Issue With XML Source And Error Output (Redirect Row)
Mar 26, 2008
This seems like a simple task that just doesn't work. I have an XML source, and on that source, I have the Error Output configured such that the Trunctations are set to "Ignore failure", and the Errors are all set to "Redirect Row". They are then being redirected to a Row Count transformation.
To set up a test for this, I have an integer type (DT_I4 specifically) that I am populating with an alpha-numeric value. For example:
However, this column prevents my XML source from loading at all, and throws the following error:
The component "XML_SRC - File" (46) failed attempting to write data to output column "BatchID" (2030) on output "Payment Error Output" (115). Input string was not in a correct format.
I checked BatchID (2030) throught the advanced properties of the XML Source, and this is defined as a Unicode text stream [DT_NTEXT] field, so I don't see why there would be a problem.
when I'm trying to redirect a row I'm having the following error:
Error 4 Validation error. Data Flow Task: OLE DB Destination [535]: The error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (548)" cannot be set to redirect the row when the fast load option is turned on, and the maximum insert commit size is set to zero. PCKG_MPP.dtsx
i m using Sqlserver 2000 and i wish to know that , Can i redirect the output of the query into a text/xls/html file ! If possible then please help me !!!!!
create procedure usp_test (@AccountID INT)asbegin DECLARE @getAccountID CURSOR SET @getAccountID = CURSOR FOR SELECT Account_ID FROM Accounts OPEN @getAccountID FETCH NEXT FROM @getAccountID INTO @AccountID WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT @AccountID FETCH NEXT FROM @getAccountID INTO @AccountID END CLOSE @getAccountID DEALLOCATE @getAccountIDend i get nearly ten rows in the print statement how can i assign the output to a out variable where i get all ten rows.
I get department ,salary as input from a stored procedure . now i have to select all the employee no's from the department table. and based on that i have to select all the employee details from employee table whose salary is greater than given salary.
and the complete row should be passed as output parameter.
This cursor is fine
create procedure usp_proc (@dept char(10),@sal decimal (10,2),@emplist cursor varying output) declare @empid int DECLARE @getempid CURSOR SET @getempid = CURSOR FOR SELECT emp_id FROM department where dname = @dept OPEN @getAempid FETCH NEXT FROM @getempid INTO @empid WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN select ename,dept,dob,doj,status,pos,sal from employee where empno = @emp_id FETCH NEXT FROM @getempid INTO @empid END CLOSE @getempid DEALLOCATE @getempid
I am getting the complete row displayed as output . How do i redirect the output to the declared output is my concern.
Does someone know how to spool output of a query/procedure to a file? I'm running MS SQL 2000 and will have to set up an automated job which will email this file to interested parties. Here is the procedure that I'm executing:
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE [name] = 'sp_db_stats' AND type = 'P') DROP PROC sp_db_stats GO
@DBName sysname = '*' AS DECLARE @DBStatus int, @dbid int
DECLARE DBs CURSOR FOR SELECT name, dbid, status FROM master..sysdatabases FOR READ ONLY
BEGIN exec master..sp_helpdb @DBName
NextDB: FETCH NEXT FROM DBs INTO @DBName, @dbid, @DBStatus END
i have a weird situation here, i tried to load a unicode file with a flat file source component, one of file lines has data like any other line but also contains the character "ÿ" which i can't see or find it and replace it with empty string, the source component parses the line correctly but if there is a data type error in this line, the error output for that line gives me this character "ÿ" instead of the original line.
simply, the error output of flat file source component fail to get the original line when the line contains hidden "ÿ".
What is the purpose of the error output for an OLE DB Source component. Any sql that would cause an error such as converting a character to a number or division by zero causes the OLE DB Source component to fail regardless of the settings for the error output. Works perfect for OLE DB Destination but I cannot come up with any scenario where it would work for the OLE DB Source component.
In the Input and Output Properties tab under Advance Editor for OLE DB Source, I cannot remove columns. I copied this Source from a standard template and have made the normal changes to make it work. However I keep getting this error...Error: 0xC020837B at Load Server Security, OLE DB Source [1]: The output column "DBName" (1632) on the error output has no corresponding output column on the non-error output.Error: 0xC004706B at Load Server Security, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".DBName of course is one of the columns that no longer exist, but I can't remove. Whenever I try to remove one of the columns, I get this error...Error at Load Server Security [OLE DB Source[1]]: The column cannot be deleted. The component does not allow columns to be deleted from this input or output. Is there anything that I can do to remove the columns? Is there just a simple setting that I can change to make this work?
I have this SSIS data flow ( Flat file to sql server) that I want to add a step to redirect any "bad" data instead of fail out.
I had the red arrow hocked up to a sql new table to dump the bad data, but the flow still failed.
Here is the first error, and I knew what was wrong. A description field in that line has pipe(|) character in it, which also happen to be the column delimiter in this case.
