
Sep 16, 2007

I read about isolation levels... good, how can I set a proper isolation if I have 100 transactions... What is the aproche?:shocked:

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What Isolation Level Should I Use?

Jan 12, 2007

lets say user1 is reading row1, then user2 reads and updates row1, when user1 is about to update row1 i want him to be informed that his copy of row1 have been updated, so he has now the options to either get the new version of row1 or cancel his update process.

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Isolation Level

Nov 15, 2000

Is there a way to change the default isolation level at the SQL Server level to READ UNCOMMITED ??

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Isolation Level

Jun 30, 2004

Hi, folks. Please guide.
I have a VB application that is used for production and reporting. I 've been having alerts for deadlocks that popup after every 2 or 3 minutes. I am planning to seperate reporing server by using transactional replication from production server to the reporting server. However some reports update and insert data so i need reporting server to be enabled for DML.

Is there any option on the server-level where i can force each user to operate in READ-UNCOMMITTED mode instead of specifying WITH (NOLOCK) in the queries of my application. Dirty reads won't bother me in current situation, i guess the propotion of fast reads would be a better trade-off.
New to SQL, Thanx for helping!!


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Sep 16, 2007

Hi all. I have a question. I 've read already about isolation lavels, but I don't understand how in practic set proper isolation if I have say 100 transactions..what is the algoriphm?

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Transaction Isolation Level

Sep 10, 2002

Hello all,

What is the TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL settings for MSSQL like the default setting in Oracle. In Oracle the default setting allows one session to read consistent data without waiting for the other sessions to commit/rollback the data.

For eg: In Mssql, if I update table A in the first session, and in another session (second session) if I select from table A, the second session waits till the first session completes the updates and commit or rollbacks.

But in Oracle , if I update table A in the first session, and in another session (second session) if I select from table A, the second session will perform a read from the ROLLBACK SEGS and give a read consistent data without waiting for the first session to commit or rollback the transaction.

Is this type of behaviour is possible is MSSQL. And If YES how can I do it?

Thanks for any help

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Isolation Level Serializable

Jul 4, 2005

Hi all,
can anyone give me more information on
set transaction isolation level serializable ?? I want to prove some lock to use on online insert and update.
Thank you every much.

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Transaction Isolation Level

Jul 24, 2007

Not sure if this is more a .Net question or SQL Server, but I think it belongs here.

I have a small .Net app that reads records from a bunch of files from disk and inserts them into a database table. There could be several hundred files resulting in 100,000 records or more each time its run. Since it's a large table there are of course a few indexes on it so the insert takes a while. For larger sessions it could run as long as an hour. I need it to run in a transaction so that if anything happens while it's running the records from that run were committed on an all or nothing basis. However, I don't want to lock the table at all while the insert is happening. These aren't transaction records or anything like that, and the batches are separated by client so there will be no conflicts (no need to lock the table).

Unfortunately, no matter what I use for the isolation level of the transaction the table always ends up locked for reads. Data from previous runs is live at this point and we can't allow that. I have the choice of the following isolation levels when I create the transaction, but none seems to work:

I would expect Chaos, ReadUncommitted, or Snapshot be okay here, but I can't seem to get it working. Any thoughts?

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Snapshot Isolation In SQL 2005

Sep 27, 2005

Ruprect asked me in this thread ( to start a thread on snapshot isolation for questions etc, so here it is.

Please have a read of the excellent whitepaper at
and then post any questions.

My team owns snapshot isolation and the devs who wrote it work for me so I can answer all questions you may have.


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Transaction Isolation Levels

Feb 15, 2006

I am redesigning an application that distributes heldesk tickets to our50 engineers automatically. When the engineer logs into their window astored procedure executes that searches through all open tickets andassigns a predetermined amount of the open tickets to that engineer.Theproblem I am running into is that if 2 or more engineers log in at thesame time the stored procedure will distribute the same set of ticketsmultiple times.Originally this was fixed by "reworking" the way SQL Server handlestransactions. The original developer wrote his code like this:-----DECLARE @RET_STAT INTSELECT 'X' INTO #TEMPBEGIN TRANUPDATE #TEMP SET 'X' = 'Y'SELECT TOP 1 @TICKET_# =TICKET_NUMBER FROM TICKETS WHERE STATUS = 'O'EXEC @RET_STAT = USP_MOVE2QUEUE @TICKET_#, @USERIDIF @RET_STAT <> 0ROLLBACK TRANRETURN @RET_STATENDCOMMIT TRAN-----The UPDATE of the #TEMP table forces the transaction to kick off andlocks the row in table TICKETS until the entire transaction hascompleted.I would like to get rid of the #TEMP table and start using isolationlevels, but I am unsure which isolation level would continue to lockthe selected data and not allow anyone else access. Do I need acombination of isolation level and "WITH (ROWLOCK)"?Additionally, the TICKETS table is used throughout the application andI cannot exclusively lock the entire table just for the distributionprocess. It is VERY high I/O!Thanks for the help.

