Is There Any Book (books??) To Help Us Creating A Sync Tool (Bidirectional)

Aug 31, 2007

Hi guys,

We have been looking for books which cover the DB synchronisation subject. We have started creating a plugin to our socket server but we quickly realised how much of a challenge it would be (We are creating it "from scratch"). The conflict problems, the order to tables (rows) be synchronised (Child - Parent) and how to delete rows were some of the problems we found. The main goal is to synchronise devices in the field (Compact framework) to the server using less bandwich as possible.
We are trying to be "agnostic" about the DB in both Server and Client side.

We are pretty sure there are books out there which cover this subject, we just couldn't find them!

We know this will be a challenge but we also know it will be a great feature to add to the server.

Does anyone could point me out to any book?


Jean Baro
Dynamic Devices Ltd

View 3 Replies


Is There A Tool For Creating Database Schemas From SQL 2000?

Sep 30, 2005

Be gentle, I'm new! :o

We have three databases running on SQL 2000 and would like a visual database schema. We'd rather not do it by hand. ;)

The free-er, the better!

Thanks in advance

Rajendrakumar Varsani

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User Provisioning Tool For Vista (creating System Admin Accounts

Apr 8, 2008

I am reading kb 934164. I am confused about (creating system administrator) domain user accounts....
under kb934164 8e type a window account by the following format
domain/user 8k Type a windows account by following format domain/user
DO I simply type domain/user or do I actually Type my domain/user account
What is domain user?
In other words where does domain (PASSWORD) come from?
where does user(PASSWORD) come from?
I have being trying to find the answer for this
Is there anything else I need to be prepared for in user
provisioning. By the way do you need to turn off uac in vista while installing
sql 2005....Thanks Is there any examples of this? I just want to get it right....

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Bidirectional Replication

Nov 24, 2005


can you pls help me to find the suitable Version of SQL Server?

SQL Server will work on the serverside. MS Access on the clientside.

Between these two DBs i need asynchronous bidirectional replication.

What version of SQL Server would be the best solution for this?

Thanx for ur help

Greetz Crean

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Bidirectional Replication

Oct 26, 2006


is it possible to implement bidirectional replication with queued updating subscriptions in SQL Server 2000? I am currently testing bidirectional replication on two servers and it works well so far. My concern is how to I update the subscriber or publisher once both servers become disconnected? How to I resync? thank you for your help,


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Is Bidirectional Replication Possible With Sql Server?

Jun 18, 2008

 We have Two Database server at location A and at location B, Say 'Server A' and 'Server B'.
 Both database contain's same schema and data.
A group of user's will make updation's to 'server A' and rest  using 'Server B'.
My requirement is that i want the both database to be identical, ie if an updation or insertion in server A is made then it should also affect 'serverB' and vice versa.
* Can go for batch updation , because very 10min or lesser i want the datbase to be syncronized.
* can go for single side replication as both database will be updating
Thanks In Advance,

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Bidirectional Replication Solutions

Apr 9, 2008

According to this article from last year:,289483,sid87_gci1251149,00.htmlThese are the main options:* Merge Replication* Bi-directional Transactional replication* Immediate Updating* Queued Updating* Peer to Peer* RDAAre there any new alternatives that have popped up over the last year? Are all of six above still good options based on needs?We currently have a three server topology using merge replication.ServerA (App1DB) <--> ServerB (App2 DB)ServerA (App1DB) <--> ServerB (App3 DB)ServerA (App1DB) <--> ServerCServerA supports 1 intranet application using 1 DBServerB supports 2 extranet applications using 2 DB's (1 per application)ServerC is our DW server that we have installed a Search DB which is used by all applicationsPrior to our "upgrade" to merge replication we were using 1-way Transactional Replication so our topology looked like:ServerA --> ServerB (App2 DB)ServerA --> ServerB (App3 DB)We also had linked servers between ServerB and ServerA as well as between ServerC and ServerA to update data on ServerA. We would simultaneously update/insert the tables on ServerB/C and create custom stored procedures to handle the data already processed from the subscribers.With our new implementation we are seeing more latency as well as locking since merge replication is not running off of transaction logs anymore.My main question is would we see an increase in performance and less locking as a result of a topology like this:Master <--> ServerA (App1 DB)Master <--> ServerB (App2 DB)Master <--> ServerB (App3 DB)Master <--> ServerCWhere Master is a server and DB supporting no applications (hence no OLTP). Would latency be the same/better/worse? Should we stick with our current implementation and just performance tune it?A secondary question I have is given the bidirectional replication options above did we choose the best one for us? These servers are all on the same network hosted by the same provider over Gigabit Ethernet (I assume). I think we have the polling interval set at 5 seconds and we are thinking of moving it to 10 seconds at most. Real-time latency is not critical to our business but it would be a "nice to have". For conflict resolution we are keeping it simple, whichever was inserted/updated last "wins". It looks like Bi-directional Transactional replication might be a better option for us. Would it give us the autonomy we are looking for? Any major "cons" to using Bi-directional Transactional replication over merge replication (beside scalability). Scalability may come into play a few years down the road but for now it is not a high priority. Also would the Master model described above using Bi-directional Transactional replication be a successful implementation?ETA - One thing merge replication gives us is autonomy between our application servers, particularly when ServerA needs to come down for upgrades, the applications on ServerB can still function without any dependencies like we had before with 1-way transactional replication with linked server calls.

