Installing SqL SP2 On Sql 2005 Clustered

Mar 16, 2007


I have installed sql sp2 after finished core installation. I thought that it would deploys to node 2 as well (I did it on node 1) but when i tried to shutdown node 1 the clusters will be on node2, I could not to use MS management studio that including sp2 on node2. Why??? What should I do???

Please answers me asap.

Appreciate everyone to come in help.

Thank you very much.

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Installing Second Instance To SQL 2005 Clustered Installation

Mar 19, 2008

I will be installing a second SQL 2005 instance on an existing SQL 2005 clustered installation. We've added a set of disks for the new instance. My question is, will the existing clustered instance need to be taken offline for the installation, or will the nodes need to be rebooted after installing the new instance?

I haven't been able to confirm this on MS website or by Googling.

I understand we need to ensure no one is logged in to the remote nodes during the install as well.

Thank you


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Installing SQLServer 2000 Service Packs On Clustered Server

Aug 30, 2005

Hi,I am planning to install sql server 2000 sp4 on my clustered serverrunning in active/passive mode.I plan to stop all sql services using cluster administrator, installthe service pack from the primary node and then reboot all nodes.Are there any missing steps that need to be done or problems thatanyone has come across?ThankLyn

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Installing IIS After Installing SQL Server 2005 And Visual Studio 2005 Help Requested!

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all, Im new here so il start with a little introduction of myself, My name is Arjan im 19 years old from Holland, and i work for a company to compleet my ICT Education.

My situation:

My boss gave me a server with server 2003 standard and Sql server 2005 and visual studio 2005 installed already, he asked me if i could figure out how the 'new' reporting services work, Im pretty new to SQL and the reporting service but i figured out i had to install / frameworks and IIS.

So right now i wanna start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and i get an error that says 'Invalid namespace' and when im trying to approach by using my browser i get 'page not found' so obviously their is Alot wrong. I asked my boss if i could not reinstall everything and do it in the correct order (IIS / / Frameworks before installing SQL server 2k5 but that was not an option because we dont seem to have the cd's anymore.

The server is not connected to any network or the internet.

My Question:

Is their any way to fix this? and if yes could anyone tell me where to start

Thanks in Advance!

ps if their is information or logs that u need in order to help me just say so :-)


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Installing SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 After Installing SQL Server Express 2005

Feb 14, 2007


I have installed SQL Server Express 2005 on my machine.

I want to install SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 on my machine to check new services it has.

Can these 2 Editions coexist with each other, or any troubles you think might encounter?


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DB Engine :: How To Convert Unique Clustered Index Into Clustered Primary Key To Use With Change Tracking

Sep 4, 2015

We are going to use SQL Sever change tracking. The problem is that some of our tables, which are to be tracked, have no primary keys. There are only unique clustered indexes. The question is what is the best way to turn on change tracking for these tables in our circumstances.

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DB Design :: Script To Create Table With Primary Key Non-clustered And Clustered Index

Aug 28, 2015

I desire to have a clustered index on a column other than the Primary Key. I have a few junction tables that I may want to alter, create table, or ...

I have practiced with an example table that is not really a junction table. It is just a table I decided to use for practice. When I execute the script, it seems to do everything I expect. For instance, there are not any constraints but there are indexes. The PK is the correct column.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblNotificationMgr](
[NotificationMgrKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ContactKey] [int] NOT NULL,
[EventTypeEnum] [tinyint] NOT NULL,


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Data Warehousing :: Difference Between Primary Key With Clustered And Non-clustered Index

Jul 19, 2013

I have created two tables. table one has the following fields,

                      Id -> unique clustered index.
         table two has the following fields,
                      Tid -> unique clustered index
                      Id -> foreign key of table one(id).

Now I have created primary key for the table one column 'id'. It's created as "nonclustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARY". Primary key create clustered index default. since unique clustered index existed in table one, it has created "Nonclustered primary key".

My Question is, What is the difference between "clustered, unique, primary key" and "nonclustered, unique, primary key"? Is there any performance impact between these?

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Restore A Database On Clustered Server From A Non-clustered Backup File.

Aug 24, 2006


How do I restore a sql database that is on a clustered server from a sql database backup file that is on a non_clustered server?



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Create Clustered Or Non-clustered Index On Large Table ( SQL Server 7 )

Jan 4, 2008

I have large table with 10million records. I would like to create clustered or non-clustered index.

