Invalid Connection Error ,when Trying To Acces My Database

Jan 25, 2008

Hi friends,

            I have developed a website and uploaded the database to Remote server through Export wizard in Sqlserver 2005.everything is working fine in Sqlserver enterprise manager,  but when i tried to connect this database via web.config file to my website it is giving me error...

Server Error in '/Sales_offer' Application.

Invalid connection. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid connection.

Source Error:

Line 29: {
Line 30: SqlCommand mycmd=new SqlCommand("select distinct(city) from master order by city asc",myconn);
Line 31: myconn.Open();
Line 32: SqlDataReader sdr=mycmd.ExecuteReader();
Line 33: ArrayList arr=new ArrayList();
Source File: d:inetpubwwwrootsales_offerindex.aspx.cs    Line: 31

Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Invalid connection.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction)
Sales_offer.WebForm1.bind() in d:inetpubwwwrootsales_offerindex.aspx.cs:31
Sales_offer.WebForm1.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in d:inetpubwwwrootsales_offerindex.aspx.cs:67
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032



After that when i tried to access the database through Qury analyzer it is giving me error

Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'salecumoffers'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

But it is showing me the tables and their Contents from Remote server in enterprise manager...

waiting for ur quick response



View 13 Replies


How To Avoid 'invalid Connection' Error ?

Oct 13, 2004

hi all,
i got following error when i try to connect my page that is uploaded on ftp server,

'Invalid connection'
'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid connection.'

any one can detect and solve it then it would be great help.


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Connection From Acces 2003 To SQL Server 2005

Dec 10, 2006

What is the fastet connection between access 2003 to sql server 2005?

View 2 Replies View Related

How Do I Programatically Acces A Database With A '-' In The Name?

Jul 23, 2005

use this-is-a-stupid-namereturns an errorFor that matterselect *from this-is-a-stupid-name.dbo.anytablereturns an errorI've tried single quoted, double quotes, escaping. In the SQL editor I canselect the name from the dropdown and I'm OK - but I'm writing a perlscript to connect to the database.I didn't create the database and don't know how it was created.--Message posted via

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Convert A Ms Acces (mdb) Database To SQL Server

Feb 19, 2008

Hi there.

How can i convert a Ms Access Database file (.mdb) to an SQL Server 2005 Database ????

is there any tools ?? or what ever can help me .

Thank you.

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Problem With Simple Sqlclient Database Acces

Mar 10, 2008

This is a part of my project and that are my first steps. I just want to know if there is a user with "username" already in the database. The MSDN Documentation says that the ExecuteNonQuery() Method returns the number of affected rows. But if I run this code I always get x=-1. What does that mean ?

using (SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["web_db_1"].ConnectionString))        {            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select user_id From users Where username = '" + username + "'", sqlcon);            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;            cmd.Connection.Open();            int x = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            cmd.Connection.Close();        }

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[MS Visual Database Tools] - Invalid Class String. Error

Aug 1, 2005

We recently upgraded our SQL Server 2000 to SP4 and are now getting the following error whenever we try to open up Site Diagrams.

An unexpected error happened during this operation. [MS Visual Database Tools] - Invalid class string.

This is very frustrating since I can't easily edit my database relationships or see my ER diagram.

Any ideas how to fix this?


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Invalid Object Name Error In Database Setup Step Of Configuration Manager

Dec 1, 2005


View 11 Replies View Related

Reporting Services Configuration And Database Setup Error Invalid Object Name 'sysdatabases'

Sep 14, 2007

Yesterday, literally I was banging my head to the wall, kept getting this error:

A Connection could not be established with the information provided. Hit OK to change your connection settings.
Invalid object name 'sysdatabases'.

I uninstall and re-install back the reporting services couple times and I kept getting the same error.
I have 2 instances of SQL Server on the same Server:

SQL Server 2000

SQL Server 2005
The 2 instances work side by side, I was wondering if this causing the error.

Can anyone help out with this problem?

Thanks - John

View 9 Replies View Related

Invalid Connection

Jun 19, 2008

When trying to connect to a remote SQL 2005 Express Server, I get this error message:  [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()).]Invalid connection.
 I can remotely connect to the server with the same username and password using osql in command and I can also connect to the server remotely with SQL Server Management Studio installed on this machine.
 Here is my connection string:
 Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=password;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=uid;Initial Catalog=EBM;Data;Use Encryption for Data=False
 The same connection string works if connecting locally, via changing the ip address to the machine name:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=password;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=uid;Initial Catalog=EBM;Data Source=machinenameSQLEXPRESS;Use Encryption for Data=False
Any help would be appreciated.

