Is There A 64Bit SQL 2000?

Sep 14, 2006

We have SQL 2000 but are getting new 64bit servers, can we upgrade to a 64bit version of SQL 2000 or do we need to go to 2005?

I assume the 32bit SQL 2000 will run on x64 hardware?


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SQL 2000 STD On 64bit Server

Aug 10, 2007

Hello all,
I'm going to be upgrading our server hardware that runs SQL2000std, and would like to move to a 64bit windows server 2003 on a 64bit server.
Right now we running it on a windows 20003 server.
with what I read I think I can run SQL2000 std. w/SP4 on a windows 2003 64bit server but would like some one to confirm that for me.

for your help,


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SQL SERVER 2000 + AMD 3000 64bit BOX

May 2, 2006

I can't seem to get SQL Server to run on my 64 bit box running Windows XP Pro 64-bit. Is there a fix for this? I really need SQL Server.

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Install 64bit SSRS On An Existing 64bit SQL Server Installation

Oct 2, 2007

We have a 64bit installation of SQL Server (SSIS, SSAS) running and working fine. There is a requirement to install 64bit SSRS on this existing setup.
The problem is: While running the SQL Server Setup wizard, the Reporting Services checkbox remains greyed out. In other words, there isnt an option to select SSRS for installation.
So the question is: Is it even possible to install 64bit SSRS on an existing 64bit SQL server installation - given that SSRS wasnt installed during the first pass.
PS: The SQL Server is SP2 on a Windows Server 2003 configured as an App Server.

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Eval Between SQL 2000 32bit And SQL 2005 64bit

Oct 9, 2006


I just started a new job and one of my first assignments was to determine and prove the improvement between SQL Server 2000 32 bit and SQL Server 2005 64bit extension. (Itanium may come later but for now we will live with x64)

I have used SQL 2005 before but only with a fresh install and a new application built from the ground up. Now we want to upgrade our present databases to 2k5. In a previous test by another DBA, he found the SQL 2005 ran slower. However, he realized that he was using SQL 2005 32bit on Windows 2003 64bit. Now we have everything in place, here are the steps I have accomplished so far.

Loaded Windows 2003 64 and SQL 2005 64.
Made a copy of an existing database from a SQL 2000 32 bit
Attached this database to the new SQL 2005 server. However, I keep the compatibility at 8.0.
Updated the statistics and backed the db up.
Had another DBA run a Profiler trace on the production server.
Replayed the trace on the new server.

My problem is this doesn€™t seem to give the information I am looking for. First, we were only looking at queries over 5 minutes and only looking at things from a duration standpoint. We are going to change this. Second, even though I created a template that looks like the one used on the production server, it is not using it.

So how do I compare performance on this 64bit server verses the 32bit SQL 2000. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

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SQL 2000 32bit Installed On 64bit OS Problem

Mar 31, 2008

We just built a new server with Windows 2003 64bit OS and installed SQL2005 64bit (named SQLServer let's say) as the default instance and SQL2000 32bit (named SQLServerSQL2000 let's say) as a second instance. The first instance is listening on the 1433 port and the second instance is on the 1344 port.

I can connect to the default instance with Management Studio without issue using the SQL instance name, but to connect to the second instance I have to create an alias with the port number (SQLServerSQL2000,1344) on my machine. I have never had to do that before with a second instance.

I am trying to figure out if this is an issue with 32bit SQL running on 64bit OS or what. I am kind of stumped.

Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!!

Jim Youmans
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

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Windows 2003 64bit Running SQL 2000 SP4

Sep 28, 2006

I have been running Windows 2003 64bit and SQL2000 SP4 for over 2 months with out any issues.

Sadly we had a server crash "NTldr missing or corrupted"

now when the one engineer looked at it he suggested to reload the server with Windows 2003 32 bit version as there were known compatibility problems between 2003 64bit and SQL 2000 32bit but that you can install SQL 2000 32bit onto a Windows 2003 64 bit server.

Now i dont really believe this statement nor can i find any documentation supporting this. I believe this server might have crashed due to a new patch that was released the last 2 or 3 week either on Windows or SQL. Does anyone know where i can verify what patches was released?

Maybe someone else can share their thoughts with me.

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Vista 64bit, SQL 2005 64bit, But DB Service Is Only 32bit ?

