Integration Services :: Passing Complex Type As A Variable In Web Service Task
Oct 5, 2011
When you pass a complex type (the one represented by class) to a web service the BIDS UI allows you to enter values for every field of that type as constants. But what if you want to pass a variable? Once again the UI allows you to specify a variable for that complex type parameter. But how to make this variable in SSIS?I understand it should have the type of Object. But how to specify what the runtime type of this object is? And how to assign all fields to that object?
I need a little help here and appreciate any insight into this issue.
I am building an SSIS package that retrieves data from a database to use in a web service task. So let me give you a little more broad overview of the package so you can understand how this is supposed to roll. A database is queried and those values are dumped into a recordset. A foreach loop uses each row of variables to call the web service and dump the returned values to another database. The first database holds a bunch of fields, but the four fields of interest are: a StartDate (DateTime), a StartFormat (single char), an EndDate (DateTime) and an EndFormat (single char). The output from the query of the first database is the input in the signature of a web service's .Load method. Sounds easy, right? Sure, why not?
Well I dragged the Web Service Task on to the pane and took a look inside. Lo and behold, I can hardcode the variables in for the web service or I can assign the inputs to package variables. How fancy, thanks Microsoft!
But that's where the difficulty begins. The method call for the web service looks like this: service.Load(string, int, GTTimestamp1, GTTimestamp2). The web service is expecting a string, an int, and two objects of the type GTTimestamp, which is a very simple class defined as this:
In the input pane for the Web Service, when I click in the value of the two GTTimestamps like I'm going to hardcode them in, another window pops up saying "Enter the values for complex type -in4" and the pane looks exactly like the previous pane with one very important exception: There is not place to check to assign the value from a package variable!!! Dang you Microsoft!!! I don't really understand why they would leave us out to dry on this... Oh, well, maybe they'll take care of it later...Time to work around it.
SSIS does allow you to create a variable of type System.Object, so after playing with the Web Service for a few minutes and giving up on that, I decided to create a script task that is supposed to create two GTTimestamp objects and assign them to two object variables in the package for passing to the WebService Task. The first challenge was to get the web service to play nice with the script. For those who have never done this, use a command prompt and the wsdl.exe to generate a .vb or .cs file to add to your script file using the right click, add existing item...
Once the file was accessable to my scripts, I created two GTTimestamp objects and assigned them to the Package variables of type System.Object. Running the package, I got this error:
"Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.WebserviceTaskException: Could not execute the Web method. The error is: Type 'ScriptTask_8c868490237b4220b582bdc7c7a3ecae.GTTimestamp' in assembly 'VBAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.
Not marked as serializable, huh. Okay, so I made the GTTimestamp serializable by adding the <Serializable()> before the class declaration. Then the error changed to:
The error is: Type is not resolved for member 'ScriptTask_8c868490237b4220b582bdc7c7a3ecae.GTTimestamp,VBAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
And here I am, at a loss for what to do from this point. I'm a little lost, so I thought I'd stop and ask for directions. I'm sure I'm not the first to want to use complex variable types.
Only two options at this point. One is to try and store the GTTimestamp in the database and see if SSIS can deal with that. I'm not sure how to store objects in a database or if that is even an option for me, but it came to mind so it made it into this post. The other is to get this to work through the script above that I have run into a wall.
Again, any help is appreciated. Thanks for your time.
In my ssis 2012 package, I have a 'object' type variable with some table like records. I want to do some SQL operations like insert/update on the records in another table based on this 'Object' type variable records. Basically I want to use a MERGE statement with another physical table with the records in the 'Object' type to map/use the Object type variable in Execute sql task.I am not good in script task. How to utilize this Object variable in a Execute sql task? Â
Microsoft says it is possible but I just do not see how. Here is the link to the help file where it said that variables could be pass as input to web methods...I do not see the check box they mention on my IDE.
I am using a sql task to get all tablenames and then passing the output to another sql task inside a for each container.
So that the 2nd sql task will be executed for each table. My query looks like SELECT DISTINCT b.EmailAddress FROMÂ ? ......