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Invalid Connection

Mar 30, 2005

Hey everyone, hope you all can help me with this problem. 
We have a remotely hosted website, but we have a SQL server in our company (powers our instore portal).  I have set up our router so that i can connect to remote desktop and sql server.  I can connect to the remote desktop and i can connect to the sql server with query analyzer.  On our local site i can set up a connection to look at and it works fine, everything goes well.
Now here is the problem.  On the hosted site i have set up the following
web.config >
      <add key="sql_dsn" value="server=************;database=online;uid=sa;pwd=*******" />
default.aspx >
Public Class shopDB   'publicly declare typical stuff for connections   Public conn As SqlConnection   Public cmd As SqlCommand   Public reader As SqlDataReader   Public dsn As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("sql_dsn").ToString   Public Function getBaseSelectionsByType(ByVal type)   'declare the connection   conn = New SqlConnection(dsn)   'declare command   cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM category", conn)   'open the connection   conn.Open()   'grab data   reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)   Return reader   End Function
End Class
This should all work but i get the following error
[SqlException: Invalid connection.]   System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction) +474   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction) +372   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +384   v3.shopDB.shopDB.getBaseSelectionsByType(Object type) in shopDB.vb:21   v3.shop_default.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in default.aspx.vb:32   System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67   System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35   System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +742Any ideas? i am stumped.
Thanks in advance-Darren

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Invalid Connection

Mar 23, 2007

Hi folks.

I'm a programmer, and very new to databases... but I've worked with 7 or 8 of them so far and I've had no problems. I just had a client get himself a server. He got it from his friend and that friend set it up and sent me the info. It has .NET 2.0 and 1.1 and it has MSSQL Server 2005 Express. He sent me the login info for the database and I connected fine via my enterprise manager... but, when I try to connection I get "invalid connection" I'm using the exact same info. I've tried setting the server as (local) and as the web address I used in my enterprise manager. I recieved the same error for both.

Any suggestions welcome, thanks!


View 5 Replies View Related

Invalid Connection

Jan 3, 2008

I have installed window vista on my computer. And configure a .net applaction. But When I want to browse the application there a error

Server Error in '/nutri-cafe' Application.

Invalid connection.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid connection.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Invalid connection.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction) +474
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction) +372
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +384
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.QuietOpen(IDbConnection connection, ConnectionState& originalState) +44
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillFromCommand(Object data, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +304
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +77
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) +36
NutriCafe.Database.States() +305
NutriCafe.ChooseSchool.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +927
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +750

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032

Please help me.


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Invalid Connection

Jan 3, 2008

I have installed window vista on my computer. And configure a .net applaction. But When I want to browse the application there a error

Server Error in '/nutri-cafe' Application.

Invalid connection.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid connection.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Invalid connection.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction) +474
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction) +372
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +384
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.QuietOpen(IDbConnection connection, ConnectionState& originalState) +44
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillFromCommand(Object data, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +304
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +77
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) +36
NutriCafe.Database.States() +305
NutriCafe.ChooseSchool.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +927
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +750

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032

Please help me.


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Invalid Connection String Attribute

Apr 1, 2008

Hi All,

Now i am using window authentication to login to SQL2005 Express. Everything is fine when I logged with administrator.
But if I use normal user to log in, then I can not connect to SQL database, even I am using user instance. I got the error message is:

Microsoft SQL Native Client (0x80004005)
Invalid connection string attribute

My connection String is:
Provider=SQLNCLI;Initial Catalog=***;Data Source=***;
Persist Security Info=False;User Instance=True;
Integrated Security=SSPI;

Any idea? Thanks.

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Invalid Connection String Attribute

Jan 7, 2008

Hi all,

We have recently been having some problems with our server, and im stuck for ideas of what to try next!

Basically we have a busy period every 2 hours where we have many records that need to be processed etc, but we are getting an error coming back saying 'Invalid connection string attribute'.

Now this would be fine but we are using a UDL and 80% of the records are going in fine and its just this few that are coming back with this error. This happens at 3mins and 55 secs past the hour everytime too.

Now i ran SQL profiler over this time and there are records and such being processed fine, then all of a sudden at 3min and 55 secs past there is a mass 'Audit Logout' noted in profiler.

It would seem to me it has nothing to do with the connection string as it was working perfectly fine before.

The processing is done using a VB6 dll being called through ASP on IIS 6.

Does anyone have any ideas on what to try next or advice?

