Is There A As400/db2 Native Provider To Extract Data?

Jun 10, 2005

Is there a as400/db2 native provider to extract data?

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IBM AS400 OLE DB Provider

Jun 8, 2000

Has anyone succcessfully configured aa AS/400 as a Linked Server with MS SQL 7.0 using IBMDA400 - IBM AS400 OLE DB Provider.

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Integration Services :: Using 2008 Native Client 10.0 Provider To Connect 2012 DB?

Jul 9, 2015

In our packages, we are using Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 provider to connect our SQL Server 2008 DBs, which is working fine till we are migrating 2008 DB server to 2012. after the upgrade, some of our packages are working fine, some are not. I'm just curiuos to know will the
old provider(Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0) will work fine for connecting 2012 DBs? or I need to update all our packages to re-point to new 2012 Provider.

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Creating Access To Native Client OLE DB Provider Using CoCreateInstance Fails With 80040154 Error?

Nov 22, 2015

I am trying to obtain access to SQL Server Native Client OLE DB provider using :

(void **) &PIDBInitialize);

and this fails with 80040154 error. I am using sqlserver 2012 and everything worked perfectly fine as long as my application was running on the same machine as sql server was installed but now that the app is deployed in a different environment in which the app runs on a separate server than the server which has the database and sql server I am failing with this error even though the sql server version on the target server is same as mine.

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Handling Provider-level Errors From .Net SqlClient Data Provider

Jun 26, 2007


After reading this helpful blog entry:

I think this might be a good place to ask the following question.

I am writing the error handling code for my data access layer for a web application. I am using the Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block. Although this supports generic database connections, I realized that I need to handle errors specific to each database type. Microsoft SQL is the only database type I am using for now, so I am using a try...catch (SqlException e).

In testing my code, I intentionally changed the instance name in web.config to a name that does not exist. I get the very popular error 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified. This is returned as a SqlException, but the SqlError.Number property is set to -1.

Am I getting "-1" because the provider hasn't actually connected to SQL yet, so it doesn't have an actual SQL error number?
Can I assume that (SqlError.Number == -1) is always a fatal, provider-level connection exception?
Will the provider ever use another SqlError.Number of its own? Or do all numbers besides -1 come from the SQL sysmessages table?.
Is there a comprehensive list of what exceptions might be raised by the SqlClient provider, including #26?

The reason for all the questions is that in a web application, I want to prevent the end-user from seeing the "real" exception if it has to do with configuration errors. However, maybe there are other errors that the user should see and handle? It's hard to know without a full list of SqlClient provider errors, along with the SqlError.Number that each error maps to.

Thanks and regards,


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Import Data From AS400

Jul 1, 2007

I have de same problem that you have to get data from AS/400 to SQL Server 2005 using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
Did you successfully? If yes how please?

I have used:
IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider,
IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDARLA OLE DB Provider,
IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDASQL OLE DB Provider,
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2

Rui Martins Santos


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Transferring Data From AS400 - Please Help!

Nov 3, 2005

I am attempting to transfer a table from an AS400 to SQL Server 2005 through SSIS. I am using the IBM DB2 UDB ISeries IBMDASQL OLEDB Provider as the source connector. I have tried to set up the source connector using the Table or View option but it says that No Tables Could Be Loaded. I can specify an SQL command and it shows the columns and appears to set up correctly except for showing a warning indicating that it cannot retrieve the column code page information from the OLEDB provider. When I run the job, it fails with the following error:

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Accessing AS400 Data

Jun 17, 2005

I've been trying to use the integrations services to access AS400 data with almost no success.   Any suggestions or help you can give me would be appreciated.  Some of the issues I can't make sense of are the following.

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Transferring Data From AS400 To SQL Server

Jul 31, 2007

Hi all,
I am working at insurance company that using AS400 as it main server. All transaction data is already kept for about 10 years (or even more..). This data is growing larger from time to time, and after several upgrades (that cost a lot!), my supervisor has an idea to partly move the data from AS400 to SQL Server. (since the cost for upgrading sql server is cheaper than AS400).

So.. let say, we only want to kept data in AS400 from 4 years before until now (2004 – 2007), and the rest of data is kept in SQL Server.

So first, all transaction data from 1997 – 2003 is transferred to SQL and deleted in AS400.
If user queried data and didn’t found the data in AS400, it will search the SQL, if data is found in SQL, then data is transferred back to AS400 and deleted in SQL.

I’m using SQL Server 2000 DTS (use HiT OLEDB) to transfer the data from AS400 to SQL and vice versa.

I wanna ask if anyone has done this before? What’s the difficulties by using this approach? (btw, I will implement the DTS using user control in

Or anyone has a better solution to overcome this problem?


