Issue With Opening DTS Packages On A VISTA Machine

Jan 16, 2008

I have SQL Server 2005 installed on a Vista Home Premium edition machine. I want to open my DTS packages on this machine in order to have a look at them.

I have installed the SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer components on this machine. I have also rebooted after the installation.

However, I still get the message

"SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer components are required to edit DTS packages.
Install the special Web download, "SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components"
to use this feature"

I have previously done this on an XP machine with no problems. Does anyone know if this is an issue and what the possible solution is?

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Problem Opening UnpackDecimal And CodePageConvert Task On Different Machine.

Jan 11, 2008

We have installed these custom task on multiple workstations but when we develop a script on one machine and then try to open it on another developers machine it gives us error messages on all of these task. Why is it doing this?

When double clicking on it it tells me could not be created because an error was encountered during its upgrade to current version. The icons now have a i in a quote symbol on the left and the red X on the right side and will not open.

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Problems Opening SSIS Packages In VS2005

Apr 15, 2008


I have been using a 180 day trial version of VS2005 Pro. It was due to expire so instead of purchasing that version, I got VS2008 Standard.

Problem: cannot run/edit SSIS 2205 projects within VS2008. Okay, so I uninstalled the VS2005 Pro trial version and reinstalled VS2005 IDE component that somes with SQL Server 2005. My idea: use VS2005 for SSIS work and VS2008 for everything else)

Seemed to install correctly. I can open VS (as SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio). Everything looks normal, except when I try to view a SSIS package. I consistantly get the following error message:

You must have a license to use this ActiveX control. (System.Windows.Forms)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.CreateInstance()
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.GetOcxCreate()
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.TransitionUpTo(Int32 state)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.CreateHandle()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.ComponentDiagram.CreateDdsView(Control parentControl)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsComponentDiagram.CreateDdsView(Control parentControl)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Controls.DdsDiagramHostControl.set_ComponentDiagram(ComponentDiagram value)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.ControlFlowControl.set_ComponentDiagram(ComponentDiagram value)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsPackageView.CreateControlFlowEditor(VsStyleToolBar pageViewToolBar)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Design.EditorWindow.EnsureViewIsLoaded(EditorView view)

My software and OS is all licensed properly.

Any thoughts?

The only reason why this stuff doesn't give me grey hair is that I am bald...


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Automatically Opening Child Packages In Pkg Designer

Oct 22, 2007

I have been developing SSIS packages and recently I found a strange thing happening. When executing chilld packages from the parent packages the child packages dont open automatically in the Package Designer window. Hence I cant monitor the places where the errors/ row movement have happened in child pkgs without manually opening the them first and then executing the parent.


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BIDS Keeps Hanging When Opening SSIS Packages

Jun 5, 2007

BIDS hangs when I open any SSIS packages. "Microsoft Visual Studio Is Busy" message displays in the system tray. It indicates that Microsoft Visual Studio is waiting for an internal operation to complete; however, it never seems to complete. I have recycled the server hoping to break it loose, however nothing seems to free it up. I have not had this situation before and I cannot figure out why it is having problems. BIDS shows it is "Validating Data Flow Task". Has anyone encountered this problem before?

Would it be a true statement that whenever you use BIDS to alter a SSIS package the source has to be available because verification and validation is always done on the source and destination? If the source were not available could that cause the hang in BIDS???

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Problem Opening MSDB Folder Under Stored Packages

Jun 6, 2006

I am able to connect to Integration Services in MSSMS. However, when I try to expand and click on MSDB under Stored Packages, I get a Login Timeout expired error. I get this error both locally, and remotely. Error message suggested "does not allow remote connections", but I checked Surface Area Configuration, and remote connection is already enabled. Moreover, I get the same error even when connecting locally.

any ideas?

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Urgent -- BIDS Opening SSIS Packages In Text Mode

Apr 30, 2008

Hi All,

I am not able to open the package in BIDS. When I open the package I am seeing only the XML. Below I had given what I have done.

First I have installed Visual studio 2008 Professional and next I installed SQL Server 2005 with Integration services, database services, workflow components.

I am able to see the BIDS in Start --> All Programes --> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 --> "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio"

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

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IIS For 64bit Vista Machine

Apr 22, 2008

Hey guy's I am trying to develop something on a 64bit Vista machine.
However, the SQL server 2005 import wizard is having a tough time importing my data because this machine does not have IIS.