Thanks all

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Invalid Connection String On SQLXMLBulkLoad

Sep 4, 2006


I'm using SQLXMLBulkLoad to insert data into the SQL database. It worked with the test database on my PC but when I changed it into a VPS it throws an error: Invalid Connection String. This connection string that I used worked in my program before the addition of 'provider = sqloledb'.

Here's the connection string:

@"Provider = sqloledb; Data Source=CRM;Initial Catalog=Works;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=userid;Password=password;Asynchronous Processing=True";


heres the error code:

View 3 Replies View Related

Database Connection Error

Feb 29, 2008

I get a Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly error when I try to create a new SQL Server .mdf database in Visual Web Developer.  I tried to re-install SQL Server express but get a message that it is already installed.  I also have SQL Server 2005 installed.  Could that be the problem?Any help would be appreciated.

View 3 Replies View Related

Database Connection Error

Jan 4, 2005

I have created a connection to a SQL server database using the wizards in
When I created the Sqlconnection I tested it and it was successful.

However, I have now also created a data Adapter using the wizards but I keep getting an error

" System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection."

Does anyone know what is wrong with this?

Please help me.

View 4 Replies View Related

Error In Connection With Database

Jul 23, 2005

Hi alli have database on another machine by name "sqldev" and I am trying toconnect to it from another machine whose name is same "sqldev". thenit gives me error and refuse to connect it. Can anybody tell me whyand how to resolve it?

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Database Connection Error

Aug 29, 2007

Dear Sir;

The following error messages appear and if you please explain how to handle these errors:

When trying to start the reporting services from the configuration manager the following appears:

The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion. Consult the event log or other applicable error logs for details

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The Prelogin Packet Used To Open The Connection Is Structurally Invalid

Dec 17, 2007

On one of the workstations being used by a developer we see the following entries in the event log:

Event Type: Error
Event Category: (4)
Event ID: 17828
Date: 17/12/2007
Time: 10:24:25
User: N/A
Computer: <removed>
The prelogin packet used to open the connection is structurally invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Searching on the internet we don't get a satisfying answer. This connection to the database is made through a .NET web service using the default client libraries from the Base Class Library. We are talking about a fully patched SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and .NET Framework 3.5.

Any clues?

I only found the following "relevant" link:

But I am the kind of guy that likes to know what went or goes wrong instead of trying out hacks like the one described in the above link.

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User Instance=True Causes Invalid Connection String

Feb 14, 2006

Whenever I use "User Instance=True" as in the connection string below, I get an invalid connection string error. If I take it out, the connection string generates other errors.

"Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User Instance=True;AttachDBFileName=|DataDirectory|DbName.mdf;Data Source=.\sqlexpress;"

Removing User Instance=True always eliminates the invalid connection string message.

BTW, I tried both Data Source=.\sqlexpress and Data Source=.sqlexpress.

View 9 Replies View Related

Error 'Could Establish Connection To The Database '

Mar 16, 2006

I encounter few errors when I try to create a login page using tool in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, please refer to below :

 I create a Login screen from Toolbox.
 When I try to configure the setting for Provider Configuration in the ASP.NET Website Administration Tool using Select a single provider for all site management data or Select a different provider for each feature (advanced) options, the error ‘Could not establish a connection to the database’ appear.

I have tried to run aspnet_regsql to configure the server and database and return to this tool to configure the Provider configuration but the same error ‘Could not establish a connection to the database.’ appear.
When I click the Security Configuration link in ASP.NET Configuration, the error as shown below appear :
'There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the below button to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store.
The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.(provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)'
When I try to choose Data Store in the Security Configuration screen(Figure 4),  the same error(‘Could not establish a connection to the database’) appear.
I also have tried to configure the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration but the same error still appear….
Is there any other configuration I need to set before I can create this login page?
 Any advices or help is much appreciate.
Thank you.

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Database Engine Connection Error.

Mar 6, 2006

I got the sql2005 std edition at the msdn rollout, and the vs2005 studio. I uninstalled sql2000 and now, cannot connect to the database engine.

I get the following error message with a link to an page that offers no info. What's up and how can I get it to work? Please, help.

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2)

For help, click:

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3709-The Connection Cannot Be Used To Perform This Operation. It Is Either Closed Or Invalid In This Context

Feb 10, 2008

We have a nagging issue here in our application side, which I was trying to troubleshoot and reach no where. Can I have your valuable inputs for resolving/understanding the root cause of the issue?

3709-The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context

This error is not coming regularly (twice it happened and after the program is running successfully with out any problem). Problem having exe is running every 2 minutes interval.

