We are using a DTS in SQL Server 2000 (will turn to 2005 soon, if
anything ad hoc may help) to import data periodically from a folder.
Now the problem is, if the filename is fixed. It makes it a little bit
troublesome to detect the date for data source -- we have to put the
date in the first row.
Is it possible, say, configue the DTS to fetch data from files like
DataYYYYMMDD.txt, so that, YYYYMMDD could be extract as an indicator as
the date of data source for the DTS?
I am trying to create a program that transfers tables to flat files. At this point in time, I have suceeded in created one that creates delimited files.
However, I am now trying to create fixed-width files as you can do with the SSIS designer, but programatically.
Is there a way to programatically determine the width of a column from the source table? I can not seem to find any kind of function or member that stores this information or allows me to retrieve it.
I know what I need to change in order to set a width for a column, but I just don't know how to find the width without just asking the user to provide one.
its my flow in one of my packates (ETL job) Excel file contains monthly revenue details, i wanna import the excel data to my database staging table, so i've created the package. its working fine...
Problem if we change the new data for the next month and running the package its not running; the same file, same format, only we delete the contents, of the file except first row of the excel sheet, and pasting the new data; new data is coming from Oracle DataBase in the form of excel sheet ( manually they will copy the data and sending to us)
i open that package in design mode and while double clicking the excel file source it says <column name>'s Meta Data needs to be synchronized Do you want to Fix this issue automatically with the available external column's meta data
Clearly noted that its a data type issue; i have changed the corresponding data types as it is in the previous Excel sheet which is equivalant to the Table its copying to.
now the package is running with validation warnings, External Column "Invoice Amount" needs to be updated...etc. some 2 or three warning messages i can able to see in the package Execution wizard,
ok, i'm ready to accept these warnings, and i want my package running from my server;( packages had been deployed in to the Centeralized server; every time if we want to run the package, we have the asp.net webpage, that is executing the package in an On_click event)
The package is not running from the server, its due to the meta data change in the Excel file( i guess)
please suggest me some guide lines to resolve this meta data issue, i want my excel sheet meta data should not change when we have new updates in it;
otherwise suggest me some solutions that i can validate the excel sheet before running the package and testing whether the data is in correct format or not? its a kind of Data Profiling activity;
i know its some what crazy, but i need to maintain the system with permanent solution, instead of facing this meta data mismatch issue!!!
some what lenthy explanation--> its needed for my dear powerful microsoft responders. i think i 've explained my problem clearly, if i don't let me know your queries, i'll try my level best.
I have created a File System task which is contained in a Foreach Loop Container. I have .bak files that are populating a directory from a maintenance backup plan.
There is a point where I need to delete the .bak file's after I've zipped them all up.
How do I set the SourceVariable to read through the directory and pick up just the .bak file's in the directory to delete.
I have a source files folder where the files generated everyday. My goal is pick the latest file and copy this single file to another folder. I used the Foreach loop container and got the latest file and stored the file name to a varible i.e. LatestFile Then i want to use the File System Task to copy this to the destination. On the beginning, I could not setup the Latestfile since I don't its name then, so when I setup the Source Connection property of the File system task, it is not allowed to leave the SourceVarible as blank!
I m using SSIS and i am transfering the data from Flat File Source to the OLE DB destination File. The source file contain some corrupt data which i am transfering to the other Flat file destination file.
Debugging is succesful but i am not getting any error output in the Flat file destination file.
i had done exactly which is written in the msdn tutorial of SSIS.
Plz tell me why i am not getting the error output in the destination flat file?
I have the Excel Connection Manager and Source to read the contents from an Excel file. For some reason couple of numeric fields from the Excel worksheet are brought over as nulls even though they have a value of 300 and 150. I am not sure why this is happening. I looked into the format of the fields and they are set to General in Excel, I tried setting them to numeric and that did not help.
All the other content from the excel file is coming thru except for the 2 numeric fields.
I tried to bring the contents from the excel source to a text file in csv format and for some reason the 2 numeric fields came out as blank.
Any inputs on getting this addressed will be much appreciated.
I'm trying to write a DTS package that reads data from an excel spreadsheet. I'm having a problem getting all the data from the spreadsheet, seems that OLE DB is "too" smart. There is one column that has either numeric values or text values in its row cells. When I browse the spreadsheet in DTS (transform properties, browse button) I only see the text values. OLE DB has placed nulls or blanks into the cells with the numeric values. If I edit the spreadsheet to change the column header to contain a number, then the browse window shows only the numeric values and blanks out the text values. Any suggestion on how to get OLE DB/DTS to treat the numeric values as text? In the spreadsheet, I've tried changing the cell formats to text and to general. This had no effect.
