Integration Services :: Tracking SSIS ETL Process?

Apr 29, 2015

I have a ETL ( SSIS ) Process in which i am loading around 150 tables in each run. ( Truncate and Insert ). I have four packages each from different sources. ( Each package loads different tables and different numbers )These are run on weekly basis one after the other. Each package is taking around 60 to 90 minutes each. Now i want to track the progress of the ETL on my front End application. 

We want this in two ways. 

First Way : I need to show the user how much percent of ETL Process is completed 

Second Way : I need to show the No of tables completed and how many rows have been completed in the ongoing table ( which is in process )

how to design the table and ssis process.

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Integration Services :: Using SSIS Execute Process Task To Do Robocopy

May 12, 2015

I am trying to do robocopy of files from one server to another using SSIS package in order to automate and schedule the task.

So, int the Execute Process task editor I put the following

Executable: C:WindowsSystem32Robocopy.exe
Arguments: robocopy SourceServerNameE$BackupTestSource DestinationServerNameE$BackupTestDest
TestSource and TestDest are folder names,

And I want all the files in the source folder to be copied to the destination folder.

I am getting this error when I execute the task: The process exit code was "16" while the expected was "0"

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Integration Services :: Pass Parameters To SSIS Execute Process Task?

Nov 3, 2015

Got a powershell script to split a large XML file to split in smaller chunks. I have Execute ProcessTask in SSIS with: 

Executable: %windir%system32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe

argument: -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -command ". 'C:WorkspacesSplitToytPMFile.ps1'"

I need to pass File Name as parameter to the PS script. I tried using the StandardInputVariable but it doesn't work. 

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Integration Services :: SSIS Execute Process Task Executable Not Found

Jul 10, 2015

I have an execute process task set up to run ftp.exe and a script argument.  The ftp.exe is referenced in the executable field without a qualified path.  The package just seems to know it's there relatively.  I need to change this to run a secured ftp executable that I recently installed on my pc.  I put the new executable in the WindowsSystem32 folder where the old ftp.exe is stored.  But when I put the new executable in the executable field, it says the 'File/Process "FTPS.exe" is not in path'.  I get the same error when I fully qualify the path.  Is there something I need to do with the new executable for SSIS to pick it up without having to fully qualify the path?

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Integration Services :: Execute Process Task / Passing In Variables From SSIS To Powershell Script

May 15, 2015

I am using SSIS 2012 to dynamically backup stored procedures on a list of Servers and Databases.Here are the steps in my package,

1. Execute SQL Task: Captures a result set (configured to save the data set in an Object variable) with all the Servers and Databases on which stored procedures exist.

2. For each loop that is configured to get each each row(server name @[User::Server_Name] and databases name @[User::DataBase_Name]) from the object variable (@[User::Connection_Strings])and pass it to a connection manager that has an expression for servername
and database name.

2a)  Within the for each loop, i have an execute process task that is configured as

 i) Executable:  C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe
 ii) Arguments:  Configured this to fetch value from an expression. The expression i am using is,'C:batch - CopyPowerShell Scripts to Backup Stored ProceduresScriptOutSPs.ps1' -$Server_Name "+ @[User::Server_Name]+ " -$Database_Name "+ @[User::DataBase_Name]
Note:  @[User::Server_Name] is the Servername from object variable and so is @[User::DataBase_Name] for database name . The execute task is to run a command line that triggers a powershell script with parameters. Here is the powershell script that i am using,

$Server = $Server_Name
$Database = $Database_Name
$savePath = "SalesDepartmentsData ScienceUsersSANDEEP PStoredProcedures_Backup"


When i execute the script, by passing parameters from arguments, it executes successfully but nothing happens. Passing wrong arguments in the expression?

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Integration Services :: How To Process SSAS 2012 Cube With SSIS 2014 And Script Task

Nov 11, 2015

Now I have a different constellation: Integration Services run on one server, in version 2014, the Analysis Services instance to process the cube database on runs on another server, version 2012.I tried several different combinations of SSIS version and Analysis Management Objects version, and got several errors while running the process package (e.g. object reference not set to an instance of an object, cannot find AnalyisServices.dll..)

Is this combination 2014/2012 possible at all?I assume the BIDS version has to be for SQL Server 2014, as I want to run SSIS packages on a 2014 server, is that correct? Does it matter at all, can I also deploy 2012 packages?Which version of Analysis Management Objects do I have to use? I assumed I have to use version 11.0 here, because I want to process a 2012 cube?If it is possible to use the "old" 11.0 version of AMO, do I have to do anything so that it can be found by the SSIS package running on the server (it was built on my local computer, there I have all SQL Server versions from 2005 to 2014 installed in parallel), or do I just have to copy it to the appropriate SQL Server folder?

