Integration Services :: Export Column Transform Says File Names Are Invalid Or A Device
Apr 29, 2015
We run std 2008 r2. I'm looking at the files this transform is complaining about. They seem to be named appropriately. The customerid folders don't exist when this runs. I'm going to put one in place to see if that is the problem.
The errors i'm getting are...
[Export Column [22]] Error: The file name "c:usersmyuserid heprojectnamecustomeridafilename.doc" is not valid. The file name is a device or contains invalid characters.
[Export Column [22]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "component "Export Column" (22)" failed because error code 0xC020207F occurred,
and the error row disposition on "input column "FILENAME" (29)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Export Column" (22) failed with error code 0xC0209029
while processing input "Export Column Input" (23). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component,but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
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Aug 11, 2015
As part if a recent requirement I have to export Chinese/Singaporean names in a CSV file. The data in the tables is a NVARCHAR(256).
I am using a FlatFile Connection manager where all the present columns from the table are exported as NVARCHARs. My understanding was that the Chinese/Singaporean names would blend seamlessly with NVARCHARs in place. But, they get garbled when pushed to the CSV.
Here is the connection manager setup
There are a lot of suggestions of fixing this by copying/pasting to a notepad file and changing the formatting... But I cant do that since the file is generated using a schedules SSIS package. How can I tweak the process to fix the issue?
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Nov 17, 2015
I am working on a custom component to implement some rules based on the column name. I am looking for ways to identify the column name using lineage id. Is there anyway we can derive column name using the lineage id?
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May 27, 2015
I need to move specific files from a server to another server on a monthly basis. There are hundreds of files that are in the source directory and I need to move approximately 40 of those to the destination server. I would like to easily add or delete the file list as needed. I have seen where several variables were created for for each file name (and one for the path) and the ForEach Loop would go through them. With 40 or more I was thinking that I could make a connection to an Excel spreadsheet or text file with a record for each file name and read in and and move to the next record and make that value become the content of a "FileName" variable. Then if I wanted to add another file name I could just add another record to spreadsheet/text file or remove and the package would handle automatically....
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Apr 29, 2015
I have multiple excel Files each has one sheet (With same column names) need to be loaded in a single table. I tried For each loop but couldn't succeed.
As I am new to SSIS. How to configure For each loop container for this...
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Apr 19, 2015
we have a table with xml column. This column has a large xml data . I am trying to use ssis to import xml from sql column (table a) to destination (another table).
steps which i did in ssis:
1. execute sql task:
fetch the xml column by query and store "full result set" into an object variable.
2. foreach loop:
select Ado enumerator option and select variable which has reset set of execute sql task. In variable mapping selected a new variable of type string.
when I run package I get below error:
"Error: ForEach Variable Mapping number 1 to variable "User::variable" cannot be applied".
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Sep 8, 2015
I have a flat file which have some record data ex.
id name team
1 "A"my" "Bl"ue"s"
2 "Bob" "Reds"
3 "Chuck" "Blues"
4 "Dick" "Blues"
in above example first record contain invalid data so complete flat file will not import due to one invalid row or record in flat file. so is there any way to check invalid row from flat file and ignore it(write log about invalid record) and process importing flat file.
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Apr 2, 2014
I have a situation where I want to load the Excel file dynamically, and the excel file have different columns or even worksheet name. How I could approach this? I believe there's no way to modify the meta data (specifically the mapping) in the data flow.
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Oct 30, 2015
Problem: I need to export data from a table in a database. I have an SSIS that converts data to this table. To export the data using the SSIS the file needs to be already created (from my understanding). This export location is on another server and the folder location is empty.
Question: How do I create an empty CSV file at this location using either a Script Task, SQL Query, or Space Magic? I have been searching all over for about 4 hours now to no avail.
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Sep 6, 2010
I've a simple lookup transform in SSIS 2008 (R2). I've created it with a full cache and it worked fine. When i switch to partial cache, it will give me this error:
TITLE: Package Validation Error
Package Validation Error
Error at DFT_AdventureWorks [Lookup [411]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
[Code] ....
I've created a OLE source with the following query :
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
And this will flow into the lookup transform and this has the following lookup reference query:
SELECT CustomerID,
FROM Sales.Customer
WHERE CustomerID % 7 <>0
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Aug 18, 2015
How can we delete the column from SSIS file using ssis?
