Integration Services :: Cannot Create Date Type Variable In SSIS 2012?
Oct 6, 2015
As part of my package, i require a date (Only date, not DateTime) which is 10 months previous to get date.Eg: for today if the package executes, then i want 12/1/2014 , which i will use in my package as a filter like 'where date='?' where ? is a paramter which is is derived from the above logic
So, I have a project parameter @ppdate with value as -10. I create a variable with DateTime (because there is NO date type for SSIS) and gives the expression as below
dateadd("Month",@ppdate, DATEADD("D",-(DAY(GETDATE()))+1,GETDATE())) , I am getting '7/1/2011 11:33:38 AM' which i don't want - i want only '12/1/2014'. How can i get it?
To get '12/01/2014', If i change the variable from DateTime to string, then i think i cant use the value in the filter condition like ''where date='?' because this does not accept string. Is this correct?
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May 7, 2015
I need to create a variable expression that will be passing yesterday's date to a sql command but when I create the variable there is only the datetime datatype, how can I trim the time portion from this expression to get the date portion :
DATEADD( "day", - 1 , GETDATE() )
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Jul 7, 2015
I have declared one variable in Project param with some value.
I want to edit that varaiable through Script task using C# / VB code.
Looking for C#/VB code which needs to be used in Script task to edit project param level variable[not for package level variable].
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Jul 30, 2015
We are using lookup transformation in SSIS 2012. The lookup transformation queries a table with two date columns. When we hover the mouse over the two columns in the 'columns' tab of the lookup transformation editor, the two columns show as DT_WSTR instead of DT_DBDATE. This causes the SSIS package to fail due to data type mismatch.A similar abandoned thread is available at: URL....
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Oct 22, 2015
I am trying to load previous days data at 3 am via a SSIS job.
The Date variable is initiated as DATEADD("dd",-1, GETDATE()) in the for loop.
Now, as this job runs at 3 am, and I set the variable as GETDATE() - 1, it excluded the data from 12 am to 3 am in the resultset as Date is set as YYYY-MM-DD 03:00:00:000 I need this to be set as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00:000
How can i do this?
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May 27, 2015
I have an SSIS package that creates a csv file based on a execute sql task.
The sql is incredibly simple select singlecolumn from table.
In the properties of the execute sql task I specify the result set as "full result set" when I run it I get the error that: Error:
The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::CSVoutput" differs from the current variable type.
Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
If I change the resultset to single row then I only get the first row from the DB (same if I choose none), If I choose XML then I get the error that the result is not xml. What resultset type do I need to choose in order to get all the rows into the CSV? The variable I am populating is of type string and is User::CSVoutput
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Oct 5, 2011
When you pass a complex type (the one represented by class) to a web service the BIDS UI allows you to enter values for every field of that type as constants. But what if you want to pass a variable? Once again the UI allows you to specify a variable for that complex type parameter. But how to make this variable in SSIS?I understand it should have the type of Object. But how to specify what the runtime type of this object is? And how to assign all fields to that object?
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Nov 18, 2015
In my ssis 2012 package, I have a 'object' type variable with some table like records. I want to do some SQL operations like insert/update on the records in another table based on this 'Object' type variable records. Basically I want to use a MERGE statement with another physical table with the records in the 'Object' type to map/use the Object type variable in Execute sql task.I am not good in script task. How to utilize this Object variable in a Execute sql task?
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May 5, 2015
My Execute SQL Task will store the file name into a variable(mFile) of type string datatype.
Now I wanted a script task (C# code) to create a filename from the variable (mFile) value.
Since it is a common issue I tried a lot in the internet but none of the queries worked.
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Sep 11, 2015
I've a text file which having a datetime column value like YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.XXXXXX. I cannot convert this is to datetime format from text file using BCP utility.
Presence of hypen "-" between DD and HH, the SQL server does not accept this is as Datetime.
Is there any option to covert the date value in format file in BCP.
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Aug 17, 2015
I have one scenario. I am calling all columns result set to an variable and inside for each loop container using script task to get message about how many columns are coming in the loop.
At last using send mail task to send automated mails to group of people,but issue it is taking only person's mail id and coming out of loop.
how to call object type variable ?
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Jun 15, 2015
i have a excel file in which i have a date column it having the below date formats below
Install Date
So using SSIS how we would load this date column into the table into one format like dd/mm/yyyy or any single date format
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Oct 23, 2014
I'm using a DateTime variable in SSIS 2008 that is used to set the SQLStatement property of an Execute SQL Task.
