Integrate More Than One SSIS Packages Into One Package

Jan 12, 2007


I'm new to SSIS field.
I'm importing data from flat files to sql server 2005 through SSIS packages.
I have around 30 packages which transfers data from flat files to corresponding database tables.
I want a single package that will run all the 30 packages by running that single package.
Like in a single stored procedure we can run multiple stored procedure, I want the same solutions for my packages.
Is there any method which can solve the above issue???

Please kindly guide me .
Its urgent. please reply soon.

Thanks in advance.

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Executing SSIS Packages From Business Intelligence Studio When Not The Package Owner

Feb 5, 2008

I created a package but someone else will be running it every day. When this person opens the project in Business Intelligence Studio they get build errors such as the following:

Error loading PackageName: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "PackagePassword" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state."
You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available.

this problem is described in the article below however the only advice they offer is to "change the value of the ProtectionLevel property " however they don't specify what to change the value to. I have tried every option but it still does not work. And having them enter in a password every time is out of the question.;en-us;904800

It seems there is no way for someone other than the package owner to run the package! Running them from the sql server is not an option since we don't have permission to do so. As far as I know BIS is the only way.

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Integration Services :: How To Run All SSIS Packages In A Folder Using Execute Package Task

Jun 26, 2015

I have created for each container to call all the packages in a folder like below, also created a variable.

Then I add execute package task inside of foreach container and selected file system in a location and in connection called currently creating package name finally in connection properties i added variable in expression which i created and mapped into for each loop container. I referred below link 

[URL] ....

All the packages are running but its not ending once all the packages executed its re run and continue the running process, how to stop once all the packages execute. 

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How To Integrate SSIS And SSAS

Jun 12, 2007

Hi, all,

Some of you may have done this, but how do you integrate a Integration package with Analysis Services?

Within my vs solution, I have a SSIS package and a SSAS, which will build a simple cube.

At the end of SSIS, it can email, log, or exec another SSIS pkg, etc. but I did not find out a way to fire off the SSAS part.


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How To Integrate Blaze Advisor Rule Engine To SSIS?

Mar 15, 2008

I am a Microsoft BI Developer and currently working on Pharmaceutical BI project. In this project, Client wants to integrate his Blaze Advisor rule engine to SSIS so that he can change the rules in Blaze advisor any time and see the effect of it on the source data. Hence, my question is:

How can i integrate the "Blaze Advisor" to "SQL Service Integration Services" (Microsoft SQL Server ETL tool) which will use my Business Rules ( Written in Blaze Advisor) in the transformation task and process all my source data with the same business logic?

My Trails to Solve this problem:

I have written the rule in the Blaze Advisor & Imported it's rules into .Net file which includes *.Server, *.Client and some other files. I have used the DLLs in this solution in my SSIS script task but it's not supporting to it. It is demanding for *.Server & *.Client files there.

- Can you suggest me a way to integrate SSIS with Blaze Advisor?
- How can i use the Blaze Advisor's .Net output files as DLLs into my custom transformation?

I'll be really greatful to you if you could suggest me an approch for this particular business problem.

Thank You!



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Calling SSIS Packages From ASP.NET - Packages With File System Tasks End Abruptly

Jan 9, 2007

I've run into a problem with SSIS packages wherein tasks that write or copy files, or create or delete directories, quit execution without any hint of an error nor a failure message, when called from an ASP.NET 2.0 application running on any other machine than the one where the package was created from. By all indications it appeared to be an identity/permissions problem.

Our application involves a separate web server and database server. Both have SQL Server 2005 installed, but the application server originally only had Integration services. The packages are file system-deployed on the application server, and are called using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime methods. For all packages that involve file system tasks, the above problem occurs.

When the above packages are run using the command prompt (either DTEXEC or DTEXECUI) the packages execute just fine. This is expected since we are using an administrative account. However when a ShellExecute of the same command is called from ASP.NET, the same problem occurs.

I've tried giving administrative permissions to the ASPNET worker process user to no avail.

I have likewise attempted to use the SQL Server Agent job approach but that approach might not be acceptable for our clients since it means installing SQL Server 2005 Database services on the application server.

I have read the relevant threads in this forum, namely and but failed to find any solution appropriate for our set up.

Anybody got any idea on how to go about this?

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Integration Services :: Remotely Execute Packages On SSIS Server - Packages Are Deployed In File System

Apr 22, 2015

We manage some SSIS servers, which has only SSIS and SSIS tools installed on them and not the sql server DB.

