Integration Services :: 2005 SSIS Pivot Transform Output
May 8, 2015
I have a Pivot Transform in SSIS (2005) working perfectly, EXCEPT for that the first column of the output (the date) repeats for each of the following columns, which are themselves falling into the correct column, but not on the same line for a particular date as the others. Snipet of result from Data Viewer is:
dbDate site1 site2
1/1/2015 0:00 0.03 NULL
1/2/2015 0:00 0.04 NULL
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Jan 16, 2013
I work in the healthcare area, and am handling the survey data ETL's. There are around 8 different survey areas and based on information received from them for the visit they reference, I want to pull in more info from our invoicing database. My idea is this:
1.) Pull in the flat file to an ODBC staging table
2.) Cache all invoice records that fall between the MIN(Date of Service) and MAX(Date of Service) from the staging table.
3.) First lookup the information needed on patientID, providerID, date of service, and billing location.
4.) For the surveys that didn't match on those 4 columns, try looking up based on patientID, date of service, and billing location (since I could be 99% sure this would still return the record I need).
5.) For the remaining surveys, lookup based just on patientID and date of service. These records will be flagged for manual review because clearly, if a patient has multiple appointments in the same day, this will be prone to error.
However, in trying to use only 3 of the columns in the lookup, I get the error saying basically that I need to utilize all 4. Is there a way around this, or is there an entirely different way I should be approaching this? The reason I thought cache transform was the answer is because I will need to run a different package for each lookup, as the data and logic between each survey will vary, but the invoice data "pool" will stay the same regardless.
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Jun 2, 2011
In my current project i have a requirement to assign value of an aggregate transform to a variable. But i need to accomplish it without using a script task.
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Jul 30, 2015
We are using lookup transformation in SSIS 2012. The lookup transformation queries a table with two date columns. When we hover the mouse over the two columns in the 'columns' tab of the lookup transformation editor, the two columns show as DT_WSTR instead of DT_DBDATE. This causes the SSIS package to fail due to data type mismatch.A similar abandoned thread is available at: URL....
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Aug 28, 2015
I have enabled SSIS logging for a Package.
Is it possible for SSIS logging to output the value of a variable.
Currently, it is only outputting the name of the variable, such as:"User::FilePath"
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Nov 5, 2015
I am downloading a webpage as a text file in order to read a specific string to assign it as a variable/parameter in order to create an output file name. I would like to know how would I be able to look for a specific string and output as another variable for the rest of the package.
2015 Conforming Loan Limits
o _Loan Limits for Calendar Year 2015--All Counties _[XLS]
</DataTools/Downloads/Documents/Conforming-Loan-Limits/FullCountyLoanLimitList2015_HERA-BASED_FINAL_FLAT.xlsx>_ ,
o _List of 46 Counties with Increases in Loan Limits for 2015
[Code] ...
To explain it a more better way, I have a sample webpage text here. I should be searching for "FullCountyLoanLimitList" appended by the current year (like FullCountyLoanLimitList2015) and copy the entire file name in the text file and assign it to another variable so that I can download that specific file using WebClient connection.
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Nov 22, 2006
Is there any equivalent for Transform-pivot of MS Access in SQL Server 2005?
I have this query in MS Access that I need to migrate to SQL Server 2005
TRANSFORM Sum(CD1([CheckAmount]))
AS [The Value]
Amount of Checks" AS Type, tblResult.AccountNumber,
tblResult.CheckDate, tblResult.Status, Sum(CD1([CheckAmount]))
AS Total
FROM tblResult
GROUP BY "Total Amount
of Checks ", tblResult.AccountNumber, tblResult.CheckDate,
PIVOT IIf(IsNull([statusdate]),"Outstanding",Format([StatusDate],"Short
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Jan 30, 2015
I have an SSIS with several data flows I need to do some complex data evaluations so I have used a script as transform in two of the DFT's. If I run these separately everything works great and there are no problems what so ever. If I run them together I notices I was getting an error on the second one. I discovered that this seems to be some kind of namespace problem since both Scripts were using Input_0 buffer. So I changed the name of the second one and retested.
Well I no longer get the error and in fact it seems to run through the entire SSIS just fine. However when I look closer I notice that the second Script task just does not seem to do anything at all. The script task does a lot of evaluation of the incoming data and then does some calculations depending on the value in the service code. however when it runs through this in the second script task all of the define output rows are just empty.