Since I am passing the tablename as a variable (output from the 1st sql task), I get the following error:
[Task Execute SQL] Error:
Failed to execute the query 'SELECT DISTINCT b.EmailAddress FROM? AS a INNER... ':' Failed to extract
the result in a variable of type (DBTYPE_I4)'. Possible causes include the following: Problems with the query, not properly fixed ResultSet property, not properly set parameters or not properly established connection.
public Sub Main()     Dim url, destination As String     destination = Dts.Variables("report_destination").Value.ToString + "" + "Report_" + Format(Now, "yyyyMMdd") + ".xls"     url = "http://localhost/ReportServer?/ssis_resport_execution/ssis_ssrs_report&rs:Command=Render&ProductID=" + Dts.Variables("ProductID").Value.ToString + "&user_id" + Dts.Variables("user_id").Value.ToString + "&rs:Format=EXCEL"     SaveFile(url, destination)     Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success   End Sub
How to pass more than one variable values in ssis as parameter values to ssrs. With the above code its showing as empty.If i am taking single variable i am able to render the data into  excel sheet.
I have an SSIS package that creates a csv file based on a execute sql task.
The sql is incredibly simple select singlecolumn from table.
In the properties of the execute sql task I specify the result set as "full result set" when I run it I get the error that: Error:
The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::CSVoutput" differs from the current variable type.
Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
If I change the resultset to single row then I only get the first row from the DB (same if I choose none), If I choose XML then I get the error that the result is not xml. What resultset type do I need to choose in order to get all the rows into the CSV? The variable I am populating is of type string and is User::CSVoutput
So I have a Web Service that works just fine when I enter the parameter values myself. I get results and can parse it out, storing the results into a table. I even have it working in a "For Each Loop" for one of my variables.  The issue I have is that the Web Service accepts 3 variables, the first being an Array.  How can I populate the array variable for web service?
I am using SSIS 2012 to dynamically backup stored procedures on a list of Servers and Databases.Here are the steps in my package,
1. Execute SQL Task: Captures a result set (configured to save the data set in an Object variable) with all the Servers and Databases on which stored procedures exist.
2. For each loop that is configured to get each each row(server name @[User::Server_Name] and databases name @[User::DataBase_Name]) from the object variable (@[User::Connection_Strings])and pass it to a connection manager that has an expression for servername and database name.
2a) Â Within the for each loop, i have an execute process task that is configured as
 i) Executable:  C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe  ii) Arguments:  Configured this to fetch value from an expression. The expression i am using is,'C:batch - CopyPowerShell Scripts to Backup Stored ProceduresScriptOutSPs.ps1' -$Server_Name "+ @[User::Server_Name]+ " -$Database_Name "+ @[User::DataBase_Name]        Note:  @[User::Server_Name] is the Servername from object variable and so is @[User::DataBase_Name] for database name . The execute task is to run a command line that triggers a powershell script with parameters. Here is the powershell script that i am using,
When i execute the script, by passing parameters from arguments, it executes successfully but nothing happens. Passing wrong arguments in the expression?
As part of my package, i require a date (Only date, not DateTime) which is 10 months previous to get date.Eg: for today if the package executes, then i want 12/1/2014 , which i will use in my package as a filter like 'where date='?' where ? is a paramter which is is derived from the above logic
So, I have a project parameter @ppdate with value as  -10. I create a variable with DateTime (because there is NO date type for SSIS) and gives the expression as below
dateadd("Month",@ppdate, DATEADD("D",-(DAY(GETDATE()))+1,GETDATE())) , I am getting '7/1/2011 11:33:38 AM' which i don't want - i want only '12/1/2014'. How can i get it?
To get '12/01/2014', Â If i change the variable from DateTime to string, then i think i cant use the value in the filter condition like ''where date='?' because this does not accept string. Is this correct?
I have an Execute SQL Task that saves the results in a variable such as, RecCounts.
I have a Send Mail Task with a message source of: [User::RecCounts]
However, when I run the package I get this error.
Error: Failed to lock variable "[User::RecCounts]" for read access with error 0xC0010001 "The variable cannot be found.
This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the Variables collection on a container during execution of the package, and the variable is not there. The variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created.".
The SSIS Package deletes the current week's data, reloads it with fresh data, then calculates the difference between the current week and last week.
The problem is that randomly, instead of deleting the current week, it will delete the previous week. This happens maybe 5-10% of the time. At least it does until I rebuild the package and import it into SQL Server again.
I'm guessing that the Execute SQL Task is not updating the value of the Week variable before it executes. I started with the source type being a variable. Then I decided to try Direct input and pass in the Week as a parameter (OLE DB Connection Type). That didn't work either.
