Integration Services :: Setting Delay Validation Property To True In SSIS?
May 19, 2015
I have a main package calling another package through the Execute Package task.
The main package is passing the Job Instance id as a parameter to the other package.
When i execute the Execute Package task the concerned package is not showing any execution progress.However when i set the Delay validation Property to True , I saw that the package executed instantly and the desired result was obtained.
I am not sure how the Delay Validation property worked for the cause , as in my package I had no scenario of a temp table being called or any other temporary variables being used which needed a Delay Validation.
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Oct 5, 2015
Im newto SSIS. I want to develop package for data validation.
1. Mandatory field checking: if Null, reject the record
2. If field length > 50, then reject the record
1. If field length > 12, then reject the record
2. If SSN is not in valid format, issue warning and process rhe record without SSN value.
3. Valid format: 9 digit numeric values should present after striping off all non-numeric characters.
4. Only send 9 digits to MDM
Like these i have 30 rules. And I have to shop the error msg if the validation fails like "Mandatory feild is missing".
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Oct 2, 2015
I am working with SQL Server 2012. I have deployed a SSIS project that has 2 packages in it. The package connection manager (Test) uses an expression to evaluate one of the Project parameter value (TestConnectionString) to set its ConnectionString property.
This works fine in a Dev environment. However when deployed to UAT, it keeps failing with the error:
PackageExport:Error: The result of the expression
"@[$Project::TestConnectionString]" on property
[ConnectionString]" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the
I can not seem to find what the issue could be. I have come across [URL] .... where it says: "If the package contains project parameters, the package execution may fail." but offers no solution.
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Jun 16, 2015
I've built an SSIS package in SSDT 2014. The package was running successfully
When I close and open the package it hangs on validation of single task out of all.
I have tried several times to close the SSDT and open but facing same issue.
These seems like bugs in SSIS/SSDT. What would cause the relocation of some script code to hang the validation process like this?
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Aug 26, 2015
I can set the propperty of the checkpoint file to a local drive, but not to a UNC path mapping, mapping to my host server. (loop back)
Example: "I:FILEFILE1$InputArchiveOntwikkel " is possible as checkpoint file property.
S11487O$InputArchiveOntwikkel is not possible, though this is the same folder on the local host.
For data source both unc path and drive mapping are allowed. Why this difference?
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Jul 23, 2015
Where do you set an SSIS EvaluateAsExpression property of the variable to TRUE?
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May 11, 2015
I need to do something like this in SSIS:From one SQL table I need to get some id values, I am using a simple sql query:Select ID from Identifier where value is not null.I've got this result:As a final result I need to generate and set a variable in SSIS with the final value:
= '198','120','ACP','120','PQU'
Which I need to use later in a odbc expression.How can I do this in SSIS?
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May 26, 2015
I have an SSIS package created on SQL Server 2005. I have moved this to a SQL Server 2008 R2 server and amended the package on this new server to point at the correct databases.
The package runs manually. However, I cannot see the package when trying to schedule a job. The dropdown list does not contain the package.
I imported the package by right clicking on MSDB and selecting the package from the file system. The package then appears under this folder (SQL Server Integration Services). I then create the SQL job but cannot see the package I just created.
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May 8, 2015
I have a Problem with my destinations. I have a split condition with two ways the flow can use.
In this case: all and Date.
All and Date can be set by using a variable. Its working good.
When a user fills the variable with a date value (cast to string) the conditional split executes the correct flow with all the needed rows... The same time the all flow will be executed with 0 rows. In the end the destionation file for the all values will be overwritten with nothing. The same on the other hand when a user fills the variable with the all value, the date file is empty. What can i do to make sure that the files are not empty?
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Jul 10, 2015
I have a pretty easy data load and design of my package flow is like this : Excel -> Stage -> operational_table. So now everything is working fine and the operational table will be called for front end applications. So far so good.
Everything is truncate and load operation. Yesterday, my stage to operational table load failed because of truncation happened for a column. Is there any way I can validate for errors and if at all there are any errors I wont truncate my operational table. I'm thinking of this way .. If
max(len(stage.column)) > COL_LENGTH('operational table','[column]')
stop truncating operational table.. Is there any other better way or just above works fine?