I tried to install the regular version and it would not let me based on my system.


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Ms Sql Server 2005 On My Vista Machine

Aug 1, 2007

Trying to set up a syn connection with my ipaq travel companion but
it syncs to sql server instead of to outlook.

If I uninstall sql server 2005, will it be missed by any other processes, etc.
on Vista and have it again do something ugly.



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Slow Performance When Executing Sql From A Vista Machine.

Dec 28, 2007

SQl server 2005 version: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (Intel X86) Mar 23 2007 16:28:52 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 6.0 (Build 6000: ) .

Our customer has a SQL Server 2005 installed on a machine running Windows Vista.

Our application is running on a XP machine and on the Vista machine and its connected to the SQL server running on Windows Vista.
The customer table has 5498 records.

IF she runs the query "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE dateadd(dd,0, datediff(dd,0,Lastupdated))>'20070101' ORDER BY [CustomerID]" using our application from the XP machine it takes a few seconds - 3 to 6 seconds.
If, instead, she runs the same query from the Vista machine it takes more than 5 minutes!!
This problem happens on every Vista machine.

We even installed the SQL Server 2005 on Windows Server 2003 but every time our application is run from a Vista machine this delay occurs.

The problem doesn't seem to be SQL SERver 2005 related because when we run from the XP machine everything is ok.
Maybe there is some problem with ADO (I even tested with the SQLNCLI provider: same bad results) or Vista...

We really need to solve this problem; the number of customers complaining about this behavior on Vista is growing.

NOTE: The LastUpdated column holds date + time info so we can't ignore the time part! I know, I know, bad design...

Thanks for your help.

We have just received another report from a customer that is running SQL Server 2000 on a Windows Server 2003 machine and using two machines (one Vista, one XP) to connect to the database.
Same behavior. Running the sql statement from the XP machine takes 3 to 6 seconds; on the Vista machine takes more than 5 minutes...


Sample code:
Dim rsData As adodb.Recordset
Set rsData = New adodb.Recordset
rsData.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsData.Open "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE ( CASE WHEN [LastUpdated] IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CAST(CONVERT(char(10),[LastUpdated], 112) AS datetime) END > CAST('20070101' AS datetime)) ORDER BY [CustomerID]", mcnMainDatabase, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

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Vista 64 Bit Machine With 64 Bit Version Of SQL Server Express 2005

May 28, 2008


I have a PC running the 64 bit version of vista home premium (will be soon upgrading to ultimate).

On the download page for SQL Server Express under the section entitled SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 it mentions at the bottom of the page (referred by * & **) that there is a 64 bit install version available for both SQL Server & management Studio.

However, under the section entitled SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP2, there is no * or **. As far as I can tell, the Advanced services has Reporting Services as well.

So, what I am wondering is, can I specifically download the 64 bit versions of SQL server express & management studio and as well, download just the reporting services part of Advanced Services?

Kind regards


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Quick Way To Save Packages To Another Machine

Sep 13, 2001

Is there a quick way to save several packages to another machine?
thanks in advance!

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Install DTS Packages On Development Machine

Nov 22, 2006

I would like to install the components I need to develop a SSIS custom component. Is there an SDK or install option for just the visual studio components?

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Errors After Moving Packages To 64-bit Machine

Jan 15, 2008


I have a bunch of SSIS packages that were created on a 32-bit machine (OS as well as SQL Server) where they run without error. I have moved them to a machine with a 64-bit OS as well as 64-bit Enterprise SQL Server, SP2. Initially I encountered errors with the packages that contained Script Transformation tasks where I had to set PreCompile=True. This allowed me to execute the packages individually. When I try and execute them as a batch, I encounter errors on various packages. They don't seem to be consistent - sometimes the error occurs on one package, the next time it will be on a different package. Sometimes they occur pre-execute, sometimes post-execute. Here are a couple of example errors:

[OLE DB Command [1007]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ".
[Insert Destination [1177]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ".

The source database is on a different server, but the destination database is on the same server as the SSIS packages for testing purposes. Any information would be appreciated...