SSIS packages and configuration files are deployed on a NAS. We run the SSIS packages through DTEXEC by logging in to the server.

We want to allow developers to run their packages on their own on the server, but at the same time we dont want to give them physical access on the server i.e we do not want to add them into RDP users list on server properties. We want them to allow running their packages remotely on the server.

One way We could think of is by using powershell remoting and we are working on that. But is there any other way or any tool already present for the same.

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Job Running SSIS Package Keeps Failing But The SSIS Package By Itself Runs Perfectly Fine

Aug 30, 2006

Hey, I've a few jobs which call SSIS packages. If I run the SSIS package, it runs fine but if I try to run the job which calls this package, it fails. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? None of my jobs that call an SSIS package work. All of them fail.

Thank you


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Package Running Other Packages

Mar 31, 2006

Hi everybody,

I have to create a package that executes other packages I've already created... Every one of these packages run with the same Configuration File, but if I try to execute the main one, including the path of the file, I get errors from the other packages because they can't find it... How can I manage to pass this file and its content to the other packages??

Here a little explanation of te process:

Main Package needs configuration file X.dtsConfig, and calls: package1, which needs configuration file X.dtsConfig; package2, .......

I hope everything is clear...

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Error While Executing SSIS Package From Other SSIS Package

Jan 10, 2007


In our project we have two SSIS package.

And there is a task (Execute SSIS package) in First package that calls the execution of second package.

I m continuously receiving an error "Failed to decrypt protected XML node "PackagePassword" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available."

As we are running first package by job, job runs successfully logging above error

The protection level of second package is set to "EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey"

Can anybody please suggest how to handle it?

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Creating A Package Of Dtsx Packages

Jan 23, 2007


I am trying to build a package that is comprised of 100+ dtsx packages but cannot seem to get it to work. I have created a new connection where the connectionmanagertype = file and the file path is equal to the folder in which my dtsx files are located. I (location = fileSystem). No matter what I do I get an access denied error that shows the folder location but no package. I manually typed the name of the package in the PackageName property and have pasted in the PackageID in the appropriate property as well but I don't see anything in the PackageNameReadOnly. I have read the MSDN information but I don't see a step by step way to build a package of packages against which I can compare. Can anyone set me straight?



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Package Xml Config Files Used In Child Packages?

Sep 19, 2007

I have a package that executes 3 other packages in it. From the command line I pass in which config file to use (just contains db/seerver) does this setting get carried over into the child packages as well?

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Reusing Package Configuration In Child Packages

Feb 1, 2007

I currently have multiple (parent and child) packages using the same config file. The config file has entries for connections to a number of systems. All of them are not used from the child packages. Hence, my child package throws an error when it tries to configure using the same config file because it can't find the extra connections in my connection collection.

Does anyone have any ideas on the best way to go about resolving this? Is multiple config files (one for each connection) the only way?


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Reusing Package Configuration File Across All Packages In A Solution?

Oct 26, 2005

I have 5 packages in a solution.

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Integration Services :: Execute Many Packages From One Master Package?

May 4, 2015

I have 12 packages to execute in order. I made a table in my DB where i mentioned the name of each package and his order in execution.

I want to create a master package that get the name and order from my DB table to execute all packages.

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Package Configurations - Using One Config File For Multiple Packages

Sep 12, 2006

Hi All,

I am working on a project currently where we have many SSIS packages and we want to minimize the number of config files to be used. What I was thinking was using one master config file which will have Server/Database info which will be used by all the packages. Now the thing is there are multiple packages which are being executed from within a master package and I was wondering if this will be an issue. Is there anything else that I will have to keep in mind? Any help is appreciated.


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Package Configuration, Parent-child Packages And Job Scheduling

May 3, 2007


I've found this problem that when I change settings in my configuration file it does not automatically apply to all child packages which uses the same configuration file if run from a job in SQL Server Agent. I need to open the package and save it again from BIDS. I use one "load group" package to execute all other packages.

Is there a way from the job configuration to set a setting so the package allways will have the newest configuration?


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Parent Package Variable Visibility When Designing Packages

Apr 27, 2006

I've created an SSIS package that uses parent package variables at several steps in the data flow. However, those parent package variables are only visible during runtime, making debugging the package practically impossible. Let me give you a simplified example:

In the parent package, I have a string variable named "sqlLookup" that looks like this:

"SELECT * from tblTest WHERE city = " + @city

Also in the parent package is a variable named "city" which I can set to the name of the city that I want to query on. This dynamically updates the sqlLookup variable, which is being evaluated as an expression.