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Aug 26, 2015
I have a package that works fine locally but doesn't work when I deploy it to the server (and reset the connection strings to the local DB and AS instances that are running on the same server)It's not the usual permissions issue; I'm getting something about the SQL Browser not running (it is) and named instances. But my SSAS instance is the default unnamed instance?
The error message is "errors in the oledb provider. could not connect to the redirector. ensure the sql browser is running on the "." server" then another error with "error while retrieving name instance information".I've tried referencing the ssas server using its ip, ., hostname but the package craps out in a few sec
I've verified that the SSAS server is running and i can connect to it using ssms/tableau/excel etc.I've tried changing the service account of the sql browser to use local system.
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Mar 14, 2006
During dev. I _know_ certain things are invalid. I don't need the validation, it just wastes a lot of time...
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Aug 14, 2015
Out of Memory when working with big XML Files:when validating XSD it process small files but when size close to 1gb it throws .I have 16 xml files out of which 8-10 files size will be around 1gb processing one by one in FOR EACH LOOP container in SSIS[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.".Task XSD Validation failed.
system configuration :
processor:Intel(R) Xeon (R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @2.50GhZ 2.50 Hz
Installed memory (RAM): 61 GB
System type: 64 -Bit operating System
Visual studio:2012,32 bit
virtual memory : 12499 MB
whether the size of the XML Document a limitation for the validation task ? or any system configuration i need to improve?
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May 15, 2015
I am having a sql query task to fetch a maximun number. Example output : 102. After that I have a for each container to return files from a particular location. Files in the location are for example KAS.JN.101, KAS.JN:102, KAS.JN.103, KAS.JN.104. I want to lpop over only the files which have the ending greater than the maximum number returned from the sql query. In this case, the for each container must only loop over 103, 104. Chow to pass this condition to the container ?
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Sep 29, 2015
I have developed an SSIS package which extracts and creates 5 flat files and finally using Process Extraction task zip the folder. On my Dev environment everything is working fine but when I am moving to SIT and UAT, not able to set up jobs dynamically by importing XMLConfig file.I created variables and assigned values but still it doesnt take.Below are varaibles I created for flat file destination, Arguments and Working Directory (for zipping)On UAT when I go to SQLAgentJobs to set, import .dtsx file, XML config file....the new values doesnt appear. why ?DataSource is taking always dev location....why ? How can I set it up to take dynamic values what I mentioned in config file ?
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Nov 19, 2007
I want to pass a single char to a query and use that to set two flags.
@ID int,
@AssessedID int,
@CompetencyID int,
@Status char,
@Creator int
UPDATE P4_Assessment
SET P4_Cancelled_f = (@Status = ('C')),
P4_Competent_f = (@Status = ('P')),
P4_Date = getdate(),
P4_Creator = @Creator
I want to set the P4_Cancelled_f to true (if @Status = 'C') or false if it doesn't.
This sort of syntax is fine in C#, but fails in a query. I also tried using IN (@Status IN ('C'))
Is this sort of logic possible in TSQL or should I use two parameters and set them in my code as 1 or 0?
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May 29, 2008
Can you fire a warning / error validation immediately after a value is entered (user clicks away / clicks different property) in a component property without having to press ok button or switch tabs.
Have tried to call validate in setcomponentproperty but only takes effect when press ok button / switch tabs.
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May 28, 2008
I have set a validation error when changing a property in the advanced editor. Unfortunately this validation error is only displayed when you change tabs or press the ok button in the editor.
I have tried calling the validate method within the setcomponentproperty method but the error only show up when ok button is pressed or tab in editor.
I don't want to throw an exception, is there any way you can show a validation error immediately once the user has clicked away / entered / clicked to another property field after entering a property value in the advanced editor that is incorrect.
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Oct 9, 2015
I want to achieve the following in (SSIS/SSDT for SQL 2012) -
I have a generic SSIS package which simply sends out email notifications using SMTP email task (this package is within its own project, and has project level input parameters).
I need to be able to call this package in the Event handler section of every package (numbering in about less than 60) that we have. These packages are within their own respective projects.
I thought I could use the "execute package task", but it turns out , using this, I cannot call a package that is part of some other project. I also cannot call a package that is stored in the CATALOG. Is there any way I can do this ?
