Is It Possible To Format An Expression?

Sep 12, 2005

I have an expression based upon 2 fields in a view that I want to be able to divide and then multiply by a number. Whenever I do the division portion of the calculation all I get are 0 & 1's. I was hoping to use the percentage in other calculations.
Is there something similar to FORMAT(X/Y,0.00)?

(vwLbrPosSum.PosMin/vwMinByEmp.TotMin) x (a)vwLbrPosSum.PosMin or (b) 2400 or (c)vwMinbyEmp.TotMin - 2400
If the person worked more than 40 hrs I could allocate the OTMins to the different positions in labor reporting.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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Date Format In Expression

Jul 18, 2007

Hi all,

I would like to generate a file name according to the current date, like 20070716.TXT. In expression, the function Month(Getdate()) will return 7 instead of 07.

How can i do it.



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How To Format Prediction Expression

Dec 1, 2006


when i make use of predicton functions, the output is formatted in its own.But I want to format that.How to do that?


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Need An Expression Format To Put Decimals .00

Mar 27, 2007

I have the following field(Fields!SequenceNO.Value), coming form database.

i would like to have an expression IIF...

if the value coming from database is just 1, then make it 1.00 or

if the value coming from database has a period or point say 1.01 then show as it is.

thank you very much for the help / information....

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Format Expression For Date Field

Dec 20, 2007

Hi All,

Can anyone advise me if I can enter an expression into the format property of a field, so the date is displayed as dd/mm/yyyy ?

It is currently mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

I have been trying with convert and FormatDateTime, but can't seem to get this to work in the Report layout editor. I would like to know how to do it here, rather than changing my query.

Thanks in advance

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Using A Textbox's Value For Format Expression Of Other Textboxes

May 3, 2007

I'm calculating the format string for currency values based upon what's selected as a report currency parameter value. Just to mention, it's a call to a .net dll. Because this call is in every textbox in the details section of the report,I believe it's getting called for every textbox that is displayed on the report - but I really don't need to calculate it at this level. The format string will only be one way per report execution.

Is it possible to only call this function once, stuff the format expression in a textbox (or some method that's similar) and then reference that ReportItems!textbox3.Value for the format string of other textboxes? I threw the calculation in a textbox in the report header and also body, but I get an issue either way:

Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope

I understand that it doesn't seem possible, but can anyone help me think out of the box? I see that a database call and another dataset holding the FormatString might work... I'll try this out, but in the meantime, is there a solution to not do this?

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How To Format A Message With Regular Expression

May 2, 2008

Hello everyone
I'm new with Reporting services, so my problem is that i want to show what filter the user enter
exemple :
Data between 12/1/2007 and 4/20/2008

I did all that with this statement :

= "Briefing between "+ Parameters!FromDate.Value+ " and " +Parameters!ToDate.Value

but when i want to dispaly another filter it doesn't show up like this :

= "Briefing between "+ Parameters!FromDate.Value+ " and " +Parameters!ToDate.Value
IIf( Parameters!Company.Value!="",Parameters!Company.Value,"")

I am sorry i have to jump up into Sql reporting service without a good skills on expressions

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Date Format In DB2 As Expression In SSIS

Sep 15, 2015

I am working on a ssis package ,where I have date parameters as format below


How to get this date format in TSQl expression in SSIS package?

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Reorganize Index Task - SelectedDatabases Expression Format

Mar 19, 2007


I am trying to configure the SelectedDatabases property of the Reorganize Index Task using an expression.

The Expressions property of the task provides the ability to configure the SelectedDatabases property of the task using an expression. The properties pane shows that the type of the SelectedDatabases property should be a "(Collection)" (which is edited using the 'Object Collection Editor').

How do I create an expression to configure the SelectedDatabases property? Can I build the collection in text? Or do I need to provide a variable of type System.Object that contains a collection type (and if so exactly what type should it contain)?