Most recently I tried writing the Week variable to a table first, then having a sequence container with all the tasks second. Slightly better but I still saw the date was wrong 2 times in about 90 executions. I was hoping that writing the Week variable out to the database would force an update of any associated connections to it, but that didn't seem to work.
I have a object variable named "UserList" which gets populated through execute sql task - stored procedure.I wish to concatenate all the values in "UserList" using ssis script task - in lang vb.Output should be like (User1,User2,User3,....)
In my current project i have a requirement to assign value of an aggregate transform to a variable. But i need to accomplish it without using a script task.
I have a SQL Task that updates running totals on a record inserted using a Data Flow Task. The package runs without error, but the actual row does not calculate the running totals. I suspect that the inserted record is not committed until the package completes and the SQL Task is seeing the previous record as the current. Here is the code in the SQL Task:
I've not been successful in passing a SSIS global variable to a declared parameter, but is it possible to do this:
I have almost 50 references to these parameters in the query so a substitution would be helpful.
I am trying to make a call to a third-party web service in my SSIS package. The request has custom complex data type as the parameter. As has been pointed out in this forum before, the Web Service Task only lets you assign the outside parameter from a variable, not the internal parameters needed to create the complex data type.
To be more specific, the web service input wants a 'ContactSearchRequest' parameter. I can assign this from a variable. If I click on the 'value' field under the 'Input' section for the web service task, it shows me that the 'ContactSearchRequest' data type is made up of the following:
contactId - long numResults - int offset - int passKey - string searchParam - string sortType - int
Unfortunately, I can't assign these internal parameters from a variable, at least not through the web service task interface.
My next thought was to create a variable of type 'object' and then set it in a script task prior to calling the web service task. However, I'm not sure exactly how to do this. How will my script know about the class definition of 'ContactSearchRequest'? Do I just create a class called 'ContactSearchRequest'?
I've used this same web service in a .NET C# project and after I imported the web service, visual studio knew all about the custom data types. How do I do something similar in SSIS?
Of course, the easiest solution would for Integration Service to allow me to set those internal parameters via variables, but we're apparently not there yet.
Need a guidance on consuming the WCF service with complex type in the SSIS package. I have a WCF service with complex type inside the complex type (Nested complex type) in the web method as an argument. When I try to use this WCF service in the SSIS web service task, I get an error "The web method has unsupported arguments".
I am able to consume the WCF service with the web method having Complex type and simple/prmitive type in side that as argument.
For example:
The web method in WCF service which accepts the argument as comlex type say "Employee" whose structure is:
Employee { FName String; LName String; Age int }
It is possible to consume this WCF service and pass the arguments.
But when the Employee complex type is changed to have one more complex type in side it it give the above mentioned error. The Employee type is modified as:
Employee { FName String; LName String; Age String Type EmployeeType; }
EmployeeType { type string; }
Now I get the error Web Method has unsupported arguments.
I have created a File System task which is contained in a Foreach Loop Container. I have .bak files that are populating a directory from a maintenance backup plan.
There is a point where I need to delete the .bak file's after I've zipped them all up.
How do I set the SourceVariable to read through the directory and pick up just the .bak file's in the directory to delete.
Hi all, I'm working with Execute SQL task. Connection type: OLE DB. With the following settings, the task works fine:
Parameter mapping:
Code Snippet
Variable Name Direction Data type Parameter Name User::InputFile Input NVARCHAR 0 User::DesiredOutput Input NVARCHAR 1 SQLStatement:
Code Snippet
exec [spu_CreateOutput] ?, ?
However, I want to put in some conditions so I modified the task as:
Parameter mapping:
Code Snippet
Variable Name Direction Data type Parameter Name User::OutputFile Input NVARCHAR 0 User::InputFile Input NVARCHAR 1 User::DesiredOutput Input NVARCHAR 2
Code Snippet
if(? <> 'NotUsed') Begin exec [spu_CreateOutput] ?, ? End
But the modification doesn't work. The following message was thrown:
Error: 0xC002F210 at CREATE OUTPUT, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "if(? <> 'NotUsed') Begin exec [spu_CreateOutput] ?, ? End " failed with the following error: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. Task failed: CREATE OUTPUT
Can anyone tell me what I have been wrong with it? It seems that parameter mapping can only apply for a single select statement/function/procedure call :-?
