Is It Possible To Skip All Steps Following The Script Task Results (Step 1) In A For Each Container?
Jun 13, 2006
Is it possible to skip all steps following the script task results (Step 1) in a For Each container. I am iterating thru all the files in a For Each container and parsing a few lines of the file and based on the result I want to force the For Each loop to get to the next file instead of executing the next steps. Is it possible to force the for each loop to get the to the next file if the test criteria in the very first step (Script Task) fails. Any inputs will be much appreciated.
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Jan 31, 2007
I have a package that has multiple data flow tasks. At the end of a task, key data is written into a raw file (file name stored in a variable) that is used as a data source for the next task. Each task requires a success from the preceding task.
Here's the rub:
If I execute the entire package, the results of the package (number of records of certain tasks) differs significantly from when I execute each step in the package in turn (many more records e.g. 5 vs 350).
I get the feeling that the Raw file is read into memory before it is flushed by the previous task, or that the next task begins preparation tasks too early.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am running on Server 2003 64 (although the same thing happens when deployed on a Server 2003 32 machine)
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Dec 17, 2004
How can I make this work?
I have two process steps in a package and one failure step. Both process steps have On Failure workflows to the failure step. The problem I'm having is that it seems if two or more workflows go to the same failure step then neither go to the failure step, but it does go if only one process step is attached to it.
I know I can create duplicate steps for each process step, but I was hoping to be able to do it this way FMI.
Thanks for your assistance.
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Nov 28, 2007
Dear all,
In Flat File Source properties windows there's Preview node, when we check that node there's an option to skip the data in how many rows. Is it affect the result ?
Best regards,
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Dec 7, 2007
What in SSIS replaces DTS Task Steps? In DTS you could build tasks and assign them an order in which to execute. How is this replaced in the SSIS Control Flow. Thanks.
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Mar 7, 2007
Microsoft could not have made SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services any harder given the wacky way you have to add web references in Visual Studio 2005 and then when you finally get the report services working as well as the C# program compiling and seeing the
Here are the steps for you poor souls like me:
When you create you C# program Maybe its the same thing for vb rightclick on the project
and click add Web Reference
To the right of the go button you must put in a path to:
If you used the default ReportServer settings this should work You will need to make sure you have ReportServices working first but by entering this exact URL and press the go button allows you to acess the ReportExecutionServcie object ofcourse you need to properly rename it in the text box in the lower right labled: Web Reference Name: I renamed it to ReportExecution2005
Note us must add a using <myclassname>.ReportExecution2005; which allows access to the the components and allos compiling.
object correctly and want to use them in C# program Microsoft makes you suffer further with problems getting the path in rs.LoadReport(ReportPath,HistoryID) function
I believe I have the correct path string from trial and error when I go to my report services site
It shows me which as a guess I thought might be derived from the webpage:
SQL Server Reporting Services
Home > Report Project2 >
/home/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport but that failed to work. Next I tried:
The RichTextBox stored:
The item '/home/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport' cannot be found. ---> The item '/home/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport' cannot be found.
/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport
??t was all that was returned when I tried this path so I believe but am (Not Sure) this is the reportpath to be used in rs.LoadReport function.
In the browser: I believe the catalog based reportpath should be
/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport
I set up a form with 3 fields:
TextBox: ReportPath so I could play with the path I provide
RichTextBox To store the output from rs.render.
RunButton1 to call up the render code see below:
Please note when I start the program in debug mode I get an error of:
Note the following message proceeds the execution:
The Project cannot be deployed because no target server
is specified. Provide a value for the TargetServerURL
property in the property pages for this project
Any help in getting output on this render function would be appreciated
Perhaps some of my work will help others struggling with this poorly documented service. Even the three poor books I had to work with did not help much. Does Microsoft really expect people to use this?
Here the relevant code. I will assume knowledge of Forms development I provide two pieces: 1 the calling function from the button presss event: and the method called:
public static string GetReportXML2005(string
ReportingServicesURL,string ReportPath)
ReportExecutionService rs = new
//windows authentication
rs.Credentials =
rs.Url = ReportingServicesURL;
byte[] result = null;
ParameterValue[] parameters = new
parameters[0] = new ParameterValue();
parameters[0].Value = "%";
string encoding, mimetype, extension;
Warning[] warnings = null;
string[] streamIDs = null;
try {
rs.LoadReport(ReportPath, null);
result = rs.Render("XML", null, out extension, out encoding,
out mimetype, out warnings, out streamIDs);
catch (SoapException e) {
return e.Message;
return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result);
Any help anyone could give me regarding this would be most appreciated:
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Jun 2, 2006
I'm just starting off in SSIS and have a question that I can't find an answer to...
