Integration Services :: Conditional Concatenation In Derived Column?
Aug 3, 2015
I have 10 columns i.e from Segment1 to Segment10. I need to concatenate it with ".". All 10 segments can be null. If any of the segment is null i do not want to show ".". This is the expression I am using
I have the following 2 fields that are sourced from an Excel spreadsheet
DocNumber - a 10 digit number PostingRow - a number between 1 and 999
I would like to produce a new column that is a concatenation of these two fields, but the PostingRow needs to be a 3 digit number eg. 1000256153-001 ....
how to declare multiple derived columns in SSIS Derived Column Task in one i have around 150 columns coming from Flat file. I had created the required Expression in Excel and now i want add those in derived column task but its allowing only 1 expression at a time.
I have a excel file which has a column called "Code" and their values are A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. I want to create a new column called "status" based on the values of "Code".
If A,C,E,G then "status" = "Active" else if B,D,F,H then "Status" = "Inactive". I like to do it using "Derived Column".
I have an SSIS package in which I need to include a derived column. I've done derived columns a ton when there is just one condition being "tested". In this case there are two. I have the following update statement for a table I'm inserting data into:
[Code] ....
I'd like to be able to address this case on the load itself. I've used CONDITIONAL before, but not sure how that would work in this case. I'm trying to keep it as "simple" as possible.
Is it possible to access a Derrvied Column from an OLE-DB Command? I have to Update a Table with a join and i need from the source Table columns which have to be pivoted before i can use it in the update Command.
I'm trying to write a conditional split where I want to bring in only records where the date is less than today, but my problem is that I can't simply do this Column < GetDate() because if something comes in today, it takes the time into account and it will bring that record for today. You can do this in SQL, but I'm not sure how to do that in SSIS
I have a quizzing application where users log in, answer questions, and are ranked relative to each other. For this final ranking, I calculate their score using this formula -
SELECT TOP 50 username, (sum(correct) * 150 / count(1) + count(1)) AS score, count(1) as totalq FROM questionsstats GROUP BY username ORDER BY score DESC
This works just fine.
However, on top of this I need to put an additional restriction that only users who have at least answered 20 questions be counted in. How can I do this? Adding a simple 'WHERE totalq > 20' does not work. I get the error "Invalid column name 'totalq'.".
HI, I was wondering if there is a possibility to use a confitional if like this:
IF(ISNULL(mycolumn value, "new value if null", mycolumnvalue)
into a derived column transform to infer a value to a null column value. I do know I can do it using a script component by it would be simpler to do by using an expression.
Hi all I am trying to convert the string "(null)" in the [PASSWORD] column of my table to an actual NULL value. I have tried to use two different forms of a conditional operator to achieve this end. However I am getting the below errors both can be summed up with the following statement.
DT_STR operand cannot be used with the conditional operation. The expression directly below however is using a type DT_I4 in the conditional clause as this is what FINDSTRING returns. Hence the equivalencey test to the literal integer 0. So I must say I am somewhat confused by this. Does anyone know why neither of the below statements are working?
Also is there an easy way to accomplish what I am trying to do - convert the string "(null)" in the [PASSWORD] column of my table to an actual NULL value?
Error at Administrator Data Flow Task [Derived Column [1985]]: For operands of the conditional operator, the data type DT_STR is supported only for input columns and cast operations. The expression "FINDSTRING(PASSWORD,"(null)",1) == 0 ? PASSWORD : NULL(DT_STR,255,1252)" has a DT_STR operand that is not an input column or the result of a cast, and cannot be used with the conditional operation. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator.
Error at Administrator Data Flow Task [Derived Column [1985]]: For operands of the conditional operator, the data type DT_STR is supported only for input columns and cast operations. The expression "LOWER(TRIM(PASSWORD)) != "(null)" ? PASSWORD : NULL(DT_STR,255,1252)" has a DT_STR operand that is not an input column or the result of a cast, and cannot be used with the conditional operation. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator.
I have a lot of different data flows that need "Derived Column". There are maybe only 5 different such "Derived Column" but they appear many times. Is there a way to eliminate all that double work? It should be something that does not take me more time to do than just duplicating all the "Derived Columns".
Im reading in a CSV wiht double quote text delimiters. Data came from mySQL.
One column in mySql is text(65535) which is equivalent to varchar(max) as far as i understand.
This particular column can be blank, not null, just blank. If its blank i want to put in a value so i added a Derived column shape and added the following formula:
LEN(my_Column) < 1 ? "" : (DT_TEXT)my_Column
I get the below error from this expression:
The data types "DT_WSTR" and "DT_TEXT" are incompatible for the conditional operator. The operand types cannot be implicitly cast into compatible types for the conditional operation. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator.
I have tried this without casting but still get an error. As I have configured the column in the flatfile connector as DT_TEXT, im not sure where its getting DT_STR from.
