Now I'm trying to implement logic to check if excel file is opened or not if open send out email in Script task. Using c#
I'm using this one but it's not working fine. always give me file is opened
public void Main()        {            Boolean FileLocked = true;                // Check if the file isn't locked by an other process                   try
Using SSIS 2012 (within Visual Studio) on Windows 7.
Before allowing my Data Flow task to fire, I'd like to check the target table (OLE DB Destination) for a specific date value in a specific field. I've seen how the Lookup Task is commonly used to check for dupes before inserting, but I'm not able to use that method because the data value I want to search the table for is contained in a Global Variable (let's say "MyVariableDate").Â
Is there any way to check for any records in a target table where Date1 = MyVariableDate (i.e. scanning the entire table for any occurrence of MyVariableDate in the Date1 field)?
I have huge data and i am loading data from EXCEL to database table, after loading 80 percent data i am getting some error. My package got failed and it has lots of transformation and took around 6 hours to process completely because of that i don't want it to reload from start. if i run it again it should start from next record from where i got the error.
I'm copying files to a folder with the naming convention as follows in the source folder:
In the destination folder, this filename needs to appear as:
In my File System Task, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need an expression with a replace, substring, etc. But am having a hard time nailing down the exact syntax.
I have created a File System task which is contained in a Foreach Loop Container. I have .bak files that are populating a directory from a maintenance backup plan.
There is a point where I need to delete the .bak file's after I've zipped them all up.
How do I set the SourceVariable to read through the directory and pick up just the .bak file's in the directory to delete.
Executing the FTP Task - The execution starts and after 3 or more minuts the execution stops with the RED X but with no errors, and the file is not transferred.I use the same entries to the FTP connection manager as it is for the Dreamweaver...The variable that I created for file in the site is FileName1 and the site directory tree is The local path is And The File Transfer is filled up like this: After the Execution stops I get..And the file was not transfered..Also, when I try to Specify the Variable Expretion.
I would like to store the file properties like (title, created by , created time, modified time) and load in to a audit table along with file name. I know how to design this process inside a foreach lookup with script task and execute sql task.
I'm trying to achieve this by editing my existing code which captures the most recent file based on its file properties.Â
public void Main() { // TODO: Add your code here var directory = new DirectoryInfo(Dts.Variables["User::Csv_Source"].Value.ToString()); FileInfo[] files = directory.GetFiles("*.csv"); DateTime lastModified = DateTime.MinValue;
I have 2 source folder .I have created variable for both source folder like below
User::Source1 and User::Source2 and 1 destination folder variable like below User::Destination
Now I have to search a file from both source folder which consist of *location_*.xml string in file name.I have to use C# Script task ,achieve above scenario as I required it on very urgent basis.
I want to open a excel file in script task and assigned the wraptext to one of the column. In the below code the final variable gives the path of the excel file. But i got the error at
Error: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC): Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbooks.Open(String Filename, Object UpdateLinks, Object ReadOnly, Object Format, Object Password, Object WriteResPassword, Object IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended, Object Origin, Object Delimiter, Object Editable, Object Notify, Object Converter, Object AddToMru, Object Local,
I am attempting to get this script provided by Microsoft to work to no avail. Specifically, when I set the variable FFNonDataRows to 1 (in order to accommodate for the header row), the variable is not being set to False as expected. I don't know enough about C# to understand why this script isn't working. How to get this script to work in this manner?
I have an SSIS package doing a bulk insert from a file. Then later on I'm trying to delete that file (in a file delete task), but I'm getting an error:[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "The process cannot access the file 'xyz' because it is being used by another process.".I'm wondering if there isn't some way to 'tweak' the bulk insert syntax so that it doesn't lock the file?
I have a Data Flow Task within a ForEach loop container.  The source of the flow is ADO.NET connection and the destination is a Flat File Connection.  I loop through a collection of strings in the ForEach loop.  Based on the string content, I write some data to the same destination file in each iteration overwriting the previous version. I am running into following Errors:
[Flat File Destination [38]] Warning: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. [Flat File Destination [38]] Error: Cannot open the datafile "Example.csv". [SSIS.Pipeline] Error: Flat File Destination failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020200E.
