Is There Any Tool That Documents All The Users And Their Privilage Levels?

Mar 14, 2005

Is there any tool that documents all the users and their privilage levels in a given database??

I looked at SQL Scribe tool but it doesn't care about documenting users at all!

We need this for documenting hundreds of databases for SOX purpose.

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Allow Users To Upload Different Versions Of Documents

Dec 9, 2011

I am still finding my feet with sql server.I want to allow users to upload different versions of documents. However I want them to be able to access the previous versions if they need to. Below, is some info (there are other fields, but not necessary here) from a table 'file_resources':

file_idfile_nameversion original_file_id
406 ppt1 4 403
405 ppt3 3 403
404 ppt1 2 403
403 ppt1 1 403
402 excel1 1 402

The problem I have is that I want to display the latest version details by default but have a link to previous versions of the document.
So, when I run the following sql:

SELECT file_id, version
FROM file_resources
ORDER BY file_id DESC, version DESC

it returns:

406 4
405 3
404 2
403 1
402 1

But what I need to get is the 2 unique documents (The latest file_id where original_file_id is duplicated):

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Excel 2007 Documents Not Displayed In Windows XP Professional Sp2 Start Menu Recent Documents List

Jan 26, 2007

Excel 2007 Documents Not Displayed in Windows XP Professional sp2
Start Menu's Recent Documents List:

Dear Microsoft Support:
I can't figure out how to get recently used Excel 2007 (new file formats) documents to show up in the Windows XP Professional (sp2) Start Menu's Recent Documents List. I checked the Internet, the knowledgebase, many parts of the MS web site, etc. for an answer but can't find one.
Are Excel 2007 documents supposed to show up in the XP Start Menu's Recent Document List? Is this a bug or do I have to do some sort of configuration to make it do so? If it's a bug, when will a fix be available?

Are these new Excel 2007 files filtered out like EXE files are which will not appear in the Recent Document List?

The Excel 2007 file types are listed in the Registry.

This question is also posted on Experts-Exchange...No solutions yet.



View 1 Replies View Related Confgiguration Tool. Tool Keeps Timing Out

Mar 2, 2006

is it possible to change the settings on this tool. i want to have it so that it does not time out at all? or is that possible??

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Levels In A Cube

Feb 24, 2004

I have just started working the 2047 OLAP and came arcross the Analysis Service Limits. It states that the levels in a cube has a limit of 256 and the leves per dimension is 64. I am confused.

What is the definition of (levels in a cube)! and how are the levels in a cube different from (levels per dimension)

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FOR XML Query With More Than 2 Levels Of Data

Mar 30, 2006

I'm having trouble getting a FOR XML query to get the relationships correct when there are 3 levels of data.

In this example, I have 3 tables, GG_Grandpas, DD_Dads, KK_Kids. As you would expect, the Dads table is a child of the Grandpas table, and the Kids table is a child of the Dads table.

I'm using the Bush family in this example, these are the relationships:
- George SR
--- George JR
------ Jenna
------ Barbara
--- Jeb
------ Jeb JR
------ Noelle

These statements will create and populate the tables for the example with the above relationships:

DROP TABLE KK_Kids, DD_Dads, GG_Grandpas
CREATE TABLE GG_Grandpas ( GG_Grandpa_Key varchar(20) NOT NULL, GG_GrandpaName varchar(20))
CREATE TABLE DD_Dads ( DD_Dad_Key varchar(20) NOT NULL, DD_Grandpa_Key varchar(20) NOT NULL, DD_DadName varchar(20))
CREATE TABLE KK_Kids ( KK_Kid_Key varchar(20) NOT NULL, KK_Dad_Key varchar(20) NOT NULL, KK_KidName varchar(20))


INSERT INTO KK_Kids VALUES ( 'KK_Barbara_Key', 'DD_GEORGEJR_KEY', 'Barbara' )
INSERT INTO KK_Kids VALUES ( 'KK_Noelle_Key', 'DD_JEB_KEY', 'Noelle' )
INSERT INTO KK_Kids VALUES ( 'KK_JebJR_Key', 'DD_JEB_KEY', 'Jeb Junior' )

