Is It Possible To Create Thread && Start From CLR Stored Proc

Apr 5, 2006

My simple CLR Stored procedure is as below:

public static int MyParallelStoredProc(string name1, string name2)
Thread t = null;
Worker wth = null;
int parallel = 2;
Object[] obj = new object [parallel];
SqlPipe p;
p = SqlContext.Pipe;

for (int i = 0; i < parallel; i++)
if (i == 0)
wth = new Worker(name1);
wth = new Worker(name2);
t = new Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(wth.WorkerProc));
t.Name = "Thread -" + i.ToString() + ":";
p.Send(t.Name + ":Started");
obj[ i] = t;
for (int i = 0; i < parallel; i++)
t = (System.Threading.Thread)obj[ i];
p.Send(t.Name + ":Finished");
return 0;

The worker class implementing Thread Proc:

public class Worker
private string Name;

public Worker(string name)
SqlPipe p;
p = SqlContext.Pipe;
Name = name;
p.Send("In Constructor:" + Name);

public void WorkerProc()
SqlPipe p;
p = SqlContext.Pipe;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

The assembly is registered with UNSAFE permission set.

permission_set = unsafe;

CREATE PROC ParallelStoredProc
@Name1 NVARCHAR(1024),
@Name2 NVARCHAR(1024)
EXTERNAL NAME ThreadTest.[MyTest.ThreadTest].MyParallelStoredProc

When I invoke the the stored procedure from T-SQL script as below,

EXEC ParallelStoredProc @Name1, @Name2

the thread class constructor gets called; but the 'WorkerProc' does not execute ?

Whether an UNSAFE assembly is allowed to spawn threads

inside SQL Server ?

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Stored Proc Question : Why If Exisits...Drop...Create Proc?

Jun 15, 2006

Hi All,Quick question, I have always heard it best practice to check for exist, ifso, drop, then create the proc. I just wanted to know why that's a bestpractice. I am trying to put that theory in place at my work, but they areasking for a good reason to do this before actually implementing. All Icould think of was that so when you're creating a proc you won't get anerror if the procedure already exists, but doesn't it also have to do withCompilation and perhaps Execution. Does anyone have a good argument fordoing stored procs this way? All feedback is appreciated.TIA,~CK

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Please Start A New Thread For Each Report

Aug 1, 2005

Its way too confusing trying to keep track of multiple reports and people in a single thread.


Paul Randal
Dev Lead, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine
(Legalese: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.)

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Lets Start A Thread Just On The IDE

Oct 18, 2006

When a query is executed, the tab is split horizontally with the bottom half containing two tabs. The first with the result set(s) and the second with the messages.

How do I hide the bottom half after I have read it and now want the entire column to view my TSQL? Is there some menu item or shortcut key that I can use to accomplish this?

In 2000, there is a configuration option to make these tabs appear at the top of the window. I haven't found this setting in Express.

Another nice feature that I appreciate is to be able to divide the window into independant horizontal or vertical windows (or tabs) each with different files. I have found that I can get there with a mouse click but I could use some guidence in restoring the original layout, expecially without closing the windows.


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Stored Proc To Create Database?

Mar 23, 2006

I was wondering if it is possible to create a stored procedure to create databases. The only parameter would need to be the name of the database. Do I have to use a bunch of EXEC statements, or is there a better way?

I've created basic stored procs before, but never one for something like this.


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DDL Create User In T-SQL Stored Proc/trigger

Dec 7, 2004

Hello SQL Server programming gurus:

I am trying to create a trigger that fires after a user logon and logoff and does the following:

creates a new user
deletes data from old temp table

Then I need to create a stored procedure that executes dynamically to
drop old users
remove the old user account access

We are running SQL Server 2000.
Since I am new to T-SQL programming could anyone help point me in the right direction? Can I write dynamic SQL in a trigger to do these things?

