Is Logging The Execution Time Of Stored Procedures With Standard Settings Possible?

Oct 13, 2005

Dear group,

is it possible in SQL-Server to see when a stored procedure was
executed ?

I would say it is only possible with some traces but not with the
standard settings.

For a short answer on that matter i'd be thankful.



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Turn Logging On To Get Statistics On Execution Times For Stored Procedures

Mar 14, 2000

Can anyone tell me how to turn logging on to get statistics on execution times for stored procedures


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Execution Time Anomaly In Stored Procedures In SQL Server 2005

Dec 3, 2006

Background: We have SQL Server 2005 x64 running on a quad-core (dual dual-core) machine with 16GB of RAM. The database is about 10GB in size and we execute around a million stored procedures a day on it. Our application uses about 1000 different stored procedures on this machine. The application is a transactional B2B web-app with about 2000 users.
The problem we have is a really odd one that I can't seem to find much information on. We have a small number (3-4) of stored procedures that's exibiting this problem.
The stored proc in question takes on average 100ms CPU time to execute. It's a fairly complex stored proc, about 300 lines long, 6-7 select statements and it uses temp tables. No updates / inserts except for on the temp tables. It's executed about 5000 times per day. About once a week, though, execution times will suddenly jump up to 3000 ms average. This happens randomly during the day, although it seems to happen more often on Monday mornings (the DB is mostly unutilized over the weekend)
To fix this, I force the DB to recalculate the execution plan by adding / removing (depending what I did last time around) the line 'set arithabort on' at the top of the stored procedure. I have no idea why this works, but it does. Within seconds of changing it, the stored proc execution time will go back to it's normal range of 60-150ms.
I've tried setting the execution plan of the stored procedure but I can't get it to work - the execution plan is very long and I don't know how to debug the error I get.
What is happening? This happens with a couple of stored procedures - usually the more complex ones. Has anyone seen anything like this?

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ANSI_NULLs Settings For Existing Stored Procedures

May 8, 2008

As noted on the msdn the ANSI_NULLS for a stored procedure are set at time off creation (

- SQL server 2000

My question is; How do i get the details of a sp and display the ANSI_NULLS setting for it.
("select * from information_schema.routines" doesnt shows this information)

Is this possible in SQL 2000 (or 2005)?

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Logging Stored Procedures

Jun 14, 2007


We have a database that has over a 1000 stored procedures. Most of them are used but not all of them. Because it would take to much time to investigate which are used or not, I want to log each execution of a stored procedure for a month. This way I can see which procedures are used and which are not.

Is there a way to do this???

I thought of using a DML trigger that fires after an 'exec' statement but it seems that it can be only triggered after a create, alter or drop statement.


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Logging In Stored Procedures

Nov 10, 2006

Hi All

Not sure if this has been asked but quite honestly, I have tried several searches and too many hits are returned.

I use 3 separate stored procs for a process in a .net program where sp1 inserts the header. Then, looping through the details, I use sp2 to insert the detail records and then for each detail, I loop through other sub-records and insert with sp3.

I would like to place the whole update within a transaction so that an error on sp3 will rollback the entire thing.

My Problem: Each of sp1, 2 and 3 call another stored proc, say spLog which logs the process and the error messages. When I roll back, how can I prevent my logs from rolling back?

Any help will be appreciated

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Error Logging In CLR Stored Procedures

Jun 14, 2005

Hello,I was wondering if there were any built-in objects to handle error handling, in any of the SQL Server objects, or just to use event log or trace or debug or something like that.  Or is it not recommended at all to use try.. catch, for whatever reason.Thanks a lot.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Gathering Stored Procedure Execution Time In Real Time?

Jun 11, 2015

Is there a way to keep track in real time on how long a stored procedure is running for? So what I want to do is fire off a trace in a stored procedure if that stored procedure is running for over like 5 minutes.

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Automatic Execution Of Stored Procedures

Oct 28, 2005


I need advice on how to automate stored procedures within my SQL2003 DB.

I have a stored procedure I want to automate on 120 second cycle - to link to some external software.

I have little experiance of this and need some pointers on where to research or how to achieve my goal.

Many thanks,


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MSSQL 7 Replication - Creating Of Standard Sp_MS... Stored Procedures

Aug 15, 2001

I am running MS SQL Server 7 with SP3 installed and am having some problems getting replication to work correctly. I want to replicate all tables from one database to another database on the same server. I can setup replication, add publications and add subscriptions without any problem and all goes well until the replication process starts when the job aborts because it cannot find the sp_MSins..., sp_MSupd... or the sp_MSdel... stored procedures. I have used the New Publication wizard to create a Transactional publication, published all tables and allowed the wizard to use the default stored procedures which it says will be created when the subscribers are initialized but although I have created push subcriptions the stored procedures are never created and hence the replication fails whenever the job runs.

