Hi all,
I can run the import/exp through the utility and link to oracle to extract data via OLE DB ORACLE interactively,it run prefectly ok.
However, when I try to schedule as a package and jobs, it always give me invalid password/username. Why the username/password not save or somehow it wouldn't accept when run as package or jobs?
My goal is to write a DR plan where i am restoring all user databases onto a diffrent server in a event of hardware failure. I was trying to figure out a way to extract DDL of user accounts and their permissions on all user databases so i can simplify my DR documentation.
This is the plan I came up with...to restore all system and user dbs on a different Physical SQLServer.
1. build named instance $PROD
2. restore master database
- startup sqlserver in single user mode -m or DAC sqlcmd -S ServerName -U sa -P<xxx> –A net stop MSSQLSERVER$PROD net start MSSQLSERVER$PROD -m - restore database master from disk e:master.bak with replace;
3. start sqlserver normally
4. stop SQLServer agent
5. restore msdb
-restore database msdb disk e:msdb.bak with replace;
My users are unable to view reports on server A. When trying to access it shows up as users have no access to the reports. We have another server B which also deploys the same set of reports,to the same set of users as Server A.Users are able to view the reports on Server B. Both server B & A are used for deploying reports that are created on another development server.I am very new to the concepts of IIS and report administration.Could someone tell me what I can start checking on? What are the settings that I can compare on both server ?
If I am not very clear on the problem explained above.Do let me know I would be glad to explain futher.
The following user function is returning an error "invalid object name admin.udfAlphaOnly." This worked for me in an SQL 2000 database as a user function. However, now I am trying to add this as a Scaler-valued function in SQL 2005. Could someone please help me find what is incorrect.
I am havining problems connecting to my database in some projects. I installed MSDE and didn't get prompted for any passwords. When I Initialize the connection and use: Integrated Security=aspi, the connection works ok for some projects but not for others, it doesn't seem to work with a server-side script block or from a sql dattabase that I created in the server explorer in visual studio VB.NET. When I test the dattabase connection in server explorer it works fine.
Is this intergrate securtiy supposed to work only with applications that connect to sample databases like the pubs database, and also not in server-side script?
How do I create a username and password for a default instance of MSDE?
I have found setup instruction on upgrading MSDE to create a username and password but I am not upgrading.
If I do create a username and password will initializing the connection with: Intergrated Security = aspi, still work?
I would apprecate any help I could get as I am a newbee. Many thanks, Glen Conaway
I have just installed MSDE (first time ever). I am now trying to work with it (first time ever) Most tools I now find I need to use, ask simple questions like:
Name of Server: User Name: Password:
I know the name of the server - fantastic I did not specify a user name or password when installing -
ie, How do you specify the user name and password AFTER installing the server.
Hi I have add one new database mdf file in my project by ---> add new Item in to project. But This database.mdf file is in windows authetication mode. So there is no password assign to this. I want to assign use id and password to this database or I want to give sql server authetication mode. I have tried Modfy Connection property of database but that is not working. what is the default username of this conncetion????? REply.....
Can the user change their password in Enterprise Manager? When they follow the documentation, this does not seem to work unless they are sa: (I know about sp_password....we are trying to find a GUI method for typical user.)
Expand a server group; then expand a server. Expand Security; then click Logins. In the details pane, right-click the login to modify, and then click Properties. In Password, on the General tab, enter a new password. Confirm the password.
Is it possible for the SA to find out a current user's password. I know that it is possible for the SA to change the user's password, but I am lost as to how to find the user's current password. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
My SQL Server is running as a Domain user account and it asked me to enter the password for thr Domain user account when I was changing the Startup account from Local to Domain user. My QUESTION here is: Is there a way or command for me to change the password automatically on the Services account, if I change the password for the Domain User account/.
I newly installed SQL Server 2005 .I did not mention any username and password during installation.But now i want to specify one.Can you tell me how to do so .My Operating System is WindowsXp.
I have a database app that deploys with sql 2005 express to each end-user. I would like to install sql 2005 express using Windows Authentication only. In this case, should I bother to set an sa password? And if I do set the sa password, how would I go about making sure that the sa password is different for every installation of sql express? Would it be recommended to save every end-user's sa password (possibly tens of thousands of passwords) just in case sql maintenance needs to be done on their computer? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Is there a T-SQL command or script that would help me in retrieving a lost SQL User password? I have just migrated a SQL server instances from one server to another, and in order to modify the SSIS packages, I need the password for the user that it uses. I would much rather know the existing password rather than change it.
Can I find out the password of an aliased databases user? We have a third party app that uses one but it has no corresponding server login so I don't know what the password is set to and I need to change it.
