Installing Both MySQL And MS-SQL On One Server. Conflicts?

Aug 8, 2007

The server in question already has Ms-SQL installed and used. My web-app has been developed for MySQL.

What, if any, conflicts would I encounter by installing MySQL on the server as well?

Would I be better of changing the the web-app to work with MS-SQL?

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Probelm In Installing Mysql On Win Xp M/c

Jul 20, 2005

hello ![color=blue]>>> I am trying to intstall Mysql binary version with installor in Windows> XP machine . But it is not working . i have installed in the default> path ,in windows service componenet its showing server is running,since> it is mysqld-nt so name-piped servr is also running.>> But still client is able to connect to server.>> when i am tring to instal manually it is showing>> " service already exists;> the currect server intstalled is c:mysqlinmysqld-nt.exe>> when trying to connect to server> C:> c:mysqlinmysql test> ERROR 2003 : cannot connect to MYSQL server on localhost <10061>>> C:> telnet localhost 3306> connecting to localhost.......> could not open connection to host,on port 3306No connection shb ne made> because the target machine actibvely refused it.>> plz help me in installing ,pls clarify the problem.> pls reply soon.>>> regards> Smita[/color]

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Installing Apache, Php5 And Mysql 4

Feb 15, 2006

I am trying to get mysql 4, php5, and apache to work on my winxp sp2 comp,unfortunately even though php5 and apache seems to work ok I am unable toutilise mysql with php and apache, I have yet to see a guide that has aproblem free installation, if there is such a guide or a fix on how to getphp5, apache and mysql all working on winxp sp2, after having movedlibmysql.dll to the c:php directory as well as the c:windowssystemdirectory,. and amended php.ini to show the path to c:phpext (althoughthis version of php didn't automatically create an ext directory) and havingamended pathn the system environments to point to c:php, as well asnumerous other recommendations, I am stuck as to how to proceed. Any helpwill be greatly appreciated.

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Problem Installing Express Mysql

May 19, 2007

After downloading Express my SQL erver Express I can't seem to launch it.

From the Start Menu I have Programs -> Microsoft Server 2005 -> Configuration Tools then a choice of 3 programs (none of these seem to be the actual program for creating databases etc)


There were no problems / errors during the installation.

Any ideas what might have went wrong?


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Linked Server To MYSQL Using OLEDB Provider For MYSQL Cherry

Feb 12, 2007

Good Morning

Has anyone successfully used cherry's oledb provider for MYSQL to create a linked server from MS SQLserver 2005 to a Linux red hat platform running MYSQL.

I can not get it to work.

I've created a UDL which tests fine. it looks like this


; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring

Provider=OleMySql.MySqlSource.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=testuser;

Data Source=databridge;Location="";Mode=Read;Trace="""""""""""""""""""""""""""""";

Initial Catalog=riverford_rhdx_20060822

Can any on help me convert this to corrrect syntax for sql stored procedure


I've tried this below but it does not work I just get an error saying it can not create an instance of OleMySql.MySqlSource.

I used SQL server management studio to create the linked server then just scripted this out below.

I seem to be missing the user ID, but don't know where to put it in.

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @srvproduct=N'mysql', @provider=N'OleMySql.MySqlSource', @datasrc=N'databridge', @catalog=N'riverford_rhdx_20060822'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'collation compatible', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'data access', @optvalue=N'true'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'dist', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'pub', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'rpc', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'rpc out', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'sub', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'connect timeout', @optvalue=N'0'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'collation name', @optvalue=null


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'lazy schema validation', @optvalue=N'false'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'query timeout', @optvalue=N'0'


EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'DATABRIDGE_OLEDB', @optname=N'use remote collation', @optvalue=N'false'

Many Thanks

David Hills

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What Are The Conflicts We Come Across When We Migrate Sql Server 2000 DataBase To Sql Server 2005

Jan 16, 2008

In my application,I used Sql Server 2000 Database where I used some Stored Procedures,View,Function and Triggers .Now I want to migrate it to Sql Server 2005. Is there any performance issues will come in future as the database is actually from SQL SERVER 2000? Is all these Stored procedures,Views,Function and Triggers will work perfect? If than what steps I have to take to over come them.