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Integration Services :: Automate Process Using SSIS To Create Tables In Corresponding Database And Load Data

Oct 6, 2015

We are using SQL Server 2014 and SSDT-BI 2013. We have a reporting environment where business users create objects which need to be persisted for fiscal year reporting. Let's say for instance SQLSERVER1SRVR1 they create table objects like below in the reporting environment.

Accounting2014, Accounting2015 in AccountingDB; 
Sales2014, Sales2015 in SalesDB; 
Products2014, Products2015 in ProductsDB; 
Inventory2014, Inventory2015 in InventoryDB etc....

These tables are persisted for auditing in a different environment SQLSERVER2SRVR2 for finance & audit folks.We would want to automate this process using SSIS to create tables in corresponding database and load data. I tried using For Each Loop container but the catch is I could loop the source or destination but how do we loop on Source & Destination at the same time (i.e when source is in AccountingDB destination to be AccountingDB, source SalesDB then destination SalesDB so on etc....

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Integration Services :: Dataload Process - Error Capturing Process

Aug 20, 2014

I'm pulling data from Oracle db and load into MS-SQL 2008.For my data type checks during the data load process, what are options to ensure that the data being processed wouldn't fail. such that I can verify first in-hand with the target type of data and then if its valid format load it into destination table else mark it with error flag and push into errors table... All this at the row level.One way I can think of is to load into a staging table then get the source & destination table -column data types, compare them and proceed.

should I just try loading the data directly and if it fails try trouble shooting(which could be a difficult task as I wouldn't know what caused error...)

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Integration Services :: Automate Process Of Creating A Project On SSISDB Based On SSIS Project Name?

Apr 20, 2015

I've got an SSIS solution file with project deployment model in VS 2013 and would like to deploy that to SSISDB on different environments.All these days I followed the regular way to create a project in SSISDB and deploy it to that. Now want to find out if i can automate this process and so got some questions 

1. Can we automate the process of creating a project on SSISDB based on our SSIS project name?  This will be like when we do a deployment it should check if the project exists or not on SSISDB based on our SSIS project name, if the project exists we just deploy the packages in the project and if the project does not exists in SSISDB it will create that project and deploy the packages.

2. Can we also automate the process of creating environments? In traditional way we manually create the environment variables under environment tab of SSISDB, but can we make that also as part of deployment? Like when we are releasing to Dev server we look if that particular Dev variable exists on that server, if it exists we just update the existing stuff and if it does not exists we just create it.

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Process Cube Using Integration Services

Sep 11, 2007


I want to process my cube using Process Data and Process Index instead of the Process Full. However, after configuring the 2 Analysis Services Processing Tasks (one for process data and the other for process index) and were executed sequentially (process data first then process index), I got this error:

Errors in the metadata manager. The process type specified for the CASES cube is not valid since it is not processed

Have I done the right thing?

The reason why I prefer using the Process Data and then Process Index, it's because it is much faster than the latter.


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Integration Services :: Process Data In-memory From A Script

May 11, 2015

I have worked in other ETL tools. So, i am trying to figure out how to do thefile decryption and process the data in memory using SSIS.I am using SSIS on Azure VM and my source files are on Azure storage. The files are encrypted and we are trying to use Phython script to decrypt the files and pass it to SSIS. I found out that Execute Process task can call the Phython script. However, i would like to get the decrypted data from the file and pass it to the next task (control flow) in SSIS without saving it as a file (in-memory). I found that execute process task output can be stored as a Standard Output Variable  or to an object. Will this work or do I need to follow any other methods (since we need the entire file to be sent for additional processing).

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Integration Services :: Execute Process Task Failing

Dec 1, 2015

I have an SSIS package which calls a command line app.When run in BIDS, it executes normally. The command line app is passed the arguments, does what it needs to do.When called as a SQL Agent Job (by the agent, or by me) it fails when calling the app, giving an exit code of 2 (which is an exception trapped by a try-catch). The SQL Agent service is running under my user (it's a test environment). The argument passed (from the log) is valid, and I've run it against the app, it provides the appropriate output.I can't for the life of me figure out what's going wrong.The app is passed an argument of a path and a password, and applies the password to the file, using interop.