Jun 6, 2007

I just installed the 64bit Vista and than wanted to install the 64bit SQL 2005 Std. Server on it.

Note: I downloaded my license from

Installing from SQLSTDSEL.ISO file results in the warning that for the REPORT- Server the .NET version has to be 32bit.

Stopping the installation at this point and try to install from SW CD SQL Svr Standard Edtn 2005 64Bit X64 English #1 x64 MLF.x11-57664 + SW CD SQL Svr Standard Edtn 2005 64Bit X64 English #2 x64 MLF.x11-57665 does not give the above error but on the other hand installs no server at all since somehow the installation routine is not working at all.

Installing now - after at least analysis server and reports server are 64bit and installed - from the first mentioned ISO results in the installation of the DB- Server.... but as a 32bit installation.

Now I wonder what did not work out - so maybe someone here has an idea if and how this problem is solveable.

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Migrate From 32bit 2000 Reporting Services To 2005 64bit Reporting Services

Mar 22, 2008


I am trying to migrate my reports from SQL server 2000 reporting services 32bit to 2005 64bit. I am following the migration steps that MS specified.
Restored my Reportserver and ReportserverTempDB databases
Then I was using the configure Report services to upgrade these databases but I always end up getting the follwoing exception when I run the upgrade on the "Database Setup" configuration for 'ReportServerTempDB' database
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'ReportServerTempDBTempDB'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Common.DBUtils.ApplyScript(String connectionString, String script)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.SqlClientTools.SqlTools.ApplyScript(String connectionString, String script)

It's driving me crazy, why is it looking for 'ReportServerTempDBTempDB' in the catalog instead of 'ReportServerTempDB'?
Is it possible to migrate from 32bit to 64bit?

Any help is appreciated

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SQL2005 64bit

Feb 22, 2008

I have an SQL2005 db residing on a 64bit server.I can load and run my App, provided it is installed on the server.However when I try to run from a Client's PC I get timeout errors.

Initially the error was Remote connections not allowed,but I have overcome this by ensuring SQLbrowser was running and that AllClient and Server Prodtocols were enabled.

I now keep getting a message the timeout has expired.

Do I need to do more in a 64bit environment.

Please help !

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What Is 64bit And 32 Bit Database

Aug 20, 2007

Dear Expert sorry for disturbing you again....

please tell me what is 32 bit and what is 64 bit databases in sql server? is that based on versions line 7.0 , sql server 2000, yukon and katmai like that or based on creation? please explain me

thank you very much

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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64bit Problem?

Jun 21, 2006

I run SQL Server 2005 on a Windows 2003 64-bit server. I have created a package where I run an execute t-sql statement task. In the t-sql I have the following:

select * from
OpenDataSource('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source="c: est.mdb";User ID=Admin;Password=')

and I get the following error:

The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" has not been registered.

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Nov 1, 2007

Hi, is here someone who can send me new dll libary. It´s very important. Thanks ALL

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Migrating From 32 To 64bit?

Oct 30, 2007

We have an ASP 2.0 application built using SQL Server 2005, on a 32 bit system. We are going to bring in a much faster server and move the applicatioin to the new server. Since we are moving to a faster server, we are also considering putting a 64bit version of SQL on the new machine and running as 64 bit.

Now the rookie questions:
1) If we do this do we need to do anthing special with our procs/functions, i.e. do we need to recompile everything?
2) From an asp perspective, do we need to do anything to our pages/code?
3) what other issues do we need to be cognizant of?

thanks in advance for the advice

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IIS For 64bit Vista Machine

Apr 22, 2008

Hey guy's I am trying to develop something on a 64bit Vista machine.
However, the SQL server 2005 import wizard is having a tough time importing my data because this machine does not have IIS.

I tried to install the regular version and it would not let me based on my system.


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SQL 2k5 Failover From 64bit To 32bit

Aug 30, 2007

I'm sure this has been discussed in the forums before, but I'll ask anyways. I'm replacing our GP server next year to one that will run SQL2k5 64-bit. The current server is only capable of 32bit SQL. I know with some databases changing from x64 to x32 is a bad idea...will SQL Server support it?


