Is There A Way To Declare Constant Variables ?

Feb 15, 2005

Or, is the only way to use "declare" and "set" only ?

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Error : Only Constants, Constant Expressions, Or Variables Allowed Here.

Jun 9, 2004

hi all,
when I try to do the following insert for the table test

create table test (outputs character(10), chk integer)

insert into test values('a',((select count(*) from test where outputs='a')+1))

I am getting the error
The name 'outputs' is illegal in this context. Only constants, constant expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are illegal.

when i tried the same in DB2 it's working fine. is there anyerror in my syntax or this kind of function not allowed in SQL Server.


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How To Declare Variables Per Row

Oct 13, 2014

I know how to set a variable for the entire query, but how do I set one per row?

I have one query which is growing beyond my ability to understand/maintain it. I factor in the sale price of an item based on cost, our markup, shipping & channel fees. The problem is that each one of these has it's own variability. I would like to be able to store inline calculations as a variable such that I can call & add them. Example:

My code currently looks like this

CREATE TABLE #tempPrice (
product NVARCHAR(40)
,price DECIMAL(18,2)
insert into #tempPrice (product,price) values('prod1','18.00')

[Code] ....

I would like to be able to work with it this way:

,Cast(price * 1.1 as decimal(18,2)) as markup
,@markup + 5 as 'markup-and-shipping' -- <-- This factors in all of the previous calculations, plus something new.
FROM #tempPrice

I use Microsoft SQL 2008

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How To Declare And Use Variables In A View

Sep 12, 2014

I have a select statement that works fine. Now I need to create a view with this statement and I have problems with the variables that I need to declare.

Is there a way to include the declare command in a view?

I can not use a stored procedure this time.

This is the statement:

@SecondDate DATE,
@ThirdDate DATE
SELECT @FirstDate = MAX(fecha_valor) FROM MPR_Historico_Posiciones
---SELECT @SecondDate = MAX(fecha_valor) FROM MPR_Historico_Posiciones WHERE fecha_valor<> @FirstDate
SELECT @SecondDate = dateadd(week,-1,max(fecha_valor)) FROM MPR_Historico_Posiciones


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Declare Variables In A SP Dynamic?

Jan 8, 2008

Hello there,

i have been asked about a thing that, i think, is not possible. But maybe i am wrong.

Is it possible to have a Stored Procedure in that the declaration of the variables is dynamic?
This means, can i get the variable name and the type of it from a database to create
a dynamic stored procedure that changes itself by firing a trigger.

Thanks for all oppinions and answers.

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Must Declare The Scalar Variables In Storedproce

Apr 3, 2007

I have created the following stored procedure in sql server 2005.I m using with C# 2005.
Can someone please rectify my errors why i m getting such type of the errors...

ALTER PROCEDURE CompanyStoredProcedure
@uspcompanyid INT NULL,
@uspcompanyname VARCHAR(20),
@uspaddress1 VARCHAR(30),
@frmErrorMessage AS VARCHAR(256) OUTPUT,



1Data Inserted
2Data Updated
-9Other errors
DECLARE @companyid INT,
@companyname VARCHAR(20),
@address1 VARCHAR(30)

IF ( @uspcompanyname IS NULL OR @uspcompanyname = '' )
SET @frmErrorMessage = 'Company Name is empty'

IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Companymaster WHERE Companyid = @companyid )
UPDATE Company
SET companyname = @companyname,
address1 = @address1
WHERE companyid= @uspcompanyid

SET @frmErrorMessage = 'Company Name/Address has been updated'
INSERT INTO companymaster ( companyname, address1 )
VALUES (@companyname,@address1)

SET @frmErrorMessage = 'Company Name/Address info has been Inserted'


THANXS in advance.

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Declare Programaticly A X Number Of Variables

Sep 12, 2005

Hello everyone,

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Difference In Performance Between Constant Scalar UDF Vs. Simple Constant

Oct 4, 2007

Is there a perf difference between:

create function dbo.zzz
returns uniqueidentifier
return '0000-0000-0000-00000000'

select dbo.zzz


se;ect '0000-0000-0000-00000000'


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SQLServer Declare New Variable Based On Another Variables Value

Oct 26, 2005

Hi, I'm a complete newbie to SQLServer and t-sql generally. What I want to do is create a new variable in a stored procedure based upon the value of another variable.

eg in the loop below I want to create 10 new variables, called @var0,@var1,@var2 ...@var9

declare @varname nvarchar(10)
declare @i integer

select @i=0

while @i<10
set @varname = cast(('@var'+cast(@i as char)) as nvarchar(10))
set @i=@i+1

Does anyone know of a way to do this?