[Flat File Source [1]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column 22" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
I knew if I fixed the data, every thing will be fine, but I just want to use this redirect feature of SSIS. Is there a place where I can turn off validation, or do something to make it work?
This might be an ignorant question, but I can't figure this out.
What is the purpose of the Error output data flow from the OLEDB Source? I am trying to understand an example of what kind of "error" would cause a row to go down this path, and I can't come up with one.
Does anyone have a good example of how this could be useful?
I'm trying to use "findstr.exe" to extract some lines of interest from a data file, which I will later load to a table. I'd like to issue this form of a command:
findstr.exe "^SEARCHSTRING" "srcfile" > "dstfile"
I build the arguments using expressions, and both the search string and source file get correctly set. However, the ">" seems to be ignored--I can see the lines spitting out to the temporary window when I run under VS.
QUESTION: how do you redirect the output of a command run under an Execute Process Task?
I m using SSIS and i am transfering the data from Flat File Source to the OLE DB destination File. The source file contain some corrupt data which i am transfering to the other Flat file destination file.
Debugging is succesful but i am not getting any error output in the Flat file destination file.
i had done exactly which is written in the msdn tutorial of SSIS.
Plz tell me why i am not getting the error output in the destination flat file?
Hi all, I saw a couple of other posts here on this topic, but none quite got to my issue. I'm trying to add error output to a custom source component (not a script, a custom component). The samples all seem to deal with transform components, and my issues seem to be unique to source components.
I have the following code related to error handling ...
Public Overloads Overrides Sub ProvideComponentProperties()
Dim output As IDTSOutput90 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.New
Dim errorOutput As IDTSOutput90 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection(ERRORCOLUMNNAME)
Dim errorColumn As IDTSOutputColumn90 = errorOutput.OutputColumnCollection.New
errorColumn.Name = outColumn.Name
errorColumn.SetDataTypeProperties(DataType.DT_I4, 0, 0, 0, 0) ... End Sub
The confusions I have are: a) the stock advanced properties editor (I haven't provided a custom one) doesn't seem to "realize" that I have an error output, so provides no method to configure. I am believing it would need to know which Output columns can have their error/truncation redirected. I'd have thought setting ErrorRowDisposition on my output column would have been enough to trigger this ?? b) since I don't have any means of configuring, not surprisingly, when I try to connect my error output, designer complains that, "Ths error output cannot receive any error rows. This occurs for several reasons: Input columns or output columns are not yet defined. Error handling is not supported by the component. Error handling is not configured for the component." c) UsesDispoistions would seem to be appropriate only for a transform component
Thanks for reading, and appreciate any help or pointers. Bill
I have a data source that I access via odbc in a DataReader Source component in SSIS. I can access the data fine. However, I am having problems with certain fields that are numeric (specifically home prices ranging from 100,000.00 to 99,999,999.00). In the advanced editor for my data reader source under the input and output properties tab, in data reader output under the external columns and output columns, these fields for some reason default to numeric data types with a precision of 4 and a scale of zero, not large enough to hold the data that is coming in. This causes errors that make the data come in as null (after i specify to ignore the errors).
I can change the precision and scale to 18 and 4 in the external columns, but when I try to change the datatype, precision or scale in the output columns I get the following message:
Property Value is not valid.
The details are:
Error at Import DataReader Source: The data type of output columns on the component "DataReader Source" cannot be changed. Error at DataReader Source: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC020837D) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostSetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)
In SSIS packages, records which do not get processed successfully can be re-directed to different destination for logging or correcting purposes. With 2 additional fields ERROR_CODE and ERROR_COLUMN appended to the dirty row values. To indicate the specific error that has occurred and on which column the error has occurred, I have certain doubts on this error reporting mechanism in SSIS packages.
The ERROR_COLUMN that is reported is not the column name but a number identifying that column uniquely. how can we at run time remap this column number to the exact column name?
I have several lookups in my data flow task and for each of these I want to redirect error to one file (append data) I created Flat File connection manager and first lookup goes fine with errors redirected to the file. However, second error redirect that I am sending to the same file is failing. Error I get is: "[Flat File Destination 1 [14851]] Warning: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.€?
So my goal is to have one central file where I would redirect all records that fail.
Can any one please tell me how to get the complete error description for example when i dont Redirect Row for Error in OLEDB Source i get a detailed error message with column name as
[RCheck [385]] Error: There was an error with input column "CHECK_STATUS" (456) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (398). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
But when I set Redirect Row for error and use the Script component to log them into a Table with ErrorDescription based on ErrorColumnID it only gives me this.
The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow.
I have Lookup task to determine if source data should be updated to or insert to the customer table. After Lookup task, the Error Output pipeline will redirect to insert new data to the table and the Output pipeline will update customer table. But these two tasks will be processing at the same time which causes stall on the process. Never end.....
The job is similiart to what Slow Changing Dimention does but it won't update the table at the same time.