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Transaction Isolation Level

Nov 3, 2007

Hi,I have 1 SQL statement selecting data from various tables and updating othertables.The question then is how do I prevent other applications from modifying thetables that I'm working on (that is while my transaction is being executed)?I know that the isolation level should be either REPEATABLE READ orSERIALIZABLE. But I need confirmation on if one of these actually solve myissue - prevents other applications/threads from modifying/inserting datainto the same tables that I'm working on.Thanks in advance,Daniel

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Isolation Level Issue

May 7, 2008

I have an issue in one of my stored procs. I set the Isolation level to read uncommitted at the beginning of the proc and then I try to reset this isolation level back to read committed. When reset the isolation level, I get and error. has anyone encountered this before?

Thank you

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What Type Of Isolation Level Should I Use?

Jan 15, 2007

lets say user1 is reading row1, then user2 reads and updates row1, when user1 is about to update row1 i want him to be informed that his copy of row1 have been updated, so he has now the options to either get the new version of row1 or cancel his update process or continue his update

by the way, im using typed dataset on my data access layer.


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OLE DB Source And Isolation Level

Aug 15, 2006

Is there a way to define Connection Manager with Read Uncommited isolation level? I do not want to specify (nolock) in all my commands and instead want to give a generic defenition at the Connection level.

Is this possible?

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Locks - Isolation Levels

May 22, 2006

Good morning,

I am trying to get my head around locking (row, table) and Isolation Levels. We have written a large .NET/SQL application and one day last week we had about two dozen people in our company do some semi "stress/load" testing of the app.

On quite a few occassions, a few of the users would receive the following error:

"Transaction (Process ID xx) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."

We are handling this on two fronts, the app and the database. The error handling in the app is being modified to capture this specific error and to retry the transaction.

However, from the database side, I am trying to find the most affective and efficient change to make regarding locking. I have been doing a lot of reading online and in BOL to get a better grasp of locking, but what I would really like is feedback from the community (forum) and get your thoughts on what changes I should make, if any, on the db side.



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What Is Transaction Isolation Level In MS SQL?

Mar 20, 2008

What are the different kinds of Transaction Isolation Level? How they useful in day to day activity as SQL Developer ?

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Snapshot Isolation - Confused !

Jun 8, 2007

I have an application that needs to run on both Oracle10g and SQL Server 2005. What do I need to do for "Oracle-style locking" in SQL 2005 ?

That is, readers & writers never block each other, and you get a consistent view of the database from the point in time your transaction started (e.g. long-running queries across multiple tables shouldn't see committed data from other transactions that started later than this current transaction).

I'm confused as to whether i should be using Snapshot Isolation (SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON) , or Read committed isolation using row versioning (SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON).

I think I need snapshot isolation, but not certain. Also, if I turn on snapshot isolation at the database level, is that automatically enforced for all transactions against the database, or do developers have to manually specify SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT; for every single query they write ? I hope not the latter, otherwise someone is bound to forget!

If it needs to be specified for every query, how does that work for C#/ADO.NET 2.0 ? Is it

DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Snapshot);

So, which of the two snapshot isolations do I need for "Oracle-style locking" in SQL 2005 ?

Many thanks!


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Can Isolation Level Be Set In Connectionstring?

Feb 23, 2007


I would like to be able to alter the default isolation level at connection time via the ADO connection string. Can this be done?

Why? I have various reporting applications (Crystal etc.) that queries against MS SQL server using ADO (SQLOLEDB). I would like to be able to alter the isolation level for these queries to readuncommitted. But many of the reporting applications does not have this option and they autogenerate the SQL making it impossible to use the use the WITH(table_hints) clause in the SELECT statement. So if I could set the isolation level in the connection string this could be a workaround.

Any help will be appreciated!


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Snapshot Isolation Problem, How To Do It?

Sep 20, 2007

Hello all
I´m having some trouble with a query I´m using to BCP all rows in a certain table to a flat file.
The query looks like this:

Code Snippet
FROM tempProducts
DECLARE @date char(8)
DECLARE @time char(8)
SELECT @date = CONVERT(char(8), getdate(),112)
SELECT @time = CONVERT(char(8), getdate(),108)
SELECT @time = REPLACE(@time,':','')

DECLARE @dt char(14)
SELECT @dt = @date + '_' + @time
SELECT @sql = 'bcp "SELECT Data_Line FROM avk..EXPORT_ORDERS ORDER BY ROW_ORDER" queryout "c:AVK_' + @dt + '.txt" -c -t -U sa -P dalla'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sql

WAITFOR DELAY '0:00:10';
FROM tempProducts

FROM tempProducts


What I´m trying to do here is copy all rows in tempProducts to my flat file, and the delete ONLY the rows that existed when I entered the transaction. I tried inserting some rows into tempProducts, start this query, insert som more rows (which I can do because of the WAITFOR DELAY), and this is the result.