I have an xml data file that resides on the same server as where SSRS is installed. I'd like to use this file as my data source for a report, but I'm having difficulty formulating the xmldp query that will allow me to access it.
So if I have a file called D: estmyfile.xml (on the server), any ideas on how I would be able to use this file in a report?
I have Flat File as my source. Before i tried to load the data in to ORACLE Destination thru SCD component the error was with ole db.
any ways i try to load the data in Access DB but I€™m getting different error in same component (OLE DB) After SCD Component. can any one help me out in this.
I have a single file that contains records destined for multiple tables. The "first" record is considered primary and the other records are considered "secondary" (meaning that they have foreign keys to the primary table).
In order to properly insert this I needed to use two data flows. The first data flow directed the primary rows to the primary table and the secondary rows get directed to a raw file destination. The second data flow read in from the raw file and wrote out the rows to the appropriate tables.
But here is my problem.
This darn validation! While I think validation is a great idea, the extensive use of it in what seems like EVERY aspect of SSIS seems to cause more headaches than not...
When I deploy my package and try to run it I get an error because the raw file source DOES NOT EXIST. Of course it does not exist, it gets created when the package runs... I cannot deploy something that does not exist yet.
I even have a problem while I am trying to work with the package in VS. The only way to get the package to run is to disable the second data flow so it does not try to validate it. Run the package so the raw file is created. And then re-enable the second data flow again. (Which then I guess I could take the raw file and deploy it with my package but that just seems silly.... deploying temporary files... that would be like deploying Internet Explorer with the Temporary Internet Files folders....)
And of course with that type of solution my package could never "clean up" after itself...
I'm totally new to SSIS and need some direction.I'ved worked with the Import/Export wizard to create a package that imports a text file into a SQL Server table. However, I'm told the format of the text file changes over time and that's not good. I need to program in a format validation check on the source file before it gets imported. If it changes, I'm suppose to throw an alert or something.Let's say the file has the columns: field1 (string[10]), field2 (date), field3 (integer), field4 (decimal).I did some testing and tried to change the data to a longer string in field1, and SSIS recognizes that and errors out. How do I get it to send the bad record to an bad record file? Do I just set a destination file connection for bad records and connect the red arrow from the source file to the destination file?I forget if the source file connection recognizes a bad date and errors out. I'll have to check again.But when I changed the data in the datafile for field3 from integer to decimal. It didn't recognize that as an error. It read it in "successfully". That's not good.Similar thing happened when I changed field4 from decimal to integer in the data file. But I'm not too worried about that.Any hints on how to do this or a better approach on checking for file format changes would be appreciated.Ken
Hi, I try to change my var on run-time on event handler of an DATA TASK that import from a row file sorce to a table into a DB.
I set AccessMode to "File name from variable" and select "myvar".
I try the way from handler "preValidate" and also "preExecute". Into this 2 areas I 've insert a script file that try to change "myvar" value.
Public Sub Main() Dts.Variables("strNameFileRAW").Value = "Attributi.RAW" Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success End Sub
When I try on debug mode my data task I always got an erorr: ________________________________ Error at Attributi [Raw File Source [1599]]: File "\manny-slaveappWorkEXPORTRaw2007-12-05Nothing.RAW" cannot be opened for reading. Error may occur when there are no privileges or the file is not found. Exact cause is reported in previous error message.
Error at Attributi [DTS.Pipeline]: component "Raw File Source" (1599) failed validation and returned error code 0x80004005.
Error at Attributi [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.
Error at Attributi: There were errors during task validation.
Nothing.RAW is not a real file...I try to change on preValidate...I try also preExecute
Someone can help me....I want do all in DATATASK not in CONTROL FLOW. A variable can be change in DATA FLOW handlers? I wrong something.
I have some problems with the "Flat File Source" ... I am trying to load a textfile, but IS allways cuts the rows ... When I look at the preview while designing, the row is complete, so I am wondering what IS is doing ...
Hi everyone! I am trying to import data into my sqlserver 2005 database from an Excel 2000 file. The database is empty. I am using the worksheets from the file to create the tables and copy the rows. I am getting follwing errors: - Pre-execute (Error)
Messages Error 0xc0202009: {674E15E4-102E-4935-90A2-8B1FFFEFB11D}: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error".(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc020801c: Data Flow Task: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionExcel" failed with error code 0xC0202009.(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Source 64 - vw_TempOrderDetails" (5280) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020801C.(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
I have a simple data flow where I am trying to import data from an xml file into a SQL Server table. I have an xsd that seems to work because the XML Source can pick up all the elements in the xml file. The problem is that the process executes successfully without any rows being imported. The xml file has lots of data. But no messages or warnings are given to suggest why no rows are being written to the table.
