Is there any way to change the interactive sorting icon or even adjust it? When I add the functionality to a column, it skews the column heading to make room for it. This means that reports that previously displayed properly no longer look correct. If I adjust the width of the report to allow room for the icon, then the report overflows its boundary in terms of printing.
Also, the icon does not display evenly all the time. Sometimes, it displays directly next to the text and sometimes it is off to the right more.
I know this is not available now, but is it plan in the near future:
I want to be able to set the initial sort order on the interactive sort.
for example, I have a report sorted Asc by Rank. If I click on the interactive sort button on the Rank column, it resorts ascending... totally pointless, and my customers point this out on a weekly basis...
Any plans to add this feature? If not, I will go to connect and suggest it.
You say, "we enjoy the option of specifying sorting for multiple columns within the matrix, table or list within which we are working." But, when I add interactive sorting to the headers of a matrix, the up and down toggles appear in the preview, but the rows are not sorted after clicking.
This works perfectly fine on tables, as you say, but I have yet to see it on a matrix.
Does clicking interactive sort button in a column reporting services 2005 result re-execution of the query. Or will it just re-print the rendered data in the layout and so perform better in comparison to the implementation which can be done using drill down to same report with the help of some extra parameters
I want to implement interactive sorting on few columns of my report. That is working fine but the the button coming for interactive sort is taking extra space.
I have some space constrains due to too many columns in the report and so i want that implementation without the button(its taking extra space and also ruining the alignment) , may be with a underline in the column header like hyperlink or something.
I have a report that has a drill down option that shows all workgroups within a specific parent group and an interactive sorting ass well on both columns parent group & workgroup
This is displayed in pps combined with a SharePoint
The problem is that after sorting the parent group column by name I then press the drill through icon (+) next to it hopping to see all workgroups related to each parent group - but instead
I receive this Reporting Services Error :
The value for parameter 'SortItem' is not specified. It is either missing from the function call, or it is set to null. (rsMissingParameter)
If I don't press the sorting and just drill through it works fine. the sorting itself also works fine.
I have a report that contains a table with certain columns that have interactive sorting. At the top of the report there is a subreport that contains an embedded image. When I first run the report, the image in the subreport displays. But, when I sort the table interactively, the image turns into a red asterisk inside a white box. When I click the 'refresh' button, the image redisplays correctly. This is occurring in the Visual Studio 2005 Report Designer when you preview the report. I believe I have the most current version of Visual Studio. I'm not sure what to do about this. Any suggestions?
I've been reading a lot of posts on this subject. I understand that the issue is due to the fact that the subreport is only rendered once. So after the main report is sorted on another column, the cell with the subreport produces an error.
What I want to know is whether or not this is considered a defect. And if it is a defect, is it fixed in another version?
I am currently running SSRS SQL2008R2 SP2 (20.50.4000.0)
I am using Report Builder 3.0 and i have report which has a drill down group. The report opens in a collapsed form.This report has interactive sorting on a column. But,when we drill down and sort the column, the group collapses and the details disappear.
In some posts, i have seen that instead of interactive sorting, people recommended a parameter. But i have to do interactive sorting only.
I am facing one problem with reporting services 2005 (SSRS), When i try to pass a parameter to Cube which is built in SSAS, i can not use a parameter where i can type the value instead of choosing it from a dimension.
Any way we can type the value for parameter, instead choosing from the drop down? If can, then how can we create the parameter? and how can i write a MDX to read it?
I have a report where I am giving the users a parameter so that they can select which field they would like to sort on.The report is also grouping by that field. I have a gruping section, where i have added code to group on the field I want based on this parameter, however I also would like to changing the sorting order but I checked around and I did not find any info.
So here is my example. I am showing sales order info.The user can sort and group by SalesPerson or Customer. Right now, I have code on my dataset to sort by SalesPerson Code and Order No.So far the grouping workds, however the sorting does not.
SSRS 2012 - VS2010...The report compares two years with a sort order on a value that has been engineered based on text switched to int. When sorting A-Z this is the result in the horizontal axis is: 5th, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th..When sorting Z-A the result in the horizontal axis is:5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, PreK..Z-A is correct but A-Z sorting shows 5th as the start and end. The magnitude of the PreK location is correct but the label is wrong on the A-Z sort order. The sorting is implemented using the Category Group sorting option.
Is there any way to configure a notification icon in the start tray in Express 2005 (like we had in SQL Server 2000) with a little green (or red) arrow (or dot) to indicate whether the server's up (or down)?
Why would some of my servers that I have registered not show a green arrow (or any connection status for that matter). It's just a blank white circle. Is there some sort of connection error happening between me and the server?
It's sort of annoying to click on these servers and have the error "SQL Server xxxx is not known to be running. Are you sure you wish to connect?" Any way to get around that?
Can anybody tell me what the following icon means against the SQL Server Agent in EM. I'll describe as best as I can:
Its the usual pc tower picture, but instead of the usual green arrow or red square at the bottom, I'm getting what looks like a window (its very small, I can't tell exactly).
When I see this icon, I can't see or change the Service Startup Account under properties and EM doesn't seem to know if the service is stopped or started (I get the option to do either - although both fail if I try them)
Hi everyone, This is a beginner's question: I know that in order to run a package i need to press ctrl_f5 but i also know that there should be an icon (dimmed green arrow) to do that but i cant find it on the toolbar! I only see the "debug" green arrow. Can anyone help me find the lost "play" (or "run") green arrow ? on which toolbar is it situated ? Thanks
In SQL 2005 when a database is in suspect mode there is no obvious way to tell (via SSMS). In SQL 2000 the word "suspect" was displayed (via Enterprise Manager) next to the database, and the respective database icon was grayed out. Why was this behavior changed for SQL 2005? From a disaster recovery standpoint, it is very important to see immediately if a database is in suspect mode.