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Integration Services :: Unzip Files Using Execute Process Task

Jul 6, 2015

while i am trying to unzip files using execute process task ,getting below error

[Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "C:Program Files7-Zip7z.exe" "a -tzip D:unzipfileexcel.xls" at "", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".

Warning: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED.  The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

i want to know more about unzip and zip files and folders using execute process task.

zip folder:  C:Program Files7-Zip7z.exe
SQL version: SQL server 2008 R2

do not having win rar so please instruct using 7z.its quite interest to work but i don't know to get desired result.

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Integration Services :: Error Running A Fuzzy Grouping Process

May 26, 2015

I have a table that I need to identify similarities so I'm running a Fuzzy Grouping Process. I'm getting the follow errors and I can't identify the problema since all the fields are varchar, except for the first that is int but not use in the fuzzy.

, orgname
, address1
, cityname
, statename
, countryname
from [sales].[vw_Fact_VolumeSales] a
inner join [GMOFBI].[dbo].[vw_Dim_MSS_Organization] b
on a.EndCustomerOrganizationKey=b.MSSOrganizationKey


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Integration Services :: SSAS Process Task - Change Settings Box Not Visible?

May 17, 2015

I just converted several SSIS packages from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2012. The packages having issues are those that are SSAS process cube tasks.

When editing the tasks in SSDT for SQL 2008, there is "Change Settings" button/option. In SSDT 2012, there is no Change Settings option!

What happened to it? Even when creating new packages, this option is not available.

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Integration Services :: Illegal Characters In Command Line On Execute Process Task Editor

Aug 26, 2015

I'm trying to execute a simple VBS file from the Executable command line in the Execute Process Task Editor.

My line is this : cscript.exe "c:convertcsvssisXlsToCsv.vbs"

SSIS keeps saying there are illegal characters here.  I've Googled and looked about 20 articles and I can't resolve it.

I have a ForEach that loops through Excel files and changes them to CSV files using code i found. This script takes an original Excel file and transfers it to a new CSV file in a new directory.

So in DOS at the CMD line I would type : XlsTocsv.vbs originalfile.xls newfile.csv

I have the original file and new file in the Arguments line so I'm assuming that after the script executes it will look at the filepaths in the loop and loop through them so I want it do to this when it runs:

XlsTocsv.vbs [User::@ExcelFile] [User::@CSVFile]

I just can't get it to execute and I keep getting illegal characters.  

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Integration Services :: Executing Child SSIS Package In Parent SSIS

Oct 9, 2015

I want to achieve the following in (SSIS/SSDT for SQL 2012) - 

I have a generic SSIS package which simply sends out email notifications using SMTP email task (this package is within its own project, and has project level input parameters).

I need to be able to call this package in the Event handler section of every package (numbering in about less than 60) that we have. These packages are within their own respective projects.

I thought I could use the "execute package task", but it turns out , using this, I cannot call a package that is part of some other project. I also cannot call a package that is stored in the CATALOG. Is there any way I can do this ?

When I call the child package , I should be able to send in parameters like - error information and package name of the Parent package.

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Integration Services (SSIS)

Jul 25, 2007


I want to insert datas from a txt-file into a sql-table.
Therefor i would use a xml-file for the structure!

How can i refer this xml-file to a measurement insertion task?

Tanks for your help and sorry for my bad english :rolleyes:

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Integration Services :: How To Use UDF In SSIS

Oct 23, 2015

I want to use UDF in SSIS where function accept 4 parameter value and return 1 value.

How can i achieve that. I need workflow.

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Integration Services :: If Condition In SSIS

Apr 30, 2015

How to achieve the below condition in ssis

if person_id  is like '123%' or '124%'
then details='xyz'
else details='yxz'

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Integration Services :: SSIS CPU And RAM Sizing

Oct 20, 2015

if there is any way to accurately size a single server using SSIS.  The server will be a virtual machine.  The data being loaded will be approximately 200 MB per load with loading to a 150 GB database on a separate server.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Job Schedule

Aug 31, 2015

I have scheduled SSIS package through Sql Agent and when I right click on job start job as step package runs successfully but when I schedule job it dosent run.

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SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS)

Nov 14, 2007

Can anyone help regarding the SQL server integration Services(SSIS), ETL
We have requirement like this:
We have Live Database( LIVE_DB ) and Reports Database (REP_DB)
I want to trasfer the few tables data from LIVE_DB into the REP_DB for end of the day using SSIS
If any new records are added, updated or deleted in LIVE_DB, these should reflect in the REP_DB, Our requirement is not to delete the old data, we should append or delete or insert the new transaction data in REP_DB.