TIA . . . Ed

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Reporting Services :: Date Format In SSRS Using Expression

Oct 29, 2015

I have  @for_dte parameter(date data type) in a ssrs report

using below expression 
=Format(Parameters!for_dte.Value, "dd/MMM/yyyy") -i got Output:10/Oct/2015

but i need Output:10/OCT/2015(ie OCT in capitals).

How can i achieve that using expression.

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Format An Date Diff Expression To Hours And Minutes

Apr 4, 2008

I have this expression DATEDIFF(HOUR, startdate,enddate) which only shows the hours. I need to show the hours and minutes too , exp. 9.17. Any way to convert the expression to do this. The startdate and enddate fields are mm/dd/yyy hh:mms. I am using report builder.

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Reporting Services :: Format Month Into Three Characters In SSRS Expression?

Apr 22, 2015

I am using the following expression to place the month in the heading of a column.


The expression above gives me the previous month, but I need to have it as "Jan", not "January".

expression that will give me the three character month name instead of the full month.  I've tried substituting the "M" with "MMM", but get an error.  I've also tried "Mon", but again, I
get an error.

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Reporting Services :: Converting Hours In Decimal To Time Format Using Expression

Nov 10, 2015

Is it possible to convert for the following SQL statement into SSRS Expression:

+ ':' + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), FLOOR((SUM(Hours) - FLOOR(SUM(Hours))) * 60)), 2) + ':' + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),
FLOOR((SUM(Hours) - FLOOR(SUM(Hours))) * 60 - FLOOR((SUM(Hours) - FLOOR(SUM(Hours))) * 60)) * 60), 2)
FROM TableTime

For example I need SSRS expression for converting 1.75 hours into 01:45:00.

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Reporting Services :: Converting Date Format To Decimal In SSRS Expression

Apr 21, 2015

I have a decimal data type column with a record in the following format 20150219 --> yyyyMMdd. And I am trying to convert the return value from SSRS date/time parameter to a decimal value.

The TMDTOP column is the decimal data type with date records in yyyyMMdd format.

My return parameter is the following:


When I try to run the report I get the following error:

Failed to evaluate the FilterValue of the DataSet ‘DataSet1’. (rsFilterEvaluationError)

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 Background Color Format By Expression When Exporting To Excel

Mar 28, 2013

We are using SSRS 2012. We have a report that conditionally formats a background color for some cells. The report renders properly in a browser and in Excel 2003 format. In Excel format all cells after the first one that meets the condition are highlighted, even if only one cell should.

The sample expression that triggers this condition looks like this:
=IIF(Fields!VIOL_NOTE.Value="Internal","Green","No Color")

All cells after the first one that meets the condition Fields!VIOL_NOTE.Value="Internal" have a green background.

Excel 2003 (proper) results:

Excel (improper) results:

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URGENT - My Error Or Bug? The Result Of The Expression Cannot Be Written To The Property. The Expression Was Evaluated, But

Feb 8, 2007

Error 3 Error loading MLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx: The result of the expression ""C:\sql_working_directory\MLS\AZ\Phoenix\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property. c:documents and settingsviewmastermy documentsvisual studio 2005projectsm l sMLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx 1 1

"C:\sql_working_directory\MLS\AZ\Phoenix\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"

Directly using C:sql_working_directoryMLSAZPhoenixDocsArmls_Schema Updated 020107.xls
as connectionString works

However - I'm trying to deploy the package - and trying to use expression:
@[User::DIR_WORKING] + "\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"
which causes the same error to occur

(Same error with other Excel source also:
Error 5 Error loading MLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx: The result of the expression "@[User::DIR_WORKING] + "\Docs\Armls_SchoolCodesJuly06.xls"" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property. c:documents and settingsviewmastermy documentsvisual studio 2005projectsm l sMLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx 1 1

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Reporting Services :: Running Value Expression Within Lookup Expression In SSRS?

Oct 28, 2015

I have created 1 report with 2 datasets. This report is attached to the 1st dataset.For example,1st one is "Smallappliances", 2nd is "Largeappliances".

I created a tablix and, the 1st column extracts Total sales per Sales person between 2 dates from 1st dataset (Small appliances). I used running values expression and it works fine.