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Valid Expressions Are Constants, Constant Expressions, And (in Some Contexts) Variables. Column Names Are Not Permitted.

Dec 11, 2007

I want to have this query insert a bunch of XML but i get this error...

Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertTimeCard, Line 117

The name "ExpenseRptID" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertTimeCard, Line 151

The name "DateWorked" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

What am i doing wrong...Can anyone help me out!! Thanks!!

p.s I know this query looks crazy...

Code Block

IF EXISTS (SELECT NAME FROM sysobjects WHERE NAME = 'InsertTimeCard' AND type = 'P' AND uid=(Select uid from sysusers where name=current_user))
** PROC NAME : InsertTimeCardHoursWorked
** AUTHOR : Demetrius Powers
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Name Date Comment
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Powers 12/11/2007 -Initial Creation
@DateCreated DateTime,
@EmployeeID int,
@DateEntered DateTime,
@SerializedXML text,
@Result int output
declare @NewTimeCardID int
select @NewTimeCardID = max(TimeCardID) from OPS_TimeCards
-- proc settings

-- local variables
DECLARE @intDoc int
DECLARE @bolOpen bit
SET @bolOpen = 0
--Prepare the XML document to be loaded
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @intDoc OUTPUT, @SerializedXML
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler
--The document was prepared so set the boolean indicator so we know to close it if an error occurs.
SET @bolOpen = 1

--Create temp variable to store values inthe XML document
DECLARE @tempXMLTimeCardExpense TABLE
TimeCardExpenseID int not null identity(1,1),
TimeCardID int,
ExpenseRptID int,
ExpenseDate datetime,
ProjectID int,
ExpenseDescription nvarchar(510),
ExpenseAmount money,
ExpenseCodeID int,
AttachedRct bit,
SubmittoExpRep bit
DECLARE @tempXMLTimeCardWorked TABLE
TimeCardDetailID int not null identity(1,1),
TimeCardID int,
DateWorked DateTime,
ProjectID int,
WorkDescription nvarchar(510),
BillableHours float,
BillingRate money,
WorkCodeID int,
Location nvarchar(50)
-- begin trans
insert OPS_TimeCards(NewTimeCardID, DateCreated, EmployeeID, DateEntered, Paid)
values (@NewTimeCardID, @DateCreated, @EmployeeID, @DateEntered, 0)
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler

--Now use @intDoc with XPATH style queries on the XML
INSERT @tempXMLTimeCardExpense (TimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep)
SELECT @NewTimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep
FROM OPENXML(@intDoc, '/ArrayOfTimeCardExpense/TimeCardExpense', 2)
WITH ( ExpenseRptID int 'ExpenseRptID',
ExpenseDate datetime 'ExpenseDate',
ProjectID int 'ProjectID',
ExpenseDescription nvarchar(510) 'ExpenseDescription',
ExpenseAmount money 'ExpenseAmount',
ExpenseCodeID int 'ExpenseCodeID',
AttachedRct bit 'AttachedRct',
SubmittoExpRep bit 'SubmittoExpRep')
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler

-- remove XML doc from memory
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @intDoc
SET @bolOpen = 0

INSERT OPS_TimeCardExpenses(TimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep)
Values(@NewTimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep)
select @NewTimeCardID, ExpenseRptID, ExpenseDate, ProjectID, ExpenseDescription, ExpenseAmount, ExpenseCodeID, AttachedRct, SubmittoExpRep
from @tempXMLTimeCardExpense
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler

-- For time worked...
INSERT @tempXMLTimeCardWorked(TimeCardID, DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BillableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location)
SELECT @NewTimeCardID, DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BilliableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location
FROM OPENXML(@intDoc, '/ArrayOfTimeCardWorked/TimeCardWorked', 2)
WITH ( DateWorked DateTime 'DateWorked',
ProjectID datetime 'ProjectID',
WorkDescription nvarchar(max) 'WorkDescription',
BilliableHours float 'BilliableHours',
BillingRate money 'BillingRate',
WorkCodeID int 'WorkCodeID',
Location nvarchar(50)'Location')
-- check for error
IF @@ERROR <> 0
GOTO ErrorHandler