So the question is, how do I get it to maintain the proper relationships between the records when I do an FOR XML query? Here is the query I am trying to get to work. Right now it puts all the Kids under a single Dad, rather than having them under their correct dads.
I am getting this, which is not what I want:

- George SR
--- George JR
--- Jeb
------ Jenna
------ Barbara
------ Jeb JR
------ Noelle

SELECT 1 as Tag,
NULL as Parent,
GG_GrandpaName as [GG_Grandpas!1!GG_GrandpaName],
GG_Grandpa_Key as [GG_Grandpas!1!GG_Grandpa_Key!id],
NULL as [DD_Dads!2!DD_DadName],
NULL as [DD_Dads!2!DD_Dad_Key!id],
NULL as [DD_Dads!2!DD_Grandpa_Key!idref],
NULL as [KK_Kids!3!KK_KidName],
NULL as [KK_Kids!3!KK_Dad_Key!idref]
FROM GG_Grandpas
1 ,
GG_Grandpa_Key ,
DD_DadName ,
DD_Dad_Key ,
DD_Grandpa_Key ,
FROM GG_Grandpas, DD_Dads
WHERE GG_Grandpa_Key = DD_Grandpa_Key
2 ,
GG_Grandpa_Key ,
DD_Dad_Key ,
KK_KidName ,
FROM GG_Grandpas, DD_Dads , KK_Kids
WHERE GG_Grandpa_Key = DD_Grandpa_Key
AND DD_Dad_Key = KK_Dad_Key


I've tried it all different ways, but no luck so far.
Any ideas?

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Results Are Returning On Different Row Levels?

Feb 26, 2014

How do I get my data to show starting at the first row instead of skipping down?

Refer to the attachment.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspReportData]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@Metric1 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric2 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric3 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric4 as varchar(50) = NULL,
@Metric5 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric6 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric7 as varchar(50) = NULL, @Metric8 as varchar(50) = NULL,


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Transaction Isolation Levels

Feb 15, 2006

I am redesigning an application that distributes heldesk tickets to our50 engineers automatically. When the engineer logs into their window astored procedure executes that searches through all open tickets andassigns a predetermined amount of the open tickets to that engineer.Theproblem I am running into is that if 2 or more engineers log in at thesame time the stored procedure will distribute the same set of ticketsmultiple times.Originally this was fixed by "reworking" the way SQL Server handlestransactions. The original developer wrote his code like this:-----DECLARE @RET_STAT INTSELECT 'X' INTO #TEMPBEGIN TRANUPDATE #TEMP SET 'X' = 'Y'SELECT TOP 1 @TICKET_# =TICKET_NUMBER FROM TICKETS WHERE STATUS = 'O'EXEC @RET_STAT = USP_MOVE2QUEUE @TICKET_#, @USERIDIF @RET_STAT <> 0ROLLBACK TRANRETURN @RET_STATENDCOMMIT TRAN-----The UPDATE of the #TEMP table forces the transaction to kick off andlocks the row in table TICKETS until the entire transaction hascompleted.I would like to get rid of the #TEMP table and start using isolationlevels, but I am unsure which isolation level would continue to lockthe selected data and not allow anyone else access. Do I need acombination of isolation level and "WITH (ROWLOCK)"?Additionally, the TICKETS table is used throughout the application andI cannot exclusively lock the entire table just for the distributionprocess. It is VERY high I/O!Thanks for the help.

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Locks - Isolation Levels

May 22, 2006

Good morning,

I am trying to get my head around locking (row, table) and Isolation Levels. We have written a large .NET/SQL application and one day last week we had about two dozen people in our company do some semi "stress/load" testing of the app.

On quite a few occassions, a few of the users would receive the following error:

"Transaction (Process ID xx) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."

We are handling this on two fronts, the app and the database. The error handling in the app is being modified to capture this specific error and to retry the transaction.

However, from the database side, I am trying to find the most affective and efficient change to make regarding locking. I have been doing a lot of reading online and in BOL to get a better grasp of locking, but what I would really like is feedback from the community (forum) and get your thoughts on what changes I should make, if any, on the db side.



