We are building a dataload application where parameters are store in a table. And there are multiple packages for each load.There is a column IsChecked column if it is 1 then only the child package should execute.Created a master package. In which i have taken execute SQL task in that storing a results in variable and based on the result the child package should execute. But In executesql task i selected result set as full result set. I am getting the below error.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "SELECT isnull(ID ,0) AS ID FROM DataLoadParameter..." failed with the following error: "The type of the value (DBNull) being assigned to variable "User::LoadValue" differs from the current variable type (Int32). Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I have a delimited text file with 650+ columns. The sum of the column lengths of a single row, if fully populated, exceeds 30K bytes. The "killer" fields lengthwise are the "Description" fields. If they were removed from the input file, the remainig columns would occupy about 5000 bytes, which is within SQL max row length.
Can SSIS be used to created these two tables? (one without description fields, the other with those field but arranged vertically in the table rows).
The fundamental issue is I can not import a single file row into a sql table because that row length could exceed the max byte count for a row.
TABLE_NAME DESC CODE tab1 table1 A tab1 table1 B tab1 table1 C tab2 table2 D tab2 table2 E tab2 table2 G...
First column values are table names which are already exists in target database. Next two columns[Desc],[Code] data gets populate from CSV file to table.
In this scenario, how to load tab1 data into the same table in destination and so on.
Which way will be more standard to accomplish this task? If its a script task using C#, looking for clear script to identify a value changes in the first column.
how to declare multiple derived columns in SSIS Derived Column Task in one attempt.as i have around 150 columns coming from Flat file. I had created the required Expression in Excel and now i want add those in derived column task but its allowing only 1 expression at a time.
I was to split each record into multiple columns. The problem is some records need to be split into only 1 column, others may need to be split into more. Also need to remove the "/"'s. This is all dependent on where a "/" is found. Been beating my head for a while and getting nowhere.
create table #foo (myPK int, c1 nvarchar(425)) insert into #foo values (1,'/folder1') insert into #foo values (2,'/lvl1/folder2') insert into #foo values (3,'/folder1/lvl2/folder3') insert into #foo values (4,'/f1/folder2/lvl3/fldr4')
I'm trying to write a conditional split where I want to bring in only records where the date is less than today, but my problem is that I can't simply do this Column < GetDate() because if something comes in today, it takes the time into account and it will bring that record for today. You can do this in SQL, but I'm not sure how to do that in SSIS
i am creating ssis packages with condition split . condition is SUBSTRING(EnglishProductName,1,1) == "A". pacakge is successfully executived but data is not move to condition split transformer to oldeb destinations. it not showing any error.
I have a table that I am using in a package to create an extract from. In that table is an address field called "Street" that is 255 characters in length. My table also has 3 additional fields called address_1, address_2 and address_3 that are each 50 characters in length because that is the requirement for my extract. I need to split the address field up in such a way that if it is longer than 50 characters, it backs up to the first space in the address prior to character #50, puts that info in street1, then from that cut off point used in street1, puts the next 50 up to the prior blank space in street2, then the remainder in street3. Where the extract will be used only has three 50 character fields so if the data runs more than 150 characters, the street3 data will just have to be truncated. No way around that, but I don't anticipate any address getting close to that long. Although doing such a split would be much easier using SQL, the solution requirement is that it be done in the package, not using SQL to do so.
I'm assuming I need to use a "derived column transformation" in my data flow. But, I can't figure out how to do what I need to do with a derived column transformation.
Example of info in an address: 123 Chicamauga Avenue South, Across the Street from International Center Square, Apartment Number 17650 Tokiwa-machi Machida
position 1-50: 123 Chicamauga Avenue South, Across the Street fro
Therefore, Street1 would need to get: 123 Chicamauga Avenue South, Across the Street
I am importing the values for field Atype from a .csv file as DT_STR, 13 and I need to fit them into a bit type CType field.
When I write the conditional split ((ISNULL(Atype)?"a":Atype)!=(ISNULL(CType)?"9":CType)) it says that the DT_WSTR and DT_I4 types are incompatible and that I need to explicitly cast with a cast operator. I haven't been able to make it work, how to explicitly cast?
I have a requirement where in i have around 15 different flat files , filenames are fixed but folder path can be changed(i think i should use a variable for folder path). These 15 files data should go to their respective tables in the database.
Whether I need to create separate data flow task for each file or separate package? In addition to these, example : while importing product data into product table, if product ID already exists, we need to ignore it and upload only the new records.
I have two records in the source with information ID, RevisionID, Description, Region
There are two lookup files one with ID,Description amd other with ID, Region
I wish to update my two source records with performing lookup with these two files.To get the correct description and region data. How to do this in ssis DFT.
I have one ssis package moving the data from staging to destination. In stating table we have the duplicate data. But in destination table 4 columns have primary key. How to handle the duplicate records in oldedb source.
What's the best way to write key values of records processed in my SSIS 2012 package to the log provider chosen?My SSIS package deactivates widgets as well as thingies. It was just released into production this week, runs daily, and we'd like to keep a close eye on what it's doing for a couple of weeks, by that I mean on any day be able to quickly see which thingies and widgets were deactivated that morning. It typically deactivates less than 5 widgets and thingies per day.
We could dig through the database to see which were deactivated, but that only works if somebody hasn't manually reactivated it since it was deactivated. We need a log. This is a temporary watch we're doing, so we don't want to write to a table or make make any significant package changes, such as adding new tasks.It seems like writing the 5-or-so deactivated thingy and widget key values to the log is the best way to watch this package. What's the most efficient way to do this? I'm hoping to avoid a new loop and script component with "Dts.Log" calls, but I don't know any other way.