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Memory 64bit Windows , 32 Bit Sql

Dec 10, 2006

I have found that orig tested 64 bit on our 64bit windows 2003server...about 1 year ago...and company decided to use sql 32 bit on the64bit osmy question and any information is very welcomeis there any things in need to know about awe withmemory above 4g ...whilst using 32 bit sql on a 64bit osi want to increase the memory on the server buti really don't know what im up against since this ismixed system 32 bit sql and 64 bit osthanksmike

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SSIS 64bit To Oracle 10G

Mar 4, 2007

Dose any one have a simple workaround to implement a connection fromSQL 2005 SSIS 64 bit to Oracle 10 G

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SQL 2005 Ent(64bit) Error

Aug 22, 2007


We have a sql2005 server, wich have 10 databases mirrored. Yesterday we had the following error:

Date 21-08-2007 14:13:18

Log SQL Server (Current - 22-08-2007 13:00:00)

Source Server


Resource Monitor (0x2d18) Worker 0x000000008000C1C0 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 88080 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 234 ms, user 109 ms, Interval: 60000.

The error cause that one of our databases generated an automatic failover.

Who know what doe'st mean the error?

Could be a memory problem?

Windows 2003 Server R2, Standar x64 SP2

SQL 2005 Standar x64 SP2


DELL PowerEdge 2950,

Intel XEON CPU, 1.86 ghz,


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How Do You Find Out Whether PC Is 32bit Or 64bit

Dec 24, 2005

I would like to install MS SQL Management Express, and I would like to make sure I am downloading the right files.

Could you tell me how I can find out whether my PC is 32bit or 64bit?

Many thanks

W aka Gauguin

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Log Shipping 64bit --&&> 32bit

Sep 18, 2007

Hi All

Can I use Log shipping From 64bit to 32bit in SQL Server2000?


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SSIS 32Bit Or 64Bit

Dec 28, 2007

Having looked at the complexities of transforming data from Oracle in a 64Bit Environment to SQL 2005, will SSIS 2008 run nativley in 64Bit. I understand that SSIS 2005 ran in 32Bit, even when in a 64Bit environment, causing great issues in accessing Oracle. Oracle released an update to compensate for this, however can someone please clarify whether SQL 2008 will have the same issues, or will SSIS 2008 be able to speak with Oracle on a 64Bit level.

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64bit SQL Enterprise And Instance Issue...

Aug 20, 2003

We have an STD SQL 2k machine which has mounted around 900 databases already. And the limitation is 1024 databases.

according to BOL, "each instance of the SQL server database engine has its own set of system and user databases that not shared between instances.

1. Does it mean with one default instance and 2 named instances, we could 'break' the 1024 databases limitation to 1024 * 3 = 3072?

2. Does it mean if we upgrade to SQL 2000 32 enterprise or 64 enterprise that would increase the # of databases of 1024 to ...ex 2000?


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Memory Settings For 64bit SQL Enterprise

Apr 4, 2008

I have SQL 2005 Enterprise 64bit SP2 on windows 2003 EE 64bit SP2 w/24gig memory. My problem is that it wont use more than 110mb of memory according to task manager processes and performance. I've tried messing with the min and max and rebooting each time I make the change and sill nothing. Currently Ive changed it back to default. The server shows up as 24gig so it is seeing the memory. Any ideas? I thought 64bit was supposed to be better about this kind of thing.

Also, AWE has always been unchecked as this is a 64bit box.

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How To Change 32bit To 64bit Using SqlServer2005

May 26, 2008

I m swagatika and working on a s/w company.I am facing some problem in MS SqlServer2005.

my problem is:-

My project is running on SqlServer2005 which is 32 bit support.
But i want to change my project on SqlServer2005 which will be support to 64 bit .
What are the steps i follow to change 32 bit to 64 bit.

can anybody help me?

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SQL Server 2005 32bit-vs-64bit

Apr 24, 2007

This may seem like a completely foolish question, but is there any issue in using the 32bit workstation components (on XP) to connect to the 64bit server-side components? New to SQL2K5 and never had any issues using the 2K workstation/server components together.

Thank you!

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Exporting To Excel From 64bit SQL Server

Nov 15, 2007


I am currently in the process of migrating a BIS DB rom SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. This has involved migrating a whole load of DTS to SSIS. This gone, on the whole, pretty well.