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Get The Names For Different Levels In A Table

Aug 20, 2007


I've a table with coln names


I've list with different levels



the Data is:-

ID Name ParentID Level
1 Root null 1
2 Trunk 1 2
3 Branch 2 3
4 Leaf 3 4
5 Stem 3 4

How to write the query for getting the Names for different levels for corresponding ParentID....

Output should be like:-
Leaf Branch Trunk Root
Stem Branch Trunk Root

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Multiple Levels Of Partitioning In EE

Jun 4, 2007

Hi All,

we are building a DW for a company that operates in 10 countries with the home country being the major portion of the data......

Previous efforts have always had the data separated by schemas and so to ask a question about a specific country required the schema number to be provided.

I am proposing that the 10 schemas, and therefore 10x the number of tables, indexes etc, be removed in favour of using partitioning.

However, we want to partition by country and by periods...that is we would like to create monthly partitions as normal.

No matter how I read the documentation and test this out, it seems to me that this multiple levels of partitioning can only be achieved if I create a field on the table that is some manipultion of the key for the company reporting structure and the period. I think I can take the first, add 10M and then add the period key.

But I am unsure if the optimiser is going to do it's partition elimination properly on such a calculated field.

Has anyone attempted such a multi-level partitioning scheme in SQL Server? I am thinking people must have as one level of partitioning was seen to be too restrictive many years ago.....

Thanks in Advance for your comments.

Best Regards

Peter Nolan

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Dynamically Set Logging Levels?

Sep 19, 2007

Hello All,

I suspect I know the answer but I'll ask away. We currently have our SSIS packages set up to log to SQL Server. Currently they log OnError, OnInformation and OnTaskFailed. If I'd like to have it log OnPipeLineRowsSent, is there anyway I can get that done without opening up the package and editing it? I know the change is trivial from the IDE but the deployment process at my current engagement is quite lengthy. If something breaks in production, I'd like to know if it'll be possible to turn up the chattiness of logging without going through a full deploy scenario.

I was looking at the parameters for dtexec/dtexecui and I see that you can configure where something logs but nothing about the verbosity of the logs generated. Is it something I'm missing with that or is that all you can set there?

The only other option that jumps out at me is to develop a custom script or component that sets the logging level based on a parameter. Anyone have a thought as to how much effort that would be---something easily tackled or probably more trouble that it's worth?

Thanks for the help

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Mirroring And Build Levels

Nov 30, 2007


Is anyone aware if the database engine build levels will affect the mirroring process. we're in the process of upgrading a PROD environment to a new build however like to delay onto the disaster recovery (DR) server in case of issues. The DR is the mirror in the setup and so would have a differnet build level.

Is this likely to affect anything? All info seems to point to only versions differences causing a problem but not the build.

Is someone able to confirm this.


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Documents Database

Jan 31, 2007

Hello,I need to create a database to hold documents information.1. Basically, I need the following information for each document:   Title, Description, LastUpdated, Category, Type, Url   Should I create tables for Category and Type?   And link them to my documents table?   What type of relationship should I use?2. I also need to know how many downloads each document had       Should I add a column in my documents table?   Then I would increase it one by one.   Or should I create a new table which would register each download.3. I need to let users to rate each document from 1 to 5.   How should I implement this?Thank You Very Much,Miguel

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How Do You Create XML Documents With SQL 7.0?

Jul 20, 2000

I'd like to create an XML document from within SQL 7.0. Is the do-able? I know it's build into SQL 2K. But how is it done (or can it be done) in SQL 7.0.



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Word Documents

Feb 22, 2006

Yesterday I installed MS SQL 2000 for the first time and have no idea what I'm doing.

I have been sent a database and asked to convert this to MS Access, for most of the data that is ok and I have already managed to do this. My problem is that the database contains MS Word documents stored in some of the tables (field type - image). I need to extract these from the database and get them back to individual Word files, ideally with a file name that relates them to the primary key of the table from which they came.

I have less that 24 hours experience with SQL server and would be very grateful if anyone can explain how I can do this.