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Unable To Install SQL Server 2005 Express On Vista Machine

Nov 13, 2007

I have tried this several times and each time get the same result. I even installed Visual Studio 2008 beta 2 - everything but SQL Server Express installed fine. The error I get when running the SQL Server 2005 Express download is (from the log file):

Doing Action: Do_sqlScript
PerfTime Start: Do_sqlScript : Mon Nov 12 22:31:11 2007
Service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS with parameters '-m SqlSetup -Q -qSQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS -T4022 -T3659 -T3610 -T4010' is being started at Mon Nov 12 22:31:11 2007
SQL service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS started successfully waiting for SQL service to accept client connections
Service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS started at Mon Nov 12 22:31:18 2007
SQL_ERROR (-1) in OdbcConnection::connect
sqlstate=IM003, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=160, msg=Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 193 (SQL Native Client).

Error Code: 0x800700a0 (160)
Windows Error Text: One or more arguments are not correct.
Source File Name: libodbc_connection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:28:15 2006
Function Name: OdbcConnection::connect@connect
Source Line Number: 148

Error 29515. SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 193 (SQL Native Client). Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.

I have no idea what the error is or how to fix it; I've enountered a number of postings related to install errors but none match exactly.

I do have the full log. Thanks in advance for any/all help!


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Connecting To An External SQL 2000 Server From A Vista Machine With SQL 2005 Installed

Nov 26, 2006

hi there - I'm praying someone here can shed some light on this - after many google and web searches, I have found users with similar issues, but have yet to find a solution.
Problem: I have recently upgraded my desktop from Windows XP to Windows Vista Ultimate (clean install) and have migrated my local machine to SQL Server 2005. However I have a number of .Net projects that access databased on another server running SQL Server 2000 - prior to my upgrade to Vista, I was running SQL Server 2000 on my desktop as well. During the install, everything seemed to go well, and I also installed the SQL Server 2005 Service pack as instructed via the MSDN site.  However, when attempting to test my .net projects on my desktop pc (ie visit http://localhost), I encounter the error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
 note that the server I am attempting to connect TO is the old SQL 2000 server - NOT 2005.  I specify my connection info in the web.config - and it points to an external ip address on the web.
Can anyone shed some light on this?  I've tried enabling remote access on my local SQL 2005 install, but I'm fairly sure thats for servers that want to connect to my desktop, rather than my desktop attempting to connect to external servers. Any help is greatly appreciated - I'm pulling my hair out over trying to figure this out! :)
 To summarize my setup (if it helps)
Desktop PC:Windows Vista (Ultimate)SQL Server 2005Visual Studio 2005II 7.0.Net 2.0 (ASP.Net Application)
External Server (co-located at a datacenter)Windows Server 2003SQL Server 2000IIS 6.0.Net 2.0 (ASP.Net Application)
 Much appreciated,

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Executing SSIS Packages From Client Machine Using SQL Express Engine

May 26, 2006

I have few DTSX packages on my SQL server 2005. These packages are supposed to transfer data and stored procedures from server to client Express engine. The scenario is that when user connects with the server he should run some kind of utility or any other way to run those SSIS packages so that the data could be transfered.

Remember the user machine has only SQL Express Engine and the packages are in SQL server 2005 machine.

Can any one help me out how to achive this scenario?


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Error On Executing SSIS Packages On A Remote Machine Using Code

Apr 10, 2007

Hello all,

I am trying to execute the ssis packages using code.These packages are hosted on remote server under MSDB in local Network.

Below is the code tried to Execute

DTSExecResult execRslt = _dtsxPackage.Execute();

foreach (DtsError dtserr in _dtsxPackage.Errors)
Console.WriteLine("Source: " + dtserr.Source + ", Description: " + dtserr.Description);

I get hte following Error

"Dupaco Load MMAs"-------------"An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.".

"Data Flow Task" -------"The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Dupaco" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

"Data Flow Task" ----------"component "OLE DB Destination" (119) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

"One or more component failed validation.

"There were errors during task validation.

When i try to execute the same code on the server where all the package are hosted. It is working fine.

More Info:

In thepackage we are using one "Source Flat file connection" and one "Oledb Destination connection"

Please help me to solve this problem, as my client needs it very badly


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Problems With Parent Variable Configuration After Moving Packages To New Machine...

Oct 3, 2007

Hi everybody,
I moved my packages to the new machine, and have problem with parent variables.
When child package tries to get parent variable value I get an error:

Information: 0x40016042 at LoopPackage: The package is attempting to configure from the parent variable "MAIN_SesId".

Warning: 0x80012028 at LoopPackage: Process configuration failed to set the destination at the package path of "Package.Variables[User::MAIN_SesId].Properties[Value]". This occurs when attempting to set the destination property or variable fails. Check the destination property or variable.

