Integration Services :: How To Download Files Via SFTP Using SSIS 2014
Jul 14, 2015
We are using SSIS 2014 and need to download files from sftp. Is there a SFTP control flow task for SSIS 2014? If not then what other options do I have?
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Sep 22, 2015
Need to automate a sftp download but ssis 2008r2 does not have a sftp task?
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Oct 26, 2015
How to download files from a webpage before loading into SQL Server tables? I have the following URL and under the Downloads & Resources section, I have different file formats.
By doing hover on the download tab for each file type, I see that there is a link that is associated with it just like the following:
For CSV - [URL] ....
For XML - [URL] ....
The above is just an example for your reference/understanding. In the sample data from the internal website I have, I need to do a similar operation. The only difference would be that I would be having multiple XLS files with a description for each.
Sales Q1 - <xls download tab>
Sales Q2 - <xls download tab>
Sales Q3 - <xls download tab>
Sales Q4 - <xls download tab>
<sub>Sales for Calendar Year 2015--All Countries </sub>
<a href="/Data/Downloads/Documents/Sales/Sales_Quarter1.xlsx">
<sub>[XLS]</sub></a><sub> , <a href="/Data/Downloads/Documents/Sales/Sales_Quarter1.pdf"><sub>[PDF]</sub></a><sub></sub></sub>
I need to download the file based on the month/quarter every time.
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May 18, 2015
How to load files with similar format , from two different locations into same database with same ssis.
Lets say
Location 1: C:LoadFilesCust1APP_123445.txt
Location 2: D:LoadFilescust2VDD_543121.txt
Currently we have one ssis which loads and process files from C:LoadFilesCust1 only. we have to modify the existing package it to load files from Location 2 (D:LoadFilescust2) as well. Also while loading, the ssis should assign a value to existing column CustID depending upon the file name. File names always start with APP_ in first location. VDD_ in second location
Assign CUSTID as 100 if file name starts with APP_
Assign CUSTID as 200if file name starts with VDD_
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Sep 30, 2015
What I need to give in Arguments in Execute Process task editor.While executing package getting error
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Jun 16, 2015
Is there a way to log connection string details for the different executables in my package in ssis 2014?
For instance, I am loading data from a flat file to SQL Server table in the connection manager I have Flat File & OLE DB connections.
I would like to log the connection string information for Flat File & OLE DB connections; along with the OnError, OnTaskFailed deatails.
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Nov 17, 2015
I'm trying to convert a column in my source table of datatype varchar(6) to a column of datatype int in my destination. I tried using the Derived Column/Data Conversion transformations but none of them worked. So, I tried using the following C# (credits to the original poster) and getting an error during compilation.
Note: "MyCol" is the Input Column I've specified in the Script Component and "CleanCol" is the Output column I've specified as datatype [DT_I4].
public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
int colOut = 0;
if (!Int32.TryParse(Row.MyCol, out colOut))
Row.CleanCol_IsNull = true;
} else {
Row.CleanCol = colOut;
The best overloaded method match for 'int.TryParse(string, out int)' has some invalid arguments
The other expression I've tried was:
ISNULL(MyCol) ? (dt_i4)"" : (dt_i4)MyCol
From the above code, you might have understood that the source field has some blank records as well in the MyCol field.
What is the best possible way to do the conversion from a String to Int or fixing the error from the above.
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Jun 18, 2015
Is there a way to control SSIS 2014 package execution schedule. I have 8 different packages that I have to schedule for this project and these packages need to be executed only when the data is available on the source for the package to grab. So the idea we are banking on is to create a Control table with package execution flag and when the flag is set to yes for a package that will be executed via SQL Server agent. How would I accomplish this?
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Sep 21, 2015
The following error occurred when trying to connect to 2012/2014 SSIS Server using SSMS remotely. Local connection works fine.Using the info from below link does not resolve the problem. Permissions are granted through DCOM. If this cannot be resolved, packages will have to stored on filesystem instead.
URL....Connecting to the Integration Services service on the computer "" failed with the following error: "Class not registered".
This error can occur when you try to connect to a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services service from the current version of the SQL Server tools. Instead, add folders to the service configuration file to let the local Integration Services service manage packages on the SQL Server 2005 instance.