Thank you for your help


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Documents In VLDB

Jul 31, 2007

Hello All,

I have been experimenting with SQL Server 2005 partitions. I loaded a terabyte of information into 2 tables. The first holds the document information and the second holds the actual binary document (in this case pdf). Most of the documents are about 1 megabyte in size, but the largest is 212 megabytes.

SQL Server has no problem storing the blobs. The problem occurs when I attempt to get the data.

I did some quick tests to test how fast I could pull the documents out. The largest took about 24 seconds. The 1 meg documents are sub-second.

Here is how the 212 meg doc breaks down:

Time to load datatable: 18.79 seconds
Time to load byte array: 3.84 seconds
Time to Write and open document: 0.01 seconds

If I access the file from a file server, the time is 0.04 seconds to begin showing the document.

As you can see, the longest time period is related to retrieving the data from SQL, and it is much slower that launching it from disk across the network. (note: the sql server and file server used to test are next to each other).

My question is, how can I speed up the access from SQL Server? I believe the keys are "partition aligned". Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I will add the table definitions and partition information as a reply since only 5000 chars are allowed in the post.

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Splitting PDF Documents

Dec 14, 2006

This may be a stupid question but I'll throw it out here, is it possible to use sql 2005 to split up pdf files into individual files by a field on the form or an index?


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Documents Question

Mar 28, 2008

We have a document library that we display on report manager. When we open a pdf document there is a print icon, but when we open an Excel document or a Word document, there is no ablility to print. The user must save the document locally and then reopen it to print from Word or Excel. Is there a setting somewhere that can be set to enable printing on the Excel and Word docs?

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Reporting Services :: Adding (new) Child Domain Users To SSRS As System Users?

Jul 28, 2015

We have an existing SSRS server, and have just created a new child domain. We'll be migrating users from the parent to the child, and want to add the users of that new domain with access to SSRS. In the parent domain they are able to access, but after migration with the child domain account, they cannot.

I have added the group CHILDDomain Users with a system user role on SSRS, and PARENTDomain Users was already there.

Is there any additional step I should/could take to get this active?

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Differing RAID Levels And Their Performance...

Jan 18, 2001

Hi fellas,

I have to spec out a new server, and I have the option of using RAID-5 or RAID-1 drive sets. I am limited to 24 drives in groups of 6,
and I have to have one hotspare per group, so up to 5 usable drives per channel.

I need 80-100GB of space total.

Okay, you're waiting for the question....I have heard many differing opinions on which is better, RAID 1 or RAID 5. If I have 2 Large disks (say 36GB)
on a Raid-1, I assume having 4 smaller 9GB drives on a RAID-5 will be faster, but I am not sure due to overhead and the like.

Does anyone know where I can get more information on RAID performance and how it is going to affect me? The database is going to be Read-Write, with
a ton of small transactions, and the occasional (usually on a weekend) aggregation.

Any help would be much appreciated,


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Sp_executesql And Database Compatibility Levels

Apr 15, 2003

I have captured some trace output for performance evaluation for an application which has just been upgraded. Originally, this application can only run with database compatible 70.

So, after we have switched this level from 70 to 80, I noticed that all T-SQL statements which executed thru the use of "sp_executesql" have much higher IO usuage. The usage increased from approximately 50 I/O to approximately 12000 I/O. When I reviewed the profiler output, I noticed that all select statements which executed thru this "sp_executesql" statements performed "index scan".

When I switch back to run with database compatibility level 70, my profiler output shows that all these "sp_executesql" statements performed "index seek".

All these statements use the same unique non-clustered index.

Is it a SQL Server bug? Does anyone know which service pack or hot fix address this problem?

Thanks...byyu :)

View 7 Replies View Related

AS Question: How To Hide Certain Levels Of A Dimension

Apr 22, 2004


I have a Star schema based dimension called Customer which has these levels:

ALL Customers
Level1: Customer Type
Level2: Customer Sub Type
Level3: Customer Name

When a user is browsing the cube, is it possible to hide the the 1st level (and all it's sub-levels)? For example, If the Customer Type = "Low Ranked" then I do not want it to be
displayed to the user while (s)he is selecting from the dimension. HOWEVER I only want it to be hidden from being displayed but it's effect should always reflect e.g. Suppose:
Sales (measure count) for Customers with Type "High Ranked" = 100
Sales (measure count) for Customers with Type "Medium Ranked" = 50
Sales (measure count) for Customers with Type "Low Ranked" = 10
Now if the user selects 'ALL Customer Type' in the dimension he/she should get a total Sale (measure count) of 160 (i.e. 100+50+10).