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Import As400-DB2 Data Into SQL2005

May 19, 2008

How do i import As400 data in to SQL2005(standard version) using SSIS?? Please help!!!

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Move Data To DB2 On AS400 With SSIS

Dec 26, 2006

Anyone writing data to DB2 on an AS400 with SSIS?

I cannot get the OLEDB destination configured correctly. I can set the destination up with a SELECT sql query, and preview the resultset.

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New SQL 2005 Old SQL 7 And AS400 Need To Transfer Data

Nov 14, 2007

I am creating a migration tool that retrieves data from an AS400 and an SQL 7 server to create a new database in SQL 2005. I have managed to create a linked server in SQL 2005 to the AS400. I don't know if it works or not. I've been trying to create a linked server to the SQL 7 server with no luck. The AS400 and SQL servers are on the same network. The SQL 2005 server is hosted somewhere else. I have access to everything. The SQL 2005 server is running Workstation. I tried to use Integration Services but finally discovered it was unavailable to Workstation.

I could use some good ideas or help.

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AS400 Data Pull Fails As Job

Aug 4, 2007

When I execute the package in Debug mode, it works.

I then import the package into SQL Server 2005 and it is showing under Stored Packages --> MSDB - AS400Package

I can right click and Run Package from there and it works fine.

When I set the package up to run as a job, it fails. What I have noticed is that the Sign On that I use in the package shows that there was in "invalid login" after the job fails.

I hope I have this post in the right place and hope I have left enough information behind to help. If not let know what else I need to post. I have only been using Business Intelligence Development for a couple days and SQL Server 2005 for about a week or so. All of the SQL DTS packages that I have created seem to be working fine with their jobs as well as my stored procedures.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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Data Feed From DB2/AS400 To SQL Server 2000

Jun 13, 2001

I need to have an automated process to read data from DB2/AS400 and feed it to SQL Server 2000. Has anyone done this before? Any suggestions how it may be done? I know my company doesn't want to spend a lot to do this.

Thanks for your time.

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Port Data From AS400 To SQL Server 2005

Jan 24, 2007

Is there a good way to port data from an AS400 over to SQL server 2005? If anyone has any experience with this, can you tell me where to go to get info?

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Move Data From SQL 2005 To DB2/as400 Using DB2OLEDB

Mar 22, 2006

I have a simple SSIS package that I want to move data from SQL 2005 to DB2/AS400. In order to use OLEDDB destination, I installed HIS2004 that provides DB2OLEDB support.

For simplicity and testing purpose, I created a connection pointing to a SQL table that contains only one ccolumn "last_name" of type "nvarchar(50)". This is my source, I then created another connection using DB2OLEDB pointing to a table on DB2 that contains only one field "name" of type "GRAPHIC(50)". This is my destination and the connection works fine to DB2 database. When I run the package, it has type conversion error as follows:

[OLE DB Destination [34]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x00040EDA. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft DB2 OLE DB Provider" Hresult: 0x80040E07 Description: "Data or literal value could not be converted to the type of the column in the data source, and the provider was unable to determine which columns could not be converted. Data overflow or sign mismatch was not the cause.".

If I manually assign a vaule to the "last_name" using the "Derived Column" task like "Hello John", it just works fine.

Anyone knows what went wrong? Did I miss anything here? Thanks.

As a FYI: DTS works great in moving data from SQL 2000/2005 to DB2.

Your help will be appreciated.

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Replicate Data From DB2/AS400 To SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2007

Hi Guys

I am trying to replicate data from DB2/AS400 to SQL Server2005 (ENT edition) currently we use 3rd party tool to replicate data from DB2 to SQL Server2000 (ENT edition) and like to get rid of this 3rd party tool. I am searching for the last 3 weeks but didn€™t get a good starting point. I have linked DB2 to SQL Server2005 and can run queries against DB2/AS400 box. Now I want to set up transactional replication from DB2 to SQL Server 2005. I have read about peer to peer topologies but I don€™t know if that€™s the route I have to take?

So can someone please help me? I really appreciate your help.



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How To Select A Different Member Name When Transfering Data From AS400 To SQL

Apr 4, 2007

I have been trying to transfer some data from a file located in a AS400 Server to SQL , but the file has more than one Member Name. I'm not sure how to specify a different member name on the SQL query . Please help.

The name of the file is:

Library = MTGLIBP2

File Name = CHSAVQPL

Member Name = INS

this is the query I have so far but I still need to reference the Member Name


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Data Conversion Inserting To DB2 On AS400 With SSIS

Apr 30, 2007

I created a SSIS package moving data from a SQL 2005 table to an existing DB2 table on AS400 using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2.