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Jun 22, 2015
I am using SSIS 2014 and installed adapter for sharepoint list source and destination and when I refresh the toolbox I don't see them. Is there a way to manually add them?
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Nov 11, 2015
Now I have a different constellation: Integration Services run on one server, in version 2014, the Analysis Services instance to process the cube database on runs on another server, version 2012.I tried several different combinations of SSIS version and Analysis Management Objects version, and got several errors while running the process package (e.g. object reference not set to an instance of an object, cannot find AnalyisServices.dll..)
Is this combination 2014/2012 possible at all?I assume the BIDS version has to be for SQL Server 2014, as I want to run SSIS packages on a 2014 server, is that correct? Does it matter at all, can I also deploy 2012 packages?Which version of Analysis Management Objects do I have to use? I assumed I have to use version 11.0 here, because I want to process a 2012 cube?If it is possible to use the "old" 11.0 version of AMO, do I have to do anything so that it can be found by the SSIS package running on the server (it was built on my local computer, there I have all SQL Server versions from 2005 to 2014 installed in parallel), or do I just have to copy it to the appropriate SQL Server folder?
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Nov 16, 2011
Every day an application creates new tables and dumps static info into them.
I would like to create a package to dynamically export those database tables to raw files for long term archive, one file per table. Here is what I have so far and the issue I am having.
1) Get a list of un-archived tables.
2) Foreach table do the following.
a. Export the table into raw file.
b. Zip the raw file.
c. Update archive tracking table.
As long as the metadata for each table is the same this package seems to work fine. However, I have many tables with different metadata. How can I dynamically get the package update the metadata column collection when it hits a new table? When it hits a table with different metadata I am getting warnings like this:
The column "some_column" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection.
The "external metadata column "someother_column" (103)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection.
Then I get this error:
Error: 0xC004706B at dump the table into a raw file, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA"
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Jul 29, 2015
I have 2 different excel files file1 and file2. file1 should be loaded to table1 and file2 should be loaded to table2. Both of the files will have 1 sheet inside. Do I need to create separate excel source for file1 and file2? I mean file1 in one excel source and that will be connecting to 1 execute sql task. file2 in other excel source and that will be connecting to another execute sql task. Is this the way I should proceed or is there any looping should be done? I need to schedule this activity to run every week. So, I'll get new files every week with the same file names and sheet names. Do I need to consider anything for this requirement also?
I'm planning to do truncate and reload not an incremental load.
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Aug 20, 2015
I have an SSIS package in VS 2010 that uses flat files to load database tables. I would like to check for the flat files existing before continuing to run the package. The flat files each have their own connection manager. I was wondering if I could use the connection managers to determine the file names instead of creating a Script Task and hard-coding each of the file names to check.
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Jul 29, 2015
I have a table T with columns Code datatype is nvarchar(5) andName nvarchar(30). Table T has 100 records and column Name only have data and column Code has Null values.
I have to generate csv files using this table data through SSIS . Each file should have 25 records and assign some static value(different for each file ex: file1 is T1 and file2 is T2..etc) in column Code . I am able to generate files with 25 records for each file but not able to assign different static value in different csv files. Is it possible using SSIS?
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Oct 25, 2015
I have been tasked to do the following using SSIS.
We received two csv files each week and we would like to load these files to two different sql server tables using SSIS.
These files should be archived into a folder after each load.
How can I achieve this?
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Aug 4, 2015
I'm using the FTP Task in SSIS to send files. They task succeeds but the files get uploaded to the wrong folder. Instead of being sent to the cg268301 folder they are being sent to the cg268300 despite selecting /cg268301 from the remote path field in the FTP task editor.
I've tried uploading this file to the /cg268301 file using an execute process task and it works fine. I just don't know why it won't work with the FTP task.
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Apr 25, 2015
1.---->I have a sales table country wise regions like (india, usa, srilanka) ....
india usa
a b
d e
So I want output like in
flat file1.txt has india flat file2.txt has usa flat file3.txt has srilanka
a b
d e
2.----->I dont know how many regions in my table....dynamically split into separate flat files ....
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Jan 15, 2014
I need to import multiple flat files with different formats into different tables of the sql server database and not able to figure out the best way out in ssis to do so...