I'm loading in a number of files (in separate Data Flows) and performing some transformations on them before merging them back together. What I'm not sure about is what I should be doing with the data at the end of each of my "Import Data From XXXX Flat File" Data Flows. Am I better off using OLE DB Destinations (or SQL Server Destinations) and saving this intermediate data to temporary tables, or am I better off using a Raw File Destinations and saving this intermediate data to files? Or is there, perhaps, a better option that I'm currently unaware of?
If the Raw File Destination is the way to go, then isn't there a maintenance issue with cleaning up all the files created? And will there not be a management issue to ensure that there is sufficient disc space available on the drive you are saving to?
I'm a bit confused and overwhelmed by SSIS at the moment, so any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
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Nov 8, 2006
My Foreach Loop container has 10 different task inside. I want to execute the first task only one time. I have a variable with increases for each repition. How can I put precedence contstraint on the first task so that it should execute only first time and other task has to execute all the time.
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Sep 21, 2006
Hi everyone,
Our VB application throws .dtsx on-demand by using Threads. Everything's fine but a little detail:
when it goes to launch a SSIS package with a only task, concretely a Sequence Container task (empty, without tasks inside) fails Prevalidate method.
Attach you the snippet of code:
pkgResults = pkg.Validate(Nothing, Nothing, EventsSSIS, Nothing) -- pkgResults returns me Failure {1}
If pkgResults = DTSExecResult.Success Then
Validate method, as usual, do EVENTSSSIS.PreValidate event and after that, returns instead of follow raising events.
Perhaps it's mandatory to set one task as a minimum, I don't get the point at all
Any guidance or thought will be welcomed,
Thanks in advance and regards,
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Nov 7, 2007
I have an Execute SQL Task that reads columns as strings but can be null. I feed the information in the result set to a foreach loop container and when nulls are encountered the package dies there. Is there an easy way to deal with this other. I have changed all of my null possible columns to object types but I don't want to do this for all of the possible null columns.
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Oct 4, 2007
I am trying to write a SSIS to distribute files to our client directories. In my source directory ( C:ClientPending ) i have a variable amount of file with variable file names and extensions. I need to sort these and place then in to different cient direcories. Each file name will contain the clients Referance Number ( ie Q123456.007 , A123456.exe, S123456.523 etc ). this clients directory would be C:ClientOutbound123456
Im presuming that i need a for loop container and a system file task, and a variable that i can parm in the ClientRef, i just dont know how to configure it.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
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Apr 23, 2008
I everyone,
I'm learning SSIS from a book but the most simple example is not working.
The "For each task" I assigned "xyz" as name.
I added a variable onto the "variables" window and called it "counter" Its scope was set to "xyz".
Inside the "for loop" ("xyz") editor i assigned values as follows:
"eval expression"-"@counter<5"
"assign expression"-"@counter=@counter+1"
I added "Script task" onto the "For each" container and into the "Script task editor" I assigned
the following values:
Its design script is set to:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim variables As Variables
If Dts.Variables.Contains("Counter") = True Then
Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead("Counter", variables)
End If
MsgBox("You are in iteration: " & CStr(variables("Counter").Value))
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub
End Class
Runnig it i get the following error message:quote:
"DTS Script task has encountered an exeption in user code:
Project name:ScriptTask_e7d98dbad0de4041bcdc9079a5c2fa65
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.."
The line where the error occurs is from within the above script:
"MsgBox("You are in iteration:" " & CStr(variables("Counter").value))
Anyone understands what that means? What is "object reference" and how do i set it to an instance of an object?
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Nov 28, 2005
I am creating a staging database in which I am loading required tables from 2 different sources.
I have 30 different tables to load from source 1 and 10 different tables from source 2.
This is the way I am doing, in Control flow task I am using Sequence container and in that I included the data flow task, the data flow task
has source OLD DB connection from where I select the table and then destination OLE DB connection where I load the data.
So for 30 tables I have one Sequence container with 30 different data flow task and each data flow task has OLE DB source and OLD DB destination.
I wanted to find out if this is the efficient way to do, or if there is any other way to do this.