I have SA access to the databases concerned and as far as I am aware the jobs are running as my login - can anybody help me out as this is beginning to drive me nuts.



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Stored Procedures Hangs Application On First Execution

Apr 19, 2007


I have a .Net application which invokes an stored procedure (SQL Server 2005 Express installed on the same machine). When the stored procedure is called the first time, the application hangs because the sp never ends execution and the application's process has to be killed. But when the application is executed again, the sp runs as expected. What could be happening?

The stored procedure references remote tables by means of synonyms. If the Management Studio is used instead, the sp never ends execution when invoked the first time, but the query can be cancelled.

Now, if the sp is invoked first in the Management Studio first and then by the application, this does not hang (the sp executes as expected).

Thanks a lot.

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Stored Procedure Execution Time

Mar 7, 2008

Hi all,I have a problem with a stored procedure.This stored procedure inserts around bout 500,000 records but when it is executed it takes about 15-16 hours to do so.The stored procedure is using a temporary table to do this and is also calling a function.Please let me know if there is a way to reduce the execution time.will a cursor help?

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How To Catch Stored Procedure Execution Time?

Dec 6, 2007

Hello, everyone:

For performance issue, I need to catch the stored procedure execution time. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks.


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Execution Time For Stored Procedure Vs. Query Analyzer

Feb 21, 2002

I have an interesting situation. I have created a stored procedure which has a select union query and it accepts some parameters. When I execute this procedure it takes 8 minutes. When I copy the script in stored procedure and run it directly in Query Analyzer it takes 2 1/2 minutes?? Same numbers of rows are returned either way in the result set with about 13,000.

I cannot figure this out and it is almost the same thing except that in Query Analyzer I declare the parameters variables and its values?

Any feedback would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance...

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Stored Procedure Vs SQL Huge Difference In Execution Time

Jul 23, 2005

I have a Stored Procedure (SP) that creates the data required for areport that I show on a web page. The SP does all the work and justreturns back a results set that I dump in an ASP.NET DataGrid. The SPtakes a product area and a start and end date as parameters.Here are the basics of the SP.1.Create temp table to store report results, all columns are createdthat will be needed at this point.2.Select products and general product data into the temp table.3.Create a cursor that loops through all the products in the temptable, running a more complex query with each individual product.4.The results of that query are updated on the temp table based on thecurrent product of the cursor.5.A complex "totals" query is run and the results from that areinserted into the temp table as the last 3 rows.In all we are talking about 120 rows in the temp table with 8 columnsthat are mostly numbers.I originally wrote this report SP about a month ago and it worked fine,ran in about 10 - 20 seconds based on server traffic and amount ofdata in the temp table. For the example I'm running there are the120 products.Just yesterday the (SP started timing out and when I ran the SPmanually from Query Analyzer (QA) (exec SP_NAME ... ) with the sameparameters as it was getting in the code it took 6 minutes to complete.I was floored. I immediately copied the SQL out of the SP and pastedinto another QA window, changed the variables to be hard coded valuesand ran it. It completed in 10 seconds.I'm really confused now. I ran a Profiler on the 2 when I ran themagain. The SQL code in QA executed again in ~10 seconds with 65,000reads. When the SP finished some 6 minutes later it had completed witthe right results but it needed 150,000,000 reads to do its job.How can the exact same SQL code produce such different results (time,disk reads) based on whether its in a SP or just run from QA but stillgive me the exact same output. The reports both look correct and havethe same numbers of rows.I asked my Sys Admin if he had done anything to anything and he saidno.I've been reading about recompiles and temp table indexes and allkinds of other stuff that could possibly be affecting it but havegotten nowhere.Any ideas are appreciated.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Proc Execution Time Diff Between Environments

Jul 3, 2015

I have a stored proc that is executing in 2 sec on production and test database. It is taking more than a min on dev environment.

I have verified sqlserver version is same on both of the server.Prod is running on 2012Sp1 however dev don't have sp1. I am downloading it.

Both are 64bit, has same collation and compatibility level.I have confirmed that sp on both servers has same execution plan. I have reset and import stats from prod too.

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Execution Time Gap Between Simple Tsql And Stored Procedure In SQl Server 2005

Oct 16, 2007

Hi ,

I ma using sql server 2005.I have a bunch of statements of sql and i have created a stored procedure for those. When i execute i found that there is lot's of difference between execution time of stored procedure and direct sql in query windows.

can anyone help me to optimize the execution time for stored prcedure even stored prcedure is very simple.
I have used sql server 2000 and i am new in sql server 2005.