However when the user expands the Customers Dimension (i.e. ALL Customers), the resulting child nodes should only list 2 nodes i.e. High Ranked and Medium Ranked.

I went to the cube editor --> Advanced Properties and looked at the 'Hide Member If' property but amongst the 5 options there is none which allows me to specify the criteria.

Maybe the solution already is in one of those 5 options and thus please help me.

Many thanks in advance.

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Permission Levels For MSDE, ASAP

Dec 17, 2004

We seem to have a problem with permission levels and connecting to an MSDE (MSSQL) server. If the user is under the Domain Admins group, the the access projet (front end) will open correctly and connect to the data server. If they are not part of that group then the front end can ever establish a file to the database server. We do not want to make all the users Domain Admins, so is there a way to make MSDE let them trough even though they are on a lower level.

I've done many tests, and also tried many things. I've even went to the extent to give Full Control to the whole MSSQL folder in program files for Everyone. I have made sure that the database file itself inherieted it's parents security settings, which were what I had just described.

Any ideas how how to make MSDE let anyone connect? Thanks in advance!

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Contents Sort 3 Levels Of Data

Dec 21, 2007

I Have a table of Data (WikiData)


There will be three levels of data imposed at the Application Layer

Level 1: ParentID = 0
An Item Like Geography
Level 2: ParentID = a Level 1 WikiID
A sub Topic like Volcanoes
Level 3: ParentID = Level 2 WikiID
A bottom Topic like Pyroclastic Flows

I Need a SQL statement that Will Produce the Output where The output will be produced like this:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Level 2
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2

I Built this but its wrong and has no order by Group by Statements
Select * from WikiData where ParentID = 0 or ParentID IN (Select * from WikiData where ParentID = 0)

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Find Table Reference Levels

Oct 3, 2006

The script below can be used to determine the reference levels of all tables in a database in order to be able to create a script to load tables in the correct order to prevent Foreign Key violations.

This script returns 3 result sets. The first shows the tables in order by level and table name. The second shows tables and tables that reference it in order by table and referencing table. The third shows tables and tables it references in order by table and referenced table.

Tables at level 0 have no related tables, except self-references. Tables at level 1 reference no other table, but are referenced by other tables. Tables at levels 2 and above are tables which reference lower level tables and may be referenced by higher levels. Tables with a level of NULL may indicate a circular reference (example: TableA references TableB and TableB references TableA).

Tables at levels 0 and 1 can be loaded first without FK violations, and then the tables at higher levels can be loaded in order by level from lower to higher to prevent FK violations. All tables at the same level can be loaded at the same time without FK violations.

Tested on SQL 2000 only. Please post any errors found.

Edit 2006/10/10:
Fixed bug with tables that have multiple references, and moved tables that have only self-references to level 1 from level 0.

-- Start of Script - Find_Table_Reference_Levels.sql
Find Table Reference Levels

This script finds table references and ranks them by level in order
to be able to load tables with FK references in the correct order.
Tables can then be loaded one level at a time from lower to higher.
This script also shows all the relationships for each table
by tables it references and by tables that reference it.

Level 0 is tables which have no FK relationships.

Level 1 is tables which reference no other tables, except
themselves, and are only referenced by higher level tables
or themselves.