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May 8, 2015
I have a Pivot Transform in SSIS (2005) working perfectly, EXCEPT for that the first column of the output (the date) repeats for each of the following columns, which are themselves falling into the correct column, but not on the same line for a particular date as the others. Snipet of result from Data Viewer is:
dbDate site1 site2
1/1/2015 0:00 0.03 NULL
1/2/2015 0:00 0.04 NULL
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Jan 16, 2013
I work in the healthcare area, and am handling the survey data ETL's. There are around 8 different survey areas and based on information received from them for the visit they reference, I want to pull in more info from our invoicing database. My idea is this:
1.) Pull in the flat file to an ODBC staging table
2.) Cache all invoice records that fall between the MIN(Date of Service) and MAX(Date of Service) from the staging table.
3.) First lookup the information needed on patientID, providerID, date of service, and billing location.
4.) For the surveys that didn't match on those 4 columns, try looking up based on patientID, date of service, and billing location (since I could be 99% sure this would still return the record I need).
5.) For the remaining surveys, lookup based just on patientID and date of service. These records will be flagged for manual review because clearly, if a patient has multiple appointments in the same day, this will be prone to error.
However, in trying to use only 3 of the columns in the lookup, I get the error saying basically that I need to utilize all 4. Is there a way around this, or is there an entirely different way I should be approaching this? The reason I thought cache transform was the answer is because I will need to run a different package for each lookup, as the data and logic between each survey will vary, but the invoice data "pool" will stay the same regardless.
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Jul 16, 2015
Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent
Dim smpid As String
Dim Prdt As String
Dim rcnt As Int64
Using the Vb script above I am expecting to read the first row from a flat file source and transferring the data into two variable using script component.
SQL server 2008.
Script task Custom Properties:
Script Task Input Columns:
I get the following errors one after the other:"The collection of variables locked for read and write access is not available outside of PostExecute." "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
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Jun 2, 2011
In my current project i have a requirement to assign value of an aggregate transform to a variable. But i need to accomplish it without using a script task.
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Jul 2, 2015
I have a flat with few columns
FirstName, lastName, Address
I build my SSIS package based on the above file.But now i receive files with different columns order let say
every time i receive multiple files in different order and i have to remap all my mappings. These are just a few columns and i have like 20 columns and the order can potentially change any time. so every time i have build new packages remap them etc.
through normal c# code it pretty easy. I tried to add script here but the script also needs a source and mapping so there is also a mapping issue. Is there a better way to do this.
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Aug 4, 2015
I am creating one SSIS package where my source is oracle. I have transferred the data from Oracle to flat file as per client requirement.I have to create single package for 2 country 1 is US and another is CANADA Columns are below
Zone Id having data like 10001,10002,10003,20001,2002,2003
Where zone_id start with 1000 is US Zone and Zone_Id start with 2000 is Canada Zone.
For US:
1. Load geography data from DB tables into flat files
2. Load geography data from flat files to Spectrum DB tables
For Canada:
1. Load geography data from DB tables into flat files
2. Load geography data from flat files to Spectrum DB tables
Now I want to look from flat file if Zone_id start with 1000 then it must go to US_DFT and if Zone_id start with 2000 then it must go to CANADA_DFT.