I have gone through and made sure that all input and output buffers are unique names thinking this was a similar problem but no luck. I even changes all column and variable names to unique with no luck. Again If I run them separately everything work fine it is only when I run the entire package that this problem occurs.
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Sep 6, 2010
I've a simple lookup transform in SSIS 2008 (R2). I've created it with a full cache and it worked fine. When i switch to partial cache, it will give me this error:
TITLE: Package Validation Error
Package Validation Error
Error at DFT_AdventureWorks [Lookup [411]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
[Code] ....
I've created a OLE source with the following query :
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
And this will flow into the lookup transform and this has the following lookup reference query:
SELECT CustomerID,
FROM Sales.Customer
WHERE CustomerID % 7 <>0
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Sep 7, 2007
Is it possible to parm in a value to a SSIS
in my SSIS i have a variable;
Name : FileName
Scope : PackageName
Type : String
Value : ""
I have tried adding the following code in my project ;
pkg.Variables("filename").Value = "C: emp estfile.001"
but come up with the following error
A first chance exception of type 'System.MissingMemberException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Public member 'Variables' on type 'IDTSPackage90' not found.
can anyone help ?
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Jan 16, 2007
Hi All,
Parameter passing in SSIS 2005 sometimes appears to be a cumbursome task. I have been digging into this topic for quite some time and here i note down some simple steps to demonstrate parameter passing at Package level.
(1) Create a SSIS project using Business Intelligence 2005 Or VS 2005.
(2) Create datasource (.ds) and Data Source View as required.
(3) A default SSIS Package by the name Package.dtsx is created. Double click this and you are shown tabs for Control Flow, Data Flow, Event Handlers, Package Explorer. On the Control Flow, drap and drop Execute SQL Task from Control Flow Items in the toolbar.
(4) Lets now create a variable at Package level. Right click anywhere in the control flow box (not on the Task created in Step 3 above). Click on the Variables on the context menu displayed. Variables window appears on the left of the screen. Click the Add Variable box in this window to create a variable. Name it var1 (or whatever you may like), Scope as Package, DataType as String and Value as MyValue. This is only the default value.
(5) Now let us edit the SQL Task created in Step 3. Double on it, on the General tab you can change its Name, Description. Set ResultSet as None. We shall proceed to execute a stored procedure by name MySPName and pass it a parameter. Set ConnectionType as OLE DB. Select the connection you creates in step 2. Set SQLSourceType as Direct input. SQLStatement as MySPName ? . Note the ? mark after the name of the stored procedure. This is important to accept the variable value (var1) created in Step 4.
(6) Select Parameter Mapping tab now. Click on Add button. Select the Variable Name as User::var1. This is the user created variable of Step 4. Select Direction as Input, DataType as Varchar and Parameter Name as @var1. Click on OK now.
(7) This sets up the basic of parameter passing. Compile the project to verify everything works. Right Click on the SQL Task and select Execute Task. This will execute the package taking default value of the variable. This can be used along with dtexec command with /set option to pass the parameter at command prompt.
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Apr 29, 2015
We run std 2008 r2. I'm looking at the files this transform is complaining about. They seem to be named appropriately. The customerid folders don't exist when this runs. I'm going to put one in place to see if that is the problem.
The errors i'm getting are...
[Export Column [22]] Error: The file name "c:usersmyuserid heprojectnamecustomeridafilename.doc" is not valid. The file name is a device or contains invalid characters.
[Export Column [22]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "component "Export Column" (22)" failed because error code 0xC020207F occurred,
and the error row disposition on "input column "FILENAME" (29)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Export Column" (22) failed with error code 0xC0209029
while processing input "Export Column Input" (23). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component,but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
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Apr 19, 2007
if someone can throw light regarding the metadata repository creation,its usuage , it will help me out.
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Sep 18, 2015
how can I connect SSIS 2005 to Progress database?
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Apr 22, 2015
I have a little problem with my IS Server.I am using IS 9.0.1399 (SSIS 2005).I have one instance for databases.I am able to connect to Integration Services just with the Servername (no Instance Name) and I see the folders in there.When I try to open the MSDB Folder (under "Stored Packages") I get the following exeption:
"Login timeout expired/An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.SQL Network Interfaces: Connection string is not valid [87]."