I'm trying to create a function that splits up a column by spaces, andI thought creating a function that finds the spaces with CHARINDEX andthen SUBSTRING on those values would an approach. I get an errorsaying that the I have an Invalid column 'Course_Number'. Not surewhy but I am very new to User Defined Functions. Here is what I haveso far:CREATE FUNCTION CourseEvalBreakdown(@fskey int)RETURNS @CourseTable TABLE(Col CHAR(2),Area CHAR(4),Number CHAR(4),Section CHAR(4),Term CHAR(3))ASBEGINDECLARE@Ind1 tinyint,@Ind2 tinyint,@Rows intDECLARE @crstbl TABLE (FStaffKey int,Course_Number char(20),Term char(3),Col char(2),Area char(4),Number char(4),Section char(3))INSERT INTO @crstbl (FStaffKey, Course_Number, Term)SELECT FStaffKey, Course_Number, TermFROM EvalWHERE FStaffKey = @fskeySET @Rows = @@rowcountWHILE @Rows 0BEGINSET @Ind1 = CHARINDEX(' ', Course_Number, 4)SET @Ind2 = CHARINDEX(' ',Course_Number, (CHARINDEX(' ',Course_Number, 4)+1))UPDATE @crstblSET Col = SUBSTRING(Course_Number, 1, 2)WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyUPDATE @crstblSET Area = UPPER(SUBSTRING(Course_Number, 4, @Ind1-4))WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyUPDATE @crstblSET Number = UPPER(SUBSTRING(Course_Number, @Ind1+1, (@Ind2-@Ind1)-1))WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyUPDATE @crstblSET Section = SUBSTRING(Course_Number, @Ind2+1, 3)WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyENDINSERT @CourseTableSELECT Col, Area, Number, Section, Term FROM @crstblRETURNENDGO
Whenever I use "User Instance=True" as in the connection string below, I get an invalid connection string error. If I take it out, the connection string generates other errors.
Is there a way to find out my user id and password that should be used in my connection string? If I can not find this information out for myself, do I need to go to some type of system administrator. Here is the connection string in my web.config file. <connectionStrings> <add name="SPK" connectionString="Server=localhost; User ID=AppUser;Password=meander;Database=atstdb01; Persist Security Info=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </connectionStrings>
When I access this connection string via my code, A little dialog box pops up with the following error message: Login failed for user AppUser. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
A user forgot her password, how do I reset her password? sp_password require a former password to change, and I'm unable to do that since she forgot her's
Is there an automatic way of changing the Domain user password getting used for running the SQL Server as a Domain user account? I'm taking about EM---Security----Domain User name and the password getting used for running the SQL Server?
SQL Server 2005 Express will not allow me to change the password for my login user. I tried deleting the user and re-creating the user. Another password is being put in although the password I put in was accepted. I even test to see what would happen if I left the password blank. It got accepted. But when I look at the password for my login user again, a different and much longer password was put in. I even tried this T-SQL statement:
Dear AllI have a problem ,as i created the new user itspassword became changed.I logon SQL Server as[color=blue][color=green]>> Server Name: localhost>> Server option : window athentication[/color][/color]then i created a new user[color=blue][color=green]>>user name = test>>password = 123[/color][/color]then,i refreshes the serveras i click on the test userits password become too long as ************what is the reason
Earlier one of my team member has created a user login and password but forgot the password after few days and now we need to know the password of that login. Some of the application are using this login so we can delete and create a new login with the same name hence is there any possibility or script to find out the password of the existing login.
I tried to cahnge this account option to built in account option in SQL ( MSSQLSERVER) properties box. Then SQL Server was log on as Local system. But then I can not view my reports which i created. Now I changed it again to this account option. but I dont exaclty remember the password. Is there anyway I can get to know the password I created.
I have written a simple SQL Server 2005 package to pull some data from Oracle (using ODBC) and pumping it into SQL Server. When I run it from the server in debug mode in VS it works fine. When I schedule the job it errors out with "ora-01005: null password given; logon denied." The password is there. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a security setting somewhere preventing me from saving passwords? Is there a work around? Thanks.
Hi... When i try to login(other than sa for e.g. "test1" user) in mssql server the account be locked. By using sa account i try to unlock the test1 user by using the following command
Alter login [test1] with PASSWORD = 'pass123' UNLOCK
when i execute above command test1 user unlocked successfully.
But our requirement is, with out setting the PASSWORD property i want to unlok the test1 user
I have installed Visual Web Developer Express 2005 with Sql Server Express, I can login with window authentication, but I want to create different user and password that I can use to access a database I have created, can anybody help me how to do this ? Thanks.
Ok so I have a SQL server database set up and I can't figure out how to create the spot where the user's login password should go and also what the specifics of the password column should be.....and yeah....all help is appreciated