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Jan 3, 2008
Hi all,
I executed the following T-SQL code from a tutorial book and executed it in my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE):
USE Adventureworks
SELECT ShiftID, Name
FROM HumanResources.Shift
SELECT EmployeeID, ShiftID, Name
FROM HumanResources.Employee, HumanResources.Department
WHERE Employee.DepartmentID = Department.DepartmentID
--Compute the number of employees by
--department name and shift
SELECT Name, [1] AS 'Day', [2] AS 'Evening',
[3] AS 'Night'
(SELECT e.EmployeeID, edh.ShiftID, d.Name
FROM HumanResources.Employee e
JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory edh
ON e.EmployeeID = edh.EmployeeID
JOIN HumanResources.Department d
ON edh.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID) st
COUNT (EmployeeID)
( [1], [2], [3])
) AS spvt
--For display in book
SELECT Name, [1] AS 'Day', [2] AS 'Evening',
[3] AS 'Night'
(SELECT e.EmployeeID, edh.ShiftID, CAST(d.Name AS nvarchar(26)) 'Name'
FROM HumanResources.Employee e
JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory edh
ON e.EmployeeID = edh.EmployeeID
JOIN HumanResources.Department d
ON edh.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID) st
COUNT (EmployeeID)
( [1], [2], [3])
) AS spvt
IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.tables WHERE name = 'pvt')
--Create a table that saves the result of a pivot with employee
--names instead of numbers for column values
SELECT VName, [164] 'Mikael Q Sandberg', [198] 'Arvind B Rao',
[223] 'Linda P Meisner', [231] 'Fukiko J Ogisu'
INTO pvt
(SELECT PurchaseOrderID, EmployeeID, v.Name as 'VName'
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader h
JOIN Purchasing.Vendor v
ON h.VendorID = v.VendorID) p
COUNT (PurchaseOrderID)
FOR EmployeeID IN
( [164], [198], [223], [231], [233] )
) pvt
--Show an excerpt FOR VName starting with A
--For display in book
[Mikael Q Sandberg], [Arvind B Rao],
[Linda P Meisner], [Fukiko J Ogisu]
FROM pvt
--VendorID for Advanced Bicycles is 32
--Four PurchaseOrderID column values exist in PurchaseOrderHeader
--with VendorID values of 32 and EmployeeID values of 164
SELECT VendorID, Name FROM Purchasing.Vendor WHERE Name = 'Advanced Bicycles'
SELECT PurchaseOrderID FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader WHERE VendorID = 32 and EmployeeID = 164
--Unpivot values
SELECT TOP 8 VName, Employee, OrdCnt
(SELECT VName, [Mikael Q Sandberg], [Arvind B Rao],
[Linda P Meisner], [Fukiko J Ogisu]
FROM pvt) p
(OrdCnt FOR Employee IN ([Mikael Q Sandberg],
[Arvind B Rao], [Linda P Meisner], [Fukiko J Ogisu])
)AS unpvt
--For display in book
SELECT TOP 8 CAST(VName AS nvarchar(28)) 'VName', CAST(Employee AS nvarchar(18)) 'Employee', OrdCnt
(SELECT VName, [Mikael Q Sandberg], [Arvind B Rao],
[Linda P Meisner], [Fukiko J Ogisu]
FROM pvt) p
(OrdCnt FOR Employee IN
([Mikael Q Sandberg], [Arvind B Rao],
[Linda P Meisner], [Fukiko J Ogisu])
)AS unpvt
--Query to check unpivoted values
FROM pvt
--For display in book
[Mikael Q Sandberg], [Arvind B Rao],
[Linda P Meisner], [Fukiko J Ogisu]
FROM pvt
IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.tables WHERE name = 'pvt')
I got the following error messages and results:
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
Invalid column name 'DepartmentID'.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
Invalid column name 'ShiftID'.
(86 row(s) affected)
(5 row(s) affected)
(5 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
(4 row(s) affected)
(8 row(s) affected)
(8 row(s) affected)
(2 row(s) affected)
(2 row(s) affected)
I do not know why I got these 2 errors and how to correct them. Please help and advise me how to correct the mistakes and obtain the completely printed-out correct results.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Jul 30, 2015
We are using lookup transformation in SSIS 2012. The lookup transformation queries a table with two date columns. When we hover the mouse over the two columns in the 'columns' tab of the lookup transformation editor, the two columns show as DT_WSTR instead of DT_DBDATE. This causes the SSIS package to fail due to data type mismatch.A similar abandoned thread is available at: URL....
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Jun 10, 2015
Import.csv file looks like,
tab1 table1 A
tab1 table1 B
tab1 table1 C
tab2 table2 D
tab2 table2 E
tab2 table2 G...
First column values are table names which are already exists in target database. Next two columns[Desc],[Code] data gets populate from CSV file to table.
In this scenario, how to load tab1 data into the same table in destination and so on.
Which way will be more standard to accomplish this task? If its a script task using C#, looking for clear script to identify a value changes in the first column.