I have configured my DataReader to use an (ODBC) connectivity (entered Select * from AMPFM) in Sqlcommand and can see my database columns listed in the Advanced Editor / Column mappings window. My process needs to perform a straight column to column population from AMPFM table into my dbo.visitfinancials table. How do I point the output to the above table?
I'm working on a project to put data sent in on XML files into a database but the computer I'm working on is a bit dated and I€™m trying to make things a little more efficient. In order to do this I unselected all the columns in the outputs not used in each data flow task. After the weekend however, SSIS will no longer validate correctly unless at least one column from each output is selected with the error :
TITLE: Package Validation Error
Package Validation Error
Error at (data flow task name) [DTS.Pipeline]: "output "(output name)" (19)" contains no output columns. An asynchronous output must contain output columns.
Error at (data flow task name) [DTS.Pipeline]: The layout failed validation.
Error at (data flow task name): There were errors during task validation.
I'm having problems designing a package to attempt to execute a fast load data transfer but failback to regular speed with error redirection in the event of an error.
The way I designed this was to add one data flow task to my package called "DFT FASTLOAD". The data flow copies a table SRC to another table DEST in the same SQL Server database. In the error handler for the data flow task I copied the original data flow task and changed the name to "DFT REGULARLOAD with Error redirection". In this data flow task I did not use fast load and addtionally redirected errors to a text file.
In the Data Flow Task "DFT FASTLOAD". I am copying from a varchar source field(with non-date strings) to a datetime destination field to force errors. However the Data Flow Task "DFT REGULARLOAD with Error redirection" never seems to start transferring data from source to destination. The data Flow Task "DFT REGULARLOAD with Error redirection" turns yellow (after the error occurs in "DFT FASTLOAD"), but no data is being transferred). It seems like it hangs.
Do I need to increase the MaximumError Count or something? The data flow task "DFT FASTLOAD" does not turn red when the error occurs it just remains yellow, so i assume I'm on the right track since it seems the error is caught.
I have added screenshots ... hopefully these screenshots will clarify my problem.
I am moving data from a flat file source to a SQL Server table. But I want to add a columm that IS in the destination table, but NOT in the source file. Say the table column name is XXX in destination table, and there will be a global variable called @[User::XXX] that remains constant throughout the package. I would like to put the variable value into the destination column, even though the source file does not contain the field. Is there an easy way to do this?
I have a text file that is comma delimited and im pulling it in with a flatfile connection manager. I want to read some of the data, then output another flat file but in a fixed column width. What settings do I made to the connection manager of the output flatfile ?
I am seeing a particular problem in the XML Source Editor "Columns" configuration where it is not persisting the "Output name" selection.
Control Flow Tab: 1. I use a "Exec SQL Command" to drop, create, or alter the destination tables in the database that I want to be repository for the inbound XML data. The data types are fairly straightforward.
2. I add a singular "Data Flow"
Data Flow Tab:
1. I add a "XML Source" task, and assign a well-defined XML file. I then use the "Generate XSD" option in the "Connection manager"; and I am fairly satisfied with the generated XSD.
2. I create "OLE DB Destination"
3. I wire the "XML Source" to the "OLE DB Destination". In the "XML Source" in the "Columns".
4. I go to the dropdown list of "Output name" and see the list ordered with the various complex-types that I want to map and transfer to a target table.
For the sake of this report, I select the 5th one down on the list (for which I already have a target table) - let's call this "Mesh"
5. In the "Input Output" dialog, I select the "output" to be the desired 5th item, "Mesh"
6. I check all my mappings so that they map one-to-one ... XML name entries match SQL table destination mapping entries; correct types; correct size
7. Check the metadata and it all looks good.
8. When I hit "Debug" to test the package the failure occurs at the "XML Source". The error report comes back saying that it failed because "field xxx in Contributor was truncated". However, "Contributor" corresponds to the 1st name in the dropdown list presented in "Columns" "Output name:".
If I select return to Step 4, when I open up "Columns" I see that my previous selection of the 5th item on the list named "Mesh" was not persisted, but invariably and no matter how often I select item #5 "Mesh" and save to ensure that selection sticks, it is not persisted.
I hand-edited the .dtsx file and only then was I able to make this stick. However, if I ever re-save the package this non-persistency pops up again.
Am I doing something wrong here or is this a known defect? As I have several dozen XSD mappings that I want to transfer to tables, hand-editing is not something I relish.
I'm writing a custom source component that reads data from a SharePoint list with dynamic mapping to output columns. It's my first custom component and it's based on several samples and tutorials from Internet
Output columns are not created by the component itself, they must be added by user at design time. The component makes dynamically an association between SharePoint fields and available output columns at run-time (based on an mapping table).
I made a very basic skeleton and I encounter a problem when I add a column to output: it has no datatype and when I try to set one I have an the error Property value is not valid, The component xxxxxx does not allow setting output column datatype properties.
Imports System Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper <DtsPipelineComponent(ComponentType:=ComponentType.SourceAdapter, DisplayName:="SharePoint Dynamic Assoc List Source",