International Characters

Jun 8, 2006

Could SQL Server Express store international characters, such as Tradtional Chinese? Please give the instructions in greater details.

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Transact SQL :: How To Query International Characters

Aug 14, 2015

i've worked with SQL Databases for years now, but never needed to deal with international characters.  I am trying to search strings like surname in a column that might have international letters/characters, such as:

select * from [dbo].[User] where LastName like '%HekimoÄŸlu%'

It doesn't retrieves anything.  I've googled for while in a hope to find some solution quickly, but to my surprise I couldn't. how to query string columns that include international characters such as above.I am using SQL Server 2012, Nvarchar(100) for column.

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Escaping International (unicode) Characters In String

May 29, 2007

Y'all:I am needing some way, in the SQL Server dialect of SQL, to escape unicodecode points that are embedded within an nvarchar string in a SQL script,e.g. in Java I can do:String str = "This is au1245 test.";in Oracle's SQL dialect, it appears that I can accomplish the same thing:INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (TEST_COLUMN) VALUES ('This is a1245 test.");I've googled and researched through the MSDN, and haven't discovered asimilar construct in SQL Server. I am already aware of the UNISTR()function, and the NCHAR() function, but those aren't going to work well ifthere are more than a few international characters embedded within astring.Does anyone have a better suggestion?Thanks muchly!GRB-----------------------------------------------------------------------Greg R. Broderick Join Bytes!A. Top posters.Q. What is the most annoying thing on Usenet?---------------------------------------------------------------------

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DTS (international Question)

Dec 20, 2004

Quick background....
I have a file that is currently in Bulgarian (not unicode) that we want to import into a development environment for testing. However, the only way I can view the file as "non-gibberish" is for me to switch my local settings (on the OS) to Bulgarian. Then of course the file is readable in Bulgarian.

Now they have sent the following snipet of code asking if I can somehow add this to the DTS package? The purpose of this code is to...

They're sending me a C# routine to transpose the 10 or so Bulgarian-specific characters in the text fields.

They hope we can include this routine in the DTS package.

Here is the code....

private string StrFix( string InStr )
string Result = InStr;
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2591', 'ð' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2592', 'ñ' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2593', 'ò' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2502', 'ó' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2524', 'ô' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2561', 'õ' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2562', 'ö' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2556', '÷' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2555', 'ø' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2563', 'ù' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2551', 'ú' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x255d', 'ü' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x255b', 'þ' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2510', 'ÿ' );
Result = Result.Replace( 'x2552', '¹' );
return Result;

My questions... (as I'm not familiar with C#)

1. Do you guys see anything I'm not?
2. Is it possible to add this code to DTS package and have it change the 10 characters?
3. Wouldn't this be easier if their sample was in unicode?

Thanks in advance

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Date Parameters - International

Jan 4, 2007

hi all

We are a multi site / multi language company so do not want to hardcode the date format - these reports will be on intranet

Using MS Sql - Reporting Services 2005

RecvdDate field = yyyy-mm-dd - is how it is displayed.

I added a @startdate and an @enddate parameter and am using the
calendar - so a user picks off the calendar

I read up and saw this information:

Report properties set

'Language' setting to '=User!Language' to detect user
culture automatically

My regional settings are set to English (New Zealand)

but whatever I do I receive no data - (data is definately there eg when run without parameters) so it is obviously the parameter that is incorrect.

Can someone give me some advice on what else to check.


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International Databases And Cleanliness

Nov 12, 2007


This is a new problem to me being a junior, and I'm quite sure this is a problem that will occur for more and more people as time goes on.

My company has offices from around the world, and naturally there are databases all over the place. We have a main one which the sites run off here in the UK, otherwise we use SAP (like so many others) and Viper. There are also apparently Marketing databases which I have never even seen...

There is a nightly import into the main databases, but its choking fairly regularly and the data we are getting out is outright filthy.

Anyway, the boss wants a "data firewall" with a rules engine sitting on top controlling what is clean and what is not. Sounds great, but I don't really know where to start. Does anyone have any advice on a design for this? We are currently using SQL Server 2000 but should be moving to 2005 very shortly (not 2008 it seems :-( ).

Is this something I can develop in a .net language or can it be done purely on a SQL Server basis? Keep in mind the rules engine which should have a useable interface for a techie who is not heavily trained in SQL Server (like a .net developer).