Thanks, for any information.

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Transerfering Development From MS SQL Server Windows2003 Server To SQL Express On A Vista Machine?

Mar 23, 2008

Hi all Pros I am transfering from windows2003 server and MS SQL 2000 to Windows Vista and SQL Express ...... Before I allways created a database manually and I could allways use as many databases I needed so in that way I could have several versions of a database for a certain software during development. Can you use separeted databasenames when developing in SQL Express? I am using a dotnetnuke installation file and inside the project there is a file /App_Data/Database.mdf should this file be renamed everytime I make a new testinstallation or setting up a separate dev environment /Johan
[Moderator Edit: unrelated links removed from post body.]

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Ssis Package Hangs On Script Transformation When Running On One Machine Not Developing Machine

May 4, 2007

I am using Script Transformation to output a new column as image[DT_IMAGE]
field to store serialized object. In the VB script, the sample code as

Row.serializedobject.AddBlobData ( binaryArrayReturnedFromC#dll )

The package always runs fine on my developing machine and will halt on other
machine at AddBlobData after certain number row records were processed. I am
stuck here. Anyone has any suggestion?

What I need is reading data from mutiple tables in one database and writing
into a single table in another datable. In order preserve all the columns
data, I use input column fields to construct a new object and then serialize
it, and store the serialize data into detination db table. (The object and
serialization function is coming from c# dll.)

Dim b As BusinessLicense = New BusinessLicense()
b.ApprovalDate = Row.approvaldate
b.BusinessId = Row.busid
b.BusinessName = Row.busname
b.NaicsCode = Row.naicscode
b.NaicsDescription = Row.naicsdescr
b.OwnerName = Row.ownername
b.Phone =
b.Pkey = Row.pkey
b.RenewalDate = Row.renewaldate
b.StartDate = Row.startdate
b.Suite = Row.suite

Row.serializedobject.AddBlobData(Serializer.Serialize(b)) '''----This is blocking line
Row.infoType = BusinessLicense.TYPE

Both machine is xp with sp2. and standard SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06


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SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition The Image File Setup.exe Is Valid, But Is For A Machine Type Other Than The Current Machine

Nov 28, 2006

Hi All,

I have enterprise version software CD1 and CD2 of SQL server 2005

when i try to run setup.exe..the following error pops -up

The image file Setup.exe is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine

MY OS version is windows 2003 32bit Operating system...

I am suspecting the binarie may be of 64bit.. How do we check the binaries are 32 bit and 64 bit software

Thanks for your Help


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Connection Pool Leak In Production Machine (in Other Machine It Runs Well)

Nov 16, 2006

Hi to everyone,
I'm facing a problem that drives me crazy. I've a web application that has the following problem. When I test the application on my developement machine all runs fine, but when I put into production server there is a problem in connection pooling. Look at the following image, the blue line is the number of connection in the pool and the violet line is the number of connection reclaimed. From the image it is clear that connection are returned on the pool only in block, maybe when the garbage collection pass and reclaim the object. The strange thing is that on my developement machine all is good, and also I'm using Enterprise Library and the connection are managed internally.- Thanks to everyone for any help.   

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Running A Stored Proc On A Standalone Machine From Another Machine In A Domain

Oct 2, 2000

Hullo all
I have two machines,
One is a standalone machine and the other is on a domain network. How can I run a stored procedure/job on the standalone machine from the domain machine ?
running the procedure as a Domain user results in a failed job/stored proc.
also creating an sql login and attempting to run it as that user also fails. How can I solve this problem ?
please e-mail me at if you have any thoughts...

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Copying Database From 2000Server Machine To 2003 Server Machine

Jul 23, 2005

Hi All;We are going to change our application server. We will copy all of ourDatabase from Mic 2000 Server OS to Mic 2003 Server OS. I found anarticle that how to move all the folders from same OS. My question isthat Would the 2003 OS be a problem when we copy all of the MC SQL 2000folders to New OS ? Has anybody done this before? Could you gimme yoursuggestions please?ThanksASA

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Select Data From 2000 Machine From A 2005 Machine

Jan 17, 2008


here goes the question:

i have 1 sqlserver 2k5 machine (machine A) and sqlserver 2k (machine b)

how do i build a query to select data from 2k machine in a query of 2k5?

i mean something like

select *
from login:passw@machineb.dabatase.dbo.customers


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Select Data From 2000 Machine From A 2005 Machine

Jan 17, 2008


here goes the question:

i have 1 sqlserver 2k5 machine (machine A) and sqlserver 2k (machine b)

how do i build a query to select data from 2k machine in a query of 2k5?

i mean something like

select *
from loginassw@machineb.dabatase.dbo.customers


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GetDate() - From Server Machine Or Client Machine ?

