Is It Neccessary To Restore System Database For New Server?

Dec 14, 2007

Hello, everyone:

I am going to remove a database server (SQL Server 2000 on Win 2003) to a brand new server, same as SQL Server 2000 on Win 2003. Do I need to restore system database(master, msdb, model and tempDB) to the new server? My understanding I don't have to because I will transfer DTSs and login user by DTS to new server, and run scripts to recreate jobs on new server. Is it correct?



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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Do System Restore To Previous Restore Point

Dec 31, 2014

In Windows Server 2012. How do I do a System Restore to a previous restore point?I need to install the 64 bit and 32 bit Oracle Client Install for connections in SSIS and to create Oracle Linked Servers.

If you make a mistake it is not fun removing it. Sometimes it corrupts the machine and it is difficult to uninstall since there is not an Oracle Universal installer for Oracle 11g.If you install the 32 bit before the 64 you mess up the to create a restore point.

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Restore System Dbs From SP3 To SP3a?

Jan 14, 2005

Can system databases (master, model, msdb) backed up from SQL2k SP3 be restored to an instance of SP3a? Can they be restored from SP3a to SP3? TIA!

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Restore All System Databases

Feb 8, 2007

Hi All,

I need to do a restore of all my system databases, master, msdb and model, and of course my production database.

The Windows 2003 OS and Sql Server 2005 have both been reinstalled on the server.

I understand I need to be in Single User Mode to restore the master database and I just wanted to clarify the procedure for a successful restore.

I've found this page: which has instructions for restoring a master database.

So, all I have to do is:

1. Be in single user mode

2. Using SQLCMD run:
C:> sqlcmd
1> RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'Z:MyBackLocationmaster.bak';
2> GO

From the instructions:
"After master is restored, the instance of SQL Server shuts down and terminates the sqlcmd process"

My Questions:
When I've restored the master do I repeat the steps above to restore the msdb and model databases? 

Are there any other pitfalls?

Thanks for any advice


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HELP Lost DB, Restore From System Backup Not SQL

Sep 3, 1999

I have to restore a database from a directory structure backup run by NT SERVER not SQL SERVER. I am not sure of the database size structure or whethter it has a log device. I am desperate for any advice on methods of restoring this in a safe manner.(it is a live production DB)

Thanks in advance.

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Question On System And Data Restore

Sep 20, 2006

new to SQL Server 2000. We have an obsolete database that we need tosave off for x number of years. DB2 has utilities (DB2Look/Export)that allows for the export of the data along with a schema and scriptthat enables the future recreation of the structure of the databasesand tables to include RI etc. You can save off the architecture andrelationships of the tables as well as the data.Does SQL Server have anything similar?Thanks in advance.Gerry

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Prevent Backup And Restore On Different System

Sep 24, 2007

How do I prevent someone from backing up the data / copying the mdf and then mounting it from a different server or instance to gain access to the DB.

I do not have control over the physical file.

Basically, I want to make sure that only authorized applications and users can access the data.

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Restore Data From Live System To Test

Jun 16, 2015

I have two SQL Databases on separate servers, live and test. I have been asked to copy the data from the live system and put it into test. They are SQL Management Studio 2008 running on MS Server 2008R2.

Could a simple backup of the database, then copy that file to the test system and restore the database from that point work or it there more to it?

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Express SMO Restore Only If Change System Date

Jun 23, 2012

I am using the (SQL Express ) bellow given code to restore data from *.bak file (A backup file creater earlier by SQL backup). Some times this do not restore the data and gives error "Restore Failed". But when I change the system date to next day date then it restore data successfully.VB code used is as follow:

Dim strFileName As String
Dim rstDb As New Restore
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server("(local)SQLEXPRESS")
Dim db As Database
db = srv.Databases("mydatabase")


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Operating System Error 1784 On DB Restore

Apr 11, 2007

Hi there. Could someone help me out.
I'm performing a log restore and getting the following error within the SQL Server Error Log.

During restore restart, an I/O error occurred on checkpoint file 'G:MSSQL.1MSSQLBackupdxsh.CKP' (operating system error 1784(error not found)). The statement is proceeding but cannot be restarted. Ensure that a valid storage location exists for the checkpoint file.

IT's a very basic Restore command and i do have not specified it to Restart.

Having checked the MS website for 1784 it suggests the following:

The supplied user buffer is not valid for the requested operation

Can anyone tell me what is wrong here and why it is creating a checkpoint file or even what it is and how to overcome the error message.


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Installing Windows Defender After A System Restore

Feb 6, 2008

I was running Windows Defender regularly as an add-on to the software supplied with my Sony laptop (2003). Then I had to execute a backdated System Restore to eradicate a recurring display omission on the Windows hardware screens and I lost the Defender program. I have now tried to start using Defender again. It downloads but won't run - errmess states it needs W Installer 3.1. I have downloaded the Windows.exe file for the Installer, but this has not made any difference. I cannot run Defender.
Anyone with any ideas ? Please keep it simple - I'm not a programmer !

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Restore SMK And System Databases (credentials And Linked Servers)

Apr 28, 2008

Hi there

I have a concern about restore whole SQL server environment.