Apologies for the long post and thank you very much for any inspiring (or not) ideas. :-)


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International Motivation Survey

Jul 23, 2005

Dear Madam/Sir,You are invited to participate in an international research study. Thisresearch project is headed and led by Cambridge student Nico Baumgarten.What is it all about?It is a well-known fact that there exist many differences between cultures.However, how these differences effect motivation if there are effects atall is not yet clear. This survey is set out to change this. With yourhelp, it will be possible to achieve this.Therefore, we kindly ask you to spare only 10 minutes of your time andvisit the survey home page.Go to the survey http://crosscultural.research.yi.orgor if this does not work the direct link participates?All over the world, people are chosen to participate in the survey.Although the survey is completely anonymous, each person is arepresentative of his/her country. Hence, it does not matter, which job aperson has, whether he/she is male or female, old or young. The more peoplechoose to participate the more accurate this survey is going to representand show cultural influences as well as similarities.So if you want to tell your friends about this survey - Please Do So! Justforward this email to your friends or use the feature on the survey homepage.What is in it for you?With your help your country will be represented in the survey.Of course, you can opt-in to receive the results of the study at the end ofthe survey.Any information you provide will be kept strictly confidential andanonymous.Thanking you in advance for you support I remain withKind regardsNico Baumgartenhttp://crosscultural.research.yi.orghttp://

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International Settings For SQL 2000

Feb 26, 2006

I will doing an installation of MS SQL 2000 that will be used by multilanguage web sites.The languages are Japanese, German and of course English.Currently I'm planning to install MS SQL 2000 standard version butafter reading some articles I'm considering the Enterprise version.Can someone shed some light on the advantages of using Enterprise vsStandard strictly from a language support perspective?Also, is there any caveats or other considerations that I should keepin mind to make sure that the developers have all they need to developthese multi language sites?Thanks in advance.

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Which Collation For International Database ?

Jan 29, 2007


I have to create a database (SQL2005) for multinational usage (Western, Eastern and asian langages included).

This database will be used by an international application.

Here are my questions :

* All the "wording" of the application will come from NVARCHAR database fields.
However, for database fields which will not store any possibilities of special characters (and will not be shown on the application), should I also use NVARCHAR fields ?

(Then, the database will mix unicode and non unicode strings)

* The database must be replicated (transactional or Merge) with an "old" non international database on SQL 2000.
Schemas are near the same, only datatype are different (varchar --> nvarchar).
Then, should I use a SQL collation instead of Windows Collation as advised on MSDN ?

(MS tells to use Windows collation if the database has unicode and and non-unicode strings, but It also tells to use SQL collation to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of SQL)



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International Data Not Being Returned Correctly ???

Jan 24, 2004

HI all.

I have a web service that does an SQL select against a database that contains international data, however when this is displayed from the web service the text such as "Rue Emile Féron 168" is not shown correctly and the 'é' is shown as a comma. Can someone advise what changes I need to make to the coding. Also our own tables have varchar fields and I'm assuming the "é" data will be saved correctly ???


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Datetime Condition In 'where' - International Problem

Jul 20, 2005

I use datetime condition in sql-query. For example:select something from sometablewhere date between '06/15/04 00:00:00' and '06/15/04 23:59:59'and result on two synchronized servers is different.In USA server result contains where date equal '06/14/04' only,but Russian server gives where date equal '06/15/04'.I read mysql online book article 'Writing International Transact-SQL Statements'and not found any recommendations how solve this problem.Thanks for any help.

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About Building International Applications In Dotnet

Apr 24, 2007


I am developing an application using C#.NET that accesses a remote database that that contains japanese characters.

My sample querry is strCommand = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE prodname = 'CR新海物語スペシャルM8'";

The result of querry displayed in the binded datagrid also contains other rows that has this prodname:



Thanks in advance for your help.

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Easy Way To Remove International Alphabet From All Rows?

Jul 23, 2005

Is there an easy way to loop through all rows and remove allinternational alphabet characters from a column in a table, for exampleremove German umlauts "ü" and convert them to a simple "u".Thanks,lq

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International - Multiple Language Database Design.

Mar 11, 2008

Could anyone provide me an example of the effective way of design a database support multiple languages. Currently I working to design a database for travel website which support 3 different languages, and more languages will be added in in the future. One of my friend advice me to put different languages into the same table for example
Table Hotel
But I don't thing it's a good idea to do so since in the future if I would like to add more languages I have to modify the table and I have to replace all of the sql statements. I am seeking for the best solution , could anyone help.
Thank you very much

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How Can I Store Over 16000 Characters To Sql Table Field With Language Specific Characters?

Feb 19, 2008

In my application I must store over 16000 character in a sql table field . When I split into more than 1 field it gives "unclosed quotation mark" message.
How can I store over 16000 characters to sql table field (only one field) with language specific characters?

