Hi all, I installed several times the xml analysis provider but I am
having severe issues in having it working on a Windows 2003 server
machine. I followed all the described steps including adding and
enabling a Web service extension for that dll. Also read and execute
permissions are setted up; all seems exactly the same to what I did
other times...but I am unable to browse it from that machine.
Please help i have an error when i try to browse a cube. = "Unable to browse the cube." "Unable to locate the cube." or "Unspecified error." thanx, Lister104
I installed Analysis Server on my laptop (Win Xp Pro) and created a cube as mentioned in the Analysis Manager Concepts & Tutorial. In the last setp of creating a dimention (Where i will give the dimention a name) i got this message in the preview pane: "Unable to browse the dimension 'New Dimension'. Provider can't be found. It may not be properly installed". I ignored this error, and completed building the cube, then processed it successfully, but when browsing the cube, it gives the message:"Unable to display the cube until it has been processed. (Unspecified error)". more prcesses to the cube woun't do any good.
When we browse the cube in management studio we are able to see the correct aggregates where as in the report from reporting services we are just getting the sums instead of running aggregates especially in the intersection cells of columns and rows. ( where ever the aggregrate function is difference/division. )
Is there a setting in reporting services which would make the report return the running aggregates like in the management studio.
I've run into a problem building a new olap cube. It's taking 15 minutes or more when pulling on a dimension before I've even pulled on any measures. This happens in Excel as well as Management Studio. When it does display it seems to only show dimension members that it has data for. In addition, running profiler seems to indicate that it queries each of my partitions when it's doing this. I know that in my last cube if you pulled on a dimension, no members would show up yet and it would be fast. However I can't seem to find the property that's telling it not to query the partitions to determine what members to show. Any ideas?
How do i Browser for files in computer, and upload them to Server? then link the file's URL(on server) into a Database.What i am wanting to do: Upload pictures (For products) for use in product pages What i think i need: Browse for images on local computerUpload the file to ServerStore the Image URL(relative to server) in DB
Is it possible to setup different font size when a user is browsing or printing a report?
I have a lot of data to print on a report and i need tu use a font size of 7pt which is fine for printing but when the user is looking at the report on the browser a font size of 7pt is a bit too small and the bold doesn't work.
The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) Get Online Help
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
SQL Server Reporting Services
While browsing ReportServer I am getting the above error please help me on this regard.
I know this has been asked, but to date, I have found no answer. Is it possible to block directory browsing on the http://[mysite]/ReportServer when anonomous access is granted in IIS on the ReportServer virtual directory?
I have public reports that I need to distribute that access the database, but when someone browses to the the above URL they get a directory listing, including the data source, which they can click on an see the entire connection string but the password. That is enough to be a security risk. I either need to prevent directory browsing while still allowing anonomous access to the reports OR does someone have a better method to serve reports securely to the public?
I have connected to SQL SERVICES ANALYSIS SERVICE database through excel and when I observed that value of the date attribute is displayed as ######## in the excel for 1/1/1753.
I am able to see the value 1/1/1753 in the Cube browser but not able to see the vale in the excel.
how to replace this value with blank in the excel.
I have a Fact table that contains several degenerate string values that I have pulled into a Fact Dimension.
When I browse the cube and cut one of the measures by an attribute from the Fact Dimension, I am getting incorrect data.
In other words, when I query the fact table directly via SQL and apply the same filters, I see the data I am expecting to see. But cube browse with same filters yields different results.
How can this happen since the fact dimension has a 1:1 relationship with the fact table.
I do have the Dimension Usage configured properly.
Is this an aggregation thing? Attribute key thing? What am I missing?