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Equivalent To MySQL's Password() Function? (was MySQL To SQL Server And Password())

Mar 3, 2005

I have an internal Project Management and Scheduling app that I wrote internally for my company. It was written to use MySQL running on a Debian server, but I am going to move it to SQL Server 2000 and integrate it with our Accounting software. The part I am having trouble with is the user login portion. I previously used this:

PHP Code:

 $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = "$username" AND user_password = password("$password")"; 

Apparently the password() function is not available when accessing SQL Server via ODBC. Is there an equivalent function I could use isntead so the passwords arent plaintext in the database? I only have 15 people using the system so a blank pwd reset wouldn't be too much trouble.

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Installing MSDTC Resource After Installing SQL Server 2000 Cluster

Oct 19, 2006

Is it possible to install and configure the MSDTC resource in a SQL Server 2000 cluster after SQL is installed and running?

When I recently went through a rebuild of my cluster, I forgot to install the resource before installing SQL Server. Now, if I install and bring online the MSDTC resource the SQL disk groups will not fail over correctly. The SQL Server resource will not come online.

Thanks in advance for any help. I would really like to avoid rebuilding again.


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Installing SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 After Installing SQL Server Express 2005

Feb 14, 2007


I have installed SQL Server Express 2005 on my machine.

I want to install SQL Server Standard Edition 2005 on my machine to check new services it has.

Can these 2 Editions coexist with each other, or any troubles you think might encounter?


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Installing IIS After Installing SQL Server 2005 And Visual Studio 2005 Help Requested!

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all, Im new here so il start with a little introduction of myself, My name is Arjan im 19 years old from Holland, and i work for a company to compleet my ICT Education.

My situation:

My boss gave me a server with server 2003 standard and Sql server 2005 and visual studio 2005 installed already, he asked me if i could figure out how the 'new' reporting services work, Im pretty new to SQL and the reporting service but i figured out i had to install / frameworks and IIS.

So right now i wanna start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and i get an error that says 'Invalid namespace' and when im trying to approach by using my browser i get 'page not found' so obviously their is Alot wrong. I asked my boss if i could not reinstall everything and do it in the correct order (IIS / / Frameworks before installing SQL server 2k5 but that was not an option because we dont seem to have the cd's anymore.

The server is not connected to any network or the internet.

My Question:

Is their any way to fix this? and if yes could anyone tell me where to start

Thanks in Advance!

ps if their is information or logs that u need in order to help me just say so :-)


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Mar 28, 2007

What are conflicts from MERGE replication point of view?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Conflicts From Nowhere

Jul 10, 2006

I have two tables that are getting conflicts between the subscriber and the publisher, however I am pretty sure we only update these tables at the subscriber.

I have column level tracking turned on.

The tables both have Nonoverlapping, single subscription (3) set for partition options. I wonder does this do any maintenance to the tables?

I have put in place some triggers to audit what makes changes to the data, but won't know until tomorrow, so if there is something that anyone knows about that might help, please let me know.


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Write Conflicts

Oct 1, 2007

I have a database on SQL Server 2005 and am using Access 2003 for my front-end. Today, I started having problems with ONE of the tables. I can't make changes - I get the "another user has made changes" and do not have the Save Changes option - only the Copy to Clipboard or Drop Changes options. I can make changes directly to the table using the Management Studio.
I don't know if it's relative, but it happened as I was trying to add an "After Update" event to set a field equal to currentuser().
Do you have any idea what may be happening?

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P2P Replication Conflicts

Jun 14, 2006

Can someone who has had direct experience with this tell me exactly what happens when a conflict (updating same record on two nodes at the same time) occurs in a P2P replication topology? Does the Dist. Agent throw an error? More importantly does the replication set continue to replicate the articles after any error occurs?



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Update Conflicts

Feb 19, 2007

Can someone answer/point me to an article to handle update conflicts when replicating?

Say for example, you pull down data into your sql everywhere database and start making changes. Before you replicate, changes are made in the master database that conlift with changes you've made. For example, when you pull down your data there was a product with 4 units left. So maybe you place an order for that product for 4 units while offline. However, while you were offline someone else has taken all 4 of those units and when you replicate, you need to throw an error. How do you handle this situation?

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MySQL To Sql Server 05

Oct 5, 2006

im trying to convert this table for a friend 1 CREATE TABLE adminmessage (
3 varname varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
5 script varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
6 action varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
7 execurl mediumtext NOT NULL,
8 method enum('get','post') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'post',
10 status enum('undone','done','dismissed') NOT NULL default 'undone',
11 statususerid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
12 PRIMARY KEY (adminmessageid),
13 KEY script_action (script, action),
14 KEY varname (varname)
15 )
  and was wondering how to do it when mssql doesn't have enums :(

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SQL Server To MySQL

Jul 5, 2004

I just started developing my site locally using SQL Server and am planning to move it to our work's MySQL server. Is there anything that I should be aware of before I continue any furthur? Will I lose any data or is it even an option to move from SQL Server to My SQL???