However, I still have one package that doesn't work. This package exports some data to text files AND a to a couple of Excel files. However, the Excel part is not working. I get the following errors:

[Excel Destination [130]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "xls_DirectMail_CampaignFile2" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

[Connection manager "xls_DirectMail_CampaignFile2"] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered".

Now, I am guessing that this is because there is no MS Office installation on the server. Would this be correct?

What would be the minimum software requirement to get this working?
Would simply installing Excel be enough?


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SQL 2005 32bit Upgrade To 64bit Possible?

Nov 7, 2007

Just curious if it's possible, and supported, to upgrade SQL 2005 from32bit to 64bit. This is on top of Windows 2003 64bit. Trying to getthe proper supported config for OM2k7 without blowing everything away.Thanks,JDP

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DLL Issue When Installing SS05 64bit

Jul 15, 2006

I uninstalled a 32-bit eval Std Ed SQL Server 2005. I then attempted to install 64bit licensed Std Ed. The database engine and other components install fine, but SSIS is throwing a DLL error (first error following). How can I solve this issue? I have attempted to IGNORE the error, but when I try to run SSIS - I get a DLL error (second error following). All assistance is appreciated.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
90DTSTasksMicrosoft.SqlServer.MSMQTask.dll in the COM+ catalog.
Error: -2146233087
Error message: Unknown error 0x80131501
Error description: One or more of the components being installed are already registered as 32 bit components in the target application. You must install the 64 bit versions of the components being installed in a different COM+ application, or delete the existing 32 bit versions of the components being installed from the target COM+ application prior to attempting install of the 64 bit versions. COM+ applications cannot contain bit neutral components.

For help, click:


TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to SERVERNAME.


Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)

For help, click:


Connect to SSIS Service on machine "SERVERNAME" failed:
Error loading type library/DLL.


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Memory Support For Sql 2005 STD 64BIT

Jan 2, 2008


I'm about to install Windows 2003 STD 64BIT and SQL 2005 STD 64BIT with 12GB MEM.

my question is about the switch in the BOOT.INI - do i need to enable any switch with this server configuration?

and do i need to enable the AWE on the SQL?


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Principal 64Bit- Member On 32Bit

Dec 14, 2006

Hi all,
I've got two VLDBs on 64bit hardware platform + 64Bit-W2003K Std R2 + 64Bit SQL2005 Std Edition.
If I set this guy up as the Principal, can I have the standby/member on 32Bit HW + 32Bit W2003 Std + 32Bit SQL2005?

Will this actually work?

Uday Shivamurthy

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Finding Errors On 64bit Itanium

Oct 24, 2006

I have an SSIS job that is exiting with an error on a 64 bit Itanium SQL 2005 sp1. It has three parallel streams of execution. I've been running my tests using dtexec with verbose output being sent to a file.

2 of the streams execute several truncates and then are followed by 4 steps that load data from a SQL 2000 server to a SQL 2005 server. One of the job streams sources it's data using a SQL Server username/password while the other sources it's data using integrated security. Both streams use integrated security for the destinations.

The third job truncates 2 tables and then loads those two tables from an Oracle database. The oracle connections use a username/password in a connection string in a configuration database while the SQL side of the connection uses integrated security.

I've validated security is working, I've validated the drivers for Oracle are working in 64 bit mode and 32 bit mode for the connection strings I'm using, and security for the package. To top it off, this package runs to completion in 32bit mode under the same credentials.

The only warning messages I get running in verbose mode are the following warnings from the Oracle connection:

OnWarning,311-SQL-01,CHARLOTTE!lcharlton,Import Employee Locator,{EE2C1DB7-A767-4AE6-81F4-6FAE6BFBD2CF},{DF323107-1ABD-4790-A318-B046862C6F58},10/19/2006 2:24:55 PM,10/19/2006 2:24:55 PM,-2145378202,0x,Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.

Any insights into how to troubleshoot this or possible additional steps I could take are warmly welcomed.


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SQLMobile Replication To SQL Server 05 64bit

May 2, 2006

I am looking at buying a new database server to run SQL Server 2005. I want to get 64 bit server, windows standard 64 and SQL Server 64. I already have an app I created that uses SQLMobile on a Windows Mobile 5.0 device. Will I be able to run this app if I move to the 64 bit or am I better off just staying 32 bit?

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