Intensively Used Function In View Needs A Minimum And Maximum From A Table
Jul 23, 2005
I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a view.
This function is a function which calculates a integer value of a
date. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This is
very handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is my
My calendar table is limited by a couple of years. What happens is
that sometimes a value is loaded which is not in the range of the
Calendardate. What we want to do is when a date is loaded is that this
function insert a minimum date when date < minimum date and a maximum
date when date > maximum date.
Yes i know you're thinking : This is datamanipulation and yes this is
true. But now we loose information in our cubes and reports by inner
joining. So if we can use a minimum and a maximum than a user would
say: "This is strange, a lot of values on 1980/1/1!" instead of "I
think that i have not all the data!"
Because of an error in google or underlying site i can reply on my ownissue. Therefore i copied the former entered message in this message.-------------------------------------REPY----------------------------------Hi Maybe i wasn't clear. I want to dynamically check whether what thelowest date and the highest date is in the calendar table. Thepresented solutions has fixed dates and i don't want that.If i could store a global variable in SQL server (dynamic properties?)then it would be great. Fill this once and call it multiple times inmy intensively used function. Is this possible?GreetzHennie----------------------------Previously enteredissue-----------------------I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a view.This function is a function which calculates a integer value of adate. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This isvery handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is myproblem.My calendar table is limited by a couple of years. What happens isthat sometimes a value is loaded which is not in the range of theCalendardate. What we want to do is when a date is loaded is that thisfunction insert a minimum date when date < minimum date and a maximumdate when date > maximum date.Yes i know you're thinking : This is datamanipulation and yes this istrue. But now we loose information in our cubes and reports by innerjoining. So if we can use a minimum and a maximum than a user wouldsay: "This is strange, a lot of values on 1980/1/1!" instead of "Ithink that i have not all the data!"GreetzHenniePlaats een reactie op dit berichtBericht 2 van deze discussieVan:John Bell ( Intensively used function in view needs a minimum andmaximum from a tableView this article 03:56:25 PSTHiIf you LEFT or RIGHT JOIN to the calendar table you will get a NULLvaluefor the column, you can then is CASE to determine the valueCREATE FUNCTION ConvertDate (@datevalue datetime)RETURNS INTASBEGINDECLARE @dateint INTSELECT @dateint = CAST( CASE WHEN A.Date < '20030101' THEN '19800101'WHEN A.Date > '20051231' THEN '99991231'ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(4),C.[Year]) + RIGHT('0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),C.[Month]),2) + RIGHT('0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),C.[Day]),2)END AS INT )FROM ( SELECT @datevalue AS [Date] ) ALEFT JOIN CALENDAR C ON C.[Date] = A.[Date]RETURN @dateintENDGOJohn"Hennie de Nooijer" <> wrote in om...[color=blue]>I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a[/color]view.[color=blue]> This function is a function which calculates a integer value of a> date. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This is> very handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is my> problem.>> My calendar table is limited by a couple of years. What happens is> that sometimes a value is loaded which is not in the range of the> Calendardate. What we want to do is when a date is loaded is that this> function insert a minimum date when date < minimum date and a maximum> date when date > maximum date.>> Yes i know you're thinking : This is datamanipulation and yes this is> true. But now we loose information in our cubes and reports by inner> joining. So if we can use a minimum and a maximum than a user would> say: "This is strange, a lot of values on 1980/1/1!" instead of "I> think that i have not all the data!">> Greetz>> Hennie[/color]Plaats een reactie op dit berichtBericht 3 van deze discussieVan:Hugo Kornelis (hugo@pe_NO_rFact.in_SPAM_fo)Onderwerp:Re: Intensively used function in view needs a minimum andmaximum from a tableView this article 15:32:06 PSTOn 30 Dec 2004 02:38:51 -0800, Hennie de Nooijer wrote:[color=blue]>I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a[/color]view.[color=blue]>This function is a function which calculates a integer value of a>date. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This is>very handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is my>problem.[/color](snip)Hi Hennie,Is this conversion all that your function does? If so, you might wanttotry the following alternative (using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as example;replaceit with your date column / parameter):SELECT CAST(CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 112) AS int)You could put this in the UDF (probably at least as fast as yourcurrentCalenmdar-table based function), or use it inline as a replacement tothefunction call (probably even faster).It should work for all dates from Jan 1st 1753 through Dec 31st 9999.Best, Hugo--(Remove _NO_ and _SPAM_ to get my e-mail address)
Create table code ( id identity(1,1) code parentcode internalreference)
There are other columns but I have omitted them for clarity.