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Mysql To SQL Server 7.00

Nov 16, 2000

Hi Guys,

I am working for a client who needs to move database from MySQL application to MS SQL SERVER 7.0.
Is there anybody who has done it before?
I need some help about how to load data from one system to another system.

THanks in advance.

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New To SQL Server, Old To MySql

Sep 2, 2005

Hi there, I'm hoping someone out there can help me.

At my old job, I developed web applications that were based off of a MySQL server. I used PHPMyAdmin and learned the PHP coding, and although not formally trained in DBA or anything, I became very comfortable with using it and building database applications. I did everything through SQL/PHP script coding or through PHPMyAdmin.

At my new job, I decided to build a database, but only had access to MS Access, which I can use, but don’t necessarily like. One day, in earshot of one of our admins, I grumbled “if I only had access to a SQL server, I’d turn this thing into a very cool web application.� Well, he heard, and gave me access to the SQL server and the web server. Thing is, it’s not MySQL, but MS SQL Server. And I feel like I am at a total loss. I was able to build a basic database in the Enterprise Manager on the SQL server, and create a web site on the web server, but I don’t even know how to begin to connect the two – what is the equivalent of MySQLConnect? I know I would have to learn the VBScript and everything for the advanced stuff, but for right now, I just want to make a simple web page that will do a simple select query from a database and return the rows, and simple forms to input into the database. How do I begin? What do I need to know to begin? I have a feeling the applications already on the server were contracted out, so I don’t actually know if anyone here could help me.

Thanks for your help.

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SQL Server 2K5 To MySQL 5

Feb 28, 2008

I need to pull data out of SQL Server 2005 and load it into a MySql 5 database, and can't find a way to do this efficiently in SSIS since there's no ODBC destination, and I couldn't find an Oledb driver for MySQL. Any thoughts on the best way to accomplish this, aside from exporting to text, and then loading it into MySql via the mysql client or mysql importer?


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MySQL Vs SQL Server?

Jul 23, 2005

Hey there,I'm curious about MySQL. Could anyone quickly summarize thedifferences between MySQL and SQL Server and outline why someone mightpick SQL Server over MySQL?(Please post replies here, email address is fake)Cheers,Geoff GlaveVancouver, Canada

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Alert For Replication-Conflicts

Mar 6, 2004

Hi, I need to set an alert when a replication-conflict occurs rather that to check for conflicts manually. How can i accomplish this? I couldn't find the particular error-message to trap in an alert.


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Conflicts In Merge Replication

Mar 25, 2008

I have set up merge replication between 1 publisher and 9 subscribers (all push subscriptions). Distributor and publisher are located on the same machine.

Although everything seems to work fine from the outside (most of the time), there are a lot of conflicts in the conflict table for the replication. They appear all the time. There are a lot of "download insert failed" conflicts. They always look like in the following three screenshots:

In the same way, there are also many "upload insert failed" conflicts.

In addition to this, there are some "update conflict"s (but a lot less than the other conflicts). Some of them show the same row at both sides:
Others show a different row at the both sides:

The only thing that causes a real problem is the last screenshot, although I don't understand why the other conflicts are there (the inserst statements actually seem to happen anyway, even though there are conflicts). In case of the last screenshot, I can't find any place where an UPDATE actually happens at APP-STB, while I can clearly pinpoint the UPDATE at the other side (which is what actually comes from our program).

One more thing, the system is running on its limits, but all replication seems to be working fine.

I would appriacte any help or comments very much.

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Conflicts In Updateable Subscriptions

Sep 11, 2007

I've been experiencing conflicts in my replication system that I can't seem to get my head around. The following is the scenario:

3 sqlservers, all running sql server 2005. Server B is the publisher and Server A and Server C (64 bit) are subscribers. The Queue Reader Agent runs on the publisher. I set up transactional repl with updateable subscriptions with the default conflict resolution policy of 'Publisher wins'.