-- remove XML doc from memory
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @intDoc
SET @bolOpen = 0

INSERT OPS_TimeCardHours(TimeCardID, DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BillableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location)
Values(@NewTimeCardID,DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BillableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location)
select @NewTimeCardID ,DateWorked, ProjectID, WorkDescription, BillableHours, BillingRate, WorkCodeID, Location
from @tempXMLTimeCardWorked

-- commit transaction, and exit
set @Result = @NewTimeCardID

-- Error Handler
-- see if transaction is open
-- rollback tran
-- set failure values
SET @Result = -1


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Constant In SQL For DTS To Textfile

Jul 15, 2005

In an effort to automate a process, I am trying to populate a csv textfile with data from a SQL Server 2000 database that will be imported by a proprietary database; however, not all of the data required to go into the textfile is available in the source db. Fortunately, the data I'm needing has constant values for the fields that I want to populate, i.e Lab Name. Whereas, the Destination database will receive data from other labs but not via this source.
Is it possible to use a constant rather than a db field within the SQL query to populate one of the textfile fields. (I placed "LABNAME" in where I would like it to go) A portion of my present SQL statement is:
As you can see, I have already done a lot of formatting within the statement but would appreciate someone's SQL expertise to tell me if using a constant is possible or not.

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Specifying Constant Value For Column In Bcp.

Jan 28, 2008


I want to bcp data file generated by other system into a table maintened by our system. While generating the bcp data file they leave data value for id column empty (because they are not aware of the value in our system).

I want to specify a constant value for id column during bcp. Is there any way i can specify a constant value in bulk insert command? Can i specify it in format file?

Although i can read the bcp file and do transformation in front end (C#) it is time consuming. I can bcp data and then fire a update statement to update id column, this is also found to be time consuming task.

Any help would be appriciated.

Many thanks,

When solution is simple, God is answering….

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Constant Re-indexing Of Db

Aug 24, 2005

We have a database that on a daily basis suffers from poor performance.

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Constant In Stored Procedure

May 30, 2000

How can I use constant path define in SP,

The below is my conde which gets me error, any1 knows about that ?


Declare path nvarchar(500)
@Path = 'H:HN2000AMASTEREPPma01.mdb'

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'PUA01', --Server Name
@provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', --Provider Name
@srvproduct = 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',--Product
@datasrc = @Path

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How To Sort Numbers After Some Constant

Aug 10, 2006


I want to get output like this if i give the strings:

here "25813/" must be constant and remaining part must come in orderly way.
but in MS SQL the first inserted value is getting first i.e if we give value 25813/115 is getting first.
I will show in example:

create table number(num varchar(20))
insert into number values('25818/115')
insert into number values('25818/208')
insert into number values('25818/3')

The output coming is:
1 25818/115
2 25818/208
3 25818/3

1 25818/3
2 25818/115
3 25818/208

since 3 comes first than others.

If anyone knows please tell.

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Constant In Autonumber ID Field

Apr 15, 2007

I know this may be in the wrong forum, but I have a question. I am working on a system for a video store. I have rentals and sales for videos. I have set the ID fields for rentals and sales to be autonumbers and increment by 1, but I would like to have an S in front of sales IDs and R in front of rental IDs at all times. It is kind of like a constant in all autonumber ID fields. I want the S and R to be in every ID field, but the number to change. Thanks.

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Computed Columns And Constant

Aug 22, 2006

Hi, I have a small problem with my database. I've got following situation: I have a computed column, which value is base on currency rate: rent * rate. Users have to have possibility to change currency rate easily (maybe another table or constant). Is there any way to create formula, which would compute value properly, via constant or something like this? Or the easiest workaround would be load data into dataset (I'm building application - database will be very small - couple of hundreds of records) and make calculations programmatically?


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Constant Table Size?

Feb 9, 2007

Hi, thanks for taking a minute to help me out.

I've got a bunch of reports that have very specific formatting requirements (not mine, industry standards). Basically I need to have different headers and footers on each page, so I don't think I can use the report's headers and footers. Instead I'd like to use each table's (one for each page) set of headers and footers. This is fine for getting the data in there, but I'd like the table footer to be forced to be at the bottom of the page because having a footer halfway down just looks bad.