1st server:

x86 SQL Server 2005 EE SP2 + hotfix 3159 is installed on Windows 2003 SP1 R2. SQL Server is running under Local System Account. Server is not part of AD.

2nd server

Win XP SP2, x86 SQL Server 2005 DE SP2 + hotfix 3159. SQL Server is running under Local Admin Account. Server is part of AD. Server has Credentials and linked servers

I'm trying to move all databases from server 2 to server 1

For this I am doing:

1) Create backup SMK

2) Detach all user databases

3) Backup all system databases

4) Copy all this stuff to server 1

5) Run Server 1 in single-mode (-m)

6) Restore master database

7) Try to restore backup SMK that was done on step 1 and get this error message:

Msg 15329, Level 16, State 11, Line 2
The current master key cannot be decrypted. If this is a database master key, you should attempt to open it in the session before performing this operation. The FORCE option can be used to ignore this error and continue the operation but the data encrypted by the old master key will be lost.

My understanding is that credential secrets, linked server login passwords are lost and should be recreated. DbMK can be restored using passwords.

As far as I know this can be avoided if the same domain account is using for both servers. But the question still this - if I have stand alone server, using local system account for the SQL Server service and have encrypted objects - I cannot restore SQL Server on another box (say in case disaster lost original one) without loosing credentials and linked servers even if I have all backups including backup of SMK.

Sounds gloomily for me. Any idea what I missed?

PS This links

and all relative topics in BOL were studied very carefully



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Backup Restore - System Hangs When Changing Media (DVD)

Mar 15, 2008

My Vista system hangs immediately after I insert the second blank DVD. I'm doing a simple backup of my user files. I'm using Vista Premium, fully up to date with patches, minimal software installed because this system is 100% used as a Media Center. Hardware is off the shelf HP Media Center m8067n.

I checked Microsoft knowledgebase and no other similar cases popped up. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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Restore Backup To Second System Without Overwriting Local Custom Views?

Apr 25, 2008

Is this possible?

here is the situation. I have a DB on one system. I back it up and then restore it to a second system. This second system I run reports off of and I want to create custom views that do not exist on the original system. Can I restore the
backup DB from the remote system without wiping out the custom views on the local system?

I have to do this this way as they won't let us create the views we want on the remote system so the only way we have access to run the reports is by restoring the backup locally.


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How To Restore Sql Server Database?

Aug 15, 2005

Hi,I have a backup file in the database server,and I want to restore database using the backup in client.What should I do?
Thanks for any word.

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Restore Database In Same Server With Another Name

Nov 22, 2013

i want to restore database in same server with another name, i already taken backup in d drive, and getting below error the backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing database restore database is terminating abnormally(mssql server error:3152)

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Restore Database From One Server To Another

May 18, 2004

Hello All!

I would like you to help me with syntax to restore the database
Here is my situation I haver ServerA and ServerB. ServerA has DB called TEST and is being backed up everyday on D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUPTest.Bak, now I need to restore this backup on ServerB's D-drive. Help me with the T-SQL syntax.

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Restore Database To Different Server

Aug 2, 2006

A client sent me a full database backup (SQL Server 2005 Express). How can I restore that database to my SQL Server 2005 Express?

I've tried this...

FROM DISK = 'C:JensenMorganSQL.bak'
MOVE 'Jensenmorganlinen_Data' TO
'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataJensenMorganLinen.mdf',
MOVE 'Jensenmorganlinen_Log'
TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataJensenMorganLinen.ldf'

But the results is this...

Msg 3154, Level 16, State 4, Line 1
The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'JensenMorganLinen' database.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

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Restore A Database To Another Server

Nov 15, 2007

Hi, i am using sql server 2000, and i make daily backups. I want torestore my backup to a test msde database i have. I don't know how idid it last time.-The database name is the same: "web" on both places-The database is located on different hard drives and the file nameare different on both places.I tried to do it from enterprise manager, restore database, fromdevice, i chose the transaction file and the database backup itselfand tried to restore, but i got an error that i don't have exclusiveaccess to the database.How can i fix this?

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SQL Server Database Restore

Mar 28, 2008

Hello, I have a question related to SQL Server DB Restore scenario:

1. I have taken full, log backup from the old servers and restore in New server. (This is where my old system crashed, I installed SQL Server in a new environement)

Can I restore old environment Master, MSDB to new environment Matser, MSDB? How it works?

2. Is there any better way to have Master image on new environment? How we can update registry values in Windows 2003 environement? How we can clone any thing, if that person is brain dead (coma) like in OS Clone?

please advise.

Thanks, Jay

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How Can I Hide Mssql Server System Database?

Sep 11, 2006

Dear All,

I m using mssql server 2005, when i create a user account for mssql and then use this account to login via management studio. It will show all the system databases and other client databases. How can i hide those databases and allow the client to see their own databases.



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Need To Back Up A Database And Then Restore It On Another Server

May 18, 2007

I need to back up a production database on one server and then copy it to a test server wherel it will be restored. The problem is that I don't know where to move the  file to on the production server before I restore it. Is there a special folder I need to copy the file to? I see a folder named ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server but beyond that I have no idea where to copy the file so that it can be restored?
Can someone help me out please?