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Aug 27, 2015
I am copying the template with header before loading the data. I tried deleting Dataflow task, Excel Connection manager etc., nothing seems to work and there are no nulls in the data. I did this several times, workaround seems to not working this time.
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May 25, 2007
Have anyone successfully accomplished scheduling integration services package using management studio? or is there any other way to do this?
i am scheduling the package to run from SQL SERVER Management Studio using SQL Server Agent,but it is not working.Help is appreciated.
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Jul 10, 2015
IS that possible to get teh output of a execute sql task to excel destination.I have query which will comapre the data difference between two databses. It will comapre all tables in both databses and list out the difference in data by each table. I need to run this query using SSIS and need to get the output to a excel sheet...I have used the data flow task to run this query but my query is giving some error when used with data flow task. So i have used excecute sql task and need to write teh out put to a excel sheet.
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Sep 23, 2015
In the first image as can be seens i have 2 different data sources and then they are being joined using "Merge Inner Join". The "sort" is on BusinessEntityID column of Person table and "Sort1" is on "PersonID" of Customer table. The merge join of these 2 result in 19,119 rows.
On the other hand, if i use single data source and use a query with inner join on tables used in the first image (ie. 2 tables being used in 2 different data sources) as depicted in second image. Also, since merge cannot operate without SortKey i have defined TerritoryID as sort key in the advanced editor. The number of rows i get after this is "10,274". My select query was :
FROM stg.Person AS P
INNER JOIN stg.Customer AS C ON C.CustomerID = P.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY C.TerritoryID;
According to me, it should have been the same as in first case i am using merge inner join and in second case i am using SELECT query with inner join. Upon drilling down i found that in the first case , my sort keys are BusinessEntityID and PersonID, if i modify this to CustomerID and BusinessEntityID as this is my join condition (in ithe inner join query shown above), i get the desired output. What i was wondering was, how the sort order change the Join Condition?
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Sep 5, 2007
I need to transform the following layout by hopefully using the pivot transform, but am confused about the editor ......I have a compound primary key that I want to keep intact but then values in the row need to be broken out into their own row.
I need to go from this...
PKcol1 PKcol2 PKcol3 col4 col5 col6 col7
A 2007 1 Y N N N
A 2007 2 Y Y N N
A 2007 3 N N N Y
into this....
A 2007 1 col4 Y
A 2007 1 col5 N
A 2007 1 col6 N
A 2007 1 col7 N
A 2007 2 col4 Y
A 2007 2 col5 Y
A 2007 2 col6 N
A 2007 2 col7 N
A 2007 3 col4 N
A 2007 3 col5 N
A 2007 3 col6 N
A 2007 3 col7 Y
Can I do this using the pivot transform? Any suggestions?
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Nov 8, 2006
I created an SSIS package for a client that does data importing. When I run the pacakge from Visual Studio there is an error window showing all the errors and warnings. A good example of an error is if the import file is in the wrong format.When there is a error or warning can I write the error log to a file OR notify someone of the errors so they can make corrections and rerun the package OR any ideas that the client can find out what went wrong and then make corrections accordingly? Thanks
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Aug 4, 2009
I am using SSIS in SQL Server Enterprise 2005. I have two OLE DB data sources from two disparate databases (IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server), some columns from each of which are to be included in the merged output results. I have noted the various requirements in the forum postings with regard to sorting the OLE DB sources and specifying the output source columns as being sorted, as well as the requirement that the join fields in the two sources be close/exact matches. Yet, when I run this in VS, while the work area reflects the expected number of rows being input into the Merge Join transformation, no count is reflected as output from that transformation into the final destination table.Specifically, my two data sources (IBM DB2 and MS SQL) are configured as follows:
IBM DB2 contains an SQL statement that uses Cast operations to create the result columns.and an ORDER BY clause to ensure that the output is sorted by the desired two columns.. The OLE DB source property setting for IsSorted is set to true; the Output Columns folder column definitions for "key_ source_dtsy" and "key_source_dtrt" have their SortKeyPosition properties set to 1 and 2, respectively. Those field are both defined as data type DT_STR, with lengths of 4 and 2, respectively. Below is the Path metadata from the Data Flow Path editor from the path from this source:
