Integration Services :: Errors Converting Date Time Formats With SSIS
Jul 10, 2015
I am getting below errors when I try to import data from csv format to a sqlserver table.The csv file has date column that has date with format: 7/10/2015 1:18:39 PM and the sql server is using datetime not null for that field in the table.
[OLE DB Destination [90]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Invalid date format".
[OLE DB Destination [90]] Error: There was an error with input column "Date" (138) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (103). The column status returned was: "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".
I am trying to load previous days data at 3 am via a SSIS job.
The Date variable is initiated as DATEADD("dd",-1, GETDATE()) in the for loop.
Now, as this job runs at 3 am, and I set the variable as GETDATE() - 1, it excluded the data from 12 am to 3 am in the resultset as Date is set as YYYY-MM-DD 03:00:00:000 I need this to be set as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00:000
I need to import multiple flat files with different formats into different tables of the sql server database and not able to figure out the best way out in ssis to do so...
What are the possible methods in ssis to do so and if possible the process which can be dynamic as file names or columns might change in future.
I am trying to handle errors occurred in SSIS package.
I have created flat file destination task in Data flow to handle the error records,configured the output columns with redirect row option.I am getting below error when I execute the package.
Error: 0xC0202009 at DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_2, OLE DB Source [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "The statement has been terminated.".An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.".
Package execution is stopping and none of the error records are logged in the error file task.
I'm editing an SSIS package. The source column has datatype float and the data is stored like 1,2 instead of 1.2. To change this into a period instead of comma there is a derived column step in the ssis package. The expression in this derived column step to change this goes as:<o:p></o:p> (DT_STR ,32,1 252)(REPLACE((DT_STR,32,1252)SUBSCHAAL_SCORE,",","."))<o:p></o:p>
where SUBSCHAAL_SCORE is the name of the column. As you see the data is converted into a string. I need it to be converted into a numeric datatype (18,6) instead of string/varchar but it must also handle the first issue with changing the comma into a period. <o:p></o:p>
I am using OLE DB source to extract data from Oracle. I have query (sample) like below, but SSIS is converting ID as Unicode String [DT_WSTR]. Why is that? and how to avoid this?
I have a SSIS package which is reading from an Excel file.
The Excel is created from a report from another system and sometimes the date of birth formats as a Date and sometimes as string.
I've added a data viewer so I can see how the columns are read as soon as SSIS reads the file.
When the cell in Excel is set as text its read correctly - I can then convert to a date as necessary
When the cell in Excel is set as date its read in US format! i.e. if it was 01/13/2014 in excel its read as 13/01/2014
How can I get round this? Its not an option to manually force the column to be text once exported from the system as my package picks this up automatically.
I have tried
-Regedit set typeguessrows = 0 -IMEX = 1 in connection string -Set LocaleID = UK in the data flow task to read from Excel
I've got this issue with a query in SSIS. From a table in SQL Server I'm getting over 25000 different identifiers. These identifier are associated to many values in a table in one Oracle Database. This is the schema that I have implemented for doing this.
The problem is that some days the identifiers can be over 45000, and at this point perform a loop for every one is not the best solution (It can take to much time to get the result). Previously I have performed another query where from the SQL statement.
I am creating and sending a unique row with all the values concatenated and then I have recover this unique string from an object and use it to create the query in the ODBC Source that invoke the table in Oracle: something like this: 'Select * from Oracle_table' + @string_values
with @string_values = 'where value in (........)'. It works good because the number of values is small enough to be used, like 250. But in this case I can not use this approach because the number is really big and obviously the DBA of Oracle is going to cancel the query.
So I wonder, how can I iterate over the object getting only a few number of values everytime, something like 300 or maximum 500, to avoid the cancellation of the query but at the same time doing the minimum number of loops.
I need to create a variable expression that will be passing yesterday's date to a sql command but when I create the variable there is only the datetime datatype, how can I trim the time portion from this expression to get the date portion :
I am using SSIS 2012 SP1 to import a comma delimited csv file into a SQL table.
One of the fields carries a time value:
Source = textfile, column=DT_STR(8), value format = "hhmmss", e.g. "011525" Destination = field in SQL table, data type = time(0)
To get it from the textfile to the SQL table I am:
1.) Creating a derived column called [d_Time of Entry]with the following formula -
SUBSTRING([Time of Entry],1,2) + ":" + SUBSTRING([Time of Entry],3,2) + ":" + SUBSTRING([Time of Entry],5,2)
2.) Performing a data conversion task to convert [d_Time of Entry] from DT_STR(8) to time(0) The upload fails because values that start with a zero, i.e. times before 10am, have their leading 0's stripped before being derived. You can see this because "011525" is derived as "11:52:5" when it should be "01:15:25".
I am trying to upload data from CSV to Sql table. I have a column as 'arrived_date' value '13:45' etc and while trying to load data i am getting error as "data conversion failed ,truncation may occur while loading data". In flat file connection this column datatype is string but in my table datatype is as time(). There is a error with conversion. I tried to change data type in advanced editor but no use. Using data conversion after flatfile makes my error disappear but it is giving error right at the file not even going through from file?
In my package , I am used CDC Source transformation and received the Net changes then insert into Destination. But whatever Data coming from CDC source data type Varchar value needs to Converting Non Unicode string to Unicode string SSIS. So used Data conversion transformation to achieved this. I need to achieve this without data conversion.
