Integration Services :: Import Oracle Data
May 25, 2015
I'm using - Destination - Oracle driver - oraOLEDB.Oracle.1 (native ole dboracle provider for ole db)
Source - SQL driver - microsoft ole db prover for sql server. I want to import data from sql server to oracle. Challenge is, I have 1 million records on oracle. I have 100 records on sql server (these 100 records count will change daily). So, I thought of using 'lookup' task looking taking record from ms sql and fetch corresponding record from oracle. But when I use lookup, all records from oracle are loading into cache, which is taking approx 3 hrs.
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Nov 10, 2015
I'm using Script Component to load data into Oracle DB due to the poor performance issue. Now, I found it will missing some data during the transmission. Please see the screenshot below:
SQL Server:
create table Person
BusinessEntityID Integer,
FirstName nvarchar2(50),
MiddleName nvarchar2(50),
LastName nvarchar2(50)
I follow up this article: [URL] ....
VB Script:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
[Code] ..........
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Jun 5, 2007
Please help! I am trying to import data from an ODBC data source to a SQL Server database using Integration Services. I am new to SQL Server 2005 but all was working happily on 2000 using DTS.
I am trying to follow the tutorials using a data flow task but cannot get my ODBC database into the connection managers tab, because OLE DB for ODBC isn't one of the options! Am I missing something? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I am struggling to come to terms with 2005 and cannot migrate the 2000 DTS packages
Many thanks
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Jul 7, 2015
I am trying to pull data from an Oracle Db using SSIS. If I use the Table/View option in the Access Mode option on the OLE DB Source component, it works fine. But when I use the SQL Command option, the processing get stuck at Pre-Execution stage.... (for days).
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Aug 12, 2015
I am having an issue while transferring some tables from sql server database to oracle schema. The table has over 150 million records. I have created a view referencing that table and am transferring the view. I am using "Oracle Destination" data flow destination using Microsoft Connector for Oracle by Attunity with SQL Server 2008 Integration Services. I am repeatedly getting the following error:OCI error encountered. ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure The attempt to add a row to the Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0xC0047020.
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Apr 24, 2015
I would like to export all tables from Oracle 11.2 to MS SQL Server 2012 R1.
Using the tool "Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant v6.0 for Oracle" did not work for me because there are too many warnings and errors regarding the schema creation (MS cannot know it because they are not the schema designer). My idea is to leave/skip the schema creation to the application designer/supplier and instead concentrate on the Oracle data export and MS SQL data import.
What is the easiest way to export all tables data from Oracle to MS SQL Server quickly?
Is it:
- the „MS SQL Import and Export Data“ Tool
- the “MS SQL Integration Services” Tool
- not Oracle dump *.dmp format because it is a propritery binary format
- flat file *.csv (delimited format)
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Nov 21, 2011
I am trying to create new data source. I already tried these data sources
Oracle Provider for OLE DB
Oracle Client Data Provider
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle.
After configuring when i test the connection, it tells connection succeeded but if i click on then giving the error "The given path is not support".
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Jun 29, 2015
I am trying to copy the data from Oracle to SQL, it is taking 10 mins to load only 50K records of data. I am using only one DFT task.
In the DFT task I am using 2 tasks oracle Source and OLEDB destination .
what can I do to improve the ETL process and reduce the load time ?
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Jun 12, 2015
How to get data from SAP using SSIS.
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Feb 2, 2010
I am transferring data from Oracle tables into text files, and facing these errors.
1. I have a varaible working as an expression and my query goes into that variable and onwards that variable is passed to dataflow task, which parse the query. my query is simple saying "Select * from PLS.ABC" where PLS is my schema, but the task generates error "Opening a rowset for "Select * from PLS.ABC" failed. check that the table exists in the database. and surely the table is there.
2. I have a foreach loop that iterates through all the table names and the table names are passed onwards to the varaible query, the dataflow task inside the foreach loop gets the variable query and will generate text files based on tablenames which i have supplied in another variable to the connectionstring property of the flatfile destination. Is it possible or not. all the tables have different columns and i need the output in text files.
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Jun 23, 2015
Looking for sample ETL package to extract data from SQL Sever Database and load into Oracle Database using SQL SERVER INTEGRATION SERVICES 2008. The requirement is for full load and incremental load both.
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May 27, 2015
import data form one table to another.Both table have different schema.Lets say
1. Employee(Empid, ename,address,designation,Joindate,DOB).
I need to import person table data into Employee table.
Note :
1 empid is auto increment
2. If Person.DOB is not present insert null into employee.DOB
3.JoinDate should be initialized with current date.