Most of the sites saying this is something related to code written in the application but if that is the case why this error is not happening continuously? The problem having exe is running past 4 months with 2 minutes interval and suddenly thrown this error.

I found one MS site describing about this error but not able to find any fixes for this issue ( We are on the process of upgrading the operating system with SP2; will this help us to resolve this issue? Please advice.


1. Windows 2003 with SP1
2. MDAC 2.8
3. SQL 2005 with SP1
4. VB Application.

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ADO Connection String Error For Mirrored Database

Jul 9, 2007

I am trying to connect to a failover partner using ADO (non .Net) and Visual C++. ADO is throwing the following exception:

Caught: Unspecified error - Invalid connection string attribute(Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server)

Connection String:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=EdwardsvilleSQLSERVER;Failover Partner=Mirror2SQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=SomeCatalog;User Id=SomeId;Password=SomePassword

Any ideas?

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VS.NET Debug Website Gives Connection Error To SQL Database

Dec 28, 2006

Hi all,

I've got a little problem.

I'm working on a ASP.NET project. The applications has 4-layers. When I look in the Data Access Layer and test the typed dataset, then the "Preview Data" works fine. I see the right records from SQL Server 2005.

But when I run the app (default.aspx) in debug-mode, then the system gives the following error:

"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"

Please help.....

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DataReader Source - ERROR [42000] XML Parse Error At 162:1338: Not Well-formed (invalid Token)

Apr 1, 2008

Hello, I get the following error when I run my package interactively. From the logs written out by the driver, it appears that all is working well as far as connecting to the data source and pulling data. It seems as if this error occurs when the DataReader source tries to process the received data.

SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043006 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043007 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0047062 at Data Flow Task, DataReader Source [1]: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [42000] XML parse error at 162:1338: not well-formed (invalid token)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(OdbcHandle hrHandle, RetCode retcode)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReaderObject(CommandBehavior behavior, String method, Boolean needReader, Object[] methodArguments, SQL_API odbcApiMethod)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReaderObject(CommandBehavior behavior, String method, Boolean needReader)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.PreExecute()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostPreExecute(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper)
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "DataReader Source" (1) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0x80131937.
Information: 0x40043009 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300B at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Destination" (691)" wrote 0 rows.
Task failed: Data Flow Task
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" finished: Success.

I am not sure where to look next. Any help is much appreciated.


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ODBC Connection To Remote Computer Giving Invalid Instance() Message

Feb 20, 2007

I am trying to set up a ODBC connection to a remote database using the ODBC data source administrator. I am getting an error message complaining of an invalid instance(). The database I am trying to connect to does have a default instance and a named instance. Do I need to specify the instance name somewhere in the connection settings? I tried specifying the server name as <Remote computer IP Address>/<Instance Name> but this didn't work. Any ideas?

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The Command Line Parameters Are Invalid For Source Connection String When Running As A SQL Job

Jan 30, 2008

Hi All,

I created a SSIS package to import an excel spreadsheet into my data warehouse.
When I run the package it runs fine. When I created a SQL Job to run the package I get the following error:

Option "Source=D:HelpDeskImportBook2.xls;Extended" is not valid. The command line parameters are invalid.

Now if I look at my source connection string in the job it looks like the following:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:HelpDeskImportBook2.xls;Extended Properties=HDR=YES;EXCEL 8.0;HDR=YES";

Does anyone know why it appears that my connection string looks like it is being cut off and does anyone know how I can correct the problem?



View 8 Replies View Related

Error Connection Pooling ODBC - SQLConnect Where Database This Down

May 3, 2007

My application works with the Connection pooling ODBC. Everything works well, when it data base this down the SQLConnect function finishes steeply my application.

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Cannot Set Connection Property Of Backup Database Task If Connection String Is Customized In Connection Object

Aug 23, 2006

I added a connection (ADO.NET) object by name testCon in the connection manager - I wanted to programmatically supply the connection string. So I used the "Expressions" property of the connection object and set the connectionstring to one DTS variable. The idea is to supply the connection string value to the variable - so that the connection object uses my connection string.

Then I added a "Backup Database Task" to my package with the name BkpTask. Now whenever I try to set the connection property of BkpTask to the testCon connection object, by typing testCon, it automatically gets cleared. I am not able to set the connection value.

Then after spending several hours I found that this is because I have customized the connection string in testCon. If I don't customize the connection string, I am able to enter the "testCon" value in the connection property of the BkpTask.

Is this an intrinsic issue?

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