Levels 2 and above are tables which reference lower levels
and may be referenced by higher levels or themselves.


declare @r table (
PK_TABLE nvarchar(200),
FK_TABLE nvarchar(200),
primary key clustered (PK_TABLE,FK_TABLE))

declare @rs table (
PK_TABLE nvarchar(200),
FK_TABLE nvarchar(200),
primary key clustered (PK_TABLE,FK_TABLE))

declare @t table (
TABLE_NAME nvarchar(200) not null primary key clustered )

declare @table table (
TABLE_NAME nvarchar(200) not null primary key clustered )
set nocount off

print 'Load tables for database '+db_name()

insert into @table
a.TABLE_SCHEMA+'.'+a.TABLE_NAME <> 'dbo.dtproperties'
order by

print 'Load PK/FK references'
insert into @r
order by

print 'Make copy of PK/FK references'
insert into @rs
order by

print 'Load un-referenced tables as level 0'
insert into @t
@table a
a.TABLE_NAME not in
select PK_TABLE from @r union all
select FK_TABLE from @r
order by

-- select * from @r
print 'Remove self references'
delete from @r

declare @level int
set @level = 0

while @level < 100
set @level = @level + 1

print 'Delete lower level references'
delete from @r
( select TABLE_NAME from @t )
( select TABLE_NAME from @t )

print 'Load level '+convert(varchar(20),@level)+' tables'

insert into @t
REF_LEVEL =@level,
@table a
a.TABLE_NAME not in
( select FK_TABLE from @r )
a.TABLE_NAME not in
( select TABLE_NAME from @t )
order by

if not exists (select * from @r )
print 'Done loading table levels'
print ''


print 'Count of Tables by level'
print ''

TABLE_COUNT = count(*)
group by
order by

print 'Tables in order by level and table name'
print 'Note: Null REF_LEVEL nay indicate possible circular reference'
print ''
TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(40),a.TABLE_NAME)
@table a
left join
@t b
order by

print 'Tables and Referencing Tables'
print ''
TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(40),a.TABLE_NAME),
REFERENCING_TABLE =convert(varchar(40),c.FK_TABLE)
@table a
left join
@t b
left join
@rs c
order by

print 'Tables and Tables Referenced'
print ''
TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(40),a.TABLE_NAME),
TABLE_REFERENCED =convert(varchar(40),c.PK_TABLE)
@table a
left join
@t b
left join
@rs c
order by

-- End of Script

Results from Northwind database:

Load tables for database Northwind

(13 row(s) affected)

Load PK/FK references

(13 row(s) affected)

Make copy of PK/FK references

(13 row(s) affected)

Load un-referenced tables as level 0

(0 row(s) affected)

Remove self references

(1 row(s) affected)

Delete lower level references

(0 row(s) affected)

Load level 1 tables

(7 row(s) affected)

Delete lower level references

(9 row(s) affected)

Load level 2 tables

(4 row(s) affected)

Delete lower level references

(3 row(s) affected)

Load level 3 tables

(2 row(s) affected)

Done loading table levels

Count of Tables by level

----------- -----------
1 7
2 4
3 2

(3 row(s) affected)

Tables in order by level and table name
Note: Null REF_LEVEL nay indicate possible circular reference

----------- ----------------------------------------
1 dbo.Categories
1 dbo.CustomerDemographics
1 dbo.Customers
1 dbo.Employees
1 dbo.Region
1 dbo.Shippers
1 dbo.Suppliers
2 dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo
2 dbo.Orders
2 dbo.Products
2 dbo.Territories
3 dbo.EmployeeTerritories
3 dbo.Order Details

(13 row(s) affected)

Tables and Referencing Tables

----------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
1 dbo.Categories dbo.Products
2 dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo NULL
1 dbo.CustomerDemographics dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo
1 dbo.Customers dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo
1 dbo.Customers dbo.Orders
1 dbo.Employees dbo.Employees
1 dbo.Employees dbo.EmployeeTerritories
1 dbo.Employees dbo.Orders
3 dbo.EmployeeTerritories NULL
3 dbo.Order Details NULL
2 dbo.Orders dbo.Order Details
2 dbo.Products dbo.Order Details
1 dbo.Region dbo.Territories
1 dbo.Shippers dbo.Orders
1 dbo.Suppliers dbo.Products
2 dbo.Territories dbo.EmployeeTerritories

(16 row(s) affected)