Now, I would like to add another column that extracts Total sales per sales person between 2 dates from 2nd dataset (Large appliances). I am aware that I need to use Lookup expression and it is giving me the single sales value rather than the total sales values. So, I wanted to use RunningValue expression within lookup table to get total sales for large appliances.

This is the lookup expression that I added for the 2nd column.

sum, " sales_person"),

I get this error when I preview the report.An error occurred during local report processing.The definition of the report is invalid.An unexpected error occurred in report processing.

(processing): (SortExpression ++ m_context.ExpressionType)

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Reporting Services :: Exporting SSRS Output To Word Format And PDF Format Differs

Aug 19, 2015

I have created SSRS report which has many overlapping objects, the output in PDF format seems to good but in word format it is not giving the required output.

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Conversion Of Date From Legacy Systems With 7 And 6 Digit Format To DD/MM/YYYY Format

Nov 19, 2014

We are migrating data from old DB2 systems to sql server 2012, the DATE FORMAT in those systems is in decimal format with 7 digits. CYYMMDD format.

I need to convert this into DD/MM/YYYY format.

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Date In String Format Has To Be Changed Datetime Format

Jun 15, 2005

I have date coming to one page as a string in the following format"May 4 2005 12:00AM"
I need to query one of my tables using this date in combination of other nondate values. How can I convert this date into valid sql server datetime format before I query a database tables
Please help

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Transact SQL :: How To Format A String In A Format Coming From A Table

Jun 4, 2015

I have a table which stores date-of-birth in varchar 19861231(yyyymmdd). A view takes this data. I want to store this date as mmddyyyy in the view. How can we achieve this?

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Converting Csv Files From One Format To Another Format With Differing Columns

Dec 19, 2007


I have a set of csv files and a set of Format Specification files for each of the csv files. I need to convert the csv files into another format of csv files as specified in the Format Specification files. All the columns of the input csv files do not have a mapping with the columns of the output csv files. How can I achieve this using SSIS ? This is an urgent requirement. Please reply asap. Thanks.

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How To Format Leave Detail Into Tabular/pivot Format?

Jun 16, 2006

Hello Expert!

I need help to I translate this data...

Table "LeaveDetail"

StaffNo | StartDate | EndDate | LeaveType |
1 | 23/04/2006 | 26/04/2006 | AL |
2 | 24/04/2006 | 25/04/2006 | MC |
3 | 26/04/2006 | 27/04/2006 | EL |
1 | 30/04/2006 | 02/05/2006 | EL |

Into this format...

StaffNo |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |01 |02 |03 |04..
1 |AL |AL |AL |AL | | ... |EL |EL |EL |
2 | |MC |MC | | |
3 | | | |EL |EL |

Date From e.g. 23/04/2006 to 23/05/2006

Using only query statement...

Is this possible??



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Adapter To Convert CSV Format File To SAP IDOC Format

Nov 16, 2006

Hi All,

I am stuck at one place, where I have to convert CSV format file data into SAP IDOC format file. In SSIS we don't have any such SAP adapter (though we have .NET Data Provider for mySAP suite [SSIS SAP Adapter] but this is still not fully supported by Microsoft, plus it doesn't have feature to convert data into IDOC format) that can do this. Can someone here please provide me some pointers on any third party adapters available in market to do this job or if anyone has already developed some custom approach to achieve this task?

Your quick response on this is highly appreciated.


Kuldeep Chauhan

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Date Format From Sql Without Millisecond ----12 Hr Format

May 4, 2008

dear all can anybody help me soon....
i am using visual studio 2005 webapplication based on  sql server 2005 database.
i can get one date from sql using one query.
I am selecting my field based on following code CONVERT(varchar, Oman.Positions.Datum, 9) AS LastUpdate
this case my output is May  4 2008  3:19:45:000AM.....
this output is correct but from this output i want to avoid millisecond part.
ie i want the output like May  4 2008  3:19:45 AM....
how i can do this

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How To Convert Long Date Format To Short Date Format In Store Procedure.