Currently I am using
1.OLE DB Source
2.Data Conversion
3.OLE DB Destination.
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Feb 21, 2008
I am new to Integration services.I have one query ,Is it possible to import the data from text file in integration services.
I know that we can import the data from excel sheet and we can export it to table.But my question is whether we can do the same thing from the text file.If anyone come acroos the same thing send u r possible answers.Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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May 6, 2015
I need reflecting changes of csv file in oracle DB. Suppose, I load single csv file in oracle DB which contains 10 rows. After some time, I have loaded another CSV file which has the modified row of the previously loaded csv file. So, how can I capture the CSV changes and how it is going to get reflected in oracle DB?There is no unique column in csv file to identify particular row.
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Apr 23, 2015
Where is a package visible when running the Data Import/Export wizard, choosing to save a package, and choosing "SQL Server" as the location? When I make an SSIS connection in Management Studio I do not see the package under the "MSDB" node.
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Aug 20, 2015
I have an excel file which contains lots of sheets. Some of them are named as DW-<day>-<month> (for e.g; DW-1-July). Like this I have sheets for the whole month. I have other sheets too with a different name. I would like to import data from these sheets only (DW ones). Upon my research I have found that this can be achieved via For Each Loop Container (I guess!).
Post data import, I have a set of T-SQL query that I plan to execute via Execute SQL Task.
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Jul 29, 2015
I am trying to import an xlsx spreadsheet into a sql 2008 r2 database using the SSMS Import Wizard. When pointed to the spreadsheet ("choose a data source") the Import Wizard returns this error:
"The operation could not be completed" The Microsoft ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine (System.Data)
How can I address that issue? (e.g. Where is this provider and how do I install it?)
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Aug 25, 2015
I have an excel file that has multiple sheets and I need to import data from each separate sheet to a separate table using SSIS.
E.g. Sheet A data should go to Table A and Sheet B data should go to Table B and so on. Is it possible to do this with out using script task.
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Dec 3, 2015
Oracle linked server. If I query Oracle in my packages using SQL it tooks age if I use an OLE DB Oracle connection it takes minutes, so I started to develop my packages using the OLE DB Oracle. The point is that in order to connect the Oracle db I must set up a password (Oracle requires a password but if I use directly SQL it doesn't need any password). This password changes every month so I do need to set up the password for...if I can come up with another solution? I don't know, maybe a unique connection...just set up the password only once.
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Jul 22, 2015
For each row coming out of my data source, I would like to add the result of an Oracle query to it (select sequence.nextval from dual).
I need to acquire the sequence number before all my processes in my data flow, so I don't want to have a trigger in Oracle call nextval and do it automatically for me.
I also think getting the value of nextval inside of a variable at the beginning of the process would not work because it only increments the value once.
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Jul 14, 2015
OS : Win7, 64bit
Software : Oracle Clients 32bit and 64 bit (11g), SSIS 2012
I have installed both 32bit and 64bit oracle ODACs during the clients installations, and then i have installed the ssis 2012.
When i open .udl file i can see the 'Oracle Provider for OLE DB' provider and connect to the oracle db.
When i try to open new Ole DB connection in the ssis the 'Oracle Provider for OLE DB' is not listed under the 'Native Ole DB' providers.
i tried to reinstall both ODACs of 32 and 64 bit of the oracle but still the provider is not listed under the ssis providers.why ?
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Jul 15, 2015
I've made connections in SSIS to Oracle before by setting up TNS but this latest connection is different.
I've been give an SSL cert that I had to import into the Oracle Wallet Manager and to get connected in 'Oracle SQL Developer' I had to choose connectionType = advanced and drop the following line in the JDBC URL section
So my question is. How can I go about making a connection like this in SSIS?
Just incase it matters, I'm working with OracleClient 11g
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Nov 14, 2014
In previous versions of BIDS we were able to customize the DataFlow toolbox to incorporate the Oracle Source and Oracle Destination items - however, it appears this is no longer the case in SSDT (no option to customize toolbox). I've installed the 3.0 Microsoft Connectors for Oracle - when I create a new connection in the Connection Manager I can see the Attunity drivers, but under Other Source/Other Destinations in the Toolbox I cannot find the Oracle Source/Destination components.