IBM DB2 source"Name" "Data Type" "Precision" "Scale" "Length" "Code Page" "Sort Key Position" "Comparison Flags" "Source
Component""ID_CODE" "DT_STR" "0" "0" "10" "1252" "0" "" "Source F0005 User Defined Codes""CODE_DESCR_1" "DT_STR" "0" "0" "30" "1252" "0" "" "Source F0005 User Defined Codes""CODE_DESCR_2" "DT_STR" "0" "0" "30" "1252" "0" "" "Source F0005 User Defined Codes""key_source_dtsy" "DT_STR" "0" "0" "4" "1252" "1" "" "Source F0005 User Defined Codes""key_source_dtrt" "DT_STR" "0" "0" "2" "1252" "2" "" "Source F0005
User Defined Codes:
MS SQL contains an SQL statement that takes the columns as they are in the MS SQL table (no Cast operations needed); it also uses an ORDER BY clause to ensure the output is sorted by the join columns. The OLE DB source property setting for IsSorted is set to true; the Output Columns folder columns for "key_source_dtsy" and "key_source_dtrt" have their SortKeyPosition properties set to 1 and 2, respectively. Those field are both defined as data type DT_STR, with lengths of 4 and 2, respectively. Below is the Path metadata from the Data Flow Path editor from the path from this source:
MS SQL source"Name" "Data Type" "Precision" "Scale" "Length" "Code Page" "Sort Key Position" "Comparison Flags" "Source Component""id_code_name" "DT_I2" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "" "Source CodeName in db dwVdFY""key_source_dtsy" "DT_STR" "0" "0" "4" "1252" "1" "" "Source CodeName in db dwVdFY""key_source_dtrt" "DT_STR" "0" "0" "2" "1252" "2" "" "Source CodeName in db dwVdFY"
The Merge Join transformation specifies an INNER JOIN using the columns named "key_source_dtsy" and "key_source_dtrt" from the respective data sources.I know there are alternative ways of accomplishing my intent (Lookup, port MS SQL table to IBM DB2 so join can occur in SELECT statement, etc.; however, I'd like to use this functionality and assume that it should work.
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Jan 16, 2003
I am trying to find the equivalent to MS Access's TRANSFORM and PIVOT in T-SQL. I've tried using GROUP BY with CUBE, and I can't seem to get the data in the correct format. Can someone help? And please explain things to me like I am an idiot, because I am.
Here is the current table and the desired results that I want.
Current Table
Desired Result:
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Jan 5, 2006
Hey, did someone try to use the pivot transform?
It's not what you would call easy to configure...
In BOL there is the following section:
I have followed the instructions there and I get an error when I try to map the new output column to the pivotkey:
"Output column "Yellow" (69) cannot be mapped to PivotKey input column"
So I mapped the new output column to the column holding the quantity values. This worked.
May this be a bug in BOL?
Further on I got some strange behaviour of the pivot transform:
My input is the following CSV-Flatfile:
If I omit the last line, everything is fine.
When passing the file as is into the pivot transform the output is:
SK1 SK2 Yellow Green Blue
A 1 2 1 NULL
A 2 NULL 9 3
As you can see the key a;1 is duplicate. The cols SK1 and SK2 are my primary key of the destination table.
When the input is sorted by the first two colums the pivot transform throws an Error:
Error: 0xC02020CF at Pivot w sort, Pivot [39]: Duplicate pivot key value "Green".
I expected to have a sum over all Green for the key A;1. It seems that I have to use an aggregate which in my opinion should
be obsolete here.
As a conclusion I have to say that this task is far away from perfect but not bad for a start.
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Feb 28, 2008
In a SQL statement that uses PIVOT, is it possible to create Custom Column Headers instead of being stuck with using Column Headers based on the data?
Is it possible to join another query to a query that uses TRANSFORM and PIVOT by means of UNION? Does anything special need to happen in this case?
Thanks in Advance,
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Jan 8, 2007
I have to create a report using the below query (query is in MS Access).
Can anyone tell me how to create a Transform Pivot report in SSRS?
TRANSFORM Sum(CD1([CheckAmount]))
AS [The Value]
Amount of Checks" AS Type, tblResult.AccountNumber,
tblResult.CheckDate, tblResult.Status, Sum(CD1([CheckAmount]))
AS Total
FROM tblResult
GROUP BY "Total Amount
of Checks ", tblResult.AccountNumber, tblResult.CheckDate,
PIVOT IIf(IsNull([statusdate]),"Outstanding",Format([StatusDate],"Short
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Aug 17, 2015
I'm writing a custom source component that reads data from a SharePoint list with dynamic mapping to output columns. It's my first custom component and it's based on several samples and tutorials from Internet
Output columns are not created by the component itself, they must be added by user at design time. The component makes dynamically an association between SharePoint fields and available output columns at run-time (based on an mapping table).