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Compiling All Stored Procedures At A Time

Jan 12, 2000

How can I compile all the stored procedures in the database at one shot?

thanks in advance


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Memory Settings In SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

Nov 9, 2007


I'm having trouble finding the optimum memory settings for SQL Server 2005. I have 4 instances running on a macine with 8 dual-core processors and 18GB of RAM. I have tried the following memory settings so far:

No maximum - one instance used about 12GB of RAM so then the others struggled
Maximum of 4GB each (2GB left for Windows) - meant that 3 instances could be using 1GB each and then another at 4GB and needing more whilst 9GB sat unused.
Minimum of 2GB each - one instance would use up 10GB and then never give any back to the other instances.

I also find that setting a maximum then just causes a high amount of paging. What I would like to do is have each instance use a minimum amount, say 1GB, and then have each instance use a maximum of 13GB (3GB for other 3 instances running at a minimum level and 2GB for Windows). This 13GB should then be released and allocated to another instance when necessary, assuming it is no longer all being used. I do not want paging to occur if an instance reaches 13GB.

How do I go about configuring SQL Server to behave like this? Is it possible?


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Stored Procedures-date Time Format

Apr 25, 2001

I have many existing tables within my db with the date format mm/dd/yyyy
Is it possible to run a stored procedure in order to convert the EXISTING records to the date format dd/mm/yyyy?

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Addicted To Stored Procedures: A Time Series Problem. Is It Possible?

Oct 31, 2006

It's been about two weeks since I first began using SQL Stored procedures and now I am thinking already about changing many of my plans and doing those operations in them. There is a problem I want to address and see if it is possible to accomplish it in SQL Server instead of the client C# code.
I have a time series. In simplified presentation it is a table of two columns. The first one is float, the second is DateTime. There might be quite a few rows in the table:

A1 ... DT1
A2 ... DT2
An.... DTn
What I need to do is to find patters among A1,A2,....An elements. They vary in magnitude in a rather random order. They constitute what some would call a Markov chain. I demonstrate what I want in a couple of real life examples that I would not have a problem to run in my C# code at all.

(1) element Ak may be only 90% of the element in the previous row Ak-1. I want to catch it. I want to get the DateTime stamp when it happened. The next step is: I want to go down the chain of rows and find the element Am which rebounds to the magnitude of the element Ak. In other words Am==Ak. I want to remember its DateTime stamp.Then I want to find all elements in the chain of rows that follow the same pattern.

How can I do it in SQL language? Is it possible? I've been thinking about creating a bunch of temporary tables with rows shifted up by one and and destroying them after a pattern has been found in the same rows of many tables.

(2) I want to collect a distribution of many such patterns and analyze then in C# code but the elementary block is the operation I described in point (1). If I could get a cue as to how to go about it I could figure out the rest, I hope.

I learn by examples, by looking at code samples. So far I haven't seen anything that fits this task. If anyone could send me in such direction it would be great. Most of the things I've seen is "SELECT FROM CUSTOMERS," etc.

A somewhat related question. Years ago I stumbled in MSN help on a set of Math routines (they could have been part of a class) that were designed specifically for analyzing patters. It is not the Math class, I have looked into it. It is something different. I cannot find them now. I did not save a bookmark back then.

Does anyone know what I am talking about: math functions for time series analysis?


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Logging Packages Execution

Sep 13, 2006

Hello all,
I am struggling around defining a logging mechanism for my packages. I have 2 questions concerning that matter:
I have used event handlers for my loggings (as defined here: ), but the problem is with packages that failed validation. I cannot find log entry for these cases since no "onerror event" doesn't trigger (for instance when the table I'm loading to doesn't exsist).

And the second question: many of my packages are executed using execute process task (using dtexec command line). I am trying to capture the result of the execution as a log file by using the ">" in the command line in order to output the execution to a log file in the following format:
dtexec /FILE "MyPackage.dtsx" > " MyPackageLog.log"
This works fine when executed by myself but when using the Execute Process task (defined: Executable: DTExec.exe, Arguments: /FILE "MyPackage.dtsx" > " MyPackageLog.log") I get execution error��

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SSIS - Built-In Logging Execution ID Problem

Apr 21, 2006


I'vo got some trouble with the built-in logging feature and a self defined logging table.

Scenario :

A have a SSIS-package with enabled built-in logging to SQL-Server Data-Provider.

At the start of the package, i have an SQL Task which logs

the System Variable system::ExecutionInstanceGUID into the self defined logging table.

But the execution_id which the built-in logging stores to sysdtslog90 isn't the same

value like the value of the system::ExecutionInstanceGUID,

so i can't link my own table with the sysdtslog90 - table.

Any Ideas what is going wrong?