When the package was run, it showed that rows were successfully inserted to DB2. However, the data didn't seem to be converted correctly. Most of the string values were inserted as unusual characters. Also any string values of digits were not inserted.

For example, 1.) a character field (char(1) or nchar(1) as I have tried both types) in SQL 2005 table with a simple value of 'H' was inserted into the DB2 table field of type "A" (alphanumeric) of length 1 as 'ç' and others letters were inserted as other unusual characters. 2.) A string value of '00100' in SQL Server is not inserted to DB2 table at all.

Later we found that the fields inserted with usual characters are difined as CSSID =65535. A few fields with correct data inserted have CSSID=00037.

Does anyone know why this happened and how to solve this to get the data inserted correctly in the DB2 table?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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How To Import Data From AS400 Files To Sql 2005 Tables?

Apr 18, 2007

Hi All,

I want to Import data from AS400 to Sql2005. From the Sql Management studio I invoke the Import Data wizard. For the source I connect to the ISereis system and for the Destination I select the Sql2005 Database , When I go to the next step i.e select source tables I get the error
"An error has occured which the SQL Server Integration Wizard was not prepared to handle
No error message available,result codeB_E_CANTCANCEL(0*80040E15).(System.Data)" .After this I am unable to proceed further. I am using client Access tool to connect to ISereis

IBM DB2 UDB for isereis IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider



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How Can U Remove My Post ? Data Migration From AS400 To Sql2005

Apr 17, 2007


Yesterday I had posted a query of How to transfer the Data from AS400 files to Sql 2005 tables with DTS and the error I received for the same. I am not able to view the replies since it has been deleted. Pls repost the same. I posted the query expecting for a solution but instead my question was deleted..... the very purpose of forum is defeated.



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Native Data Types...

Jun 15, 2000

Does anyone know where to find the native datatype formats of sqlserver6/7?

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Row Data Can`t Be Set _ Native Exception

Oct 27, 2007

Dear brothers, still have problem with .net compact framework 1.1 (2003) when i try to sync the data between sqlce and sql server 2000 " not from the first time some times from several times of using the syncronization"

is there any services pack for sql ce

what is appropriate cab file(.NET COMPACT FRAMEWORK, SQLCE etc is ARMI,ARM4....) version for windows mobile 5 with intermec CN3 Device

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Extract Outlook Contacts Data(on Public Directory) Directly In Data Flow

Jun 13, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have to extract, dayly a list of contacts on a exchange server in a table on our EDW on sql server 2005. Is it possible to get the information directly from a dataflow or i will have to developpe a script task ?

Need help desperatly !!!

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Data Flow Task Error To Extract Data From Sql Server To Excel

Mar 28, 2008

Hi All,

I want to export data from SQL Server2005 to an Excel spreadsheet thru "Data Flow Task". I am using OLE DB for SQL Server for the source connection and a Connection To Excel as my destination source. The Excel spreadsheet (2003) exists and has the first row with column names. I don't have any warnings before trying to execute.

The SQL datable fileds are
i) ID - Int

ii) RefID
iii) txtRemarks - nvarchar(MAX)
iv) ddlWaterLevel - nvarchar(50)

While executing the tasks, I got the error
Error: 0xC0202025 at Data Flow Task, Excel Destination [427]: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid.
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Excel Destination" (427) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202025.

After analysing I found in the DataFlow --> Excel destination --> Advanced Editor for Excel Destination, the default data type for txtRemarks shows as "Unicode string [DT_WSTR]". But this is supposed to be "Unicode text stream [DT_NTEXT]". Even if I change the data type in the design time, It doesn't accept.

Please do help me out.


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Working With Obscure Data Types In Native C++

Aug 8, 2007

Howdy folks!

Next question of the day:

I have four data types that I can't (or at least I think I can't) use a _variant_t for conversion. The four types are:

- bigint (I'm sending to a LARGE_INTEGER data structure)
- guid (I'm sending to a GUID data structure)
- numeric (I'm sending to a DB_NUMERIC data structure)
- datetime (I'm sending to a DBTIMESTAMP data structure)

I'm looking for a way to locally convert (i.e. not a provider conversion) each to a string. For all the other data types I've been able to cast using _variant_t's, but with these I can't seem to find a way. What are y'all suggestions for working with these data types?


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System.Data.SqlCeException Native Error= 25011

Oct 31, 2007

I am getting the above error if i try to access sqlce3.0 database from an application which already uses sqlce2.0,
this error happens while initializing the sqlcecommand object
I hope the reason might be executing the the sqlcecommand through a sqlce2.0 engine on a sqlce3.0 database,

But I tried installing the sqlce3.0 in the PDA , still I am getting the same error

I would be thankfull if anyone could solve this


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Bulk Insert From Native Format Data File.