I made a very basic skeleton and I encounter a problem when I add a column to output: it has no datatype and when I try to set one I have an the error Property value is not valid, The component xxxxxx does not allow setting output column datatype properties.
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
DisplayName:="SharePoint Dynamic Assoc List Source",
[Code] ....
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Feb 28, 2007
I have a pivot transform that it believe is configured correctly but is not distributing the values accross the columns on the same row. for example.
id seqno codevalue
1 A red
1 B red
2 C blue
2 A green
2 B violet
3 A green
desired output:
id Seq_A Seq_B Seq_C
1 red red null
2 green violet blue
3 green null null
what I am getting:
id Seq_A Seq_B Seq_C
1 red null null
1 null red null
2 green null null
2 null violet null
2 null null blue
3 green null null
I do have the pivot usage for the id column set to 1. I have the pivot usage for seqno column set to 2 and codevalue column set to 3. I have the source column for each of the output columns set to the lineageID of the apprpriate input columns. I have the pivotKey values set for each of the destination columns. A for column Seq_A, B for column Seq_B, C for column Seq_C. All four columns have sortkey positions set; 1 for id, 2 for Seq_A, 3 for Seq_B and 4 for column SEQ_C.
It seems like the id column's pivot usage is not set to 1 like it should but when I check it is 1.
I also have several other pivot transforms in the same data flow and they are working as expected.
I have a suspicion that there is some hidden meta data that is messed up that is over-ridding my settings (just my guess) I have deleted this transform and re-done it several times, checking each configuration value, but still getting the same result.
Need some help or thoughts on making this work.
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Oct 9, 2015
I want to achieve the following in (SSIS/SSDT for SQL 2012) -
I have a generic SSIS package which simply sends out email notifications using SMTP email task (this package is within its own project, and has project level input parameters).
I need to be able to call this package in the Event handler section of every package (numbering in about less than 60) that we have. These packages are within their own respective projects.
I thought I could use the "execute package task", but it turns out , using this, I cannot call a package that is part of some other project. I also cannot call a package that is stored in the CATALOG. Is there any way I can do this ?
When I call the child package , I should be able to send in parameters like - error information and package name of the Parent package.
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Mar 26, 2007
I am facing a serious issue is BIDS.
I have configured a Un-Pivot transform, source to unpivot is sort, when I change the source to derived column (one column name is same for both) and try to open Unpivot it gives me unreferenced lineage id (this is correct). Now When I select Delete Unreferenced Lineage Column and select Apply , it works till here. As soon as I select OK, BIDS crashes and closes.
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Nov 7, 2015
I want to call "oracle" stored procedure with output parameter from SSIS ole db command task.
Actually I am able to successfully call the procedure but my Output value is not updating in the mapped column.
I used below PL/SQL query.
PARAM1 => ?,
PARAM2 => ?,
? := IS_VALID;
If I try to supply "OUTPUT" word I get error:
"ORA-06550: line 1, column 45:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "OUTPUT" when expecting one of the following: . ( ) , * @ % & = - + < / >"
how to receive output parameter value of oledb command while calling oracle stored procedures.
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Jan 10, 2007
Hi All,
I have an OLE DB transform with a SQL Command of:
sp_get_sponsor_parent ?,? OUTPUT
where sp_get_sponsor_parent is defined like:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_get_sponsor_parent]
@pEID int,
@results int OUTPUT
I map the columns, refresh & OK out of the component without trouble, but on executing the package it fails during validation on this component. I'm utterly stumped.
Any light shed would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance,
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Mar 23, 2007
I have just install SQL 2005 SP2 and trying to get Window SharePoint Services V3 integrated with SQL 2005 SP2 reporting services.
In SharePoint Central Administration, I select the Reporting Services Integration page and have setup the Report Server Web Service URL and Authentication Mode. I then goto Grant database access, specify the SQL server name, get promted for a username and password that has access SQL Reportserver and get the following error "The group name could not be found"
Does anyone have any ideas?
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