What is the quick way to create? I have tried once and it took more than 10 min.

please help.

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Converting A Clustered Index On A PK Identity Field To Non-clustered

Sep 8, 2006

Hi there, I have a table that has an IDENTITY column and it is the PK of this table. By default SQL Server creates a unique clustered index on the PK, but this isn't what I wanted. I want to make a regular unique index on the column so I can make a clustered index on a different column.

If I try to uncheck the Clustered index option in EM I get a dialog that says "Cannot convert a clustered index to a nonclustered index using the DROP_EXISTING option.". If I simply try to delete the index I get the following "An explicit DROP INDEX is not allowed on index 'index name'. It is being used for PRIMARY KEY constraint enforcement.

So do I have to drop the PK constraint now? How does that affect all the tables that have FK relationships to this table?


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SQL 2012 :: Remember Definitions Of Clustered And Non Clustered Indexes?

Nov 24, 2014

What is the easiest way to remember the definitions of clustered and non clustered indexes.

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Data Warehousing :: Primary Key Has Both A Clustered And Non-clustered Constraint

Sep 30, 2015

I have a really super slow stored proc that does something simple. it updates a table if certain values are received.

In looking at this the matching is done on the Primary Key, which is set as a Clustered index, looking further I have another constraint, that sets the same column to a Unique, Non-Clustered.

I am not sure why this was done, but it seems to be counter productive.  I have read only references to Which one is better on a primary key, but not can their be both and if it is "Smart".

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SQL 2005: DTA, Recommendation For Non-clustered Index

Apr 2, 2007

I would like to have some clarification about index-related recommendation from Database Tuning Advisor.

Let me describe the scenario first:

There is a table with clustered index defined on ID column of type INT and there are other columns of varchar/int types as well. Now when I run tuning advisor I get recommendations related to creating statistics as well as non-clustered indexes. When I view the syntax for recommended non-clustered index, sometime it explicitly add ID column as well which already has clustered index defined on it. e.g

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_TableName_IndexName ON dbo.TableName


ColName1 ASC,

ColName2 ASC,



My understanding is that for each non-clustered index, clustered index is automatically a part of it and that is how non-clustered index retrieve the actual data. I have seen it more often than not in DTA's recommendation to include clustered index column somewhere among columns for indexing for so many of my tables.

I can understand if the recommendation was to INCLUDE clustered-index column.

I would appreciate if someone out there could help me to understand what I am missing here.

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Clustered Sql Server 2005 Restarted Suddenly

Nov 4, 2007

Hi EveryOne,

WIndows 2003 sp2 and sqlserver 2005 standard edition -sp2.

Found following erors in The cluster and event logs.

error: [sqsrvres] CheckQueryProcessorAlive: sqlexecdirect

error: [sqsrvres] OnlineThread: QP is not online.

error: [sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = HYT00;
native error = 0; message = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
Driver]Timeout expired

[sqsrvres] printODBCError: sqlstate = 08S01; native error = 0; message = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Communication link failure

[sqagtres] SvcStop: service did not stop; giving up.
[sqsrvres] OnlineThread: asked to terminate while waiting for QP.

SQL Server is terminating in response to a 'stop' request from Service Control Manager

Earlier we had sudden Sql agent restart but this time sql server services were restarted .

What could be he reasons for this.

This machine has 64 GB ram and sql server has been alloted 30 Gb.
I found 30 Gb Usage in the dump file of Sqlserver

Can a memory Starved sql server could be a rason why sql server would have restarted


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Clustered SQL Server 2000 To 2005 Upgrade

Jun 12, 2007

I would like to upgrade a production active/passive SQL Server 2000 cluster to SQL Server 2005.

I've read all of the documentation I could find, and doing an in-place upgrade seems to be the way to go. (Despite the fact it scares the hell out of me.

But throughout all the documentation, I've yet to see some simple and fairly important questions answered.

How does the process of upgrading SQL Server work when you're dealing with a cluster?

Do you upgrade one machine then the other? If so, do you upgrade the active node first, or the passive node?

What happens if you're forced to failover from one instance to the other before you've had a chance to upgrade both to 2005? In other words, you failover from 2005 to 2000. Would that even work?