Thanks in advance, if anyone help me in resolving this issue.


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Integration Services :: SSIS Failed At Last

Apr 20, 2015

I have a maintenance plan which consist db full backup and log backup ( in two subplans), I execute both on SQL agent, and both failed.The DB Log Backup : DB FULL BACKUP LOG:

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Integration Services :: Use Windows Authentication In SSIS

Jun 17, 2015

I have a ssis package with an oledb connection using windows authentication. i want to understand when i promote this package to the server and add it to a job, then a user login to the server with sql server authentication and run this job. Which/what  windows authentication this package gonna to use to connect to the server ?

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Integration Services :: Convert Seconds To HH:MM:SS Using SSIS

Oct 7, 2015

converting seconds to HH:MM:SS using SSIS.  I know how to do it in T-SQL.

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Integration Services :: SSIS ToolBar Empty

Jun 8, 2015

I have installed VS community edition 2013 on a widows 7 PC. When I try to create a ssis package the ssis tool bar comes up empty.It just says "loading" on the panel .

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Integration Services :: How To Design SSIS Package

Nov 21, 2015

Win 7 SP1 x64 PC. I installed SQL Server 2014 Dev Edition + Visual Studio 2015.

I'd like to create some basic ETL SSIS packages, and I worked very comfortably in 2008R2.

For 2014, I started with this tutorial:[URL]However, it says to go to Start->All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server->SQL Server Data Tools. 

I did explicitly install SSDT when I installed VS2015.  I also installed it separately.  I see SSDT listed in Programs, and SSIS is running according to SQL Server Config Manager, and Services.  Half of Microsoft's docs seem to be 2012 era, which is a shame because 2014 is out and it's nearly 2016...

how do I get to the GUI where I can design ETL packages? 

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Integration Services :: Using SSIS To Populate Excel

Sep 25, 2015

We'll be using 2014 enterprise to populate some excel spreadsheets.  We may not have the option of using ssrs so here is the question.

The excel spreadsheets have some pretty fancy heading structures, multiple tabs and in a few cases graphs that i'm sure are dependent on data sitting somewhere in the spreadsheet.  The heading have variable info in them (eg FYxx where xx is a parameterized fiscal year, month names etc).  Sometimes those headings have sub headings (with variable info) and so on.

Generally speaking how (if at all) do folks deal with this kind of excel challenge when limited to using ssis? I don't know if templates are going to be a good idea. I don't know if i'll be looking at a fair amount of c# etc code behind the scenes. I can be more specific depending on the feedback.

This is part of a conversion from 2 of the larger BI and statistical tools out there to the MS sql stack.  Obviously with some shortcuts that we may wish we didn't take.  

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Integration Services :: Export XML Column In SSIS?

Apr 19, 2015

 we have a table with xml column. This column has a large xml data . I am trying to use ssis to import xml from sql column (table a) to destination (another table).

steps which i did in ssis:

1.  execute sql task:

    fetch the xml column by query and store "full result set" into an object variable.

2. foreach loop:

select Ado enumerator option and select variable which has reset set of execute sql task. In variable mapping selected a new variable of type string.

when I run package I get below error:

"Error: ForEach Variable Mapping number 1 to variable "User::variable" cannot be applied".

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Integration Services :: Updating Database From SSIS?

Jun 23, 2015

Have Visual Studio 2008 R2 with SP 2 installed.  Due to a merger we now have a MySQL database that we need to update from SSIS.  Everything works except for the table insert or update. Would upgrading to SP 3 or SP 4 maybe useful with that? 

We have installed the latest driver from MySQL.  Have tried the ADO.Net and ODBC drivers with similar results when we try to update the database.

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Integration Services :: Data Validation In SSIS

Oct 5, 2015

Im newto SSIS. I want to develop package for data validation.


1. Mandatory   field checking: if Null, reject the record
 2. If field length > 50, then reject the record


1.   If field length > 12, then reject the record
2. If SSN is not in valid format, issue warning and process rhe record   without SSN value.
3. Valid format: 9 digit numeric values should present after striping off   all non-numeric characters.
4. Only send 9 digits to MDM

Like these i have 30 rules. And I have to shop the error msg if the validation fails like "Mandatory feild is missing".

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Integration Services :: Derived Column In SSIS

Jul 15, 2015

How to use derived columns in SSIS

string to datetime

Input value : (string)




Note : Having null or blank value

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