I've been working 4 days non stop on this project, lost a complete weekend on it and I totally had it. Please have a look at this "simple" question:
I have a for each loop that checks for csv files in a folder. The path of the file(s) is stored in a variable varFileName. So far so good. But then I start with a data flow task and inside that data flow task I need to access one of those csv files at the time whenever it loops.
So my best guess is use a flat file source because that's the only task I see in the list that fits my question. But the thing is, you set up a connection to a....yes right, a flat source connection and there you have to select a flat file.
But no, I don't want to select ONE file, I need to access them all as the loop goes through all files. I'm sure this is something easy but I don't see it anymore.
I'm off taking a nap, need sleep Could someone please point me to a direction?
I have a problem where I want to import a 1.6 GB XML file with SSIS into a SQL Server database. My hunch is that SSIS is not very good with handling such large amount of XML data. My test shows that SSIS tries to read all of the file into memory.
Does anyone know if there is any solution of solving this memory problem. My problem is that I want to take this source XML file import it into a database, make some transformations on it (eliminate duplicates etc) then produce a NEW XML file as output in a different XSD-format.
Is really SSIS the right tool for this operation?
The source XML file also have mixed content on Complex Types which seems to be a problem for SSIS as well.
I have a SSIS package loading a lot of CSV file, which first line is the column head. Some file are ordered differently. However, package still try to load the file use predefined column order (it seems it doesn't check the head of each file see if it matchs the predefined column order).
Any way to force the package the check each file's head? or I had to manually check it using VB.Net script?
I have 2 years worth of data that are stored in individual .dbf files for each day. Is there a way to 1 quickly import all of these tables into one and 2. move the timestamp from the file name to a date column?
I have a problem with my SSIS. I have a data flow with a file source in csv, but itself has 140 000 rows, so when I execute the date flow, I have a error who say that the data exceed the temp of I/O (sorry for the translate, but I have the message in french). I test to pass the DefaultBufferMaxRow to 140000 but I have always the problem.
I am trying to make a SSIS package that will loop trough all files in a directory and load information from them.
I can do this with Raw File Sources since they allow me to use a variable name as the file path, but I cant seem to do the same with Flat File Sources. Is there a way to change the connection to a Flat File Source on each iteration of a loop? Actually, if this is possible with all types of file sources (like excel files) I would love to know about it too.
I was thinking about renaming the file through a script task but that does not seem like the most elegant solution so decided to see if some one here knows of a more proper way before I go that direction.
I want to read the following file using the Flat File Source flow:
10000 Router 20000 Hub 10000 Switch 30000 Server 40000 Harddisk
Spaces are used between the numbers (e.g. 10000) and the following text (e.g. Router). Each line is temrinated by a {CR}{LF} pair. I would normally think of this as a "fixed width" file.
But in the Flat File connection manager, if I use format "Fixed width", the preview shows a row width of 1 character wide (the first row contains the number "1"; the next row contains "0", and so on for the remaining 3 rows.in the first line) Not what I had in mind. How do I setup SSIS to handle this file in intended maner?
P.S. I never had any trouble with this type of file under Sql 2000 DTS. Also, have you noticed the crappy-looking "bitmap" displayed when one wants to click and define columns for a fixed-width file?
I have a weird thing happening. I have an .csv file. When I try to load it into a table, I can do it easily in DTS 2000. But when I am trying to do it in SSIS 2005 with exactly the same settings (like Text qualifier, row delimiter etc.), I am getting an error: "The last row in the sampled data is incomplete. The column or the row delimiter may be missing or the text is qualified incorrectly." I looked at the file and it looks complete to me.
What could be the problem ?
P.S. DTS 2000 is on 32-bit Windows, and SSIS 2005 is on 64-bit Windows 2003. Could that we a problem ?
i am importing a file using the Flat File Data Flow Source, it works fine but seems to miss data records every so often (not entire rows, just records inside the rows). The file has 149 columns and usually has around 15,000 to 20,000 rows.
For example, this is a sample of the input: AccountNum, CancelDate, CancelReason 123~2/2/08~ADC 345~2/1/08~CCC 789~2/5/08~CRC
After the Flat File Source imports the file I get back: AccountNum, CancelDate, CancelReason 123~2/2/08~ADC 345~2/1/08~ 789~2/5/08~CRC
has anyone ever seen this or heard of this happening. It is usually the same column that misses records and this only happens when it runs from a job (in debug mode it always works fine).