And for source 2 shall I put in another package or shall I use the same package with different sequence container and follow the same steps
as for Source 1 tables.
Please advice.
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Jun 4, 2007
I am using an XML task for validating the XML data against the XML Schema. Let me describe the scenario, I am working on.
I have XML Files with different schema. I have different XSD files for each XML file type. I have used a for loop container which has a script task and an XML task. Script task gets the XML File and XSD file contents into variables which are, in turn, used by XML Task for validation.
XML task is configured in the option "Validate". I have provided the XML Data in variable and XSD file content in other variable. XML Task stored the result in another variable. FailOnValidationFail property set to false.
Every thing works fine until result of XML Task is false. If XML Task fails for one of the files, it fails for each subsequent files. If first file does not compile to schema and other files do, then XML task fails all the files because first file failed.
Is this a problem with XML Task or I have missed any property. Please, guide me through.
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Apr 23, 2008
I everyone,
I'm learning SSIS from a book but the most simple example is not working.
The "For Loop task" I assigned "xyz" as name.
I added a variable onto the "variables" window and called it "counter" Its scope was set to "xyz".
Inside the "for loop" ("xyz") editor i assigned values as follows:
"eval expression"-"@counter<5"
"assign expression"-"@counter=@counter+1"
I added "Script task" onto the "For each" container and into the "Script task editor" I assigned
the following values:
Its design script is set to:[code]
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim variables As Variables
If Dts.Variables.Contains("Counter") = True Then
Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead("Counter", variables)
End If
MsgBox("You are in iteration: " & CStr(variables("Counter").Value))
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub
End Class
Runnig it i get the following error message:
DTS Script task has encountered an exeption in user code:
Project namecriptTask_e7d98dbad0de4041bcdc9079a5c2fa65
Object reference not set to an instance of an object..
The line where the error occurs is from within the above script:
"MsgBox("You are in iteration:" " & CStr(variables("Counter").value))[/code]
Anyone understands what that means? What is "object reference" and how do i set it to an instance of an object?
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Aug 9, 2007
I am using an XML task for validating the XML data against the Schema XSD. I have more XML Files with same the schema. I have to used a for loop container which has an XML task for validate XML. The loop container gets the XML File into variables name "XMLFileName" which the loop current file, in turn, used by XML Task for validation.
XML task is configured in the option "Validate". I have provided the XML Data in variable name "XMLFileName" also get the name from the loop container and XSD file content File Connection. XML Task stored the result in the another variable name "OKFormat". FailOnValidationFail property set to false.
It had the error when I run the package, the error msg as below:
Error: 0xC002F304 at XML Task, XML Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.".
Error: 0xC002928F at XML Task, XML Task: Property "New Source" has no source Xml text; Xml Text is either invalid, null or empty string.
Task failed: XML Task
After that, I had to change the source type from Variable to File Connection, and had to test fixed to some xml file it had ok for validate the XML file againt XSD.
I don't know this is the wrong setting or bug of SSIS, anyone can guide me through.
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Nov 3, 2006
Hi everyone,
do you know any articles on foreach loop container that loops over a dataflow task...pls tell me....
thanks in advance,
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Dec 7, 2006
I am looping through xml files and validating them with the XML Task. On sucess I want to perform task 2, on failure I want to perform task 3. When one file fails to validate all subsequent tasks fail.
I have also tried putting the result in a variable instead of using the success constraint. I get the same result, the variable keeps the failed value after the first file fails. Any advise is greatly appreciated.
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Oct 27, 2006
Does anyone know how to change the task name displayed within a ForEach Loop Container (or of the ForEach Loop Container task itself) based on a variable. I am pretty familiar with setting variable values during task execution and using expressions to alter task properties based on variables. I have tried using an expression to alter the value of the Name property of the ForEach Loop Container but the name of the ForEach Loop Container does not change during execution. Since the color of the various tasks change during execution, I would think that the task names could be changed as well.
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Jun 18, 2002
This is a bug that I submitted to Microsoft. I wanted to see if anyone could assist me with a work-around.
1. Create a new DTS Package
2. Add an ActiveX Task and change 'Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success' to 'Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure'.
3. Running this package will result in a Failed package.
4. Save Package as 'Failure' to local server
5. Create another new DTS Package.
6. Add an 'Execute Package' task, and configure the properties to have it launch the saved 'Failure' child package.
7. Add an ActiveX task and then click ok to close it.
8. Select the Execute Package task (which executes the failure package), hold control and click the ActiveX task. Add an 'On Success' Precendence constraint from the 'Workflow' menu.