Tables and Tables Referenced

----------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
1 dbo.Categories NULL
2 dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo dbo.CustomerDemographics
2 dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo dbo.Customers
1 dbo.CustomerDemographics NULL
1 dbo.Customers NULL
1 dbo.Employees dbo.Employees
3 dbo.EmployeeTerritories dbo.Employees
3 dbo.EmployeeTerritories dbo.Territories
3 dbo.Order Details dbo.Orders
3 dbo.Order Details dbo.Products
2 dbo.Orders dbo.Customers
2 dbo.Orders dbo.Employees
2 dbo.Orders dbo.Shippers
2 dbo.Products dbo.Categories
2 dbo.Products dbo.Suppliers
1 dbo.Region NULL
1 dbo.Shippers NULL
1 dbo.Suppliers NULL
2 dbo.Territories dbo.Region

(19 row(s) affected)


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Finding Out Db Compatibility Levels In 2005

Dec 31, 2007

In a new environment where we have 2005 servers and loads of databases that are running in compatibility mode with 2000 (80)

Are there any queries we can run on that can tell me what compatibility level each db is?

Looked on the web for ages apart from here but only info for changing the compatibility level - sp_dbcmptlevel – but queies only seem to be for changing it not and not reporting on it.

But I obviously do not want to do that for a production environment.

I want to do a mini report as to what db’s are still (I think all) 2000 mode and then suggest upgrades – I can go into the properties of each one but I know there must be an easier way – finding a load of admin queries that require cross apply and for that I need 2005 (90) compatibility….or is that only for the master db?

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SQl Agents And Package Protection Levels

Feb 20, 2008

I am aware that I am raising an issue/question that has quite a number of ancestors in this forum. In reviewing some of the threads I still believe my situation has a bit of a twist; but that could just be me.

The process I used until a change I made recently worked just fine. A handful of my packages connect to our ERP system that only supports an ODBC connection. I set the Protection Level to the default, and then deploy the packages to the server. I use an agent to run the jobs that include these packages as steps. I have hardcoded the userID and password in the SQL jobs and so they have run fine.

In an effort to reduce maintenance on the packages I decided to run the packages from the File System instead of deploying them to the server. Now, the packages are not running as I have not changes the Protection Level yet. I did test running one of the packages using a Proxy I have created but that does not work either.

Based upon what I have read it appears that the first thing I need to do is change the Protection Level to DoNotSaveSensitive. How do I then pass the ID and password to the agent?

a. Create a confirguation file?
b. Create a package template?
c. Both of the above

To reiterate I do not wish to deploy the packages to the server; I prefer to run the packages from the File System. Further, I just have one box on which everything happens; there are no migration issues across servers.

Some insights from this group will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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SQL 2005 Replication And Compatibility Levels

Jun 11, 2006

Hi There,

We have been using SQL 2005 in our dev enviroment for a few weeks, and I have just completed migrating our production server to a 64bit instance of SQL 2005 standard.

I have 3 publications, 1 snapshot, and 2 transactional. All go to SQL 2000 databases.

Our dev enviroment is in compatibility level 90, and our application is working fine. My concern is, will changing the production compatibility level from 80 to 90 affect / break replication to SQL 2000 Servers?

Thank you.

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Why Out Of The Blue Would VPN Users Be Unable To Connect To Database And Local Users Are Unaffected?

Mar 6, 2008

I have had this issue just pop up. I have local users who can connect fine, but my users that require connection by VPN cannot connect. I get the server not available or access denied error. I did confirm that the VPN'ers are connected to the network correctly and can see that their shares and mappings are correct. Any ideas? Thanking you all in advance!!

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Open The Uploaded Documents

Apr 11, 2007

   I have the requirements to add the attachment, so i am saving the documents in sqlserver.
now i am facing the problem with openning the document.
can any body suggest me how to open the documents which are stored in sql server 

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Importing Word Documents

Jun 1, 2001

Is it possible to bring the entire contentsof a Word document into text filed, in order to be able to use full-text indexing?

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Storing Word Documents

Oct 22, 1999

I need a help with respect to the storage of documents in SQL server. Is it possible to store Word documents in SQL Server straight away ? If yes, what is the data type that is supported for this kind of storage.
How do I read the data , store it & render it ( using both ado & Just TSQL)


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