Integration Services :: How To Set Up Job For Getting Data And Put In Shared Drive
Jul 17, 2015
I've one table which is contains sales Tax data and I need to send data(only for past month) to accounting person by every end of the month for Example. Today is July/1/2015 so I need to send data for month of June/2015.
Is there anyway I can setup a job to send a data. Also I am not able to send large file using OUTLOOK so is there any other Tool to send a data?
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Jun 19, 2015
I'm using a shared data source to connect an Oracle server in my packages. After changing the database user password in the shared data source, I noticed the package concerned would fail with the following description.
Source: "OraOLEDB" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied".
Is there a way to ensure the packages will use the latest information in the shared data source? I did do a Rebuild before executing the packages.
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Apr 4, 2008
I have been trying to use openrowset with a shared drive, and even though the share has "full control" permissions granted to "everyone" and the accout that SQL runs under has been granted explicit full control permissions I am unable to open the file which itself has no security on it.
Can I not use a \ path and only use mapped drives?
below works...
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=C:5People.xls', [Sheet1$])
below doesn't work...
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=\cluster02FileManager5People.xls', [Sheet1$])
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Nov 4, 2015
I am having issue in running a ssis package which connects to an excel file from shared location.It works fine on the machine of the person who has developed it as he has access to that shared drive.After deploying the ssis package to SSISDB and creating a proxy account with the developer's credential, and running the ssis package using the proxy under SQL Agent Jobs, it is failing with error :
Load XXXXXXXXXX :Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "XXXXXXXXXX.xlsx"
failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
XXXXXXXXXX:Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft Access Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Failure creating file.".
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Sep 9, 2015
I have a package that need to copy a file from a remote server using path like, inside of Microsoft data tools, everything runs fine, because y access to those folders on the windows sessions and enter my credentials. however how to I set up the package to use my credentials on the remote server?
Without it, I got error Executed as user: NT ServiceSQLAgent$RETAIL_PRO.and this user does not exists on remote server. so got access denied. error.
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Nov 17, 2009
I am getting the following warning for my SSIS08 package: Could not open global shared memory to communicate with performance DLL; data flow performance counters are not available. To resolve, run this package as an administrator, or on the system's console. I did check Warning in SSIS 2008 , but didn't find any solution. The package processes data and executes fine , but why do I see this warning? When I run this package on my machine, I see no such warning, it's only when I deploy it to our DEV SSIS server, I get this warning.
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Apr 14, 2015
having on mind that this is my Target server: what is the way of creating shared folder in order to perform operation from the title (and, of course, to continue with installation of packages etc...)? SQL SERVER 2008 R2
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Jul 10, 2015
I have an ssis package that moves data from a new csv file in a share location to sql server database table. However I need to get this agent job triggered whenever a new csv file gets added to the shared location.
What is a best strategy to do this keeping in mind that while package is running and two new csv files come in and package shd copy data from both the files.
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Apr 1, 2014
When running the etl I'm getting the error: <SSIS Task>: Shared Memory Provider: Timeout error [258] ; followed by the message "Communication link failure".
What is special about this message that it happens on a SQL Execute task (random task) and the Timeout is after 2 minutes.
When executing the packages separatly it is working fine. The SQL Tasks that are failing are also quit heavy, but reasonable and takes between >2min and 10 - 15 min. Statements are stored procedures that puts an index on 3 mil. records or update statements,...
I had a look to all my (SSIS-etl) timeouts and they have the default value 0, the "remote query timeout" of the server is set to 10 minutes. According to me, these are the only one that exists?
There are 2instances on the server each instance has 24GB allocated, the server has 64 in total. Also when the etl runs (that results in an error) no other etl is running on the 2 instances. I'm working with the oledb sql server native client11.0 provider : SQLNCLI11.1.
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May 11, 2000
I have a shared drive mapped to the h: drive letter on my sql server and I want to create new databases on that drive. Is this at all
I try it and I couldn't see h: even if I typed it in.
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Nov 3, 2006
Hello, everyone:
I want to write a query to check a remote shared drive. The shared drive is mapped as T drive in my local. I run the statement,
EXEC master.. xp_cmdshell 'DIR C:'
It works. If I change to T drive like,
EXEC master.. xp_cmdshell 'DIR T:'
It dosen't work and returns,
"The system cannot find the path specified."