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Bidirectional Bi-directional Replication

Oct 24, 2007

Following setup s1<--- p1<-->p2 ---->s2 (bidirectional replication between publishers as each one have its own subscriber)
What are the disadvantages of this solution if only one publisher gets written to at the time.
How about schema changes (would I need to stop all activity on p1 & p2 similar to p2p replication) ?
Would changes get republished to s1 & s2 ?
Are identities the only problem when instead on p1 as main server I start using p2 ?
Thank you.

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Bidirectional Replication - Use Merge Or Transactional?

Feb 6, 2003


I am planning to set-up a bidirectional replication where both servers are remore - i.e. they do not share a common domain.

Would it be better to replicate using Transactional Replication or Merge Replication?

How stable is bidirectional replication? I could not find much material on this. :(



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Bidirectional Replication In SQL Server 2005 SP2

Feb 25, 2008


I have a problem configuring Bidirectional replication in SQL Server 2005 SP2. I configured Publication and Subscription on two different SQL 2005 instances on different machines (Station1SQL2005 and Station2SQL2005 respectively). Databases are DBTest1 in Station1 and DBTest2 in Station2. I have two tables one in DBTest1 and the other in DBTest2.

Script for the above configuration:

This below configuration does not work if i configure Publication and Subscription on the same machines


For Station1:
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'dbtest1')


--Create table named two_way_dbtest1 that have an IDENTITY column with the NOT FOR REPLICATION option set
USE dbtest1

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name LIKE 'two_way_dbtest1')
DROP TABLE two_way_dbtest1;

CREATE TABLE two_way_dbtest1
charcol CHAR(100),
timestampcol TIMESTAMP

/*Allocate a predetermined range of values to the primary key column
so that the values on the different servers are not in the same range.
For example, you can enforce 1-1000 as the key range for the two_way_dbtest1 table in the dbtest1 database,
and then enforce 1001 -2000 as the key range for two_way_dbtest2 table in the dbtest2 database.
To do so, use the following code:
-- Constraint to enforce a range of values between 1 and 1000 in database dbtest1
USE dbtest1

pkcol BETWEEN 1 AND 1000

--Enable your server as the distributor, and then create a distribution database
--Ensure SQL Server Agent service is running before executing the below statement.
USE master
sp_adddistributor @distributor = 'Station1SQL2005'

--create a distribution database for the distributor
USE master
sp_adddistributiondb @database='distribution'

--Enable the computers running SQL Server that are participating in the replication as publishers
USE master

exec sp_adddistpublisher
@publisher = 'Station1SQL2005',
@distribution_db ='distribution',
@security_mode = 0,
@login = 'xxxxxxx',
@password = 'xxxxxxx',
@working_directory ='F:ReplicationReplication Working Directory'

--Enable the identified databases for replication
USE master

exec sp_replicationdboption N'dbtest1', N'publish', true

--Create the custom stored procedures in the dbtest1 database
USE dbtest1

-- INSERT Stored Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_ins_two_way_dbtest1
@pkcol int,
@intcol int,
@charcol char(100),
@timestampcol timestamp,
@rowidcol uniqueidentifier
INSERT INTO two_way_dbtest1