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Restore The SQL 2000 Database On To SQL 7.0 Server

Nov 29, 2001

Any one know how to restore a SQL 2000 backup on to a server which has SQL 7.0??

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Jun 9, 2004

I want to backup an SQL Server database through a client application written in VB 6.0, and not through the Enterprize Manager.
I use the SQLDMO Objects Library to backup the database to the SQL Server machine through my application,
but there are the following problems:
a. The backup can be done only locally to the SQL Server machine. Is there any way to bypass this restriction?
b. To get the Directories Structure of this machine i use the xp_FixedDrives, xp_Subdirs stored procedures.
That's ok for the Backup operation but i do not have a way to view the FILES to perform Restore operation.
Of cource VB function Dir() cannot be used to view files on the server because of access restrictions.
Is there any workaround for that?

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Restore Database Backup To New Server

Jul 22, 2013

I have a .bak full database backup from a computer. Now I installed new SQL Server 2005 in another computer and would like to restore the .bak database here. How it can be done?

When I right click database and select restore database, it opens a window where it asks to put "destination for restore". This is a new SQL Server, how can I restore then?

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Database - Restore Failed For Server

Sep 7, 2005

Hi, i need help about restore a DB
I did a backup of a database using SQL Server Management Studio, but when i try to restore my database now, i get this error:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Restore failed for Server 'Athenas'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The media set has 2 media families but only 1 are provided. All members must be provided. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

What do i doing so bad??
Thanks for ur opinions and help.


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DB Engine :: Server Restore Database

Jul 20, 2015

I am using SQL Server Management Studio 12 to try to restore a backup to a new database.  I know I have done this before, but cannot seem to make it happen now.  Her is what I have.

Backup file is "C:TempInProcessInspection_DataSQL_backup_2015_02_23_000012_4551393.bak" and it is for sure there. 

This came from a customer of mine.I launch SQL Server Management Studio 12 and log in as SA.  I right click on Databases and chose Restore Database.  I choose Device then file then Add and try to browse the the named location. 

When I get there, regardless if I choose All files or Bak, I see no files.I tried to upload an image of the "Upload Backup File" dialog, but MSDN would let it happen.  When I get to the c:temp folder, no files appear in the window.

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Cannot Restore Database In The Computer Is Setuped SQL Server 2000 And SQL Server 2005

Dec 27, 2007

Hi All
I have Computer is setuped SQL Server 2000 and SQL server 2005 when I restore SQL Server 2005 it's OK but when it's not OK when I restore in SQL Server 2000. The Error as follows:

Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks

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SQL Server 2008 :: Restore Database That Has CDC Enabled To Another Server That Does Not Support CDC?

Sep 15, 2015

UAT environment : SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 Enterprise Edition

SANDBOX environment : SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3 Standard Edition

I have a database backup (.bak) that was taken from UAT environment that has CDC enabled on some tables. I want to restore that database into my SANDBOX environment which does not support CDC (because of standard edition). The restore process fails due to this incompatibility. Is there any way to restore without CDC (I dont CDC enabled on my SANDBOX; just my data from the backup) ?

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How To Restore A Sql Server 2005 Database Backup To Sql Server 2000

Oct 17, 2006

Hi All

This is a very urgent requirement of my client having 200 stores and one Head office. the HO has just installed SQL-Server 2005, The HO sends small backups of the data related to stock transfer which needs to be restored at stores. It was working find when both the HO and stores were SQL-Server 2000. but the process has come to a dead halt as the HO has SQL-Server 2005. It is not possible to convert the stores immediately. please help me out.



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Database Restore Failed, Now Inaccessible And Can Not Restore.

Apr 27, 2007

I have seen this before. A 2000 restore fails, leaving the database thinking it is being restored but the restore job failed and errors when it is restarted. EM is clueless. I believe there is a proc to reset some flag. Can you share it with me???


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Can I : Set Up A Distributed Database System By Sql Server 2005 Express?

Oct 24, 2007

Hi, I am zeronet. I decide to set up our own web system application just like Ebay. Because of the low investment, I want to select a free DB for our data storage. For high performance, we want to set up a distributed db system. As a beginner of SQL server 2005 express, we want to know: if the SQL-server-2005-express has that ability to manage large amout data and to do with this work? I am eager to hear of your advice.

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Restore SQL Server Database From A File Backup

Mar 19, 2001


I have a user database which has 1 data file and 1 logfile.
I did a complete backup of the database to a file on the disk drive, using Enterprise manager. Due to some reason, I had to drop the database. The only way I could restore it was by,
1. Create the database with the same name.
2. Restore the complete backup from the file device.

While doing so,
I get the message "Backup set holds the backup of daatabase other than the existing 'userdbname' database. BAckup terminating."

Is it because the database was dropped and recreated.
If I choose the option to overwrite, it restores successfully.

Is this normal and right way to do it? Is there any thing else that I need to take care of, while backup or restore?

Any suggestions welcome.

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