"DELETE FROM Labor WHERE Week = '" + (DT_WSTR, 100) @[User::Week] + "'"
Week is the next Sunday:
DATEADD( "day", @[User::DaysTillSunday] , @[User::TheDayThatIsTwentyMinutesPrior] )
DATEPART( "dw", @[User::TheDayThatIsTwentyMinutesPrior] ) == 1 ? 0 : 8 - DATEPART( "dw", @[User::TheDayThatIsTwentyMinutesPrior] )
The SSIS Package deletes the current week's data, reloads it with fresh data, then calculates the difference between the current week and last week.
The problem is that randomly, instead of deleting the current week, it will delete the previous week. This happens maybe 5-10% of the time. At least it does until I rebuild the package and import it into SQL Server again.
I'm guessing that the Execute SQL Task is not updating the value of the Week variable before it executes. I started with the source type being a variable. Then I decided to try Direct input and pass in the Week as a parameter (OLE DB Connection Type). That didn't work either.
Most recently I tried writing the Week variable to a table first, then having a sequence container with all the tasks second. Slightly better but I still saw the date was wrong 2 times in about 90 executions. I was hoping that writing the Week variable out to the database would force an update of any associated connections to it, but that didn't seem to work.
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Jun 11, 2015
I have created one variable name migration_start datetime which give me default format of 6/11/2015 1:26 AM...But I expecting to get in 2015-06-11 01:26:22.813 format.I have used below expression betting getting issue with that
(DT_STR, 4, 1252) DATEPART("yyyy" , @[User::migration_start]) + "-" + RIGHT("0" +
(DT_STR, 2, 1252) DATEPART("mm" , @[User::migration_start]), 2) + "-" + RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252) DATEPART("dd" , @[User::migration_start]), 2)
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Aug 28, 2015
I have enabled SSIS logging for a Package.
Is it possible for SSIS logging to output the value of a variable.
Currently, it is only outputting the name of the variable, such as:"User::FilePath"
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Jun 16, 2015
I've created a SSIS Package and it's connection is based on Environment Variable(please seeprocedure).
Now, I'm trying to create a job that calls this package and it seems that when you view Data Sources, it still pointing to the old server.
But when you open-up the package through BIDS in the same server, it's using the new reference that I have specified in the environment variable (please refer to the first image).
I came across this blog with the same issues as mine. He suggested to re-start the SSIS Service which I already did but nothing happens. I even re-started the SQL Agent but still no luck.
I'm not sure what else is missing except for re-starting the machine which is the last thing I want to do as this is PRODUCTION server.
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Jun 15, 2015
We have one package in production. variable var_date has an expression already defined to it. How can we overwrite this variable value from config file or from cmd file. We don't want to make changes to the package and redeploy it.
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Oct 13, 2015
I have to perform several data checks before loading data into target table. For example I am having 1 flat file with below column
Id Name Age
Int Varchar(100) Int
My requirement is to create package, checks will be performed on each record, column of the files. Any records which failed the checks considered as error records and will be written to the exception table.
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Jun 24, 2015
before running the Package , I want to change TYPE GUESS ROW=0 (if 8) in REGEDIT,So Update the TYPE GUESS ROW Iin Regedit by using SSIS in my Package as First Step So Which Task, I should use & Command line,
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Jun 9, 2015
I have excel column with numeric and special character values , when I take that into SQL table using SSIS, the special character values enter as null value. the example column values are given bellow
1/2 means 1 or 2 ,
how can I read this values exactly into SQL table?
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Jul 13, 2015
public Sub Main()
Dim url, destination As String
destination = Dts.Variables("report_destination").Value.ToString + "" + "Report_" + Format(Now, "yyyyMMdd") + ".xls"
url = "http://localhost/ReportServer?/ssis_resport_execution/ssis_ssrs_report&rs:Command=Render&ProductID=" + Dts.Variables("ProductID").Value.ToString + "&user_id" + Dts.Variables("user_id").Value.ToString
+ "&rs:Format=EXCEL"
SaveFile(url, destination)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
How to pass more than one variable values in ssis as parameter values to ssrs. With the above code its showing as empty.If i am taking single variable i am able to render the data into excel sheet.
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Aug 24, 2010
How to use variables in Connection Manager's properties? I see some replies through Configuration Package. But what if, it is still in development stage? I mean, can I use the Variable tab and create some variables like
User::DBUserNameSource, User::DBPasswordSource,
User::DBuserNameDestination, User::DBPasswordDestination,
Then put them in Password and UserName property of Connection Manager? If this is possible, how and how can I set the values of those variables I mentioned when I am going to deploy the package in the Production?