--Output from first select
S3 Plastpall trippelkrage 40 6

--BCP Output
Starting copy...
3 rows copied.
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
Clock Time (ms.) Total : 1 Average : (3000.00 rows per sec.)

--Select before delete statement
S3 Plastpall trippelkrage 40 6
S3 Plastpall trippelkrage 40 7

So even if only 1 row existed when I entered the transaction, any rows inserted during the transaction are also deleted.
What am I doing wrong here? The EXPORT_ORDERS is a view, looking like this:

Code SnippetSELECT 1 AS ROW_ORDER, 'H' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112) + CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 108), ':', '') AS Data_Line
SELECT 2 AS ROW_ORDER, 'D' + COALESCE (CONVERT(char(10), LBTyp), '') + COALESCE (CONVERT(char(50), Description), '') + COALESCE (CONVERT(char(5),
Volume), '') AS Data_Line
FROM dbo.tempProducts
SELECT 3 AS ROW_ORDER, 'E' + RIGHT('0000000000' + RTRIM(CONVERT(char(13), COUNT(*) + 2)), 11) AS Data_Line
FROM dbo.tempProducts AS tempProducts_1

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Viewing Isolation Level From Outside Of A Connection

Mar 3, 2003

Is there any way to confirm the isolation level of a given connection from outside of the connection itself?

As far as I can see, DBCC USEROPTIONS only returns information regarding the current connection.

I am troubleshooting a locking issue and it would be very helpful to me if I could check the isolation level of any given connection.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Apr 25, 2005


I currently have a requirement for access to a SQL Server 2000 box using Access 2003. The queries will sometimes be quite demanding which in turn might affect the rest of the SQL users on the system.

Does anyone know of any setting in Access so that I can achieve the same result as setting the TRANSACTION ISOLATION level using T-SQL?

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


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Setting Transaction Isolation Level

May 6, 2015

By setting the TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; is this automatically sets all the joined tables to NOLOCK?

Or, in order this statement to work right, this needs to be only done inside BEGIN TRAN > COMMIT (ROLLBACK) statement?

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Isolation Level - Quick Question

Jul 20, 2005

To all SQL gurus:I have a Windows Service that uses a single SQL Server table toretrieve items of work. Each thread of the service checks this tablefor the earliest item of work that is not already in process, marksthat item as in process, then begins to work the item. My concern iswhether the threads will begin to step on each other's toes by pickingthe same item of work at the same time. To prevent this, I use thefollowing SQL table:[WorkItems]WorkItem varchar(512)DateSubmitted datetimeStatus intIn requesting the next work item, I use the following SQL syntax:DECLARE @workitem varchar(512)SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLEBEGIN TRANSACTIONSELECT TOP 1 @workitem=WorkItemName FROM WorkItems WHERE Status=1ORDER BY DateSubmittedUPDATE WorkItems SET Status=2 WHERE WorkItemName=@workitemSELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE WorkItemName=@workitemCOMMIT TRANSACTIONThe idea is that the Transaction Isolation Level, along with the threestatements in the transaction block, will only let one thread at atime request the next work item. The three statements in thetransaction block select the next work item, mark it as in process,then return the work item to the calling thread. In limited testing,all seems well. Before going into production, however, I would like tosee if anyone can confirm that my ideas will indeed prevent threadsfrom duplicating each other's work.Will the above SQL syntax allow me to run multiple threads all lookingto the same database table for work, but prevent them from selectingany of the same work at the same time? If you need more information,please ask.Reply to newsgroup, or directly at Join Bytes!.Matthew Roberts

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Isolation Level Of Data Source

Nov 14, 2007

Is there a way to alter the isolation level of a data source? I have queries with nolock hints that I would like to remove in favor of "set isolation level read uncommitted" but this is not allowed in the report builder. I cannot move to SPs as I'm working in a third-party apps database. I guess I'm wishing for the SSIS style of isolation setting where it's a member of the properties.

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DB Engine :: Isolation Level For Deadlocks?

May 11, 2015

What is the best isolation level to be used to avoid deadlocks?

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Merge Replication And Snapshot Isolation

May 30, 2006

I was reading at the following page:

When SQL Server accesses the data in a table, it locks the data for the duration of the process to ensure the transactional consistency of the data during the process.

I was wondering if it is possible to take advantage of snapshot isolation to allow me to avoid these locks?