To summarize, is it possible to have a table footer be in the same place on a page (almost) regardless of how many rows there are returned.
pg1 pg2
header header
data data
footer footer

I'd prefer not to split each page into a different report and use those footers, so if there are any other hacks out there I'd really appreciate it

Thanks, Jeff

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How To Define A Constant Value In Sql Query Analyzer

Jan 29, 2008

I want to run some sql code from Query Analyzer. The sql code uses parameters.How do I define the parameter before setting it to a value? I don't want to hardcode the input parameteres.
create @Prim -- This is the line I need help on. Instead of "create", what is                      -- the proper way of setting this value ?
set @Prime=13
SELECT Prime.Quaternion,   Gaussian.RegionId,   Laplace.Primer,

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TLog Size Remaining Constant

Aug 22, 2003

recently i noticed that my trans Log size is not increasing(it is constant) , but the databse size is increasing at high speed.
why is it so? earlier the reverse used to happen i.e databse size increased only after a certain period. and log size increased at const. rate.

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Get The Date Ranges For Constant Values.

May 31, 2008

I have a table with date like this.


Guys I want to get the date ranges instrument wise for which the instrument readings are constant.

For example for instrument 1 the readings are constant i.e 10 from 10/12/2008
till 12/12/2008 & then again it is constant from 14/12/2008 till 17/12/2008.
Same goes for instrument id 2.It is constant from 07/03/2008 till 20/03/2008.
I need to get the output like this.

StartDate EndDate Readings
10/12/2008 12/12/2008 10
14/12/2008 17/12/2008 10
17/03/2008 20/03/2008 8

Thanks for any help.

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Adding A Constant Column Before Insert

Oct 21, 2007

I have a data flow with a sort of transformations, the result are three columns to be inserted in a SQL Server 2005 table but I need to add a fourth column that contains the same values for each row, I mean, to add a column with constant values in the insert process.

how can I do it??


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SQL 2012 :: How To Query Searching For Constant Values Only

May 7, 2015

I am interested in creating a query that will test if a value is the same in a particular field.

For example, if the value is "0", or "000", or "000000" or "333", "444444", I would like to extract it. Otherwise omit the value.

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Report With Constant Number Of Detail Lines

Nov 1, 2007

I am developing a report analog of a machine readable form that has to display a static number of detail rows regardless of the number returned from the database - i.e. if a record set has only three detail records, I need to display three blank rows, while if the record set has ten detail records, I need to display six detail records, print the footer, start a new page, repeat the header information, print the remaining 4 detail records and 2 blank rows, print the footer again and move on to the remaining recordset. I am new to report development and I'm having to pick it up on the fly. I can't seem to locate any documentation about how to handle this scenario.

I don't have the time or inclination to re-invent the wheel here, is there anyone who has solved this problem who can point me in the direction of some help?

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Conditional Split - Compare DATETIME With Constant

Sep 26, 2007


I have to compare a DATETIME Field with '1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM". Which is default DATE TIME Value in SQL Server.

I did compare like

but (DT_DBTIMESTAMP)(DATEPART("mm",(DT_DBTIMESTAMP)"1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM")) returns "12/31/1800 12:00:00:AM"


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Is There A Sample Way To Define String Constant Which Every Stored Procedure Can Use In SQL 2005 ?

Sep 26, 2006

Is there a sample way to define string constant which every stored procedure can use in SQL 2005 ? 1. In stored procedure A, there is select a1,a2,a3,a4 from mytable where usename='qaz'2. In stored procedure B, there isselect a1,a2,a3,a4 from mytable where VisitNumber>33. I hope there is a sample way to define string constant such as: constant mystring='a1,a2,a3,a4'4. So I can use this string constant both stored procedure A and stored procedure bsuch as:select mystring from mytable where usename='qaz'  select mystring from mytable where VisitNumber>35. How can I do that? is there a sample way? Mnay Thanks!

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Transact SQL :: Insert Constant Value Along With Results Of Select Into Temp Table?

Dec 4, 2015

I'm trying to fill a temp table whose columns are the same as another table plus it has one more column. The temp table's contents are those rows in the other table that meet a particular condition plus another column that is the name of the table that is the source for the rows being added.

Example: 'permTable' has col1 and col2. The data in these two rows plus the name of the table from which it came ('permTable' in this example) are to be added to #temp.

Data in permTable
col1   col2
11,    12
21,     22

Data in #temp after permTable's filtered contents have been added

TableName, col1   col2
permTable, 11,     12
permTable, 21,     22

What is the syntax for an insert like this?