The clustered index is on the ID.
There are indexes on the code, parentcode and internalreference columns.
The problem is the table stores a parentcode with an internalreference and around 2000 codes which are children of the parentcode. I realise the table is very badly designed, but the company love orms!!
The table currently holds around 300 millions rows.
The application does the following two queries to find the first internalreference of a code and the last internal refernce of a code:
--Find first internalrefernce SELECT TOP 1 ID, InternalReference FROM code WHERE ParentCode = 'M222' Order By InternalReference
-- Find last ineternalreference SELECT TOP 1 ID, InternalReference FROM code WHERE ParentCode = 'M222' Order By InternalReference DESC
These queries are running for a very long time, only because of the sort. If I run the query without the sort, then they return the results instantly, but obviously this doesn't find the first and last internalreference for a parentCode.
I realize the best way to fix this is to redesign the table, but I cannot do that at this time.
Is there a better way to do this so that two queries which individually run very slowly, can be combined into one that is more efficient?
I have writen a Function which call's the same function it self. I'm getting the error as below.
Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32). Can any one give me a solution for this problem I have attached the function also.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetLegsFor(@IncludeParent bit, @EmployeeID float) RETURNS @retFindReports TABLE (EmployeeID float, Name nvarchar(255), BossID float) AS BEGIN IF (@IncludeParent=1) BEGIN INSERT INTO @retFindReports SELECT MemberId,Name,referredby FROM Amemberinfo WHERE Memberid=@EmployeeID END DECLARE @Report_ID float, @Report_Name nvarchar(255), @Report_BossID float DECLARE RetrieveReports CURSOR STATIC LOCAL FOR SELECT MemberId,Name,referredby FROM Amemberinfo WHERE referredby=@EmployeeID OPEN RetrieveReports FETCH NEXT FROM RetrieveReports INTO @Report_ID, @Report_Name, @Report_BossID WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO @retFindReports SELECT * FROM dbo.GetLegsFor(0,@Report_ID) INSERT INTO @retFindReports VALUES(@Report_ID,@Report_Name, @Report_BossID) FETCH NEXT FROM RetrieveReports INTO @Report_ID, @Report_Name, @Report_BossID END CLOSE RetrieveReports DEALLOCATE RetrieveReports
I am running this query "delete from ims_domains where id=61" and got the error Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32)
Please let me know what should be the reason? Thanks, Ravi
I face this error when i try to run my store procedure. The sample of store procedure as following:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_addUserAccess with encryption AS SET NOCOUNT ON
DECLARE @i_compId INT BEGIN DECLARE C1 SCROLL CURSOR FOR SELECT i_compId FROM ltd_cms_company WHERE (i_owner = 176 or i_owner = 268) AND ti_recStatus = 1 END
Hi all, I get this message when trying to update a tabel i have whichhas nested hierarchies.The current hierarchies beginning from root = 1 are up to the level 5.Before going into details and sample data with all the sql queries andprocedures, this limitation from Microsoft for nested levels .. isthere any way or trick to increase the level in generic?
I have created a delete trigger in Table1 and Table2. Once I delete a certain record in Table1 it will also delete that record in Table2 or vice versa. But once i delete certain record either in Table1 or Table2 it will create an error "Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32).". Can you help me on this?
what I try is a little bit heavy, maybe, but I only miss the minimum/maximum fuction - or I didn´t found it; not here in the Forum and also not in the onlinehelp of the SQL Server.
What I try to do:
I have 2 columns in my table; a start- and an end-date. For this period of time between end and start i have to calculate the days for the years. Here my thoughts (for the current year):
Is the startdate <= 31.12.2004 and the enddate >= 1.1.2004 i have to calculate die datediff between max(1.1.2004/startdate) and min(31.12.2004/enddate)
like this sqlstatement:
SELECT CASE WHEN dbo.Phases.phasenstart <= CAST(CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS varchar) + '-31-12' AS smalldatetime) AND dbo.Phases.phasenabschlussist >= CAST(CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS varchar) + '-01-01' AS smalldatetime) THEN 365 ELSE 0 END AS Expr2, FROM dbo.Phases WHERE (phasenstart IS NOT NULL) AND (phasenabschlussist IS NOT NULL)
instead of 365 there must be the above calculation. Is start=3.1.2003 and end=30.1.2004 I expect as result only the 30 days in 2004.