But I run DIR T: in DOS prompt, it works.
Any help will be great appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
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May 18, 2004
I have an Access2000 app placed on a shred drive. The problem i am having is that users leave it opened and take long breaks. Sometimes they leave it overnight. I would like to make corrections to the form but can't. How can I save and close all users. I would like to send a message telling all users to save any changes and give them 1 minute before shutting down.
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Jun 11, 2008
Is this possible? I can only seem to restore when the *.bak is on a local drive which is ridiculous. I'm sure this translates to other operations in addition to restoring databases...
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Nov 29, 2007
I know , it is not going to work , just wondering if anyone could give any reasons for that. Whether it was intentional constraint or just internally compact edition was designed in particular way which makes such a usage not possible. It is a pity that it doesn't work that way as it would be much easier transitional path for many Visual Foxpro , MS Access applications.
In my case I just want READ-ONLY database either for multi-user access via shared drive or stand-alone on local drive.
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Jan 6, 2000
I am having an Access database on a shared network drive which has read/write access rights on the that shared network drive.
When I try to Access data through the linked server it gives me gives me a message box saying you do not have permissions to view the data.
Also if i try to use xp_cmdshell to copy over the mdb file to my local drive it say 'Access denied'
But when I copy (through command prompt) the same file to another network drive or my local drive where I have full control the linked server can connect sucessfully.
The problem is the i cannot have 'full control' permissions on shared drive where my database resides.
Has anybody encountered this problem....
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Aug 12, 2015
I need to download a file from google Drive or open it, using SSIS but I have not found any reference about it. Is it possible? Is there a provider to connect to Google Drive.
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Aug 31, 2015
Is there a way to get access to the files on the shared drive from either of the nodes when the SQL Cluster is shut down?
It doesn't look like there is, but hoping there is some trick. I see how it can be done with a Windows Cluster but not a SQL Cluster.
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Oct 30, 2007
First off, let me just say that I'm a complete newbie to SQL Reporting Services, and .NET in general. We have a VB 6 application that is trying to launch an SRS 2005 report in a viewer window. This was accomplished by creating A VB.NET "wrapper" window that launches the report, and allows the report to be previewed, exported, etc. I did not write any of this.
The report is using a Shared Data Source, which points to a specific database. My problem is that the users can select which db they want when they launch the VB 6 Application, so I need to find a way to edit the connection string in the report to specify which database to use on the fly. I have the db name in the "wrapper" application, but I can't figure out how to pass it to the report.
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Nov 24, 2006
Hi, all here,
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.
Thank you very much in advance for any help.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Nov 10, 2015
I'm using Script Component to load data into Oracle DB due to the poor performance issue. Now, I found it will missing some data during the transmission. Please see the screenshot below:
SQL Server:
create table Person
BusinessEntityID Integer,
FirstName nvarchar2(50),
MiddleName nvarchar2(50),
LastName nvarchar2(50)
I follow up this article: [URL] ....
VB Script:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
[Code] ..........
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Sep 28, 2015
I setup this package to import data from a Sharepoint list to a SQL Server data table. The primary key of my SQL table is mapped to the Title column of my Sharepoint list. There is a possibility that duplicate values will be entered in the Title field of the Sharepoint list. So when importing data into my table via SSIS, my package always error-out when there it comes across duplicate values. how you others have managed data integrity when importing from a Sharepoint list with the Title column being mapped to the primary key of a table.
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Oct 14, 2005
Does anyone know of any cross-references between SQL Server data types and the new data types introduced with SQL Server Integration Services?
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Aug 28, 2015
I have to value [CreateDate] in the data pump of my Flat File Source into my OLE DB Destination SQL Server Table. With a Variable within the SSIS Package or with a Derived Column task within the Data Flow between the Flat File Source and OLE DB Destination?
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Jun 5, 2007
Please help! I am trying to import data from an ODBC data source to a SQL Server database using Integration Services. I am new to SQL Server 2005 but all was working happily on 2000 using DTS.
I am trying to follow the tutorials using a data flow task but cannot get my ODBC database into the connection managers tab, because OLE DB for ODBC isn't one of the options! Am I missing something? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I am struggling to come to terms with 2005 and cannot migrate the 2000 DTS packages
Many thanks
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Apr 5, 2007
Hi, I have a question regarding the Integration Services Data Types.