I created an SSIS package for a client that does data importing. When I run the pacakge from Visual Studio there is an error window showing all the errors and warnings. A good example of an error is if the import file is in the wrong format.When there is a error or warning can I write the error log to a file OR notify someone of the errors so they can make corrections and rerun the package OR any ideas that the client can find out what went wrong and then make corrections accordingly? Thanks
As part of my package, i require a date (Only date, not DateTime) which is 10 months previous to get date.Eg: for today if the package executes, then i want 12/1/2014 , which i will use in my package as a filter like 'where date='?' where ? is a paramter which is is derived from the above logic
So, I have a project parameter @ppdate with value as -10. I create a variable with DateTime (because there is NO date type for SSIS) and gives the expression as below
dateadd("Month",@ppdate, DATEADD("D",-(DAY(GETDATE()))+1,GETDATE())) , I am getting '7/1/2011 11:33:38 AM' which i don't want - i want only '12/1/2014'. How can i get it?
To get '12/01/2014', If i change the variable from DateTime to string, then i think i cant use the value in the filter condition like ''where date='?' because this does not accept string. Is this correct?
I created a simple SSIS package that takes a Flat File Source (CSV file) and Imports it into a OLE DB Destination ([TestCSVImport].dbo.Table1). I have other CSV files I'd like to import, but I don't want to import entries where column "ordereID" (PK) are the equal. Just want to import the new data found in the CSV files. I tried adding a Lookup in-between the Flat File Source and the OLE DB Destination, but I'm not sure how to accomplish only importing new data.
We are using lookup transformation in SSIS 2012. The lookup transformation queries a table with two date columns. When we hover the mouse over the two columns in the 'columns' tab of the lookup transformation editor, the two columns show as DT_WSTR instead of DT_DBDATE. This causes the SSIS package to fail due to data type mismatch.A similar abandoned thread is available at: URL....
We have a Job that calls a SSIS package 2005 that does some processing and execute a BAT file. This Job is being called by a web application.The BAT file creates a folder and named it based on the current date ( YYYY_MM) e.g 2015_07
It was working okay in the SQL Agent 2005 server until we moved to the new server SQL Agent 2012 using the same package SSIS package 2005. Now the issue is, instead of creating the folder based on YYYY_MM, it's now being created as YYYY_DD.I've checked the Regional settings of both server and they have the same "ENGLISH (United States) format. I even ran the code below and they're returning the same output echo %date:~ 10,4%_% date :~4,2%
I know the BAT file can be improved by not depending current locale in WINDOWS, but I just want to understand how this issue occurs and how does the regional setting being overridden?
I'm trying to extract some data from a table in oracle. The oracle table stores date and time seperately in 2 different columns. I need to merge these two columns and import to sql server database.
I'm struggling with this for a quite a while and I'm not able to get it working.
I tried the oracle query something like this,
this gives me an output of 20070511 23:06:30:000
the space in MM : SS is intentional here, since without that space it appread as smiley
I'm trying to map this to datetime field in sql server 2005. It keeps failing with this error
The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data
I'm struck with error for hours now. Any pointers would be helpful.
A server with SQL 2005 sp2, Reporting Services and Sharepoint services (ver 3.0) (in integrated mode) gives an odd error. When viewing a Reporting Services report with a Date Time Picker, the date chosen is wrong. The preferred setting is Danish with the date format dd-mm-yyyy. The date picker shows the months in Danish but when selecting a date, and clicking on the Apply-button, the date reformats to US (mm-dd-yyyy).
Example: When choosing 5th of September 2007 and clicking apply, it shows in the picker, 9th of May 2007. When choosing 26th of September 2007 and clicking apply, it shows, again in US format, the RIGHT date but adds a timestamp 12:00 AM? in the end, making further enquiries to fail.
The report itself receives the right date and shows correctly. The only case it fails is, when the time stamp appears.
The server is a 32-bit one with 4 GB RAM. A testserver with identical collation on the Reportserver database cannot recreate the error. The site containing the reports has been set to Danish in the regional settings. To Reinstall is not an option.
The test report has no database connection whatsoever.
When setting the site to US, the timestamp wont appear at all.
The server has been restarted and the installation procedure was of the simple kind. No special tweaks at all.
I have a table that has a nvarchar field of (12) I need to convert this to a smalldatetimefield.
I get the following message
Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Data Pump Error Description:Insert error, column 1 ('timeid', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp Error Help Context ID:30702
Can someone please tell me how to convert this field without getting this message?????
converting date and/or time from character string.Got this error message: "Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 7...Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."
Here's my query: DECLARE @StartDate AS varchar(30) DECLARE @EndDate AS varchar(30) SET @StartDate = (CONVERT(varchar(20),'01-05-2014', 101)) SET @EndDate = (CONVERT(varchar(20),'31-05-2014', 101))
I have a pretty easy data load and design of my package flow is like this : Excel -> Stage -> operational_table. So now everything is working fine and the operational table will be called for front end applications. So far so good.
Everything is truncate and load operation. Yesterday, my stage to operational table load failed because of truncation happened for a column. Is there any way I can validate for errors and if at all there are any errors I wont truncate my operational table. I'm thinking of this way .. If