--UPDATE Stored Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_upd_two_way_dbtest1
@pkcol int,
@intcol int,
@charcol char(100),
@timestampcol timestamp,
@rowidcol uniqueidentifier,
@old_pkcol int
DECLARE @x int
DECLARE @y int
DECLARE @z char(100)

pkcol = @pkcol


INSERT INTO two_way_dbtest1
CASE ISNULL(@pkcol,0) WHEN 0 THEN @x ELSE @pkcol END,
CASE ISNULL(@intcol,0) WHEN 0 THEN @y ELSE @intcol END,
CASE ISNULL(@charcol,'N') WHEN 'N' THEN @z ELSE @charcol END

-- DELETE Stored Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_del_two_way_dbtest1
@old_pkcol int
pkcol = @old_pkcol

--Create a transactional publication, and then add articles to the publication in both the dbtest1 and the dbtest2 databases
--In the database dbtest1.
USE dbtest1

-- Adding the transactional publication.
EXEC sp_addpublication
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest1',
@restricted = N'false',
@sync_method = N'native',
@repl_freq = N'continuous',
@description = N'Transactional publication for database dbtest1.',
@status = N'active',
@allow_push = N'true',
@allow_pull = N'true',
@allow_anonymous = N'false',
@enabled_for_internet = N'false',
@independent_agent = N'false',
@immediate_sync = N'false',
@allow_sync_tran = N'true',
@autogen_sync_procs = N'true',
--To avoid expiry if there are 5 continuous holidays for a company. If 0, well-known subscriptions
--to the publication will never expire and be removed by the Expired Subscription Cleanup Agent.
@retention = 120

EXEC sp_addpublication_snapshot
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest1',
@frequency_type = 4,
@frequency_interval = 1,
@frequency_relative_interval = 0,
@frequency_recurrence_factor = 1,
@frequency_subday = 2,
@frequency_subday_interval = 10,
@active_start_date = 20080225,
@active_end_date = 99991231,
@active_start_time_of_day = 070000,
@active_end_time_of_day = 235959

-- Adding the transactional articles.
EXEC sp_addarticle
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest1',
@article = N'two_way_dbtest1',
@source_owner = N'dbo',
@source_object = N'two_way_dbtest1',
@destination_table = N'two_way_dbtest2',
@type = N'logbased',
@creation_script = null,
@description = 'two_way_dbtest1 table data will be replicated to two_way_dbtest2',
@pre_creation_cmd = N'drop',
@schema_option = 0x00000000000000F1,
@status = 16,
@vertical_partition = N'false',
@ins_cmd = N'CALL sp_ins_two_way_dbtest1',
@del_cmd = N'CALL sp_del_two_way_dbtest1',
@upd_cmd = N'CALL sp_upd_two_way_dbtest1',
@filter = null,
@sync_object = null,
@identityrangemanagementoption = 'manual'

/*In this scenario, the dbtest1 database is the central subscriber.
Create transactional subscriptions in the dbtest2 database that subscribe to the publication at dbtest1
and in the dbtest1 database that subscribe to the publication at dbtest2
--Create all the subscriptions with the LOOPBACK_DETECTION option enabled
--Adding the transactional subscription in dbtest1.
USE dbtest1
EXEC sp_addsubscription
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest1',
@article = N'all',
@subscriber = 'Station2SQL2005',
@destination_db = N'dbtest2',
@sync_type = N'none',
@status = N'active',
@update_mode = N'sync tran',
@loopback_detection = 'true'

EXEC sp_addpushsubscription_agent
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest1',
@subscriber = 'Station2SQL2005',
@subscriber_db = N'dbtest2'

For Station2:
--Create database named test1
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'dbtest2')


--Create table named two_way_dbtest1 that have an IDENTITY column with the NOT FOR REPLICATION option set
USE dbtest2

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name LIKE 'two_way_dbtest2')
DROP TABLE two_way_dbtest2;