I know what's happening but I don't know how to fix it. Â The first time through the ForEach loop, the destination file is updated. Â The second time is when this error pops up. Â I think it's because the first iteration is not closing the destination file. How do I force a close of the file within Data Flow task or through a subsequent Script Task.This works within a SQL 2008 package on one server but not within SQL 2012 package on a different server.
I've a dataflow task on For Each Loop container at control flow of SSIS package. This For Each Loop container reads the CSV files from the specified location one by one, and populates a variable with current file name. Note, the tables where I would like to push the data from each CSV file are also having the same names as CSV file names.On the dataflow task, I've Flat File component as a source, this component uses the above variable to read the data of a particular file.
Now, here my question comes, how can I move the data to destination, SQL table, using the same variable name?I've tried to setup the OLE DB destination component dynamically but it executes well only for first time. It does not change the mappings as per the columns of the second CSV file. There're around 50 CSV files, each has different set off columns in it. These files needs to be migrated to SQL tables using the optimum way.
Which is the best way to setup the Dataflow task for this requirement?Also, I cannot use Bulk insert task here as we would like to keep a log of corrupted rows.
I have an SSIS script task using c#. i need to refere an .xsd dataset in the c# code. i tried to set property below.Build action to Content or Compile Copy to output directory Copy always But still i m unable to use the dataset in my code.
In our package we have a script task that renames the files in the server (Windows 2003) where the package is deployed.
When we execute the project from the development environment(IDE), then it works fine and doesn't give any error.
However, when we deploy the package after configuring the Configuration file properly, then it throws up a "Script Task Failed" error and the the package execution fails.
We checked all the variable values from the development environment in the current package. The child variables take the variable values from the parent package and the configuration file.
It works fine, which implies that there is no problem with the script (This same script was working perfectly earlier - We have made NO changes to the script task.)
Another issue is that we are not able to debug the script task even if we put breakpoints in the script. The control flow simply doesn't stop at the breakpoints.
I am using SSIS 2008 tool for developing ETL package. I get below error whenever I click on script task editor.Cannot show Visual Studio 2008 Tools for Applications editor. (Microsoft Visual Studio).
I have been strunggling to find solution to convert XLSX files with multiple sheets to csv file.
Requirements >>Â Convert XLSX file with multiple sheets to CSV file >>Â CSV file names : XLSX filename + '_' + sheet name >>Â scirpt has to be in VB as i am using ssis 2005 >> I started develping scirpt using . this dll is referenced to script task. >> found web link as useful.. [URL] ....
I attempted to use Move Directory to move the contents of one directory to another.  I encountered the 'different volume' issue that others have experienced.  While this error is frustrating I can work past this particular issue. My more pressing question is why is the move directory command overwriting a destination directory?   When I setup the Move directory file task I provided two vars to hold src and dest location:
dest var:Â estserveroutput src var: devserverdev estfiles Set overwrite destination = TRUE
Why would Move Directory overwrite output folder at destination? Â Shouldn't it only overwrite if the testfiles directory exists at destination? Â This is very frustrating since I cannot find enough information in the official documentation to understand what is happening here. Â
Is it just me or does the documentation for Move directory seem.....incomplete?
I have a package in which there are only one Data flow Task and it has only three components. 1) Source , which is a SQL db 2) destination and 3) OLE DB Destination flat file Error output file.  I want the error file to be created ONLY if there is any error while dumping the data into destination DB. But , the issue is, the error flat file is being created inspite of No error while dumping the  data from Source to Destination.
I'm trying to put together an SSIS package that will look in one directory for 2 distinctly named .csv files. The files will then be loaded into 2 tables.Â
The first task I execute is a SQL Task that checks to see if the tables I'm loading the data into are empty. If the tables have data, the package stops executing. If they are empty, the package continues to execute.