9. Now execute the package. Notice that the ActiveX task will execute even though the Execute Package task FAILED.
10. If you change the Precendence constraint from 'On Success' to 'On Failure' the ActiveX task will not run, because the package thinks that the Execute Package task completed with success.
In summary... if a child package, executed by an Execute Package task fails, the Execute Package Task ALWAYS "reports" success to the following precedence constraint and the package continues to run. Even if 'Fail Package on first error' is enabled. Although you will see that the task actually failed while watching the status of the package execution.
I am currently trying to write vbscript in an ActiveX task that will follow an Execute Package Task. I am trying to make the vbscript check and see if the previous task really did succeed or fail, and then make the ActiveX task succeed or fail as required to make the precedence constraints work properly.
I have replicated this problem on many different machines.
Any ideas for my ActiveX task? I am trying to access the StepExecutionResult from the Execute Package task, and I have been unable to. If I can get the Step Execution reult, then I can in turn cause the ActiveX task to suceed or fail, based on the execution result of the Execute Package task.
Thank you for your time,
David Zebrowitz
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Apr 5, 2007
This task or container has failed, but because FailPackageOnFailure property is FALSE, the package will continue. This warning is posted when the SaveCheckpoints property of the package is set to TRUE and the task or container fails.
I have just spotted the message above in one of my log files.
I've never noticed it before. Is it new in SP1? I'm guessing it must be.
If so - good job. This is a very important addition because the behaviour of checkpoints without setting FailPackageOnFailure=TRUE is not intuitive (in my opinion).
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Jun 9, 2006
Here's the set up:
ForEach Loop Container:
Collection: Foreach File Enumerator
Variable Mappings: Variable = User::DailyFile, Index = 0
Execute SQL Taks:
Connection: OLEDB
ResultSet: None
SQLStatement: EXEC spGetFile ?
ParameterMapping: VariableName = USER::DailyFile, Direction = Input, DataType=VARCHAR, Parameter = 0
This works great it iterates through a file and looks at all the files checks to see if they have been loaded into the db table, if not it loads the file.
My spGetFile has RETURN 1 if a file is loaded and RETURN 0 if the file is not loaded.
Now I add a new variable:
Step 1: add to Foreach Loop Container
ForEach Loop Container Name = Return, Scope = ForEachLoop, Data Type= Int32 Value=0
Step 2: Add to Execute SQL Task:
VariableName = User:Return, Direction = ReturnValue, DataType = Long, ParameterName =1
This produces the following error:
~~"Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.~~
I tried with an ADO.Net connection ... works until I add the ReturnValue parameter ...
Any ideas??
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Nov 8, 2006
I am using SQL Server 2005 Integration Services to create new values for my tables. One step I must do is execute a query and the script task that receive its constraint (it is set to completion) must do different things depending on the query result.
My question is: how can I know the result of the precedence constraint?
Thank you,
Pablo Orte
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Aug 5, 2005
I have a Job Step defined to execute a SSIS Package. This SSIS package contains a Script Task. The Job fails with the message "Package execution failed. The step failed."
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Dec 27, 2007
I have a package that used to work fine, but after I imported it into a different existing solution and tried to run it, it always stalls during the data flow task at the very end.
It will run through and process all the rows and insert them into the destination except for the last chunk. The task blocks eventually all turn green as well, but then it never proceeds to the next task after the data flow. Looking at the Progress tab for the data flow task, I get the following:
Progress: Pre-Execute - 100 percent complete
[DTS.Pipeline] Information: Execute phase is beginning.
[DTS.Pipeline] Information: Post Execute phase is beginning.
Progress: Post Execute - 0 percent complete
Then it just stays at 0 percent for Post Execute. The program doesn't hang or anything, it just doesn't progress at all. I also just checked and I run the package from its original solution and it is now exhibiting the same behavior as well.
Any ideas what might be causing this or something to do to try and figure it out or at least get more information about what might be causing it?
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May 18, 2008
SSIS Newbie Question:
I have a simple Control Flow setup that checks to see if a particular table exists. If the table does not exists, the table is created in an alternate path, if it does exist, the table is truncated before moving to a file import Data Flow that uses an OLE DB Destination to output the imported data.
My problem is, that I get OLE DB package errors if the table the OLE DB Destination Container references does not exist when I load the package.