Feb 1, 2008

E.g, i have a store procedure. The start date is long date (4/15/2007 3:00pm). i want to select the start date with a particular date (short date format 4/15/2006). Thanks in advance.

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Transact SQL :: Cast Or Convert Date In Format YYYY-MM-DD Into New Format Of MM/DD/YYYY?

Nov 27, 2015

I have a table that has a DATE field named. AccountingDate that is in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It's not a VARCHAR field. I simply want to convert this date field into the format MM/DD/YYYY and call it New_Accounting_Date.

I've played with various combinations of CAST & CONVERT but haven't been able to get it to work.

Below is my latest effort which returns the error:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'

What code would work to return a MM/DD/YYYY value for New_Accounting_Date?

Select GLBATCH.AccountingDate,
convert(GLBATCH.AccountingDate as date),101) AS New_Accounting_Date

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SQL's America Date Format Conflict With Australian Date Format

Nov 14, 2006


I am trying get my VB6 application to insert a record into a table (SQL Express) which has a datetime column but it would not process if the data format is differ to *American Date format*.

The date() function in VB returns 15/11/2006 which is in Australian Date format (DD/MM/YYYY) according to my setting in "Reginal and Lanuage Option-> Locale 0> English (Australia)" setting.

I get the following error:

Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Server KITSQLEXPRESS, Line 1
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
The statement has been terminated.

My computer's locale is set to English (Australia) and I expect the datetime format would follow what is set in system locale

I've read an article somewhere on the net about how SQL 2005 eliminate the confusion of date conversion when read/write datetime records into a table...but it seems to me that it is still as in-flexible as MS Access

Is there a setting in the database that takes care of it?


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Converting SQL Date Format To Oracle Date Format

May 28, 2008


I have a column date in my database which I should send it to Oracle database. The Date format in Oracle is number. I don’t know how should I convert the date to that format?
Example :
SQL FormatOracle Format
02/16/05 105046


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I Want Ot Convert Xml Data Format Into The General Data Format

Jun 9, 2006

hi siri have table hh .it has two columnsone is hhno is integer datatype another hhdoc is xml data type likehh tablehhno hhdoc---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100<suresh>sfjfjfjfjf</suresh>....................................101<ramesh>hhfhfhf</ramesh> to convert the xml data format into the general data format plshelp me with examples

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Which Expression To Use ?

May 27, 2008

well I have this code. I connect to database and submit data.
now i dont know which expression to use to validate if data is submited redirect to next level else show some error.
    protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)    {         SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"somecode");
  SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand();  comm.Connection = con;  comm.CommandText = "insertuser";  comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;some code...  comm.Connection.Open();  comm.ExecuteNonQuery();  con.Close();        }
i dont wanna validate the fields as i can do it using field validator i wanna check if data is inserted in database.

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Only One Expression Can Be Specified

May 28, 2008


When I try and create this procedure, I get the error below

CREATE PROCEDURE GetUserSearchTypesCount
-- OUTPUT parameter to hold the count.
@UserID int,
@ReturnVal int OUTPUT

SET @ReturnVal = (SELECT TOP 100 percent searchType, COUNT(searchtype) AS SearchCount
FROM ttracksearchresults
WHERE userid=@UserID
GROUP BY searchtype
ORDER BY searchtype)


Error: Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.

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Expression In SET

Feb 7, 2007

I need a statement like:UPDATE tblQuestions SET QuestionNumber = QuestionNumber +1 WHERE QuestionNumber >=10 AND TestID = 1 AND SectionNumber = 1
(Required output is clear from statement itself)

I tried with
UPDATE tblQuestions SET QuestionNumber = EVAL(QuestionNumber +1) WHERE QuestionNumber >=10 AND TestID = 1 AND SectionNumber = 1
UPDATE tblQuestions SET QuestionNumber = (QuestionNumber +1) WHERE QuestionNumber >=10 AND TestID = 1 AND SectionNumber = 1

I've just started working with SQL. Please suggest correct approach.

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