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Not Able To Create Hash Table Inside Stored Proc Through Execute Sp_executesql @strQuery

Aug 21, 2007

i need to create temporary table inside SP.
i having one string variable @strQuery which contain dynamic query inside SP.
i am executing that trhough execute sp_executesql @strQuery once query build.

now instead of select query , i want to creat hash table.
so i wrote :

set @strQuery = "Select * into #tmp_tbl from table_name..."
when i tried to execute it through

execute sp_executesql @strQuery , its giving error 'Invalid object name '#tmp_tbl'
If i removed Hash then it works fine. even for double Hash also its work fine.
but i want hash table only as i want that table local to that user.

Even direct execution of select statement without @strQuery works fine. but i want to execute @strQuery through execute sp_executesql @strQuery only as query is dynamic .

please guide me how to do this?
its very urgent for me.
thanks in advance.

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Integration Services :: Create Flat File From Stored Proc And View Using SSIS

Aug 25, 2015

I have a Stored proc which on execution, will generate data in the view .

My requirement is using SSIS, how can I create a Flat file pointing to this view ?

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Package Error: Cannot Create Thread

Nov 17, 2006

I have a child package that has been run successfully multiple times in the last month +. Each time with roughly the same amount of data, give or take a few thousand rows.

Suddenly, this child package is now giving me the following errors from the log file:

Error: 2006-11-17 12:04:19.98
Code: 0xC0047031
Source: DFLT Primary DTS.Pipeline

Description: The Data Flow task failed to create a required thread and cannot begin running. The usually occurs when there is an out-of-memory state.

End Error

Error: 2006-11-17 12:04:20.03
Code: 0xC004700E
Source: DFLT Primary DTS.Pipeline

Description: The Data Flow task engine failed at startup because it cannot create one or more required threads.

End Error

I tried taking the child out of parent and running it by itself. I still get the same error. There are three other child packages that run on the exact same data and they have no problems. The control flow for the package first runs an SQL command. Then it has a data flow. The data flow grabs records from the source, adds two derived columns, looks up data and then stores to the destination. Relatively easy compared to other packages that are running just fine.

I've had our network people check the both the server running SSIS and the database server (two different machines) and there are no memory spike while the package is running.

Any ideas?

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Create A Seperate Thread For A Winform In Script Task?

Nov 7, 2006

In order to provide runtime, realtime, graphical feedback to ETL operators, I am planning to open a new winform when my packages start, and update the form via polling of events.

It is my understanding that this means I need to create a new thread for the winform from within the script task. Anyone done this via script task yet? Any reason why this couldn't work or shouldn't be done from the script task?

Would I be better off writing the winform app completely seperately and simply call it from an "execute process" task?



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Can You Trace Into A Stored Proc? Also Does RAISERROR Terminate The Stored Proc Execution.

Feb 13, 2008

I am working with a large application and am trying to track down a bug. I believe an error that occurs in the stored procedure isbubbling back up to the application and is causing the application not to run. Don't ask why, but we do not have some of the sourcecode that was used to build the application, so I am not able to trace into the code.
So basically I want to examine the stored procedure. If I run the stored procedure through Query Analyzer, I get the following error message:
Msg 2758, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetPortalSettings, Line 74RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 60002 in sysmessages.
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
I don't know if the error message is sufficient enough to cause the application from not running? Does anyone know? If the RAISERROR occursmdiway through the stored procedure, does the stored procedure terminate execution?
Also, Is there a way to trace into a stored procedure through Query Analyzer?
-------------------------------------------As a side note, below is a small portion of my stored proc where the error is being raised:
SELECT  @PortalPermissionValue = isnull(max(PermissionValue),0)FROM Permission, PermissionType, #GroupsWHERE Permission.ResourceId = @PortalIdAND  Permission.PartyId = #Groups.PartyIdAND Permission.PermissionTypeId = PermissionType.PermissionTypeId
IF @PortalPermissionValue = 0BEGIN RAISERROR (60002, 16, 1) return -3END 

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Save Some Stored Proc In File And Create SP From File

Jul 27, 2006

Every day we are restoring prod DB in Development env. I need to save before restore users stored proc,

restore DB and after create SP from file.


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Problems On Create Proc Includes Granting Create Table Or View Perissinin SP

Aug 4, 2004

Hi All,

I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:

Create PROC dbo.GrantPermission
@user1 varchar(50)


Grant create table to @user1

Grant create view to @user1

Grant create Procedure to @user1

Thanks Guys.