There are 2 kinds of processes: 1. Nightly batch updates and 2. Daytime updates by real clients. The Nightly batch updates runs an on the publisher, which is B. Batch updates are massive updates and running it on the publisher makes sense and it works like a charm. Online updates are made on the subscriber 'C'. This subscriber is set to Queued update mode, and everyday I see a significant number of transactions that are detected as conflicts and the Publisher wins. As a result the changes made on Server C are getting lost. I have verified that no user/client is logged into Server B to do any updates. Users complain that their updates are lost. This is the most puzzling and frustrating bit. I don't see how a conflict can happen if nobody is updating data on the Publisher during the day. SQL Updates on Server C are getting rolled back on a conflict detection because the "Publisher wins", and SQL Inserts on server C are getting deleted because they don't exist on the publisher. Now, how can a insert done on the subscriber be marked as a conflict. There is no row on the publisher to compare the unique guid with, how can it be a conflict?

And the Queue Reader Agent crashes every 3-4 days. No useful information except it creates a dump file for which users have no tools to read it.

Has anyone seen this behavior ? Or is there a known bug in the QueueReader Agent?

My users are losing faith in the replication system and so am I.

Thanks for your time,

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Conflicts In Merge Replication

Apr 18, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2000 Merge Replication. Sometimes when the data is replicated there are conflicts which when examined show it is due to voliation of foreign key constraint. But the data (keys) in already present in the master tables. Is there a way to give an order to the way the tables are replicated. This is so because i think the data in the details table is relpicated first instead of the master table. The conflicts are resolved properly when done using the conflict viewer.

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HowTo Compare Data From 2 Different Db-sources (xls,csv,sql Server, Mysql Server)?

Jan 28, 2008

Hello Guys,

I'm searching for a way to compare informations from one database against another database.

E.g. i want to check if serialnumbers of my first database (eg hardware.xls or hardware.csv ) are already stored in my sql server database.

I know i can use sql querys (Joins) for that task but i don't know how i can access 2 different databases at the same time. Do i need a tool for it? Does Excel is able to compare those data? But how? I'm searching for that thread since 2 days testing with some tools without any success...

So please help...

Kindly Regards...


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GoDaddy / MySQL / SQL Server

Dec 29, 2006

I don't know if this is unique to GoDaddy: I found the program for working with a MySQL database very intuitive (to the point of compliments).  Today I started work with ASP.NET and SQL, and when I went to work with SQL Server (on GoDaddy), it wasn't intuitive, and there was almost nothing on which to click.  By chance might there be a tutorial that would help a person who needs to work with SQL Server on a provider like GoDaddy?

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Migrate From MySQL To SQL Server

Mar 6, 2008

Hello all,
I have an application in which the database is currently in MySQL.  The app is being re-written(in .net 3.5) and I would like to move the data to SQL Server 2005.  What is the best may to get the data from MySQL to SQL Server.  Any good tools out there?  Idealy, I would be able to manipulate the data during the move, as I have plans for some schema changes, but I suppose I could always make them after migrating. 
Please suggest any tools or methods, with your thoughts.  I will evaluate any suggested tools.  Also, SSIS is available for me, is that the best way?

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SQl Server 2000 Vs. MySQL 5 .0

Apr 7, 2006

hi !
i am using SQL Server 2000...someone told me the new version of Mysql 5.0 is very powerfull and it is better than MS products?!!! any good resources about the benefit of using SQL server 2000 rather than open source?!!

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Linked Server To MySQL

Mar 7, 2001

I have created a linked server to a MySQL database using a DSN. Does anyone know how to run a select statement against a table in the MySQL database? The usual 4 part naming convention does not work.

I can run SELECT *
FROM OPENQUERY(Top50, 'SELECT * FROM orders') which does return records successfully. (Top50 being the name of the linked server)

My objective is to be able to insert records into the MySQL database and I am not sure how do to that using OPENQUERY. Any thoughts on that would be appreciated as well.

Thanks in advance.

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MySql Linked Server

Jul 14, 2002

Anyone know how to go about getting data from MySql to MS SQL server? Im a little confussed as to what ODBC driver is needed and all that. Is it possible to this all through enterprise manager? Thanks a lot.

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Limit In Mysql = Top In Sql Server ?

Jul 20, 2004

I have used this mysql code in my programm before:

select * from address order by vorname asc limit 0, 10

It works fine. But now I want to use sql server, and it doesn't recognize the term limit.
So I have found out that I can use top instead.
I have changed my code into this:

select top 0 * from (select top 10* from address order by vorname) order by vorname asc

But it gives me an error message:

wrong syntax near the word Order.

Can anyone give me a solution?
Thank you.

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Migrating From SQL Server To MySQL

Aug 4, 2004

Hello, anyone knows a good way to export a data base from MSSQL Server 2000 to MySQL? Any suggestion is accepted. Thanks

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