Thanks and sorry about my english

Ivo Becker (Switzerland)

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SSIS Data Flow Execution Monitoring And Logging

Aug 1, 2006

Has anyone come up/determined a generic way to capture and log indicative information within a data flow in SSIS - e.g., a number of rows selected from the source, transformed, rejected, loaded, various timestamps around these events, etc.? I am trying to avoid having to build a custom solution for each of the packages that I will have (of which there will be dozens). Ideally, I'd like to have some sort of a generic component (such as a custom transformation) that will hide the implementation details and provide a generic interface to the package.

It is not too difficult to achieve something similar on the control flow level, but once you get into data flows things get complicated.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

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Convert Military Time To Standard Time??

Dec 4, 2007

I have two fields which im trying to convert to standard time. IE (09:05 PM) or (12:00 AM).

They are in Military format right now. so i have 15:45 and 21:30 etc etc.

They are both Chars. And its just times and no dates. Can anyone help??

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Static Variables In A SQLCLR Stored Proc Seem To Get Reused From Execution To Execution Of The Sp

Aug 23, 2007

after moving off VS debugger and into management studio to exercise our SQLCLR sp, we notice that the 2nd execution gets an error suggesting that our static SqlCommand object is getting reused from the 1st execution (of the sp under mgt studio). If this is expected behavior, we have no problem limiting our statics to only completely reusable objects but would first like to know if this is expected? Is the fact that debugger doesnt show this behavior also expected?

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Force SQL Server To Recompile Stored Procedures Every Time They Run (SQL Server 7/2000)

Apr 27, 2005

This is a solution for a very specific problem, and it's one that you'll hardly ever use, but it's important to know about that one scenario where it can save your neck. Ordinarily, stored procedures are only recompiled if they're no longer in the procedure cache. But if a stored procedure's execution plan is still in the cache, then SQL Server reuses the compiled storedprocedure and its existing execution plan. This is almost always the best course of action. Almost always, but not always.Sometimes, however, reusing an existing plan doesn't offer the most efficient performance. Imagine, for example, that your stored procedure accepts a parameter that determines the natureof a JOIN operation. The results can vary in a big way, so you wouldn't want your procedure to be locked into an execution plan that might be completely inappropriate for that JOIN. In a highlyspecialized case like this, you might want to force SQL Server to recompile the procedure every time the procedure runs. Doing so comes at a performance cost, but this might be offset by thesavings you gain in not executing the procedure with an awful compiled execution plan. Consider carefully whether to use this approach (or whether to re-engineer the over-design of yourapplication to avoid this situation in the first place). Should you need to instruct SQL Server to recompile each time, add the WITH RECOMPILE directive to the procedure, like this:    CREATE PROCEDURE ProcName        @Param int /* ... other parameters */        WITH RECOMPILE    AS /* ... procedure code follows */
If we omit "WITH RECOMPILE", what will be the consequence? Thanks

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Changing Database Server Locale Date Time Settings ?

Jun 15, 2007

Hi There

We currently have the following scenario:

4 app servers with regional date and time settings of locale A.

1 database server with locale settings B.

What is happening is that timestamps are being generated on the app servers, these are then in a sql command which fails on the database server since the timestamp format is invalid.

It was suggested that we change the regional locale settings of the database server, but will this not have serious implications , for example every current timestamp format in the datbase will become invalid?

In a nutshell is it safe to change a database servers regional date time locale settings ? Or are there serious implications?


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Views Vs. Standard Procedures

Jan 31, 2007

I have a question where the answer may be simply opinion, or there may be strong reasons.  I guess that's why I'm asking the question... 
The question is - when should one create a view, and when should one use a stored procedure?  Obviously, when doing multiple queries or passing parameters, you must use a SP.  I'm talking about the case of a single query perhaps joins a couple of tables.
Hope that's not a stupid question...
Thanks in advance,

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Execution Procedure Stored During Execution Of The Report .

Aug 3, 2007

Hello :

How to execute a procedure stored during execution of the report, that is before the poster the data.

Thnak you.

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Oracle Stored Procedures VERSUS SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!

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SQL Server 7 Beta 3 Logging Onto Internet Each Time I Boot

Nov 9, 1998

After installing Sql server 7 on win 98 platform it seems to want to log me
onto the internet each time i turn the machine on.

This even occurs after removing sql server any suggestions or have I just
done something very stupid ?????????

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The Database Principal Is Set As The Execution Context Of One Or More Procedures ...

Aug 14, 2007

I have database in the database there are a few users that no one is used. When I try to drop thpse users I got next error message:
"The database principal is set as the execution context of one or more procedures, functions, or event notifications and cannot be dropped." (Msg 15136)

Indeed, I think that those users have execute rights on store procedures.
How do I find for wich procedures or other database objects those users have grants?
How do I delete them from database (and maybe from logins of the server)?
How can I see what grants a user has?
How can I see what grants does STP has?

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