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Separate Lowercase Characters From Uppercase Characters

Mar 5, 2008

Hi everybody,
I would like to know if there is any property in sql2000 database to separate lowercase characters from uppercase characters. I mean not to take the values €˜child€™ and €˜Child€™ as to be the same. We are transferring our ingres database into sqlserver. In ingres we have these values but we consider them as different values. Can we have it in sqlserver too?


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Iliminating Characters From Set Of Integers And Characters

Jul 19, 2006

Good day experts,

I wonder if i got an answer for this.
How can i iliminate a letters from a set of integers and characters using a SQL Statement

for ex:


is that possible?
is there a function that i can use to iliminate them?

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Transact SQL :: Replace Column Value From ASCII Characters To Non ASCII Characters In Table?

Oct 22, 2015

I’m getting ASCII characters in one column of my table. So I want to replace same column value in NON ASCII characters.

Note – values in column must be same

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More Than 255 Characters??

Apr 23, 1999


We are trying to build a FAQ in a SQL database that will be updateble trough the web.

Now to the questione:
We can't use more than 255 characters, in Books Online it says that char and varchar supports 1 to 8000 characters but it doesn't work for us.

Anyone knows why?

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If 5 Characters, Add '0' To The End

Aug 26, 2003

I have a column with data type of text.

Some values are 5 digits long, and other characters are 6 digits long.

I want to write a query that adds a '0' to the end of the values that only have 5 digits...

How would my syntax look like ?

thank you

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Add Characters

Aug 11, 2005

I have a field oh phone numbers that had no specific format. I have removed all of the previous formatting so know there are just a string of 10 numbers and I want them all to change to "(###) ###-####". Is there an SQL statement that I can use to update the field in a batch process. Any help would be great. I also have linked the tables to an access db, if that makes it easier. Any help is much appreciated.


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Junk Characters

Sep 26, 2007

I am Suhasini. While saving data from front end( to back end(Sql server 2005 express edition) i am getting junk characters also added to the database. This character just look like a checkbox. Basically i am adding options using a multiline text box, is there any thing wrong with that. options are saved in the database as junk character followed by option1...... etc. Kindly suggest me on this.

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How To Get Only The Characters From The Particular Varchar

Mar 13, 2008

I have a varchar(10) field in one of the sql2005 table. most of the data will be in the format of
like above values i am storing into the column. Now i want to use only the value which is inside the brackets { }. Values inside the brackets are not fixed length but allways we use the brackets.
Please let me know if you have any idea.
I tried using the right(value,4).,.. but this is only for the fixed size. but like i said my situation is different length.please let me know if you have any idea.

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Accentuated Characters SQL

Dec 5, 2003

I use Webmatrix together with Frontpage 2002.
In one of my Webmatrix pages I refer to a field "Prénom" when doing queries.

Sometimes after publishing these pages from my local to my hosted server the é disappears in the source code and SQL server does not find the column.

I have the feeling it has to do with codepage and/or Content.

Has anyone a precise idea.

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Select Characters Between...

May 19, 2005

Ok.. I inhertited a program that has columns called cpt_codes, cpt_to, and cpt_from all of them are varchar fields. The user can input a cpt code and the program checks to see if it fall between cpt_to and cpt_from so00101 would fall betwen 00100 and 00110. The problem these are varchars so the user has a code 0024t and is pulling up between 00100 and 01999 which is techinically correct. However thats not where it's supposed to be. Is there a way to get around this? the sql statement currently in place is:SELECT * fROM CPT_TOS WHERE CPT_FROM <= '0024T' AND CPT_TO >= '0024T'*Not my sql statement or design!!" ThanksRobert.

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Can't Insert Enough Characters...

Sep 30, 2005

I must be doing something wrong, but I cannot imagine what it could be. I made a brand new table and started to enter some data. I am putting the initail data in using Enterprise Manager. This is essentially test data for development. I have several varchar columns set to 8000 for their size. When I try to enter text into them it is getting truncated at 999 characters. I thought that maybe I misunderstood the varchar type and that 1000 characters is 8000 bits and that is what the 8000 means. So, I redid the table with the datatype "text" for my long columns. Same thing. It is being truncated at 999. Is there something I am missing here? I am not trying to do anything tricky or confusing, I am simply trying to put more than 1000 characters into a table column.I should mention that I have been pasting the text that is copied from Notepad (to remove any extranous formatting). The text cuts cut off and I cannot even type in the column after that.Any clues would really be appreciated.

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Extraneous Characters

Jun 7, 2001


Previously I had a problem inserting symbols like an umlaut into a SQL7 DB. The umlaut symbol like in the name [Björk] was translated into [Bj÷rk] when the data was bcp'd in. I was able to solve this problem by changing the registry codepage setting for the "OEMCP" from '437' to '1252'.

