Installing Sql 7.0 Desktop

Jul 26, 1999

I have installed Sql 7.0 desktop edition on Win 98 with IE5 and am having a problem starting the Sql server.
It auto registered the server under my machine name. It was returning a network connection error so I deleted it and tried to add one with the name (local). Enterprise Manager then returned an error saying one was already registered under that name.




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Problem With Installing Sql Server Desktop

Jun 25, 2004

I have a new computer p4 2.8
i just install in it the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, when i try to install the sql server desktop from:
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NETSetupMSDE" in the middle it stops installing,
I tryed to uninstall Visual Studio and install it again , but i get the same problem
what can i do?

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Errors Installing MSDE Desktop

Nov 7, 2004

HELP! this is driving me mad!!

I installed MSDE desktop with no problems... months later when creating a database, I stupidily forgot the "sa" password that I set during setup... So I decided to unistall MSDE and reinstall it, this time documenting the username and password... BUT now it is giving me errors which I am unable to solve... is there anyone out there that might be able to help me??

I go to a command-line, locate the directory where the install program lives and type in "setup SAPWD=(a password) SecurityMode=SQL" and it returns the follow error message:
"Setup Failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs"

My problem is I don't know where to locate these error logs. Please if anyone can help me with this problem I would greatly appreciate it.

thanks, Donald - email =

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Problems Installing MSDE Desktop SP3a SQL Server

Jul 29, 2005

Hi,I'm trying to install MSDE Desktop SP3a SQL server on my Windows 2000 Professional Laptop.Every time I try it nearly finishes the installation and then just rollsback.Can anyone help? Is this a known issue?Thanks in advance,Jocky

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Installing SQL Server Express 2005 Via Remote Desktop

Jun 14, 2006


Does anyone know if it's at all possible to install SQL Server Express 2005 over a Remote Desktop on a Windows XP machine.

I know there are problems running SQL over Remote Desktop, in that it won't start up a User Instance, but I wasn't sure if we can install over Remote Desktop.

If it's not possible, can anyone point me to an official document stating this fact?



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Error R6034 In MSIEXEC.EXE While Installing Proclarity Desktop Pro 6.3 Evaluation

Sep 25, 2007

What can I do about this? There doesn't seem to be any workaround, I've upgraded everything, including the Msiexec to 3.2 (v2), but the same error always pops up.

I've done other installs of the same product without any problem whatsoever.

Can anyone help?



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Installing MSDTC Resource After Installing SQL Server 2000 Cluster

Oct 19, 2006

Is it possible to install and configure the MSDTC resource in a SQL Server 2000 cluster after SQL is installed and running?

When I recently went through a rebuild of my cluster, I forgot to install the resource before installing SQL Server. Now, if I install and bring online the MSDTC resource the SQL disk groups will not fail over correctly. The SQL Server resource will not come online.

Thanks in advance for any help. I would really like to avoid rebuilding again.


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SQL Desktop And C#

Sep 2, 2005

Hello, i'm trying to make a c# web form in 2003 and a connection to a sql database.I'm using a sqlconnection control and a sqlcommand, but when i test it, the page said: "There was an error in login Encuesta, with the user LOCALHOST/ASPNET" (or something like that)i don't have the source code, and i am not in my pc, so, can somebody help me?

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OLE DB On Desktop

Feb 28, 2007

hello everybody,

I've installed SQL Compact Edition (with Visual Studio 2005) and i try to compile Northwindoledb for the DeskTop. The goal of this operation is to migrate a Pocket PC application (C++/OLE DB/SQL Mobile) to the desktop. If i can run properly Northwindoledb project i could start to migrate ...

I've the following error :

hr = pICmdText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

GUID_NULL undefined

What can i do ?

Thanks in advance !

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Desktop Server

Feb 24, 2007

1. Today I've installed webmatrix and MSDE200A and followed this instruction"Select 'SQL2kdesksp3.exe' and save it to your computer.Double-click on the SQL2kdesksp3.exe you downloaded.Once you have run the self extracting exe (SQL2kdesksp3.exe), go to a command prompt.Start > Run > cmdNavigate to the directory you expanded the self extracting exe to and change to the MSDE subdirectory.The default is C:sql2ksp3Type Setup SAPWD=(Some password) SecurityMode=SQLExample:c:sql2ksp3> Setup SAPWD=password SecurityMode=SQLAfter that gets done running, MSDE is installed.Start servicesTo get the SQL Server running and the SQL Agent we need start the services.right click My Computer > manage > servicesDouble click the following and set to Automatic.MSSQLSERVERSQLSERVERAGENTMake sure both are on automatic." then I restarted my comp. I've tried to connect to database but it did not work.I need the reply ASAP!!!!   2.What are the different among  MSDE200A.exe, sql2ksp3.exe, and sql2kdesksp3.exe ?