Dec 5, 2006

With "bcp MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable out C:MyFile.Dat -n -T" command line, I could get an exported data file. And I can also import this file  into MyTable using 'BULK INSERT MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable FROM 'C:MyFile.dat' WITH (DATAFILETYPE='native');' query statement.

Now, I want to make my own data file just like made by bcp above. Although I could make file of 'char' type, 'native' type file is needed for performance and other reasons. And the format file should not be used.

 Any one help?

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Extract Data From DB2

Jan 22, 2008

I have a package which establishes connection with DB2 server.I dont have any db2 application where i can format query for db2.This is my query in access/sql.
can someone help me converting it into a db2 query.i tryed to google and use the functions but i failed and even the error that ssis gives don't help asthey are same for any type of error.
Thanks in ADV

SELECT table1.YYYY & table1.MM as MO_YR,
Sum(table1.AMT) AS [VALUE]
FROM table1
ON (table1.MM = table2.MM)
AND (table1.YYYY = table2.YYYY)
GROUP BY table2.CNTRYCD, table1.YYYY, table1.MM

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Extract Data From SQL 6.5

Jul 23, 2005

I need to get some data from an enormous, creaky old SQL 6.5 database.I know nothing about either the data schema (though I believe some sortof documentation exists), nor 6.5 for that matter, having come to SQLServer at 7.0.My clients need the data in comma delimited format.Please, can anyone suggest any possibilities? One thing that occurredto me might be to create an Access application, use an ODBC link to theSQL DB, and then leverage Access' not inconsiderable functionality toget the data out.Does anyone foresee any problems with this, or any better ways?Forever in your debt.Edward--The reading group's reading group:

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Extract Data

Jan 10, 2008

I have the following data example,
Forest Ridge Dr
Whites St
Alba Rd

I wish to achieve the following,
Street StreetSuffix
Forest Ridge Dr
Whites St
Alba Rd

I have the following code
INSERT Addr2 (AddressID, LotNo, FlatNumber, HouseNum, Street, StreetSuffix, Locality,
PostCode, [State])
SELECT LotNo, FlatNumber, HouseNum, SUBSTRING(Street, 1, (PATINDEX('% %', Street))),
LTRIM(SUBSTRING(Street, (PATINDEX('% %', Street)), 20)), Locality, PostCode, [State]
FROM Addr1

But i get the following result which is no good!

Street StreetSuffix
Forest Forest
Whites Whites
Alba Alba

What am I doing wrong in the Street & StreetSuffix Functions above?

I have this working with a cursor but I'm trying to work out a set based solution as the cursor
takes way to long to complete.

In the Cursor I'm performing the code below per row of AddressID
SET @SpaceLength = (SELECT PATINDEX('% %', @Street))

SET @Suffix = (SELECT SUBSTRING(@Street, @SpaceLength, 20))

SET @Street = (SELECT SUBSTRING(@Street, 1, @SpaceLength))

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A Native Exception Occurred: Synchronizing Data Between The MS SQL Server Database And PDA

Sep 27, 2005

ISSUE: While synchronizing data between the PDA and MS SQL Server database, using Active Sync connection, the sync process fails at times and displays an empty error message box and occasionally it shows the following exception:   Error During Synchronization: A native exception occurred. ExceptionCode:0xc0000005 ExceptionAddress:0x01627b28 Reading: 0x1e000000 OK to terminate CANCEL to debug   Moreover the .SDF file on the PDA gets corrupted. The ActiveSync connection drops as soon as the sync process fails. Later when the .SDF file is deleted and restored the synchronization is successful. Note: The replication monitor in the SQL Server indicates that the synchronization was successful even when the above error occurs.

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Data Extract Question

Aug 5, 2005

Hi, I'm hoping someone has an idea or two on this topic. 
Basically I have three tables of data say tContact, tQuestion, tAnswer




I need to extract the data for the client and they would like to see
the data with one line per contact, but showing every answer to every
question... they would like the data formatted like this:

ContactID, Email, Name, Question1Answer, Question2Answer, Question3Answer, Question4Answer, etc........

Obviously to get the data I cansimply do an outerjoin to get all
contact data then all questions, and answers that exist... but that
will obviously return tabular data with one row per each
answer...  Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this using just
SQL?  I can pull the data and write a function that spits it out
to text using the Stringbuilder class and some logic, but I'm thinking
this must be possible in SQL natively... any help would be more than
appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


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