I have an SSIS package that is creating an Excel worksheet and writing data to it. It works fine when i run it inside Visual Studio. But when it runs as a scheduled job it writes the header and no data. I turned on logging and the log even says it is writing the 10,456 rows that it should be.
But they are not showing up in the Excel document. The job is setup as 32 bit and writing to Excel 97-2003. The job ends normally and does not generate any type of messages that are out of the ordinary. This is running on SQL Server 2008r2.
I am in middle of my transformation where I have to assign records equally among 3 different groups. I can do that in SQL using NTILE() Over() function. How do I do that in SSIS package. I have applied different business rules during transformation to get unique records and now I have to assign those records to 3 group in and generate excel report.Basically, I will need to have another column which will have those group numbers.
I have a transformation where final result set give me 25 rows of data. Now before I put into destination table, I need to add another column which will show how many total records we have. Like.
My dataset:
A 20 abc B 24 mnp c 44 apq
Now I need to add another column within my transformation before I store the result set to destination like this:
A 20 abc 3 b 24 mnp 3 c 44 apq 3
Here. new column gives count of total rows in our dataset which was 3.
How can I achieve this? Can I use derive column to this?
I am trying to load a simple Excel file into a Database table and the SSIS Package is not loading any records beyond 3233 records. I am just surprised. I tried using the "IMEX=1" mentioned in some of the online resources but it didn't work. I am using an Excel Source, a Data Conversion Transformation and an OLEDB Destination in my package in SQL Server 2014 (which is pretty simple and straightforward).The Excel file I am trying to load can be found here.
And, here is my table structure.
CREATE TABLE [gov].[loan_limits]( [FIPS_State_Code] [varchar](3) NOT NULL, [FIPS_County_Code] [varchar](3) NOT NULL, [County_Name] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [State] [varchar](2) NOT NULL, [CBSA_Number] [varchar](6) NOT NULL,
I have a stored proc that is returning the results I need for output to .txt file.
Is there a way in SSIS to commit 50K (or whatever number) row batches at a time or should I just handle this in the stored proc?
select * into #TempTable from SomeTable [WHILE LOOP] --throttle commit batches of 50K rowcount select * from #TempTable [END LOOP] drop table #TempTable
But If I'm doing this in SSIS, I can't drop the #temp table otherwise I have nothing to output right?
I need to do something like this in SSIS:From one SQL table I need to get some id values, I am using a simple sql query:Select ID from Identifier where value is not null.I've got this result:As a final result I need to generate and set a variable in SSIS with the final value:
@var = '198','120','ACP','120','PQU'
Which I need to use later in a odbc expression.How can I do this in SSIS?
I have an SSIS package in VS 2010 that uses flat files to load database tables. I would like to check for the flat files existing before continuing to run the package. The flat files each have their own connection manager. I was wondering if I could use the connection managers to determine the file names instead of creating a Script Task and hard-coding each of the file names to check.
we have a table with xml column. This column has a large xml data . I am trying to use ssis to import xml from sql column (table a) to destination (another table).
steps which i did in ssis:
1. execute sql task:
fetch the xml column by query and store "full result set" into an object variable.
2. foreach loop:
select Ado enumerator option and select variable which has reset set of execute sql task. In variable mapping selected a new variable of type string.
when I run package I get below error:
"Error: ForEach Variable Mapping number 1 to variable "User::variable" cannot be applied".
I have multiple excel Files each has one sheet (With same column names) need to be loaded in a single table. I tried For each loop but couldn't succeed.
As I am new to SSIS. How to configure For each loop container for this...
I have created an SSIS package which processes daily financial information to a sql server database. These processes are to be outputted to excel spreadsheets to a readable report format for management to review. Some of these reports are laid out in a way that is not just tabular output but requires customized placement of data on an excel spreadsheet to specific cells.
I am able to place an initial resultset of a query output from the database in a tabular excel template through SSIS but the issue is at the end of that placement in the spreadsheet I am required to place another output below that tabular output in a different format from the initial output which I have shown below.
I need to export multiple tables from a database to multiple csv files (one for each table).
Rather than use SSIS and have multiple OLEDB sources and destinations (one for each table), is there a way to have a generic package that will export all the tables in the database ?
One way I can see is to use BCP in a loop - with the loop powered by a select statement that links to something like sys.tables etc, (or another table that i prepped with just the tables I want if I dont want them all).
i.e I would use a stored procedure that uses BCP (called via XPcmdShell) - so not via SSIS - although I could wrap up the whole thing in SSIS - but there is no realy need.
I work in the healthcare area, and am handling the survey data ETL's. There are around 8 different survey areas and based on information received from them for the visit they reference, I want to pull in more info from our invoicing database. My idea is this:
1.) Pull in the flat file to an ODBC staging table 2.) Cache all invoice records that fall between the MIN(Date of Service) and MAX(Date of Service) from the staging table. 3.) First lookup the information needed on patientID, providerID, date of service, and billing location. 4.) For the surveys that didn't match on those 4 columns, try looking up based on patientID, date of service, and billing location (since I could be 99% sure this would still return the record I need). 5.) For the remaining surveys, lookup based just on patientID and date of service. These records will be flagged for manual review because clearly, if a patient has multiple appointments in the same day, this will be prone to error.
However, in trying to use only 3 of the columns in the lookup, I get the error saying basically that I need to utilize all 4. Is there a way around this, or is there an entirely different way I should be approaching this? The reason I thought cache transform was the answer is because I will need to run a different package for each lookup, as the data and logic between each survey will vary, but the invoice data "pool" will stay the same regardless.