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SQL Desktop License?

May 29, 2001

If I just need a desktop version of SQL 7.0 installed for local development. (Not being used as a server) Do I just need a CAL license?


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Can Not Connect To Desktop DB

Jun 28, 2001

My organization supports both SQL 7 and SQL 2K. Therefore I have the Enterprise Manager
for SQL 2K on my desktop (it accesses both SQL 7 & SQL 2K, but the SQL 7 EM won't access

I installed the SQL 7 desktop edition on my NT 4 (SP 6) workstation, but only the server (not
client connectivity or client tools).

When I attempt to perform a new server registration using EM (with the desktop server running),
I get the following message:

"SQL Server does not exist or access is denied"

I am attempting to logon as "sa" with a blank password since this will be my very first access of
the installed DB.

Startup of server specifies that the "local system" account be used. Server starts up fine as best
as I can tell.

For client connectivity I have both TCP and NAMED PIPES available.

Any help would be very much appreciated!!!!

Thanks Gary Andrews
Where blank passwords are used, do I enter a single space or not enter anything
and just press enter?

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Desktop SQL Server 7

Dec 7, 1999

Is it necessary to have a MS Loopback Adaptor to install SQL Server desptop edition at my home ? ( Otherwise i am unable to connect to the server from the EM )

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Sql2005 For Desktop

Jun 1, 2007

Hi All.
I have SQL2000 on my WinXP computer. Can I install SQL2005 on my desktop? If yes what version?

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SQL 2000 Desktop

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to install SQL 2000 desktop without installing a databaseserver? I need to have the interface to access my database servers, butdon't want the overhead of a server and the service on my laptop.Possible?ThanksDoug

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SDF Creation On Desktop

Jun 6, 2005


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Creating SDF On Desktop

Jan 2, 2007

I have read all posts in this forum, but the answers for the main questions are still not completely clear for me. My scenario is smilar than other described cases.

I would like to send a large amount of data to a Windows CE device which runs SQL Server Mobile Edition 2005. Replication is not possible, cause the desktop size of software sometimes uses Oracle or earlier versions of MSSQL Server (for e.g. MSSQL 7.0).

For syncrhonizing data we have two possibilities:

1. sending the data in some format (csv, xml, etc...) to the Windows CE device, parse this file and insert the data into a database, the speed of this is unacceptable, so if it is possible I wouldn't like to use this method

2. Create the SDF file on desktop side, it would be very fast, because it makes unnecessary the post processing on a slow Windows CE device. So please give me a short (YES / NO is completely enough) answer to this: is there any *LEGAL* way to create an SDF file for SQL Server Mobile Edition without buying VS2005 or MSSQL2005 licenses for the desktop computer?

Thx for any help in advance. If the question was answered clear earlier, sorry for wasting time. I think a lot of us struggling with this problem.

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Creating A CE Db At The Desktop PC

Dec 13, 2006


Is it possible to create a .SDF file at the develop machine?I want to write an exe which creates a sdf.So, my customer will be able to create a sdf and import this sdf to the device.


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Sep 27, 2006


I want to jumpstart my learning of SQL Server so I downloaded the Express edition onto my desktop in the office and also onto my laptop. I usually connect the two machines (through a LAN) to update whatever I was able to do at home while in the office.

What should I do in order to view or edit whatever I started on the laptop from the desktop? Would the databases I create on one be accessible through the other machine for editing and the likes?


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SQL CE Desktop And PDA Sync

Apr 16, 2008

I have a very simple application that is desktop and windows mobile. I am just starting work on it so the options are wide open for now. My goal is a simple database that will sync columns on both sides.

The SQL Compact Edition database seems like the perfect database to use for this application.

The only way I currently know of to sync a PDA database to the desktop, however, is to use IIS and SQL server on the desktop side and then use the ADO.NET sync stuff.

I don't want to have to set up IIS and SQL server on my client's computers. It will be a mass market product and that is just inviting a ton of support that I don't want to have to deal with. The application is too simple and cheap for that.

I know I can go the old fasion ActiveSync component route, but that is such a pain. I could also use a 3rd party solution, but again, too expensive for this application.

My question is whether anyone knows of a simple solution.

Is there any way in SQLCE to query a remote database and do updates to it? Could the desktop application get access to the PDA SQLCE database or the other way around?

Any help would be great. I have the experience to write an ActiveSync component myself. That is not the problem. It is just such a pain and it seems like in today's day and age I shouldn't have to.

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Upgrading SDF 2.0 To 3.1 On Desktop

Feb 28, 2008


Everybody knows that Upgrade.exe is not a win32 application.