What happens if your upgrades fails for some reason? Is it easy to rollback the installation? If not, will reinstalling SQL Server 2000 cause any issues? Will it remember the previous configuration and simply fix the broken install?

Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Uninstalling SQL Server 2005 64-bit In Clustered Environment

May 20, 2008

I am running into an issue trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 64-bit. It hangs at the same point: Removing backup files. I then get a message that, "The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Completing Commit. The error is: The cluster resource cannot be moved to another group because other resources are dependent on it." The instance that I am trying to uninstall is in a cluster hosting two other SQL Server installations. I have tried a few combinations when attempting to uninstall: running the cluster group containing the server I am uninstalling on a different cluster node than all the other cluster groups; running them all on the same node. The only one I haven't tried is moving the Cluster Group containing the IP address of the cluster, cluster name, etc to another node while running the other groups on the other node. Has anyone run into this issue? Each of the nodes has been rebooted several times during these attempts and we are using Windows Server 2003 Clustering. Again, the hang happens at the same point every time. The exact error(s) from the even log are as follows:

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Completing Commit. The error is: The cluster resource cannot be moved to another group because other resources are dependent on it.

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Error 29530. Failed to set registry settings for server network libraries. The action is SetShilohRoot. The error is 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.




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How To Alter A Non Clustered Primary Key Constraint To Clustered

Feb 26, 2008


I've a table with primary key defined as non-clusterd, now without dropping it can I modify the existing index to clustered through tsql as I had to write some migration script and in that script I wanna do this.

Thanks in Advance,


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Installing MS Visual Studio 2005 (PE). On Vista X64 (BE) Running MS SQL Server 2005 (DE) X64

Feb 10, 2008

Hi, I am running SQL Server 2005 x64 DE on Vista x64. I installed MS VS 2005 Pro. Edition. During the setup of VS, I did a custom install, un-checking the SQL Express addition box. After installation, I received errors that indicated the SQL Express did not install. Even though I do not have SQL Express installed on my machine, MS Update says that I need SQL Express SP2. My SQL DE is up to date with SP2 and MS Update indicates as "optional" that I need SQL SP2.

Is SQL Express a necessity for VS Pro? If not, why is MS Update indicating that I need SQL Express SP2? In addition, why is MS Update telling me I need SQL SP2 when it is already installed?

Note: I installed SQL SP2 manually, not through MS Update. This makes me believe that MS Update is not detecting it.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help,


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SQL 2005: Query Is Not Using Non-clustered Index! Need To Avoid Hints!

Oct 26, 2006


I have two tables:



CustomerOrderDetail table has clustered unique index for ID and non-clustered for Order_ID

SQL Server 2005 is using table scan for CustomerOrderDetail table When I user the following query:

from CustomerOrder co
inner join CustomerOrderDetail cod ON cod.Order_ID = co.ID
co.StatusID = 8 -- Pending

Both of the tables are pretty big, detail table has more than million records, so scanning the table is a bad idea.

When I specify hint to use index then sql seeks, but how do I make SQL server to use index automatically? I don't want to use hints in my queries.


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Changing The Default Port On A Clustered 2005 Server.

Feb 7, 2007

I am unclear as to which Ip address to change the standard port on. When setting up a cluster you have multiple IP address's including the nic that is used for the heartbeat. I have not found any documention on how to change both nodes to listen on a port other than 1433..

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Sql Server 2005 (business Intelligence Development Suite ) Problem Installing Sql 2005 On Vista (vs 2008)

May 7, 2008

I installed sql server 2005 sp2 including business intelligence development suite , however I got a message
some client components not compablitable .This morning I searched my programs and found that I have new
visual studio 2005 on my computer (before I just had vs 2008) as well as business intelligence
developer (which does not work) It seems I I would like to get rid of vs 2005 also
fix business intelligence studio . Previously I deleted vs 2005 express off my computer........(I have vista
and I would only like to keep tools meant for sql standard 2005 reporting services etc
here is a list of my sql sp2 install package
By the way I doubled clicked sql_tools.msi and did not run as administrator
Does that make a difference? I wonder if this is a problem with vs 2008 and sql 2005......