What are the possible methods in ssis to do so and if possible the process which can be dynamic as file names or columns might change in future.
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Oct 19, 2010
I have a SSIS package which reads an excel file and loads data into a table using script component(C#) as a source. The package runs without any errors when I manually run it on my machine and on the server. But the package fails when run as a SQL Server Agent job.
I tried all the possible fixes I found on the web but still can't get it to work.
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Feb 15, 2011
I have a scenario, need to create SQL server Tables dynamically.
I Have multiple xml data file on a particular location, and want to load those XML data into sql server tables, but he metadata of each xml data files are not same.
Hence the approach is that,
1. Pick first file from that location
2. Create a table according to that xml data file metada
3. load data on newly created table.
4. Pickup the next xml data files.
5. loop through, till the XML data files are exists on that location.
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Aug 5, 2014
I have a simple SSIS package that reads a flat file and copies it into a SQL Server table.
When the flat fiel is on the C drive I have no problem runnign this package from SQL Server Agent, but as soon as I update the path to a network location the package only works when I run it manually, but fails when is executed via the SQL Server agent job.
The error says "cannot open the datafile", while the datafile location is valid.
Is this a kind of limitation of a SQL Server Agent that only local files are allowed to be processed?
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Dec 11, 2014
I have been strunggling to find solution to convert XLSX files with multiple sheets to csv file.
>> Convert XLSX file with multiple sheets to CSV file
>> CSV file names : XLSX filename + '_' + sheet name
>> scirpt has to be in VB as i am using ssis 2005
>> I started develping scirpt using . this dll is referenced to script task.
>> found web link as useful.. [URL] ....
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Aug 7, 2015
i want to download incremental file from a folder. already existing file information stored in database. we are using SQL server 2008R2 standard edition.
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Sep 23, 2015
I have a requirement where I need to pass some parameters using URL and that URL generate CSV file which I need to save to a shared drive.Here is sample URL....where practice, start and end are parameters.I need to automate the process and trigger ULR passing those parameters every month so that CVS file is saved automatically to a shared driver. How can I create SSIS package to that?
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Feb 8, 2015
I need to use SSIS to connect to an FTP server. From there I need to download files to a local folder. I need to download only today's files and also on those files starting with Training or Recruitment. I have managed to set up tasks that copy all but I am having such a hard time writing a script using C# that will download using the filters.
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Jun 9, 2015
I have outlook 2013 installed on my machine, I want to automate the download of an attachment which I receive on daily basis from I have created a rule in outlook to reroute these mails in a specific folder named Received_Test.Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them.
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Jun 16, 2015
I have a requirement where in i have around 15 different flat files , filenames are fixed but folder path can be changed(i think i should use a variable for folder path). These 15 files data should go to their respective tables in the database.
Whether I need to create separate data flow task for each file or separate package? In addition to these, example : while importing product data into product table, if product ID already exists, we need to ignore it and upload only the new records.
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Nov 27, 2007
I can't help but think SQL has a way to send files to another server via SFTP.Any leads? THanks Dan
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Jun 25, 2015
I have a scenario where I need to convert RDF files to PDF files? may I know is this achievable in SSIS - writing C# code?
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Oct 20, 2015
I have two local boxes. On one I have ssis 2008 r2, the other a new install of 2014 enterprise. I have an excel file that both machines can open (ext .xlsx) with 64 bit excel 2010 on the same share location.On my 2008 r2 installation, when I create a dft then go thru adding an excel source and let ssis create a conn mgr, ssis can see the one and only tab in the source's "name of excel sheet" drop down.On my 2014 installation, I see a message "no tables or views could be loaded" in the drop down after going thru the same steps. I don't know if it matters in 2014 but I set 32 bit mode on both.Am I missing some sort of addin on my ssis 2014 install? I cant say for certain what version of excel created this file.
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Feb 1, 2007
I want to know whether SSIS can do SFTP. If yes, how does it work?
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Aug 5, 2015
I am trying to load data from Excel 2007 version into SQL server 2014 DB. I am getting below error" SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRE CONNECTION FROM CONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed".I have tried all options like changing Delay Validation is TRUE and in properties i changed runtime 64 bit to FALSE but still getting above error.
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