I am trying to exectue SQL task as below by passing a parameter
If I try....
@v1 datetime
set @v1 = convert(datetime, ? ,103)
it fails with below error
" failed with the following error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
however the below code works well
delete from t1 where last_update = convert(datetime, ? ,103)
I am creating SSIS package which using Execute SQL Task to which I am supplying one .sql file code is
delete from Test where ID = @ID
I defined @ID variable to SSIS and also path where .sql file placed but i am not able to execute this package i am getting error like can not find C:@Path file......
As i got information that passing such variable to .sql you need connection so I changed SQLSERVER Database connection string to .... after that when i set hard core value for these variable i.e for @ID and @Path then it runs sccessfully but by setting parameter i am getting above error
I'm using SSIS in Visual Studio 2012. My Execute SQL Task calls a Stored Procedure where I have a TRY-CATCH. Last week there was a problem and the CATCH was executed and logged an error to my error table, but for some reason the Execute SQL Task didn't fail. Is there a setting to make the Execute SQL Task fail when an SP encounters a failure?
I've encountered a new problem with an SSIS Pkg where I have a seq. of Execute SQL tasks. My question are:
1) In the First Execute SQL Task, I want to store a single row result of @@identity type into a User Variable User::LoadID of What type. ( I tried using DBNull Type or Object type which works, not with any other type, it but I can't proceed to step 2 )
2) Now I want to use this User::LoadID as input parameter of What type for the next task (I tried using Numeric, Long, DB_Numeric, Decimal, Double none of there work).
In short, does the €œTransfer SQL Server Objects Task€? support distributed transactions?
In trying to use a €œTransfer SQL Server Objects Task€? in a container using a transaction on the container. The task is set to support the transaction. It is setup to copy table data from several tables from a non-domain server (sql server 2000) to a domain-based server (sql server 2005). I get an error stating, €œThis task can not participate in a transaction€?.
I am wondering if it means exactly what it says €“ this task in SSIS can€™t participate at all. Or does it mean that it won€™t in this scenario for some reason. I attempted a simple copy of data from mssql 2005 to mssql 2005 (same server) and the task still failed). MSDTC appears to be running properly on my machine and such (I can do a simple distributed transaction across linked server to the 2000 server in Query Analyzer (QA)). Also, MSDTC appears to be working on both servers with distributed transaction query tests in QA.
Here€™s the error info€¦
SSIS package "Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4001100A at Copy BusinessContacts Data: Starting distributed transaction for this container. Error: 0xC002F319 at Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1, Transfer SQL Server Objects Task: This task can not participate in a transaction. Task failed: Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1 Information: 0x4001100C at Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1: Aborting the current distributed transaction. Information: 0x4001100C at Copy BusinessContacts Data: Aborting the current distributed transaction. SSIS package "Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx" finished: Failure. The program '[4700] Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I create a native web service (Soap) on a third party vendor product that is integrated with Net Framework 2.0 I create a client for this in VS 2000. It works fine [Client can access the web service]
Now I go and create a SSIS Package with a web service task and try to hook up to the same web service. The package fails. Why?
I'm calling the SSIS  packages through SQL agent job. The packages have variables defined with default values.The parent packages have no package configuration. The child packages have package configuration of ‘Parent Package variable’ type The variables are being passed from the job. The job calls the parent package which loops though the child packages. I would like to know how the variables traverse through the packages and the jobs?
Another doubt not related to above. I am unable to make any changes to the connections. Whatever changes I make it is getting reverted to the original if I click elsewhere. So as a workaround I view the code in XML and change.
I am trying to read a flat file that contains a number like 256395 for example. I want to store this as a variable then pass it onto a stored procedure to run then saves the results to a flat file.
I have following job script. I need to make file connection and db connection passing in job as parameter.
where in following script is should pass it.
if i am passing here but when i change path it still getting old path in package.what i needs to change in package.also how to make connection dynamic so in each env when we deploy it will automatically change. We have sql job script for each env.
I have create packages which loads the data from flat file to sql server table, now I want to make my destination table connection dynamic what is format of connection string. I also need to pass user name and password for sql server dynamically in this case, what is the format for the connection string.
Also  in package i used  as source for  *.mdb files how i can set the commection to .mdb files dynamically which is used as source in my package.