In the child package, I have an OLE DB Source control which is using the "sqlLookup" variable for its query. I have set up my parent package variable configuration, and it works when I run the package.

The problem is this...when I open the child package, I get an error on the OLE DB Source control using the parent package variable, "Command text was not set for the command object". Presumably, this is because the parent package variable is only available during run-time, and not at design time. And, if metadata changes (which it has), I can't get into the OLE DB Source control to edit it, because it throws the error.

So, my question is this: are there any workarounds for this problem? Is there a better way to do this? This seems like such an obvious problem that I'm wondering if I either missed a step somewhere, or if I'm just doing it the wrong way.


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Single Configuration File - Mulitple Packages - Elements Not Used In Each Package

Dec 18, 2007


I'm fairly new to the SSIS world, and I've recently ported a bunch of dts packages over to SSIS. I'm an ASP.NET developer so I'm very familiar with the capabilities that configuration files give you, and I attempted to set up my solution as follows:

All of my "Data Sources" are at the project level, and added (with the same name) to each package. I wanted to have a single config file that had all of the project-level settings (i.e. connection strings, data file paths, etc). I then have a config for each package with the package level settings - i.e. variables, etc.

The problem becomes that all packages do not use all data sources. This results in an error when I try to open up a package for editing, it complains that it doesn't have a reference to data source XYZ that it is seeing in the configuration file.

Is there any way that I can get around this? If I have a password to a database change, I don't want to have to look through every config file and change it in multiple places.

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Configured Child Packages - Invoke Without Waiting For Package Completion?

Apr 4, 2007

I want to set multiple child packages running without waiting for them to complete in a parent SSIS package. The catch is that I will be running the same child package in multiple threads with different configuration variables set. I want to drive the config variables for the child packages via a SQL Server table, and start the execution of each child package from within a for-loop container.

Here's what I've tried, and why it didn't work:

1) Execute package task. Didn't work: Waits for the child package to complete before moving to the next step.

2) Kicking off the package via the "sp_start_job" stored proc in the msdn db. Didn't work: Can't specify config variable values.

3) Using the DTExec command line prompt. Didn't work: Same issue as 1). Waits for the package to complete.

Anything I'm missing? Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

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SSIS Packages

Apr 24, 2006


Is there a way to reuse existing Configuration Files in SSIS Packages?

I have two packages with the same connection managers, properties and variables.

I want to reuse the Config file of the 1st package in the second one. While building the packages it gives error like

“Config file already exists cannot recreate”.

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SSIS Packages

Jun 8, 2007

Hi All,

I have created SSIS (.dtsx) files and have stored in different servers.
Now my query is I want to move all dtsx files from filesystem to Sqlserver2005 database how should i do it.

Please help


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SSIS Packages

Oct 16, 2007

I need to create the ssis package in business intelligence developement studio i am need to sqlserver 2005.When i opened the BID studio i am not able to see the integration services packages type..
Please help the steps to design the package.

I have experience of using the 2000 in dts designer mode.

Thnks for your help in advance.

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New To Ssis Packages

Mar 14, 2008


iam New to Packages. So Please give me the guidelines to Learn Packages.

Thanks for Advance

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SSIS Packages Run Twice After SP2

Mar 12, 2007


I upgraded to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 and now when I run the master SSIS package( that has several packages in it), all the packages run twice.

After removing SP2, they work fine. Any ideas how to make this work with SP2?

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SSIS Packages

Aug 24, 2006

I am writing a vb application that is supposed to let the users set the connection string for the datasources in the package. After new connection strings are entered the application is supposed to run 8 packages in a certain order, but I haven't been able to set a new connection string successfully. Is there a way to programmatically modify the connection string of a package's datasource? (the packages are moving data from a D3 database to sql server 2005)

Here is what I have tried so far:

Dim pkgLocation As String
Dim app As Application = New Application()
pkgLocation = "c:Package1.dtsx"
Dim pkg As Package = app.LoadPackage(pkgLocation, Nothing)
Dim myConns As Connections = pkg.Connections

Dim myConnMgr As ConnectionManager = myConns(0)
Dim connProperties As DtsProperties = myConnMgr.Properties

connProperties(0).SetValue(myConnMgr, "notsupposed=towork;")

ConMgr = p.Connections.Add("OLEDB")

ConMgr.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=; User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=Rmt_New"
ConMgr.Name = "SqlDatabase"
ConMgr.Description = "Sql Connection"

Any help would appreciated.

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Can't Seem To Run SSIS Packages On The 64 Bit...