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Isolation Level VS With(nolock|rowlock)

May 22, 2008

Hello all.
I'm a litle confused about what's best to use, either isolation levels or locking per table.
Cause there are some queries in the stored procedures where I don't need locking i.e. when I check the status of client, but other queries where I do need locking like when I check the existence of a product.

What's best to use, can I combine both? Could you explain it thecnically?

lots of thanks in advance

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Isolation Level In NON-Transaction Queries

May 19, 2008

I need to set the Isolation Level (in ADO) for the Non-transaction queries to SNAPSHOT.

Both the ADO.Connection.IsolationLevel Property and the SQL Server SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL command set the Isolation Level for the Transaction queries but no for the non-transaction queries.

I cannot use the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT database option, becaus when I am in a transaction I need the READ COMMITTED Isolation Level not the SNAPSHOT Isolation Level.

I don't want to rewrite the entire code of my existing application to add (NOLOCK).


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Linked Servers And Isolation Level

May 4, 2007


it it possible to to set for appropriate linked server fixed isolation level. Somewhere in linked server settings?

Say, if I want for every query from server SQLServer_A to linked server SQLServer_B to run with isolation level read uncommited.

It's clear, that I can state in very procedure, that uses SQLServer_B "set transaction isolation level read uncommitted". But it's not a way out, as I have thousand stored procedures writted a long time ago.

For the time being SQLServer_A is 2000 SP4 version and SQLServer_B (linked) 2005 SP2a version.

May be it is possible for both servers of 2005 version only?

Many thanks!

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Perf On Read Uncommitted Isolation Level

Jul 5, 2005

Are there really any benefit on using Read Uncommitted Isolation Level or having a NOLOCK hints for retrieve queries when the default Isolation level just Read Committed (not using COM+).  I'm confused why the Community Server uses this technique perhaps for perf issues but I couldn't see any reason why...

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Question About Transaction Locks And Isolation Levels

Oct 27, 2005

Have the need for going to a table to get an identity value. This is for updating an existing database, blah blah blah. Here is the schema of the table we are using:CREATE TABLE [TableIdentityValue] ( [TableName] [varchar] (50) , [NextNegativeIdentity] [int] NOT NULL , [NextPositiveIdentity] [int] NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT [PK_TableIdentityValue] PRIMARY KEY  CLUSTERED  (  [TableName] )  ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]GO
Now, depending on the type of data we are inserting into a table, we need to get either a negative or positive number for the PK. There are two sprocs that control the obtaining of those values:CREATE PROCEDURE GetNegativeIdentity @tableName varchar(50)AS DECLARE @nextNegativeIdentityValue int
 SET @nextNegativeIdentityValue =  (  SELECT NextNegativeIdentity  FROM TableIdentityValue WITH (ROWLOCK)  WHERE TableName = @tableName )
 UPDATE TableIdentityValue SET NextNegativeIdentity = @nextNegativeIdentityValue - 1 WHERE TableName = @tableName
 COMMIT TRANSACTION RETURN @nextNegativeIdentityValueGOCREATE PROCEDURE GetPositiveIdentity @tableName varchar(50)AS DECLARE @nextPositiveIdentityValue int
 SET @nextPositiveIdentityValue =  (  SELECT NextPositiveIdentity  FROM TableIdentityValue  WHERE TableName = @tableName )
 UPDATE TableIdentityValue SET NextPositiveIdentity = @nextPositiveIdentityValue + 1 WHERE TableName = @tableName
 COMMIT TRANSACTION RETURN @nextPositiveIdentityValueGOSo, the thing is, we need the read and update of the value from the specific TableIdentityValue row to be atomic - we don't want anyone else reading or modifying that data. The problem is knowing which level of isolation to use and/or locking, and how to implement that. I have tried a few different things that seemed to make sense, like placing a ROWLOCK on the SELECT statement, but is that lock going to hold for the entire length of the transaction? Also, I read that using some of the lock hints can be accomplished in the sense that some isolation levels are the same as some lock hints (e.g. setting isolation level to SERIALIZABLE "has the same effect as setting HOLDLOCK on all tables in all SELECT statements in a transaction" according to SQL Books Online.Any help is appreciated!

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What Is The Default Transaction Isolation Level For SQL Server?

Dec 7, 2000

What is the default transaction isolation level for SQL Server?
and Advantages of having multiple filegroups ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Changing Isolation Level

Apr 30, 2015

We are using sql 2008r2 standard edition.One of our Production database is using default isolation Readcommitted.The transactions also using read committed. But we want change isolation level to read comitted snapshot isolation and test it to avoid deadlocks.

Is it possible to set in the transaction level for some queries or do we need to change entire database isolation level by using alter database "ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2008R2 SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON"

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