In my installation of RS 2005 when I click the Refresh Icon on a report the report doesnt update. But when I click the "View Report" button it does.
For example, if I change the parameters on the report and click the refresh icon the report seems to flicker as if it was rfreshing but the report data remains the same, even the paramaters in the report remain the same (I have the parameters that are selected in the report header)
Anyone have the same problem or know the solution?
I apologize if this question has already been asked a dozen times, I ran a search and came up with nothing, soooo...
I installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP1 + SQL Management Studio Express.
I attached all my old databases, and setup named pips, tcp/ip, etc, but for some reason, I don't see a SQL 2005 Express Icon in the system tray to indicate to me if the Server is running or not.
now I undestand Express doesn't come with Agent tools, but where on earth is my tray icon? Do I need to download the 'advanced reporting tools' version instead? (about 200mb+)
My co-worker, no idiot, says that the tooltip in the system tray forthe SS2000 icon usually shows the computer and server, but once in awhile shows the password (two slashes and the password).Is this a known bug of some sort? It really shouldn't be showing hispassword. It's likely the developer edition, but still, that isn'tgood.
but I can't figure ou how to "remove" the RSClientPrint Class add-on in IE 6.
P.S. Why does something as simple as printing need to be an ActiveX control? There are all kinds of issues revolving around pushing this out using SMS for users without local admin permission.
So i finally figured out how to create custom transform and add an icon to it. However - when i added the component to toolbox it appears as a file icon (when i didnt have icon it appeared as a blue box) - in the data flow designer it appears as the correct image. From BOL wrote:"The Data Flow toolbox uses the 16x16, 16-color image type, while the design surface of the data flow tab uses the 32x32, 16-color image type. Both are default image types for icons created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005." I assume this has something to do with it - my ico is default 32x32 - however, what would be the way to fix it?
I am adding some KPI-style graphics to a report (BIDS 2005) and for consistency I would like to use the same icons that are available in the Excel 2007 icon sets that are used for conditional formatting in spreadsheets - there's no point in having users learn another set of icons. Are these graphics available anywhere so they can be added as embedded images in a report? Am I missing some other way to do this?
Have two servers, one production server and one backup server. Both are Windows 2003 Server having SQL Server 2000 installed.
I have created replication on these servers using a wizard. I then generated SQL scripts to delete and create the replication. These scripts work well, but to test to remove the replication on both servers I used sp_removedbreplication 'DBNAME' on both servers. Not all were removed and on Replication Monitor and sub items plus Log Reader Agent there were added an icon, a red 'X' as in error. The replication seems to work.
Does anyone have any idea on why this happened and what I can do about it. It is not very nice to have errors in replication on a customers servers.
1. .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable 2. .NET Framework Version 1.1 Software Development Kit (SDK) 3. MSDE 2000 Rel A
In the command window I changed to the directory where MSDE 2000 Rel A was installed and typed in this:
MSDE installed successfully and the little icon appeared in the system tray, next to the clock. However, there was no little green arrow/triangle showing on the icon to show connection status as Connected.
4. ASP.NET Commerce Starter Kit
During the Starter Kit install a Connect to Database window opened - Connect to SQL or MSDE.
In the 'Server' field the following was automatically displayed:
Where STEVE-HOME is the name of my computer (changed from 'localhost') and MyDb is the instance name.
Thw 'Windows Authentication' radio button was selected by default. I left this unchanged, then clicked OK.
A window opened asking to test the connection. I clicked OK and the connection was successful.
(I didn't select the SQL Server authentication or enter a username, password or select a Database.)
The Starter Kit installed successfully and works fine. However, the SQL Server Service Manager icon states it is not connected when I mouse over it.
I opened the SQL Server Service Manager window and the Server and Services fields are blank.
Surely the Starter Kit wouldn't work if MSDE wasn't connected.
Can anyone advise on how to get the icon to show it is connected
I tried to open mdf file without any success. Then, all database files icon were changed or grayed out. How can i repair or replace the file to it's original file? ex... the file named "event.mdf" has now a wrong icon not a database icon like before.
I am migrating few my oracle codes to T-SQL. Currently am using & (ampersand) interactive prompt of SQLPlus. Is there any equivalent for the above said in SQL Server.
Software packages like Microsoft Small Business Accounting and Quickbooks offer a very powerful reporting module that lets end users change grouping, filtering, sorting, etc at run time (having it change the report dynamically infront of them). More importantly, their reporting tools let users click on details on the reports which opens the data in the form based portion of their software.
For example: If the end user pulls up a financial report, lets say "All Bills for February 07", the user get a report of all the bills that have gone out in that time frame. The end user can then click on the actual details in the report, and the Bill will come up in the Windows Forms portion of their software so they edit the bill, or create a new bill.
I have done a very limited amount of reporting in SQL Server, so I am not sure of how they were able to achieve this. If someone could give me some key words or ideas that I can bring up more information from in google, or even on here, I'd appreciate it.
I have a report that lists customers. Is it possible to create an interactive mechanism so that a user can somehow select a customer and have a subreport update to show that customer's data, without jumping away from the parent report?