Time: 05/06/2008 20:49:23.437
KB Number: KB921896
Machine: BILLPREC690
OS Version: Professional (Build 6000)
Package Language: 1033 (ENU)
Package Platform: x86
Package SP Level: 2
Package Version: 3042
Command-line parameters specified:
Cluster Installation: No

Prerequisites Check & Status
SQLSupport: Passed

Products Detected Language Level Patch Level Platform Edition
Setup Support Files ENU 9.00.1399.06 x86
Database Services (MSSQLSERVER) ENU RTM 2005.090.1399.00 x86 STANDARD
Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER) ENU RTM 2005.090.1399.00 x86 STANDARD
Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) ENU RTM 9.00.1399.00 x86 STANDARD
Notification Services ENU RTM 9.00.1399.00 x86 STANDARD
Integration Services ENU RTM 9.00.1399.00 x86 STANDARD
SQL Server Native Client ENU 9.00.3042.00 x86
Client Components ENU RTM 9.00.1399.06 x86 STANDARD
SQLXML4 ENU 9.00.1399.06 x86
Backward Compatibility ENU 8.05.1054 x86
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer ENU 9.00.1399.06 x86

Products Disqualified & Reason
Product Reason

Processes Locking Files
Process Name Feature Type User Name PID
SQLWriter Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Service 2700

Product Installation Status
Product : Setup Support Files
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Success
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixRedist9_Hotfix_KB921896_SqlSupport.msi.log
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER)
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Reboot Required
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
Error Number : 3010
Error Description :
Product : Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER)
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Success
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixOLAP9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_as.msp.log
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Success
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixRS9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_rs.msp.log
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Notification Services
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Success
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixNS9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_ns.msp.log
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Integration Services
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Success
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixDTS9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_dts.msp.log
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : SQL Server Native Client
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Success
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixRedist9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlncli.msi.log
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Client Components
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Reboot Required
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQLTools9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_tools.msp.log
Error Number : 3010
Error Description :
Product : SQLXML4
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Success
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixRedist9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlxml4.msi.log
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Backward Compatibility
Product Version (Previous): 1054
Product Version (Final) : 2004
Status : Success
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixRedist9_Hotfix_KB921896_SQLServer2005_BC.msi.log
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) : 3042
Status : Success
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixRedist9_Hotfix_KB921896_SqlWriter.msi.log
Error Number : 0
Error Description :

Success, Reboot Required
Exit Code Returned: 3010

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How Do I Set Access 2002 Upsizing Wizard To Create Clustered-index On SQL 2005

Jun 3, 2006

Here is an extract from the Acc2Sql2.doc >>

By default, the Upsizing Wizard
transfers all indexes as nonclustered indexes. You can modify the Upsizing
Wizard to transfer the primary key index to a clustered index. To make this
change, start Microsoft Access and open the upsizing wizard library database.
For Microsoft Access 95, the filename is Wzcs.mda. For Microsoft Access 97, the
filename is Wzcs97.mda. When the database is open, click the Modules tab and open the
UT_ModUserConstants module. Search down to the UT_CLUSTERED constant. Change
the default value from False to True.

<<< end quote
Question: I am using ACCESS 2002 upsize wizard, I searched my computer for *.mda and could not find any wzcs*.mda. How do I set it so that it creates clustered-index instead of non-clustered-index?

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Clustered/Non-clustered Indexes And B-Trees

Jan 31, 2005

I would like to find information on Clustered and Non-clustered indexes and how B-trees are used. I know a clustered index is placed into a b-tree which makes sense for fast ordered searching. What data structure does a non-clustered index use and how? I tried to find info. on the web but couldn't get much detail...

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Clustered And Non Clustered Index On Same Columns

Nov 1, 2007

I have a table<table1> with 804668 records primary on table1(col1,col2,col3,col4)

Have created non-clustered index on <table1>(col2,col3,col4),to solve a performance issue.(which is a join involving another table with 1.2 million records).Seems to be working great.

I want to know whether this will slow down,insert and update on the <table1>?

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Installing SQL 2005 After Visual Studio 2005

Dec 5, 2006

WinXP Pro

Installed Visual Studio Team Suite

Installed Team Explorer

Installed SQL 2005 with all the features turned on (so everything installs)

Result: None of the SQL Management Studio tools show up.

I checked ARP and see all the entries for Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

I also checked the Services and see SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER).

I also see SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) but don't see an ARP entry for it.

Any ideas on how to install the SQL 2005 Studio tools?