I am trying to get the minimum and maximum values from a field in SQL Server 2008 Express, but I cannot even get started because I keep getting this error that I cannot figure out.
I have a report that calculates mean, min, max, stddev of somer exercises for a class (pushups, situps, trunk lifts, etc). I also have to calculate those for the 1-mile run time (ex: data -- 7:56, 6:35, 9:45 ( in minuteseconds). Obviously the standard Avg(), Min(), Max(), StdDev() functions won't work for time. So I put in some custom code to convert the time to seconds so I can use the standard functions on the seconds and also code to convert that answer back to minuteseconds. Max() works, but for example when I try to calculate the min(), it includes nulls from the dataset as zeros (not every student has to do the mile run). So the min is always 0. How can I exclude nulls from being calculated. The min() function excludes nulls so it returns the correct min() on integer data. What else can I do?
Hey,First, sorry if this post appear twice, because, I can not find my postrecently send, trying to post it once again.I'm out of ideas, so, I thought, will search help here again :(I'm trying to prepare a view for ext. app. This is in normal cases veryeasy, but what if the view structure should be dynamic?!Here is my point (I will siplify the examples).I have a table:create table t_data (id bigint identity (1,1) not null,valvarchar(10) not null,data varchar(100) not nullconstraint [PK_t_data] primary key clustered(id) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )goinsert into t_data (val, data) values('1111111111','1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('2222222222','1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('3333333333','12345abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345 67890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('4444444444','67890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345 67890abcdefg12345hijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('5555555555','1230abcdefghijklmnoprst12345uvwxyz1 234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghijk lmnoprstuvwxyz')gocreate table t_dataVal (id bigint identity (1,1) not null,valvarchar(10) not null,fill varchar(4) not nullconstraint [PK_t_dataVal] primary key clustered(id) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )goinsert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('1111111111','AAAA')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('2222222222','KKKK')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('3333333333','DDDD')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('4444444444','ZZZZ')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('5555555555','CCCC')gocreate table t_conf (id bigint identity (1,1) not null,start int not null,length int not null,description varchar(20) not null,constraint [PK_t_conf] primary key clustered(id) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )goinsert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (1,10,'value_1')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (11,3,'value_2')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values(55,15,'value_3')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (33,2,'value_4')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (88,1,'value_5')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (56,7,'value_6')goNow here is the issue:table t_conf contain data, which can be modified by user. The user isseting the appropriate values.Now, there should be a view, which returns:- as headers (collumn names) this what is defined in description columnof t_conf (for example: value_1, value_2 ... value_6)- as values, substrings of all data from t_data, cutted with start andlength values for appropriate decription from t_conf.- first two columns of view, should be column val and fill of t_dataValtableSo the effect should be like this:valfillvalue_1value_2value_3value_4value_5value61111111111AAAA1234567890abc....2222222222KKKK1234567890abc....3333333333DDDD12345abcdefgh....4444444444ZZZZ67890abcdefgh....5555555555CCCC1230abcdefghi....of course, for all other value_x should be the appropriate substringsshown.Sounds simple, hm?Well, I'm trying to do this, since yesterday evening, and can not :(In real life, the call of view/function might happend a lot.The table t_data might have around 4000 records, but the data string islonger (around 3000 characters).Application, might acess a udf, which returns table, and I was focusingin that.Was trying, to create local temp table in function, to insert values,using cursor over t_conf.Unfortunately, everything what I get, is just a vertical representationof the data, and I need it horizontal :(The other problem in function is, that I can not use exec() (wll known)so I can not even create a table,dynamicly, using as column names description value from table t_conf,and as size of field length from this table.Sorry, that the description is maybe not exactly for my problem, butthis is because I'm not even sure, which way to use :(any help will be appreciated!Thank You - Matik