Oct 23, 2006


If I use GetDate() function from client machine (using "\ServerMachineSQLExpress" instance from client machine "ClientMachine"), then from where I will get the DateTime value ?

From "ServerMachine" or from "ClientMachine"


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Migrating SQL 2005 Test Machine To New Machine

Jul 13, 2007

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if there was any white papers on the migration part from microsoft?
Apparently the situation is like this
Currently installed MOSS 2007 in a testing pc as application server. This application server will refer another testing database server which running SQL Server 2005.

Now, wanted to move this 2 temporary server into another 2 new servers.
Correct me if I'm wrong, it cannot be done by using image like Norton Ghost due to difference hardware spec.

So, if I install another fresh copy of MOSS2007 & SQL server 2005 in that 2 new servers, how can I migrate the contents, documents, etc from the testing database server?

It would be great if someone can show me the links to kb article. Thanks

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Calling SSIS Packages From ASP.NET - Packages With File System Tasks End Abruptly

Jan 9, 2007

I've run into a problem with SSIS packages wherein tasks that write or copy files, or create or delete directories, quit execution without any hint of an error nor a failure message, when called from an ASP.NET 2.0 application running on any other machine than the one where the package was created from. By all indications it appeared to be an identity/permissions problem.

Our application involves a separate web server and database server. Both have SQL Server 2005 installed, but the application server originally only had Integration services. The packages are file system-deployed on the application server, and are called using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime methods. For all packages that involve file system tasks, the above problem occurs.

When the above packages are run using the command prompt (either DTEXEC or DTEXECUI) the packages execute just fine. This is expected since we are using an administrative account. However when a ShellExecute of the same command is called from ASP.NET, the same problem occurs.

I've tried giving administrative permissions to the ASPNET worker process user to no avail.

I have likewise attempted to use the SQL Server Agent job approach but that approach might not be acceptable for our clients since it means installing SQL Server 2005 Database services on the application server.

I have read the relevant threads in this forum, namely and but failed to find any solution appropriate for our set up.

Anybody got any idea on how to go about this?

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Integration Services :: Remotely Execute Packages On SSIS Server - Packages Are Deployed In File System

Apr 22, 2015

We manage some SSIS servers, which has only SSIS and SSIS tools installed on them and not the sql server DB.

SSIS packages and configuration files are deployed on a NAS. We run the SSIS packages through DTEXEC by logging in to the server.

We want to allow developers to run their packages on their own on the server, but at the same time we dont want to give them physical access on the server i.e we do not want to add them into RDP users list on server properties. We want them to allow running their packages remotely on the server.

One way We could think of is by using powershell remoting and we are working on that. But is there any other way or any tool already present for the same.

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Upgrading System To Run DTSX Packages Instead Of DTS Packages

Aug 2, 2006

Hi all

Our data management system currently runs DTS packages using DTSPKG.dll.

I am currently looking at the possibliity of replacing the DTS packages and SQL 2000 with DTSX packages using SSIS in SQL 2005.

Do I need a new dll? or will the current dtspkg.dll handle the new DTSX packages?

Many thanks in advance!

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Coredll.lib(COREDLL.dll) : Fatal Error LNK1112: Module Machine Type 'THUMB' Conflicts With Target Machine Type 'ARM'

Jun 30, 2006

Dear All:

When i try to debug the northwindoledb example with VS2005 i get the foolwing error message.

Is there a way to configure the solution to run witn WM5 emulator.

The application run with wm5 emulator when i set the plataform to Windows Mobile 2003, but i want to use the wm5 platform to debug my application with wm5 emulator.

------ Rebuild All started: Project: northwindoledb, Configuration: Debug Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I) ------

Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'northwindoledb', configuration 'Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)'





Generating Code...

Compiling resources...


coredll.lib(COREDLL.dll) : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'THUMB' conflicts with target machine type 'ARM'

Build log was saved at "file://d:Proyectos_VS2005Northwindoledb_WM2003_SQLEW_Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)DebugBuildLog.htm"

northwindoledb - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

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