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Reporting Services :: How To Build Sum Field Starting From Constant Initial Value

Oct 9, 2015

I am using sql server 2012 and report builder 3.0 for building my report

I have a querry which produce the following output

Is there a way directly in report builder to add a new column field which need to produce the following output :

8          (calculated from ProductTotalWeight - StockBalance)
10       (calculated from Previous row value + StockBalance)
8        (calculated from Previous row value + StockBalance)
10      ....

Can this be achieved?

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Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor (Inner Variables Vs Outer Variables)

Sep 4, 2006


I am not comfortable with DTS 2000 but I need to execute a encapsulated DTS 2000 package from a SSIS package. The real problem is when I need to pass SSIS variables to DTS 2000 package. The DTS 2000 package have 3 global variables that I can identify on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - Inner Variables ". I believe the SSIS variables must be mapped on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - OuterVariables ". How can I associate the SSIS variables(OuterVariables ) to "Inner Variables"? How can I do it? Much Thanks.


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How To Design A Package With Variables So That I Can Run It By Dos Command Assigning Values To Variables?

Jan 24, 2006


I would like to design a SSIS package, which have couple of variables. It loads a xls file specified in a variable [varExcelFileFullPath] .

I will run it by commands: exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL ....' (pls see an example below).

It seems it does not get the values passed in for those variables. I deployed the package to a sql server.

are there any grammar errors here? I copied it from dtexecui. It worked inside Dtexecui not in dos command.

exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL "LoadExcelDB" /SERVER test /USER *** /PASSWORD ****


/LOGGER "{6AA833A1-E4B2-4431-831B-DE695049DC61}";"Test.SuperBowl"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileName].Properties[Value];"TestAdHocLayer"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelWorkbookName].Value;"Sheet1$"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileFullPath].Value;"D: estshareTestAdHocLayer.xls"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varDestinationTableName].Value;"FeaturesTmp"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varPreSQLAction].Value;"delete from FeaturesTmp"




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Analysis :: Proactive Caching On Rolap Dimension - Constant Change Notification On Source Table

Aug 20, 2011

I have SSAS 2008 Enterprise sp2 (not R2) running on a production server. One of the dimensions is defined as real-time Rolap - set to clear the cache whenever the table changes.

I placed triggers on that table to be sure, so I know no changes occur on that table sometimes for 10 or 15 minutes at a time - and yet I get 100's of change notifications (I noticed them on a profiler session). It seems as though the notifications come as often as the dimension gets queried.

I think this is causing one of my longer running queries to fail because of locking issues. I assume this is because the queries are getting killed when they're in middle of using an outdated cache.

The strange thing is that I cannot reproduce this on the dev servers. The main difference between the dev and production servers is that the production servers are behinfd a cluster. I don't know if that could make any difference.

I really need to know why I'm getting so many notifications.  

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How Can I Set Constant Padding Between The Columns Of The Column Chart(stacked Column Sub-type)?

Aug 2, 2006

Hi All,

I am working on a column chart type (stacked column sub-type) report.

Our customer requires us that the space(padding) between the columns should be a constant(including the space between the Y-axis and the first column). I know how to set the width of the columns, but I really don't know how to set the width of the space between them. The columns just varies the space between them automatically according to the number of the columns (the number of the columns is not certain).

Thanks a lot in advance!


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Constant CPU Usage On Server When Using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio

Jun 7, 2006

I have recently installed SQL Server 2005 (Developer Ed) + SP1 onto a VMWare based Windows 2003 + SP1 server.
SQL Server works fine when connecting to it using Mangement Studio on Windows XP.
However, I have noticed strange CPU usage on the server which seems to be caused by Management Studio (either directly or indirectly).
When no-one is connecting to the server using Management Studio, the server happily ticks along with CPU usage around 1-5% range. However, as soon as someone connects to the SQL Server instance using Management Studio the CPU usage begin to go up and down constantly.
The CPU usage ranges from 5-50% and it goes up and down (fairly regularly) every few seconds. It does this even when nothing is actually being done in Management Studio. The moment Management Studio is closed, the CPU usage goes back to normal.
The processes on the server that appear to be causing the CPU spikes are services.exe and wmiprvse.exe.
On a possibly connected note (though possibly not), the Security log in the server's Event Viewer shows that there are logins occuring every minute or so (most of the logins are from my account).
Any ideas?

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