JOIN (Select DISTINCT qcParent_ID, dbo.openItemsIntoList(' / AND ',qcParent_ID) as openItemListToFix FROM dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix) i
on a.qcParent_ID = i.qcParent_ID
But data is needed from 3 tables... - Created a VIEW that returns all (82) rows (negating distinct of the function on qcParent_ID) - Failed Miserably Integrating Function call into a multi-table select (inexperienced with complex joins)
JOIN (Select DISTINCT qcParent_ID, dbo.openItemsIntoList(' / AND ',qcParent_ID) as openItemListToFix FROM dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix) i
on a.qcParent_ID = i.qcParent_ID
AND THEN THERES... Failing miserably on Integrating the Function call into This SELECT ON MULTI-TABLES:
How to integrate the Function call: JOIN (Select DISTINCT qcParent_ID, dbo.openItemsIntoList(' / AND ',qcParent_ID) as openItemListToFix FROM dbo.a3_qcItems2Fix) i
on a.qcParent_ID = i.qcParent_ID
into the multi-table Select relationships (while maintaining Where & Order By):
i created a query and when i run it like this i get data but when i add a value in the 2ed case for '2%' i get error. Select, case when a.reportnumber like '1%' then (select b.Reportnumber from ijasSummaryNo b where a.Reportnumber = b.Reportnumber) end as Reportnumber, case when a.Reportnumber like '1%' then (select b.stonebreakdown from ijasSummaryNo b where a.Reportnumber = b.Reportnumber) end as Measurement, case when a.Reportnumber like '1%' then (select b.reportcarddate from ijasSummaryNo b where a.Reportnumber = b.Reportnumber) end as ijasDate, case when a.reportnumber like '2%' then (select c.Reportnumber from appraisalsummaryblue c where a.reportnumber = c.reportnumber) end as imacsRepNo from t_RegisterInfoTemp a Query works fine like this but when i add this (the one marked bold i get error) case when a.reportnumber like '2%' then (select c.Reportnumber from appraisalsummaryblue c where a.reportnumber = c.reportnumber) end as imacsRepNo,case when a.reportnumber like '2%' then (select c.Measurement from appraisalsummaryblue c where a.reportnumber = c.reportnumber) end as Measurement2
This is the error. Server: Msg 4414, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Could not allocate ancillary table for view or function resolution. The maximum number of tables in a query (260) was exceeded.
I know that system_user can return different types of usernames based on the authentication method used to connect to the database. I am trying to nail down a standard field width for audit columns that store the return value from system_user but I can't find definitive information about the return type of the function. Does anyone know the maximum length of the return value from the system_user function and if its an nvarchar, varchar, nchar, etc.?
alter FUNCTION [dbo].[GetNextDay](@dt datetime , @empcode varchar(50) ) RETURNS datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @zoneid VARCHAR(50) declare @lvlflag varchar(50) declare @utdt DATETIME DECLARE @RETDT DATETIME DECLARE @COMPDT DATETIME
Select @lvlflag= b.ulm_user_field_flag from bbraun_emis.dbo.emp_reference a join bbraun_emis.dbo.user_lvl_master b on b.ulm_user_lvl_id = a.ER_USER_LVL and a.er_emp_code = @empcode SELECT @zoneid = ZONECODE FROM bbraun_emis.dbo.VWREGIONLINK WHERE CITYCODE IN (SELECT DISTINCT HM_CITY_CODE FROM bbraun_emis.dbo.HOSP_MASTER WHERE HM_HOSP_CODE IN (SELECT HER_HOSP_CODE FROM bbraun_emis.dbo.HOSP_EMP_REL WHERE HER_EMP_CODE in(@EMPCODE))) select @compdt = holiday_date from oriffconnect.dbo.holiday_master where zone_code = @zoneid and field_staff = @lvlflag and holiday_date = @dt
if(@@ROWCOUNT = 0) begin
Select @utdt = DATEADD(dd,1,@utdt) SeT @utdt = ([dbo].[GetNextDay](@utdt , @empcode)) end IF(@@ROWCOUNT <> 0) begin set @utdt = @dt end Select @RETDT = @utdt RETURN @RETDT
I'm running into this error message when passing in a few records in particular to a function, the only difference I could find is that these recods have about 60k characters on the field that I'm passing to a function.
is there a max lenght for passing to a function?
select function ( field) as results
It's been working fine until today and all of the related fields are declared as nvarchar(max)
I want to update the STATUS column based on min date in my table.