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Apr 20, 2015
I'm having an issue connecting to an Oracle database using Visual Studio 2013 - Business Intelligence tools.I am running Windows 7 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2013, and have SQL 2012 Enterprise (64-bit) on my local machine. I downloaded the MS Connectors v2.0 for Oracle found here. But when I try to add a new connection either through the connection manager or inserting a Data Flow Task and looking for the Oracle connections in the "Other Sources" or "Other Destinations" - neither option is available.I have the 32-bit Oracle client installed, the tnsnames.ora file has been created and I can connect to the Oracle DB through PL/SQL.I see Microsoft Connector for Oracle by Attunity 2.0 in my Programs list - installed for this file: Attunity SSISOra Adapters SetupX64.msi. don't know what else to try to get the connections available.
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Nov 23, 2010
Getting following error while trying to connect to ORACEL database using OLEDB manager.
Error at RADAR [Connection manager "RADAR_Updated"]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_ERROR. The requested OLE DB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 is not registered. Error code: 0x00000000.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered".
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May 25, 2011
I have been working on this import for days and I just can't figure this out. All I am trying to do is import a flat csv file into a new table using the default settings in the import tool and it just won't work! I have tried it hundreds of different ways, including saving the package and opening it in BIDS. I am new to SQL and SSIS... Errors are below.
- Executing (Error)
Error 0xc02020a1: Data Flow Task 1: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column 2" returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0209029: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "output column "Column 2" (18)" failed because error code 0xC0209084 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "Column 2" (18)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0202092: Data Flow Task 1: An error occurred while processing file "C:UsersTonyDocumentsHRAP20110506TCH.csv" on data row 1.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0047038: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "Source - AP20110506TCH_csv" (1) returned error code 0xC0202092. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard).
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Jun 18, 2015
Client uses an Amazon S3 bucket which they load flats files to . They also expect files to be delivered there to.So at the minute I have an SSIS package (SQL2012 ) which I use to generate some files but then have to manually import the files to the S3 bucket as well as export others.Now Mike Yin ( For SQL2008R2 ) mentioned that you need to obtain PostgreSQL ODBC driver so that you can use the .Net ProvidersOdbc Data Provider for ADO.NET Source component to connect to the Amazon cloud storage. After that, you can use a OLE DB Destination to load the data to SQL Server database.
Installed both 32 and 64bit 9.03. New connection Manager ADO.NET - New then drop the provider down to ODBC.Dataprovider.Then what ? Do I put the S3 bucket address within the use connection string ? Is there and example ? Why do I need the PostgreSQL ODBC as Im not connecting to a database just a S3 Bucket?
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Jun 13, 2015
I currently have a directory of csv import files, all of which have the same data structure but different header information.
For example:
File 1
This is header info.
This is header info.
This is header info.
ID,Name, DOB, etc…
File 2
This is header info.
This is header info.
This is header info.
This is header info.
This is header info.
ID,Name, DOB, etc…
The data starts with the column title row, ie ID,Name, DOB.What I need to happen is process that removes all the header rows up to the title row so that all import file structures will be the same.
I was thinking of using a ForEach Loop container that will run a script on each of the files to remove the header.
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Jun 5, 2015
Is it possible to deploy or import an SSIS package developed in visual studio 2010 onto a 2008 R2 integration server?
package: developed in vs2010, SQL Server: SQL Server 2008 R2.
Trying to deploy the package onto the server.
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Dec 8, 2011
I need to delete some records in a Oracle RDBMS based at a SQL Server's query. I'm using the follow structure SSIS's package:
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May 2, 2007
I am using Import and Export wizard and seeing a very weird behaviour.
I am able to choose 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oralce' and provide server name, username/ password. The test connection results in a success. However when I try to move to next window/page by clicking next I get invalid oracle error ora-01017 - invalid username/ password.
what is going on here?
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Mar 6, 2006
I have a column in an Oracle source system with data type NUMBER(38,2). The value "-0.01" is causing problems when trying to import into a SSIS data-flow.
The only way I can import this into my data-flow is by using a Datareader connection manager using the ODBC Data Provider. My DSN is using the Oracle ODBC driver.
If I try and use the "Native OLE DBMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" I get an error: "The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow"
Judging by this post: there aren't really any other combinations to try that will bring my data in as I want it.
I don't want to use ODBC though as:
Its an old technology
Its slow
I have to deploy an additional DSN.
Can anyone tell me why the other options don't work? Why does Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle have a problem with "-0.01"?
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Aug 17, 2015
I have to load on SS2012 hundeds of excel files produced by an application over the last five years, during time few columns have been added to the initial set.I created on SS2012 a table to match with the full set of columns and want to load all the files inside the table leaving the missing cells to NULL. I think SSIS can do the job but every trial failed do far.
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