Feb 28, 2006

I am connecting to a DB2 mainframe to pull data into SQL 2005. Very simple import. SSIS package works fine on 32 bit. However, once deployed to the 64 bit machine, I get "invalid product license" on the Acquire Connection method.

I've worked with IBM support. I have the correct version of the DB2 Connect client installed. The license is there and in the right place. I can connect to the mainframe from the 64 bit server using the DB2 client tools. I just can't seem to execute the package from Integration Services or run a job in SQL Server that executes the package.

According to BOL, the package should automatically detect the 64 client I installed. It and the 32 bit client I developed with share the same name/id.

Am I missing something? Any hints?

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Ssis Packages

Feb 7, 2007

Where are SSIS packages stored and how can I see them in SQL Server Management studio?

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DTS Packages In SSIS

Sep 15, 2006

I read in Kirk Haselden's book "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services" that if SQL Serfver 2005 and 2000 are installed on the same machine as seperate instances then you can view the SQL Server 2000 DTS packages in 2005 Management Studio under the Management tree, Legacy, Data Transformation Services node.

But in my case, I am not able to see DTS packages in Management Studio. Is there a property or a setting that we need to configure for that?


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Passing Execute DTS Package Result (success/failure) To Calling SSIS Package

Mar 6, 2008

I have a SSIS job, one of the last steps it performs is to execute a SQL 2000 DTS package. This has to be done as a SQL 2000 DTS package as it is performing rebuilds of SQL 2000 Analysis Services dimensions and cubes. We've found that when the DTS fails the SSIS job is happily completing showing as a success, we would prefer to know it went wrong.

As far as I'm aware SSIS merely starts the DTS off and doesn't care about it's result. I've taken a look in to turning on the logging for the execute DTS package and thought that the ExecuteDTS80PackageTaskTaskResult would give me the answer I need...but is merely written to the log not available as an event-handler. It also looks like it is not safe to put a SQL task in as the next item to go look at the SQL 2000 system tables to look at the log for the DTS package as the SSIS documentation warns that the DTS package can continue to run after the execute DTS package task has ended.

Ideally I want any error raised within the DTS package to cascade up to be an error in the SSIS job, I can then handle it appropriately. I cannot find a way to do this. Is there a way?

If not, can anyone suggest how in the remainder of the SSIS tasks I can be sure that the DTS has completed before I start any other tasks that will check for the SQL 2000 log of its execution?

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Error Stating Package Failure While Executing SSIS Package In Standard Edition

Feb 2, 2007


I have developed an SSIS package for ETL purpose. I am invoking the SSIS package through .Net console application by referencing the ManagedDTS Assembly. I am able to execute the package in Sql Server 2005 Developer Edition and it runs fine till completion.

But when i try to execute the packahe in Sql Server 2005 Standard edition, by invoking the package through .Net console application the status of the package is failure.

Can any one help me how to over come this problem.

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Several Different Errors When Creating And Running SSIS Package. Package Runs Successfuly Sometimes.

May 2, 2008

Hi All,

I am in the process of moving from a 32-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054) to a 64-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054 with 4 CPUs and 8GB of memory on Win 2003 SP2) and the process has been very frustrating to say the least. I am having a problem with packages that I created on my 64-bit SQL Server. I am importing a few tables from the 32-SQL Server into the 64-bit SQL Server using the Task --> Import to create the package.

Sometimes when I am creating a package I get the following error in a message box:

SQL Server Import and Export Wizard

The SSIS Runtime object could not be created. Verify that DTS.dll is available and registered. The wizard cannot continue and it will terminate.

Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. (System.Windows.Forms)

Other times when I run a package that has run successfully before I get the following error:

Faulting application dtexecui.exe, version 9.0.3042.0, stamp 45cd726d, faulting module unknown, version, stamp 00000000, debug? 0, fault address 0x025d23f0.

Other times I get this error message:

.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.1433 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (79FFEE24) (80131506)

And still other times

The package appears to hang when running. By this I mean that the Package Execution Progress shows progress up to a point then it just stops. (The package takes about 17 seconds to run normally) CPU usage is at 1% and the package cannot be stopped.

I have deleted and re-created the package several times and I have also re-installed the service pack on the SQL Server (9.0.3054) but that did not help.

Does anyone have any other suggestions to try?


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Is It Possible To Change Or Replace The Default Package Template Named New SSIS Package?

Feb 21, 2008

I would like to standardize SSIS development so that developers all start with the same basic template. I have set it up so it is an available template ( ) but I would like it to be the default when a new project or package is created. Is this an option?

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