How can I over come this issue? I need to be able to dynamically create the table in an earlier step, then use that table to import data into in a later step in the workflow.
Is there a switch I can use to turn off checking in the OLE DB Destination Container so that it will allow me to hook up the table creation step?
Seems like this would be a common task...
1. Execute SQL Task to see if the required table exists
2. Use expresions to test a variable to check the results of step 1
3. If table exists, truncate the table and reload it from file in Data Flow using OLE DB Destination
4. If table does not exist, 1st create it, then follow the normal Data Flow
Can someone help me with this?
Signed: Clueless with a deadline approaching...
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Jan 18, 2007
Getting Access Denied To FileName Error When Using the Execute Sql Task (With File Connection) into a Foreach Loop Container.
Please Note :
I have a folder containing .sql files. I have to dynamically loop through the files and send them as a File connection Folder to the Execute Sql Task.
When I run this Package I am getting the follwoing error :
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Access to the path 'C:ProjectsFuzzy Lookup DataFlow ExampleScripts' is denied.".
Also I have logged in to the machine as Administrator and to Sql Server with sa.
Please help.
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Jul 25, 2007
Has anyone ever seen this issue?
If i place a loop container inside a sequence container the connectors within the loop container disappear.... is this a bug - will the loop tasks still run in the correct order?? or will they fire off willy nilly??
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Jan 18, 2008
Hi All,
Please let me know where can i find the sample files and rs2005sbsDW database in msdn library as i dont have CD provided along with the book.
Please give me the link of the sample files so that i can download it for testing the sample application.
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Oct 13, 2006
is there such a paper? if so, can you pls point me to it? thx in advance
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Oct 3, 2007
hye everyone,
after finished do the report and deploy at IIS/report manager in local pc..
i want to know , what is the step /how to deploy the report project at the user's pc/ client pc /other server..
thanks in advance
thank you very much
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Jun 18, 2012
I want to convert .rdl to .rdc need full steps.Actually i created .rdl report using sp sucessfully.Now i want to convert it to rdlc while doing it iam getting some authentication error and some thing else.I created rdl in 2008 and i want to change it to rdlc 2010.
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Mar 2, 2008
I hope the answer is as simple as the question -- but after reading all the documentation I could find (understand?) and a lot of posts here, I'm no closer to achieving the goal.
I have a Visual C# app, DAYTRACKER, developed in VS2005. It uses a database with several tables constructed using SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.
I want to deploy the app plus the database plus SQL Express to another machine, to be used by a single user (the administrator) with no need for network connectivity of any kind.
What I have so far is:
1. The application is successfully deployed from a CD-ROM, having used the Publish process within VS2005, and opens on the new machine -- without database connectivity, however.
2. SQL Express is successfully deployed (it deployed as a 'prerequisite' when I went through the Publish process in VS2005)
3. I manually copied the database's .mdf and .mdl files, using SQL Server Managers 'Copy Database' function, then transferred the copies to the new machine into the ..MSSQL.1MSSQLdata folder (where they appear along with the master.mdg, mastlog.ldf etc files)
Now, the DAYTRACKER application's DAYTRACKERConnectionString under 'Settings' in the VS2005 studio reads 'Data Source=DELL3;Initial Catalog=DayTracker;Integrated Security=True' (which are the appropriate parameters for the machine, DELL3, on which I wrote the program.)
The problem, of course, is that SQL Express on the new machine doesn't connect the application to the database. When I go to the 'SQL Server Configuration Manager' and go to the 'SQL Server 2005 Services' and double-click on the 'SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)' icon (the service is running) and the user is logged on using 'Local System Account'. Under the 'Service' tab the Host Name is 'MUSIC' (which is the name of the new machine I've installed the app onto -- which of course is not the name - DELL3 - that the app's connection string is expecting). Under the 'Advanced' tab, I've tried correcting the name of the Startup Parameters default .mdf and .mdl entries to ..DayTracker.mdf and ..DayTracker_log.mdl, but the server won't start up after I make the changes.
What I'm hoping for: a step-by-step way of doing this type of deployment, preferable getting it all onto one CD-ROM, and installing it on the new machine so that it all works seamlessly from the start, not requiring any 'tweaking' of the SQLServer Express settings by the end-user.
But I'll take pretty much anything that fixes the specific db connectivity problem I've described.
Thank you very much.
John F.
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