CREATE TABLE two_way_dbtest2
charcol CHAR(100),
timestampcol TIMESTAMP

/*Allocate a predetermined range of values to the primary key column
so that the values on the different servers are not in the same range.
For example, you can enforce 1-1000 as the key range for the two_way_dbtest1 table in the dbtest1 database,
and then enforce 1001 -2000 as the key range for two_way_dbtest2 table in the dbtest2 database.
To do so, use the following code:
-- Constraint to enforce a range of values between 1 and 1000 in database dbtest1
USE dbtest2

pkcol BETWEEN 1 AND 1000

--Enable your server as the distributor, and then create a distribution database
--Ensure SQL Server Agent service is running before executing the below statement.
USE master
EXEC sp_adddistributor
@distributor = 'Station2SQL2005'

--create a distribution database for the distributor
USE master
sp_adddistributiondb @database='distribution'

--Enable the computers running SQL Server that are participating in the replication as publishers
USE master

exec sp_adddistpublisher
@publisher = 'Station2SQL2005',
@distribution_db ='distribution',
@security_mode = 0,
@login = 'xxxxxxxxx',
@password = 'xxxxxxx',
@working_directory ='E:ReplicationWorking Directory'

--Enable the identified databases for replication
USE master

exec sp_replicationdboption N'dbtest2', N'publish', true

--Create the custom stored procedures in the dbtest1 database
USE dbtest2

-- INSERT Stored Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_ins_two_way_dbtest2
@pkcol int,
@intcol int,
@charcol char(100),
@timestampcol timestamp,
@rowidcol uniqueidentifier
INSERT INTO two_way_dbtest2

--UPDATE Stored Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_upd_two_way_dbtest2
@pkcol int,
@intcol int,
@charcol char(100),
@timestampcol timestamp,
@rowidcol uniqueidentifier,
@old_pkcol int
DECLARE @x int
DECLARE @y int
DECLARE @z char(100)

pkcol = @pkcol


INSERT INTO two_way_dbtest2
CASE ISNULL(@pkcol,0) WHEN 0 THEN @x ELSE @pkcol END,
CASE ISNULL(@intcol,0) WHEN 0 THEN @y ELSE @intcol END,
CASE ISNULL(@charcol,'N') WHEN 'N' THEN @z ELSE @charcol END

-- DELETE Stored Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_del_two_way_dbtest2
@old_pkcol int
pkcol = @old_pkcol

--Create a transactional publication, and then add articles to the publication in both the dbtest1 and the dbtest2 databases
--In the database dbtest1.
USE dbtest2

-- Adding the transactional publication.
EXEC sp_addpublication
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest2',
@restricted = N'false',
@sync_method = N'native',
@repl_freq = N'continuous',
@description = N'Transactional publication for database dbtest2.',
@status = N'active',
@allow_push = N'true',
@allow_pull = N'true',
@allow_anonymous = N'false',
@enabled_for_internet = N'false',
@independent_agent = N'false',
@immediate_sync = N'false',
@allow_sync_tran = N'true',
@autogen_sync_procs = N'true',
--To avoid expiry if there are 5 continuous holidays for a company. If 0, well-known subscriptions
--to the publication will never expire and be removed by the Expired Subscription Cleanup Agent.
@retention = 120

EXEC sp_addpublication_snapshot
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest2',
@frequency_type = 4,
@frequency_interval = 1,
@frequency_relative_interval = 0,
@frequency_recurrence_factor = 1,
@frequency_subday = 2,
@frequency_subday_interval = 10,
@active_start_date = 20080225,
@active_end_date = 99991231,
@active_start_time_of_day = 070000,
@active_end_time_of_day = 235959

-- Adding the transactional articles.
EXEC sp_addarticle
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest2',
@article = N'two_way_dbtest2',
@source_owner = N'dbo',
@source_object = N'two_way_dbtest2',
@destination_table = N'two_way_dbtest1',
@type = N'logbased',
@creation_script = null,
@description = 'two_way_dbtest2 table data will be replicated to two_way_dbtest1',
@pre_creation_cmd = N'drop',
@schema_option = 0x00000000000000F1,
@status = 16,
@vertical_partition = N'false',
@ins_cmd = N'CALL sp_ins_two_way_dbtest2',
@del_cmd = N'CALL sp_del_two_way_dbtest2',
@upd_cmd = N'CALL sp_upd_two_way_dbtest2',
@filter = null,
@sync_object = null,
@identityrangemanagementoption = 'manual'