For example – If minimum BOOKING_DATE of any RecieptID is below to 2015-10-01, then Status of that RecieptID should be 0 for all records pertaining to dedicated RecieptID So I need an output in this way.
I have some code I build 2 weeks ago which I’ve been running daily but it’s suddenly stopped working with the following error.
“The table "tbl_Intraday_Tmp" has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes. INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit” When I google this there seems to be a related to tables with vast numbers of columns.
My table tbl_Intraday_tmp is relatively small. It has 7 columns. 1 of varchar(5), 3 of decimal(9,3) and 2 of decimal(18,0). The bit I’m puzzled with is it was working and stopped.
I don’t recall changing anything but I wouldn’t rule that out. I ‘ve inspected the source files and I don’t believe they have changed either.
Dear Experts, i've one database with around 1400 tables. is there any possibilities to know at a time what is the count(*) in each table? actually i need tables which are having maximum data.
my expected result is like this table num_rows table1 20000 table2 10000
like this thank you very much
Vinod Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
SELECT * FROM dbo.Objects WHERE (UserRights & dbo.GetUserRights()) > 0)
The purpose of this view is to implement row level security. The Field, UserRights is a BigInt and holds up to 64 bits corresponding to the user or group that has a right to view this record.
The Function GetUserRights() is a function which returns an Int corresponding to the user rights of the person who is currently logged in. In a bitwise fashion, it then "ands" them together to see if the value is greater than 0. If so, the user has rights to the record.
If I hardcode a value to replace the function, the Select statement is very fast. However, if I use the function it is extremely slow. I believe this is due to the function getting run once for each row of the table, instead of just once.
Is there a way to rewrite this so that it only runs once? I could do this in a stored procedure, but I need it in a view so that I can use replace "Objects" (the table) with "vwObjects" the view.
I am using this below query to sum and select maximum values from table. I have converted the cost column here and how can I possibly sum the cost column?
select ID, MAX(Dates) Dates,'$ ' + replace(convert(varchar(100), convert(money, Cost), 1), '.00', '') Cost, MAX(Funded) Funded from Application group by ID, Dates, Cost, Funded
i have a table with productID and OrderID. For ech product there are orders. So for each productID there are lot Of OrderID's are present. My data like
Hi, Is there anyway to create a view within a Function? The code is as below. I execute the code between "BEGIN" and "END". SQL Analyzer report error that said
'CREATE VIEW' must be the first statement in a query batch.
I could make the variable constant in SELECT statement, but I'm wondering if there is a way to make CREATE VIEW as part of code piece.
CREATE Function GetCommonFailurs() AS BEGIN IF OBJECT_ID(N'CommonFailures') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW CommonFailures DECLARE @Run1Result as char(4), @Run2Result as char(4); SET @Run1Result='Fail'; SET @Run2Result='Fail'; CREATE VIEW CommonFailures AS SELECT Run1Failures.RunID as Run1ID, Run2Failures.RunID as Run2ID, @Run1Result as 'Run1Result', @Run2Result as 'Run2Result', Run1Failures.SmartyDOTXMLFilePath as Run1SmartyFilePath, Run2Failures.SmartyDOTXMLFilePath as Run2SmartyFilePath, Run1Failures.SDET as SDET, Run1Failures.CommandLine as CommandLine, Run1Failures.OutputFilePath as OutputFilePath FROM Run1Failures INNER JOIN Run2Failures ON Run1Failures.TestID = Run2Failures.TestID END
--drop table #temp create table #temp (id int, idvalue int) insert into #temp(id,idvalue) select 1095,75
I need to take the id value from maximum's id, and compare the rest id value from the table. i need to check the diffrence , if diffrence is more than 18, then i need to raise the flag as failure otherwise the whole test is success. i need to take 63 and compare rest 69,65,61,75.check the diffrence less than 18 or not.
Is there a way in 2005 to script out, directly, a funciton/SP/View or whatever and not have it binary? I used to be able to script something out in 2000 and it would be text and then I could check it into sourcesafe NP and as you know text is much easier to use the compair feature against than binary. Is there a setting in SQL 2005 to handle this? Is it something in Sourcesafe that I need to set?