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Stored Proc - Calling A Remote Stored Proc

Aug 24, 2006

I am having trouble executing a stored procedure on a remote server. On my
local server, I have a linked server setup as follows:

This works fine on my local server:

Select * From [Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563].DatabaseName.dbo.TableName

This does not work (Attempting to execute a remote stored proc named 'Data_Add':

Exec [Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563].DatabaseName.Data_Add 1,'Hello Moto'

When I attempt to run the above, I get the following error:
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563'.
No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

Could anyone shed some light on what I need to do to get this to work?

Thanks - Amos.

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ASP Cannot Run Stored Proc Until The Web User Has Run The Proc In Query Analyzer

Feb 23, 2007

I have an ASP that has been working fine for several months, but itsuddenly broke. I wonder if windows update has installed some securitypatch that is causing it.The problem is that I am calling a stored procedure via an ASP(classic, not .NET) , but nothing happens. The procedure doesn't work,and I don't get any error messages.I've tried dropping and re-creating the user and permissions, to noavail. If it was a permissions problem, there would be an errormessage. I trace the calls in Profiler, and it has no complaints. Thedatabase is getting the stored proc call.I finally got it to work again, but this is not a viable solution forour production environment:1. response.write the SQL call to the stored procedure from the ASPand copy the text to the clipboard.2. log in to QueryAnalyzer using the same user as used by the ASP.3. paste and run the SQL call to the stored proc in query analyzer.After I have done this, it not only works in Query Analyzer, but thenthe ASP works too. It continues to work, even after I reboot themachine. This is truly bizzare and has us stumped. My hunch is thatwindows update installed something that has created this issue, but Ihave not been able to track it down.

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Calling A Stored Proc From Within Another Stored Proc

Feb 20, 2003

I have seen this done by viewing code done by a SQL expert and would like to learn this myself. Does anyone have any examples that might help.

I guess I should state my question to the forum !

Is there a way to call a stored proc from within another stored proc?

Thanks In Advance.


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Stored Proc Calls Another Stored Proc

Jan 13, 2006

Hi all,

I have a stored procedure "uspX" that calls another stored procedure "uspY" and I need to retrieve the return value from uspY and use it within uspX. Does anyone know the syntax for this?

Thanks for your help!

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Calling Stored Proc B From Stored Proc A

Jan 20, 2004

Hi all

I have about 5 stored procedures that, among other things, execute exactly the same SELECT statement

Instead of copying the SELECT statement 5 times, I'd like each stored proc to call a single stored proc that executes the SELECT statement and returns the resultset to the calling stored proc

The SELECT statement in question retrieves a single row from a table containing 10 columns.

Is there a way for a stored proc to call another stored proc and gain access to the resultset of the called stored proc?

I know about stored proc return values and about output parameters, but I think I am looking for something different.


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Calling T SQL Stored Proc From CLR Stored Proc

Aug 30, 2007

I would like to know if the following is possible/permissible:

myCLRstoredproc (or some C# stored proc)
//call some T SQL stored procedure spSQL and get the result set here to work with




// some other t-sql stored proc

Can we do that? I know that doing this in SQL server would throw (nested EXECUTE not allowed). I dont want to go re-writing the spSQL in C# again, I just want to get whatever spSQL returns and then work with the result set to do row-level computations, thereby avoiding to use cursors in spSQL.

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Mar 2, 2004

Gurus help me:

Here's the scenario...

Have a SP in the Master DB that creates a NEW, empty DB using a name I give it on the fly.

I need to Create a SP in that NEW DB.

Everything will be called from a DTS Package.

How to do this?


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Create A Store Proc

Mar 22, 2006

samir khatri writes "hello sir,

i m new in the world of database so please help me to create a perticular store proc

i want to get data from 3 tables and 2 field of a table is match with the same field of another table and it cant work
i write that code so u can understand easily but it dont work so please modify that and make it workable

select a.a_dis_id, as fromname, as toname,a.a_dis_km,c.a_all_name,c.a_all_rate from
a_distance a,levels b,a_allowance c where
a.a_dis_from=b.cid and a.a_dis_to=b.cid and c.a_all_id=a.a_all_id

Thank You
Waiting for yur reply....."