Fine...but now i have problems with symbols like [é] in the name [Mel Tormé]. The [é] on [Tormé] is changing to [T].....[Mel TormT].

Is there any way of accomidating SQL7 to allow both types of symbols?

thanks for the help...

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Returning > 255 Characters

Nov 15, 2000

We just upgraded to SQL 7.0 SP2. We enlarged one of our fields from varchar(255) to varchar(500), but when I do a SELECT on the field it only brings back 255. I know this was a limitation in ISQL in 6.5. I tried it in query analyzer and also via a command line. Any ideas how to see all the data?


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Convert Characters

Jul 9, 2001

I've created a procedure that converts chracters that I don't want in a certain field in my db.
The problems is: it also converts characters that I haven't specified
For example: the letter y is converted to u (probably because the letter ü (german y) is to be converted to u (ü is pronounced as y)).
Does anyone have a solution for this ? Has soundex something to do with this ?

Carl Nilsson

Here's a sample of the script:

--script begin

CREATE proc bds_convert_names @pass_name varchar(100), @NameStr varchar(100) OUTPUT

DECLARE @NotAllowed varchar(100)
DECLARE @IsAllowed varchar(100)
DECLARE @OldChar char(1)
DECLARE @NewChar char(1)
DECLARE @Loop int

-- NAMESTR = Contains the string that should be translated.
SELECT @NameStr = @pass_name
-- Set the name to Lower Cases
SELECT @NameStr = LOWER(@NameStr)

-- Set the characters not allowed
SELECT @NotAllowed = '/:*?"<>|,åäöéèáàûüôî'
-- Set which characters that should replace them
SELECT @IsAllowed = '**********aaoeeaauuoi'
-- Set Loop start to zero
SELECT @Loop = 0

-- Start looping, char by char, replacing direct into NAMESTR
WHILE @Loop < LEN(@NotAllowed)
SELECT @Loop = @Loop + 1
SELECT @OldChar = SUBSTRING(@NotAllowed, @Loop, 1)
SELECT @NewChar = SUBSTRING(@IsAllowed, @Loop, 1)
SELECT @NameStr = REPLACE(@NameStr, @OldChar, @NewChar)

-- Remove all stars
SELECT @NameStr = REPLACE(@NameStr, '*', '')

--script end

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SQL Script For # Of Characters

Aug 21, 2001

Hi all,
this might be a very simple query for most of you guys.
What I need help in is that I need to find out records that have a specific number of character within it. For example if a field is 8 char long but there are records that are 3 char long or 4 char long, I need to find those records.

Any help is appreciated

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Removing Certain Characters

Aug 18, 2006

Hello all,

I have a table named users. It consists of user names, user ids, etc... The problem is that whoever designed the ASP code before me allowed people to enter info in any format they want. This poses a problem because now the name can have 1, 2, or sometimes 3 spaces in between the last and first names. And sometimes the middle initial is used with a period following it. This creates problems when I am trying to execute a Select statement since it won't match if there are an unknown number of spaces in the string and throws an error when a period is used.

Is there a SQL query I can execute to change all the user_names into a format such as the following:
LastName, FirstName MiddleInitial

Like I said, it is already almost the same, just has too many spaces and some have periods after the middle initial

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Subtract Last Three Characters!

Jun 24, 2004

Hello everyone. I have a query where I pull all item_codes that start with a 7. I need all the item_codes that start with 7, but I need to subtract the last 3 characters from only the item_codes that are not 71860kit or 71851nggun. How would I be able to accomplish this. What I have below subtracts the last 3 characters from all item_codes including 71860kit and 71851nggun. I want these two to stay in tact when I select them in the query.

This is the Query that I have now!

select datepart(year, date_cust_invoice)as INV_YEAR,
datepart(month, date_cust_invoice)as INV_MONTH,
item_code=left(item_code, len(item_code)-3)
from opcsahf
where datepart(year, date_cust_invoice) >= '2003'
and substring(item_code, 1, 1) = '7'
group by datepart(year, date_cust_invoice), datepart(month, date_cust_invoice),
order by inv_year, inv_month, item_code

All help is appreciated!

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Strip Certain Characters

Jul 13, 2004

Can anyone tell me how I can strip certain chahrcters from a string

I know I can use replace, but i don't think this is appropriate for what I want to do

For example I have the string

declare @text varchar (100)
select @text = 'word1, word2 & word3'

if i do a replace on the string like this
select @text = 'replace(@text, ',', '')
select @text = 'replace(@text, '&', '')

I end up with the string
select @text = 'word1 word2 word3'

i.e. 2 spaces between word2 and word3

What i want the string to look like is :
select @text = 'word1 word2 word3'

Is there a way i can check for more than one space + characters ( / , &) in one go

many thanks

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