When I call the child package , I should be able to send in parameters like - error information and package name of the Parent package.
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Jul 25, 2007
I want to insert datas from a txt-file into a sql-table.
Therefor i would use a xml-file for the structure!
How can i refer this xml-file to a measurement insertion task?
Tanks for your help and sorry for my bad english :rolleyes:
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Oct 23, 2015
I want to use UDF in SSIS where function accept 4 parameter value and return 1 value.
How can i achieve that. I need workflow.
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Apr 30, 2015
How to achieve the below condition in ssis
if person_id is like '123%' or '124%'
then details='xyz'
else details='yxz'
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Oct 20, 2015
if there is any way to accurately size a single server using SSIS. The server will be a virtual machine. The data being loaded will be approximately 200 MB per load with loading to a 150 GB database on a separate server.
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Aug 31, 2015
I have scheduled SSIS package through Sql Agent and when I right click on job start job as step package runs successfully but when I schedule job it dosent run.
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Nov 14, 2007
Can anyone help regarding the SQL server integration Services(SSIS), ETL
We have requirement like this:
We have Live Database( LIVE_DB ) and Reports Database (REP_DB)
I want to trasfer the few tables data from LIVE_DB into the REP_DB for end of the day using SSIS
If any new records are added, updated or deleted in LIVE_DB, these should reflect in the REP_DB, Our requirement is not to delete the old data, we should append or delete or insert the new transaction data in REP_DB.
Thanks in advance, if anyone help me in resolving this issue.
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Apr 20, 2015
I have a maintenance plan which consist db full backup and log backup ( in two subplans), I execute both on SQL agent, and both failed.The DB Log Backup : DB FULL BACKUP LOG:
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Oct 8, 2007
I am using SSRS where I came across one text box what I want from it is..its string is "Employee Name" but I want that in format like "Employee Name"
What property i need to set for TextDecoration
Please help me
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Feb 1, 2007
How can I set the provider-specific property? Please let me know whether my code is correct.
For example, I want set provider-specific property set DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDATASOURCE for memory based bulk copy operation. //Initialize the COM library.
//Obtain access to the SQL Native Client OLE DB provider.
hr = CoCreateInstance(...);
InitProperties[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE;
... InitProperties[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_CATALOG;
InitProperties[2].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_AUTH_INTEGRATED;
InitProperties[3].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_AUTH_PASSWORD;
rgInitPropSet[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_DBINIT;
rgInitPropSet[0].cProperties = 4;
rgInitPropSet[0].rgProperties = InitProperties;
hr = pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties,
(void **)&pIDBProperties);
hr = pIDBProperties->SetProperties(1, rgInitPropSet); pIDBProperties->Initialize();
// set provider-specific property
DbPropFL[0].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL;
DbPropFL[0].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE;
DbPropFL[0].colid = DB_NULLID; DbPropSetFL[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDATASOURCE;
DbPropSetFL[0].cProperties = 1;
DbPropSetFL[0].rgProperties = DbPropFL; IDBProperties* pIDBPropertiesFL = NULL;
hr = pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties,(void **)&pIDBPropertiesFL);
hr = pIDBPropertiesFL->SetProperties(1, DbPropSetFL);
hr = pIDBPropertiesFL->Release();************************************************************
and,in SQL Server 2005 BOL,it mentioned
(ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v9/MS.SQLSVR.v9.ko/dataacc9/html/6e14fefc-4e0b-4847-a833-4cf0abe65d50.htm)Description: To bulk copy,
With this property set on the data source,
the newly created session allows consumer access
to the IRowsetFastLoad interface.If the property is set to VARIANT_FALSE,
IRowsetFastLoad interface is available through
IOpenRowset::OpenRowset by requesting the
IID_IRowsetFastLoad interface
or by setting SSPROP_IRowsetFastLoad to VARIANT_TRUE.Are there any one who provide a sample of above red-mark's not blues?
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May 19, 2008
I'm selectively migrating a load of data from one database to another and would like to be able to get & set a table fields Description property (as seen on the Design window under Column Properties) programmatically. I'm having a spot of bother in actually finding how to do it - anyone know?