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Execute Stored Procedure Y Asynchronously From Stored Proc X Using SQL Server 2000

Oct 14, 2007

I am calling a stored procedure (say X) and from that stored procedure (i mean X) i want to call another stored procedure (say Y)asynchoronoulsy. Once stored procedure X is completed then i want to return execution to main program. In background, Stored procedure Y will contiue his work. Please let me know how to do that using SQL Server 2000 and ASP.NET 2.

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Create A Datetime Dimension Table With Start And End Dates

Jul 12, 2006


I want to create a table that has a datetime column, data type=datetime and I want the date to start form 01/01/2004 00:00:00 to 01/01/2008 00:00:00 the increment will be by minute like

01/01/2004 00:01:00

01/01/2004 00:02:00

01/01/2004 00:03:00 and so on up to 01/01/2008 00:00:00

I will use this time dimension in bussiness objects.

please provide me with the SQL sript to do this.

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Oct 15, 2007


I keep getting this message when starting the MS SQL MANAGEMENT STUDIO EXPRESS:
TITLE: Surface Area Configuration
Failed to connect to server localhostSQLEXPRESS. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -2146893019)

My server was up and running but I'm having trouble creating a new datbase connection so was troubleshooting and maybe i did something i wasnt' suppose to :-(
I still have the problem for creating a db connection and now my server doesn't want to start!
Please helpppp!!!

Please please please someone! help me!!

Thank you!!


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How Can I Call One Or More Stored Procedures Into Perticular One Stored Proc ?

Apr 23, 2008

Hello friends......How are you ? I want to ask you all that how can I do the following ?
I want to now that how many ways are there to do this ?

How can I call one or more stored procedures into perticular one Stored Proc ? in MS SQL Server 2000/05.

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SQL 2012 :: Permission To Create / Alter Proc But Not DBOwner

Feb 5, 2015

Without giving dbowner how can we grant permission to user to alter/create procs?

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Calling A Stored Procedure From Within A Stored Proc

Dec 18, 2007

Hi Peeps
I have a SP that returns xml
I have writen another stored proc in which I want to do something like this:Select FieldOne, FieldTwo, ( exec sp_that_returns_xml ( @a, @b) ), FieldThree from TableName
But it seems that I cant call the proc from within a select.
I have also tried
declare @v xml
set @v = exec sp_that_returns_xml ( @a, @b)
But this again doesn't work
I have tried changing the statements syntax i.e. brackets and no brackets etc...,
The only way Ive got it to work is to create a temp table, insert the result from the xml proc into it and then set @v as a select from the temp table -
Which to be frank is god awful way to do it.
 Any and all help appreciated.

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Trying To Create A Proc That Will Insert Values Based On A Condition That Is Another Table

Feb 16, 2005

Can someone give me a clue on this. I'm trying to insert values based off of values in another table.

I'm comparing wether two id's (non keys in the db) are the same in two fields (that is the where statement. Based on that I'm inserting into the Results table in the PledgeLastYr collumn a 'Y' (thats what I want to do -- to indicate that they have pledged over the last year).

Two questions

1. As this is set up right now I'm getting NULL values inserted into the PledgeLastYr collumn. I'm sure this is a stupid syntax problem that i'm overlooking but if someone can give me a hint that would be great.

2. How would I go about writing an If / Else statement in T-SQL so that I can have the Insert statement for both the Yes they have pledged and No they have not pledged all in one stored proc. I'm not to familar with the syntax of writing conditional statements within T-SQL as of yet, and if someone can give me some hints on how to do that it would be greatly appriciated.

Thanks in advance, bellow is the code that I have so far:


Select Results.custID, Results.PledgeLastYr
From Results, PledgeInLastYear
Where Results.custID = PledgeInLastYear.constIDPledgeInLastYear
Insert Into Results(PledgeLastYr)
Values ('Y')

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Under Which Filegroup Are Stored Proc. Stored?

Aug 23, 2007

When you create a Stored procedure, is it automatically stored under the default Filegoup?