What is the best way to send an email out from SSIS if the package stops on the first step?Â
Is there anyway to  send excel file from ssis using send mail task without saving the excel file locally. I need to automate the process which involves loading the excel file from the database and send it to some people.Â
We have a 2014 SQL Server. I have a SSIS package written in VS 2008 where I am simply importing an .xlsx into an existing table via a mapped drive. I have it working on my development machine using the 2007 Access 32 bit driver from [URL]..... Our DBA is trying to schedule the package to execute on a schedule job on the 2014 server and we received an error. He installed the 32 bit driver and still getting the error. I set the package to run in 32 bit and we are still getting the error.
Date                     10/30/2015 2:51:18 PM Log                        Job History (BD_ISS_Websites_New1) Step ID                1 Server                  ETSSQL2014DEV Job Name                           BD_ISS_Websites_New1 Step Name                        ISSWebsite Duration                             00:00:01
while working on deployment to production server of an SSIS project, I have noticed that development priject has "disappeared" from my development machine which, obviously, was not my intention, at all. I now get the error prompt saying this:
what am I suppose to do in order to RESTORE it on devel machine like it used to be?
I'm using SSIS in Visual Studio 2012. My Execute SQL Task calls a Stored Procedure where I have a TRY-CATCH. Last week there was a problem and the CATCH was executed and logged an error to my error table, but for some reason the Execute SQL Task didn't fail. Is there a setting to make the Execute SQL Task fail when an SP encounters a failure?
In short, does the €œTransfer SQL Server Objects Task€? support distributed transactions?
In trying to use a €œTransfer SQL Server Objects Task€? in a container using a transaction on the container. The task is set to support the transaction. It is setup to copy table data from several tables from a non-domain server (sql server 2000) to a domain-based server (sql server 2005). I get an error stating, €œThis task can not participate in a transaction€?.
I am wondering if it means exactly what it says €“ this task in SSIS can€™t participate at all. Or does it mean that it won€™t in this scenario for some reason. I attempted a simple copy of data from mssql 2005 to mssql 2005 (same server) and the task still failed). MSDTC appears to be running properly on my machine and such (I can do a simple distributed transaction across linked server to the 2000 server in Query Analyzer (QA)). Also, MSDTC appears to be working on both servers with distributed transaction query tests in QA.
Here€™s the error info€¦
SSIS package "Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4001100A at Copy BusinessContacts Data: Starting distributed transaction for this container. Error: 0xC002F319 at Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1, Transfer SQL Server Objects Task: This task can not participate in a transaction. Task failed: Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1 Information: 0x4001100C at Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1: Aborting the current distributed transaction. Information: 0x4001100C at Copy BusinessContacts Data: Aborting the current distributed transaction. SSIS package "Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx" finished: Failure. The program '[4700] Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I have trying to execute the Sendmail task in my development envinorment i face this error..I have given the clear details error message below,Please have a look.
[Send Mail Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Failure sending mail.  System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server  System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions ".Alternatively  i use the  SMTP connection to create the subscription as well,its working properly.
Here we are accessing SMTP connection manager as Virtually.Here in my client network we are using Macafee Anti virus ,We have excluded the Rsconfigration file in the excluded list.I dont know why this problem occures again using Sendmailtask in ssis?
I have Simple package with DFT Â with Source and Destination ,check point is enabled to the package
I Have 100000 rows from source , while  5000 rows  transferring and committed in destination i lost the connection and leading to failure of the packageÂ
what will happen after second time running the package .
I've been working on an SSIS package trying to load some data and the archive sequence is faulty. I've been trying to load a few tables created in a previous sequence into a local archive file and I've been getting the error "Could not find a part of the path."
The results aren't telling me what it's finding last and so I don't know where to start.
And the source DOES have data in it. It's something between the source and the destination.
I have an SSIS package in VS 2010 that uses flat files to load database tables. I would like to check for the flat files existing before continuing to run the package. The flat files each have their own connection manager. I was wondering if I could use the connection managers to determine the file names instead of creating a Script Task and hard-coding each of the file names to check.