current backup strategy uses T-SQL jobs run by SQL Agent (writes out *.bak files) and then I have an Integration Services job that copies the *.bak files to our NAS device. I have performed a restore without issue. The jobs are all automated every four hours via SQL Agent. Is this a sound strategy or are there additional benefits to using 3rd party tools? If so, what are the advantages and which tool provides them?

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Design Tools / Sql Server Mgt Tools Cause Login Fail

Sep 20, 2007

Login failed for user 'TOSHIBA-USERASPNET'
I know that the file persmission for the web application have to include aspnet, so i keep resetting the folder permission for aspnet in file manager, but the login failed keeps coming back every day or two
problem is after working with VS05 Pro, SQL Server Management Studio CTP, somehow the aspnet persmission get changed, use alot of sqldatasource wizards and often there is a conflict/hang between the datasource wizard and the need to have the mdf in a dettached state within VS server explorer,
not sure but the procedure to fix this seems to be to reboot, detach and re-attach the mdf in the Sql server Studio tool, re-apply the aspnet file permission on the web app folders (wonder should i be doing this in IIS instead), make sure the mdf within server explorer is detached, the it works
anyway, getting real tired of the resulting delays and design time derailment, clues greatly appreciated, thanks
 sometimes i can use View in Browser when in VS05 form view and i wont get the aspnet folder permission error and other times i do.
last thing, is it a bad idea to give aspnet full permission for the entire web applicaiton??

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL Tools :: Tools To Determine Version From BAK File

Apr 24, 2014

Is there - apart from the notorious RESTORE HEADERONLY - an tool which is able to tell which SQL Server version created a specific BAK file? I'm looking for a tool that can be used w/o an available/running SQL Server installation.

Alternatively, is there any documentation about what is read with RESTORE HEADERONLY so I could write a tool myself?

Where would I find the version "bytes" in a BAK file?

View 4 Replies View Related

Server Tools Or Client Tools?

Jun 16, 2008

Dear All,
how can we know that wether we had server tools or client tools on my machine?

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Tools Tools Tools For Performance ???

May 16, 2002

Know any good performance monitoring and analysis tools for SQL server.

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Installing MSDTC Resource After Installing SQL Server 2000 Cluster

Oct 19, 2006

Is it possible to install and configure the MSDTC resource in a SQL Server 2000 cluster after SQL is installed and running?

When I recently went through a rebuild of my cluster, I forgot to install the resource before installing SQL Server. Now, if I install and bring online the MSDTC resource the SQL disk groups will not fail over correctly. The SQL Server resource will not come online.

Thanks in advance for any help. I would really like to avoid rebuilding again.


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Installing IIS After Installing SQL Server 2005 And Visual Studio 2005 Help Requested!

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all, Im new here so il start with a little introduction of myself, My name is Arjan im 19 years old from Holland, and i work for a company to compleet my ICT Education.

My situation:

My boss gave me a server with server 2003 standard and Sql server 2005 and visual studio 2005 installed already, he asked me if i could figure out how the 'new' reporting services work, Im pretty new to SQL and the reporting service but i figured out i had to install / frameworks and IIS.

So right now i wanna start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and i get an error that says 'Invalid namespace' and when im trying to approach by using my browser i get 'page not found' so obviously their is Alot wrong. I asked my boss if i could not reinstall everything and do it in the correct order (IIS / / Frameworks before installing SQL server 2k5 but that was not an option because we dont seem to have the cd's anymore.

The server is not connected to any network or the internet.

My Question:

Is their any way to fix this? and if yes could anyone tell me where to start

Thanks in Advance!

ps if their is information or logs that u need in order to help me just say so :-)


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Installing SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 After Installing SQL Server Express 2005

Feb 14, 2007


I have installed SQL Server Express 2005 on my machine.

I want to install SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 on my machine to check new services it has.

Can these 2 Editions coexist with each other, or any troubles you think might encounter?


View 5 Replies View Related


Oct 14, 2007

 Is there a tools simular to php admin. for MS SQL?  If not how can you view the data without writing a query? ThanksDee 

View 6 Replies View Related


Sep 28, 2000


Is there a way to determine whether sql tool are installed on a client machine. DTS wouldn't run without sql tools.
Is there a workaround?


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Apr 30, 2002

Is anyone aware of a tool, utility or Stored Procedure that would allow you to compare stored procedures on diferent servers and to copy stored procedures from one server to another (eg. test to prod).

Ken Nicholson

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SQL DB Tools

Apr 9, 2004

Can anyone recommend any tools or bundles that are out there for MSSQL databases used for comparing and syncronizing stucture, data, stored procs, etc.

I'd like to hear about any and all.

View 4 Replies View Related

SQL Tools

Jun 19, 2008

Hi guys,
for one of our forthcoming sql project.
I need your inputs/recommedations on the tools and techniques widely used in SQL SERVER based on the following parameters

Design efficient schemas
optimizing queries, stored procedures
fine - tuning indexes
Performing efficient transactions
analyze and understand execution plans
Scalability pitfalls
Test and monitor data access performance
Generate historical and reporting data
Processor,memory and performance related bottlenecks
DISK I/O related bottlenecks.

SQL IN Minds

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What Tools Do You Usually Use For DBA Job?

May 30, 2007


what tools do you usually use for DBA job, like performance monitoring and performance tuning etc?


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Apr 20, 2005

   I planning some web app that I would like to use MSDE to power.  I admit I am intimidated by the thought of creating databases with no GUI.  So my question is can I use SQL server 2000 tools with MSDE or can I create databases with SQL server 2000 then deploy them to a machine running MSDE?

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Debugging Tools

May 30, 2002

Does anyone know of any good debugging tools for transact sql? I know there is one by compuware called dbpartner but was looking for other options.


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