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Simple Query Chooses Clustered Index Scan Instead Of Clustered Index Seek

Nov 14, 2006

the query:

SELECT a.AssetGuid, a.Name, a.LocationGuid
FROM Asset a WHERE a.AssociationGuid IN (
SELECT ada.DataAssociationGuid FROM AssociationDataAssociation ada
WHERE ada.AssociationGuid = '568B40AD-5133-4237-9F3C-F8EA9D472662')

takes 30-60 seconds to run on my machine, due to a clustered index scan on our an index on asset [about half a million rows].  For this particular association less than 50 rows are returned. 

expanding the inner select into a list of guids the query runs instantly:

SELECT a.AssetGuid, a.Name, a.LocationGuid
FROM Asset a WHERE a.AssociationGuid IN (

It runs instantly because of doing a clustered index seek [on the same index as the previous query] instead of a scan.  The index in question IX_Asset_AssociationGuid is a nonclustered index on Asset.AssociationGuid.

The tables involved:

Asset, represents an asset.  Primary key is AssetGuid, there is an index/FK on Asset.AssociationGuid.  The asset table has 28 columns or so...
Association, kind of like a place, associations exist in a tree where one association can contain any number of child associations.  Each association has a ParentAssociationGuid pointing to its parent.  Only leaf associations contain assets. 
AssociationDataAssociation, a table consisting of two columns, AssociationGuid, DataAssociationGuid.  This is a table used to quickly find leaf associations [DataAssociationGuid] beneath a particular association [AssociationGuid].  In the above case the inner select () returns 3 rows. 

I'd include .sqlplan files or screenshots, but I don't see a way to attach them. 

I understand I can specify to use the index manually [and this also runs instantly], but for such a simple query it is peculiar it is necesscary.  This is the query with the index specified manually:

SELECT a.AssetGuid, a.Name, a.LocationGuid
FROM Asset a WITH (INDEX (IX_Asset_AssociationGuid)) WHERE
a.AssociationGuid IN (
SELECT ada.DataAssociationGuid FROM AssociationDataAssociation ada
WHERE ada.AssociationGuid = '568B40AD-5133-4237-9F3C-F8EA9D472662')

To repeat/clarify my question, why might this not be doing a clustered index seek with the first query?

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SQL 2005 TDSSNIClient Initialization Failed With Error 0x32, Status Code 0x1c (Clustered Environment)

Jan 31, 2007

I've seen other posts on this topic, but not with error 0x32.

I was attempting to change a CLUSTERED instance of SQL 2005 from dynamic port to static port and in the process have somehow messed it up to the point it will no longer start. Version is 9.00.2047.00

The ERRORLOG has the following

2007-01-31 15:02:05.77 spid9s Starting up database 'model'.
2007-01-31 15:02:05.77 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-01-31 15:02:05.77 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x32, status code 0x1c.
2007-01-31 15:02:05.77 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-01-31 15:02:05.77 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x32, status code 0x1.
2007-01-31 15:02:05.77 Server Error: 17826, Severity: 18, State: 3.
2007-01-31 15:02:05.77 Server Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.
2007-01-31 15:02:05.77 Server Error: 17120, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-01-31 15:02:05.77 Server SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.

The values have only been changed using SQL Server Configuration Manager (no direct registry changes have been made).

Thanks for you help.

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Installing CRM After SQL 2005

Dec 29, 2007

I have installed SQL on a Small Business Server 2003 running as a virtual server. When I try to install CRM 3.0 I get the error message:
"[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Invalid Instance()).]Invalid connection"
One of the suggested reasons is that "Microsoft Server Reporting Services is not supported using SQL Server 2005"

I would be grateful for any suggestions



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Installing 2005 Or Not . . .

Aug 3, 2006


What is the installer checking for when it determines that components have been found on the machine ?

If it is the Registry, what keys does it use ?


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Installing Sql 2005 Using RDP.

Aug 4, 2006

Are there any known issues (problems, etc.) with installing sql 2005 on a remote server using Remote Desktop? Any problems installing Sql 2005 SP1 via RDP?



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Installing SQL Server 2005

Jan 18, 2007

I have just installed SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and I can't find any of the GUIs from the Start menu.  Can anybody help?

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Installing SQL Server 2005

May 3, 2008

How can we enable or install the IIS before installing SQL server 2005?
Also how can we find out the edition of the SQL server 2005 to be installed?

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