I'm encountering a very peculiar situation when I'm trying to compare source and target data using conditional split. Following is the Data Flow and how I'm trying to achieve this.
Source Data : Col_A (PK) Col_2 1 100 8 500 Target Data : Col_A (PK) Col_2 1 100 3 700 8 500 Look-up Target on Col_A to check for existing records. Now we have four columns in Look-up match output: Col_A, Col_B, Lkp_Col_A (Target Col), Lkp_Col_B (Target Col).
Conditional Split: Compare Col_B with Lkp_Col_B
Update target if there is any change in the existing value of Col_B.When I'm running the package for every record in source, the conditional split fails and even when there is no change in Col_B, some of the records (Not all and quite randomly) get updated with the same value. If I run the package for few records, it works absolutely fine.
I am importing the values for field Atype from a .csv file as DT_STR, 13 and I need to fit them into a bit type CType field.
When I write the conditional split ((ISNULL(Atype)?"a":Atype)!=(ISNULL(CType)?"9":CType)) it says that the DT_WSTR and DT_I4 types are incompatible and that I need to explicitly cast with a cast operator. I haven't been able to make it work, how to explicitly cast?
I have a Problem with my destinations. I have a split condition with two ways the flow can use.
In this case: all and Date.
All and Date can be set by using a variable. Its working good.
When a user fills the variable with a date value (cast to string) the conditional split executes the correct flow with all the needed rows... The same time the all flow will be executed with 0 rows. In the end the destionation file for the all values will be overwritten with nothing. The same on the other hand when a user fills the variable with the all value, the date file is empty. What can i do to make sure that the files are not empty?
We are building a dataload application where parameters are store in a table. And there are multiple packages for each load.There is a column IsChecked column if it is 1 then only the child package should execute.Created a master package. In which i have taken execute SQL task in that storing a results in variable and based on the result the child package should execute. But In executesql task i selected result set as full result set. I am getting the below error.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "SELECT isnull(ID ,0) AS ID FROM DataLoadParameter..." failed with the following error: "The type of the value (DBNull) being assigned to variable "User::LoadValue" differs from the current variable type (Int32). Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I have successfully created a linked server between SQL Server 2008 R2 and a Postgres db, and all is working fine, except when I try to run a stored procedure that returns a TEXT column.The top lines of the stored procedure (function in postgres) that is called are:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_defects() RETURNS TABLE(defectid bigint, featurevalues text) AS ...
The function obviously executes correctly in postgres, however when I try to execute the function in SQL Server via the linked server:
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(POSTGRES, 'SELECT * FROM get_defects()') I get the error:
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "POSTGRES" returned message "Requested conversion is not supported.". Msg 7341, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot get the current row value of column "[MSDASQL].featurevalues" from OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "POSTGRES".The problem seems to be when trying to return the TEXT column featurevalues, as the following query executes as expected:
we have a table with xml column. This column has a large xml data . I am trying to use ssis to import xml from sql column (table a) to destination (another table).
steps which i did in ssis:
1. execute sql task:
fetch the xml column by query and store "full result set" into an object variable.
2. foreach loop:
select Ado enumerator option and select variable which has reset set of execute sql task. In variable mapping selected a new variable of type string.
when I run package I get below error:
"Error: ForEach Variable Mapping number 1 to variable "User::variable" cannot be applied".
I am having one store procedure which use to load data from flat file to staging table dynamically.everything is working fine. staging_temp table have single column.all the data stored in that single column below is the sample row.
after the staging_temp data gets inserted into main probelm is to handle such a file where number of columns are more than the actual table.if you see the sample rows there are 4 column separated by "¯".but actual I am having only 3 columns in my main how can I get only first 3 column from the satging_temp table.output should be like below.
I am working on a custom component to implement some rules based on the column name. I am looking for ways to identify the column name using lineage id. Is there anyway we can derive column name using the lineage id?
I have an SSIS package that imports data from an Excel file, replaces any value in Excel that reads "NULL" to "", then writes the data to a couple of databases.
What I have discovered today, is I have two columns of dates, an admit date and discharge date column, and what I need to do is anywhere I have a null value in the discharge date column, I have to replace it with the value in the admit date column.
I have searched around online and tried a few things using the Replace funtion in Derived columns but no dice so far.
I am working on 1 POC project.I have 2 customer having source file in txt format, but the column sequence of both customer are diffrent.Number of columns in all files are like below.
ID AGE NAME 2 29 jayesh
As per source file you can see that CustA have column sequence ID,NAME,AGE and CustB Have ID,AGE,NAME sequence .I have target table #Temp with ID,NAME,AGE sequence.Like that I have many files from both customer, I have to load in ID,NAME,AGE sequence from all source file to target table.How can we change the sequence of source column before loading to target table.