P.S. Just thought I'd mention - I do know about sp_addextendedproperty, and while I will use that if I have to, it would be nice to be able to use the existing column property Description so that when editing, the user can see the value.
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Jun 7, 2007
I have researched this extensively and have seen a few similar posts on this site, and on the rest of the Internet, but have found nothing which solves my problem. This is absolutely crippling my productivity at work and I would greatly appreciate any advice anyone can suggest.
I have several packages which I need to run at quite regular intervals, and initially they worked absolutely perfectly. They ran quickly and efficiently. As time has passed though, seemingly at random, the pre execute phase of some of these has started to take unreasonable amounts of time. There have been times where I have left it on overnight and found the pre execute phase still at 0% the next morning. This is for queries which shouldn't take more than about 15 minutes to run.
However, seemingly at random, every so often one of the packages works absolutely perfectly. For example this afternoon one of these packages completed in 7 minutes, whereas this morning I had left it pre executing for 2.5 hours until I got tired of it and hit the stop button.
What affects the pre-execute phase and what sort of thing would cause this kind of behaviour? I work for a pretty large charity and I have had most of the IT team look into this at some point, and none of them can see any server activity which would explain it.
As an example of a package I am running which displays this behaviour, all that happens is an SQL statement runs, writes the results to a csv file and then emails me to say that it's finished. This is the SQL it uses:
REConstituentID as ID,
convert(varchar(10),DeceasedTickedDate,103) as dDate,
coalesce(Title1,'') as Title,
coalesce(FirstName,'') as FirstName,
coalesce(HomePhone,'') as Phone,
coalesce(convert(varchar(10),DeceasedDate,103),'') as DeceasedDate,
select min(Date) from dbo.WH_ConstituentAttributes ca where ca.ConstituentID = WH_Constituent.ID and Type = 'Death Notification Date' and (left(Value,8) not in ('Experian', 'Ebiquita') or Value is null)
select top 1 date from dbo.WH_Action where ConstituentID = WH_Constituent.ID and type = 'DM Remark' and ID in (select ActionID from dbo.WH_ActionAttribute where value = 'Deceased notification') order by date asc
'') as 'Date Notified of Death',
when exists (select top 1 null from dbo.WH_ConstituentAttributes ca where ca.ConstituentID = WH_Constituent.ID and Type = 'Death Notification Date' and Value = 'Golden Charter: Funeral Plan Confirmed')
then 1
when exists (select top 1 null from dbo.WH_Action where ConstituentID = WH_Constituent.ID and Category = 'Phone Call' and type = 'DM Remark' and ID in (select ActionID from dbo.WH_ActionAttribute where value = 'Deceased notification'))
then 3
else 5
end as 'Notification Method Code'
Deceased = 'Yes'
and AddressLine1 is not null
and PostCode is not null
and Country = 'United Kingdom'
and DeceasedTickedDate >= {d '2006-09-20'}
and not (
exists (
select top 1 null
from dbo.WH_ConstituentAttributes ca
ca.ConstituentID = WH_Constituent.ID
and Type = 'Death Notification Date'
and left(Value,8) in ('Experian', 'Ebiquita')
and not exists (
select top 1 null
from dbo.WH_ConstituentAttributes ca
ca.ConstituentID = WH_Constituent.ID
and Type = 'Death Notification Date'
and coalesce(left(Value,8),'') not in ('Experian', 'Ebiquita')
and not exists (
select top 1 null
from dbo.WH_Action
ConstituentID = WH_Constituent.ID
and type = 'DM Remark'
and ID in (
select ActionID
from dbo.WH_ActionAttribute
where value = 'Deceased notification'
There are no lookups, fuzzy groupings or anything else even slightly complicated.
Any help would be great!!!
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Jun 17, 2015
I have a ssis package with an oledb connection using windows authentication. i want to understand when i promote this package to the server and add it to a job, then a user login to the server with sql server authentication and run this job. Which/what windows authentication this package gonna to use to connect to the server ?
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Oct 7, 2015
converting seconds to HH:MM:SS using SSIS. I know how to do it in T-SQL.
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Jun 8, 2015
I have installed VS community edition 2013 on a widows 7 PC. When I try to create a ssis package the ssis tool bar comes up empty.It just says "loading" on the panel .
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