Since it is now possible to connect SQL CE 3.1 database with Framework 2.0 and SQL CE 3.1, I am wondering if someone is aware of a method to convert SQL CE 2.0 database to SQL CE 3.0 with Desktop Framework ?

(--> I have a lot of SQL CE 2.0 databases where I would like to connect avoiding use of a PDA. In order to do that, I need to convert all of them)



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Installing IIS After Installing SQL Server 2005 And Visual Studio 2005 Help Requested!

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all, Im new here so il start with a little introduction of myself, My name is Arjan im 19 years old from Holland, and i work for a company to compleet my ICT Education.

My situation:

My boss gave me a server with server 2003 standard and Sql server 2005 and visual studio 2005 installed already, he asked me if i could figure out how the 'new' reporting services work, Im pretty new to SQL and the reporting service but i figured out i had to install / frameworks and IIS.

So right now i wanna start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and i get an error that says 'Invalid namespace' and when im trying to approach by using my browser i get 'page not found' so obviously their is Alot wrong. I asked my boss if i could not reinstall everything and do it in the correct order (IIS / / Frameworks before installing SQL server 2k5 but that was not an option because we dont seem to have the cd's anymore.

The server is not connected to any network or the internet.

My Question:

Is their any way to fix this? and if yes could anyone tell me where to start

Thanks in Advance!

ps if their is information or logs that u need in order to help me just say so :-)


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Sql Server Desktop Edition

Dec 19, 2003

hi, can I use sql server desktop edition to deploy my web application and at the same time I am not violating license agreement with Ms.


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Sql 2000-Desktop Edition

Feb 8, 2002

I want to know if there is Desktop edition for SQL 2000 Server and if so does it comes bundled on the same CD like it did for MSS 7.0.Also is there a limit to the size of DB's that can be build with it.
Thanks a Bunch

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Sqlagent Start On W98 Desktop

Oct 11, 2000

how can i start automatically sqlagent if it doesn't on W98 ?

thanks for answer

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SQL 7 Desktop Edition Licence

Sep 20, 2000

What type of licence do I need to run Desktop Edition of SQL 7.0. Is there such a thing as desktop license.
How much Does it approximately cost.

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Upgrade From Sql 7 To Sql 2000 On My Desktop

Apr 18, 2003

Hi all:-

How do I upgrade my local sql server 7 to sql 2000 ? Do I just put in the sql server 2000 CD and run it or is there an upgrade CD ? I have lots of stuff on my sql 7 and don't want to lose it.

Thanks in advance!

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Sql Server Desktop Edition

Feb 2, 2005

my application has a good amount of data that is specific to each company (where there is only one user). i am currently setting it up as a access project, but was wondering about another route. to store the local data would there be an advantage to setting it up as a access project, and use the sql server desktop engine for the data, or should i stick with mdb tables?

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NT Authentication - Remote Desktop

Jun 23, 2006

I connect to a compute via Remote Desktop Connection that is running SQL Server 2003. That part works. However, once I'm connected, and running SQL Server, I cannot see my user name in SQL, when I use the query, "SELECT user_name as ()". What I see instead is "DBO". Nor does it show me as being in a particlar group. I also cannot see my Windows Authentication remote computer name.

I think it has something to do with using my PC to do the Remote Desktop Connection and then from there, running SQL Server 2003, but am lost on this one.

Can anyone help? I sure would appreciate it! Thanks in advance!

This forum is best viewed with a computer. Questions asked freely. Confusion happily shared.

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How Is The SQL2000 Desktop Licensed?

Jul 20, 2005

Could the SQL2000 Desktop Engine be bought individually or they onehave to buy the Enerprise version in order to get the Desktop Engine?All we need right now is the Desktop Engine.Thank you very muchmike

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Edit Sdf Database On Desktop From Pda

Mar 27, 2008

Hi, I would create a vb2005 application that allow me to edit a sdf database stored into a pda connected at pc with activesyn directly on my desktop as well as "SQLCE Database View".
How can i do it??

Please help me

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Connect To Desktop Database 2

Jan 24, 2007

Please Help me!

I hav emulator Windows CE 4.0 with Visual Studio 2003, C#.

I want connect to sql server 2000......after read all posts of this subject and try all varieties modes of connecting sql profile i see that application in emulator try to connect the sql server but i have the same exception :


Here my code:

strcon = "Server = developer\devsql;Initial Catalog = master;User ID = domain\login; password = ******;Integrated Security = false";

What i did wrong or may be miss something?

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Sync Between Mobile And Desktop

Oct 6, 2007

Can I synch between a Mobile device using SqlServer Compact and desktop PC running Sql Server Express using Microsoft Synchronization Services?

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