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Jul 15, 2015
I've developed a package that is working well at development machine from VS 2013 for a sample flat file. Also, over development machine, I've deployed it to SSISDB catalogue and even from there also it is running well for the same file.When the same package is deployed to production server's SSISDB catalogue database, it throws following error while processing the same sample flat file, “Unable to retrieve column information from the flat file connection manager”
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Jun 3, 2015
I am using SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2012. I have a very simple SSIS package with a Data Flow task that exports from an OLE DB Source to a tab-delimited unicode Flat File Destination and a Bulk Insert task that loads from the file. Both the Flat File Destination and Bulk Import are using the same code page. The Bulk Insert task is using the wide char format to read from the file. The process works fine with nvarchar and int columns, but when I add a unique identifier column it fails with "type mismatch or invalid character for the specified code page".
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Oct 5, 2015
In my SSIS Package I am loading data from Oracle source to SQL Destination. But while loading I am getting below error.
[OLE_DST_FORECASTSTANDARD [72]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred.
Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80004005
Description: "Invalid character value for cast specification".
[OLE_DST_FORECASTSTANDARD [72]] Error: There was an error with OLE_DST_FORECASTSTANDARD.Inputs[OLE DB Destination Input].Columns[UNITS_NEW] on OLE_DST_FORECASTSTANDARD.Inputs[OLE DB Destination Input].
The column status returned was: "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".
I have attached the table definition of both source as well as destination.
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Aug 28, 2015
how to change measure names in ssas. i need to change it from Total measure to Total GM.
how to change Dimension names in ssas. i need to change it from ID to Master ID.
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Oct 1, 2015
I have a requirement to transform the XML format of the SSRS report while exporting. I tried with some XSLT to implement this, but not getting desried output. Default XML format of my report is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xsi:schemaLocation="Test http://reportserver?%2FTest&rs%3AFormat=XML&rc%3ASchema=True" Name="Test" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="Test">
<Details Country="India" Sales="1000.0000" />
Output Needed (Report Tag is removed and the look and feel should be changed as below):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< Country>"India"</COuntry>
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Nov 30, 2006
Is it possible using derived column transform to change all blank values in a flat file to say a "0"
Basically convert "" to "0"
Thanks for any help,
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Jul 2, 2015
I have OLE DB source which executes SP with 2 parameters and output is flat file. Every time I run I immediately get output below. How do I troubleshoot further what might be causing this?
Information: 0x402090DC at Data Flow Task, Flat File Destination [2]: The processing of file "C:UsersadminDesktopout.csv" has started.
Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source [41]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Invalid character value for cast specification".
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: OLE DB Source failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0x80040E21.
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May 29, 2006
I��m using the ImportExport wizard to export the top 5 lines from a MS Sql table into a fixed format (��ragged�?) file. But I want the first record to contain the column names of the exported fields so I selected the ��Column names in the first data row�? option of the ��Choose a Destination�? box. When I run the Package I get:
� Information 0x402090dc: Data Flow Task: The processing of file "C:arkingdogExportWithheader.txt" has started (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
� Error 0xc0202095: Data Flow Task: Failed to write out column name for column "CustomerID".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Destination - ExportWithheader_txt" (49) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202095.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
When I de-select the ��Column names�? option, the package works fine. Other than manually, how can I et the column names in output file?
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Aug 28, 2015
I have to value [CreateDate] in the data pump of my Flat File Source into my OLE DB Destination SQL Server Table. With a Variable within the SSIS Package or with a Derived Column task within the Data Flow between the Flat File Source and OLE DB Destination?
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Aug 12, 2015
SSIS script task fail with error message-SSIS script task fail error message Error: Cannot load Counter Name data because an invalid index '' was read from the registry.
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May 6, 2015
i am parameterize my DB connection in sql sever 2012,it showing in agent job as parameter.but when i run job it giving me error:
Argument "" for option "parameter" is not valid. The command line parameters are invalid. The step failed.
what i need to do is pass different environment here while deploying to different env.
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Jul 28, 2015
I have a excel file which has a column called "Code" and their values are A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. I want to create a new column called "status" based on the values of "Code".
If A,C,E,G then "status" = "Active" else if B,D,F,H then "Status" = "Inactive". I like to do it using "Derived Column".
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Aug 20, 2015
I have an excel file which contains lots of sheets. Some of them are named as DW-<day>-<month> (for e.g; DW-1-July). Like this I have sheets for the whole month. I have other sheets too with a different name. I would like to import data from these sheets only (DW ones). Upon my research I have found that this can be achieved via For Each Loop Container (I guess!).
Post data import, I have a set of T-SQL query that I plan to execute via Execute SQL Task.
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