How can I see under which Filegroup my Stored Procedures and Triggers are stored?

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FoxPro Triggers Call FoxPro Stored Proc Calls SQL Server Stored Procedure

Mar 10, 2005

I didn't want to maintain similar/identical tables in a legacy FoxPro system and another system with SQL Server back end. Both systems are active, but some tables are shared.

Initially I was going to use a Linked Server to the FoxPro to pull the FP data when needed. This works. But, I've come up with what I believe is a better solution. Keep in mind that these tables are largely static - occassional changes, edits.

I will do a 1 time DTS from FP into SQL Server tables.

I then create INSERT and UPDATE triggers within FoxPro.

These triggers fire a stored procedure in FoxPro that establishes a connection to the SQL Server and fire the appropriate stored procedure on SQL Server to CREATE and/or UPDATE the corresponding table there.

In the end - the tables are local to both apps.

If the UPDATES or TRIGGERS fail I write to an error log - and in that rare case - I can manually fix. I could set it up to email me from within FoxPro as well if needed.

Here's the FoxPro and SQL Server code for reference for the Record Insert:

FOXPRO employee.dbf InsertTrigger:
employee_insert_trigger(VAL(Employee.ep_pk),Employ ee.fname,Employee.lname,, er_login,

FOXPRO corresponding Stored Procedure:
PARAMETERS wepk,wefname,welname,weemail,WEUSERID,WEPHONE

nhandle=SQLCONNECT('SS_PDITHP3','userid','password ')

IF nhandle<0
IF !USED("errorlog")
USE tisdata!errorlog IN SELECT(1)

SELECT errorlog
INSERT INTO errorlog (date, time, program,source,user) ;
values (DATE(), TIME(), 'EMPLOYEE_INSERT_TRIGGER','nhandle<0 PARAMS: '+STR(wepk)+wefname+welname+weemail+WEUSERID+WEPHO NE,GETENV("username"))

IF m.errclose
USE IN errorlog

nquery="exec ewo_sp_insertNewEmployee @WEPK ="+STR(wepk)+",@WEFNAME ='"+wefname+"',@WELNAME ='"+welname+"',@WEEMAIL ='"+weemail+"',@WEUSERID ='"+weuserid+"',@WEPHONE='"+wephone+"',@RETCODE =0"


IF nSucc<0
IF !USED("errorlog")
USE tisdata!errorlog IN SELECT(1)

SELECT errorlog
INSERT INTO errorlog (date, time, program,source,user) ;
values (DATE(), TIME(), 'EMPLOYEE_INSERT_TRIGGER','nSucc<0 PARAMS: '+STR(wepk)+wefname+welname+weemail+WEUSERID+WEPHO NE,GETENV("username"))

IF m.errclose
USE IN errorlog


SQL SERVER Stored Procedure called from FOXPRO Stored Procedure
CREATE procedure ewo_sp_insertNewEmployee (
@WEPK int,
@WEFNAME char(20),
@WELNAME char(20),
@WEEMAIL char(50),
@WEUSERID char(15),
@WEPHONE char(25),


insert into WO_EMP (


IF @@ERROR <> 0

return @RETCODE

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Sql And Stored Proc

Jul 19, 2007

Im trying to perform an update with a stored procedure thats all working but
 an exception is thrown ....violation of primary key contraint....cannot insert duplicate pri key
I understand whats going on but how do you update some ones details if its protected this way.

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Help With SQL Stored Proc

Feb 22, 2008


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SQL Stored Proc

Jan 15, 2004


I am trying to create a stored proc, that delivers a recordset, per the user requirements BUT,

I want to create a Geneirc search Proc that can handle a few criteria

I was wondering if it is possible to create a VB like Select case
depending on Information supplied to the stored proc


SELECT FirstName,LastName,CIty,Job,,Company,Webpage FROM RECORDSET WHERE
Select case @Loc_Thing
Case "Mickey"
LastName = @Loc_OtherThing
Case "Walt"
Company = @Loc_OtherThing

...... etc

is it possible to create a strored proc like this?
I have found a Select case in SQL, but it doesn't work I would like it?
Any Idea's?

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