From, I found a table that shows me the Mapping of Integration Services Data Types to Database Data Types.
For example, how the DT_BOOL Data Type maps to bit for SQL Server.
In this case, I am okay, as I know exactly what the mapping is, however, for some of the datatypes, I do not.
Here is an example. The DT_CY datatype maps to smallmoney and money ... how do I know which one to map to? For me, which one I map to does indeed matter because their representation is different.
DT_NUMERIC maps to decimal and numeric ... this one does not matter as much
DT_STR/DT_WSTR ... I need to know whether its char, varchar, ncahr, or nvarchar for padding purposes mostly.
Any help would be gladly appreciated.
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Nov 18, 2015
I am having a requirement where I need to load the correct data into the target table and needs to save the bad data for analysis, how can I do that in SSIS.
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May 30, 2007
Hi friends ,
Can any buddy tell me how can i update a particular table by integration services.... I just need to update some of column value
if i write query ...i need to write approx 35 update statement (Query)
So is there is any way by which i can replace existing data to my current data .
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May 11, 2015
I've got 4 massive pipe delimited flat files that should go into 4 different SQL Server database tables. They constantly throw errors.
What is the best way to get the data into the database...varchar(Max), varchar(100)?
I just want the data to load. What is my best bet before the cart me off to the loony bin?
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May 25, 2015
I'm using - Destination - Oracle driver - oraOLEDB.Oracle.1 (native ole dboracle provider for ole db)
Source - SQL driver - microsoft ole db prover for sql server. I want to import data from sql server to oracle. Challenge is, I have 1 million records on oracle. I have 100 records on sql server (these 100 records count will change daily). So, I thought of using 'lookup' task looking taking record from ms sql and fetch corresponding record from oracle. But when I use lookup, all records from oracle are loading into cache, which is taking approx 3 hrs.
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May 25, 2015
I have a requirement to compare data between two tables in SQL Server.
What is the fastest way to do it using SSIS? There are approx 6~7 millions of records in each table.
My solution: Read both the tables and store the data in Object Type variable. Then run an except query. But I am stuck at except query part. How do I implement it?
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Oct 5, 2015
Im newto SSIS. I want to develop package for data validation.
1. Mandatory field checking: if Null, reject the record
2. If field length > 50, then reject the record
1. If field length > 12, then reject the record
2. If SSN is not in valid format, issue warning and process rhe record without SSN value.
3. Valid format: 9 digit numeric values should present after striping off all non-numeric characters.
4. Only send 9 digits to MDM
Like these i have 30 rules. And I have to shop the error msg if the validation fails like "Mandatory feild is missing".
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Mar 10, 2008
Hi everyone,
I've got a problem to retrieve data from a Xml Source.
Basically, I call a method from a Web Service which gives me a Xml file.
The problem is that the XML structure is not really good. But we can't touch it.
Here is the Xml File :
Code Snippet
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ArrayOfWSTargetVO xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
As you can see, for each WSTargetVO, we have a projectid, an id and a name. But the value is not directly put into these nodes but in a new one : <value>
That causes my problem because here is the xsd file generated by visual studio :
Code Snippet
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsd="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:element name="ArrayOfWSTargetVO">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="WSTargetVO">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProjectId">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Value" type="xs:unsignedByte" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Id">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Value" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Name">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Value" type="xs:string" />
And when I try to use the outpul results from the Xml file, I can't see how I can get a datatable with three columns corresponding to projectid, id and name.
Integration Services only asks me to choose between WSTargetVO or ProjectID or Id or Name and give me the <value> value.
I don't know if it is possible to modifiy the contents of the XmlFile or something else using XPath.
Of course, if I try to modifiy the XSD file and delete the value node to have a simple structure, I see my three columns but i can't get any data.
I'm aware that the XML file is pretty bad but it is impossible for me to change it.
If somebody has an idea, I would be happy to hear it :-)
(I'm a beginner in Integration Services)
Thank you,
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Nov 5, 2015
I am loading incremental data from sql server to oracle by using ssis and while data convert it says data type dont match.
SQL column data type is:smallint:SQL Server 2008 r2
Oracledata type is:Number(5):Oracle 10 g.
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