/*In this scenario, the dbtest1 database is the central subscriber.
Create transactional subscriptions in the dbtest2 database that subscribe to the publication at dbtest1
and in the dbtest1 database that subscribe to the publication at dbtest2
--Create all the subscriptions with the LOOPBACK_DETECTION option enabled
--Adding the transactional subscription in dbtest1.
USE dbtest2
EXEC sp_addsubscription
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest2',
@article = N'all',
@subscriber = 'Station1SQL2005',
@destination_db = N'dbtest1',
@sync_type = N'none',
@status = N'active',
@update_mode = N'sync tran',
@loopback_detection = 'true'

EXEC sp_addpushsubscription_agent
@publication = N'two_way_pub_dbtest2',
@subscriber = 'Station1SQL2005',
@subscriber_db = N'dbtest1'

It would be grateful if somebody gives me a solution.

Thanks in advance.


View 9 Replies View Related

How To Do Bidirectional Replication In SQL Server 2005?

Oct 4, 2007

Presently, I am doing one way replication in SQL Server 2005. Server-A is local server at local place and Server-B is remote server at different place. There is not a problem in one way replication.
Server-A is Distributor and Server-B is Subscriber in one way replication.
I want to setup the following configuration using bidirectional replication (two way replication) on SQL Server 2005
And I am not able to do it. What should I do for this?
Should I use Merge Replication for bidirectional Replication.
Server-B is live server for users which cannot be stop for a moment. Server-A is local server which is live too.
Now please let me know how to do Bidirectional Replication. So whatever data in Server-B (Which is live) should replicate to Server-A or Vice versa ...
If we add some column into Server-B's table of Database what could be the effect on Server-A...

Please someone help me out into this.


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Bidirectional Synchronization For SQL Server Mobile?

Jul 4, 2007

I create a distributed database for mobile application. I replicate a table that distribute on mobile device. I follow instruction how to create distributor, publication, replication, web synchronization, and subscriber database. I have done fine for synchronization between mobile database into desktop database (in this case SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition). But the problem is how can setup publication so it can bidirectional, not only from mobile database into desktop database, but also from desktop database into mobile database. So in the mobile database can have same data with desktop database even on mobile database lost some old data.

Its like data exchange between both engine. Desktop and mobile have same data. For filtering I can put filter on the desktop server for replicated table, so don't worry how I split the data.

Thanks a lot.

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Bidirectional Transactional Replication And Remote Distributors

Nov 27, 2006

I want to be able to setup the following configuration using bidirectional transactional replication on SQL 2005

instance A lives on machine 1
instance B lives on machine 2

Instance A publishes to a transactional subscription on Instance B
Instance B does the reverse and publishes to a transactional subscription on Instance A

Instance A pushes to a distribution database on machine 2
Instance B pushes to a distribution database on machine 1

Problems Implementing Configuration

I can setup each instance as a distributor and create separate distribution databases using
sp_adddistributor and sp_adddistributiondb

I can then enable each publisher to use the correct distribution database using sp_adddistpublisher

However, when I try and run sp_replicationdboption to setup a database for publication, I get the error:

Msg 20028, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSpublishdb, Line 55
The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not enable database for publishing.

If I try and configure a publication with the wizard, it says that instance A must be enabled as a publisher before you can create a publication - and then presents the dialog to add instance A to be handled by the local distribution database - which I don't want.

It appears that I need to run sp_adddistributor on the publisher as well as the distributor for the appropriate instance, but if I do this I get the error:

Msg 14099, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_adddistributor, Line 109
The server 'instance A' is already defined as a Distributor.

It seems that you can't select a remote distributor if you already have a local distributor configured.

Is there a way round this limitation?

Note that configuring the environment with a single distribution database works fine

View 7 Replies View Related Confgiguration Tool. Tool Keeps Timing Out

Mar 2, 2006

is it possible to change the settings on this tool. i want to have it so that it does not time out at all? or is that possible??

View 1 Replies View Related

Looking For A Tool/ Middleware Tool Which...