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May 22, 2015
I have defined a variable Var_Query_SQL and passed the below query using expression but it is showing error. where am i going wrong.
sample_id ,
sample_time ,
trans_date ,
product = mh.[identity] ,
comments = s.m_smp_comment
[URL] ...
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May 11, 2015
I need to do something like this in SSIS:From one SQL table I need to get some id values, I am using a simple sql query:Select ID from Identifier where value is not null.I've got this result:As a final result I need to generate and set a variable in SSIS with the final value:
= '198','120','ACP','120','PQU'
Which I need to use later in a odbc expression.How can I do this in SSIS?
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Apr 21, 2015
My Requirement IS : 1<sup>st</sup>run: if the record does not exist in the table insert the record (file_name, last_modified_file_date) and create a copy in the archive folder with file_name_currentdate.csv
Daily run: retrieve the last_modified_file_date from the input file and check if the retrieved date is greater than the last_modified_file_date in the table:
If true: create a copy of the input file in the archive folder and update the last_modified_file_date in the table with the retrieved date
If false don’t do nothing because the file has been archived in one of the previous runs.I have already retrieving the modified date and File Nae iserting into Filename Table: (That table has 2 columns which are FileName and FileDate) so In script task everytime the variable getting Modified date(retrieve the last_modified_file_date from the input file). How I can Compre the existing table record and variable. I have already imported the all Filenames and Modified into table like below.
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May 12, 2015
I've been working on an issue in an SSIS package and getting strange results using a package variable named "UnprocessedFileCount". I'm looping through files in a directory (using a Foreach Loop Container) to process data into the database, and after a certain amount of time, I stop processing the files and short circuit the loop to finish the package faster. I was tasked with counting the number of files that weren't processed and it seemed easy enough to count how many times the loop "short circuited" by incrementing a variable in a script task. I then wanted to send out an email and include the incremented variable in the body of the message.
I ran into issues when I used the variable name "UnprocessedFileCount". The variable was incrementing within the loop as expected. However, it was always resetting back to "0" after the ForEach file Loop Container completed.
After some heavy searching on the subject, to no avail, I eventually found that changing the variable name did not reset the variable.
I'm still using SQL Server 2008.
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May 20, 2015
I am trying to convert a string variable to integer in SSIS using the expression task.
@[User::Nummer] = (DT_I4) @[User::Name]
But I get an error that the conversion from (DT_WSTR) to (DT_I4) is not possible!!
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Oct 5, 2015
I would like to send an email in a SSIS Package.
I have an Execute SQL Task that saves the results in a variable such as, RecCounts.
I have a Send Mail Task with a message source of: [User::RecCounts]
However, when I run the package I get this error.
Error: Failed to lock variable "[User::RecCounts]" for read access with error 0xC0010001 "The variable cannot be found.
This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the Variables collection on a container during execution of the package, and the variable is not there. The variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created.".
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May 12, 2015
I am trying to insert in table using execute sql task.
I want to pass value of Load_Frequency through parameter
But I am getting below error
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "Insert Into [dbo].[ETL_LOAD_MAIN] (
[Load_Fr..." failed with the following error: "The statement has been terminated.". Possible failure reasons:
Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Insert Into [dbo].[ETL_LOAD_MAIN] (
) Values (?,getdate(),'In Progress')
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Oct 19, 2015
I have one package through for each loop container I am loading all flat files into target table and its working fine.Now I my requirement is to capture the .txt file and loading into sqlserver table.Please check below file name.
from above file name I have to derived below detail.I have variable @File_Name which is used to stored the file name at rune time.Now I want to derived 5 values from the file name as below
how to write expression for above situation.
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May 1, 2015
Create SSIS package for the below output:
Eno ename Eloc Edept
1 Sid Pune 101,201,301,401,501,601
Eno ename Eloc Edept
1 Sid Pune 101
1 Sid Pune 201
1 Sid Pune 301
1 Sid Pune 401
1 Sid Pune 501
1 Sid Pune 601
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May 1, 2015
Create a SSIS package for following scenario.I have one excel file which will contain 10 records for Monday, 12 records for Tuesday, 7 on Wed, no records on Thursday so if records are there I get mail if no records are there I didn't get mail daily.
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Apr 28, 2015
I have a file with a header row which contains the date of the file and under that all the columns without a header.
In SSIS package I skip row and manually name the different columns.
However, I want to use the column in the header row to store the date value in an SSIS variable and use that variable to write it to our staging table. How can I do this when I skip the header row?
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