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all.I'm looking for a tool which should act like some kind of middleware/logical layer bewtween the SQL server and the webbased user interface.- It should be possible to easily create simple web forms (only datainput and output) without programming effort by "clicking" the fieldsand their order on the web mask within an admnistrative interface.- It should also be bossible to add "new fields" to the database,including field type, permissions, value lists etc. (excluding anybusiness logic) without programming effort by administration.I know, that most workflow tools or "Trouble Ticket Tools", based ondatabases have this feature to easily configure new masks and add newfields to the database, but i need it as an tool-unspecific layer forthe MS SQL Server.Thank you very much for your feedback, any ideas are welcome!Best regards, Heiko.

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Sep 2, 2004

any all-rounder good book on SQL Server

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SQL Books

Aug 11, 1999

I would like to know what book is considered the best when it comes to optimizing SQL Server configurations and troubleshooting SQL Server problems encountered in the error log.

View 1 Replies View Related

SQL Books

Aug 11, 1999

I would like to know what book is considered the best when it comes to optimizing SQL Server configurations and troubleshooting SQL Server problems encountered in the error log.

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Sql Books

Feb 5, 2002


I have to buy two books for the MIS dept for sql server 2000. Which one do you recommend? We are still on sql 7.0 and migrating to 2000 soon. All developers have good experience with sql server 7.0.

Want something that gives you recommendation about better practices for performance issues for writing SPs.

I read all the reviews on amazon and b&N . It's confusing to choose only two.

Any recommendations?

View 1 Replies View Related


Sep 20, 2001

Can Anyone tell where I can found a tutorial about Transact-SQL ?


View 1 Replies View Related

Books SQL

Sep 2, 2004

Hello, I wish SQL' Books.

Anyone help me..

Bye :rolleyes:

View 4 Replies View Related

Sql Books

Jul 20, 2005

hipls tell the site's where i can download free e-books,bye,s.premkumar

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May 21, 2007

Hi , i am new to certifications in general..
I would like to do the certification exam 70-431. However i want to study on my own instead of going to classes.
what if i get the microsoft e-learning books or microsoft press books? will this be enough in helpnig me with the course requirements?
what are the difference between the two e-learning and MS Press books?

View 6 Replies View Related

Books On Line

Aug 7, 2001


I just started at a client's site and have found that the Books On Line has been removed (all other items are there in the program group instead of BOL). Is there a site at microsoft that mimicks BOL? (sybase has a 'sybooks on the web' which mimicks their 'Sybooks' product documentation.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Books On SQL Administrations

Feb 28, 2000


I am looking for books on SQL 7.0 Administration. I would appreciate if any body could recomend.


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Books - For SQL Server 7.0 DTS

Nov 3, 2000

Can anyone recommend books on SQL Server 7.0 Data Transformation Services?
Looking to find info on importing data from a Sybase server to SQL server (need good examples). Thanks.

View 4 Replies View Related

Any Good DTS Books

Sep 30, 2002

Does anyone know of any good books on DTS? I am currently using SQL 7.

Thanks in advance

View 2 Replies View Related

Any Good Books

Sep 14, 1998

Hi there,

Any good books to Know the internals of MS-SQL server 6.5


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Books Online

Aug 10, 2005

How do you use BOL? I've heard time again that there is much info in BOL but when i look at it it seems too brief and not detailed. I find it hard to find what i'm looking for anyway. How do you use it?


View 13 Replies View Related

CD, Books, Sites

May 24, 2006

naresh writes "I would like to learn sql server 2000 and I do not have any programming experienc at all so how do i learn this programme. Do you have any suggestion or any basic books or materials you guys can refer to me

Thank you"

View 3 Replies View Related

Nice Books?

Jun 14, 2006

hi guys,
i m a newbee in SQL. i wanted to know which is the nice book to start with? anyone got ebooks of SQL2005?

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Ref: Books/webcast On ETL

Oct 9, 2006

we are trying to build warehouse in our company its very small database but still.
we have come to a point where we are able to pull reports from the database that we have created as OLTP which is truncated and reloading everyday .
Now we have to stop doing that and just update the database and check for the changes in the existing data.
Can anyone suggest ETL book/webcast/weblinks that could help me.

Thanks in advance

View 1 Replies View Related

Wrox SQL Books

Apr 2, 2007

Ok I found these two books

and this one

Could someone explain the difference between these 2 books besides the fact that one is geared towards the express edition. The SQL Programming book sounds more thorough than the Express Edition book.

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